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  1. {\rtf1\ansi
  2. {\fonttbl
  3. {\f0\fmodern MS Sans Serif;}
  4. }
  5. \pard\f0\sa60\sb60
  6. #{\footnote Main}
  7. ${\footnote About Tweak UI}
  8. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  9. K{\footnote Welcome; Tweak UI, Introducing}
  10. {\b About Tweak UI}\par
  11. "Tweak UI" allows you to fine-tune ("tweak")
  12. the Windows User Interface ("UI").\par
  13. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  14. \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab
  15. To run "Tweak UI", double-click its icon in the Control Panel.\par
  16. \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab
  17. To learn more about "Tweak UI", click the "Contents" button
  18. in the button bar at the top of this window.\par
  19. \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab
  20. To uninstall "Tweak UI", make sure to follow the instructions
  21. in the "How to... Uninstall Tweak UI" section of this help file.\par
  22. }
  23. \page
  24. #{\footnote IDH_GROUP}\fs18\sl0
  25. Try clicking on a UI widget instead of static text.
  26. \page
  27. #{\footnote IDH_RESET}
  28. ${\footnote Restore Factory Settings}
  29. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  30. The "Restore Factory Settings" button sets all the options on the
  31. page to the default settings.
  32. \page
  33. #{\footnote IDH_SPEEDHELP}
  34. ${\footnote Menu speed}
  35. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  36. K{\footnote Mouse, menu speed; menu speed}
  37. Controls the speed at which cascading menus
  38. automatically open when you move the mouse over them.
  39. The fastest setting causes them to open immediately. The slowest
  40. setting is extraordinarily slow.
  41. \par
  42. This is a per-user setting.
  43. \page
  44. #{\footnote IDH_DBLCLK}
  45. ${\footnote Double click sensitivity}
  46. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  47. K{\footnote Mouse, double-click sensitivity; double-click sensitivity}
  48. Double click sensitivity specifies how close together two mouse
  49. clicks need to be (in pixels) to be considered a double-click.
  50. \par
  51. To test the double-click sensitivity, click twice on the test icon
  52. with the left mouse button. If the two clicks registered as a double-click,
  53. then the icon will change.
  54. \par
  55. This is a per-user setting.
  56. \page
  57. #{\footnote IDH_DRAG}
  58. ${\footnote Drag sensitivity}
  59. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  60. K{\footnote Mouse, drag sensitivity; drag sensitivity}
  61. Drag sensitivity specifies how far (in pixels) the mouse
  62. must move with the button held down before the system decides that
  63. you are dragging the object. Increase this value if you find that
  64. you are dragging objects accidentally when you click on them.
  65. \par
  66. To test the drag sensitivity, try to drag the test icon with the
  67. left mouse button. The icon will begin dragging when you have
  68. moved the mouse the necessary distance.
  69. \par
  70. This is a per-user setting.
  71. \page
  72. #{\footnote IDH_WHEEL}
  73. ${\footnote Mouse wheel settings}
  74. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  75. K{\footnote Mouse, wheel; wheel}
  76. Check the "Use mouse wheel for scrolling" box to enable
  77. the use of the mouse wheel to scroll data. When the mouse
  78. wheel is enabled, you can specify whether rotating the wheel
  79. should cause data to scroll by a page or by a specified number
  80. of lines.
  81. \par
  82. This is a per-user setting, available only if the operating
  83. system contains native support for a mouse wheel.
  84. \page
  85. #{\footnote IDH_XMOUSE}
  86. ${\footnote Activation follows mouse}
  87. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  88. K{\footnote Mouse, activation follows mouse; X-Mouse}
  89. The "Activation follows mouse" check-box
  90. enables X-Mouse style window activation.
  91. When X-Mouse style window activation is enabled,
  92. you need only move the mouse into a window in order
  93. to give it focus. Normally, you must click on a window
  94. in order to give it focus.
  95. \par
  96. This is a per-user setting.
  97. \par
  98. If this setting is not available, you must use the separate
  99. XMouse PowerToy.
  100. \page
  101. #{\footnote IDH_XMOUSERAISE}
  102. ${\footnote Autoraise when activating}
  103. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  104. K{\footnote Mouse, autoraise; X-Mouse}
  105. If you check the "Autoraise when activating" check-box, then
  106. moving the mouse into a window will not only give it focus, but
  107. also raise it to the top as if you had clicked on it.
  108. \par
  109. This setting requires "Activation follows mouse" to be enabled
  110. for it to have any effect.
  111. \par
  112. This is a per-user setting.
  113. \par
  114. This setting is not available on all platforms.
  115. \page
  116. #{\footnote IDH_XMOUSEDELAY}
  117. ${\footnote Autoraise delay}
  118. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  119. K{\footnote Mouse, autoraise delay; X-Mouse}
  120. The "Autoraise delay" value specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds)
  121. the mouse must remain over an inactive window before it is
  122. activated. Set this value to zero to have the window activate instantly.
  123. \par
  124. This setting requires "Activation follows mouse" to be enabled
  125. for it to have any effect.
  126. \par
  127. This is a per-user setting.
  128. \par
  129. This setting is not available on all platforms.
  130. \page
  131. #{\footnote IDH_TIPSTIP}
  132. ${\footnote Tips}
  133. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  134. K{\footnote Mouse, tips}
  135. Push the "Tips" button to read the Tweak UI help file.
  136. \page
  137. #{\footnote IDH_TEST}
  138. ${\footnote Test area}
  139. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  140. Right-click the test area to test the menu speed.
  141. Double-click with the left mouse button to test the double-click
  142. sensitivity. Drag with the left mouse button to test the drag sensitivity.
  143. \page
  144. #{\footnote IDH_IE3ENGINE}
  145. ${\footnote Internet Explorer search engine}
  146. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  147. K{\footnote General, Internet Explorer search engine; Internet Explorer search engine; search engine}
  148. Select an Internet search engine to use when you type "? keyword"
  149. in the Internet Explorer Address bar. If you select "Custom", then
  150. you can specify a search engine not on the list.
  151. \par
  152. Note that the inclusion of a search engine in the list should not
  153. be construed as an endorsement by Microsoft of that service.
  154. \par
  155. This is a per-user setting, requiring Internet Explorer 3.0 or 4.0.
  156. \page
  157. #{\footnote IDH_RUDEAPP}
  158. ${\footnote Prevent applications from stealing focus}
  159. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  160. K{\footnote General, focus; focus}
  161. If "Prevent applications from stealing focus" is enabled,
  162. applications will not be allowed to steal focus from the window
  163. you are working in. Instead, their taskbar icon will flash
  164. to indicate that the application is trying to get your attention.
  165. \par
  166. This is a per-user setting, not supported on all platforms.
  167. \page
  168. #{\footnote IDH_RUDEAPPFLASH}
  169. ${\footnote Flash taskbar button when rude application activates}
  170. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  171. K{\footnote General, rude applications; rude applications}
  172. Select the number of times the system should flash the taskbar button
  173. of a rude application.
  174. \par
  175. This is a per-user setting, not supported on all platforms.
  176. \page
  177. #{\footnote IDH_ANIMATE}
  178. ${\footnote Window animation}
  179. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  180. K{\footnote General, window animation; window animation; animation, window}
  181. The "Window animation" check-box
  182. enables the window animation effect that occurs when you minimize,
  183. maximize, or restore a window.
  184. \par
  185. This is a per-user setting.
  186. \page
  187. #{\footnote IDH_SMOOTHSCROLL}
  188. ${\footnote Smooth scrolling}
  189. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  190. K{\footnote General, smooth scrolling; smooth scrolling; animation, scrolling}
  191. The "Smooth scrolling" check-box
  192. enables animated window scrolling in Explorer and other programs.
  193. \par
  194. This option is available only if your version of Windows supports
  195. control of smooth scrolling separately from window animation. If
  196. this option is not available, then the Window animation check-box
  197. controls both window caption animation and smooth scrolling.
  198. \par
  199. This is a per-user setting.
  200. \page
  201. #{\footnote IDH_BEEP}
  202. ${\footnote Beep on errors}
  203. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  204. K{\footnote General, beep on errors; beep on errors; speaker, beep on errors}
  205. The "Beep on errors" check-box
  206. enables the playing of a beep sound (customizable in the "Sounds"
  207. control panel) when a system error occurs. This setting
  208. does not affect custom error sounds played by applications.
  209. \par
  210. This is a per-user setting.
  211. \page
  212. #{\footnote IDH_MENUANIMATE}
  213. ${\footnote Menu animation}
  214. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  215. K{\footnote General, menu animation; menu animation; animation, menu}
  216. The "Menu animation" check-box
  217. enables the animation effect that occurs when you open a menu.
  218. \par
  219. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  220. \page
  221. #{\footnote IDH_COMBOANIMATE}
  222. ${\footnote Combo box animation}
  223. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  224. K{\footnote General, combo box animation; combo box animation;
  225. animation, combo box}
  226. The "Combo box animation" check-box
  227. enables the animation effect that occurs when you open the
  228. list-box portion of a combo box control.
  229. \par
  230. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  231. \page
  232. #{\footnote IDH_LBOXANIMATE}
  233. ${\footnote List box animation}
  234. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  235. K{\footnote General, list box animation; list box animation;
  236. animation, list box}
  237. The "List box animation" check-box
  238. enables the smooth scrolling effect that occurs when you scroll
  239. through a list-box control.
  240. \par
  241. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  242. \page
  243. #{\footnote IDH_KEYBOARDCUES}
  244. ${\footnote Keyboard indicators}
  245. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  246. K{\footnote General, underlines; underlines}
  247. K{\footnote General, keyboard indicators; keyboard indicators}
  248. If "Always show keyboard indicators" is enabled, then
  249. keyboard indicators such as menu underlines and
  250. dotted focus rectangles are always displayed. If the
  251. option is disabled, then keyboard indicators are suppressed
  252. until you press the Alt key.
  253. \par
  254. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  255. \page
  256. #{\footnote IDH_HOTTRACK}
  257. ${\footnote Mouse hot-tracking effects}
  258. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  259. K{\footnote General, mouse hot-tracking effects; mouse hot-tracking effects}
  260. The "Mouse hot-tracking effects" check-box
  261. enables mouse-related window effects such as
  262. tooltip windows over the Minimize, Restore, and Close buttons.
  263. \par
  264. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  265. \page
  266. #{\footnote IDH_MENUFADE}
  267. ${\footnote Menu fading}
  268. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  269. K{\footnote General, menu fading; menu fade}
  270. The "Menu fading" check-box
  271. enables the fade-in animation when you open a menu.
  272. This setting overrides the "Menu animation" setting.
  273. \par
  274. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  275. \page
  276. #{\footnote IDH_SELECTIONFADE}
  277. ${\footnote Menu section fading}
  278. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  279. K{\footnote General, menu selection fade; menu selection fade}
  280. The "Menu selection fading" check-box
  281. enables the fade-out animation when you select a menu item.
  282. \par
  283. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  284. \page
  285. #{\footnote IDH_TOOLTIPANIMATION}
  286. ${\footnote Tooltip animation}
  287. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  288. K{\footnote General, tooltip animation; tooltip animation}
  289. The "Tooltip animation" check-box
  290. enables the sliding animation when a tooltip appears.
  291. \par
  292. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  293. \page
  294. #{\footnote IDH_TOOLTIPFADE}
  295. ${\footnote Tooltip fade}
  296. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  297. K{\footnote General, tooltip fade; tooltip fade}
  298. The "Tooltip fade" check-box
  299. enables the fade-out animation when a tooltip disappears.
  300. \par
  301. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  302. \page
  303. #{\footnote IDH_CURSORSHADOW}
  304. ${\footnote Cursor shadow}
  305. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  306. K{\footnote General, cursor shadow; cursor shadow}
  307. The "Cursor shadow" check-box
  308. enables the shadow-effect underneath the mouse cursor.
  309. \par
  310. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  311. \page
  312. #{\footnote IDH_PAINTVERSION}
  313. ${\footnote Show Windows version on desktop}
  314. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  315. K{\footnote General, show Windows version on desktop; desktop, Windows version}
  316. The "Show Windows version on desktop" check-box
  317. enables the display of the Windows version and monitor
  318. information (if multiple monitors are instlaled) in the corner
  319. of every monitor.
  320. \par
  321. This is a per-user setting, not support by all platforms.
  322. \page
  323. #{\footnote IDH_LINKEFFECT}
  324. ${\footnote Shortcut overlay}
  325. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  326. K{\footnote Explorer, shortcut overlay; Arrow, on shortcuts;
  327. shortcuts, arrow; icons, arrow on shortcut}
  328. The "Shortcut overlay" section
  329. customizes the overlay used by Explorer to indicate
  330. that an icon represents a shortcut. Choose one of the predefined
  331. overlays, or "Custom".
  332. \par
  333. The shortcut overlay effect is a system-wide setting.
  334. \par
  335. {\b Windows 95 only:}
  336. If you set the overlay to None and uninstall Tweak UI,
  337. then the customized shortcut overlay is uninstalled as well.
  338. \page
  339. #{\footnote IDH_BANNER}
  340. ${\footnote Animated "Click here to begin"}
  341. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  342. K{\footnote Explorer, click here to begin; Click here to begin;
  343. Arrow, on taskbar}
  344. Uncheck the "Animated 'Click here to begin'" box to
  345. suppress the cheery "Click here to begin" message
  346. that appears on the taskbar when you log in.
  347. \par
  348. This is a per-user setting.
  349. \page
  350. #{\footnote IDH_WELCOME}
  351. ${\footnote Tip of the day}
  352. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  353. K{\footnote Explorer, tip of the day; Tip of the day}
  354. Uncheck the "Tip of the day" box to
  355. suppress the tip of the day that appears when you log in.
  356. \par
  357. This is a per-user setting.
  358. \page
  359. #{\footnote IDH_PREFIX}
  360. ${\footnote Prefix "Shortcut to" on new shortcuts}
  361. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  362. K{\footnote Explorer, "Shortcut to" prefix; shortcuts, "Shortcut to" prefix}
  363. Check the "Prefix 'Shortcut to' on new shortcuts"
  364. box to put the phrase "Shortcut to" at the beginning
  365. of newly-created shortcuts.
  366. \par
  367. This is a per-user setting.
  368. \par
  369. {\b Windows 95/98/Millennium:}
  370. If you uninstall Tweak UI, this customization is uninstalled as
  371. well.
  372. \page
  373. #{\footnote IDH_EXITSAVE}
  374. ${\footnote Save Explorer window settings}
  375. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  376. K{\footnote Explorer, save settings on exit; save settings on exit}
  377. Check the "Save Explorer window settings" box to
  378. save the settings of a folder when you
  379. close it. When you return to the folder, the previous settings
  380. will be restored. When you shut down, Windows will remember
  381. which folders were open and re-open them the next time you log on.
  382. \par
  383. If you uncheck the "Save Explorer window settings" box,
  384. then these settings are not
  385. saved when you close an Explorer window or shut down.
  386. \par
  387. This is a per-user setting.
  388. \page
  389. #{\footnote IDH_MAKEPRETTY}
  390. ${\footnote Adjust case of 8.3 filenames}
  391. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  392. K{\footnote Explorer, adjust case of 8.3 filenames}
  393. If the "Adjust case of 8.3 filenames" box is checked,
  394. then Explorer will convert all-uppercase 8.3 filenames
  395. to mixed-case filenames.
  396. \par
  397. This is a per-user setting, not available on all platforms.
  398. \page
  399. #{\footnote IDH_CONNECTEDFILES}
  400. ${\footnote Manipulate connected files as a unit}
  401. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  402. K{\footnote Explorer, connected files}
  403. K{\footnote Explorer, *_files}
  404. If the "Manipulate connected files as a unit" box is checked,
  405. then any operations performed on Document.htm (or Document.html) will
  406. also be performed on "Document_files" and vice versa. For example,
  407. if you delete Document.htm, then the Document_files folder will
  408. also be deleted.
  409. \par
  410. This is a per-user setting, not available on all platforms.
  411. \page
  412. #{\footnote IDH_COMPRESSCLR}
  413. ${\footnote Color of compressed files}
  414. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  415. K{\footnote Explorer, color of compressed files; compressed files, color}
  416. Click the colored button to change the color Explorer uses to display
  417. compressed files. For this change to take effect, you must also configure
  418. Explorer to show compressed files in a different color.
  419. \par
  420. This is a per-user setting, not available on all platforms.
  421. \page
  422. #{\footnote IDH_HOTTRACKCLR}
  423. ${\footnote Color of hot-tracked items}
  424. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  425. K{\footnote Explorer, color of hot-tracked items; hot-tracking, color}
  426. Click the colored button to change the color Explorer uses to display
  427. items as you hover over them.
  428. For this change to take effect, you must also configure
  429. Explorer into single-click mode.
  430. \par
  431. This is a per-user setting, not available on all platforms.
  432. \page
  433. #{\footnote IDH_IE4LV}
  434. ${\footnote IE4 Settings List}
  435. K{\footnote Internet Explorer 4.0 -- see IE4}
  436. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  437. Click on a check-box to enable or disable an IE4 feature.
  438. \par
  439. For additional information on a particular feature,
  440. right-click the feature and select "What's This".
  441. \page
  442. #{\footnote IDH_SHOWINTERNET}
  443. ${\footnote Show Internet icon on desktop}
  444. K{\footnote Desktop, customizing; icons, on desktop}
  445. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Internet icon}
  446. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  447. Enable the "Show Internet icon on desktop" feature
  448. to show the "Internet" icon on the desktop.
  449. \par
  450. If this option is not available in Tweak UI, you
  451. should use the corresponding option in Internet Explorer Properties,
  452. on the Advanced page.
  453. \page
  454. #{\footnote IDH_ADDTODOCSMENU}
  455. ${\footnote Add new documents to Documents on Start Menu}
  456. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Start Menu, customizing; Documents}
  457. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  458. Enable the "Add new documents to Documents on Start Menu"
  459. feature to allow IE4 to add documents to the Documents
  460. section of the Start Menu when you launch them.
  461. \par
  462. If you disable this feature, then the Documents menu
  463. will not be changed by IE4.
  464. \page
  465. #{\footnote IDH_SHOWDOCSMENU}
  466. ${\footnote Show Documents on Start Menu}
  467. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Start Menu, customizing; Documents}
  468. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  469. Enable the "Show Documents on Start Menu"
  470. feature to enable the "Documents" section of the Start Menu.
  471. \par
  472. If you disable this feature, then the Documents menu
  473. will not be added to the Start Menu.
  474. \page
  475. #{\footnote IDH_ACTIVEDESKTOP}
  476. ${\footnote Allow Active Desktop to be turned on/off}
  477. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Desktop, customizing; Active Desktop}
  478. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  479. Enable the "Allow Active Desktop to be turned on/off"
  480. feature to allow users to enable and disable the
  481. Internet Explorer Active Desktop.
  482. \par
  483. If you disable this feature, then Active Desktop features
  484. (including stretched wallpaper) will be unavailable.
  485. \page
  487. ${\footnote Allow changes to Active Desktop}
  488. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Desktop, customizing; Active Desktop}
  489. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  490. Enable the "Allow changes to Active Desktop"
  491. feature to allow the Active Desktop settings
  492. to be modified.
  493. \par
  494. If you disable this feature, then the options
  495. to customize the Active Desktop will be hidden
  496. from the user.
  497. \page
  498. #{\footnote IDH_FAVORITESMENU}
  499. ${\footnote Show Favorites on Start Menu}
  500. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Start Menu, customizing; Favorites}
  501. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  502. Enable the "Show Favorites on Start Menu"
  503. feature to enable the "Favorites" section of the Start Menu.
  504. \par
  505. If you disable this feature, then the Favorites menu
  506. will not be added to the Start Menu.
  507. \page
  508. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARHISTORIES}
  509. ${\footnote Clear document, run, typed-URL history on exit}
  510. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Start Menu, customizing; Histories}
  511. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  512. Enable the "Clear document, run, typed-URL history on exit"
  513. feature to cause the Document menu, the Run history,
  514. and the typed-URL history to be erased when you log off.
  515. \par
  516. If you disable this feature, then the Document, Run,
  517. and typed-URL histories will be retained across logons.
  518. \page
  519. #{\footnote IDH_NEWSHELL}
  520. ${\footnote Shell enhancements}
  521. K{\footnote Shell enhancements}
  522. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  523. Enable the "shell enhancements"
  524. feature to enable shell enhancements that were added
  525. after Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0.
  526. \par
  527. If you disable this feature, then the shell will
  528. lose many of its enhancements, such as Active Desktop,
  529. Web View, folder customization,
  530. the QuickLaunch bar, and the ability to right-click the taskbar.
  531. \page
  532. #{\footnote IDH_LOGOFF}
  533. ${\footnote Allow Logoff}
  534. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Start Menu, customizing; Allow Logoff}
  535. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  536. Enable the "Allow Logoff"
  537. feature to enable the "Log off" command on
  538. the Start Menu.
  539. \par
  540. If you disable this feature, then the "Log off" command
  541. will be removed from the Start Menu.
  542. \page
  543. #{\footnote IDH_ACCIDENTAL2CLK}
  544. ${\footnote Detect accidental double-clicks}
  545. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Detect accidental double-clicks}
  546. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  547. If the "Detect accidental double-clicks"
  548. feature is enabled, then Web View windows will treat double-clicks
  549. as if they were single-clicks.
  550. \par
  551. If you disable this feature, then
  552. a double-click will be treated as two single-clicks. This
  553. may result in a file being accidentally launched twice.
  554. \page
  555. #{\footnote IDH_FAVLINKS}
  556. ${\footnote Show Links on Favorites menu}
  557. K{\footnote IE4, customizing; Links on Favorites menu}
  558. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  559. "Show Links on Favorites Menu"
  560. controls whether the Links menu will be shown on the Favorites menu.
  561. The items on the Links menu are always available
  562. by right-clicking the IE toolbar and enabling the "Links" toolbar.
  563. \page
  564. #{\footnote IDH_HELPONSTARTMENU}
  565. ${\footnote Show Help on Start Menu}
  566. K{\footnote Start Menu, customizing; Help on Start Menu}
  567. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  568. "Show Help on Start Menu"
  569. controls whether the Help option will be shown on the Start Menu.
  570. \page
  571. #{\footnote IDH_CPLONSTARTMENU}
  572. ${\footnote Show Control Panel on Start Menu Settings}
  573. K{\footnote Start Menu, customizing; Control Panel on Start Menu Settings}
  574. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  575. "Show Control Panel on Start Menu Settings"
  576. controls whether Control Panel will be listed on the
  577. Start Menu under "Settings".
  578. \page
  579. #{\footnote IDH_NETONSTARTMENU}
  580. ${\footnote Show Dial-Up Networking Start Menu Settings}
  581. K{\footnote Start Menu, customizing; Dial-Up Networking on Start Menu Settings}
  582. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  583. "Show Dial-Up Networking on Start Menu Settings"
  584. controls whether "Network and Dial-Up Connections"
  585. (also called "Dial-Up Networking") will be listed on the
  586. Settings menu on the Start Menu.
  587. \page
  588. #{\footnote IDH_WINKEYS}
  589. ${\footnote Enable Windows+X hotkeys}
  590. K{\footnote Windows+X hotkeys}
  591. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  592. "Enable Windows+X hotkeys"
  593. controls whether the various standard hotkey combinations
  594. associated with the Windows key should be active, such as
  595. Windows+R and Windows+F. Note that this does not control
  596. the behavior when you press the Windows key by itself.
  597. \page
  598. #{\footnote IDH_COMPNEARME}
  599. ${\footnote Show Computers Near Me in Network Places}
  600. K{\footnote Computers Near Me}
  601. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  602. "Show Computers Near Me in Network Places"
  603. controls whether the "Computers Near Me" icon is displayed in
  604. the Network Places folder.
  605. \page
  606. #{\footnote IDH_MYDOCSONSTARTMENU}
  607. ${\footnote Show My Documents on Start Menu Documents}
  608. K{\footnote Start Menu, customizing; My Documents on Start Menu Documents}
  609. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  610. "Show My Documents on Start Menu Documents"
  611. controls whether the "My Documents" folder is shown on the
  612. Documents menu on the Start Menu.
  613. \page
  614. #{\footnote IDH_MYPICSONSTARTMENU}
  615. ${\footnote Show My Pictures on Start Menu Documents}
  616. K{\footnote Start Menu, customizing; My Pictures on Start Menu Documents}
  617. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  618. "Show My Pictures on Start Menu Documents"
  619. controls whether the "My Pictures" folder is shown on the
  620. Documents menu on the Start Menu.
  621. \page
  622. #{\footnote IDH_CMDFILECOMP}
  623. ${\footnote Command prompt filename completion}
  624. K{\footnote Command prompt, filename completion; filename completion}
  625. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  626. Select the character (or none) which will be used at the command
  627. prompt for filename completion.
  628. \par
  629. This is a per-user setting, available only on Windows 2000.
  630. \page
  631. #{\footnote IDH_CMDDIRCOMP}
  632. ${\footnote Command prompt directory completion}
  633. K{\footnote Command prompt, directory completion; directory completion}
  634. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  635. Select the character (or none) which will be used at the command
  636. prompt for directory completion.
  637. \par
  638. This is a per-user setting, available only on Windows 2000.
  639. \page
  640. #{\footnote IDH_ICONLV}
  641. ${\footnote Special desktop icons}
  642. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  643. K{\footnote Desktop, customizing; icons, on desktop}
  644. Click on a check-box to add or
  645. remove a special desktop icon to or from the desktop.
  646. Icons without check-boxes cannot be
  647. placed on the desktop as special desktop icons, but
  648. you can still use Create As File to put them on the
  649. desktop, or anywhere else for that matter.
  650. \par
  651. Right-click an entry to see a menu of additional options.
  652. \par
  653. Special desktop icons are a system-wide
  654. setting. Removing a special desktop icon removes it from
  655. everybody's desktop. The one exception is the Network
  656. Neighborhood, which is a per-user setting.
  657. \par
  658. Removing the desktop icon merely removes the icon.
  659. Any software associated with the desktop icon remains installed.
  660. \par
  661. If you add or remove the Network Neighborhood, you must log off
  662. and back on for the changes will take effect.
  663. \par
  664. To control the My Documents or Internet Explorer icons, you may
  665. need to use the Advanced tab on the
  666. Folder Options or Internet Explorer Properties dialogs.
  667. \page
  668. #{\footnote IDH_CREATENOW}
  669. ${\footnote Create As File}
  670. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  671. K{\footnote Desktop icons, creating as file; create as file}
  672. Click the "Create As File" button to create a special file which behaves
  673. like the highlighted special desktop icon, but which can be dragged and
  674. dropped anywhere you want.
  675. \page
  676. #{\footnote IDH_DESKFIRSTICON}
  677. ${\footnote First icon on desktop}
  678. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  679. K{\footnote Desktop icons, first}
  680. Select the icon you wish to appear first on the desktop.
  681. \par
  682. This is a per-system setting, available only if the current user
  683. has permission to alter the My Computer settings.
  684. \page
  685. #{\footnote IDH_MYCOMP}
  686. ${\footnote My Computer}
  687. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  688. K{\footnote My Computer, customizing; icons, in My Computer}
  689. Click on a check-box to enable or disable
  690. the display of a drive in My Computer. If the box
  691. is checked, then the drive will be shown in My Computer if
  692. the drive exists on the computer.
  693. If the box is unchecked, then the drive will never
  694. be shown in My Computer.
  695. \par
  696. This is a per-user setting, available only if the current user
  697. has permission to alter the My Computer settings.
  698. \page
  699. #{\footnote IDH_FOLDERNAME}
  700. ${\footnote Special Folders}
  701. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  702. K{\footnote General, special folders}
  703. The "Special Folders" section lets you view and edit the
  704. locations of the various Windows special folders. Select the
  705. folder from the "Folder" section and change it by clicking
  706. the "Change Location" button.
  707. \par
  708. This is a per-user setting. You will need to log off and back on
  709. for the changes to take effect.
  710. \page
  711. #{\footnote IDH_AUTOLOGON}
  712. ${\footnote Automatic logon}
  713. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  714. K{\footnote Logon, automatic logon; automatic logon}
  715. Check the "Log on automatically at system startup" box
  716. to bypass the initial logon dialog box by using the values
  717. provided in the User name and Password sections.
  718. \par
  719. This setting works only for the Microsoft Networking logon dialog.
  720. \par
  721. To suppress autologon, hold the shift key while the system is starting.
  722. \par
  723. This is a system-wide setting.
  724. \par
  725. {\b Windows 95/98/Millennium:}
  726. The autologon process can be fooled by applications
  727. which run automatically at startup, such as ScanDisk.
  728. well.
  729. \page
  730. #{\footnote IDH_AUTOLOGONUSER}
  731. ${\footnote Automatic logon user name}
  732. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  733. K{\footnote Logon, automatic logon user name; automatic logon user name}
  734. Type the user name that should be used by the automatic logon facility.
  735. The value you enter here is ignored if the "Log on automatically
  736. at system startup" box is not checked.
  737. \par
  738. This is a system-wide setting.
  739. \page
  740. #{\footnote IDH_AUTOLOGONPASS}
  741. ${\footnote Automatic logon password}
  742. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  743. K{\footnote Logon, automatic logon password; automatic logon password}
  744. Type the password that should be used by the automatic logon facility.
  745. The value you enter here is ignored if the "Log on automatically
  746. at system startup" box is not checked.
  747. \par
  748. This is a system-wide setting.
  749. \page
  750. #{\footnote IDH_LOGONSHUTDOWN}
  751. ${\footnote Show shutdown button on logon dialog}
  752. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  753. K{\footnote Logon, shutdown; shutdown}
  754. Check the "Show shutdown button on logon dialog" to display
  755. a "Shut down" button on the main logon screen. This allows
  756. any user to shut down the system without a password.
  757. \par
  758. This is a system-wide setting, available only on Windows NT.
  759. \page
  760. #{\footnote IDH_TEMPLATE}
  761. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  762. ${\footnote Create New Document Template}
  763. K{\footnote New, document templates; templates; document templates}
  764. Click on a check-box to to add or
  765. remove a document type to or from the list of document types available
  766. when you right-click and select "New".
  767. \par
  768. Drop a file into the window, and
  769. Tweak UI will automatically convert it into a document template.
  770. \par
  771. If you have trouble creating a template, consult the
  772. Tweak UI template troubleshooter.
  773. \page
  774. #{\footnote IDH_TEMPLATEDEL}
  775. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  776. ${\footnote Remove Document Template}
  777. K{\footnote Remove, document templates; templates; document templates}
  778. Highlight a document template and click the "Remove" button to
  779. remove that document template permanently instead of merely hiding it.
  780. \par
  781. Some document templates cannot be removed.
  782. \page
  783. #{\footnote IDH_UNINSTALL}
  784. ${\footnote Add/Remove Programs}
  785. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  786. K{\footnote Uninstall, customizing list of programs;
  787. Add/Remove, customizing list of programs}
  788. Right-click an entry in the list of programs to view a menu of options.
  789. \par
  790. Removing the entry from the Add/Remove list merely prevents the item
  791. from appearing in the Add/Remove dialog box.
  792. Any software associated with the program remains installed.
  793. \page
  794. #{\footnote IDH_UNINSTALLEDIT}
  795. ${\footnote Edit Add/Remove Programs Entry}
  796. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  797. K{\footnote Uninstall, editing entry in list;
  798. Add/Remove, editing entry in list}
  799. Allows you to edit the description and command associated with the
  800. highlighted entry.
  801. \page
  802. #{\footnote IDH_UNINSTALLDELETE}
  803. ${\footnote Delete Add/Remove Programs Entry}
  804. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  805. K{\footnote Uninstall, deleting entry from list;
  806. Add/Remove, deleting entry from list}
  807. Removes the highlighted entry from the Add/Remove dialog.
  808. \page
  809. #{\footnote IDH_UNINSTALLNEW}
  810. ${\footnote New Add/Remove Programs Entry}
  811. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  812. K{\footnote Uninstall, adding entry to list;
  813. Add/Remove, adding entry to list}
  814. Creates a new entry in the Add/Remove dialog.
  815. \page
  816. #{\footnote IDH_UNINSTALLEDITDESC}
  817. ${\footnote Add/Remove Programs Entry Description}
  818. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  819. K{\footnote Uninstall, editing entry in list;
  820. Add/Remove, editing entry in list}
  821. Contains the description of the program as it appears
  822. in the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.
  823. \page
  825. ${\footnote Add/Remove Programs Entry Command}
  826. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  827. K{\footnote Uninstall, editing entry in list;
  828. Add/Remove, editing entry in list}
  829. Contains the command to be run when the corresponding entry
  830. in the in the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel is selected.
  831. \page
  832. #{\footnote IDH_BOOTKEYS}
  833. ${\footnote Function keys available for nn seconds}
  834. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  835. K{\footnote Boot, function keys; Boot, delay;
  836. Startup, function keys; Statup, delay; F8 key at boot}
  837. Uncheck the "Function keys available" option to disable the
  838. various function keys that modify the boot process, such
  839. as F5 and F8.
  840. \par
  841. If the option is enabled, you may adjust how long Windows 95 or Windows 98
  842. will pause after the "Starting Windows 95" (or "Starting Windows 98")
  843. message to see
  844. if you are pressing a function key.
  845. \page
  846. #{\footnote IDH_BOOTGUI}
  847. ${\footnote Start GUI automatically}
  848. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  849. K{\footnote Boot, start GUI automatically;
  850. Startup, start GUI automatically}
  851. Uncheck the "Start GUI automatically" option to make Windows
  852. stop the boot process once it has reached a command prompt instead
  853. of continuing to the GUI automatically.
  854. \page
  855. #{\footnote IDH_LOGO}
  856. ${\footnote Display splash screen while booting}
  857. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  858. K{\footnote Boot, splash screen; Startup, splash screen}
  859. Uncheck the "Display splash screen" option to suppress the
  860. Windows splash screen that appears during the boot process.
  861. \page
  862. #{\footnote IDH_BOOTMULTI}
  863. ${\footnote Allow F4 to boot previous operating system}
  864. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  865. K{\footnote Boot, function keys;
  866. Startup, function keys; F4 key at boot; previous operating system}
  867. Check "Allow F4 to boot previous operating system" to enable
  868. the F4 key to load
  869. the operating system that you were running before installing
  870. Windows 95 or Windows 98.
  871. \par
  872. Of course, this assumes that you (1) actually had a previous
  873. operating system, and (2) didn't delete any files required
  874. by the previous operating system...
  875. \page
  876. #{\footnote IDH_AUTOSCAN}
  877. ${\footnote Autorun Scandisk}
  878. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  879. K{\footnote Boot, Autorun Scandisk; Startup, Autorun Scandisk}
  880. The "Autorun Scandisk" box
  881. controls how Windows will behave when it detects that the previous
  882. Windows session did not shut down properly.
  883. \par
  884. This option is available only if your version of Windows supports it.
  885. \page
  886. #{\footnote IDH_BOOTMENU}
  887. ${\footnote Always show boot menu}
  888. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  889. K{\footnote Boot, menu; Startup, menu}
  890. Check "Always show boot menu" to see a boot menu every time you
  891. start Windows. Normally, Windows will show a boot menu
  892. only if it detected that there was a problem with the previous
  893. boot.
  894. \page
  895. #{\footnote IDH_BOOTMENUDELAY}
  896. ${\footnote Continue booting after nn seconds}
  897. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  898. K{\footnote Boot, delay; Startup, delay}
  899. The "Continue booting after nn seconds" section
  900. controls how long
  901. the boot menu will remain on the screen before the default action
  902. is taken.
  903. \page
  904. #{\footnote IDH_REPAIR}
  905. ${\footnote Repair}
  906. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  907. K{\footnote Troubleshooting}
  908. The "Repair" page allows you to repair various aspects
  909. of the system. For details, select a type of repair
  910. and a description of that repair will be displayed.
  911. \page
  912. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARLV}
  913. ${\footnote Convering Your Tracks}
  914. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  915. K{\footnote Paranoia; covering your tracks}
  916. Right-click a specific item and select "What's This?"
  917. \page
  918. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARRUN}
  919. ${\footnote Clear Run History at Logon}
  920. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  921. K{\footnote Paranoia, run history; run history}
  922. Check the "Clear Run history at logon" box
  923. to cause the history stored in the Run dialog of the Start menu
  924. to be erased each time you log on.
  925. \par
  926. Note that this clears only the standard Explorer Run history.
  927. It does not clear the Run history for other applications such
  928. as Norton Navigator, nor does it clear the auto-filling of the Run
  929. history from your URL history.
  930. \par
  931. This is a per-user setting.
  932. \page
  933. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARDOC}
  934. ${\footnote Clear Document History at Logon}
  935. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  936. K{\footnote Paranoia, document history; document history}
  937. Check the "Clear Document history at logon" box
  938. to cause the history stored in the Documents section of the Start menu
  939. to be erased each time you log on.
  940. \par
  941. This is a per-user setting.
  942. \page
  943. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARFINDDOCS}
  944. ${\footnote Clear Find Files History at Logon}
  945. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  946. K{\footnote Paranoia, find history; find history}
  947. Check the "Clear Find Files history at logon" box
  948. to cause the history stored in Find Files dialog
  949. to be erased each time you log on.
  950. \par
  951. This is a per-user setting.
  952. \page
  953. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARFINDCOMP}
  954. ${\footnote Clear Find Computer History at Logon}
  955. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  956. K{\footnote Paranoia, find history; find history}
  957. Check the "Clear Find Computer history at logon" box
  958. to cause the history stored in Find Computer dialog
  959. to be erased each time you log on.
  960. \par
  961. This is a per-user setting.
  962. \page
  963. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARURL}
  964. ${\footnote Clear Internet Explorer History at Logon}
  965. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  966. K{\footnote Paranoia, Internet Explorer history; Internet Explorer history}
  967. Check the "Clear Internet Explorer history at logon" box
  968. to cause the Internet Explorer URL history
  969. to be erased each time you log on.
  970. \par
  971. This is a per-user setting.
  972. \page
  973. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARNETUSE}
  974. ${\footnote Clear Network Connection History at Logon}
  975. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  976. K{\footnote Paranoia, Network Connection history; Network Connection history}
  977. Check the "Clear Network Connection history at logon" box
  978. to cause the history stored in the "Map Network Drive" dialog
  979. of "My Computer"
  980. to be erased each time you log on.
  981. \par
  982. This is a per-user setting.
  983. \page
  984. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARUSER}
  985. ${\footnote Clear Last User at Logon}
  986. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  987. K{\footnote Paranoia, last user history; last user history}
  988. Check the "Clear Last User at logon" box
  989. to prevent Windows from displaying the name of the
  990. previous user in the system logon dialog box.
  991. \par
  992. Note that if you choose to clear the last user at logon,
  993. then automatic logon will be disabled and you will be
  994. required to type your password every time you start the system.
  995. \par
  996. This is a system-wide setting.
  997. \page
  998. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARTELNET}
  999. ${\footnote Clear Telnet History at Logon}
  1000. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  1001. K{\footnote Paranoia, telnet history; telnet history}
  1002. Check the "Clear Telnet History at logon" box
  1003. to erase the history of previous connections
  1004. as recorded by the Windows Telnet program.
  1005. \par
  1006. This is a per-user setting.
  1007. \page
  1008. #{\footnote IDH_CLEARNOW}
  1009. ${\footnote Clear Selected Items Now}
  1010. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  1011. K{\footnote Paranoia, clear now}
  1012. Push the "Clear Selected Items Now" button
  1013. to clear the histories of the items currently selected immediately
  1014. instead of waiting until the next time you log on.
  1015. \page
  1016. #{\footnote IDH_CDROMAUDIO}
  1017. ${\footnote Play Audio CDs Automatically}
  1018. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  1019. K{\footnote Paranoia, audio CDs; CDs, autoplay}
  1020. Check the "Play audio CDs automatically" box
  1021. to run CD Player when an audio CD is inserted.\par
  1022. (Requires a CD-ROM drive which supports autoinsert notification.)
  1023. \par
  1024. This is a system-wide setting.
  1025. \page
  1026. #{\footnote IDH_CDROMDATA}
  1027. ${\footnote Play Data CDs Automatically}
  1028. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  1029. K{\footnote Paranoia, data CDs; CDs, autoplay}
  1030. Check the "Play data CDs automatically" box
  1031. to run the program on a data CD when it is inserted,
  1032. provided the CD was designed for Windows auto-play.
  1033. \par
  1034. (Requires a CD-ROM drive which supports autoinsert notification.)
  1035. \par
  1036. This is a per-user setting.
  1037. \page
  1038. #{\footnote IDH_FAULTLOG}
  1039. ${\footnote Log application errors to FAULTLOG.TXT}
  1040. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  1041. K{\footnote Paranoia, log application errors; application errors}
  1042. Check the "Log application errors to FAULTLOG.TXT" box
  1043. to record application error information to the file
  1044. FAULTLOG.TXT in your Windows directory.
  1045. \par
  1046. This option is available only on Windows 95 and Windows 98.
  1047. \page
  1048. #{\footnote IDH_CDBACKBUTTON}
  1049. ${\footnote Show Back button on File Open/Save dialog}
  1050. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  1051. K{\footnote Common dialogs, show Back button; Back button}
  1052. Check the "Show Back button on File Open/Save dialog" box
  1053. to enable the button on common file open/save dialogs
  1054. which allows you to navigate to the previous directory.
  1055. \par
  1056. This option is available only on Windows Millennium and Windows 2000.
  1057. \page
  1058. #{\footnote IDH_CDFILEMRU}
  1059. ${\footnote Remember previously-used filenames}
  1060. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  1061. K{\footnote Common dialogs, remember previously-used filenames; filename history}
  1062. Check the "Remember previously-used filenames" box
  1063. to allow the common file open/save dialogs to remember
  1064. the names of the files you most recently opened or saved.
  1065. This list is names is available by clicking the down-arrow
  1066. at the right-hand side of the "File name" edit box.
  1067. \par
  1068. This option is available only on Windows Millennium and Windows 2000.
  1069. \page
  1070. #{\footnote IDH_CDPlACESBAR}
  1071. ${\footnote Customize the Places Bar}
  1072. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl0
  1073. K{\footnote Common dialogs, Places Bar; Places Bar}
  1074. Under "Places Bar", you have three options for the
  1075. Places Bar which appears on the common file open/save dialog.
  1076. \par
  1077. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1078. \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab
  1079. Select "show default places" to display the default Places Bar.\par
  1080. \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab
  1081. Select "Hide places bar" to suppress the Places Bar altogether.\par
  1082. \{bmc bullet.bmp\}\tab
  1083. Select "Custom plces bar" to specify up to five custom places
  1084. for the Places Bar. Underneath, you can specify each custom
  1085. place. You can either select a predefined custom place from the
  1086. dropdown combo box or choose your own place by typing its full path.\par
  1087. }
  1088. This option is available only on Windows Millennium and Windows 2000.
  1089. \page
  1090. #{\footnote HOWTO_SPEAKER}
  1091. ${\footnote The speaker icon on the taskbar}
  1092. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1093. K{\footnote speaker, on taskbar}
  1094. {\b Displaying the speaker icon on the taskbar}\par
  1095. \tx360\li360\fi-360
  1096. 1.\tab Click here {\uldb \{bmc shortcut.bmp\}}
  1097. {\v !ExecFile(rundll32.exe,"shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl")}
  1098. to display the Multimedia control panel.
  1099. \par
  1100. 2.\tab Add or remove the check-mark on the
  1101. "Show volume control on the taskbar" setting.
  1102. \par
  1103. \li0\fi0
  1104. \page
  1105. #{\footnote HOWTO_BATMETER}
  1106. ${\footnote The battery meter on the taskbar}
  1107. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1108. K{\footnote battery meter, on taskbar}
  1109. {\b Displaying the battery meter icon on the taskbar}\par
  1110. \tx360\li360\fi-360
  1111. 1.\tab Click here {\uldb \{bmc shortcut.bmp\}}
  1112. {\v !ExecFile(rundll32.exe,"shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL main.cpl,Power")}
  1113. to display the Power Management control panel.
  1114. \par
  1115. 2.\tab Add or remove the check-mark on the
  1116. "Enable battery meter on taskbar" setting.
  1117. \par
  1118. \li0\fi0
  1119. \page
  1120. #{\footnote HOWTO_SENDTO}
  1121. ${\footnote Open a file with your favorite editor}
  1122. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1123. K{\footnote send to}
  1124. {\b Open a file with your favorite editor}\par
  1125. Put a shortcut to your favorite editor in your SendTo folder,
  1126. a subfolder of your Windows folder,
  1127. and it will appear in your "Send To" menu. You can then right-click
  1128. any file and send it to your editor.
  1129. \par
  1130. \page
  1131. #{\footnote HOWTO_EXTENSIONS}
  1132. ${\footnote Save a file without a default extension}
  1133. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1134. K{\footnote extensions, overriding}
  1135. {\b Save a file without a default extension}\par
  1136. To save a document with an extension other than the one the program
  1137. wants to use, enclose the name in quotation marks. For example,
  1138. if you run Notepad and save a file under the name
  1139. \par
  1140. \tx360
  1141. \tab Dr.Z
  1142. \par
  1143. it will actually be saved under the name Dr.Z.txt. But if you type
  1144. \par
  1145. \tab "Dr.Z"
  1146. \par
  1147. then the document will be saved under the name Dr.Z.
  1148. \par
  1149. This is a feature,
  1150. so that you can name a document
  1151. \par
  1152. \tab Letter to Dr. Johnson
  1153. \par
  1154. and it will be saved as "Letter to Dr. Johnson.txt" so that the
  1155. document will be properly associated with Notepad. Otherwise,
  1156. the extension would be "Johnson", which is not a great idea.
  1157. \page
  1158. #{\footnote HOWTO_CDPLAYER}
  1159. ${\footnote Use another program to play audio CDs}
  1160. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1161. K{\footnote CDs, autoplay}
  1162. {\b Use another program to play audio CDs}\par
  1163. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1164. 1.\tab Click here {\uldb \{bmc shortcut.bmp\}}
  1165. {\v !ExecFile(explorer.exe,"::\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D\}")} to
  1166. open My Computer.\par
  1167. 2.\tab On the View menu, click Options, and then click
  1168. the File Types tab.\par
  1169. 3.\tab Double-click the "AudioCD" file type.\par
  1170. 4.\tab In the "Actions" section, double-click "play".\par
  1171. 5.\tab Type the program name as the "Application used to perform action".\par
  1172. }\page
  1173. #{\footnote HOWTO_DISABLE}
  1174. ${\footnote Disable Tweak UI for a particular user}
  1175. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1176. K{\footnote Tweak UI, disabling}
  1177. {\b Disable Tweak UI for a particular user}\par
  1178. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1179. 1.\tab Run the Windows Policy Editor.
  1180. It can be found on the Windows CD-ROM in the
  1181. \\Admin\\Apptools\\Poledit folder.\par
  1182. 2.\tab With the Admin.adm template, open the specified user's policies
  1183. and go to the System\\Restrictions section.
  1184. Place a check-mark next to "Disable Registry editing tools".\par
  1185. }\page
  1186. #{\footnote HOWTO_UNINSTALL}
  1187. ${\footnote Uninstall Tweak UI}
  1188. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1189. {\b Uninstall Tweak UI}\par
  1190. K{\footnote Uninstall, Tweak UI; Add/Remove Tweak UI}
  1191. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1192. 1.\tab Make sure to exit all running copies of Tweak UI before
  1193. attempting to uninstall it.\par
  1194. 2.\tab Click here {\uldb \{bmc shortcut.bmp\}}
  1195. {\v !ExecFile(rundll32.exe,"shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL appwiz.cpl")}
  1196. to run the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.\par
  1197. 3.\tab Select the "Install/Uninstall" tab if it is not already selected.\par}
  1198. {\b Do you see an entry for "Tweak UI"?}\par
  1199. {\tx360\li360\fi-360
  1200. \{button , JumpId(HOWTO_UNINSTALL_YES)\}\tab Yes, "Tweak UI" is listed
  1201. as a program that can be uninstalled.\par
  1202. \{button , JumpId(HOWTO_UNINSTALL_NO)\}\tab No, "Tweak UI" is not listed
  1203. as a program that can be uninstalled.\par}
  1204. \page
  1205. #{\footnote HOWTO_UNINSTALL_YES}
  1206. ${\footnote Uninstall Tweak UI via Add/Remove Programs}
  1207. {\b Uninstall Tweak UI via Add/Remove Programs}\par
  1208. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1209. 1.\tab Close this help file.\par
  1210. 2.\tab Double-click the entry for "Tweak UI".\par}
  1211. \page
  1212. #{\footnote HOWTO_UNINSTALL_NO}
  1213. ${\footnote Reinstalling the Tweak UI Uninstaller}
  1214. {\b Reinstalling the Tweak UI Uninstaller}\par
  1215. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1216. 1.\tab Close the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel.\par
  1217. 2.\tab Click here {\uldb \{bmc shortcut.bmp\}}
  1218. {\v !ExecFile(rundll32.exe,"TWEAKUI.CPL,TweakMeUp 1")}
  1219. to restore the Tweak UI Uninstall program.\par
  1220. 3.\tab Click here {\uldb \{bmc shortcut.bmp\}}{\v !JumpId(HOWTO_UNINSTALL)}
  1221. to try uninstalling Tweak UI again.\par}
  1222. \page
  1223. #{\footnote TIP_ICONFOLDER}
  1224. ${\footnote Uncluttering your desktop}
  1225. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1226. K{\footnote Desktop, customizing}
  1227. {\b Uncluttering your desktop}\par
  1228. To remove the clutter from your desktop, you can remove icons
  1229. from the desktop and create them as files. You can then put these files
  1230. into folders and organize them in whatever manner you think best.\par
  1231. Beware that
  1232. {\uldb some icons behave strangely when created as files}{\v MISC_WEIRDICON}.
  1233. \page
  1234. #{\footnote TIP_PERUSER}
  1235. ${\footnote Hiding desktop icons from other users}
  1236. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1237. K{\footnote Desktop, customizing}
  1238. {\b Hiding desktop icons from other users}\par
  1239. Suppose you want to let your young children use the computer, but
  1240. don't want the Inbox on their desktop, because they might
  1241. double-click on it and mess up your mail. After creating a
  1242. separate login for your kids and configuring the system to use a
  1243. different desktop for each user, you can delete the Inbox from the
  1244. system-wide desktop, then create the Inbox as a file on your
  1245. private desktop. When you log in, you get an Inbox on your
  1246. desktop, but your kids don't.\par
  1247. Beware that
  1248. {\uldb some icons behave strangely when created as files}{\v MISC_WEIRDICON}.
  1249. \page
  1250. #{\footnote TIP_RECYCLE}
  1251. ${\footnote Deleting files without confirmation}
  1252. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1253. K{\footnote Recycle Bin}
  1254. {\b Deleting files without confirmation}\par
  1255. Hold down the shift key while pressing the Delete key or dragging
  1256. the file to the Recycle Bin to suppress the confirmation warning
  1257. and delete the file irretrievably instead of sending it to the Recycle Bin.
  1258. \page
  1259. #{\footnote TIP_STARTMENU}
  1260. ${\footnote Putting special icons onto the Start Menu}
  1261. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1262. K{\footnote Start Menu, customizing}
  1263. {\b Putting special icons onto the Start Menu}\par
  1264. Go to the Desktop page and select the Control Panel.
  1265. Click "Create As File", then browse to your Start Menu
  1266. folder. (The Start Menu folder is a subfolder of your Windows folder.)
  1267. \par
  1268. When you save the Control Panel as a file into the Start Menu,
  1269. the icon in the Start Menu will have a triangle next to it.
  1270. If you highlight the icon,
  1271. the menu will open into a submenu listing all your Control Panel
  1272. applets.
  1273. \par
  1274. This trick also works for the Printers and Dial-Up Networking icons.
  1275. \page
  1276. #{\footnote MISC_TEMPLATE}
  1277. ${\footnote Template Troubleshooter}
  1278. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1279. K{\footnote troubleshooter, template; template troubleshooter}
  1280. {\b Template Troubleshooter}\par
  1281. This troubleshooter helps you solve problems creating a new document template.
  1282. To create a new document template, drop it into the template area.
  1283. \par
  1284. {\b What message did you receive when you tried to create a template?}\par
  1285. {\tx360\li360\fi-360
  1286. \{button , JumpId(MISC_TEMPLATE_0)\}\tab
  1287. "Drop only one file at a time, please."\par
  1288. \{button , JumpId(MISC_TEMPLATE_1)\}\tab
  1289. "No application is associated with this file."\par
  1290. \{button , JumpId(MISC_TEMPLATE_2)\}\tab
  1291. "Overwrite the existing template with this file?"\par
  1292. \{button , JumpId(MISC_TEMPLATE_3)\}\tab
  1293. "Unable to copy the file to the templates folder."\par
  1294. \{button , JumpId(MISC_TEMPLATE_4)\}\tab
  1295. "Templates cannot be created for this document type."\par
  1296. }\page
  1297. #{\footnote MISC_TEMPLATE_0}
  1298. ${\footnote "Drop only one file at a time, please."}
  1299. {\b"Drop only one file at a time, please."}\par
  1300. Tweak UI can create only one document template at a time. \par
  1301. {\b Workaround:} Drop files one at a time instead of dropping
  1302. several.\par
  1303. \page
  1304. #{\footnote MISC_TEMPLATE_1}
  1305. ${\footnote "No application is associated with this file."}
  1306. {\b"No application is associated with this file."}\par
  1307. The file type was not recognized.\par
  1308. {\b Workaround:}
  1309. Create an association for the file type by following these steps.\par
  1310. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1311. 1.\tab Click here {\uldb \{bmc shortcut.bmp\}}
  1312. {\v !ExecFile(explorer.exe,"::\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D\}")} to
  1313. open My Computer.\par
  1314. 2.\tab On the View menu, click Options, and then click
  1315. the File Types tab.\par
  1316. 3.\tab Click "New Type".\par
  1317. 4.\tab Specify a description for the file type and the
  1318. filename extension associated with this type of file.\par
  1319. 5.\tab Click "New" to define an action for this file type.\par
  1320. 6.\tab Specify the action that you want to define, such as Open
  1321. or Print, and the command that should run to complete this action.\par
  1322. 7.\tab Exit the File Types dialog.\par
  1323. 8.\tab Exit and restart Tweak UI
  1324. so that Tweak UI will recognize the new file type.\par}
  1325. \page
  1326. #{\footnote MISC_TEMPLATE_2}
  1327. ${\footnote "Overwrite the existing template with this file?"}
  1328. {\b"Overwrite the existing template with this file?"}\par
  1329. There is already a template defined for the file type.\par
  1330. {\b Workaround:} If you wish the file you dropped to become the
  1331. new template for the file type, answer "Yes". The old template
  1332. will be lost forever if you choose to overwrite it.\par
  1333. \page
  1334. #{\footnote MISC_TEMPLATE_3}
  1335. ${\footnote "Unable to copy the file to the templates folder."}
  1336. {\b"Unable to copy the file to the templates folder."}\par
  1337. There was an error copying the file into the templates folder.
  1338. Tweak UI doesn't tell you what sort of error actually happened;
  1339. that's left for you to figure out. Hey, you get what you pay for.\par
  1340. {\b Workaround:} Make sure the file exists and that you have
  1341. permission to copy it. Check also that there is not already a
  1342. file in your ShellNew folder with the same name.\par
  1343. \page
  1344. #{\footnote MISC_TEMPLATE_4}
  1345. ${\footnote "Templates cannot be created for this document type."}
  1346. {\b"Templates cannot be created for this document type."}\par
  1347. Windows has been given special knowledge of this document type.
  1348. (For example, it may have been a shortcut file or an application file.)
  1349. Creating a simple template would be inadvisable.\par
  1350. {\b Workaround:} If you had dropped a shortcut file, drop the
  1351. target of the shortcut instead.\par
  1352. \page
  1353. #{\footnote MISC_EXITSAVE}
  1354. ${\footnote If Explorer opens unwanted folders when Windows starts}
  1355. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1356. K{\footnote Explorer, folders open automatically}
  1357. {\b If Explorer opens unwanted folders when Windows starts}\par
  1358. Explorer normally re-opens all folders that were open the last time
  1359. you shut down or logged off Windows normally.\par
  1360. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1361. 1.\tab Close all Explorer windows.\par
  1362. 2.\tab From the Start menu, click Shut Down.\par
  1363. 3.\tab Select "Close all programs and log on as a different user"
  1364. and click Yes.\par
  1365. 4.\tab Log back on.\par}
  1366. {\brdrt\tx360\li360\fi-360
  1367. \{button , JumpId(MISC_EXITSAVE_1)\}\tab That didn't work. The
  1368. folders were reopened anyway.\par}
  1369. \page
  1370. #{\footnote MISC_EXITSAVE_1}
  1371. ${\footnote Saved Explorer settings aren't being restored}
  1372. {\b Saved Explorer settings aren't being restored}\par
  1373. Make sure that you have enabled "Save settings" on the Explorer
  1374. property page of Tweak UI. If "Save settings" is disabled, then Windows will
  1375. restore the desktop to its state the last time you shut down or
  1376. logged off Windows while the "Save settings" option was enabled.\par
  1377. {\brdrt\tx360\li360\fi-360
  1378. \{button , JumpId(MISC_EXITSAVE_2)\}\tab That didn't work. The
  1379. folders were reopened anyway.\par}
  1380. \page
  1381. #{\footnote MISC_EXITSAVE_2}
  1382. {\b Explorer opens unwanted folders even if "Save settings" is enabled}\par
  1383. You may have shortcuts to folders in your Startup folder.\par
  1384. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1385. 1.\tab Right-click the Start button and click Open.\par
  1386. 2.\tab Double-click the Programs folder.\par
  1387. 3.\tab Double-click the Startup folder.\par
  1388. 4.\tab Remove unwanted shortcuts from the Startup folder.\par
  1389. }\page
  1390. #{\footnote MISC_ISSUES}
  1391. {\b See also}\par
  1392. See also the "Issues and Limitations" section of this help file
  1393. for problems that are specific to particular platforms.
  1394. \par
  1395. \page
  1396. #{\footnote IDH_NONETHOOD}
  1397. ${\footnote Consequences of hiding Network Neighborhood}
  1398. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1399. K{\footnote Network Neighborhood, and Direct Cable Connection;
  1400. Direct Cable Connection, and Network Neighborhood}
  1401. {\b Consequences of hiding Network Neighborhood}\par
  1402. Since shell support for the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) notation
  1403. is handled by the Network Neighborhood, hiding the
  1404. Network Neighborhood icon will prevent Explorer from accessing resources
  1405. via UNCs. In order to access network resources from Explorer,
  1406. you need to map them to a drive letter. Note that
  1407. the MS-DOS command prompt and other applications are not affected by this
  1408. setting, because they do not use the Network Neighborhood to resolve UNCs.\par
  1409. In particular, hiding the Network Neighborhood prevents Direct Cable
  1410. Connection from displaying the contents of the host computer.
  1411. Aside from this, Direct Cable Connection functions normally.\par
  1412. \page
  1413. #{\footnote MISC_NT}
  1414. ${\footnote Windows NT issues}
  1415. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1416. K{\footnote Windows NT}
  1417. {\b Windows NT issues}\par
  1418. {\b No "My Computer" tab}\par
  1419. If you do not have permission to alter the list of drives
  1420. that appear in My Computer, then the "My Computer" tab will not
  1421. be shown.
  1422. \par
  1423. {\b No "Boot" tab}\par
  1424. Tweak UI does not support editing the Windows NT BOOT.INI file.\par
  1425. {\tx180\li180\fi-180
  1426. 1.\tab Click here {\uldb \{bmc shortcut.bmp\}}
  1427. {\v !ExecFile(rundll32.exe,"shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL sysdm.cpl")}
  1428. to display the System control panel.
  1429. \par
  1430. 2.\tab Select the "Startup/Shutdown" tab
  1431. to display the Windows NT BOOT.INI editor.
  1432. \par}
  1433. {\b No "Repair Associations Now" button}\par
  1434. Tweak UI does not currently support repairing standard icons and associations
  1435. under Windows NT.
  1436. \par
  1437. {\b Some settings do not take effect}\par
  1438. Depending on the security permissions granted to the current user,
  1439. some Tweak UI features may not have any effect. For example, if the current
  1440. user does not have permission to edit the part of the registry that
  1441. contains the desktop, then changes to the desktop will not take effect.
  1442. \par
  1443. \page
  1444. #{\footnote MISC_95}
  1445. ${\footnote Windows 95 and Windows 98 issues}
  1446. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1447. K{\footnote Windows 95}
  1448. K{\footnote Windows 98}
  1449. {\b Windows 95 and Windows 98 issues}\par
  1450. {\b Enabling "Prefix to" setting doesn't seem to work}\par
  1451. Tweak UI can disable the prefix on the fly, but in
  1452. order to re-enable it, you must log out and back in.\par
  1453. Tweak UI will have difficulty adjusting the "Prefix to" setting
  1454. until you log out and back in.\par
  1455. {\b Shortcut arrow keeps coming back}\par
  1456. If you set the shortcut overlay to None, you may find that the arrows
  1457. come back after you change your desktop appearance.
  1458. \par
  1459. {\b Workaround:} Go to the Repair tab and select "Rebuild Icon Cache Now".
  1460. \par
  1461. \page
  1462. #{\footnote MISC_WEIRDICON}
  1463. ${\footnote Icons which behave strangely when created as files}
  1464. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1465. {\b Icons which behave strangely when created as files}
  1466. \par
  1467. {\uldb The Microsoft Network created as a file acts strangely}{\v CAF_MSN}\par
  1468. {\uldb Inbox created as a file acts strangely}{\v CAF_INBOX}\par
  1469. \page
  1470. #{\footnote CAF_MSN}
  1471. ${\footnote The Microsoft Network created as a file acts strangely}
  1472. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1473. K{\footnote The Microsoft Network}
  1474. {\b The Microsoft Network created as a file acts strangely}\par
  1475. The Microsoft Network was not designed to be created as a file,
  1476. although it mostly works.\par
  1477. The Microsoft Network assumes that
  1478. the only place its icon can possibly exist is on the desktop
  1479. as a special desktop icon. If you right-click the The Microsoft
  1480. Network icon-as-file, you will see two Delete commands.
  1481. The first Delete command (beneath
  1482. the "Send To" command) removes the The Microsoft Network special desktop
  1483. icon, {\i not} the created-as-file icon you right-clicked.
  1484. The second Delete command (beneath "Create Shortcut")
  1485. is the standard delete command which actually deletes the item
  1486. you clicked on. Neither actually uninstalls The Microsoft Network;
  1487. to do that, use the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel.
  1488. \par
  1489. {\b Workaround:} Do not use the first Delete command (beneath
  1490. the "Send To" command). Only use the second Delete command (beneath
  1491. "Create Shortcut").
  1492. \page
  1493. #{\footnote CAF_INBOX}
  1494. ${\footnote Inbox created as a file acts strangely}
  1495. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1496. K{\footnote Inbox}
  1497. {\b Inbox created as a file acts strangely}\par
  1498. Inbox was not designed to be created as a file,
  1499. although it mostly works.\par
  1500. When you ask to see its properties,
  1501. Inbox is unable to make its properties coexist with the
  1502. standard properties provided by Explorer, so it creates a
  1503. separate property dialog.
  1504. \par
  1505. {\b Workaround:} Ignore the extra property dialog.
  1506. \page
  1507. #{\footnote COPYRIGHT}
  1508. ${\footnote Copyright}
  1509. +{\footnote auto}\fs18\sl240
  1510. Tweak UI version 1.32.\par
  1511. Copyright 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation.
  1512. \page
  1513. }