* startpgm.c * * Copyright (c) 1990, Microsoft Corporation * * DESCRIPTION * * MODIFICATION HISTORY * */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winuserp.h>
HWND GetWindowHandleOfConsole( void );
HANDLE PassArgsAndEnvironmentToEditor( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[], HWND hwndSelf );
void Usage( void ) { printf( "Usage: STARTPGM [-z] [-s] -j \"Title string\"\n" ); printf( "where: -j specifies the title string of the window to jump to\n" ); printf( " The match done against the title is a case insensitive prefix match\n" ); printf( " -s specifies the match can be anywhere in the title.\n" ); printf( " -z specifies destination window is an editor and the remaining command line\n" ); printf( " arguments and the current environment variable settings are passed to the editor via shared memory\n" ); exit( 1 ); }
int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[] ) { BOOL JumpToEditor; BOOL WaitForEditor; BOOL VerboseOutput; BOOL SubstringOkay; HANDLE EditorStopEvent; LPSTR TitleToJumpTo; int n; HWND hwnd, hwndSelf; UINT ShowCmd; WINDOWPLACEMENT WindowPlacement; wchar_t uszTitle[ 256 ]; char *s, szTitle[ 256 ]; int EditorArgc; char **EditorArgv;
JumpToEditor = FALSE; WaitForEditor = FALSE; VerboseOutput = FALSE; SubstringOkay = FALSE; TitleToJumpTo = NULL; while (--argc) { s = *++argv; if (*s == '/' || *s == '-') { while (*++s) { switch( tolower( *s ) ) { case 'z': JumpToEditor = TRUE; if (*s == 'Z') { WaitForEditor = TRUE; } break;
case 'v': VerboseOutput = TRUE; break;
case 's': SubstringOkay = TRUE; break;
case 'j': if (!--argc) { fprintf( stderr, "STARTPGM: Missing title string argument to -j switch\n" ); Usage(); } TitleToJumpTo = *++argv; _strupr( TitleToJumpTo ); // Case insensitive compares
n = strlen( TitleToJumpTo ); break;
default: fprintf( stderr, "STARTPGM: Invalid switch - /%c\n", *s ); Usage(); } } } else { break; } }
if (TitleToJumpTo == NULL) { fprintf( stderr, "STARTPGM: -j switch missing.\n" ); Usage(); }
if (JumpToEditor) { EditorArgc = argc; EditorArgv = argv; }
* Search the window list for enabled top level windows. */ hwnd = GetWindow( GetDesktopWindow(), GW_CHILD ); while (hwnd) { /*
* Only look at visible, non-owned, Top Level Windows. */ if (IsWindowVisible( hwnd ) && !GetWindow( hwnd, GW_OWNER )) { //
// Use internal call to get current Window title that does NOT
// use SendMessage to query the title from the window procedure
// but instead returns the most recent title displayed.
InternalGetWindowText( hwnd, (LPWSTR)uszTitle, sizeof( szTitle ) ); wcstombs( szTitle, uszTitle, sizeof( uszTitle ) ); _strupr( szTitle ); // Case insensitive compares
if (strlen( szTitle )) { if (VerboseOutput) { printf( "Looking at window title: '%s'\n", szTitle ); }
if (SubstringOkay) { if (strstr( szTitle, "STARTPGM" )) { // Ignore window with ourselve running
} else if (strstr( szTitle, TitleToJumpTo )) { break; } } else if (!_strnicmp( TitleToJumpTo, szTitle, n )) { break; } } }
hwnd = GetWindow( hwnd, GW_HWNDNEXT ); }
if (hwnd == NULL) { printf( "Unable to find window with '%s' title\n", TitleToJumpTo ); exit( 1 ); } else if (IsWindow( hwnd )) { if (JumpToEditor) { hwndSelf = GetWindowHandleOfConsole(); if (VerboseOutput) { printf( "Calling editor with: '" ); while (argc--) { printf( "%s%s", *argv++, !argc ? "" : " " ); } printf( "'\n" ); }
EditorStopEvent = PassArgsAndEnvironmentToEditor( EditorArgc, EditorArgv, envp, hwndSelf ); }
SetForegroundWindow( hwnd );
ShowCmd = SW_SHOW; WindowPlacement.length = sizeof( WindowPlacement ); if (GetWindowPlacement( hwnd, &WindowPlacement )) { if (WindowPlacement.showCmd == SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) { ShowCmd = SW_RESTORE; } } ShowWindow( hwnd, ShowCmd );
if (WaitForEditor && EditorStopEvent != NULL) { WaitForSingleObject( EditorStopEvent, (DWORD)-1 ); CloseHandle( EditorStopEvent ); } }
exit( 0 ); return( 0 ); }
HANDLE PassArgsAndEnvironmentToEditor( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[], HWND hwndSelf ) { HANDLE EditorStartEvent; HANDLE EditorStopEvent; HANDLE EditorSharedMemory; char *s; char *p;
EditorStartEvent = OpenEvent( EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, "EditorStartEvent" ); if (!EditorStartEvent) { printf( "Unable to pass parameters to editor (can't open EditorStartEvent).\n" ); return NULL; }
EditorStopEvent = OpenEvent( EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, "EditorStopEvent" ); if (!EditorStopEvent) { printf( "Unable to pass parameters to editor (can't open EditorStopEvent).\n" ); CloseHandle( EditorStartEvent ); return NULL; }
EditorSharedMemory = OpenFileMapping( FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, "EditorSharedMemory" ); if (!EditorSharedMemory) { printf( "Unable to pass parameters to editor (can't open EditorSharedMemory).\n" ); CloseHandle( EditorStopEvent ); CloseHandle( EditorStartEvent ); return NULL; }
p = (char *)MapViewOfFile( EditorSharedMemory, FILE_MAP_WRITE | FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0 ); if (p == NULL) { printf( "Unable to pass parameters to editor (can't mapped EditorSharedMemory).\n" ); CloseHandle( EditorStopEvent ); CloseHandle( EditorStartEvent ); CloseHandle( EditorSharedMemory ); return NULL; }
*(HWND *)p = hwndSelf; p += sizeof( hwndSelf );
p += GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, p ); *p++ = '\0';
while (argc--) { s = *argv++; while (*p++ = *s++) { }
if (argc) { p[-1] = ' '; } else { p--; } } *p++ = '\0';
while (s = *envp++) { while (*p++ = *s++) { } } *p++ = '\0';
CloseHandle( EditorSharedMemory );
SetEvent( EditorStartEvent ); CloseHandle( EditorStartEvent );
ResetEvent( EditorStopEvent ); return EditorStopEvent; }
HWND GetWindowHandleOfConsole( void ) { #define MY_BUFSIZE 1024 // buffer size for console window titles
HWND hwndFound; // this is what we return to the caller
char pszNewWindowTitle[ MY_BUFSIZE ]; // contains fabricated WindowTitle
char pszOldWindowTitle[ MY_BUFSIZE ]; // contains original WindowTitle
// fetch current window title
GetConsoleTitle( pszOldWindowTitle, MY_BUFSIZE );
// format a "unique" NewWindowTitle
wsprintf( pszNewWindowTitle, "%d/%d", GetTickCount(), GetCurrentProcessId() );
// change current window title
SetConsoleTitle( pszNewWindowTitle );
// insure window title has been updated
// look for NewWindowTitle
hwndFound = FindWindow( NULL, pszNewWindowTitle );
// restore original window title
SetConsoleTitle( pszOldWindowTitle );
return( hwndFound ); }