* * Basic file I/O routines. */
#include "stevie.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <errno.h>
void filemess(s) char *s; { smsg("\"%s\" %s", (Filename == NULL) ? "" : Filename, s); flushbuf(); }
void renum() { LNPTR *p; unsigned long l = 0;
for (p = Filemem; p != NULL ;p = nextline(p), l += LINEINC) if (p->linep) p->linep->num = l;
Fileend->linep->num = 0xffffffff; }
#define MAXLINE 512 /* maximum size of a line */
bool_t readfile(fname,fromp,nochangename) char *fname; LNPTR *fromp; bool_t nochangename; /* if TRUE, don't change the Filename */ { FILE *f; register LINE *curr; char buff[MAXLINE], buf2[80]; register int i, c; register long nchars = 0; int linecnt = 0; bool_t wasempty = bufempty(); int nulls = 0; /* count nulls */ bool_t incomplete = FALSE; /* was the last line incomplete? */ bool_t toolong = FALSE; /* a line was too long */ int ctoolong = 0; bool_t readonly = FALSE; /* file is not writable */
curr = fromp->linep;
if ( ! nochangename ) { Filename = strsave(fname); setviconsoletitle(); }
if((_access(fname,2) == -1) && (errno == EACCES)) { readonly = TRUE; }
if ( (f=fopen(fixname(fname),"r")) == NULL ) return TRUE;
i = 0; do { c = getc(f);
if (c == EOF) { if (i == 0) /* normal loop termination */ break;
* If we get EOF in the middle of a line, note the * fact and complete the line ourselves. */ incomplete = TRUE; c = NL; }
* Abort if we get an interrupt, but finished reading the * current line first. */ if (got_int && i == 0) break;
* If we reached the end of the line, OR we ran out of * space for it, then process the complete line. */ if (c == NL || i == (MAXLINE-1)) { LINE *lp;
if (c != NL) { toolong = TRUE; ctoolong++; }
buff[i] = '\0'; if ((lp = newline(strlen(buff))) == NULL) exit(1);
strcpy(lp->s, buff);
curr->next->prev = lp; /* new line to next one */ lp->next = curr->next;
curr->next = lp; /* new line to prior one */ lp->prev = curr;
curr = lp; /* new line becomes current */ i = 0; linecnt++; if (toolong) { buff[i++] = (char)c; toolong = FALSE; }
} else if (c == NUL) nulls++; /* count and ignore nulls */ else { buff[i++] = (char)c; /* normal character */ }
} while (!incomplete);
* If the buffer was empty when we started, we have to go back * and remove the "dummy" line at Filemem and patch up the ptrs. */ if (wasempty && nchars != 0) { LINE *dummy = Filemem->linep; /* dummy line ptr */
free(dummy->s); /* free string space */ Filemem->linep = Filemem->linep->next; free((char *)dummy); /* free LINE struct */ Filemem->linep->prev = Filetop->linep; Filetop->linep->next = Filemem->linep;
Curschar->linep = Filemem->linep; Topchar->linep = Filemem->linep; }
if (got_int) { smsg("\"%s\" Interrupt", fname); got_int = FALSE; return FALSE; /* an interrupt isn't really an error */ }
if (ctoolong != 0) { smsg("\"%s\" %d Line(s) too long - split", fname, ctoolong); return FALSE; }
sprintf(buff, "\"%s\" %s%s%d line%s, %ld character%s", fname, readonly ? "[Read only] " : "", incomplete ? "[Incomplete last line] " : "", linecnt, (linecnt != 1) ? "s" : "", nchars, (nchars != 1) ? "s" : "");
buf2[0] = NUL;
if (nulls) { sprintf(buf2, " (%d null)", nulls); } strcat(buff, buf2); msg(buff);
return FALSE; }
* writeit - write to file 'fname' lines 'start' through 'end' * * If either 'start' or 'end' contain null line pointers, the default * is to use the start or end of the file respectively. */ bool_t writeit(fname, start, end) char *fname; LNPTR *start, *end; { FILE *f; FILE *fopenb(); /* open in binary mode, where needed */ char *backup; register char *s; register long nchars; register int lines; register LNPTR *p;
if((_access(fname,2) == -1) && (errno == EACCES)) { msg("Write access to file is denied"); return FALSE; }
smsg("\"%s\"", fname);
* Form the backup file name - change foo.* to foo.bak */ backup = alloc((unsigned) (strlen(fname) + 5)); strcpy(backup, fname); for (s = backup; *s && *s != '.' ;s++) ; *s = NUL; strcat(backup, ".bak");
* Delete any existing backup and move the current version * to the backup. For safety, we don't remove the backup * until the write has finished successfully. And if the * 'backup' option is set, leave it around. */ rename(fname, backup);
f = P(P_CR) ? fopen(fixname(fname), "w") : fopenb(fixname(fname), "w");
if (f == NULL) { emsg("Can't open file for writing!"); free(backup); return FALSE; }
* If we were given a bound, start there. Otherwise just * start at the beginning of the file. */ if (start == NULL || start->linep == NULL) p = Filemem; else p = start;
lines = nchars = 0; do { if (p->linep) { if (fprintf(f, "%s\n", p->linep->s) < 0) { emsg("Can't write file!"); return FALSE; } nchars += strlen(p->linep->s) + 1; lines++; } /*
* If we were given an upper bound, and we just did that * line, then bag it now. */ if (end != NULL && end->linep != NULL) { if (end->linep == p->linep) break; }
} while ((p = nextline(p)) != NULL);
fclose(f); smsg("\"%s\" %d line%s, %ld character%s", fname, lines, (lines > 1) ? "s" : "", nchars, (nchars > 1) ? "s" : "");
* Remove the backup unless they want it left around */ if (!P(P_BK)) remove(backup);
return TRUE; }