Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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717 lines
12 KiB

  1. LogDisplayDlgProc@16
  2. GetSystemPerfData@16
  3. UpdateSystemData@8
  4. MemorySize@4
  5. GetObjectDefByTitleIndex@8
  6. LogCollecting@4
  7. DrawAlerts@8
  8. DrawLog@8
  9. SmallFileSizeString@8
  10. LogFileSize@4
  11. LongToCommaString@8
  12. UpdateLogSize@4
  13. LogWriteIndex@20
  14. StatusUpdateIcons@4
  15. FileWrite@12
  16. LogWritePerfData@24
  17. SelectLogObjects@12
  18. LogTimer@8
  19. SystemCount@4
  20. FirstInstance@4
  21. GetInstanceByUniqueID@8
  22. UpdateLinesForSystem@16
  23. GraphDisplayWndProc@16
  24. UpdateLines@8
  25. CounterIndex@8
  26. GetCounterDef@8
  27. GetCounterData@8
  28. GetInstanceCounterData@12
  29. UpdateLineData@12
  30. LegendCurrentLine@4
  31. GetNextInstance@4
  32. DrawStatusValue@16
  33. StatusDrawLast@12
  34. GetInstanceByNameUsingParentTitleIndex@16
  35. HandleGraphTimer@0
  36. UpdateLGData@4
  37. GraphTimer@8
  38. UpdateTimeLine@12
  39. StatusTimer@8
  40. eUpdateMinMaxAve@24
  41. eLIntToFloat@4
  42. eGetTimeInterval@12
  43. Counter_Counter_Common@8
  44. Counter_Timer_Common@8
  45. CounterEntry@4
  46. ScaleAndInvertY@12
  47. DrawGrid@16
  48. DrawTLGraphData@16
  49. DisplayTimeLine@8
  50. UpdateGraphDisplay@16
  51. ReportWndProc@16
  52. ReportTimer@8
  53. AlertDisplayDlgProc@16
  54. AlertTimer@8
  55. AlertCondition@8
  56. MainWndProc@16
  57. ReportLineValueRect@12
  58. DrawReportValue@12
  59. DrawReportValues@8
  60. LogOptionsHookProc@16
  61. MenuEnableItem@12
  62. GraphWndProc@16
  63. ToolbarEnableButton@12
  64. PrepareMenu@4
  65. MessageFilterProc@12
  66. GraphLegendWndProc@16
  67. GraphStatusWndProc@16
  68. StatusWndProc@16
  69. StatusLineReady@4
  70. MemoryAllocate@4
  71. ToolbarDepressButton@12
  72. ChangeView@8
  73. OnCtlColor@8
  74. PerfmonCommand@12
  75. LegendMinWidth@4
  76. SizeGraphComponents@4
  77. SizeGraphDisplayComponentsRect@24
  78. SizeGraphDisplayComponents@4
  79. OnSize@12
  80. GraphRefresh@4
  81. StatusText@4
  82. UpdateLogDisplay@4
  83. LogRefresh@4
  84. AnyLogLine@0
  85. FileRead@12
  86. ScreenRectToClient@8
  87. DialogSetString
  88. ThreeDConcave1@20
  89. TextWidth@8
  90. SizePerfmonComponents@0
  91. SizeAlertComponents@4
  92. UpdateAlertDisplay@4
  93. DeletePerfmonSystemObjects@0
  94. ChangeSaveFileName@8
  95. RemoveObjectsFromSystem@4
  96. SetSystemValueNameToGlobal@4
  97. OpenSystemPerfData@4
  98. BuildNameTable@20
  99. GetSystemKey@8
  100. GetSystemNames@4
  101. AddNamesToArray@12
  102. LegendMinHeight@4
  103. LegendHeight@8
  104. ScaleTimeLine@4
  105. SuggestedNumTics@4
  106. SetGridPositions@4
  107. GraphVerticalScaleWidth@8
  108. ValuebarHeight@4
  109. StatusHeight@4
  110. LogEntriesChanged@4
  111. DialogMove@24
  112. TextAvgWidth@8
  113. DialogYPos@8
  114. WindowHeight@4
  115. SystemCreate@4
  116. SystemAdd@8
  117. LineAllocate@0
  118. DiskStringReadSys@4
  119. DiskStringRead@4
  120. ReadLines@20
  121. ReadLine@28
  122. MemoryFree@4
  123. OnStart@4
  124. ViewChart@4
  125. AllocateAlertData@4
  126. SetAlertTimer@4
  127. FreeAlertData@4
  128. GetObjectGroup@8
  129. NetAlertHandler@4
  130. SystemGroupCreate@4
  131. CreateAlertWindow@4
  132. AlertInsertLine@8
  133. AlertInitializeApplication@0
  134. DrawLegendLabel@12
  135. AlertAddAction@0
  136. OpenAlertVer1@16
  137. OpenAlert@20
  138. ResetAlertView@4
  139. PerfmonViewWindow@0
  140. LogRemoveCounterName@4
  141. ShowPerfmonMenu@4
  142. CreateLogFile@12
  143. InsertLine@4
  144. LogWriteIndexBlock@4
  145. OpenWorkspace@12
  146. SetLogTimer@8
  147. SetPerfmonOptions@4
  148. IsNumberInUnicodeList@8
  149. AppendObjectToValueList@8
  150. BuildValueListForSystems@8
  151. SameCharCount@4
  152. ClearLogTimer@4
  153. CreateDateFormat@4
  154. CloseLogStopTimer@8
  155. CreateTimeFormat@8
  156. WindowCenter@4
  157. GetInternational@0
  158. GetDateTimeFormats@0
  159. ObjectName@16
  160. QueryPerformanceName@24
  161. GetObjectDefByName@12
  162. GetInstanceByName@16
  163. PerfDataInitializeInstance@0
  164. CloseLog@8
  165. SetGraphTimer@4
  166. StartLog@12
  167. GetGraphConfig@4
  168. ChartInsertLine@8
  169. ResetGraphView@4
  170. GraphAddAction@0
  171. OpenChartVer1@12
  172. OpenChart@20
  173. LegendSetCurrentLine@8
  174. LegendAddItem@8
  175. AllocateLegendData@8
  176. OnLegendCreate@8
  177. DrawColorCol@20
  178. DrawLegendCol@20
  179. DrawLegendItem@16
  180. OnDrawLegendItem@8
  181. CreateGraphLegendWindow@4
  182. LegendNumItems@4
  183. LegendSetSelection@8
  184. bInitTimeLine@4
  185. DrawGraphScale@8
  186. OnPaint@4
  187. DrawGraphDisplay@24
  188. StatusDrawTime@8
  189. OnVBarCreate@4
  190. CreateGraphStatusWindow@4
  191. LogAddEntryToList@8
  192. LogAddEntry@20
  193. AllocateLogData@4
  194. LogWriteStartBookmark@8
  195. FreeLogData@4
  196. OpenLogVer1@20
  197. CreateLogWindow@4
  198. LogWriteBookmarkData@8
  199. OpenLog@20
  200. ResetLogView@4
  201. LogWriteSystemCounterNames@8
  202. LogWriteCounterName@28
  203. CreatePMStatusWindow@4
  204. DialogWidth@8
  205. Line@24
  206. FontHeight@8
  207. DialogXPos@8
  208. StringAllocate@4
  209. WindowSetTopmost@8
  210. WindowEnableTitle@8
  211. DrawCounter@12
  212. AllocateReportData@4
  213. ColumnSame@12
  214. ColumnGroupCreate@24
  215. GetColumnGroup@12
  216. CounterGroupCreate@8
  217. GetCounterGroup@16
  218. ObjectGroupCreate@4
  219. GetSystemGroup@8
  220. DrawObject@12
  221. DrawSystem@12
  222. DrawReportHeaders@8
  223. DrawReport@8
  224. SetLinePosition@16
  225. SetCounterPositions@20
  226. SetColumnPositions@12
  227. SetObjectPositions@16
  228. SetSystemPositions@16
  229. SetReportTimer@4
  230. CreateReportWindow@4
  231. SaveMainWindowPlacement@4
  232. ReportInsertLine@8
  233. CurrentReportItem@4
  234. SetReportPositions@8
  235. ReportRefresh@4
  236. OpenReportVer1@16
  237. PerfmonClose@4
  238. OpenReport@20
  239. ResetReportView@4
  240. CreateToolbarWnd@4
  241. SystemGet@8
  242. FileOpen@12
  243. LineAppend@8
  244. LineInstanceName@4
  245. LineParentName@4
  246. LineCounterAppend@8
  247. EquivalentLine@8
  248. FindEquivalentLine@8
  249. CounterName@12
  250. LineFindObject@12
  251. LineFindCounter@16
  252. LineFindInstance@12
  253. ViewLog@4
  254. LoadLineGraphSettings@4
  255. LoadRefreshSettings@4
  256. LoadMainWindowPlacement@4
  257. ViewReport@4
  258. CBAddInt@8
  259. DisplayLogOptions@8
  260. InsertGraph@4
  261. GraphLegendInitializeApplication@0
  262. GraphInitializeApplication@0
  263. CreateGraphWindow@4
  264. OnCreate@4
  265. GraphDisplayInitializeApplication@0
  266. CreateGraphDisplayWindow@4
  267. GraphStatusInitializeApplication@0
  268. LogInitializeApplication@0
  269. ReportInitializeApplication@0
  270. PlaybackInitializeInstance@0
  271. GetScalesFonts@0
  272. InitializeInstance@8
  273. ILineInitializeApplication@0
  274. TLineInitializeApplication@0
  275. WinMain@16
  276. CreatePerfmonSystemObjects@0
  277. StatusInitializeApplication@0
  278. InitializeSystemValues@0
  279. InitializeApplication@0
  280. PerfmonInitialize@16
  281. MenuBarHit@4
  282. CallNextHookEx@16
  283. ClearAlertTimer@4
  284. AlertExec@8
  285. SendNetworkMessage@12
  286. SignalAlert@28
  287. DrawAlertEntry@20
  288. PlaybackAlert@8
  289. AddAlert@4
  290. EditAlert@4
  291. RemoveLineFromAlertListBox@8
  292. AlertDeleteLine@8
  293. ToggleAlertRefresh@4
  294. AlertRefresh@4
  295. ResetAlert@4
  296. ClearAlertDisplay@4
  297. SaveAlert@12
  298. ExportAlertEntry@8
  299. ExportAlertLine@16
  300. ExportAlertLabels@4
  301. ExportAlert@0
  302. ParentInstance@4
  303. SelectedObject@8
  304. SelectedCounter@8
  305. VisualIncrement@4
  306. LineColor@4
  307. LineWidth@4
  308. LineStyle@4
  309. LoadInstances@4
  310. OnCounterChanged@4
  311. LoadCounters@8
  312. LoadObjects@8
  313. OnComputerChanged@4
  314. AddOneChartLine@16
  315. AddCounter@12
  316. OnInitDialog@4
  317. OnObjectChanged@4
  318. OnEllipses@4
  319. LineModifyAttributes@8
  320. OnAddLines@4
  321. OnExpandExplain@4
  322. OnCommand@12
  323. OnMeasureItem@8
  324. OnDrawItem@8
  325. OnDestroy@4
  326. AddLineDlgProc@16
  327. AddLine@20
  328. EditLine@16
  329. ChooseComputer@8
  330. SystemTimeDateString@8
  331. SystemTimeTimeString@8
  332. DoWindowDrag@8
  333. SystemTimeDifference@8
  334. SaveWorkspace@0
  335. AddObjectToSystem@8
  336. RemoveUnusedSystems@8
  337. NextInstance@4
  338. GetPerfComputerName@8
  339. GetHelpText@4
  340. CloseSystemPerfData@4
  341. CBLoadObjects@24
  342. LBLoadObjects@24
  343. GetObjectDef@8
  344. GetCounterNumByTitleIndex@8
  345. GetInstance@8
  346. FailedLineData@8
  347. FailedLinesForSystem@12
  348. UpdateValueBarData@4
  349. ClearGraphTimer@4
  350. ResetGraphTimer@4
  351. PlaybackSetGraphLines@20
  352. ChartDeleteLine@8
  353. Counter_Queuelen@4
  354. ClearGraphDisplay@4
  355. ResetGraph@4
  356. PlaybackChart@4
  357. AddChart@4
  358. EditChart@4
  359. SaveChart@12
  360. ExportChartLabels@8
  361. ExportLogChart@8
  362. ExportLineValue@16
  363. ExportCurrentChart@8
  364. ExportChart@0
  365. PlaybackChartDataPoint@4
  366. CheckRadioButton@16
  367. LegendFullHeight@8
  368. LegendDeleteItem@8
  369. ClearLegend@4
  370. LegendSetRedraw@8
  371. BeginPaint@8
  372. CloseHandle@4
  373. CopyRect@8
  374. Counter_Average_Timer@4
  375. Counter_Average_Bulk@4
  376. Counter_Raw_Fraction@4
  377. eElapsedTime@8
  378. Sample_Common@8
  379. IsCounterSupported@4
  380. CreateBrushIndirect@4
  381. CreateDialogParamW@20
  382. CreateFileW@28
  383. DrawBarChartData@8
  384. ToggleGraphRefresh@4
  385. ChartHighlight@0
  386. LogDeleteEntryFromList@8
  387. LogAppendSetup@8
  388. LogFindEntry@8
  389. ToggleLogRefresh@4
  390. NextIntervalIndexPosition@12
  391. ReLogTimer@24
  392. ReLog@8
  393. SaveLog@12
  394. LogWriteBookmark@8
  395. ResetLog@4
  396. LogDeleteEntry@4
  397. ExportLog@0
  398. MatchSystemCounters@20
  399. StatusLine
  400. BitBlt@36
  401. ClientRectToScreen@8
  402. ThreeDConvex1@20
  403. DlgErrorBox
  404. DialogHeight@8
  405. DialogEnable@12
  406. DialogShow@12
  407. DialogSetText
  408. MenuSetPopup@16
  409. FileCombine@12
  410. ExtractFileName@4
  411. DialogSetFloat@12
  412. DialogFloat@12
  413. DivRound@8
  414. LogFontHeight@8
  415. MenuIDToHelpID@4
  416. ClientToScreen@8
  417. CreateCompatibleDC@4
  418. CreatePen@12
  419. CreateProcessW@40
  420. CreateRectRgn@16
  421. FreeReportData@4
  422. LineCounterRemove@8
  423. SystemGroupRemove@8
  424. ColumnGroupRemove@4
  425. ObjectGroupRemove@8
  426. CounterGroupRemove@8
  427. ClearReportTimer@4
  428. ReportDeleteItem@4
  429. PlaybackReport@4
  430. AddReport@4
  431. ToggleReportRefresh@4
  432. SaveReport@12
  433. ReportAddAction@4
  434. ResetReport@4
  435. ClearReportDisplay@4
  436. ExportComputerName@8
  437. ExportObjectName@12
  438. ExportLineName@12
  439. SaveColumnLineData@8
  440. ExportColumnLineData@16
  441. ExportReport@0
  442. CreateSolidBrush@4
  443. CreateThread@24
  444. OnToolbarHit@8
  445. CreateToolbar@32
  446. CreateWindowExW@48
  447. PlaybackSeek@4
  448. FirstIndexBlock@4
  449. IndexFromPosition@4
  450. DataFromIndex@8
  451. DataFromIndexPosition@8
  452. NextLogPosition@4
  453. NextIndexPosition@8
  454. NextReLogIndexPosition@4
  455. OpenPlayback@8
  456. CloseInputLog@4
  457. LogPositionN@8
  458. PlaybackIndexN@4
  459. PlaybackLines@12
  460. LogDataFromPosition@8
  461. LogPositionSystemTime@8
  462. LogPositionIntervalSeconds@8
  463. PlaybackSelectedSeconds@0
  464. BuildLogComputerList@8
  465. PlaybackAddCounterName@4
  466. LogBuildNameTable@4
  467. BookmarkDlgProc@16
  468. AddBookmark@4
  469. BookmarkAppend@8
  470. DefWindowProcW@16
  471. DeleteObject@4
  472. SystemFree@8
  473. DeleteUnusedSystems@8
  474. FreeSystems@4
  475. GetComputer@20
  476. DialogBoxParamW@20
  477. DispatchMessageW@4
  478. DrawFocusRect@8
  479. Ellipse@20
  480. EnableMenuItem@12
  481. EnableWindow@8
  482. EndDialog@8
  483. EndPaint@8
  484. ExportFileOpen@16
  485. ExportOptionsHookProc@16
  486. ExtTextOutW@32
  487. FileOpenHookProc@16
  488. FileGetName@12
  489. FileMap@8
  490. FileUnMap@8
  491. FileNameExtension@8
  492. FileDriveDirectory@8
  493. CreateFileMappingW@24
  494. FillRect@12
  495. LineFree@4
  496. LineRemove@8
  497. NumLines@4
  498. DiskStringLength@4
  499. DiskStringCopy@12
  500. WriteLine@8
  501. LineCreatePen@12
  502. FreeLines@4
  503. FrameRect@12
  504. GetClientRect@8
  505. GetDC@4
  506. GetDeviceCaps@8
  507. GetDlgItem@8
  508. GetDlgItemTextW@16
  509. GetLastError@0
  510. GetLocalTime@4
  511. OnComputerSelectionChanged@4
  512. ChooseLogComputerDlgProc@16
  513. GetLogFileComputer@12
  514. GetMenu@4
  515. GetMessageW@16
  516. GetObjectW@12
  517. GetOpenFileNameW@4
  518. GetProcAddress@8
  519. GetProfileIntW@12
  520. GetProfileStringW@20
  521. GetSaveFileNameW@4
  522. GetScrollPos@8
  523. GetScrollRange@16
  524. GetStockObject@4
  525. GetSysColor@4
  526. GetTextExtentPointW@16
  527. GetTextMetricsW@8
  528. GetTickCount@0
  529. GetWindowLongW@8
  530. GetWindowPlacement@8
  531. GetWindowRect@8
  532. InflateRect@12
  533. IntersectClipRect@20
  534. IntersectRect@12
  535. InvalidateRect@12
  536. IsDlgButtonChecked@8
  537. IsZoomed@4
  538. KillTimer@8
  539. LineTo@12
  540. LoadBitmapW@8
  541. LoadCursorW@8
  542. LoadLibraryW@4
  543. IsIconic@4
  544. LoadMenuW@8
  545. LoadStringW@16
  546. MapViewOfFile@20
  547. MemoryResize@8
  548. GlobalAlloc@8
  549. GlobalFree@4
  550. GlobalHandle@4
  551. GlobalLock@4
  552. GlobalReAlloc@12
  553. GlobalSize@4
  554. GlobalUnlock@4
  555. MessageBoxW@16
  556. ModifyMenuW@20
  557. MoveToEx@16
  558. MoveWindow@24
  559. MulDiv@12
  560. PatBlt@24
  561. CreateFontIndirectW@4
  562. DestroyWindow@4
  563. GetComputerNameW@8
  564. GetCurrentProcess@0
  565. GetCurrentThread@0
  566. GetCurrentThreadId@0
  567. GetSystemMetrics@4
  568. GetUserDefaultLangID@0
  569. ILGrabRect@8
  570. ILData@4
  571. AllocateILData@4
  572. ILValueToPixel@8
  573. ILPixelToValue@8
  574. StartGrab@8
  575. EndGrab@8
  576. ILineWndProc@16
  577. ILineSetRange@12
  578. ILineSetStart@8
  579. ILineSetStop@8
  580. ILineXStart@4
  581. ILineXStop@4
  582. ILineStart@4
  583. ILineStop@4
  584. LoadAcceleratorsW@8
  585. LoadIconW@8
  586. ViewAlert@4
  587. LogComputerChanged@4
  588. OnLogDestroy@4
  589. OnInitAddLogDialog@4
  590. OnLogComputer@4
  591. OnAddToLog@4
  592. AddLogDlgProc@16
  593. AddLog@4
  594. CheckMenuItem@12
  595. GraphOptionDlg@16
  596. AlertOptionDlg@16
  597. DisplayAlertOptions@8
  598. CheckDlgButton@12
  599. OnChangeLog@4
  600. OnDataSourceOK@4
  601. DataSourceDlgProc@16
  602. DisplayDataSourceOptions@4
  603. EnableFileControls@8
  604. OnPause@4
  605. ReportOptionsDlgProc@16
  606. DisplayReportOptions@8
  607. DrawMenuBar@4
  608. PolyPolyline@16
  609. Polyline@12
  610. PostMessageW@16
  611. PostQuitMessage@4
  612. PostThreadMessageW@16
  613. PtInRect@12
  614. ReadFile@20
  615. Rectangle@20
  616. RegCloseKey@4
  617. RegConnectRegistryW@12
  618. RegCreateKeyExW@36
  619. RegOpenKeyExW@20
  620. RegQueryValueExW@24
  621. RegSetValueExW@24
  622. RegisterClassW@4
  623. ReleaseCapture@0
  624. ReleaseDC@8
  625. RestoreDC@8
  626. RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply@8
  627. RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide@16
  628. RtlLargeIntegerSubtract@16
  629. SaveDC@4
  630. ScreenToClient@8
  631. ScrollWindow@20
  632. SearchPathW@24
  633. SelectClipRgn@8
  634. SelectObject@8
  635. SendDlgItemMessageW@20
  636. SendMessageW@16
  637. SetBkColor@8
  638. SetBkMode@8
  639. SetCapture@4
  640. SetCursor@4
  641. SetDlgItemTextW@12
  642. SetFilePointer@16
  643. SetFocus@4
  644. SetLastError@4
  645. SetMenu@8
  646. SetPriorityClass@8
  647. SetScrollPos@16
  648. SetScrollRange@20
  649. SetTextAlign@8
  650. SetTextColor@8
  651. SetThreadPriority@8
  652. ClearSystemTime@4
  653. OnSetStartStop@8
  654. TimeframeDlgProc@16
  655. SetTimeframe@4
  656. SetTimer@16
  657. SetWindowLongW@12
  658. SetWindowOrgEx@16
  659. SetWindowPlacement@8
  660. SetWindowPos@28
  661. SetWindowTextW@8
  662. SetWindowsHookExW@16
  663. ShellAboutW@16
  664. ShowWindow@8
  665. SystemTimeToFileTime@8
  666. TLData@4
  667. AllocateTLData@4
  668. MaxTimeWidth@8
  669. TLGetSystemTimeN@12
  670. TLineRedraw@8
  671. DrawOneTimeIndicator@20
  672. DrawTimeIndicators@12
  673. TLineWndProc@16
  674. TLineSetRange@12
  675. TLineSetStart@8
  676. TLineSetStop@8
  677. TLineStart@4
  678. TLineStop@4
  679. SetRect@20
  680. TextOutW@20
  681. TranslateAcceleratorW@12
  682. TranslateMessage@4
  683. UnionRect@12
  684. UnmapViewOfFile@4
  685. UpdateWindow@4
  686. WinHelpW@16
  687. WinMainCRTStartup
  688. __setargv
  689. GetModuleHandleA@4
  690. WriteFile@20
  691. _XcptFilter
  692. __GetMainArgs
  693. _except_handler2
  694. _exit
  695. _ftol
  696. _initterm
  697. _itoa
  698. _local_unwind2
  699. _setargv
  700. exit
  701. labs
  702. lstrcatW@8
  703. lstrcmpW@8
  704. lstrcmpiW@8
  705. lstrcpyW@8
  706. lstrlenW@4
  707. mbstowcs
  708. memcpy
  709. memset
  710. strcat
  711. strcpy
  712. strlen
  713. strncpy
  714. swprintf
  715. swscanf
  716. wcsncpy
  717. wcsrchr