// TaskMan - NT TaskManager
// Copyright (C) Microsoft
// File: pages.h
// History: Nov-10-95 DavePl Created
// CPage class
// Each of our tabs is represented by an instance of a class derived
// from the CPage class. This way, the main window can call a standard
// set of methods (size, paint, etc) on each page without concern about
// the particular functionality each page provides.
class CPage { public:
// Sent when page is being created
virtual HRESULT Initialize(HWND hwndParent) PURE; // Sent when page is being displayed
virtual HRESULT Activate() PURE; // Sent when page is being hidden
virtual void Deactivate() PURE; // Send when page is being shut down
virtual HRESULT Destroy() PURE; // Returns the title of the page for use on the tab control
virtual void GetTitle(LPTSTR pszText, size_t bufsize) PURE; // Returns the handle to the page's main dialog
virtual HWND GetPageWindow() PURE;
// Sent when a timer event (update display) occurs
virtual void TimerEvent() PURE;
#define CPU_PENS 8
#define CUSTOM_PENS 1
typedef struct tagGRAPH { HWND hwndFrame; HWND hwndGraph; }
extern "C" { // IPHLPAPI does not have this function defines in the header file
// kind of a private undocumented function.
DWORD NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid( IN GUID *pGuid, OUT PWCHAR pwszBuffer, IN OUT PULONG pulBufferSize, IN BOOL bCache, IN BOOL bRefresh ); }
#define MAX_ADAPTERS 32
#define GUID_STR_LENGTH 38
typedef struct tagADAPTER_INFOEX { MIB_IFROW ifRowStartStats; MIB_IFROW ifRowStats[2]; ULONG ulHistory[2][HIST_SIZE]; ULONGLONG ullLinkspeed; BOOLEAN bAdjustLinkSpeed; WCHAR wszDesc[MAXLEN_IFDESCR]; WCHAR wszConnectionName[MAXLEN_IFDESCR]; WCHAR wszGuid[GUID_STR_LENGTH + 1]; ULONGLONG ullLastTickCount; ULONGLONG ullTickCountDiff; DWORD dwScale; }
class CAdapter { public: CAdapter(); HRESULT Update(BOOLEAN & bAdapterListChange); LPWSTR GetAdapterText(DWORD dwAdapter, NETCOLUMNID nStatValue); ULONGLONG GetAdapterStat(DWORD dwAdapter, NETCOLUMNID nStatValue, BOOL bAccumulative = FALSE); HRESULT Reset(); ULONG *GetAdapterHistory(DWORD dwAdapter, ADAPTER_HISTORY nHistoryType); DWORD GetScale(DWORD dwAdapter); void SetScale(DWORD dwAdapter, DWORD dwScale); void RefreshConnectionNames(); DWORD GetNumberOfAdapters(); ~CAdapter();
private: HRESULT RefreshAdapterTable(); HRESULT InitializeAdapter(PPADAPTER_INFOEX ppaiAdapterStats, PIP_ADAPTER_INDEX_MAP pAdapterDescription); void AdjustLinkSpeed(PADAPTER_INFOEX pAdapterInfo); HRESULT GetConnectionName(LPWSTR pwszAdapterGuid, LPWSTR pwszConnectionName); BOOLEAN AdvanceAdapterHistory(DWORD dwAdapter);
private: PIP_INTERFACE_INFO m_pifTable; PPADAPTER_INFOEX m_ppaiAdapterStats; DWORD m_dwAdapterCount; BOOLEAN m_bToggle; DWORD m_dwLastReportedNumberOfAdapters; };
// CNetworkPage
// Class describing the network page
class CNetPage : public CPage {
public: CNetPage(); HRESULT Initialize(HWND hwndParent); DWORD GetNumberOfGraphs(); HRESULT SetupColumns(); void ScrollGraphs(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void SaveColumnWidths(); //void RestoreColumnWidths();
void RememberColumnOrder(HWND hwndList); void RestoreColumnOrder(HWND hwndList); void PickColumns(); HRESULT Activate(); void Deactivate(); void DrawAdapterGraph(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi, UINT iPane); void SizeNetPage(); void TimerEvent(); void UpdateGraphs(); void Reset(); void Refresh(); HWND GetPageWindow() { return m_hPage; }
private: DWORD GraphsPerPage(DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwAdapterCount); void SizeGraph(HDWP hdwp, GRAPH *pGraph, RECT *pRect, RECT *pDimRect); void HideGraph(HDWP hdwp, GRAPH *pGraph); HRESULT UpdatePage(); void CreatePens(); void ReleasePens(); void CalcNetTime(BOOL fUpdateHistory); DWORD DrawGraph(LPRECT prc, HPEN hPen, DWORD dwZoom, ULONG *pHistory, ULONG *pHistory2 = NULL); HRESULT CreateMemoryBitmaps(int x, int y); void FreeMemoryBitmaps(); HRESULT Destroy(); void GetTitle(LPTSTR pszText, size_t bufsize); void ReleaseScaleFont(); void CreateScaleFont(HDC hdc); ULONG DrawAdapterGraphPaper(HDC hdcGraph, RECT * prcGraph, int Width, DWORD dwZoom); INT DrawScale(HDC hdcGraph, RECT *prcGraph, DWORD dwZoom); WCHAR * CommaNumber(ULONGLONG ullValue, WCHAR *pwsz, int cchNumber); WCHAR * SimplifyNumber(ULONGLONG ullValue, WCHAR *psz); WCHAR * FloatToString(ULONGLONG ulValue, WCHAR *psz, BOOLEAN bDisplayDecimal = FALSE);
private: CAdapter m_Adapter; HWND m_hPage; // Handle to this page's dlg
HWND m_hwndTabs; // Parent window
HDC m_hdcGraph; // Inmemory dc for cpu hist
HBITMAP m_hbmpGraph; // Inmemory bmp for cpu hist
HPEN m_hPens[3]; // Our box of crayons
RECT m_rcGraph; BOOL m_bReset; BOOL m_bPageActive; // Tells the class if the Network tab is active (i.e. the user is looking at it)
// If the tab is not active we will not collect network data unless the user selects
// the menu option to do so. (We same some CPU usage then. .
HFONT m_hScaleFont; LONG m_lScaleFontHeight; LONG m_lScaleWidth;
private: HRESULT CreateGraphs(DWORD dwGraphsRequired); void DestroyGraphs(); DWORD GetFirstVisibleAdapter(); void LabelGraphs();
private: PGRAPH m_pGraph; DWORD m_dwGraphCount; DWORD m_dwFirstVisibleAdapter; DWORD m_dwGraphsPerPage; HWND m_hScrollBar; HWND m_hListView; HWND m_hNoAdapterText; };
// CPerfPage
// Class describing the performance page
class CPerfPage : public CPage { HWND m_hPage; // Handle to this page's dlg
HWND m_hwndTabs; // Parent window
HBITMAP m_hStripUnlit; // Digits bitmap
HBITMAP m_hStripLitRed; // Digits bitmap
HBITMAP m_hStripLit; // Digits bitmap
HDC m_hdcGraph; // Inmemory dc for cpu hist
HBITMAP m_hbmpGraph; // Inmemory bmp for cpu hist
HPEN m_hPens[NUM_PENS]; // Our box of crayons
RECT m_rcGraph; public:
CPerfPage() { ZeroMemory((LPVOID) m_hPens, sizeof(m_hPens)); }
virtual ~CPerfPage() { };
HRESULT Initialize(HWND hwndParent); HRESULT Activate(); void Deactivate(); HRESULT Destroy(); void GetTitle(LPTSTR pszText, size_t bufsize); void SizePerfPage(); void TimerEvent(); HWND GetPageWindow() { return m_hPage; } void DrawCPUGraph(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi, UINT iPane); void DrawMEMGraph(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi); void DrawCPUDigits(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi); void DrawMEMMeter(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpdi); void UpdateCPUHistory(); void FreeMemoryBitmaps(); HRESULT CreateMemoryBitmaps(int x, int y); void SetTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT milliseconds); void CreatePens(); void ReleasePens(); void UpdateGraphs(); int TextToLegend(HDC hDC, int xPos, int yPos, LPCTSTR szCPUName); };
// CSysInfo
// Some misc global info about the system
class CSysInfo { public:
// These fields MUST all be DWORDS because we manually index into
// them individually in procperf.cpp
DWORD m_cHandles; DWORD m_cThreads; DWORD m_cProcesses; DWORD m_dwPhysicalMemory; DWORD m_dwPhysAvail; DWORD m_dwFileCache; DWORD m_dwKernelPaged; DWORD m_dwKernelNP; DWORD m_dwKernelTotal; DWORD m_dwCommitTotal; DWORD m_dwCommitLimit; DWORD m_dwCommitPeak;
CSysInfo() { ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(CSysInfo)); } };
// CProcessPage
// Class describing the process list page
class CPtrArray; // Forward reference
class CProcInfo;
class CProcPage : public CPage { HWND m_hPage; // Handle to this page's dlg
HWND m_hwndTabs; // Parent window
CPtrArray * m_pProcArray; // Ptr array of running processes
LPVOID m_pvBuffer; // Buffer for NtQuerySystemInfo
size_t m_cbBuffer; // Size of the above buffer, in bytes
CSysInfo m_SysInfo; BOOL m_fPaused; // Updates paused (during trackpopupmenu)
LPTSTR m_pszDebugger; // Debugger command in registry
HRESULT Initialize(HWND hwndParent); HRESULT Activate(); void Deactivate(); HRESULT Destroy(); void GetTitle(LPTSTR pszText, size_t bufsize); void TimerEvent(); HWND GetPageWindow() { return m_hPage; }
void PickColumns(); void SaveColumnWidths(); void SizeProcPage(); HRESULT SetupColumns(); HRESULT UpdateProcInfoArray(); HRESULT UpdateProcListview(); HRESULT GetProcessInfo(); INT HandleProcPageNotify(HWND, LPNMHDR); void HandleProcListContextMenu(INT xPos, INT yPos); CProcInfo * GetSelectedProcess(); //void HandleWMCOMMAND(INT id);
void HandleWMCOMMAND( WORD , HWND ); BOOL IsSystemProcess(DWORD pid, CProcInfo * pProcInfo); BOOL KillProcess(DWORD pid, BOOL bBatch = FALSE); BOOL KillAllChildren(DWORD dwTaskPid, DWORD pid, BYTE* pbBuffer, LARGE_INTEGER CreateTime); BOOL SetPriority(CProcInfo * pProc, DWORD idCmd); BOOL AttachDebugger(DWORD pid); UINT QuickConfirm(UINT idTitle, UINT idBody); BOOL SetAffinity(DWORD pid);
typedef struct _TASK_LIST { DWORD dwProcessId; DWORD dwInheritedFromProcessId; ULARGE_INTEGER CreateTime; BOOL flags; } TASK_LIST, *PTASK_LIST;
BOOL RecursiveKill(DWORD pid); BYTE* GetTaskListEx(); // Constructor
CProcPage() { m_hPage = NULL; m_hwndTabs = NULL; m_pProcArray = NULL; m_pvBuffer = NULL; m_cbBuffer = 0; m_fPaused = FALSE; m_pszDebugger = NULL;
virtual ~CProcPage();
// The dialog proc needs to be able to set the m_hPage member, so
// make it a friend
friend INT_PTR CALLBACK ProcPageProc( HWND hwnd, // handle to dialog box
UINT uMsg, // message
WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam // second message parameter
// The WOW task callback proc needs to be able to get m_pProcArray,
// so make it a friend.
friend BOOL WINAPI WowTaskCallback( DWORD dwThreadId, WORD hMod16, WORD hTask16, PSZ pszModName, PSZ pszFileName, LPARAM lparam );
private: void Int64ToCommaSepString(LONGLONG n, LPTSTR pszOut, int cchOut); void Int64ToCommaSepKString(LONGLONG n, LPTSTR pszOut, int cchOut); void RememberColumnOrder(HWND hwndList); void RestoreColumnOrder(HWND hwndList); };
class TASK_LIST_ENUM; // Forward ref
// Uses as a communication struct between task page and its worker thread
class THREADPARAM { public:
HANDLE m_hEventChild; HANDLE m_hEventParent; BOOL m_fThreadExit; BOOL m_fSuccess;
THREADPARAM::THREADPARAM() { ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(THREADPARAM)); } };
// CTaskPage
// Class describing the task manager page
class CTaskPage : public CPage { private:
HWND m_hPage; // Handle to this page's dlg
HWND m_hwndTabs; // Parent window
CPtrArray * m_pTaskArray; // Array of active tasks
BOOL m_fPaused; // BOOL, is display refresh paused for menu
HIMAGELIST m_himlSmall; // Image lists
HIMAGELIST m_himlLarge; VIEWMODE m_vmViewMode; // Large or small icon mode
UINT m_cSelected; // Count of items selected
THREADPARAM m_tp; HANDLE m_hEventChild; HANDLE m_hEventParent; HANDLE m_hThread;
typedef struct _open_failures_ { TCHAR *_pszWindowStationName; TCHAR *_pszDesktopName; struct _open_failures_ *_pofNext; } OPEN_FAILURE, *LPOPEN_FAILURE;
OPEN_FAILURE *m_pofFailures;
protected: void RemoveAllTasks(); HRESULT LoadDefaultIcons();
CTaskPage() { m_hPage = NULL; m_hwndTabs = NULL; m_fPaused = FALSE; m_pTaskArray = NULL; m_himlSmall = NULL; m_himlLarge = NULL; m_hEventChild = NULL; m_hEventParent = NULL; m_hThread = NULL; m_vmViewMode = g_Options.m_vmViewMode; m_cSelected = 0; m_pofFailures = NULL; }
virtual ~CTaskPage();
HRESULT Initialize(HWND hwndParent); HRESULT Activate(); void Deactivate(); HRESULT Destroy(); void GetTitle(LPTSTR pszText, size_t bufsize); void TimerEvent();
HWND GetPageWindow() { return m_hPage; }
void SizeTaskPage(); HRESULT SetupColumns(); void GetRunningTasks(TASK_LIST_ENUM * te); void HandleWMCOMMAND(INT id); HRESULT UpdateTaskListview(); INT HandleTaskPageNotify(HWND hWnd, LPNMHDR pnmhdr); void HandleTaskListContextMenu(INT xPos, INT yPos); BOOL CreateNewDesktop(); CPtrArray * GetSelectedTasks(); void UpdateUIState(); HWND * GetHWNDS(BOOL fSelectedOnly, DWORD * pdwCount); void EnsureWindowsNotMinimized(HWND aHwnds[], DWORD dwCount); BOOL HasAlreadyOpenFailed(TCHAR *pszWindowStationName, TCHAR *pszDesktopName); void SetOpenFailed(TCHAR *pszWindowStationName, TCHAR *pszDesktopName); void FreeOpenFailures(void); BOOL DoEnumWindowStations(WINSTAENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam);
void OnSettingsChange(); void Pause() { m_fPaused = TRUE; }
void Unpause() { m_fPaused = FALSE; }
// The dialog proc needs to be able to set the m_hPage member, so
// make it a friend
friend INT_PTR CALLBACK TaskPageProc( HWND hwnd, // handle to dialog box
UINT uMsg, // message
WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam // second message parameter
// The enum callback needs to get at our imagelists as it encounters
// new tasls, so it can add their icons to the lists
friend BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam);
// Object passed around during window enumeration
class TASK_LIST_ENUM { public: CPtrArray * m_pTasks; LPTSTR lpWinsta; LPTSTR lpDesk; LARGE_INTEGER uPassCount; CTaskPage * m_pPage;
TASK_LIST_ENUM() { ZeroMemory(this, sizeof(TASK_LIST_ENUM)); } }; typedef TASK_LIST_ENUM *PTASK_LIST_ENUM;
// CUserPage
// Class describing the task manager page
class CUserPage : public CPage { private:
HWND m_hPage; // Handle to this page's dlg
HWND m_hwndTabs; // Parent window
CPtrArray * m_pUserArray; // Array of active users
BOOL m_fPaused; // BOOL, is display refresh paused for menu
UINT m_cSelected; // Count of items selected
HIMAGELIST m_himlUsers; // Image list for user icons
UINT m_iUserIcon; UINT m_iCurrentUserIcon; THREADPARAM m_tp; HANDLE m_hEventChild; HANDLE m_hEventParent; HANDLE m_hThread;
protected: void RemoveAllUsers(); HRESULT LoadDefaultIcons();
CUserPage() { m_hPage = NULL; m_hwndTabs = NULL; m_fPaused = FALSE; m_pUserArray = NULL; m_hEventChild = NULL; m_hEventParent = NULL; m_hThread = NULL; m_cSelected = 0; m_himlUsers = NULL; m_iUserIcon = 0; m_iCurrentUserIcon = 0; }
virtual ~CUserPage();
HRESULT Initialize(HWND hwndParent); HRESULT Activate(); void Deactivate(); HRESULT Destroy(); void GetTitle(LPTSTR pszText, size_t bufsize); void TimerEvent(); void OnInitDialog(HWND hPage);
HWND GetPageWindow() { return m_hPage; }
void SizeUserPage(); HRESULT SetupColumns(); void GetRunningUsers(TASK_LIST_ENUM * te); void HandleWMCOMMAND(INT id);
HRESULT UpdateUserListview(); INT HandleUserPageNotify(HWND hWnd, LPNMHDR pnmhdr); void HandleUserListContextMenu(INT xPos, INT yPos); CPtrArray * GetSelectedUsers(); void UpdateUIState(); HWND * GetHWNDS(BOOL fSelectedOnly, DWORD * pdwCount); void EnsureWindowsNotMinimized(HWND aHwnds[], DWORD dwCount); BOOL DoEnumWindowStations(WINSTAENUMPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam);
void OnSettingsChange();
void Pause() { m_fPaused = TRUE; }
void Unpause() { m_fPaused = FALSE; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK UserPageProc( HWND hwnd, // handle to dialog box
UINT uMsg, // message
WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam // second message parameter