// Includes //
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "setedit.h"
#include "addline.h"
#include "grafdata.h" // for ChartInsertLine, ChartDeleteLine
#include "graph.h" // for SizeGraphComponents
#include "legend.h" // for LegendAddItem
#include "line.h" // for LineAllocate, LineFree.
#include "pmemory.h" // for MemoryXXX (mallloc-type) routines
#include "perfdata.h" // for QueryPerformanceData
#include "perfmops.h" // for dlg_error_box
#include "system.h" // for SystemGet
#include "utils.h"
#include "counters.h"
#include "pmhelpid.h" // Help IDs
// Constants //
#define iInitialExplainLen 256
// defines used in owner-drawn items
// Local Data //
// defined in PerfData.c
extern WCHAR NULL_NAME[] ;
COLORREF argbColors[] = { RGB (0xff, 0x00, 0x00), RGB (0x00, 0x80, 0x00), RGB (0x00, 0x00, 0xff), RGB (0xff, 0xff, 0x00), RGB (0xff, 0x00, 0xff), RGB (0x00, 0xff, 0xff), RGB (0x80, 0x00, 0x00), RGB (0x40, 0x40, 0x40), RGB (0x00, 0x00, 0x80), RGB (0x80, 0x80, 0x00), RGB (0x80, 0x00, 0x80), RGB (0x00, 0x80, 0x80), RGB (0x40, 0x00, 0x00), RGB (0x00, 0x40, 0x00), RGB (0x00, 0x00, 0x40), RGB (0x00, 0x00, 0x00) } ;
TCHAR *apszScaleFmt[] = { TEXT("%7.7f"), TEXT("%6.6f"), TEXT("%5.5f"), TEXT("%4.4f"), TEXT("%3.3f"), TEXT("%2.2f"), TEXT("%1.1f"), TEXT("%2.1f"), TEXT("%3.1f"), TEXT("%4.1f"), TEXT("%5.1f"), TEXT("%6.1f"), TEXT("%7.1f") } ; #define DEFAULT_SCALE 0
#define NUMBER_OF_SCALE sizeof(apszScaleFmt)/sizeof(apszScaleFmt[0])
int iLineType ; static PPERFDATA pPerfData ; PPERFSYSTEM pSystem ; PLINESTRUCT pLineEdit ; PPERFSYSTEM *ppSystemFirst ; PLINEVISUAL pVisual ;
#define bEditLine (pLineEdit != NULL)
BOOL ComputerChange ; BOOL InstanceNameChange ; DWORD ParentObjectTitleIndex ; LPTSTR pCurrentSystem;
// Macros //
#define InChartAdd() \
(iLineType == LineTypeChart)
#define InAlertAdd() \
(iLineType == LineTypeAlert)
#define InReportAdd() \
(iLineType == LineTypeReport)
#define NumColorIndexes() \
(sizeof (argbColors) / sizeof (argbColors[0]))
#define NumWidthIndexes() 5
#define NumStyleIndexes() 4
// Forward Declarations //
BOOL /*static*/ OnObjectChanged (HDLG hDlg) ;
// Local Functions //
PPERFINSTANCEDEF ParentInstance ( PPERFINSTANCEDEF pInstance ) { PPERFOBJECT parent_obj ; PPERFINSTANCEDEF parent_instance ; PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK *counter_blk; LONG i ;
parent_obj = GetObjectDefByTitleIndex (pPerfData, pInstance->ParentObjectTitleIndex) ; if (!parent_obj) return (NULL) ;
// Then get the parent instance.
// NOTE: can use unique ID field to match here instead
// of name compare.
for (i = 0, parent_instance = (PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION *) ( (PBYTE)parent_obj + parent_obj->DefinitionLength); i < parent_obj->NumInstances; i++, parent_instance = (PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION *) ( (PBYTE)counter_blk + counter_blk->ByteLength)) { // for
counter_blk = (PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK *) ( (PBYTE)parent_instance + parent_instance->ByteLength); if ((DWORD)i == pInstance->ParentObjectInstance) return (parent_instance) ; }
return (NULL) ; }
PPERFOBJECT SelectedObject ( HWND hWndObjects, LPTSTR lpszObjectName ) /*
Effect: Return the pObject associated with the currently selected combo-box item of hWndObjects. Set lpszObjectName to the object's name.
If no item is selected in the combobox, return NULL.
Assert: The pObject for each CB item was added when the string was added to the CB, by CBLoadObjects.
See Also: LoadObjects. */ { INT_PTR iIndex ;
iIndex = CBSelection (hWndObjects) ; if (iIndex == CB_ERR) return (NULL) ;
if (lpszObjectName) CBString (hWndObjects, iIndex, lpszObjectName) ;
return ((PPERFOBJECT) CBData (hWndObjects, iIndex)) ; }
PPERFCOUNTERDEF SelectedCounter ( HWND hWndCounters, LPTSTR lpszCounterName ) /*
Effect: Return the pCounter associated with the currently selected LB item of hWndCounters. Set lpszCounterName to the Counter's name.
If no item is selected in the listbox, return NULL.
Assert: The pCounter for each LB item was added when the string was added to the LB, by LoadCounters.
See Also: LoadCounters. */ { INT_PTR iIndex ;
iIndex = LBSelection (hWndCounters) ; if (iIndex == LB_ERR) return (NULL) ;
if (lpszCounterName) LBString (hWndCounters, iIndex, lpszCounterName) ; return ((PPERFCOUNTERDEF) LBData (hWndCounters, iIndex)) ; }
void VisualIncrement ( PLINEVISUAL pVisual ) /*
Effect: Cycle through the combinations of color, width, and style to distinguish between lines. The color attributes are like a number: <style> <width> <color>
Since color is the LSB, it is always incremented. The others are incremented whenever the color rolls over.
If a current index is -1, that means don't increment that visual attribute. */ { pVisual->iColorIndex = (pVisual->iColorIndex + 1) % NumColorIndexes () ;
if (pVisual->iColorIndex) return ;
if (pVisual->iWidthIndex == -1) return ;
pVisual->iWidthIndex = (pVisual->iWidthIndex + 1) % NumWidthIndexes () ;
if (pVisual->iWidthIndex) return ;
if (pVisual->iStyleIndex == -1) return ;
pVisual->iStyleIndex = (pVisual->iStyleIndex + 1) % NumStyleIndexes () ; }
COLORREF LineColor ( int iColorIndex ) { return (argbColors [iColorIndex]) ; }
int LineWidth ( int iWidthIndex ) { switch (iWidthIndex) { case 0: return (1) ; break ;
case 1: return (3) ; break ;
case 2: return (5) ; break ;
case 3: return (7) ; break ;
case 4: return (9) ; break ; } return 1; }
int LineStyle ( int iStyleIndex ) { return (iStyleIndex) ; }
void SetInstanceNames ( HDLG hDlg, HWND hWndInstances, INT_PTR iInstanceIndex ) { TCHAR szInstance [256], szInstanceParent [256] ; PPERFINSTANCEDEF pInstance ; PPERFINSTANCEDEF pInstanceParent ;
szInstance [0] = szInstanceParent [0] = TEXT('\0') ;
pInstance = (PPERFINSTANCEDEF) LBData (hWndInstances, iInstanceIndex) ; if (pInstance == (PPERFINSTANCEDEF) LB_ERR) { pInstance = NULL; } else { // get the instance and parent names
GetInstanceNameStr (pInstance, szInstance) ; pInstanceParent = ParentInstance (pInstance) ;
if (pInstanceParent) { GetInstanceNameStr (pInstanceParent, szInstanceParent) ; } }
DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME, szInstanceParent) ; DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCENAME, szInstance) ; ParentObjectTitleIndex = pInstance->ParentObjectTitleIndex ;
BOOL /*static*/ LoadInstances ( HDLG hDlg ) { PPERFOBJECT pObject ; PPERFINSTANCEDEF pInstance, pInstanceParent ; TCHAR szInstance [256], szInstanceParent [256] ; TCHAR szCompositeName [256 * 2] ; TCHAR szInstCompositeName [256 * 2] ;
LONG iInstance ; UINT_PTR iIndex ;
int xTextExtent = 0 ; int currentTextExtent ; HFONT hFont ; HDC hDC = 0 ; HWND hWndObjects = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEOBJECT); HWND hWndInstances = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCE);
// turn off horiz. scrollbar
LBSetHorzExtent (hWndInstances, 0) ; LBReset (hWndInstances) ;
InstanceNameChange = FALSE ;
pObject = SelectedObject (hWndObjects, NULL) ; if (!pObject) return (FALSE) ;
if (pObject->NumInstances <= 0) { MLBSetSelection (hWndInstances, 0, TRUE) ; DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME, TEXT("\0")) ; DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCENAME, TEXT("\0")) ; return (FALSE) ; }
// turn off Listbox redraw
LBSetRedraw (hWndInstances, FALSE) ;
if (bEditLine) { if (pLineEdit->lnObject.NumInstances > 0) { if (pLineEdit->lnInstanceDef.ParentObjectTitleIndex) { // Get the Parent Object Instance Name.
// and prefix it to the Instance Name, to make
// the string we want to display.
TSPRINTF (szInstCompositeName, TEXT("%s ==> %s"), pLineEdit->lnPINName, pLineEdit->lnInstanceName) ; DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME, pLineEdit->lnPINName) ; } else { lstrcpy (szInstCompositeName, pLineEdit->lnInstanceName) ; DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME, TEXT("\0")) ; } DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCENAME, pLineEdit->lnInstanceName) ; } else { szInstCompositeName[0] = TEXT('\0'); } }
if (!bEditLine && (hDC = GetDC (hWndInstances))) { hFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hWndInstances, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L); if (hFont) SelectObject(hDC, hFont); }
for (iInstance = 0, pInstance = FirstInstance (pObject) ; iInstance < pObject->NumInstances; iInstance++, pInstance = NextInstance (pInstance)) { GetInstanceNameStr (pInstance, szInstance) ; pInstanceParent = ParentInstance (pInstance) ;
if (pInstanceParent) { GetInstanceNameStr (pInstanceParent, szInstanceParent) ; TSPRINTF (szCompositeName, TEXT("%s ==> %s"), szInstanceParent, szInstance) ; iIndex = LBAdd (hWndInstances, szCompositeName) ; } else { iIndex = LBAdd (hWndInstances, szInstance) ; }
if (iIndex != LB_ERR) { LBSetData (hWndInstances, iIndex, (LPARAM) pInstance) ; }
// get the biggest text width
if (hDC) { currentTextExtent = TextWidth (hDC, szCompositeName) + xScrollWidth / 2 ; if (currentTextExtent > xTextExtent) { xTextExtent = currentTextExtent ; } } }
if (hDC) { // turn on horiz. scrollbar if necessary...
LBSetHorzExtent (hWndInstances, xTextExtent) ; ReleaseDC (hWndInstances, hDC) ; }
if (!bEditLine || szInstCompositeName[0] == TEXT('\0')) { MLBSetSelection (hWndInstances, 0, TRUE) ; if (!bEditLine) { SetInstanceNames (hDlg, hWndInstances, 0) ; } } else { BOOL bSetSelection = TRUE ;
iIndex = LBFind (hWndInstances, szInstCompositeName) ; if (iIndex == LB_ERR) { if (bEditLine) { bSetSelection = FALSE ; } iIndex = 0 ; }
if (bSetSelection) { MLBSetSelection (hWndInstances, iIndex, TRUE) ; }
LBSetVisible (hWndInstances, iIndex) ; }
// turn on Listbox redraw
LBSetRedraw (hWndInstances, TRUE) ;
return TRUE; }
BOOL OnCounterChanged ( HDLG hDlg ) /*
Effect: Perform any actions necessary when the counter has changed. In particular, display the explanation for the counter that has the focus rectangle. */ { LPTSTR lpszText ; PPERFCOUNTERDEF pCounter ; int iStatus ; INT_PTR iFocusIndex ; HWND hWndCounters = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOUNTER); HWND hWndScales = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESCALE) ;
iFocusIndex = LBFocus (hWndCounters) ; if (iFocusIndex == LB_ERR) return (FALSE) ;
pCounter = (PPERFCOUNTERDEF) LBData (hWndCounters, iFocusIndex) ; if ((!pCounter) || (pCounter == (PPERFCOUNTERDEF)LB_ERR)) return (FALSE) ;
// no need to get help text before the button is clicked
if (!bExplainTextButtonHit) return (FALSE) ;
// Create initial string
lpszText = MemoryAllocate (iInitialExplainLen * sizeof (TCHAR)) ; if (!lpszText) return (FALSE);
while (TRUE) { lpszText[0] = TEXT('\0') ;
#ifdef UNICODE
iStatus = QueryPerformanceName (pSystem, pCounter->CounterHelpTitleIndex, iLanguage, (DWORD)(MemorySize (lpszText) / sizeof(TCHAR)), lpszText, TRUE) ; #else
iStatus = QueryPerformanceNameW (pSystem, pCounter->CounterHelpTitleIndex, iLanguage, MemorySize (lpszText), lpszText, TRUE) ; #endif
if (iStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) break ;
if (iStatus == ERROR_MORE_DATA) lpszText = MemoryResize (lpszText, MemorySize (lpszText) + iInitialExplainLen) ; else break ; }
// Don't use my DialogSetString, it won't handle such large strings.
SetDlgItemText (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEEXPLAIN, lpszText) ; MemoryFree (lpszText) ;
return (TRUE) ; }
BOOL LoadCounters ( HDLG hDlg, UINT iSelectCounterDefn ) { PPERFOBJECT pObject ;
TCHAR szCounterName [256] ; TCHAR szDefaultCounterName [256] ; PPERFCOUNTERDEF pCounter ; UINT i ; INT_PTR iIndex ; int xTextExtent = 0 ; int currentTextExtent ; HFONT hFont ; HDC hDC = 0 ; BOOL bSetSelection = TRUE ; HWND hWndObjects = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEOBJECT); HWND hWndCounters = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOUNTER);
strclr (szDefaultCounterName) ;
// turn off horiz. scrollbar
LBSetHorzExtent (hWndCounters, 0) ; LBReset (hWndCounters) ;
pObject = SelectedObject (hWndObjects, NULL) ; if (!pObject) return (FALSE) ;
if (!bEditLine && (hDC = GetDC (hWndCounters))) { hFont = (HFONT)SendMessage(hWndCounters, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L); if (hFont) SelectObject(hDC, hFont); }
// turn off Listbox redraw
LBSetRedraw (hWndCounters, FALSE) ;
for (i = 0, pCounter = FirstCounter (pObject) ; i < pObject->NumCounters ; i++, pCounter = NextCounter (pCounter)) { if (pCounter->CounterType != PERF_SAMPLE_BASE && pCounter->CounterType != PERF_COUNTER_NODATA && pCounter->CounterType != PERF_AVERAGE_BASE && pCounter->CounterType != PERF_COUNTER_QUEUELEN_TYPE && pCounter->CounterType != PERF_COUNTER_MULTI_BASE && pCounter->CounterType != PERF_RAW_BASE && pCounter->DetailLevel <= ADDLINEDETAILLEVEL) { szCounterName[0] = TEXT('\0') ; QueryPerformanceName (pSystem, pCounter->CounterNameTitleIndex, 0, sizeof (szCounterName) / sizeof(TCHAR), szCounterName, FALSE) ;
// if szCounterName is not empty, add it to the listbox
if (!strsame(szCounterName, NULL_NAME)) { iIndex = LBAdd (hWndCounters, szCounterName) ; LBSetData (hWndCounters, iIndex, (DWORD_PTR) pCounter) ;
// get the biggest text width
if (hDC) { currentTextExtent = TextWidth (hDC, szCounterName) + xScrollWidth / 2 ; if (currentTextExtent > xTextExtent) { xTextExtent = currentTextExtent ; } }
if (iSelectCounterDefn == i) lstrcpy (szDefaultCounterName, szCounterName) ; } } }
if (bEditLine) lstrcpy (szDefaultCounterName, pLineEdit->lnCounterName) ;
iIndex = LBFind (hWndCounters, szDefaultCounterName) ; if (iIndex == LB_ERR) { if (bEditLine) { bSetSelection = FALSE ; } iIndex = 0 ; }
if (bSetSelection) { MLBSetSelection (hWndCounters, iIndex, TRUE) ; } LBSetVisible (hWndCounters, iIndex) ;
if (hDC) { // turn on horiz. scrollbar if necessary...
LBSetHorzExtent (hWndCounters, xTextExtent) ; ReleaseDC (hWndCounters, hDC) ; }
// turn on Listbox redraw
LBSetRedraw (hWndCounters, TRUE) ;
OnCounterChanged (hDlg) ;
return TRUE; }
void LoadObjects ( HDLG hDlg, PPERFDATA pPerfData ) /*
Effect: Load into the object CB the objects for the current pPerfData. */ { LPTSTR lpszObject ; HWND hWndObjects = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEOBJECT);
lpszObject = bEditLine ? pLineEdit->lnObjectName : NULL ;
CBLoadObjects (hWndObjects, pPerfData, pSystem, ADDLINEDETAILLEVEL, lpszObject, FALSE) ; OnObjectChanged (hDlg) ; // UpdateWindow (hDlg) ;
void OnComputerChanged ( HDLG hDlg ) {
PPERFSYSTEM pLocalSystem; PPERFDATA pLocalPerfData;
pLocalPerfData = pPerfData; pLocalSystem = GetComputer (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOMPUTER, TRUE, &pLocalPerfData, ppSystemFirst) ; if (pLocalSystem && pLocalPerfData) { pSystem = pLocalSystem; pPerfData = pLocalPerfData; LoadObjects (hDlg, pPerfData) ; ComputerChange = FALSE ; }
PERF_OBJECT_TYPE UNALIGNED *pObject ; TCHAR szObject [PerfObjectLen] ;
TCHAR szInstance [256] ;
PLINE pLine ; // int i ;
int iCounterIndex ; int j ;
PPERFINSTANCEDEF pInstanceParent ; PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK *pCounterBlock ; TCHAR szInstanceParent [256] ; TCHAR szObjectParent [256] ; HWND hWndColors = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOLOR) ; HWND hWndWidths = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEWIDTH) ; HWND hWndStyles = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESTYLE) ; HWND hWndScales = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESCALE) ; HWND hWndObjects = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEOBJECT);
// Get selected data values //
DialogText (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOMPUTER, szComputer) ;
pObject = (PERF_OBJECT_TYPE UNALIGNED *)SelectedObject (hWndObjects, szObject) ; if (!pObject) return (FALSE) ;
if (InstanceNameChange) { szInstance[0] = szInstanceParent[0] = TEXT('\0') ; DialogText (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCENAME, szInstance) ; DialogText (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME ,szInstanceParent) ; } else if (pInstance) GetInstanceNameStr (pInstance, szInstance) ;
// Allocate the line //
pLine = LineAllocate () ; if (!pLine) { DlgErrorBox (hDlg, ERR_NO_MEMORY); return (FALSE) ; }
// Set line's data values //
pLine->iLineType = iLineType ; pLine->lnSystemName = StringAllocate (szComputer) ;
pLine->lnObject = *pObject ; pLine->lnObjectName = StringAllocate (szObject) ;
pLine->lnCounterDef = *pCounter ; pLine->lnCounterName = StringAllocate (lpszCounter) ;
if (InstanceNameChange) { pLine->lnUniqueID = (DWORD) PERF_NO_UNIQUE_ID ; pLine->lnInstanceDef.ParentObjectTitleIndex = ParentObjectTitleIndex ; pLine->bUserEdit = TRUE ; pLine->lnInstanceName = StringAllocate (szInstance) ; pLine->lnPINName = StringAllocate (szInstanceParent) ; if (ParentObjectTitleIndex) { szObjectParent[0] = (TCHAR)'\0'; QueryPerformanceName (pSystem, ParentObjectTitleIndex, 0, PerfObjectLen, szObjectParent, FALSE) ; pLine->lnParentObjName = StringAllocate (szObjectParent) ; } } else if (pObject->NumInstances > 0 && pInstance) { pLine->lnInstanceDef = *pInstance ; pLine->lnInstanceName = StringAllocate (szInstance) ;
pLine->lnUniqueID = pInstance->UniqueID ;
pLine->dwInstanceIndex = 0;
if (pInstance->ParentObjectTitleIndex) { szObjectParent[0] = (TCHAR)'\0'; QueryPerformanceName (pSystem, pInstance->ParentObjectTitleIndex, 0, PerfObjectLen, szObjectParent, FALSE) ; pLine->lnParentObjName = StringAllocate (szObjectParent) ; }
pInstanceParent = ParentInstance (pInstance) ; if (pInstanceParent) { GetInstanceNameStr (pInstanceParent, szInstanceParent) ; if (pInstance->ParentObjectTitleIndex) { pLine->lnPINName = StringAllocate (szInstanceParent) ; } } }
pLine->lnCounterType = pCounter->CounterType; pLine->lnCounterLength = pCounter->CounterSize;
pLine->lnOldTime = pPerfData->PerfTime ; pLine->lnNewTime = pPerfData->PerfTime ;
for (j = 0 ; j < 2 ; j++) { pLine->lnaCounterValue[j].LowPart = 0 ; pLine->lnaCounterValue[j].HighPart = 0 ; }
// Chart-related Values //
pLine->iScaleIndex = (int)CBSelection (hWndScales) ; if (pLine->iScaleIndex == 0) { // use the default scale
pLine->eScale = (FLOAT) pow ((double)10.0, (double)pCounter->DefaultScale) ; } else { pLine->eScale = DialogFloat (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESCALE, NULL) ; }
if (pObject->NumInstances > 0 && pInstance) { pCounterBlock = (PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK *) ( (PBYTE) pInstance + pInstance->ByteLength); } else { pCounterBlock = (PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK *) ( (PBYTE) pObject + pObject->DefinitionLength); }
if (pLine->lnCounterLength <= 4) pLine->lnaOldCounterValue[0].LowPart = * ( (DWORD FAR *) ( (PBYTE)pCounterBlock + pCounter[0].CounterOffset)); else { pLine->lnaOldCounterValue[0] = * ( (LARGE_INTEGER UNALIGNED *) ( (PBYTE)pCounterBlock + pCounter[0].CounterOffset)); }
// Get second counter, only if we are not at
// the end of the counters; some computations
// require a second counter
iCounterIndex = CounterIndex (pCounter, (PPERFOBJECT)pObject) ; if ((UINT) iCounterIndex < pObject->NumCounters - 1 && iCounterIndex != -1) { if (pLine->lnCounterLength <= 4) pLine->lnaOldCounterValue[1].LowPart = * ( (DWORD FAR *) ( (PBYTE)pCounterBlock + pCounter[1].CounterOffset)); else pLine->lnaOldCounterValue[1] = * ( (LARGE_INTEGER UNALIGNED *) ( (PBYTE)pCounterBlock + pCounter[1].CounterOffset)); }
// pLine->valNext = CounterFuncEntry;
pLine->valNext = CounterEntry;
pLine->lnaOldCounterValue[0] = pLine->lnaCounterValue[0]; pLine->lnaOldCounterValue[1] = pLine->lnaCounterValue[1];
// Visual Values //
pLine->Visual.iColorIndex = (int)CBSelection (hWndColors) ; pLine->Visual.crColor = LineColor (pLine->Visual.iColorIndex) ;
pLine->Visual.iWidthIndex = (int)CBSelection (hWndWidths) ; pLine->Visual.iWidth = LineWidth (pLine->Visual.iWidthIndex) ;
pLine->Visual.iStyleIndex = (int)CBSelection (hWndStyles) ; pLine->Visual.iStyle = LineStyle (pLine->Visual.iStyleIndex) ;
*pVisual = pLine->Visual ; if (!bEditLine) VisualIncrement (pVisual) ;
CBSetSelection (hWndColors, pVisual->iColorIndex) ; CBSetSelection (hWndWidths, pVisual->iWidthIndex) ; CBSetSelection (hWndStyles, pVisual->iStyleIndex) ;
if (iLineType == LineTypeChart) { pLine->hPen = LineCreatePen (NULL, &(pLine->Visual), FALSE) ; }
// Insert the line! //
if (InsertLine (pLine) == FALSE) { // no inert occurred due to either line already existed
// or error detected.
LineFree (pLine) ; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL AddCounter ( HWND hDlg, PPERFCOUNTERDEF pCounter, LPTSTR lpszCounter ) { int iInstanceIndex ; int iInstanceNum ; PPERFINSTANCEDEF pInstance ; HWND hWndInstances = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCE);
// NOTE: for now, we don't check for duplicate lines
if (!IsCounterSupported (pCounter->CounterType)) { DlgErrorBox (hDlg, ERR_COUNTER_NOT_IMP); return (FALSE) ; }
if ((iInstanceNum = LBNumItems (hWndInstances)) && iInstanceNum != LB_ERR) {
if (iInstanceNum > 1) { // delay some of the insert actions for performacne improvement
bDelayAddAction = TRUE ;
LegendSetRedraw (hWndGraphLegend, FALSE) ; }
// count how many items are selected If more than 1 items selected,
// we don't want to use the changes in the Instance/Parent names editboxes.
if (InstanceNameChange) { int ItemsSelectCount = 0 ; for (iInstanceIndex = 0 ; iInstanceIndex < iInstanceNum ; iInstanceIndex++) { if (LBSelected (hWndInstances, iInstanceIndex)) { ItemsSelectCount++ ; if (ItemsSelectCount > 2) { InstanceNameChange = FALSE ; break ; } } } }
for (iInstanceIndex = 0 ; iInstanceIndex < iInstanceNum ; iInstanceIndex++) { if (LBSelected (hWndInstances, iInstanceIndex)) { pInstance = (PPERFINSTANCEDEF) LBData (hWndInstances, iInstanceIndex) ; if (pInstance == (PPERFINSTANCEDEF) LB_ERR) { pInstance = NULL; } AddOneChartLine (hDlg, pCounter, lpszCounter, pInstance) ; } }
if (bDelayAddAction) { // now do the post add-line actions
bDelayAddAction = FALSE ; GraphAddAction () ; LegendSetRedraw (hWndGraphLegend, TRUE) ; } } else { // no instance, then forget the changes in Insatnce/Parent names editboxes
InstanceNameChange = FALSE ;
pInstance = NULL; AddOneChartLine (hDlg, pCounter, lpszCounter, pInstance) ; }
return (TRUE) ; }
// Message Handlers //
BOOL /*static*/ OnInitDialog ( HWND hDlg ) { int i ; FLOAT ScaleFactor ; TCHAR tempBuff[ShortTextLen] ; TCHAR szCaption [WindowCaptionLen] ; TCHAR szRemoteComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 3] ; HWND hWndComputer = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOMPUTER); HWND hWndObjects = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEOBJECT); HWND hWndInstances = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCE); HWND hWndCounters = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOUNTER); HWND hWndColors = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOLOR) ; HWND hWndWidths = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEWIDTH) ; HWND hWndStyles = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESTYLE) ; HWND hWndScales = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESCALE) ;
// this is used to tell UPdateLines not to mark any
// system as not used
bAddLineInProgress = TRUE ;
// turn this off until the Explain text button is clicked
bExplainTextButtonHit = FALSE ;
pPerfData = MemoryAllocate (STARTING_SYSINFO_SIZE) ;
pSystem = NULL ;
DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOMPUTER, bEditLine ? pLineEdit->lnSystemName : LocalComputerName) ;
OnComputerChanged (hDlg) ;
// Set default line values //
// Fill line attribute CBs //
// Load the colors combobox, select the default color.
for (i = 0 ; i < NumColorIndexes () ; i++) CBAdd (hWndColors, IntToPtr(i)) ; CBSetSelection (hWndColors, pVisual->iColorIndex) ;
// Load the widths combobox, select the default width.
for (i = 0 ; i < NumWidthIndexes () ; i++) CBAdd (hWndWidths, IntToPtr(i)) ; CBSetSelection (hWndWidths, pVisual->iWidthIndex) ;
// Load the styles combobox, select the default style.
for (i = 0 ; i < NumStyleIndexes () ; i++) CBAdd (hWndStyles, IntToPtr(i)) ; CBSetSelection (hWndStyles, pVisual->iStyleIndex) ;
DialogEnable (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESTYLE, pVisual->iWidthIndex == 0) ; DialogEnable (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESTYLETEXT, pVisual->iWidthIndex == 0) ;
if (pVisual->iWidthIndex == 0 && pVisual->iStyleIndex > 0) { DialogEnable (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEWIDTHTEXT, FALSE) ; DialogEnable (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEWIDTH, FALSE) ; } #endif
// Init the scale combo box.
StringLoad (IDS_DEFAULT, tempBuff) ; CBAdd (hWndScales, tempBuff) ;
// we are formatting the scale factors during run-time so
// the c-runtime library will pick up the default locale
// decimal "charatcer".
ScaleFactor = (FLOAT)0.0000001 ; for (i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SCALE ; i++) { TSPRINTF(tempBuff, apszScaleFmt[i], ScaleFactor) ; ConvertDecimalPoint (tempBuff); ScaleFactor *= (FLOAT) 10.0 ; CBAdd (hWndScales, tempBuff) ; }
CBSetSelection (hWndScales, bEditLine ? pLineEdit->iScaleIndex : DEFAULT_SCALE) ;
if (pLineEdit->lnInstanceName) { DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCENAME, pLineEdit->lnInstanceName) ; } else { DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCENAME, TEXT("\0")) ; } if (pLineEdit->lnPINName) { DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME, pLineEdit->lnPINName) ; } else { DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME, TEXT("\0")) ; } } else { // set the scroll limit on the edit box
// LineType specific init //
switch (iLineType) { case LineTypeChart: dwCurrentDlgID = bEditLine ? HC_PM_idDlgEditChartLine : HC_PM_idDlgEditAddToChart ;
StringLoad (bEditLine ? IDS_EDITCHART : IDS_ADDTOCHART, szCaption) ;
break ;
SetWindowText (hDlg, szCaption) ; SendDlgItemMessage (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEEXPLAIN, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) hFontScales, (LPARAM) FALSE) ; WindowCenter (hDlg) ; return (TRUE) ; }
BOOL /*static*/ OnObjectChanged ( HDLG hDlg ) /*
Effect: Perform any actions necessary when the user has selected a new object category from the object CB, or when a default object is first selected into the dialog. In particular, find and load the counters, instances, etc., for this object.
Called by: OnInitDialog, AddLineDlgProc (in response to an IDM_ADDLINEOBJECT notification). */ { PPERFOBJECT pObject ; HWND hWndInstances = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCE); HWND hWndCounters = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOUNTER); HWND hWndObjects = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEOBJECT);
LBReset (hWndInstances) ; LBReset (hWndCounters) ;
pObject = SelectedObject (hWndObjects, NULL) ; if (!pObject) return (FALSE) ;
LoadCounters (hDlg, (UINT)pObject->DefaultCounter) ; LoadInstances (hDlg) ;
return TRUE; }
void /*static*/ OnEllipses ( HWND hDlg ) { TCHAR szComputer [256] ;
DialogText (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOMPUTER, szComputer) ; if (ChooseComputer (hDlg, szComputer)) { SetHourglassCursor() ; DialogSetString (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOMPUTER, szComputer) ; if (!bEditLine) OnComputerChanged (hDlg) ; } }
BOOL LineModifyAttributes ( HWND hDlg, PLINE pLineToModify ) { LINEVISUAL LineVisual ; HPEN hLinePen ; int iScaleIndex ; // chart attribute
FLOAT eScale ; // chart attribute
HPEN hTempPen ; HWND hWndColors = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOLOR) ; HWND hWndWidths = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEWIDTH) ; HWND hWndStyles = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESTYLE) ; HWND hWndScales = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESCALE) ;
// Visual Values //
LineVisual.iColorIndex = (int)CBSelection (hWndColors) ; LineVisual.crColor = LineColor (LineVisual.iColorIndex) ;
LineVisual.iWidthIndex = (int)CBSelection (hWndWidths) ; LineVisual.iWidth = LineWidth (LineVisual.iWidthIndex) ;
LineVisual.iStyleIndex = (int)CBSelection (hWndStyles) ; LineVisual.iStyle = LineStyle (LineVisual.iStyleIndex) ;
hLinePen = LineCreatePen (NULL, &(LineVisual), FALSE) ;
// Chart-related Values //
iScaleIndex = (int)CBSelection (hWndScales) ; if (iScaleIndex == 0) { // use the default scale
eScale = (FLOAT) pow ((double)10.0, (double)pLineToModify->lnCounterDef.DefaultScale) ; } else { eScale = DialogFloat (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESCALE, NULL) ; }
// Just do it..
pLineToModify->Visual = LineVisual ; if (pLineToModify->hPen) { hTempPen = pLineToModify->hPen ; pLineToModify->hPen = hLinePen ; DeletePen (hTempPen) ; }
pLineToModify->iScaleIndex = iScaleIndex ; pLineToModify->eScale = eScale ;
return (TRUE) ;
BOOL OnAddLines ( HWND hDlg ) { PPERFCOUNTERDEF pCounter ; TCHAR szCounter [256] ; int iCounter ; int iCounterNum ; HWND hWndCounters = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOUNTER);
if (ComputerChange && !bEditLine) { // if computer has changed, don't want to continue
// because the perfdata may have changed
OnComputerChanged (hDlg) ; return (TRUE) ; }
// Dialog Values Acceptable? //
if (bEditLine) { TCHAR szInstance [256] ; TCHAR szComputer [256] ; TCHAR szInstanceParent [256] ;
if (ComputerChange) { if (pLineEdit->lnSystemName) MemoryFree (pLineEdit->lnSystemName) ;
DialogText (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINECOMPUTER, szComputer) ; pLineEdit->lnSystemName = StringAllocate (szComputer) ; }
if (InstanceNameChange) { szInstance[0] = szInstanceParent[0] = TEXT('\0') ; DialogText (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCENAME, szInstance) ; DialogText (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME ,szInstanceParent) ;
if (pLineEdit->lnInstanceName) MemoryFree (pLineEdit->lnInstanceName) ;
if (pLineEdit->lnPINName) MemoryFree (pLineEdit->lnPINName) ;
pLineEdit->lnUniqueID = (DWORD) PERF_NO_UNIQUE_ID ; pLineEdit->lnInstanceName = StringAllocate (szInstance) ; pLineEdit->lnPINName = StringAllocate (szInstanceParent) ; } LineModifyAttributes (hDlg, pLineEdit) ; EndDialog (hDlg, TRUE) ; }
// If the user changed the textbox for computer name and pressed enter,
// the OnAddLines function would be called without a check of the
// computer name. This solves that problem.
else {
iCounterNum = LBNumItems (hWndCounters) ; for (iCounter = 0 ; iCounter < iCounterNum ; iCounter++) { // NOTE: for now, we don't check for duplicate lines
if (LBSelected (hWndCounters, iCounter)) { pCounter = (PPERFCOUNTERDEF) LBData (hWndCounters, iCounter) ; LBString (hWndCounters, iCounter, szCounter) ;
if (!IsCounterSupported (pCounter->CounterType)) { DlgErrorBox (hDlg, ERR_COUNTER_NOT_IMP); } else { AddCounter (hDlg, pCounter, szCounter) ; } } } DialogSetText (hDlg, IDCANCEL, IDS_DONE) ; }
SizeGraphComponents (hWndGraph) ;
WindowInvalidate (PerfmonViewWindow ()) ;
return TRUE;
void OnExpandExplain ( HWND hDlg ) /*
Effect: Perform actions needed when user clicks on the Explain... button. In particular, expand the dialog size to uncover the explain edit box, and gray out the button. */ { RECT rectWindow ;
// Disable button first
// go get the help text
bExplainTextButtonHit = TRUE ; OnCounterChanged (hDlg) ;
GetWindowRect (hDlg, &rectWindow) ; MoveWindow (hDlg, rectWindow.left, rectWindow.top, rectWindow.right - rectWindow.left, rectWindow.bottom - rectWindow.top + DialogHeight (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEEXPLAINGROUP) + yScrollHeight, TRUE) ; }
BOOL /*static*/ OnCommand ( HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { INT_PTR iWidthIndex ; INT_PTR iStyleIndex ; HWND hWndWidths = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEWIDTH) ; HWND hWndStyles = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESTYLE) ;
switch (LOWORD (wParam)) {
case IDD_ADDLINEWIDTH: iWidthIndex = CBSelection (hWndWidths) ; #if (!WIDESTYLES)
DialogEnable (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESTYLETEXT, iWidthIndex == 0 || iWidthIndex == CB_ERR) ; DialogEnable (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINESTYLE, iWidthIndex == 0 || iWidthIndex == CB_ERR) ; #endif
break ;
case IDD_ADDLINESTYLE: iStyleIndex = CBSelection (hWndStyles) ; #if (!WIDESTYLES)
DialogEnable (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEWIDTHTEXT, iStyleIndex == 0 || iStyleIndex == CB_ERR) ; DialogEnable (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEWIDTH, iStyleIndex == 0 || iStyleIndex == CB_ERR) ; #endif
break ;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog (hDlg, 0); return (TRUE); break ;
if (ComputerChange && !bEditLine) { SetHourglassCursor() ; OnComputerChanged (hDlg) ; } else { SetHourglassCursor() ; OnAddLines (hDlg) ; SetArrowCursor() ; } break;
case IDD_ADDLINEEXPANDEXPLAIN : if (ComputerChange) { SetHourglassCursor() ; OnComputerChanged (hDlg) ; } else { OnExpandExplain (hDlg) ; } break;
case IDD_ADDLINEELLIPSES: SetHourglassCursor() ; OnEllipses (hDlg) ; SetArrowCursor() ; break ;
case IDD_ADDLINECOUNTER: if (ComputerChange) { SetHourglassCursor() ; OnComputerChanged (hDlg) ; } else if (HIWORD (wParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) OnCounterChanged (hDlg) ; break ;
case IDD_ADDLINEOBJECT: if (ComputerChange) { SetHourglassCursor() ; OnComputerChanged (hDlg) ; } else if (HIWORD (wParam) == CBN_SELCHANGE) OnObjectChanged (hDlg) ; break ;
case IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCE: if (ComputerChange) { SetHourglassCursor() ; OnComputerChanged (hDlg) ; } else if (HIWORD (wParam) == LBN_SELCHANGE) { INT_PTR iIndex ; iIndex = SendMessage ((HWND)lParam, LB_GETCARETINDEX, 0, 0) ; SetInstanceNames (hDlg, (HWND)lParam, iIndex) ; InstanceNameChange = FALSE ; } break ;
case IDD_ADDLINECOMPUTER: if (HIWORD (wParam) == EN_UPDATE) { ComputerChange = TRUE ; } break ;
case IDD_ADDLINEPARENTNAME: case IDD_ADDLINEINSTANCENAME: if (HIWORD (wParam) == EN_UPDATE) { InstanceNameChange = TRUE ; } break ;
default: break; }
return (FALSE) ; }
void /*static*/ OnMeasureItem ( HWND hDlg, PMEASUREITEMSTRUCT pMI ) { pMI->CtlType = ODT_COMBOBOX ; pMI->CtlID = IDD_ADDLINECOLOR ; pMI->itemData = 0 ; pMI->itemWidth = 0 ;
// need 14 in order to draw the thickest line width
pMI->itemHeight = 14 ; // pMI->itemHeight = 12 ;
// *
// FUNCTION : HandleSelectionState(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) *
// *
// PURPOSE : Handles a change in an item selection state. If an item is *
// selected, a black rectangular frame is drawn around that *
// item; if an item is de-selected, the frame is removed. *
// *
// COMMENT : The black selection frame is slightly larger than the gray *
// focus frame so they won't paint over each other. *
// *
void static HandleSelectionState ( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis ) { HBRUSH hbr ;
if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { // selecting item -- paint a black frame
hbr = GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH) ; } else { // de-selecting item -- remove frame
hbr = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)) ; } if (hbr) { FrameRect(lpdis->hDC, (LPRECT)&lpdis->rcItem, hbr) ; DeleteObject (hbr) ; } }
// *
// *
// PURPOSE : Handle a change in item focus state. If an item gains the *
// input focus, a gray rectangular frame is drawn around that *
// item; if an item loses the input focus, the gray frame is *
// removed. *
// *
// COMMENT : The gray focus frame is slightly smaller than the black *
// selection frame so they won't paint over each other. *
// *
void static HandleFocusState ( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdis ) { RECT rc ; HBRUSH hbr ;
// Resize rectangle to place focus frame between the selection
// frame and the item.
CopyRect ((LPRECT)&rc, (LPRECT)&lpdis->rcItem) ; InflateRect ((LPRECT)&rc, -OWNER_DRAW_FOCUS, -OWNER_DRAW_FOCUS) ;
if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) { // gaining input focus -- paint a gray frame
hbr = GetStockObject(GRAY_BRUSH) ; } else { // losing input focus -- remove (paint over) frame
hbr = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)) ; } if (hbr) { FrameRect(lpdis->hDC, (LPRECT)&rc, hbr) ; DeleteObject (hbr) ; } }
void /*static*/ OnDrawItem ( HWND hDlg, PDRAWITEMSTRUCT pDI ) { HDC hDC ; PRECT prect ; INT itemID, CtlID, itemAction ; LOGBRUSH logBrush ; HANDLE hBrush, hOldBrush, hPen, hOldPen ; INT x1, y1, x2, y2, cy ; POINT point ; INT iPenWidth ; COLORREF BackgroundColor ;
hDC = pDI-> hDC ; CtlID = pDI->CtlID ; prect = &pDI->rcItem ; itemID = pDI->itemID ; itemAction = pDI->itemAction ;
if (itemID == -1) { // invalid ID, can't go on
HandleFocusState (pDI) ; } else if (itemAction == ODA_SELECT) { HandleSelectionState(pDI); } else if (itemAction == ODA_FOCUS) { HandleFocusState (pDI) ; } else {
// draw the entire item
switch (CtlID) { case IDD_ADDLINECOLOR:
// Draw a color rectangle into the control area
logBrush.lbStyle = BS_SOLID ; logBrush.lbColor = (COLORREF) argbColors[itemID] ; logBrush.lbHatch = 0 ;
hBrush = CreateBrushIndirect (&logBrush) ; if (!hBrush) break; hOldBrush = SelectObject (hDC, hBrush) ;
hPen = GetStockObject (NULL_PEN) ; hOldPen = SelectObject (hDC, hPen) ;
x1 = prect->left ; y1 = prect->top ; x2 = prect->right ; y2 = prect->bottom ;
Rectangle (hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2) ;
SelectObject (hDC, hOldBrush) ; DeleteObject (hBrush) ;
HandleSelectionState (pDI) ; HandleFocusState (pDI) ;
break ;
// First draw a rectangle, white interior, null border
hBrush = GetStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH) ; if (!hBrush) break; hOldBrush = SelectObject (hDC, hBrush) ;
// we need to set the bk color in order to draw
// the dash lines coorectly during focus. Otherwise,
// the COLOR_WINDOW background will make all dash lines
// look like solid line...
BackgroundColor = SetBkColor (hDC, crWhite) ;
hPen = GetStockObject (NULL_PEN) ; hOldPen = SelectObject (hDC, hPen) ;
x1 = prect->left ; y1 = prect->top ; x2 = prect->right ; y2 = prect->bottom ;
Rectangle (hDC, x1, y1, x2, y2) ;
SelectObject (hDC, hOldPen) ;
// Draw a line of the itemID width in the middle
// of the control area.
if (CtlID == IDD_ADDLINEWIDTH) { iPenWidth = LineWidth (itemID) ; hPen = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, iPenWidth, RGB (0, 0, 0)) ; } else { hPen = CreatePen (itemID, 1, RGB (0, 0, 0)) ; }
if (!hPen) break; hOldPen = SelectObject (hDC, hPen) ;
x1 = prect->left + 8 ; cy = prect->bottom - prect->top ; y1 = prect->top + (cy / 2) - 1 ; x2 = prect->right - 8 ; MoveToEx (hDC, x1, y1, &point) ; LineTo (hDC, x2, y1) ;
SelectObject (hDC, hOldPen) ; DeleteObject (hPen) ; SelectObject (hDC, hOldBrush) ; BackgroundColor = SetBkColor (hDC, BackgroundColor) ;
HandleSelectionState (pDI) ; HandleFocusState (pDI) ;
break ; } } }
void /*static*/ OnDestroy ( HDLG hDlg ) { MemoryFree (pPerfData) ;
pLineEdit = NULL ; bAddLineInProgress = FALSE ; dwCurrentDlgID = 0 ; bExplainTextButtonHit = FALSE ; }
// Exported Functions //
INT_PTR FAR PASCAL AddLineDlgProc ( HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) {
BOOL Status;
switch (msg) { case WM_COMMAND: OnCommand (hDlg, wParam, lParam) ; return (FALSE) ; break ;
case WM_INITDIALOG: SetHourglassCursor() ; Status = OnInitDialog (hDlg) ; SetArrowCursor() ;
// set focus on the "Add" button instead of the "Computer"
SetFocus (DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_ADDLINEADD)) ; return FALSE ; break ;
case WM_MEASUREITEM: OnMeasureItem (hDlg, (PMEASUREITEMSTRUCT) lParam) ; return (TRUE) ; break ;
case WM_DRAWITEM: OnDrawItem (hDlg, (PDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam) ; return (TRUE) ; break ;
case WM_DESTROY: OnDestroy (hDlg) ; break ;
default: break; }
return (FALSE) ; }
BOOL AddLine ( HWND hWndParent, PPERFSYSTEM *ppSystemFirstView, PLINEVISUAL pLineVisual, LPTSTR pInCurrentSystem, int iLineTypeToAdd ) /*
Effect: Display the add line dialog box, allowing the user to specify the computer, object, counter, instance, and scale for a line. The user can also select the visual aspects of color, width and line style.
*/ { pLineEdit = NULL ;
ppSystemFirst = ppSystemFirstView ; iLineType = iLineTypeToAdd ; pVisual = pLineVisual ; pCurrentSystem = pInCurrentSystem;
return (DialogBox (hInstance, idDlgAddLine, hWndParent, AddLineDlgProc) ? TRUE : FALSE) ; }
BOOL EditLine ( HWND hWndParent, PPERFSYSTEM *ppSystemFirstView, PLINE pLineToEdit, int iLineTypeToEdit ) { if (!pLineToEdit) { MessageBeep (0) ; return (FALSE) ; }
pLineEdit = pLineToEdit ;
ppSystemFirst = ppSystemFirstView ; iLineType = iLineTypeToEdit ; pVisual = &(pLineToEdit->Visual) ;
return (DialogBox (hInstance, idDlgAddLine, hWndParent, AddLineDlgProc) ? TRUE : FALSE) ; }