/****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* WFDISK.C - */ /* */ /* Ported code from wfdisk.asm */ /* */ /****************************************************************************/
#include "winfile.h"
#include "winnet.h"
#include "lfn.h"
DWORD APIENTRY LongShift( DWORD dwValue, WORD wCount ) { return (dwValue >> wCount); }
VOID APIENTRY SetDASD( WORD drive, BYTE dasdvalue ) { // only used by diskette copy.
LPDBT APIENTRY GetDBT() { return (0); // only used by format.
VOID APIENTRY DiskReset() { }
INT APIENTRY IsHighCapacityDrive( WORD iDrive ) { return (0); // only use for format and make system diskette.
WORD APIENTRY GetDPB( WORD drive, PDPB pDPB ) { return (0); // used by hasSystemFiles() and IsSYSable()
VOID APIENTRY SetDPB( WORD drive, PBPB pBPB, PDPB pDPB ) { // only used by Format()
INT APIENTRY ModifyDPB( WORD drive ) { return (0); // only used by IsSYSAble()
INT APIENTRY MyInt25( WORD drive, LPSTR buffer, WORD count, WORD sector ) { return (0); // only used for formatting and sys disk
INT APIENTRY MyReadWriteSector( LPSTR lpBuffer, WORD function, WORD drive, WORD cylinder, WORD head, WORD count ) { return (0); // only used by DiskCopy()
INT APIENTRY FormatTrackHead( WORD drive, WORD track, WORD head, WORD cSec, LPSTR lpTrack ) { return (0); // only used for formatting
INT APIENTRY MyGetDriveType( WORD drive ) { return (0); // only used for formatting
INT APIENTRY WriteBootSector( WORD srcDrive, WORD dstDrive, PBPB pBPB, LPSTR lpBuf ) { return (0); // only used for formatting and syssing.
DWORD APIENTRY ReadSerialNumber( INT iDrive, LPSTR lpBuf ) { return (0); // only used for syssing.
INT APIENTRY ModifyVolLabelInBootSec( INT iDrive, LPSTR lpszVolLabel, DWORD lSerialNo, LPSTR lpBuf ) { return (0); // only used for syssing.
* Note: returned value must not be written to or freed */ LPSTR GetRootPath( WORD wDrive ) { static CHAR rp[] = "A:\\";
rp[0] = 'A' + wDrive; return (rp); }