| Process Control //
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|Copyright (c) 1998 Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated. All rights reserved. //
| //
|File Name: DataObj.cpp //
| //
|Description: //
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|Created: //
| //
|Rev History: //
| //
// from samples...
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "DataObj.h"
#include "BaseNode.h"
#include "Resource.h"
//#define COUNT_DEBUG
// not required but needed formats
UINT CDataObject::s_cfNodeID = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_NODEID); // not used in MMC 1.2 if CCF_NODEID2 is supported
UINT CDataObject::s_cfNodeID2 = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_NODEID2); UINT CDataObject::s_cfSnapinPreloads = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SNAPIN_PRELOADS); UINT CDataObject::s_cfWindowTitle = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_WINDOW_TITLE);
// required formats
UINT CDataObject::s_cfNodeType = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_NODETYPE); UINT CDataObject::s_cfNodeTypeString = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SZNODETYPE); UINT CDataObject::s_cfDisplayName = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_DISPLAY_NAME); UINT CDataObject::s_cfSnapinClsid = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SNAPIN_CLASSID);
// our additional formats...
UINT CDataObject::s_cfInternal = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SNAPIN_INTERNAL); UINT CDataObject::s_cfBaseInternal = ::RegisterClipboardFormat(CCF_SNAPIN_BASEINTERNAL);
LONG CDataObject::s_nCount = 0;
// CDataObject - This class is used to pass data back and forth with MMC. It
// uses a standard interface, IDataObject to acomplish this.
// Refer to OLE documentation for a description of clipboard
// formats and the IdataObject interface.
CDataObject::CDataObject() { m_Cookie = SPECIAL_COOKIE_MIN; m_Context = CCT_UNINITIALIZED; m_pFolderObj = NULL; m_bResultItem = FALSE;
InterlockedIncrement(&s_nCount); #ifdef COUNT_DEBUG
ATLTRACE( _T("CDataObj::CDataObj() %ld\n"), s_nCount ); #endif
} // end Constructor()
CDataObject::~CDataObject() { InterlockedDecrement(&s_nCount); #ifdef COUNT_DEBUG
ATLTRACE( _T("CDataObj::~CDataObj() %ld\n"), s_nCount ); #endif
} // end Destructor()
// IDataObject implementation
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetDataHere ( FORMATETC *pFormatEtc, // [in] Pointer to the FORMATETC structure
STGMEDIUM *pStgMedium // [out] Pointer to the STGMEDIUM structure
) { ASSERT(pFormatEtc && pStgMedium ); if (!pFormatEtc || !pStgMedium) return E_UNEXPECTED;
HRESULT hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; // Unknown format
const CLIPFORMAT cf = pFormatEtc->cfFormat; IStream *pStream = NULL;
pStgMedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL; // by OLE spec
// Make sure FORMATETC is something we can handle...
if( (DVASPECT_CONTENT != pFormatEtc->dwAspect) || (TYMED_HGLOBAL != pFormatEtc->tymed) ) return DV_E_FORMATETC;
SIZE_T Size = GlobalSize(pStgMedium->hGlobal); //
// $$ potential problem...
// the stream just gets bigger as needed
// but GetDataHere is not suppose to do that...
// is this an issue?
hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( pStgMedium->hGlobal, FALSE, &pStream ); if( FAILED(hr) ) return hr;
if( cf == s_cfNodeType ) { hr = WriteNodeTypeGUID( pStream ); } else if( cf == s_cfNodeTypeString ) { hr = WriteNodeTypeGUIDString( pStream ); } else if( cf == s_cfDisplayName ) { hr = WriteDisplayName( pStream ); } else if( cf == s_cfSnapinClsid ) { hr = WriteClsid( pStream ); } else if( cf == s_cfInternal ) { hr = WriteInternal( pStream ); } else if( cf == s_cfBaseInternal ) { hr = WriteBaseInternal( pStream ); } else if (cf == s_cfSnapinPreloads ) { hr = WriteSnapinPreloads( pStream ); } /* // wait and verify first, I haven't seen this yet
// and don't want to discover that some time down the
// road microsoft starts calling this and I'm not handling this correctly...
// see QueryDataObject() special cookies too... and IS_SPECIAL_COOKIE in sdk help
else if (cf == s_cfWindowTitle ) { hr = WriteWindowTitle( pStream ); } */ else { hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; }
SIZE_T Size2 = GlobalSize(pStgMedium->hGlobal);
ASSERT(Size == Size2);
return hr;
} // end GetDataHere()
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::GetData ( LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, // [in] Pointer to the FORMATETC structure
LPSTGMEDIUM pStgMedium // [out] Pointer to the STGMEDIUM structure
) { ASSERT(pFormatEtc && pStgMedium ); if (!pFormatEtc || !pStgMedium) return E_UNEXPECTED;
HRESULT hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; // Unknown format
const CLIPFORMAT cf = pFormatEtc->cfFormat; pStgMedium->pUnkForRelease = NULL;
_TCHAR szFormatName[246]; if (!GetClipboardFormatName(cf, szFormatName, ARRAY_SIZE(szFormatName))) _tcscpy(szFormatName, _T("Unknown format") );
// Make sure FORMATETC is something we can handle...
if( (DVASPECT_CONTENT != pFormatEtc->dwAspect) || (TYMED_HGLOBAL != pFormatEtc->tymed) ) { ATLTRACE( _T("CDataObject::GetData() called with ClipFormat 0x%X %s return 0x%X\n"), cf, szFormatName, hr ); return hr; }
if (cf == s_cfNodeID || cf == s_cfNodeID2 || cf == s_cfSnapinPreloads ) { IStream *pStream = NULL;
pStgMedium->tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; pStgMedium->hGlobal = NULL;
// the stream gets bigger as needed, not a problem
hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal( NULL, FALSE, &pStream ); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = GetHGlobalFromStream(pStream, &(pStgMedium->hGlobal)); ASSERT( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if (cf == s_cfNodeID) hr = WriteNodeID( pStream, TRUE ); else if (cf == s_cfNodeID2) hr = WriteNodeID( pStream ); else if (cf == s_cfSnapinPreloads) hr = WriteSnapinPreloads(pStream); else { // a more expensive path to say no!
ASSERT(FALSE); // we already checked for format ...function out of sync?
GlobalFree(pStgMedium->hGlobal); pStgMedium->hGlobal = NULL; pStgMedium->tymed = TYMED_NULL; hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; } } pStream->Release(); } }
//ATLTRACE( _T("CDataObject::GetData() called with ClipFormat 0x%X %s return 0x%X\n"), cf, szFormatName, hr );
return hr;
} // end GetData()
// SetData can be implemented if a data consumer needs to change the
// properties of one of our nodes.
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::SetData ( LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc, //[in] FormatEtc to use
LPSTGMEDIUM pStgMedium, //[in] StgMedium to use
BOOL bRelease //[in] TRUE if we release the memory
) { ASSERT( pFormatEtc && pStgMedium ); if (!pFormatEtc || !pStgMedium) return E_UNEXPECTED;
// Make sure FORMATETC is something we can handle.
if( (DVASPECT_CONTENT & pFormatEtc->dwAspect) && (TYMED_HGLOBAL & pFormatEtc->tymed ) ) { //
if( bRelease ) ReleaseStgMedium( pStgMedium );
ATLTRACE( _T("CDataObject::SetData() returned 0x%X \n"), hr ); return hr;
} // end SetData()
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::QueryGetData ( LPFORMATETC pFormatEtc // [in] FormatEtc struct to test.
) { ASSERT(pFormatEtc); if (!pFormatEtc) return E_UNEXPECTED;
HRESULT hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; const CLIPFORMAT cf = pFormatEtc->cfFormat;
// Make sure FORMATETC is something we can handle.
if ( (DVASPECT_CONTENT != pFormatEtc->dwAspect) || (TYMED_HGLOBAL != pFormatEtc->tymed) ) hr = DV_E_FORMATETC; else if (cf == s_cfNodeID || cf == s_cfNodeID2 || cf == s_cfSnapinPreloads) hr = S_OK; else hr = DV_E_FORMATETC;
#ifdef _DEBUG
_TCHAR szFormatName[246]; if (!GetClipboardFormatName(cf, szFormatName, ARRAY_SIZE(szFormatName))) _tcscpy(szFormatName, _T("Unknown format") ); //ATLTRACE( _T("CDataObject::QueryGetData() called with ClipFormat 0x%X %s return 0x%X\n"), cf, szFormatName, hr );
return hr;
} // end QueryGetData()
STDMETHODIMP CDataObject::EnumFormatEtc ( DWORD dwDirection, //[in] Only DATADIR_GET supported
LPENUMFORMATETC* ppEnumFormatEtc //[out] Points to our IEnumFormatEtc
) { ATLTRACE( _T("CDataObject::EnumFormatEtc\n")); return E_NOTIMPL; } // end EnumFormatEtc()
// Support methods
// Write the appropriate GUID to the stream
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteNodeTypeGUID ( IStream* pStream // [in] Stream we are writing to
) { if (!m_pFolderObj) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
const GUID *pGuid = m_pFolderObj->GetGUIDptr();
return pStream->Write( (PVOID)pGuid, sizeof(GUID), NULL );
} // end WriteNodeTypeGUID()
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteNodeTypeGUIDString ( IStream* pStream // [in] Stream we are writing to
) { if (!m_pFolderObj) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return E_UNEXPECTED; } const TCHAR *szGuid = m_pFolderObj->GetGUIDsz(); ULONG ulSizeofString = ( _tcslen(szGuid) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
return pStream->Write( szGuid, ulSizeofString, NULL );
} // end WriteNodeTypeGUIDString()
// Writes the display name to the stream, the node name
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteDisplayName ( IStream* pStream // [in] Stream we are writing to
) { ASSERT(m_pFolderObj);
if (!m_pFolderObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
ULONG ulSizeofName = _tcslen(m_pFolderObj->GetNodeName()); if (ulSizeofName) // Count null character if we have a string
ulSizeofName *= sizeof(TCHAR);
return pStream->Write(m_pFolderObj->GetNodeName(), ulSizeofName, NULL);
} // end WriteDisplayName()
// Writes the Class ID to the stream
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteClsid ( IStream* pStream // [in] Stream we are writing to
) { return pStream->Write( &CLSID_ComponentData, sizeof(CLSID_ComponentData), NULL ); } // end WriteClsid()
// Writes a pointer to this data object to the stream
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteInternal ( IStream* pStream // [in] Stream we are writing to
) { ASSERT(m_pFolderObj); if (!m_pFolderObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
CDataObject *pThis = this; return pStream->Write( &pThis, sizeof(CDataObject*), NULL );
} // end WriteInternal
// Writes a CBaseNode pointer to the stream
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteBaseInternal ( IStream* pStream // [in] Stream we are writing to
) { ASSERT(m_pFolderObj);
if (!m_pFolderObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return pStream->Write( &m_pFolderObj, sizeof(CBaseNode *), NULL );
} // end WriteInternal
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteNodeID ( IStream* pStream, // [in] Stream we are writing to
BOOL bCCF_NODEID /* = FALSE */ // [in] reply with older CCF_NODEID format rather than CCF_NODEID2
) { if (!m_pFolderObj) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwFlags = 0; BOOL bPersisted = m_pFolderObj->IsPersisted(); const TCHAR *szGuid = m_pFolderObj->GetGUIDsz(); DWORD cBytes = (_tcslen(szGuid) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (bCCF_NODEID) // CCF_NODEID (originial or older format)
{ // CCF_NODEID cBytes = 0 implies don't persist this node's selection
if (!bPersisted) cBytes = 0; hr = pStream->Write(&cBytes, sizeof(cBytes), NULL); if (hr == S_OK) hr = pStream->Write(szGuid, cBytes, NULL); } else // CCF_NODEID2 (newer format)
{ // CCF_NODEID2 doesn't permit writing cBytes = 0, Node GUID string is always written
if (!bPersisted) dwFlags |= MMC_NODEID_SLOW_RETRIEVAL; hr = pStream->Write(&dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags), NULL); if (hr == S_OK) hr = pStream->Write(&cBytes, sizeof(cBytes), NULL); if (hr == S_OK) hr = pStream->Write(szGuid, cBytes, NULL); }
return hr;
} // WriteNodeID()
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteSnapinPreloads ( IStream* pStream // [in] Stream we are writing to
) { if (!m_pFolderObj) { ASSERT( FALSE ); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
BOOL bPreload = m_pFolderObj->GetPreload();
return pStream->Write( &bPreload, sizeof(bPreload), NULL );
} // end WriteSnapinPreloads()
// Writes the display name to the stream, the node name
HRESULT CDataObject::WriteWindowTitle ( IStream* pStream // [in] Stream we are writing to
) { ASSERT(m_pFolderObj); if (!m_pFolderObj) return E_UNEXPECTED;
ULONG ulSizeofName = _tcslen(m_pFolderObj->GetWindowTitle()); if (ulSizeofName) // Count null character if we have a string
ulSizeofName *= sizeof(TCHAR);
return pStream->Write(m_pFolderObj->GetWindowTitle(), ulSizeofName, NULL);
} // end WriteWindowTitle()
VOID CDataObject::SetDataObject ( DATA_OBJECT_TYPES Context, // [in] Context of the caller
CBaseNode *pFolder ) { m_Context = Context; m_pFolderObj = pFolder; } // end SetDataObject()
VOID CDataObject::SetDataObject ( DATA_OBJECT_TYPES Context, // [in] Context of the caller
CBaseNode *pFolder, MMC_COOKIE Cookie // [in] Unique indentifier
) { m_Context = Context; m_pFolderObj = pFolder; m_Cookie = Cookie;
m_bResultItem = TRUE;
} // end SetDataObject()