// File: UnicowsSupport.c
// Date: 22 March 2001
// Purpose: This file contains functions that supplement the Unicode wrapper layer
#define UNICODE
#include "atlbase.h"
#include "oledlg.h"
static const char CDCommonFilesKey [] = "Software\\My Company", CDCommonFilesValueName [] = "UnicowsLocation", UnicowsName [] = "\\unicows.dll";
static HMODULE __stdcall LoadUnicows (void) { HMODULE hUnicows = 0;
HKEY hKey = 0;
LONG errCode = RegOpenKeyExA (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, CDCommonFilesKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (errCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType = 0, cbData = 0;
errCode = RegQueryValueExA (hKey, CDCommonFilesValueName, 0, &dwType, 0, &cbData);
if (errCode == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_SZ) { char *unicowsPath = (char *)alloca (cbData + strlen (UnicowsName));
errCode = RegQueryValueExA (hKey, CDCommonFilesValueName, 0, &dwType, (BYTE *)unicowsPath, &cbData);
if (errCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (unicowsPath [strlen (unicowsPath) - 1] == '\\') strcat (unicowsPath, UnicowsName + 1); else strcat (unicowsPath, UnicowsName);
hUnicows = LoadLibraryA (unicowsPath); } }
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
if (hUnicows == 0) { MessageBoxA (0, "Unicode wrapper not found", "My Company", MB_ICONSTOP | MB_OK);
_exit (-1); }
return hUnicows; }
extern "C" HMODULE (__stdcall *_PfnLoadUnicows) (void) = &LoadUnicows;
// Wrappers for functions not handled by Godot
static BOOL __stdcall UserOleUIAddVerbMenuW( LPOLEOBJECT lpOleObj, //Pointer to the object
LPCWSTR lpszShortType, //Pointer to the short name corresponding
// to the object
HMENU hMenu, //Handle to the menu to modify
UINT uPos, //Position of the menu item.
UINT uIDVerbMin, //Value at which to start the verbs
UINT uIDVerbMax, //Maximum identifier value for object verbs
BOOL bAddConvert, //Whether to add convert item
UINT idConvert, //Value to use for the convert item
HMENU FAR * lphMenu //Pointer to the cascading verb menu, if
// created
return OleUIAddVerbMenuA (lpOleObj, W2CA (lpszShortType), hMenu, uPos, uIDVerbMin, uIDVerbMax, bAddConvert, idConvert, lphMenu); }
extern "C" FARPROC Unicows_OleUIAddVerbMenuW = (FARPROC)&UserOleUIAddVerbMenuW;
static UINT __stdcall UserOleUIInsertObjectW (LPOLEUIINSERTOBJECTW lpouiiow) { UINT result = OLEUI_CANCEL;
memcpy (&ouiioa, lpouiiow, sizeof (OLEUIINSERTOBJECTA));
ATLASSERT (lpouiiow->lpszCaption == 0); ATLASSERT (lpouiiow->lpszTemplate == 0);
ouiioa.lpszFile = (char *)alloca (ouiioa.cchFile + 1);
ouiioa.lpszFile [0] = '\0';
result = OleUIInsertObjectA(&ouiioa);
wchar_t *lpszFile = lpouiiow->lpszFile;
memcpy (lpouiiow, &ouiioa, sizeof (OLEUIINSERTOBJECTW));
lpouiiow->lpszFile = lpszFile;
wcscpy (lpouiiow->lpszFile, A2CW (ouiioa.lpszFile)); }
return result; }
extern "C" FARPROC Unicows_OleUIInsertObjectW = (FARPROC)&UserOleUIInsertObjectW;