* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples. * Copyright 1993 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation. * All rights reserved. * This source code is only intended as a supplement to * Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation. * See these sources for detailed information regarding the * Microsoft samples programs. \******************************************************************************/
Copyright 1993 - 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the main() entry point for Remote. Calls the Server or the Client depending on the first parameter.
Rajivendra Nath 2-Jan-1993
Console App. User mode.
Revision History:
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Remote.h"
char HostName[HOSTNAMELEN]; char* ChildCmd; char* PipeName; char* ServerName; char * DaclNames[ MAX_DACL_NAMES ]; DWORD DaclNameCount = 0; char * DaclDenyNames[ MAX_DACL_NAMES ]; DWORD DaclDenyNameCount = 0 ; HANDLE MyStdOut; HANDLE hAttachedProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hAttachedWriteChildStdIn = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hAttachedReadChildStdOut = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
BOOL IsAdvertise; DWORD ClientToServerFlag; BOOL bForceTwoPipes;
typedef struct _tagKeywordAndColor { char *szKeyword; WORD color; struct _tagKeywordAndColor *next; } KeywordAndColor; KeywordAndColor *pKeyColors;
char* ColorList[]={"black" ,"blue" ,"green" ,"cyan" ,"red" ,"purple" ,"yellow" ,"white", "lblack","lblue","lgreen","lcyan","lred","lpurple","lyellow","lwhite"};
VOID DisplayWarning( WARNING_MESSAGE warn );
WORD GetColorNum( char* color );
VOID SetColor( WORD attr );
BOOL GetColorFromBuffer( char **ppBuffer, char *pBufferInvalid, WORD *color, BOOL bStayOnLine );
VOID AssocKeysAndColors( KeywordAndColor **ppKeyAndColors, char *szFileName );
BOOL GetNextConnectInfo( char** SrvName, char** PipeName );
int __cdecl main( int argc, char** argv ) { WORD RunType; // Server or Client end of Remote
DWORD len=HOSTNAMELEN; int i, FirstArg;
char sTitle[120]; // New Title
char orgTitle[200]; // Old Title
BOOL bPromptForArgs=FALSE; // Is /P option
WORD wAttrib; // Console Attributes
int privacy; // Allows exposing or hidng sessions to remote /q
BOOL Deny ;
MyStdOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
if (GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(MyStdOut,&csbiOriginal)) {
wAttrib = csbiOriginal.wAttributes; if (!GetConsoleTitle(orgTitle,sizeof(orgTitle))) { orgTitle[0] = 0; }
} else {
// either stdout is a pipe, or it wasn't opened for
// GENERIC_READ along with GENERIC_WRITE, in which
// case our color manipulations will work so we need
// to pick default colors.
orgTitle[0] = 0; }
pKeyColors = NULL;
// Parameter Processing
// For Server:
// Remote /S <Executable> <PipeName> [Optional Params]
// For Client:
// Remote /C <Server Name> <PipeName> [Optional Params]
// or
// Remote /P
// This will loop continously prompting for different
// Servers and Pipename
if ((argc<2)||((argv[1][0]!='/')&&(argv[1][0]!='-'))) {
DisplayServerHlp(); DisplayClientHlp(); return(1); }
switch(argv[1][1]) { case 'c': case 'C':
// Is Client End of Remote
if ((argc<4)||((argv[1][0]!='/')&&(argv[1][0]!='-'))) {
DisplayServerHlp(); DisplayClientHlp(); return(1); }
ServerName=argv[2]; PipeName=argv[3]; FirstArg=4; RunType=RUNTYPE_CLIENT; break;
case 'q': case 'Q':
// Query for possible conexions
if ((argc != 3)||((argv[1][0]!='/')&&(argv[1][0]!='-'))) {
DisplayServerHlp(); DisplayClientHlp(); return(1); }
QueryRemotePipes(argv[2]); // Send ServerName as a param
case 'p': case 'P':
// Is Client End of Remote
bPromptForArgs=TRUE; RunType=RUNTYPE_CLIENT; FirstArg=2; break;
case 's': case 'S': //
// Is Server End of Remote
if ((argc<4)||((argv[1][0]!='/')&&(argv[1][0]!='-'))) {
DisplayServerHlp(); DisplayClientHlp(); return(1); }
ChildCmd=argv[2]; PipeName=argv[3]; FirstArg=4;
RunType=REMOTE_SERVER; break;
case 'a': case 'A': //
// Is Server End of Remote Attaching to existing process.
if ((argc<7)||((argv[1][0]!='/')&&(argv[1][0]!='-'))) {
DisplayServerHlp(); DisplayClientHlp(); return(1); }
hAttachedProcess = (HANDLE)IntToPtr(atoi(argv[2])); hAttachedWriteChildStdIn = (HANDLE)IntToPtr(atoi(argv[3])); hAttachedReadChildStdOut = (HANDLE)IntToPtr(atoi(argv[4])); ChildCmd=argv[5]; // for display only
PipeName=argv[6]; FirstArg=7;
RunType = REMOTE_SERVER; privacy = PRIVACY_VISIBLE; // presumably ntsd/*kd
default: DisplayServerHlp(); DisplayClientHlp(); return(1); }
if (RunType==REMOTE_SERVER) { //
// Base Name of Executable
// For setting the title
char *tcmd=ChildCmd;
while ((*tcmd!=' ') && (*tcmd!=0)) tcmd++; while ((tcmd > ChildCmd) && (*tcmd!='\\')) tcmd--; if (*tcmd=='\\') tcmd++; sprintf(sTitle,"%-41.40s [Remote /C %s \"%.30s\"]",tcmd,HostName,PipeName); }
//Process Common (Optional) Parameters
for (i=FirstArg;i<argc;i++) {
if ((argv[i][0]!='/')&&(argv[i][0]!='-')) { printf("Invalid parameter %s:Ignoring\n",argv[i]); continue; }
switch(argv[i][1]) { case 'l': // Only Valid for client End
case 'L': // Max Number of Lines to recieve from Server
i++; if (i>=argc) { printf("Incomplete Param %s..Ignoring\n",argv[i-1]); break; } LinesToSend=(DWORD)atoi(argv[i])+1; break;
case 't': // Title to be set instead of the default
case 'T': i++; if (i>=argc) { printf("Incomplete Param %s..Ignoring\n",argv[i-1]); break; } sprintf(sTitle,"%s",argv[i]); break;
case 'b': // Background color
case 'B': i++; if (i>=argc) { printf("Incomplete Param %s..Ignoring\n",argv[i-1]); break; } { WORD col=GetColorNum(argv[i]); if (col!=0xffff) { wAttrib=col<<4|(wAttrib&0x000f); } break; }
case 'f': // Foreground color
case 'F': i++; if (i>=argc) { printf("Incomplete Param %s..Ignoring\n",argv[i-1]); break; } { WORD col=GetColorNum(argv[i]); if (col!=0xffff) { wAttrib=col|(wAttrib&0x00f0); } break; }
case 'k': // Color "keyword" lines
case 'K': i++; // Currently only support client-side coloring
if (RunType==REMOTE_SERVER) { printf("%s invalid on server side..Ignoring\n",argv[i-1]); break; } else if (i>=argc) { printf("Incomplete Param %s..Ignoring\n",argv[i-1]); break; } else { AssocKeysAndColors( &pKeyColors, argv[i] ); break; }
case 'v': case 'V': privacy = PRIVACY_VISIBLE; break;
case '-': if( (argv[i][2] == 'v') || (argv[i][2] == 'V')) privacy = PRIVACY_NOT_VISIBLE; else printf("Unknown Parameter=%s %s\n",argv[i-1],argv[i]); break;
case 'q': case 'Q': ClientToServerFlag|=0x80000000; break;
case 'u': case 'U': if ( (argv[i][2] == 'd') || (argv[i][2] == 'D' ) ) { Deny = TRUE ; } else { Deny = FALSE ; }
i++ ;
if ( i >= argc ) { printf( "Incomplete Param %s..Ignoring\n", argv[i-1] ); break; }
if ( Deny ) { if (DaclDenyNameCount == MAX_DACL_NAMES ) { printf("Too many names specified (max %d). Ignoring user %s\n", MAX_DACL_NAMES, argv[i] );
break; }
DaclDenyNames[ DaclDenyNameCount++ ] = argv[i];
} else { if (DaclNameCount == MAX_DACL_NAMES ) { printf("Too many names specified (max %d). Ignoring user %s\n", MAX_DACL_NAMES, argv[i] );
break; }
DaclNames[ DaclNameCount++ ] = argv[i];
case '2': bForceTwoPipes = TRUE; break;
default: printf("Unknown Parameter=%s %s\n",argv[i-1],argv[i]); break;
//Now Set various Parameters
if (RunType==RUNTYPE_CLIENT) { BOOL done=FALSE; BOOL gotinfo;
// Set Client end defaults and start client
while(!done) { if (!bPromptForArgs || (gotinfo = GetNextConnectInfo(&ServerName,&PipeName)) ) { sprintf(sTitle,"Remote /C %s \"%s\"",ServerName,PipeName); SetConsoleTitle(sTitle);
// Start Client (Client.C)
Client(ServerName,PipeName); } done = !bPromptForArgs || !gotinfo; } }
if (RunType==REMOTE_SERVER) { if (privacy == PRIVACY_VISIBLE || (privacy == PRIVACY_DEFAULT && IsKdString(ChildCmd))) {
strcat(sTitle, " visible"); IsAdvertise = TRUE; }
i = OverlappedServer(ChildCmd, PipeName); }
//Reset Colors
SetColor(csbiOriginal.wAttributes); SetConsoleTitle(orgTitle);
return i; }
/*************************************************************/ VOID ErrorExit( char* str ) { extern PSZ pszPipeName; DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = GetLastError();
printf("REMOTE error %d: %s\n", dwErr, str);
#if DBG
{ char szMsg[1024];
sprintf(szMsg, "REMOTE error %d: %s\n", dwErr, str); OutputDebugString(szMsg);
if (pszPipeName) { // ad-hoc: if server
if (IsDebuggerPresent()) { DebugBreak(); } } } #endif
exit(1); }
/*************************************************************/ VOID DisplayClientHlp() { printf("\n" " To Start the CLIENT end of REMOTE\n" " ---------------------------------\n" " Syntax : REMOTE /C <ServerName> \"<Unique Id>\" [Param]\n" " Example1: REMOTE /C %s imbroglio\n" " This would connect to a server session on %s with Id\n" " \"imbroglio\" if there is a REMOTE /S <\"Cmd\"> imbroglio\n" " running on %s.\n\n" " Example2: REMOTE /C %s \"name with spaces\"\n" " This would connect to a server session on %s with Id\n" " \"name with spaces\" if there is a REMOTE /S <\"Cmd\"> \"name with spaces\"\n" " running on %s.\n\n" " To Exit: %cQ (Leaves the Remote Server Running)\n" " [Param]: /L <# of Lines to Get>\n" " [Param]: /F <Foreground color eg blue, lred..>\n" " [Param]: /K <Set keywords and colors from file>\n" " [Param]: /B <Background color eg cyan, lwhite..>\n" "\n" " Keywords And Colors File Format\n" " -------------------------------\n" " <KEYWORDs - CASE INSENSITIVE>\n" " <FOREGROUND>[, <BACKGROUND>]\n" " ...\n" " EX:\n" " ERROR\n" " black, lred\n" " WARNING\n" " lblue\n" " COLOR THIS LINE\n" " lgreen\n" "\n" " To Query the visible sessions on a server\n" " -----------------------------------------\n" " Syntax: REMOTE /Q %s\n" " This would retrieve the available <Unique Id>s\n" " visible connections on the computer named %s.\n" "\n", HostName, HostName, HostName, HostName, HostName, HostName, COMMANDCHAR, HostName, HostName); } /*************************************************************/
VOID DisplayServerHlp() { printf("\n" " To Start the SERVER end of REMOTE\n" " ---------------------------------\n" " Syntax : REMOTE /S <\"Cmd\"> <Unique Id> [Param]\n" " Example1: REMOTE /S \"i386kd -v\" imbroglio\n" " To interact with this \"Cmd\" from some other machine,\n" " start the client end using: REMOTE /C %s imbroglio\n\n" " Example2: REMOTE /S \"i386kd -v\" \"name with spaces\"\n" " start the client end using: REMOTE /C %s \"name with spaces\"\n\n" " To Exit: %cK \n" " [Param]: /F <Foreground color eg yellow, black..>\n" " [Param]: /B <Background color eg lblue, white..>\n" " [Param]: /U username or groupname\n" " specifies which users or groups may connect\n" " may be specified more than once, e.g\n" " /U user1 /U group2 /U user2\n" " [Param]: /UD username or groupname\n" " specifically denies access to that user or group\n" " [Param]: /V Makes this session visible to remote /Q\n" " [Param]: /-V Hides this session from remote /q (invisible)\n" " By default, if \"Cmd\" looks like a debugger,\n" " the session is visible, otherwise not\n" "\n", HostName, HostName, COMMANDCHAR); }
VOID DisplayWarning( WARNING_MESSAGE warn ) { switch ( warn ) { case LINE_TOO_LONG: printf( "\n[REMOTE: WARNING: LINE TOO LONG TO PARSE FOR COLOR KEYWORDS]\n" ); break; default: printf( "\n[REMOTE: WARNING: UNSPECIFIED PROBLEM COLORING LINE]\n" ); } }
WORD GetColorNum( char *color ) { WORD i;
_strlwr(color); for (i=0;i<16;i++) { if (strcmp(ColorList[i],color)==0) { return(i); } } return ((WORD)atoi(color)); }
VOID SetColor( WORD attr ) { COORD origin={0,0}; DWORD dwrite; FillConsoleOutputAttribute ( MyStdOut,attr,csbiOriginal.dwSize. X*csbiOriginal.dwSize.Y,origin,&dwrite ); SetConsoleTextAttribute(MyStdOut,attr); }
BOOL pColorLine( char *sLine, int cbLine, WORD wDefaultColor, WORD *color ) { KeywordAndColor *pCurKeyColor = NULL; char *pString1; int cbCmpString;
pCurKeyColor = pKeyColors; while ( pCurKeyColor ) { cbCmpString = strlen( pCurKeyColor->szKeyword ); pString1 = sLine; // Need to do case-insensitive compare
while ( pString1 <= sLine + cbLine - cbCmpString ) { if ( !_memicmp( (PVOID)pString1, (PVOID)pCurKeyColor->szKeyword, cbCmpString ) ) { *color = pCurKeyColor->color; // Check if we are to use default background color
if ( (0xfff0 & *color) == 0xfff0 ) *color = (wDefaultColor & 0x00f0) | (*color & 0x000f); return TRUE; }
pString1++; }
// Next keyword/color combination
pCurKeyColor = pCurKeyColor->next; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL pWantColorLines( VOID ) { return ( NULL != pKeyColors ); }
VOID AssocKeysAndColors( KeywordAndColor **ppKeyColors, char *szFileName ) { char szPathName[_MAX_PATH], *szSimpleName; char *buffer, *pBegin, *pEnd;
USHORT usForeColor, usBackColor;
KeywordAndColor *pCurKeyColor, *pNextKeyColor;
HANDLE hFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfdInfo; DWORD dwBytesRead;
// Locate the specified file somewhere in the path
if ( !SearchPath( NULL, szFileName, NULL, _MAX_PATH, szPathName, &szSimpleName ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error locating keyword/color file \"%s\"!\n", szFileName ); return; }
// Get the size of the file so we can read all of it in
hFile = FindFirstFile( szPathName, &wfdInfo ); if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error locating keyword/color file \"%s\"!\n", szPathName ); return; } FindClose( hFile ); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if ( wfdInfo.nFileSizeLow < 5 || wfdInfo.nFileSizeHigh ) { fprintf( stderr, "Invalid keyword/color file: %s!\n", szPathName ); return; }
// Allocate memory to store file contents
buffer = malloc( wfdInfo.nFileSizeLow ); if ( NULL == buffer ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error! Unable to allocate memory to read in keyword/color file!\n" ); return; }
// Attempt to open the given file-name
hFile = CreateFile( szPathName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hFile ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error opening keyword/color file %s!\n", szPathName ); return; }
// Attempt to read in the contents of the file
ReadFile( hFile, buffer, wfdInfo.nFileSizeLow, &dwBytesRead, NULL ); CloseHandle( hFile );
if ( dwBytesRead != wfdInfo.nFileSizeLow ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error reading keyword/color file: %s!\n", szPathName ); free( buffer ); return; }
// Parse contents of file, storing keyword(s) and color combinations
pBegin = buffer; pCurKeyColor = NULL; while ( pBegin < buffer + dwBytesRead ) { // Skip any newline/CR at beginning
while ( pBegin < buffer + dwBytesRead && ( *pBegin == '\r' || *pBegin == '\n' ) ) pBegin++; if ( pBegin >= buffer + dwBytesRead ) continue;
pEnd = pBegin; while ( pEnd < buffer + dwBytesRead && *pEnd != '\r' ) pEnd++; // point at last character
// Add new KeywordAndColor member to list
if ( NULL == pCurKeyColor ) { *ppKeyColors = pCurKeyColor = malloc( sizeof( KeywordAndColor ) ); } else { pCurKeyColor->next = malloc( sizeof( KeywordAndColor ) ); pCurKeyColor = pCurKeyColor->next; }
// Verify we allocated memory for another list member
if ( NULL == pCurKeyColor ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error allocating memory for keyword/color storage!\n" ); // Cleanup any we did create
while ( *ppKeyColors ) { pCurKeyColor = ((KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors)->next; if ( ((KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors)->szKeyword ) free( ((KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors)->szKeyword ); free( (KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors ); (KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors = pCurKeyColor; }
return; }
// This is now the last member of the list
pCurKeyColor->next = NULL;
// Already have keyword(s) -- allocate room for it
pCurKeyColor->szKeyword = malloc( pEnd - pBegin + 2 ); if ( NULL == pCurKeyColor->szKeyword ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error allocating memory for keyword/color storage!\n" ); // Cleanup any we did create
while ( *ppKeyColors ) { pCurKeyColor = ((KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors)->next; if ( ((KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors)->szKeyword ) free( ((KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors)->szKeyword ); free( (KeywordAndColor *)*ppKeyColors ); *ppKeyColors = pCurKeyColor; }
return; }
// Store keyword(s)
memcpy( (PVOID)pCurKeyColor->szKeyword, (PVOID)pBegin, pEnd-pBegin+1 ); pCurKeyColor->szKeyword[pEnd-pBegin+1] = '\0';
pBegin = pEnd + 1; // Get color information
if ( GetColorFromBuffer( &pBegin, (char *)(buffer + dwBytesRead), &usForeColor, FALSE ) ) { // Check if there is a comma following
while ( pBegin < buffer + dwBytesRead && *pBegin != ',' && *pBegin != '\r' ) pBegin++; if ( *pBegin == ',' ) { pBegin++; if ( GetColorFromBuffer( &pBegin, (char *)(buffer + dwBytesRead), &usBackColor, TRUE ) ) goto noError; } else { // Default to current background color
usBackColor = 0xffff; goto noError; } } // ERROR
fprintf( stderr, "Invalid color information for: %s\n", pCurKeyColor->szKeyword ); // We will leave any previous entries but delete this one
pNextKeyColor = *ppKeyColors; if ( pNextKeyColor == pCurKeyColor ) { free( pCurKeyColor ); *ppKeyColors = NULL; } else { while ( pCurKeyColor != pNextKeyColor->next ) pNextKeyColor = pNextKeyColor->next; free ( pCurKeyColor ); pNextKeyColor->next = NULL; } return;
noError: // Store color information
if ( usBackColor == 0xffff ) pCurKeyColor->color = 0xfff0 | (usForeColor & 0x0f); else pCurKeyColor->color = ((usBackColor << 4) & 0x00f0) | (usForeColor & 0x0f ); } }
BOOL GetColorFromBuffer( char **ppBuffer, char *pBufferInvalid, WORD *color, BOOL bStayOnLine ) { char *pBegin, *pEnd, temp;
pBegin = *ppBuffer; if ( bStayOnLine ) { // Skip to the next character (on this line)
while ( pBegin < pBufferInvalid && !isalnum( (int)*pBegin ) && *pBegin != '\r' ) pBegin++; } else { // Skip to next character (in buffer)
while ( pBegin < pBufferInvalid && !isalnum( (int)*pBegin ) ) pBegin++; }
if ( pBegin >= pBufferInvalid || *pBegin == '\r' ) return FALSE;
// Read in color
pEnd = pBegin + 1; while ( isalnum( (int)*pEnd ) && *pEnd != ',' ) pEnd++;
temp = *pEnd; *pEnd = '\0'; *color = GetColorNum( pBegin ); *pEnd = temp;
// Use same valid color check as used for foreground/background
if ( *color == 0xffff ) return FALSE;
// Move the pointer we were given to next unread portion
*ppBuffer = pEnd;
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetNextConnectInfo( char** SrvName, char** PipeName ) { char *s;
static char szServerName[64]; static char szPipeName[32];
try { ZeroMemory(szServerName,64); ZeroMemory(szPipeName,32); SetConsoleTitle("Remote - Prompting for next Connection"); printf("Debugger machine (server): "); fflush(stdout);
if (((*SrvName=gets(szServerName))==NULL)|| (strlen(szServerName)==0)) { return(FALSE); }
if (szServerName[0] == COMMANDCHAR && (szServerName[1] == 'q' || szServerName[1] == 'Q') ) { return(FALSE); }
if (s = strchr( szServerName, ' ' )) { *s++ = '\0'; while (*s == ' ') { s += 1; } *PipeName=strcpy(szPipeName, s); printf(szPipeName); fflush(stdout); } if (strlen(szPipeName) == 0) { printf("Target machine (pipe) : "); fflush(stdout); if ((*PipeName=gets(szPipeName))==NULL) { return(FALSE); } }
if (s = strchr(szPipeName, ' ')) { *s++ = '\0'; }
if (szPipeName[0] == COMMANDCHAR && (szPipeName[1] == 'q' || szPipeName[1] == 'Q') ) { return(FALSE); } printf("\n\n"); }
except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return(FALSE); // Ignore exceptions
} return(TRUE); }
VOID Errormsg( char* str ) { printf("Error (%d) - %s\n",GetLastError(),str); }
BOOL IsKdString( char* string ) {
char* start;
// some heuristic for uninvented yet platforms
// if the first word has "kd" in it ok
if( ((start = strstr(string, "kd")) != NULL) || ((start = strstr(string, "dbg")) != NULL) || ((start = strstr(string, "remoteds")) != NULL) || ((start = strstr(string, "ntsd")) != NULL) || ((start = strstr(string, "cdb")) != NULL) ) { // is it in the first word?
while(--start > string) { if((*start == ' ') || (*start == '\t')) { while(--start > string) if((*start != '\t') || (*start != ' ')) return(FALSE); } } return TRUE; } return(FALSE); }
// WriteFileSynch is a synchronous WriteFile for overlapped
// file handles. As a special case, two-pipe client operation
// sets fAsyncPipe FALSE and this routine then passes NULL
// for lpOverlapped.
BOOL FASTCALL WriteFileSynch( HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD cbWrite, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, DWORD dwFileOffset, LPOVERLAPPED lpO ) { BOOL Success;
lpO->OffsetHigh = 0; lpO->Offset = dwFileOffset;
Success = WriteFile( hFile, lpBuffer, cbWrite, lpNumberOfBytesWritten, fAsyncPipe ? lpO : NULL );
if ( ! Success ) {
if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError()) {
Success = GetOverlappedResult( hFile, lpO, lpNumberOfBytesWritten, TRUE ); } }
return Success; }
BOOL FASTCALL ReadFileSynch( HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD cbRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, DWORD dwFileOffset, LPOVERLAPPED lpO ) { BOOL Success;
lpO->OffsetHigh = 0; lpO->Offset = dwFileOffset;
Success = ReadFile( hFile, lpBuffer, cbRead, lpNumberOfBytesRead, fAsyncPipe ? lpO : NULL );
if ( ! Success ) {
if (ERROR_IO_PENDING == GetLastError()) {
Success = GetOverlappedResult( hFile, lpO, lpNumberOfBytesRead, TRUE ); } }
return Success; }
BOOL FASTCALL WriteConsoleWithColor( HANDLE MyStdOut, char *buffer, DWORD cbBuffer, CWCDATA *persist ) { DWORD cbWrite, cbFill; WORD color; BOOL bAltColor, bNewLine, bCanColor; char *pCurLine, *pEndOfLine, *pPrevLine, *pTemp; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO conBufferInfo;
if ( persist->bLineContinues ) bNewLine = FALSE; else bNewLine = TRUE;
// Split buffer into individual lines
pCurLine = buffer; while ( pCurLine < buffer + cbBuffer ) { // Get console information
bCanColor = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( MyStdOut, &conBufferInfo );
// Find end of current line
pEndOfLine = pCurLine; // Print out any beginning newlines/CR's -- this will avoid
// coloring large blocks of nothing associated with keywords
while ( pEndOfLine < buffer + cbBuffer && ( *pEndOfLine == '\r' || *pEndOfLine == '\n' ) ) { // New line
if ( !bNewLine ) { bNewLine = TRUE;
// If this was a continuation line -- end it
if ( persist->bLineContinues ) { persist->bLineContinues = FALSE; // Check if we just ended a line that couldn't be parsed
// because of its size -- if so output warning
if ( persist->bLineTooLarge ) DisplayWarning( LINE_TOO_LONG ); // Otherwise check for keyword(s)
// and color if appropriate
else if ( bCanColor && pColorLine( persist->sLine, persist->cbCurPos + 1, conBufferInfo.wAttributes, &color ) ) { // If we were unable to get the cursor position when
// the line started we won't be able to color it now,
// but because we aren't printing any warning elsewhere
// if we can't get console info, we will just quietly
// not output color here
if ( 0xFF != persist->cLineBegin.X || 0xFF != persist->cLineBegin.Y ) { // Color in beginning portion of line (actually all of
// line up to current point gets colored to reduce
// calculations)
FillConsoleOutputAttribute( MyStdOut, color, ( (conBufferInfo.dwCursorPosition.Y - persist->cLineBegin.Y + 1) * (conBufferInfo.srWindow.Right - conBufferInfo.srWindow.Left) ), persist->cLineBegin, &cbFill ); } } } } pEndOfLine++; } // Print newline characters if some were found
if ( pEndOfLine > pCurLine ) { if ( ! WriteFile(MyStdOut, pCurLine, (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pCurLine), &cbWrite, NULL) ) { // Bail out
return FALSE; }
// Move line pointer
pCurLine = pEndOfLine; }
// Get the line
while ( pEndOfLine < buffer + cbBuffer && *pEndOfLine != '\r' && *pEndOfLine != '\n' ) pEndOfLine++; // If we got characters we are in a line
// Check it for keywords or add it to
// a continuation line and/or print it
if ( pEndOfLine > pCurLine ) { bNewLine = FALSE;
// Point to last character
// Check for current console information
if ( !bCanColor ) { // Couldn't get information -- handle might
// be redirected. Don't change colors
bAltColor = FALSE; } else if ( persist->bLineContinues ) { // See if we have enough room to construct this new line
if ( !persist->bLineTooLarge && (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pCurLine + 1) >= (persist->cbLine - persist->cbCurPos) ) { // Attempt to build a bigger buffer
pTemp = realloc( (PVOID)persist->sLine, persist->cbLine + (pEndOfLine - pCurLine + 1) ); if ( NULL == pTemp ) { persist->bLineTooLarge = TRUE; } else { persist->sLine = pTemp; persist->cbLine += (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pCurLine + 1); } }
// Add this piece to the line
if ( !persist->bLineTooLarge ) { // Add new piece to line
memcpy( (PVOID)(persist->sLine + persist->cbCurPos + 1), (PVOID)pCurLine, (pEndOfLine - pCurLine + 1) ); // Point at new end of line
persist->cbCurPos += (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pCurLine + 1); }
// Don't color this line portion
bAltColor = FALSE;
} // Check if line needs colored unless this is going
// to be a continued line (last line in buffer and
// does not end with a newline). We do not want
// to determine the color of the line until we
// have the complete thing
else if ( (char *)(pEndOfLine + 1) < (char *)(buffer + cbBuffer) ) { // Parse line for keywords that will cause
// this line to show up in a different color
bAltColor = pColorLine( pCurLine, (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pCurLine + 1), conBufferInfo.wAttributes, &color ); } else { bAltColor = FALSE; }
if ( bAltColor ) { // Change color for output of this line
SetConsoleTextAttribute( MyStdOut, color ); }
if ( ! WriteFile(MyStdOut, pCurLine, (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pCurLine + 1), &cbWrite, NULL)) { if ( bAltColor ) { SetConsoleTextAttribute( MyStdOut, conBufferInfo.wAttributes ); } // Bail out
return FALSE; } // Restore default colors if necessary
if ( bAltColor ) { SetConsoleTextAttribute( MyStdOut, conBufferInfo.wAttributes ); }
// Point to the next line, saving off this line
// in case we need to store it in a continuation
// line
pPrevLine = pCurLine; pCurLine = pEndOfLine + 1; } // End only check line if there is one
// If the buffer did not end with a CR, and we are
// not already in a continuation, remember this line
if ( !bNewLine && pPrevLine <= pEndOfLine && !persist->bLineContinues ) { persist->bLineContinues = TRUE; persist->bLineTooLarge = FALSE;
if ( bCanColor ) persist->cLineBegin = conBufferInfo.dwCursorPosition; else // Signal we were unable to obtain cursor location
{ persist->cLineBegin.X = 0xFF; persist->cLineBegin.Y = 0xFF; }
// See if we have enough room to construct this new line
if ( (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pPrevLine + 1) >= persist->cbLine ) { // Attempt to build a bigger buffer
pTemp = realloc( (PVOID)persist->sLine, persist->cbLine + (pEndOfLine - pPrevLine + 1) ); if ( NULL == pTemp ) { persist->bLineTooLarge = TRUE; } else { persist->sLine = pTemp; persist->cbLine = (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pPrevLine + 1); } }
// Store the beginning of the line
if ( !persist->bLineTooLarge ) { // Add new piece to line
memcpy( (PVOID)persist->sLine, (PVOID)pPrevLine, (pEndOfLine - pPrevLine + 1) ); // Point at new end of line
persist->cbCurPos = (DWORD)(pEndOfLine - pPrevLine); } }
// Success
return TRUE; }