#include "priv.h"
#include "sccls.h"
#include "iface.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "caggunk.h"
#include "menuisf.h"
#include "menubar.h"
#include "menuband.h"
#include "iaccess.h"
#include "apithk.h"
// Implementation of CMenuAgent
// The single global object of this class (g_menuagent) is the
// manager of the message filter proc used to track mouse and
// keyboard messages on behalf of CTrackPopupBar while a menu is
// in a modal menu loop in TrackPopupMenu.
// We track these messages so we can pop out of the menu, behaving
// as if the visual menu bar consisted of a homogeneous menu
// object.
extern "C" void DumpMsg(LPCTSTR pszLabel, MSG * pmsg);
struct CMenuAgent { public: HHOOK _hhookMsg; HWND _hwndSite; // hwnd to receive forwarded messages
HWND _hwndParent; CTrackPopupBar * _ptpbar; IMenuPopup * _pmpParent; void* _pvContext; HANDLE _hEvent;
BITBOOL _fEscHit: 1;
// we need to keep track of whether the last selected
// menu item was on a popup or not. we can do this by storing the
// last WM_MENUSELECT flags
UINT _uFlagsLastSelected; HMENU _hmenuLastSelected; POINT _ptLastMove;
void Init(void* pvContext, CTrackPopupBar * ptpbar, IMenuPopup * pmpParent, HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndSite); void Reset(void* pvContext); void CancelMenu(void* pvContext);
static LRESULT CALLBACK MsgHook(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
void _OnMenuSelect(HMENU hmenu, int i, UINT uFlags); BOOL _OnKey(WPARAM vkey); };
// Just one of these, b/c we only need one message filter
CMenuAgent g_menuagent = { 0 };
Purpose: Initialize the message filter hook
*/ void CMenuAgent::Init(void* pvContext, CTrackPopupBar * ptpbar, IMenuPopup * pmpParent, HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndSite) { TraceMsg(TF_MENUBAND, "Initialize CMenuAgent");
if (_pvContext != pvContext) { // When switching contexts, we need to collapse the old menu. This keeps us from
// hosing the menubands when switching from one browser to another.
CancelMenu(_pvContext); ATOMICRELEASE(_ptpbar); ATOMICRELEASE(_pmpParent); _pvContext = pvContext; }
pmpParent->SetSubMenu(ptpbar, TRUE);
_hwndSite = hwndSite; _hwndParent = hwndParent;
// Since the message hook wants to forward messages to the toolbar,
// we need to ask the pager control to do this
Pager_ForwardMouse(_hwndSite, TRUE);
_pmpParent = pmpParent; _pmpParent->AddRef();
_ptpbar = ptpbar; _ptpbar->AddRef();
// On Windows 9x kernel can't handle the reentrancy problem where you have two hooks
// in two separate processes. When one process looses focus, we collapse the Menu.
// After that we remove our hook. Problem is: Between the Loosing focus and
// removing the hook, the other IE process popped up a menu and installed a hook
// the two hooks mutilate each other.
if (IsOS(OS_WINDOWS)) { ASSERT(_hEvent == NULL); _hEvent = OpenEventA(EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, "Shell.MenuAgent");
if (!_hEvent) //event routines return NULL on failure.
// Don't need to use CreateAllAccessSecurityAttributes since this
// is Win9x-only code anyway
_hEvent = CreateEventA(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, "Shell.MenuAgent");
if (_hEvent) WaitForSingleObject(_hEvent, INFINITE); }
if (NULL == _hhookMsg) { if (_hEvent) ResetEvent(_hEvent); _hhookMsg = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MSGFILTER, MsgHook, HINST_THISDLL, 0); if (!_hhookMsg && _hEvent) { SetEvent(_hEvent); CloseHandle(_hEvent); _hEvent = NULL; } }
_fEscHit = FALSE;
GetCursorPos(&_ptLastMove); }
Purpose: Reset the menu agent; no longer track mouse and keyboard messages. The menuband calls this when it exits menu mode.
*/ void CMenuAgent::Reset(void* pvContext) { if (_pvContext == pvContext) { _pmpParent->SetSubMenu(_ptpbar, FALSE);
// The only time to not send MPOS_FULLCANCEL is if the escape
// key caused the menu to terminate.
if ( !_fEscHit ) _pmpParent->OnSelect(MPOS_FULLCANCEL);
// Eat any mouse-down/up sequence left in the queue. This is how
// we keep the toolbar from getting a mouse-down if the user
// clicks on the same menuitem as what is currently popped down.
// (E.g., click File, then click File again. W/o this, the menu
// would never toggle up.)
MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, _hwndSite, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, WM_LBUTTONUP, PM_REMOVE)) ; // Do nothing
Pager_ForwardMouse(_hwndSite, FALSE);
_hwndSite = NULL; _hwndParent = NULL;
if (_hhookMsg) { TraceMsg(TF_MENUBAND, "CMenuAgent: Hook removed");
UnhookWindowsHookEx(_hhookMsg); _hhookMsg = NULL;
if (_hEvent) { SetEvent(_hEvent); CloseHandle(_hEvent); _hEvent = NULL; } }
_pvContext = NULL; } }
Purpose: Make the menu go away
*/ void CMenuAgent::CancelMenu(void* pvContext) { if (_pvContext == pvContext) { if (_hwndParent) { ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(_hwndParent, WND));
TraceMsg(TF_MENUBAND, "Sending cancel mode to menu");
// Use PostMessage so USER32 doesn't RIP on us in
// MsgHook when it returns from the WM_MOUSEMOVE
// that triggered this code path in the first place.
PostMessage(_hwndParent, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0);
// Disguise this as if the escape key was hit,
// since this is called when the mouse hovers over
// another menu sibling.
_fEscHit = TRUE;
_pmpParent->SetSubMenu(_ptpbar, FALSE); } } }
// store away the identity of the selected menu item.
// if uFlags & MF_POPUP then i is the index.
// otherwise it's the command and we need to convert it to the index.
// we store index always because some popups don't have ids
void CMenuAgent::_OnMenuSelect(HMENU hmenu, int i, UINT uFlags) { _uFlagsLastSelected = uFlags; _hmenuLastSelected = hmenu; }
BOOL CMenuAgent::_OnKey(WPARAM vkey) { //
// If the menu window is RTL mirrored, then the arrow keys should
// be mirrored to reflect proper cursor movement. [samera]
if (IS_WINDOW_RTL_MIRRORED(_hwndSite)) { switch (vkey) { case VK_LEFT: vkey = VK_RIGHT; break;
case VK_RIGHT: vkey = VK_LEFT; break; } }
switch (vkey) { case VK_RIGHT: if (!_hmenuLastSelected || !(_uFlagsLastSelected & MF_POPUP) || (_uFlagsLastSelected & MF_DISABLED) ) { // if the currently selected item does not have a cascade, then
// we need to cancel out of all of this and tell the top menu bar to go right
_pmpParent->OnSelect(MPOS_SELECTRIGHT); } break; case VK_LEFT: if (!_hmenuLastSelected || _hmenuLastSelected == _ptpbar->GetPopupMenu()) { // if the currently selected menu item is in our top level menu,
// then we need to cancel out of all this menu loop and tell the top menu bar
// to go left
_pmpParent->OnSelect(MPOS_SELECTLEFT); } break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
Purpose: Message hook used to track keyboard and mouse messages while in a TrackPopupMenu modal loop.
*/ LRESULT CMenuAgent::MsgHook(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lRet = 0; MSG * pmsg = (MSG *)lParam;
switch (nCode) { case MSGF_MENU: #ifdef DEBUG
if (IsFlagSet(g_dwDumpFlags, DF_MSGHOOK)) DumpMsg(TEXT("MsgHook"), pmsg); #endif
switch (pmsg->message) { case WM_MENUSELECT: // keep track of the items as the are selected.
g_menuagent._OnMenuSelect(GET_WM_MENUSELECT_HMENU(pmsg->wParam, pmsg->lParam), GET_WM_MENUSELECT_CMD(pmsg->wParam, pmsg->lParam), GET_WM_MENUSELECT_FLAGS(pmsg->wParam, pmsg->lParam)); break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: // Since we've received this msg, any previous escapes
// (like escaping out of a cascaded menu) should be cleared
// to prevent a false reason for termination.
g_menuagent._fEscHit = FALSE; break;
case WM_KEYDOWN: if (g_menuagent._OnKey(pmsg->wParam)) break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: g_menuagent._fEscHit = (VK_ESCAPE == pmsg->wParam); break;
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // HACKHACK (isn't all of this a hack?): ignore zero-move
// mouse moves, so the mouse does not contend with the keyboard.
POINT pt; // In screen coords....
pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(pmsg->lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(pmsg->lParam);
if (g_menuagent._ptLastMove.x == pt.x && g_menuagent._ptLastMove.y == pt.y) { TraceMsg(TF_MENUBAND, "CMenuAgent: skipping dup mousemove"); break; } g_menuagent._ptLastMove = pt;
// Since we got a WM_MOUSEMOVE, we need to tell the Menuband global message hook.
// We need to do this because this message hook steels all of the messages, and
// the Menuband message hook never updates it's internal cache for removing duplicate
// WM_MOUSEMOVE messages which cause problems as outlined in CMsgFilter::_HandleMouseMessages
// Forward the mouse moves to the toolbar so the toolbar still
// has a chance to hot track. Must convert the points to the
// toolbar's client space.
ScreenToClient(g_menuagent._hwndSite, &pt);
SendMessage(g_menuagent._hwndSite, pmsg->message, pmsg->wParam, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y)); break; } break;
default: if (0 > nCode) return CallNextHookEx(g_menuagent._hhookMsg, nCode, wParam, lParam); break; }
// Pass it on to the next hook in the chain
if (0 == lRet) lRet = CallNextHookEx(g_menuagent._hhookMsg, nCode, wParam, lParam);
return lRet; }
// Implementation of a menu deskbar object that uses TrackPopupMenu.
// This object uses traditional USER32 menus (via TrackPopupMenu)
// to implement menu behavior. It uses the CMenuAgent object to
// help get its work done. Since the menu deskbar site (_punkSite)
// sits in a modal loop while any menu is up, it needs to know when
// to quit its loop. The child object accomplishes this by sending
// an OnSelect(MPOS_FULLCANCEL).
// The only time that TrackPopupMenu returns (but we don't want to
// send an MPOS_FULLCANCEL) is if it's b/c the Escape key was hit.
// This just means cancel the current level. Returning from Popup
// is sufficient for this case. Otherwise, all other cases of
// returning from TrackPopupMenu means we send a MPOS_FULLCANCEL.
// Summary:
// 1) User clicked outside the menu. This is a full cancel.
// 2) User hit the Alt key. This is a full cancel.
// 3) User hit the Esc key. This just cancels the current level.
// (TrackPopupMenu handles this fine. No notification needs
// to be sent b/c we want the top-level menu to stay in its
// modal loop.)
// 4) User selected a menu item. This is a full cancel.
#define SUPERCLASS CMenuDeskBar
// Constructor
CTrackPopupBar::CTrackPopupBar(void *pvContext, int id, HMENU hmenu, HWND hwnd) { _hmenu = hmenu; _hwndParent = hwnd; _id = id; _pvContext = pvContext; _nMBIgnoreNextDeselect = RegisterWindowMessage(TEXT("CMBIgnoreNextDeselect")); }
// Destructor
CTrackPopupBar::~CTrackPopupBar() { SetSite(NULL); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTrackPopupBar::AddRef() { return SUPERCLASS::AddRef(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTrackPopupBar::Release() { return SUPERCLASS::Release(); }
STDMETHODIMP CTrackPopupBar::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CTrackPopupBar, IMenuPopup), QITABENT(CTrackPopupBar, IObjectWithSite), { 0 }, };
HRESULT hres = QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppvObj);
if (FAILED(hres)) { hres = SUPERCLASS::QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); }
return hres; }
Purpose: IServiceProvider::QueryService method
*/ STDMETHODIMP CTrackPopupBar::QueryService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppvObj) { if (IsEqualGUID(guidService, SID_SMenuBandChild)) { if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IAccessible)) { HRESULT hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CAccessible* pacc = new CAccessible(_hmenu, _id);
if (pacc) { hres = pacc->InitAcc(); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { hres = pacc->QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); } pacc->Release(); }
return hres; } else return QueryInterface(riid, ppvObj); } else return SUPERCLASS::QueryService(guidService, riid, ppvObj); }
Purpose: IMenuPopup::OnSelect method
This allows the parent menubar to tell us when to bail out of the TrackPopupMenu */ STDMETHODIMP CTrackPopupBar::OnSelect(DWORD dwType) { switch (dwType) { case MPOS_CANCELLEVEL: case MPOS_FULLCANCEL: g_menuagent.CancelMenu(_pvContext); break;
default: TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CTrackPopupBar doesn't handle this MPOS_ value: %d", dwType); break; } return S_OK; }
Purpose: IMenuPopup::SetSubMenu method
*/ STDMETHODIMP CTrackPopupBar::SetSubMenu(IMenuPopup * pmp, BOOL bSet) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// HACKHACK: DO NOT TOUCH! This is the only way to select
// the first item for a user menu. TrackMenuPopup by default does
// not select the first item. We pump these messages to our window.
// User snags these messages, and thinks the user pressed the down button
// and selects the first item for us. The lParam is needed because Win95 gold
// validated this message before using it. Another solution would be to listen
// to WM_INITMENUPOPUP and look for the HWND of the menu. Then send that
// window the private message MN_SELECTFIRSTVALIDITEM. But thats nasty compared
// to this. - lamadio 1.5.99
void CTrackPopupBar::SelectFirstItem() { HWND hwndFocus = GetFocus(); // pulled the funny lparam numbers out of spy's butt.
if (hwndFocus) { PostMessage(hwndFocus, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DOWN, 0x11500001); PostMessage(hwndFocus, WM_KEYUP, VK_DOWN, 0xD1500001); #ifdef UNIX
* The above PostMessages were causing the second menu item * to be selected if you access the menu from the keyboard. * The following PostMessages will nullify the above effect. * This is to make sure that menus in shdocvw work properly * with user32 menus. */ PostMessage(hwndFocus, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_UP, 0x11500001); PostMessage(hwndFocus, WM_KEYUP, VK_UP, 0xD1500001); #endif /* UNIX */
} } DWORD GetBuildNumber() { OSVERSIONINFO osvi; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); if (GetVersionEx(&osvi)) return osvi.dwBuildNumber; else return 0; }
Purpose: IMenuPopup::Popup method
Invoke the menu. */ STDMETHODIMP CTrackPopupBar::Popup(POINTL *ppt, RECTL* prcExclude, DWORD dwFlags) { static dwBuildNumber = GetBuildNumber(); ASSERT(IS_VALID_READ_PTR(ppt, POINTL)); ASSERT(NULL == prcExclude || IS_VALID_READ_PTR(prcExclude, RECTL)); ASSERT(IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(_pmpParent, IMenuPopup));
// We must be able to talk to the parent menu bar
if (NULL == _pmpParent) return E_FAIL;
ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(_hmenu, MENU)); ASSERT(IS_VALID_CODE_PTR(_punkSite, IUnknown)); HMENU hmenu = GetSubMenu(_hmenu, _id); HWND hwnd; TPMPARAMS tpm; TPMPARAMS * ptpm = NULL;
// User32 does not want to fix this for compatibility reasons,
// but TrackPopupMenu does not snap to the nearest monitor on Single and Multi-Mon
// systems. This has the side effect that if we pass a non-visible coordinate, then
// User places menu at a random location on screen. So instead, we're going to bias
// the point to the monitor.
MONITORINFO mi = {0}; mi.cbSize = sizeof(mi);
HMONITOR hMonitor = MonitorFromPoint(*((POINT*)ppt), MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST); GetMonitorInfo(hMonitor, &mi);
if (ppt->x >= mi.rcMonitor.right) ppt->x = mi.rcMonitor.right;
if (ppt->y >= mi.rcMonitor.bottom) ppt->y = mi.rcMonitor.bottom;
if (ppt->x <= mi.rcMonitor.left) ppt->x = mi.rcMonitor.left;
if (ppt->y <= mi.rcMonitor.top) ppt->y = mi.rcMonitor.top;
if (prcExclude) { tpm.cbSize = SIZEOF(tpm); tpm.rcExclude = *((LPRECT)prcExclude); ptpm = &tpm; }
// The forwarding code in CShellBrowser::_ShouldForwardMenu
// and CDocObjectHost::_ShouldForwardMenu expects the first
// WM_MENUSELECT to be sent for the top-level menu item.
// We need to fake an initial menu select on the top menu band
// to mimic USER and satisfy this expectation.
UINT uMSFlags = MF_POPUP; SendMessage(_hwndParent, WM_MENUSELECT, MAKEWPARAM(_id, uMSFlags), (LPARAM)_hmenu); SendMessage(_hwndParent, _nMBIgnoreNextDeselect, NULL, NULL);
// Initialize the menu agent
IUnknown_GetWindow(_punkSite, &hwnd); VARIANTARG v = {0}; UINT uFlags = TPM_VERTICAL | TPM_TOPALIGN; UINT uAnimateFlags = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(IUnknown_Exec(_punkSite, &CGID_MENUDESKBAR, MBCID_GETSIDE, 0, NULL, &v))) { if (v.vt == VT_I4 && (v.lVal == MENUBAR_RIGHT || v.lVal == MENUBAR_LEFT)) { uFlags = TPM_TOPALIGN; }
switch (v.lVal) { case MENUBAR_LEFT: uAnimateFlags = TPM_HORNEGANIMATION; break; case MENUBAR_RIGHT: uAnimateFlags = TPM_HORPOSANIMATION; break; case MENUBAR_TOP: uAnimateFlags = TPM_VERNEGANIMATION; break; case MENUBAR_BOTTOM: uAnimateFlags = TPM_VERPOSANIMATION; break; } }
g_menuagent.Init(_pvContext, this, _pmpParent, _hwndParent, hwnd);
ASSERT(IS_VALID_HANDLE(hmenu, MENU)); if (dwFlags & MPPF_INITIALSELECT) SelectFirstItem();
// This feature only works on build 1794 or greater.
if (g_bRunOnNT5 && dwBuildNumber >= 1794 && dwFlags & MPPF_NOANIMATE) uFlags |= TPM_NOANIMATION;
#ifndef MAINWIN
if (g_bRunOnMemphis || g_bRunOnNT5) uFlags |= uAnimateFlags;
TrackPopupMenuEx(hmenu, uFlags, ppt->x, ppt->y, _hwndParent, ptpm); #else
// Current MainWin's implementation of TrackPopupMenuEx is buggy.
// I failed to fix it, so I replaced the call by TrackPopupMenu,
// that provides partial functionality.
// Hopefully, jluu will be able to fix it.
TrackPopupMenu(hmenu, uFlags, ppt->x, ppt->y, 0, _hwndParent, &ptpm->rcExclude); #endif
// Tell the parent that the menu is now gone
SendMessage(_hwndParent, WM_MENUSELECT, MAKEWPARAM(0, 0xFFFF), NULL);
return S_FALSE; }