#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#define WINLOGON_KEY_NAME TEXT("Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon")
#define SFP_VALUE_NAME TEXT("SFCDisable")
#define SFP_TEMP_KEY_NAME TEXT("SFPLoadedAHiveHere")
#define SFP_ENABLED 0
VOID PrintSfpState(DWORD State, BOOL fDisplayNotes) {
switch(State) { case SFP_ENABLED: { printf("on"); break; } case SFP_DISABLED_ALWAYS: { printf("off"); if(fDisplayNotes) { printf("\nNOTE: A kernel debugger MUST be attached for this setting to work"); } break; } case SFP_DISABLED_ONCE: { printf("off only for next boot"); if(fDisplayNotes) { printf("\nNOTE: A kernel debugger MUST be attached for this setting to work"); } break; } case SFP_ENABLED_NO_POPUPS: { printf("on - popups disabled"); break; } default: { printf("unknown value %#x", State); break; } } printf("\n"); }
LONG SetCurrentSfpState(HKEY Key, DWORD State) {
DWORD length = sizeof(DWORD);
return RegSetValueEx(Key, SFP_VALUE_NAME, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &State, length); }
LONG GetCurrentSfpState(HKEY Key, DWORD *State) {
LONG status; DWORD type; DWORD value; PBYTE buffer = (PBYTE) &value; DWORD length = sizeof(DWORD);
status = RegQueryValueEx(Key, SFP_VALUE_NAME, NULL, &type, buffer, &length);
if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Error %d opening key %s\n", status, SFP_VALUE_NAME); return status;
} else if((type != REG_DWORD) || (length != sizeof(DWORD))) { printf("Key %s is wrong type (%d)\n", SFP_VALUE_NAME, type); return ERROR_INVALID_DATA; }
*State = value;
LONG OpenSfpKey(HKEY RootKey, HKEY *Key) {
return RegOpenKeyEx(RootKey, WINLOGON_KEY_NAME, 0L, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, Key); }
LONG GetPrivileges(void) { HANDLE tokenHandle; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; LUID luid;
if(!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_RESTORE_NAME, &luid)) { return GetLastError(); }
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
if(!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &tokenHandle)) { return GetLastError(); }
if(!AdjustTokenPrivileges(tokenHandle, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), NULL, NULL)) { return GetLastError(); }
LONG LoadSystemHive(PTCHAR HivePath, HKEY *Key) {
TCHAR buffer[512];
LONG status;
status = GetPrivileges();
if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return status; }
_stprintf(buffer, "%s\\System32\\Config\\Software", HivePath);
// First load the hive into the registry.
status = RegLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SFP_TEMP_KEY_NAME, buffer);
if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return status; }
return status; }
void UnloadSystemHive(void) { RegUnLoadKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SFP_TEMP_KEY_NAME); return; }
void PrintUsage(void) { printf("sfp [-p installation root] [on | off | offonce | onnopopup]\n"); printf("\ton - SFP is on at the next boot\n"); printf("\toff - SFP is off at the next boot\n"); printf("\toffonce - SFP will be turned off for the next boot and\n"); printf("\t will automatically turn back on for subsequent boots\n"); printf("\tonnopopup - SFP is on at the next boot, with popups disabled\n"); return; }
int __cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
HKEY rootKey; HKEY sfpKey = NULL;
PTCHAR installationPath = NULL;
DWORD currentState; DWORD stateArgNum = -1; DWORD newState = -1;
LONG status;
if(argc == 1) {
// Nothing to do.
} else if(argc == 2) { // can only be changing state.
stateArgNum = 1; } else if(argc == 3) { // two args - only valid choice is "-p path"
if(_tcsicmp(argv[1], "-p") == 0) { installationPath = argv[2]; } else { PrintUsage(); return -1; } } else if(argc == 4) { if(_tcsicmp(argv[1], "-p") != 0) { PrintUsage(); return -1; } installationPath = argv[2]; stateArgNum = 3; }
if(stateArgNum != -1) { PCHAR arg = argv[stateArgNum];
if(_tcsicmp(arg, "on") == 0) { newState = SFP_ENABLED; } else if(_tcsicmp(arg, "off") == 0) { newState = SFP_DISABLED_ALWAYS; } else if(_tcsicmp(arg, "offonce") == 0) { newState = SFP_DISABLED_ONCE; } else if(_tcsicmp(arg, "onnopopup") == 0) { newState = SFP_ENABLED_NO_POPUPS; } else { PrintUsage(); return -1; } }
if(installationPath != NULL) { status = LoadSystemHive(installationPath, &rootKey); if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Error %d loading hive at %s\n", status, installationPath); return status; } } else { status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE"), 0L, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &rootKey); if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Error %d opening software key\n", status); return status; } }
try { status = OpenSfpKey(rootKey, &sfpKey); if(status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Error %d opening %s\n", status, WINLOGON_KEY_NAME); leave; } status = GetCurrentSfpState(sfpKey, ¤tState);
if(status == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { status = ERROR_SUCCESS; currentState = SFP_ENABLED; } if(status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("Current SFP state is "); PrintSfpState(currentState, (stateArgNum == -1) ? TRUE : FALSE);
if(stateArgNum != -1) { status = SetCurrentSfpState(sfpKey, newState); if(status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { status = GetCurrentSfpState(sfpKey, ¤tState);
if(status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { printf("New SFP state is "); PrintSfpState(currentState,TRUE); printf("This change will not take effect until you " "reboot your system\n"); } } else { printf("Error %d setting SFP state to %d\n", status, newState); } } } else { printf("Error %d getting current SFP state\n", status); } } finally { if(sfpKey != NULL) { RegCloseKey(sfpKey); }
UnloadSystemHive(); }
return status; }