/* Copyright 1996 Microsoft */
#include <priv.h>
#include "sccls.h"
#include "aclisf.h"
#include "shellurl.h"
// CACLIShellFolder -- An AutoComplete List COM object that
// opens an IShellFolder for enumeration.
/* IUnknown methods */
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CACLIShellFolder, IEnumString), QITABENT(CACLIShellFolder, IACList), QITABENT(CACLIShellFolder, IACList2), QITABENT(CACLIShellFolder, IShellService), QITABENT(CACLIShellFolder, ICurrentWorkingDirectory), QITABENT(CACLIShellFolder, IPersistFolder), { 0 }, }; return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppvObj); }
ULONG CACLIShellFolder::AddRef(void) { _cRef++; return _cRef; }
ULONG CACLIShellFolder::Release(void) { ASSERT(_cRef > 0);
if (_cRef > 0) { return _cRef; }
delete this; return 0; }
/* ICurrentWorkingDirectory methods */ HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::SetDirectory(LPCWSTR pwzPath) { HRESULT hr; LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL;
hr = IECreateFromPathW(pwzPath, &pidl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = Initialize(pidl); ILFree(pidl); }
return hr; }
/* IPersistFolder methods */ HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::Initialize(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = _Init(); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (pidl) { #ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR szPath[MAX_URL_STRING]; hr = IEGetNameAndFlags(pidl, SHGDN_FORPARSING, szPath, SIZECHARS(szPath), NULL); TraceMsg(AC_GENERAL, "ACListISF::Initialize(%s), SetCurrentWorking Directory happening", szPath); #endif // DEBUG
hr = _pshuLocation->SetCurrentWorkingDir(pidl);
} Pidl_Set(&_pidlCWD, pidl);
return hr; }
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::GetClassID(CLSID *pclsid) { *pclsid = CLSID_ACListISF; return S_OK; }
/* IEnumString methods */ HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::Reset(void) { HRESULT hr; LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; TraceMsg(AC_GENERAL, "ACListISF::Reset()"); _fExpand = FALSE; _nPathIndex = 0;
hr = _Init();
// See if we should show hidden files
SHELLSTATE ss; ss.fShowAllObjects = FALSE; SHGetSetSettings(&ss, SSF_SHOWALLOBJECTS /*| SSF_SHOWSYSFILES*/, FALSE); _fShowHidden = BOOLIFY(ss.fShowAllObjects); // _fShowSysFiles = BOOLIFY(ss.fShowSysFiles);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && IsFlagSet(_dwOptions, ACLO_CURRENTDIR)) { // Set the Browser's Current Directory.
if (_pbs) { _pbs->GetPidl(&pidl);
if (pidl) Initialize(pidl); }
hr = _SetLocation(pidl); if (FAILED(hr)) hr = S_FALSE; // If we failed, keep going, we will just end up now doing anything.
ILFree(pidl); } return hr; }
// If this is an FTP URL, skip it if:
// 1) It's absolute (has a FTP scheme), and
// 2) it contains a '/' after the server name.
BOOL CACLIShellFolder::_SkipForPerf(LPCWSTR pwzExpand) { BOOL fSkip = FALSE;
if ((URL_SCHEME_FTP == GetUrlScheme(pwzExpand))) { // If it's FTP, we want to prevent from hitting the server until
// after the user has finished AutoCompleting the Server name.
// Since we can't enum server names, the server names will need
// to come from the MRU.
if ((7 >= lstrlen(pwzExpand)) || // There's more than 7 chars "ftp://"
(NULL == StrChr(&(pwzExpand[7]), TEXT('/')))) // There is a '/' after the server, "ftp://serv/"
{ fSkip = TRUE; } }
return fSkip; }
/* IACList methods */ /****************************************************\
DESCRIPTION: This function will attempt to use the pszExpand parameter to bind to a location in the Shell Name Space. If that succeeds, this AutoComplete List will then contain entries which are the display names in that ISF. \****************************************************/ HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::Expand(LPCOLESTR pszExpand) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; SHSTR strExpand; LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; DWORD dwParseFlags = SHURL_FLAGS_NOUI;
TraceMsg(AC_GENERAL, "ACListISF::Expand(%ls)", pszExpand); _fExpand = FALSE; _nPathIndex = 0;
strExpand.SetStr(pszExpand); if (Str_SetPtr(&_szExpandStr, strExpand.GetStr()) && _szExpandStr) { if (_SkipForPerf(pszExpand)) // Do we want to skip this item for perf reasons?
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED); else hr = _Init(); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// See if the string points to a location in the Shell Name Space
hr = _pshuLocation->ParseFromOutsideSource(_szExpandStr, dwParseFlags); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Yes it did, so now AutoComplete from that ISF
hr = _pshuLocation->GetPidl(&pidl); // This may fail if it's something like "ftp:/" and not yet valid".
DEBUG_CODE(TCHAR szDbgBuffer[MAX_PATH];) TraceMsg(AC_GENERAL, "ACListISF::Expand() Pidl=>%s<", Dbg_PidlStr(pidl, szDbgBuffer, SIZECHARS(szDbgBuffer))); }
// Set the ISF that we need to enumerate for AutoComplete.
hr = _SetLocation(pidl); if (pidl) { ILFree(pidl);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _fExpand = TRUE; } }
return hr; }
/* IACList2 methods */ //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enables/disables various autocomplete features (see ACLO_* flags)
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::SetOptions(DWORD dwOptions) { _dwOptions = dwOptions; return S_OK; }
// Returns the current option settings
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::GetOptions(DWORD* pdwOptions) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; if (pdwOptions) { *pdwOptions = _dwOptions; hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::_GetNextWrapper(LPWSTR pszName, DWORD cchSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; ULONG celtFetched = 0;
// If this directory (ISF) doesn't contain any more items to enum,
// then go on to the next directory (ISF) to enum.
do { BOOL fFilter;
do { fFilter = FALSE; hr = _peidl->Next(1, &pidl, &celtFetched); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = _PassesFilter(pidl, pszName, cchSize); if (FAILED(hr)) { fFilter = TRUE; }
ILFree(pidl); } } while (fFilter); } while ((S_OK != hr) && (S_OK == _TryNextPath()));
return hr; }
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::Next(ULONG celt, LPOLESTR *rgelt, ULONG *pceltFetched) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPITEMIDLIST pidl; ULONG celtFetched; BOOL fUsingCachePidl = FALSE; WCHAR szDisplayName[MAX_PATH];
*pceltFetched = 0; if (!celt) return S_OK;
// If there isn't a Current Working Directory, skip to another
// Path to enum.
if (!_peidl) hr = _TryNextPath();
if ((!_peidl) || (!rgelt)) return S_FALSE;
// Get the next PIDL.
if (_pidlInFolder) { // We have a cached, SHGDN_INFOLDER, so lets try that.
pidl = _pidlInFolder; celtFetched = 1; _pidlInFolder = NULL; fUsingCachePidl = TRUE;
hr = _GetPidlName(pidl, fUsingCachePidl, szDisplayName, ARRAYSIZE(szDisplayName)); ILFree(pidl); AssertMsg((S_OK == hr), TEXT("CACLIShellFolder::Next() hr doesn't equal S_OK, so we need to call _GetNextWrapper() but we aren't. Please call BryanSt.")); } else { hr = _GetNextWrapper(szDisplayName, ARRAYSIZE(szDisplayName)); }
// This is giving us entries (favorites without .url extension) that cannot be navigated to.
// So I'm disabling this for IE5B2. (stevepro)
// else
// Pidl_Set(&_pidlInFolder, pidl); // We will try (SHGDN_INFOLDER) next time.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPOLESTR pwszPath;
// Allocate a return buffer (caller will free it).
pwszPath = (LPOLESTR)CoTaskMemAlloc((lstrlenW(szDisplayName) + 1) * SIZEOF(WCHAR)); if (pwszPath) { StrCpyW(pwszPath, szDisplayName); TraceMsg(AC_GENERAL, "ACListISF::Next() Str=%s, _nPathIndex=%d", pwszPath, _nPathIndex);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { rgelt[0] = pwszPath; *pceltFetched = 1; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::_GetPidlName(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL fUsingCachePidl, LPWSTR pszName, DWORD cchSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szName[MAX_PATH];
// Get the display name of the PIDL.
if (!fUsingCachePidl) { hr = DisplayNameOf(_psf, pidl, SHGDN_INFOLDER | SHGDN_FORPARSING | SHGDN_FORADDRESSBAR, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName));
// some namespaces don't understand _FORADDRESSBAR -- default to IE4 behavior
if (FAILED(hr)) hr = DisplayNameOf(_psf, pidl, SHGDN_INFOLDER | SHGDN_FORPARSING, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); }
if (fUsingCachePidl || FAILED(hr)) { hr = DisplayNameOf(_psf, pidl, SHGDN_INFOLDER | SHGDN_FORADDRESSBAR, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName));
// some namespaces don't understand _FORADDRESSBAR -- default to IE4 behavior
if (FAILED(hr)) hr = DisplayNameOf(_psf, pidl, SHGDN_INFOLDER, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD cchRemain = cchSize; LPTSTR pszInsert = pszName;
pszName[0] = 0; // Init the out buffer.
// First, prepend the _szExpandStr if necessary.
// This is needed for sections that don't give
// the entire path, like "My Computer" items
// which is (3 == _nPathIndex)
if (_fExpand && ((_nPathIndex == 0) /*|| (_nPathIndex == 3)*/)) { DWORD cchExpand = lstrlen(_szExpandStr);
// Make sure that for UNC paths the "\\share" is not already
// prepended. NT5 returns the name in this final form.
if ((StrCmpNI(szName, _szExpandStr, cchExpand) != 0) || (szName[0] != L'\\') || (szName[1] != L'\\')) { StrCpyN(pszInsert, _szExpandStr, cchSize); pszInsert += cchExpand; cchRemain -= cchExpand; } }
// Next, append the display name.
StrCpyN(pszInsert, szName, cchRemain); TraceMsg(AC_GENERAL, "ACListISF::_GetPidlName() Str=%s, _nPathIndex=%d", pszInsert, _nPathIndex); } return hr; }
hr = _GetPidlName(pidl, FALSE, pszName, cchSize); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (((ACLO_FILESYSONLY & _dwOptions) || (ACLO_FILESYSDIRS & _dwOptions)) && SUCCEEDED(_psf->GetAttributesOf(1, (LPCITEMIDLIST *) &pidl, &dwAttributes))) { if (!(dwAttributes & (SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR | SFGAO_FILESYSTEM))) { // We reject it because it's not in the file system.
hr = E_FAIL; // Skip this item.
TraceMsg(AC_GENERAL, "ACListISF::_PassesFilter() We are skipping\"%s\" because it doesn't match the filter", pszName); } else { if ((ACLO_FILESYSDIRS & _dwOptions) && !PathIsDirectory(pszName)) { hr = E_FAIL; // Skip this item since it's not a directory
} } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::_Init(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (!_pshuLocation) { _pshuLocation = new CShellUrl(); if (!_pshuLocation) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return hr; }
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::_SetLocation(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { HRESULT hr;
// Free old location
// Set to new location (Valid if NULL)
Pidl_Set(&_pidl, pidl); if (_pidl) { hr = IEBindToObject(_pidl, &_psf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD grfFlags = (_fShowHidden ? SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN : 0) | SHCONTF_FOLDERS | SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS;
hr = IShellFolder_EnumObjects(_psf, NULL, grfFlags, &_peidl); if (hr != S_OK) { hr = E_FAIL; // S_FALSE -> empty enumerator
} } } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (FAILED(hr)) { // Clear if we could not get all the info
ATOMICRELEASE(_peidl); ATOMICRELEASE(_psf); Pidl_Set(&_pidl, NULL); }
// NOTE: This is necessary because this memory is alloced in a ACBG thread, but not
// freed until the next call to Reset() or the destructor, which will
// happen in the main thread or another ACBG thread.
return hr; }
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::_TryNextPath(void) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if (0 == _nPathIndex) { _nPathIndex = 1; if (_pidlCWD && IsFlagSet(_dwOptions, ACLO_CURRENTDIR)) { hr = _SetLocation(_pidlCWD); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto done; } } }
if (1 == _nPathIndex) { _nPathIndex = 2; if(IsFlagSet(_dwOptions, ACLO_DESKTOP)) { // we used to autocomplete g_pidlRoot in the rooted explorer
// case, but this was a little weird. if we want to add this,
// we should add ACLO_ROOTED or something.
// use the desktop...
hr = _SetLocation(&s_idlNULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto done; } } }
if (2 == _nPathIndex) { _nPathIndex = 3; if (IsFlagSet(_dwOptions, ACLO_MYCOMPUTER)) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlMyComputer; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_DRIVES, &pidlMyComputer))) { hr = _SetLocation(pidlMyComputer); ILFree(pidlMyComputer); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto done; } } } }
// Also search favorites
if (3 == _nPathIndex) { _nPathIndex = 4; if (IsFlagSet(_dwOptions, ACLO_FAVORITES)) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlFavorites; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_FAVORITES, &pidlFavorites))) { hr = _SetLocation(pidlFavorites); ILFree(pidlFavorites); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { goto done; } } } }
if (FAILED(hr)) hr = S_FALSE; // This is how we want our errors returned.
return hr; }
// *** IShellService Interface ***
DESCRIPTION: Update the connection to the Browser window so we can always get the PIDL of the current location. \****************************************************/ HRESULT CACLIShellFolder::SetOwner(IUnknown* punkOwner) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IBrowserService * pbs = NULL;
if (punkOwner) hr = punkOwner->QueryInterface(IID_IBrowserService, (LPVOID *) &pbs);
if (EVAL(SUCCEEDED(hr))) _pbs = pbs;
return S_OK; }
/* Constructor / Destructor / CreateInstance */
CACLIShellFolder::CACLIShellFolder() { DllAddRef(); ASSERT(!_peidl); ASSERT(!_psf); ASSERT(!_pbs); ASSERT(!_pidl); ASSERT(!_pidlCWD); ASSERT(!_fExpand); ASSERT(!_pshuLocation); ASSERT(!_szExpandStr);
_cRef = 1;
// Default search paths
Pidl_Set(&_pidl, NULL); Pidl_Set(&_pidlCWD, NULL); Pidl_Set(&_pidlInFolder, NULL); Str_SetPtr(&_szExpandStr, NULL);
if (_pshuLocation) delete _pshuLocation; DllRelease(); }
HRESULT CACLIShellFolder_CreateInstance(IUnknown *punkOuter, IUnknown **ppunk, LPCOBJECTINFO poi) { *ppunk = NULL;
CACLIShellFolder *paclSF = new CACLIShellFolder(); if (paclSF) { *ppunk = SAFECAST(paclSF, IEnumString *); return S_OK; }