//****************************************** // Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation // // Default TMF definitions // This file is handbuilt to reflect the hardware rlated descriptive trace 'events' // that are included with every trace log file. //******************************************
// The #typev statement may be used to convert // messages into user readable forms. // Wherever possible parameters are processed as their native format // and the %x!x! style of FormatMessage should be used. // (The #type statement is obsolete) // // Note Parameter %1 through %9 are predefined // Parameter is #typev // %1 GUID Friendly Name string // %2 GUID SubType Name string // %3 Thread ID LONG // %4 System Time String // %5 Kernel Time or User Time String // %6 User Time or NULL String // %7 Sequence Number LONG // %8 Process Id LONG // %9 CPU Number LONG // %10 and above are the user parameters // %254 Is Reserved // %255 Is reserved // // Note these parameters are always present, but may not be valid // depending on the source. // // User defined messages always start at message number 10 // Messages 0 through 9 are reserved for system use. // Message number 255 is reserved. // // Available formats for user arguments are - // //Name Description Format //ItemChar CHAR //ItemUChar UCHAR //ItemCharShort USHORT //ItemCharSign SHORT //ItemShort Signed Short SHORT //ItemUShort Unsigned Short USHORT //ItemLong Signed Long, decoded as decimal LONG //ItemULong Unsigned Long, decoded as decimal ULONG //ItemULongX Unsigned Long, seen as hexadecimal ULONG //ItemLongLong Signed 64 Bit value LONGLONG //ItemULongLong Unsigned 64 Bit value ULONGLONG //ItemWString Unicode String, null terminated String //ItemPString Counted Ascii String String //ItemPWString Counted Unicode String String //ItemUnknown String
68fdd900-4a3e-11d1-84f4-0000f80464e3 EventTrace #typev Header 0 "EventTrace" { BufferSize, ItemULong //10 Version, ItemULong //11 BuildNumber, ItemULong //12 NumProc, ItemULong //13 EndTime, ItemULongLong //14 TimerResolution,ItemULong //15 MaxFileSize, ItemULong //16 LogFileMode, ItemULongX //17 BuffersWritten, ItemULong //18 StartBuffers, ItemULong //19 PointerSize, ItemULong //20 EventsLost, ItemULong //21 CPUSpeed, ItemULong //22 LoggerName, ItemPtr //23 LogFileName, ItemPtr //24 TimeZone, ItemCharHidden[176] //25 BootTime, ItemULongLong //26 PerfFrequency, ItemULongLong //27 StartTime, ItemULongLong //28 ReservedFlags, ItemULongX //29 BuffersLost, ItemULong //30 }
01853a65-418f-4f36-aefc-dc0f1d2fd235 HWConfig #typev CPU 10 "%15!s! :: CPU # %11!d!, Speed %10!d!Mhz, Memory %12!d!K, PageSize %13!d!K, AllocationGranularity %14!d!" { MHz, ItemULong // 10 NumberOfProcessors, ItemULong // 11 MemSize, ItemULong // 12 PageSize, ItemULong // 13 AllocationGranularity, ItemULong // 14 ComputerName, ItemWString // 15 } #typev PhyDisk 11 "Phsical Disk %10!d!(%19!s!), SectorSize: %11!d!, SectorsperTrack: %12!d!, TracksPerCylinder %13!d! Cylinders %14!d!, SCSI (Port=%15!d!, Path %16!d!, Target=%17!d!, Lun=%18!d!)" { DiskNumber, ItemULong // 10 BytesPerSector, ItemULong // 11 SectorsPerTrack, ItemULong // 12 TracksPerCylinder, ItemULong // 13 Cylinders, ItemULongLong // 14 SCSIPort, ItemULong // 15 SCSIPath, ItemULong // 16 SCSITarget, ItemULong // 17 SCSILun, ItemULong // 18 Manufacturer, ItemWString // 19 } #typev LogDisk 12 "Logical Disk %10!d! StartOffset: %11!d!, Size: %12!d!" { DiskNumber, ItemULong // 10 Pad, ItemULong // 11 StartOffset, ItemULongLong // 12 PartitionSize, ItemULongLong // 13 } #typev NIC 13 "NIC %10!s!" { NICName, ItemWString // 10 }