/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990-1992 **/ /**********************************************************************/
uixport.c This program parses the output of the "COFF -DUMP -SYMBOLS" command and extract all public symbols. This is used to generate .DEF files for DLLs.
FILE HISTORY: KeithMo 09-Aug-1992 00.00.00 Created. KeithMo 14-Sep-1992 00.00.01 Strip stdcall decoration from symbols. KeithMo 16-Oct-1992 00.00.02 Handle goofy []()* in coff output.
DavidHov 18-Sep-1993 00.00.04 Added exclusion list processing. The exlusion list is generated mechanically and constiutes all the symbols which are not imported by any known NETUI/RAS/MAC (et al.) binary.
DavidHov 22-Sep-1993 00.00.05 Added symbol ignore table and logic. The ignore table at this time ignores only the gigantic symbols generated by C8 when /Gf is used; these names are strings which are to be merged at link time.
DaveWolfe 06-Jul-1994 00.01.01 (Motorola) Added -ppc option for PowerPC to strip entry point symbols generated for PPC TOC. */
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <search.h>
// This is the maximum length (in characters) of any line we'll
// receive from COFF. If we receive a longer line, the program
// won't crash, but we may miss a public symbol.
#define MAX_LINE_FROM_COFF 2000
// This is the maximum length (in characters) of any symbol we'll
// receive from COFF.
#define MAX_SYMBOL 247
// This is the maximum length (in characters) of any error message
// we'll display.
// This is the length (in characters) of the header->output copy buffer.
// Messages.
char _szBanner[] = "%s version 00.01.01\n"; char _szCannotOpenForRead[] = "Cannot open %s for read access."; char _szCannotOpenForWrite[] = "Cannot open %s for write access."; char _szErrorCopyingHeader[] = "Error copying header to output."; char _szInvalidSwitch[] = "Invalid switch '%c'.\n\n"; char _szSymbolTooLong[] = "Symbol %s exceeds max symbol length!\n"; char _szExclusionError[] = "Error processing exclusion list file; ignored" ; char _szExclusionEmpty[] = "Exclusion list file specified is empty; ignored" ;
// Globals.
char * _pszProgramName; FILE * _fileIn; FILE * _fileOut; FILE * _fileHeader; int _fStripLeadingUnderscore; int _fNukeStdcallDecoration; int _fPowerPC; int _fIA64;
char * _pszExclusionListFile = NULL ; void * _pvExclusionBlock = NULL ; char * * _apszExclusionArray = NULL ; int _cExclusionItems = -1 ; int _cExcludedItems = 0 ; int _cIgnoredItems = 0 ;
// This table contains the prefixes of symbol names to ignore
// while building the DEF file. See ValidSymbol().
static char * apszIgnore [] = { "??_C@_", // Ignore generated string symbol names
// Prototypes.
int __cdecl main( int cArgs, char * pArgs[] );
void Cleanup( void );
void CopyHeaderToOutput( FILE * fHeader, FILE * fOutput );
int ExtractSymbol( char * pszLineFromCoff, char * pszSymbol );
void __cdecl FatalError( int err, char * pszFmt, ... );
void __cdecl NonFatalError( char * pszFmt, ... );
int IsHexNumber( char * pszHexNumber );
char * NoPath( char * pszPathName );
void ProcessCommandLine( int cArgs, char * pArgs[] );
void StripStdcallDecoration( char * pszSymbol );
void Usage( void );
// Create the exclusion list.
int CreateExclusionList ( char * pszFileName, void * * pvData, char * * * apszStrings ) ;
// Check the excluded symbol list for this name
int ExcludedSymbol ( char * pszSymbol ) ;
int ValidSymbol ( const char * psz ) ;
NAME: main
SYNOPSIS: C program entrypoint.
ENTRY: cArgs - Number of command line arguments.
pArgs - An array of pointers to the command line arguments.
RETURNS: int - 0 if everything ran OK, !0 if an error occurred.
NOTES: See the Usage() function for valid command line arguments.
HISTORY: KeithMo 09-Aug-1992 Created. KeithMo 14-Sep-1992 Strip stdcall decoration from symbols.
********************************************************************/ int __cdecl main( int cArgs, char * pArgs[] ) { //
// A line read from COFF.
char szLineFromCoff[MAX_LINE_FROM_COFF+1];
// A symbol extracted from the COFF line.
char szSymbol[MAX_SYMBOL+1];
// Get the program name, for our messages.
_pszProgramName = NoPath( pArgs[0] );
// Announce ourselves.
fprintf( stderr, _szBanner, _pszProgramName );
// Parse the command line arguments.
ProcessCommandLine( cArgs, pArgs );
// If requested, copy the header file before processing
// the COFF output.
if( _fileHeader != NULL ) { CopyHeaderToOutput( _fileHeader, _fileOut ); }
// If an exclusion list file was specified, process it.
// If it's empty, ignore it.
if ( _pszExclusionListFile ) { _cExclusionItems = CreateExclusionList( _pszExclusionListFile, & _pvExclusionBlock, & _apszExclusionArray ) ;
if ( _cExclusionItems < 0 ) { _pszExclusionListFile = NULL ; NonFatalError( _szExclusionError ) ; } else if ( _cExclusionItems == 0 ) { _pszExclusionListFile = NULL ; NonFatalError( _szExclusionEmpty ) ; } }
// Read the lines from coff, extract the symbols, and
// write them to the output file.
while( fgets( szLineFromCoff, MAX_LINE_FROM_COFF, _fileIn ) != NULL ) { char * pszDisplay = szSymbol;
if( !ExtractSymbol( szLineFromCoff, szSymbol ) ) { continue; }
if ( ! _fNukeStdcallDecoration ) { StripStdcallDecoration( szSymbol ); }
if ( ! ValidSymbol( pszDisplay ) ) { _cIgnoredItems++ ; continue ; }
if ( _pszExclusionListFile && ExcludedSymbol( szSymbol ) ) { _cExcludedItems++ ; continue ; }
if( _fStripLeadingUnderscore && ( *pszDisplay == '_' ) ) { pszDisplay++; }
fprintf( _fileOut, "%s\n", pszDisplay ); }
fprintf( _fileOut, "\032" );
// Give a synopsis of exclusion file processesing.
fprintf( stdout, "\nSymbols ignored: %ld\n", _cIgnoredItems ) ;
if ( _pszExclusionListFile ) { fprintf( stdout, "\nExcluded symbols registered: %ld, excluded: %ld\n", _cExclusionItems, _cExcludedItems ) ; }
// Cleanup any open files, then exit.
Cleanup(); return 0;
} // main
NAME: Cleanup
SYNOPSIS: Cleanup the app just before termination. Closes any open files, frees memory buffers, etc.
HISTORY: KeithMo 09-Aug-1992 Created.
********************************************************************/ void Cleanup( void ) { if( _fileHeader != NULL ) { fclose( _fileHeader ); }
if( _fileIn != stdin ) { fclose( _fileIn ); }
if( _fileOut != stdout ) { fclose( _fileOut ); }
if ( _pvExclusionBlock ) { free( _pvExclusionBlock ) ; }
if ( _apszExclusionArray ) { free( _apszExclusionArray ) ; }
} // Cleanup
NAME: CopyHeaderToOutput
SYNOPSIS: Copies the specified header file to the output file.
ENTRY: fHeader - An open file stream (read access) to the header file.
fOutput - An open file stream (write access) to the output file.
NOTES: If any errors occur, FatalError() is called to terminate the app.
HISTORY: KeithMo 09-Aug-1992 Created.
********************************************************************/ void CopyHeaderToOutput( FILE * fHeader, FILE * fOutput ) { char achBuffer[HEADER_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t cbRead;
while( ( cbRead = fread( achBuffer, sizeof(char), HEADER_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE, fHeader ) ) != 0 ) { if( fwrite( achBuffer, sizeof(char), cbRead, fOutput ) < cbRead ) { break; } }
if( ferror( fHeader ) || ferror( fOutput ) ) { FatalError( 2, _szErrorCopyingHeader ); }
} // CopyHeaderToOutput
NAME: ExtractSymbol
SYNOPSIS: Extracts a public symbol from a COFF output line.
ENTRY: pszLineFromCoff - A text line output from the "COFF -DUMP -SYM" command.
Note: The text in the line will be modified by the strtok() function!
pszSymbol - Will receive the extracted symbol, if one is found.
RETURNS: int - !0 if a symbol was extracted, 0 otherwise.
NOTES: Here's an example of the input (output from LINK32). The symbol -$- indicates places where I broke the line for clarity. This just one line:
009 00000000 SECT2 notype () External | -$- ??0APPLICATION@@IAE@PAUHINSTANCE__@@HIIII@Z -$- (protected: __thiscall APPLICATION::APPLICATION( -$- struct HINSTANCE__ *,int,unsigned int,unsigned int,-$- unsigned int,unsigned int))
We choose only symbols which are part of a SECT and are marked as "notype" and "External"
HISTORY: KeithMo 09-Aug-1992 Created. DavidHov 20-Oct-1993 update to new LINK32 output form.
********************************************************************/ int ExtractSymbol( char * pszLineFromCoff, char * pszSymbol ) { char * pszDelimiters = " \t\n"; char * pszSect = "SECT"; char * pszNoType = "notype"; char * pszExternal = "External"; char * pszToken; char * pszPotentialSymbol; char * pszScan;
// Verify that the first token is a hex number.
pszToken = strtok( pszLineFromCoff, pszDelimiters );
if( ( pszToken == NULL ) || !IsHexNumber( pszToken ) ) { return 0; }
// Verify that the second token is a hex number.
pszToken = strtok( NULL, pszDelimiters );
if( ( pszToken == NULL ) || !IsHexNumber( pszToken ) ) { return 0; }
// The third token must be SECTn (where n is one
// or more hex digits).
pszToken = strtok( NULL, pszDelimiters );
if( pszToken == NULL ) { return 0; }
if( ( _strnicmp( pszToken, pszSect, 4 ) ) || ! IsHexNumber( pszToken + 4 ) ) { return 0 ; }
// Next, we have to have "notype"
pszToken = strtok( NULL, pszDelimiters );
if( pszToken == NULL || _stricmp( pszToken, pszNoType ) ) { return 0; }
// Functions have a () next, data exports don't.
pszToken = strtok( NULL, pszDelimiters );
if( pszToken == NULL ) { return 0; }
if ( strcmp( pszToken, "()" ) != 0 ) { return 0; }
// Next, we need "External"
pszToken = strtok( NULL, pszDelimiters );
if( pszToken == NULL ) { return 0; }
if( pszToken == NULL || _stricmp( pszToken, pszExternal ) ) { return 0; }
// Now, the symbol introducer: "|"
pszToken = strtok( NULL, pszDelimiters );
if( pszToken == NULL || _stricmp( pszToken, "|" ) ) { return 0; }
// Finally, the mangled (decorated) symbol itself.
pszPotentialSymbol = strtok( NULL, pszDelimiters );
if( pszPotentialSymbol == NULL ) { return 0; }
// Strip prefix from PowerPC function symbols
if( _fPowerPC ) { pszPotentialSymbol += 2 ; }
// Strip prefix from IA-64 function symbols
if( _fIA64 ) { pszPotentialSymbol += 1 ; }
if( strlen( pszPotentialSymbol ) > MAX_SYMBOL ) { fprintf( stderr, _szSymbolTooLong, pszPotentialSymbol );
return 0; }
// Got one.
strcpy( pszSymbol, pszPotentialSymbol ); return 1;
} // ExtractSymbol
NAME: FatalError and NonFatalError
SYNOPSIS: Prints an error message to stderr, then terminates the application.
ENTRY: err - An error code for the exit() stdlib function.
pszFmt - A format string for vsprintf().
... - Any other arguments required by the format string.
HISTORY: KeithMo 09-Aug-1992 Created.
void __cdecl NonFatalError ( char * pszFmt, ... ) { char szBuffer[MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE+1]; va_list ArgPtr;
va_start( ArgPtr, pszFmt );
fprintf( stderr, "%s => ", _pszProgramName ); vsprintf( szBuffer, pszFmt, ArgPtr ); fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", szBuffer );
va_end( ArgPtr );
} // NonFatalError
void __cdecl FatalError( int err, char * pszFmt, ... ) { char szBuffer[MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE+1]; va_list ArgPtr;
va_start( ArgPtr, pszFmt );
fprintf( stderr, "%s => ", _pszProgramName ); vsprintf( szBuffer, pszFmt, ArgPtr ); fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", szBuffer );
va_end( ArgPtr );
Cleanup(); exit( err );
} // FatalError
NAME: IsHexNumber
SYNOPSIS: Determines if the specified string contains a hexadecimal number.
ENTRY: pszHexNumber - The hex number.
EXIT: int - !0 if it *is* a hex number, 0 if it isn't.
HISTORY: KeithMo 12-Aug-1992 Created.
********************************************************************/ int IsHexNumber( char * pszHexNumber ) { int fResult = 1; char ch;
while( ch = *pszHexNumber++ ) { if( !isxdigit( ch ) ) { fResult = 0; break; } }
return fResult;
} // IsHexNumber
NAME: NoPath
SYNOPSIS: Extracts the filename portion of a path.
ENTRY: pszPathName - Contains a path name. The name is not necessarily canonicalized, and may contain just a filename component.
EXIT: char * - The filename component.
HISTORY: KeithMo 09-Aug-1992 Created.
********************************************************************/ char * NoPath( char * pszPathName ) { char * pszTmp; char ch;
pszTmp = pszPathName;
while( ( ch = *pszPathName++ ) != '\0' ) { if( ( ch == '\\' ) || ( ch == ':' ) ) { pszTmp = pszPathName; } }
return pszTmp;
} // NoPath
NAME: ProcessCommandLine
SYNOPSIS: Parse command line arguments, setting appropriate globals.
ENTRY: cArgs - Number of command line arguments.
pArgs - An array of pointers to the command line arguments.
NOTES: See the Usage() function for valid command line arguments.
HISTORY: KeithMo 12-Aug-1992 Broke out of main(). DaveWolfe 06-Jul-1994 Added -ppc.
********************************************************************/ void ProcessCommandLine( int cArgs, char * pArgs[] ) { int i; char chSwitch;
// Setup our defaults.
_fileIn = stdin; _fileOut = stdout; _fileHeader = NULL;
_fStripLeadingUnderscore = 0; _fNukeStdcallDecoration = 0; _fPowerPC = 0; _fIA64 = 0;
// Parse the command line arguments.
for( i = 1 ; i < cArgs ; i++ ) { //
// Get the argument.
char * pszArg = pArgs[i]; char * pszParam;
// All of our valid arguments *must* start
// with a switch character. Enforce this.
if( ( *pszArg != '-' ) && ( *pszArg != '/' ) ) { Usage(); }
chSwitch = *++pszArg;
// pszParam will either be NULL (for switches such
// as -s) or point to the text just past the colon
// (for switches such as -i:file).
if( ( pszArg[1] == ':' ) && ( pszArg[2] != '\0' ) ) { pszParam = pszArg + 2; } else { pszParam = NULL; }
// Check for valid arguments.
switch( chSwitch ) { case 'p' : case 'P' : //
// -ppc
// Strip prefix ".." from "..symbol".
if( _stricmp( pszArg, "ppc") != 0 ) { Usage(); }
_fPowerPC = 1; break;
case 'h' : case 'H' : //
// -h:header_file
// If a header file has already been specified, or
// if there is no parameter after the switch, bag-out.
if( ( _fileHeader != NULL ) || ( pszParam == NULL ) ) { Usage(); }
_fileHeader = fopen( pszParam, "r" );
if( _fileHeader == NULL ) { FatalError( 1, _szCannotOpenForRead, pszParam ); } break;
case 'i' : case 'I' :
if (pszParam == NULL) { //
// -ia64
// Strip prefix "." from ".symbol".
if( _stricmp( pszArg, "ia64") != 0 ) { Usage(); }
_fIA64 = 1; } else {
// -i:input_file
// If an input file has already been specified, or
// if there is no parameter after the switch, bag-out.
if( ( _fileIn != stdin ) || ( pszParam == NULL ) ) { Usage(); }
_fileIn = fopen( pszParam, "r" );
if( _fileIn == NULL ) { FatalError( 1, _szCannotOpenForRead, pszParam ); } } break;
case 'o' : case 'O' : //
// -o:output_file
// If an output file has already been specified, or
// if there is no parameter after the switch, bag-out.
if( ( _fileOut != stdout ) || ( pszParam == NULL ) ) { Usage(); }
_fileOut = fopen( pszParam, "w" );
if( _fileOut == NULL ) { FatalError( 1, _szCannotOpenForWrite, pszParam ); } break;
case 's' : case 'S' : //
// -s
// If this switch has already been specified, bag-out.
if( _fStripLeadingUnderscore ) { Usage(); }
_fStripLeadingUnderscore = 1; break;
case 'n' : case 'N' : _fNukeStdcallDecoration = 1 ; break ;
case 'x' : case 'X' : _pszExclusionListFile = pszParam ; break ;
case '?' : //
// -?
// Give the poor user a clue.
Usage(); break;
default : //
// Invalid switch.
// Tell the user the bad news, then bag-out.
fprintf( stderr, _szInvalidSwitch, chSwitch ); Usage(); break; } }
} // ProcessCommandLine
NAME: StripStdcallDecoration
SYNOPSIS: Stdcall builds use a weak form of type-safe linkage. This is implemented by appending "@nn" to the end of each symbol, where "nn" is the number of *bytes* passed as parameters.
COFF, on the other hand, does *not* want to see this symbol decoration in .DEF files. So, we remove it here.
ENTRY: pszSymbol - The symbol to munge.
NOTES: This routine is *NOT* DBCS safe! Do we care?
HISTORY: KeithMo 14-Sep-1992 Created.
********************************************************************/ void StripStdcallDecoration( char * pszSymbol ) { int count = 0 ;
// Find the last character.
pszSymbol += strlen( pszSymbol ) - 1;
// Skip any *decimal* numbers.
while( isdigit( *pszSymbol ) ) { pszSymbol--; count++ ; }
// If we're now pointing at a "@", terminate the string here.
if( count && *pszSymbol == '@' ) { *pszSymbol = '\0'; }
} // StripStdcallDecoration
NAME: Usage
SYNOPSIS: Displays usage information if the user gives us a bogus command line.
HISTORY: KeithMo 09-Aug-1992 Created.
DaveWolfe 06-Jul-1994 Added -ppc option.
********************************************************************/ void Usage( void ) { fprintf( stderr, "use: %s [options]\n", _pszProgramName ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "Valid options are:\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -i:input_file = source file\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -o:output_file = destination file\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -h:header_file = header to prepend before symbols\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -s = strip first leading underscore from symbols\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -n = do not strip __stdcall decoration @nn\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -x:excl_file = name of file containing excluded symbols\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -ppc = input is PowerPC symbol dump\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -ia64 = input is IA-64 symbol dump\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " -? = show this help\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf( stderr, "Defaults are:\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " input_file = stdin\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " output_file = stdout\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " header_file = none\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " don't strip first leading underscore from symbol\n" ); fprintf( stderr, " input is not PowerPC symbol dump\n" );
Cleanup(); exit( 1 );
} // Usage
NAME: CreateExclusionList
SYNOPSIS: Reads a text file of excluded export names into memory, sorts it and builds a lookup table compatible with bsearch().
Returns -1 if failure or the count of the number of items in the created array.
int __cdecl qsortStrings ( const void * pa, const void * pb ) { return strcmp( *((const char * *) pa), *((const char * *) pb) ) ; }
int CreateExclusionList ( char * pszFileName, void * * pvData, char * * * apszStrings ) { int cItems, i ; int result = -1 ; long cbFileSize, cbBlockSize ; char * pszData = NULL, * psz, * pszNext ;
char * * ppszArray = NULL ;
char chRec [ MAX_LINE_FROM_COFF ] ;
FILE * pf = NULL ;
do { pf = fopen( pszFileName, "r" ) ;
if ( pf == NULL ) break;
if (fseek( pf, 0, SEEK_END ) == -1) break; cbFileSize = ftell( pf ) ; if (fseek( pf, 0, SEEK_SET ) == -1) break;
cbBlockSize = cbFileSize + (cbFileSize / 2) ;
pszData = (char *) malloc( cbBlockSize ) ;
if ( pszData == NULL ) break ;
for ( cItems = 0, pszNext = pszData ; (!feof( pf )) && (psz = fgets( chRec, sizeof chRec, pf )) ; ) { int lgt ; char * pszEnd ;
while ( *psz <= ' ' && *psz != 0 ) { psz++ ; }
if ( (lgt = strlen( psz )) == 0 ) continue ;
pszEnd = psz + lgt ;
do { --pszEnd ; } while ( pszEnd > psz && *pszEnd <= ' ' ) ;
lgt = (int)(++pszEnd - psz) ; *pszEnd = 0 ;
if ( pszNext + lgt - pszData >= cbBlockSize ) { cItems = -1 ; break ; }
strcpy( pszNext, psz ) ; pszNext += lgt+1 ; cItems++ ; }
*pszNext = 0 ;
if ( cItems <= 0 ) { if ( cItems == 0 ) result = 0 ; break ; }
ppszArray = (char * *) malloc( cItems * sizeof (char *) ) ; if ( ppszArray == NULL ) break ;
for ( i = 0, pszNext = pszData ; *pszNext ; pszNext += strlen( pszNext ) + 1 ) { ppszArray[i++] = pszNext ; }
qsort( (void *) ppszArray, cItems, sizeof (char *), & qsortStrings ) ;
result = cItems ;
} while ( 0 ) ;
if ( pf != NULL ) { fclose( pf ) ; }
if ( result <= 0 ) { if ( pszData ) { free( pszData ) ; pszData = NULL ; } if ( ppszArray ) { free( ppszArray ) ; ppszArray = NULL ; } }
*pvData = (void *) pszData ; *apszStrings = ppszArray ;
return result ; }
int ExcludedSymbol ( char * pszSymbol ) { if ( _apszExclusionArray == NULL ) { return 0 ; }
return bsearch( (void *) & pszSymbol, (void *) _apszExclusionArray, _cExclusionItems, sizeof (char *), & qsortStrings ) != NULL ; }
int ValidSymbol ( const char * psz ) { int i = 0 ;
for ( ; apszIgnore[i] ; i++ ) { if ( _strnicmp( apszIgnore[i], psz, strlen( apszIgnore[i] ) ) == 0 ) return 0 ; } return 1 ; }
// End of UIXPORT.C