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// Driver Verifier UI
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999
// module: VSetting.h
// author: DMihai
// created: 11/1/00
// Description:
#if !defined(AFX_VSETTING_H__478A94E4_3D60_4419_950C_2144CB86691D__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_VSETTING_H__478A94E4_3D60_4419_950C_2144CB86691D__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "ProgCtrl.h"
// CDriverData class
// Has information about one driver
class CDriverData : public CObject { public: CDriverData(); CDriverData( const CDriverData &DriverData ); CDriverData( LPCTSTR szDriverName ); virtual ~CDriverData();
public: //
// Operators
// Methods
BOOL LoadDriverImageData();
// Overrides
virtual void AssertValid( ) const;
protected: BOOL LoadDriverHeaderData(); BOOL LoadDriverVersionData();
public: //
// Type definitions
typedef enum { SignedNotVerifiedYet = 1, SignedYes, SignedNo } SignedTypeEnum;
typedef enum { VerifyDriverNo = 1, VerifyDriverYes } VerifyDriverTypeEnum;
public: //
// Data
CString m_strName; SignedTypeEnum m_SignedStatus; VerifyDriverTypeEnum m_VerifyDriverStatus;
// If the current driver is a miniport then
// m_strMiniportName is the driver it is linked against (videoprt.sys, etc.)
CString m_strMiniportName;
// If this is a "special driver" this is the name to add to the verification list
// - hal.dll for the HAL
// - ntoskrnl.exe fro the kernel
CString m_strReservedName;
// Binary header info
WORD m_wMajorOperatingSystemVersion; WORD m_wMajorImageVersion;
// Version info
CString m_strCompanyName; CString m_strFileVersion; CString m_strFileDescription; };
// CDriverDataArray class
// ObArray of CDriverData
class CDriverDataArray : public CObArray { public: ~CDriverDataArray();
public: VOID DeleteAll(); CDriverData *GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex ) const; public: //
// Operators
CDriverDataArray &operator = (const CDriverDataArray &DriversSet); };
// CDriversSet class
// Describes a set of drivers to verify
class CDriversSet : public CObject { public: CDriversSet(); virtual ~CDriversSet();
public: //
// Find all installed unsigned drivers if we didn't do that already
BOOL LoadAllDriversData( HANDLE hAbortEvent, CVrfProgressCtrl &ProgressCtl );
BOOL FindUnsignedDrivers( HANDLE hAbortEvent, CVrfProgressCtrl &ProgressCtl );
BOOL ShouldDriverBeVerified( const CDriverData *pDriverData ) const; BOOL ShouldVerifySomeDrivers( ) const;
BOOL GetDriversToVerify( CString &strDriversToVerify );
// Operators
CDriversSet &operator = (const CDriversSet &DriversSet);
// Add a new verifier data structure based on the name
// Returns the new item's index in the array.
INT_PTR AddNewDriverData( LPCTSTR szDriverName, BOOL bForceIfFileNotFound = FALSE );
// Is this driver name already in our list?
BOOL IsDriverNameInList( LPCTSTR szDriverName );
// Overrides
virtual void AssertValid( ) const;
// Load all installed driver names if we didn't do this already
BOOL LoadAllDriversNames( HANDLE hAbortEvent );
public: //
// Types
typedef enum { DriversSetCustom = 1, DriversSetOldOs, DriversSetNotSigned, DriversSetAllDrivers } DriversSetTypeEnum;
// Data
// Standard, custom, etc.
DriversSetTypeEnum m_DriverSetType;
// Array with data for all the currently installed drivers
CDriverDataArray m_aDriverData;
// Extra drivers (not currenly installed) to verify
CStringArray m_astrNotInstalledDriversToVerify;
// Did we initialize already the driver data array?
BOOL m_bDriverDataInitialized;
// Did we initialize already the unsigned drivers member
// of the driver data structure?
BOOL m_bUnsignedDriverDataInitialized; };
// CSettingsBits class
// Describes a set of verifier settings bits
class CSettingsBits : public CObject { public: CSettingsBits(); virtual ~CSettingsBits();
public: //
// Type definitions
typedef enum { SettingsTypeTypical = 1, SettingsTypeCustom, } SettingsTypeEnum;
public: //
// Operators
CSettingsBits &operator = (const CSettingsBits &VerifSettings);
// Overrides
virtual void AssertValid() const;
// Methods
VOID SetTypicalOnly();
VOID EnableTypicalTests( BOOL bEnable ); VOID EnableExcessiveTests( BOOL bEnable ); VOID EnableLowResTests( BOOL bEnable );
BOOL GetVerifierFlags( DWORD &dwVerifyFlags );
public: //
// Data
SettingsTypeEnum m_SettingsType;
BOOL m_bSpecialPoolEnabled; BOOL m_bForceIrqlEnabled; BOOL m_bLowResEnabled; BOOL m_bPoolTrackingEnabled; BOOL m_bIoEnabled; BOOL m_bDeadlockDetectEnabled; BOOL m_bDMAVerifEnabled; BOOL m_bEnhIoEnabled; };
// CVerifierSettings class
// Describes a set of drivers to verify and the verifier settings bits
class CVerifierSettings : public CObject { public: CVerifierSettings(); virtual ~CVerifierSettings();
public: //
// Operators
CVerifierSettings &operator = (const CVerifierSettings &VerifSettings);
// Overrides
virtual void AssertValid() const;
// Methods
BOOL SaveToRegistry();
public: //
// Data
CSettingsBits m_SettingsBits;
CDriversSet m_DriversSet; };
// Runtime data - queried from the kernel
// class CRuntimeDriverData
class CRuntimeDriverData : public CObject { public: //
// Construction
public: //
// Data
CString m_strName;
ULONG Loads; ULONG Unloads;
ULONG CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; ULONG CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; ULONG PeakPagedPoolAllocations; ULONG PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations;
SIZE_T PagedPoolUsageInBytes; SIZE_T NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; SIZE_T PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes; SIZE_T PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes; };
// class CRuntimeDriverDataArray
class CRuntimeDriverDataArray : public CObArray { public: ~CRuntimeDriverDataArray();
public: CRuntimeDriverData *GetAt( INT_PTR nIndex );
VOID DeleteAll(); };
// class CRuntimeVerifierData
class CRuntimeVerifierData : public CObject { public: //
// Construction
public: //
// Methods
VOID FillWithDefaults(); BOOL IsDriverVerified( LPCTSTR szDriveName );
public: //
// Data
BOOL m_bSpecialPool; BOOL m_bPoolTracking; BOOL m_bForceIrql; BOOL m_bIo; BOOL m_bEnhIo; BOOL m_bDeadlockDetect; BOOL m_bDMAVerif; BOOL m_bLowRes;
ULONG RaiseIrqls; ULONG AcquireSpinLocks; ULONG SynchronizeExecutions; ULONG AllocationsAttempted;
ULONG AllocationsSucceeded; ULONG AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool; ULONG AllocationsWithNoTag;
ULONG Trims; ULONG AllocationsFailed; ULONG AllocationsFailedDeliberately;
ULONG UnTrackedPool;
DWORD Level;
CRuntimeDriverDataArray m_RuntimeDriverDataArray; };
#endif // !defined(AFX_VSETTING_H__478A94E4_3D60_4419_950C_2144CB86691D__INCLUDED_)