#include <afx.h>
#include "vktbl.h"
// added for Pagasus
"VK_OEM_PLUS", "VK_OEM_COMMA", "VK_OEM_MINUS", "VK_OEM_PERIOD", "VK_OEM_1", "VK_OEM_2", "VK_OEM_3", "VK_OEM_4", "VK_OEM_5", "VK_OEM_6", "VK_OEM_7", "VK_OEM_102" };
// added for Pagasus
int imaxvktable = sizeof(vkdwTable)/sizeof(DWORD);
CAccel::CAccel() { m_dwFlags = 0; m_dwEvent = 0; m_strText = ""; }
CAccel::CAccel(LPCSTR strText) { CString strAcc = strText; m_dwFlags = 0; m_dwEvent = 0; m_strText = "";
// First check for the VIRTKEY or ASCII tag
if(strAcc.Find("VIRTKEY")!=-1) { m_dwFlags |= ACC_VK;
// Check for the Key tags
if(strAcc.Find("Ctrl")!=-1) m_dwFlags |= ACC_CTRL; if(strAcc.Find("Shift")!=-1) m_dwFlags |= ACC_SHIFT; if(strAcc.Find("Alt")!=-1) m_dwFlags |= ACC_ALT;
// Now clean the string and get the VK code
int iPos = strAcc.Find("VK_"); if(iPos==-1) { // something is wrong
m_dwFlags = 0; m_dwEvent = 0; m_strText = ""; } int iCount = 0; while(strAcc[iPos+iCount]!=',') iCount++;
m_dwEvent = StringToVK(strAcc.Mid(iPos, iCount)); } else if(strAcc.Find("ASCII")!=-1) { // Check for the Key tags
if(strAcc.Find("Ctrl")!=-1) { int iPos = strAcc.Find('+'); if(iPos!=-1) { m_dwEvent = ((DWORD)strAcc[iPos+1])-0x40; } } else if(strAcc.Find("Alt")!=-1) { int iPos = strAcc.Find('+'); if(iPos!=-1) { m_dwEvent = ((DWORD)strAcc[iPos+1]); m_dwFlags |= ACC_ALT; } } else { m_dwEvent = (DWORD)strAcc[0]; } } }
CAccel::CAccel(DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwEvent) { m_dwFlags = dwFlags; m_dwEvent = dwEvent; // Accelerator handling
if(ISACCFLG(m_dwFlags, ACC_CTRL)) m_strText += "Ctrl+"; if(ISACCFLG(m_dwFlags, ACC_SHIFT)) m_strText += "Shift+"; if(ISACCFLG(m_dwFlags, ACC_ALT)) m_strText += "Alt+"; if(ISACCFLG(m_dwFlags, ACC_VK)) { m_strText += VKToString(m_dwEvent); m_strText += ", VIRTKEY"; } else { if(m_dwEvent + 0x40 >= 'A' && m_dwEvent + 0x40 <= 'Z') { m_strText += "Ctrl+"; m_strText += (char)(m_dwEvent + 0x40); } else m_strText += (char)m_dwEvent;
m_strText += ", ASCII"; } }
CString CAccel::VKToString(DWORD dwEvent) { CString strVK = "";
if((dwEvent >= 0x30) && (dwEvent <= 0x5A)) { strVK = "VK_"; strVK += (char)dwEvent; }
int i = 0; while(i<imaxvktable) { if(dwEvent==vkdwTable[i++]) { strVK = vkstrTable[i-1]; break; } } return strVK; }
DWORD CAccel::StringToVK(CString str) { DWORD dwVK = 0;
if(str.GetLength()==4) { // remove the VK_ and get the char
str = str.Mid(3); dwVK = (DWORD)str[0]; } else { int i = 0; while(i<imaxvktable) { if(str==vkstrTable[i++]) { dwVK = vkdwTable[i-1]; break; } } } return dwVK; }