#include "priv.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "tmschema.h"
#include "uxtheme.h"
#include "uxthemep.h"
#include "mluisupp.h"
#include <oleacc.h>
#include <cowsite.h>
#include <apithk.h>
const struct { TREE_TYPE type; LPCTSTR name; } c_aTreeTypes[] = { {TREE_CHECKBOX, TEXT("checkbox")}, {TREE_RADIO, TEXT("radio")}, {TREE_GROUP, TEXT("group")} };
const TCHAR c_szType[] = TEXT("Type"); const TCHAR c_szText[] = TEXT("Text"); const TCHAR c_szPlugUIText[] = TEXT("PlugUIText"); const TCHAR c_szDefaultBitmap[] = TEXT("Bitmap"); const TCHAR c_szHKeyRoot[] = TEXT("HKeyRoot"); const TCHAR c_szValueName[] = TEXT("ValueName"); const TCHAR c_szCheckedValue[] = TEXT("CheckedValue"); const TCHAR c_szUncheckedValue[] = TEXT("UncheckedValue"); const TCHAR c_szDefaultValue[] = TEXT("DefaultValue"); const TCHAR c_szSPIActionGet[] = TEXT("SPIActionGet"); const TCHAR c_szSPIActionSet[] = TEXT("SPIActionSet"); const TCHAR c_szCLSID[] = TEXT("CLSID"); const TCHAR c_szCheckedValueNT[] = TEXT("CheckedValueNT"); const TCHAR c_szCheckedValueW95[] = TEXT("CheckedValueW95"); const TCHAR c_szMask[] = TEXT("Mask"); const TCHAR c_szOffset[] = TEXT("Offset"); const TCHAR c_szHelpID[] = TEXT("HelpID"); const TCHAR c_szWarning[] = TEXT("WarningIfNotDefault");
#define BITMAP_WIDTH 16
#define BITMAP_HEIGHT 16
#define NUM_BITMAPS 5
#define MAX_KEY_NAME 64
DWORD RegTreeType(LPCTSTR pszType); BOOL AppendStatus(LPTSTR pszText, UINT cbText, BOOL fOn); BOOL IsScreenReaderEnabled();
class CRegTreeOptions : public IRegTreeOptions, public CObjectWithSite { public: CRegTreeOptions(); IUnknown *GetUnknown() { return SAFECAST(this, IRegTreeOptions*); }
// IUnknown Methods
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID,void **); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void); // IRegTreeOptions Methods
protected: ~CRegTreeOptions();
void _RegEnumTree(HUSKEY huskey, HTREEITEM htviparent, HTREEITEM htvins); int _DefaultIconImage(HUSKEY huskey, int iImage); DWORD _GetCheckStatus(HUSKEY huskey, BOOL *pbChecked, BOOL bUseDefault); DWORD _GetSetByCLSID(REFCLSID clsid, BOOL *pbData, BOOL fGet); DWORD _GetSetByRegKey(HUSKEY husKey, DWORD *pType, LPBYTE pData, DWORD *pcbData, REG_CMD cmd); DWORD _RegGetSetSetting(HUSKEY husKey, DWORD *pType, LPBYTE pData, DWORD *pcbData, REG_CMD cmd); BOOL _WalkTreeRecursive(HTREEITEM htvi,WALK_TREE_CMD cmd); DWORD _SaveCheckStatus(HUSKEY huskey, BOOL bChecked); BOOL _RegIsRestricted(HUSKEY hussubkey); UINT _cRef; HWND _hwndTree; LPTSTR _pszParam; HIMAGELIST _hIml; };
// CRegTreeOptions Object
STDAPI CRegTreeOptions_CreateInstance(IUnknown* pUnkOuter, IUnknown** ppunk, LPCOBJECTINFO poi) { // aggregation checking is handled in class factory
TraceMsg(DM_TRACE, "rto - CreateInstance(...) called"); CRegTreeOptions *pTO = new CRegTreeOptions(); if (pTO) { *ppunk = pTO->GetUnknown(); return S_OK; }
CRegTreeOptions::CRegTreeOptions() { TraceMsg(DM_TRACE, "rto - CRegTreeOptions() called."); _cRef = 1; DllAddRef(); }
CRegTreeOptions::~CRegTreeOptions() { ASSERT(_cRef == 0); // should always have zero
TraceMsg(DM_TRACE, "rto - ~CRegTreeOptions() called.");
Str_SetPtr(&_pszParam, NULL); DllRelease(); }
// IUnknown Methods...
HRESULT CRegTreeOptions::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) { static const QITAB qit[] = { QITABENT(CRegTreeOptions, IRegTreeOptions), // IID_IRegTreeOptions
QITABENT(CRegTreeOptions, IObjectWithSite), // IID_IObjectWithSite
{ 0 }, }; return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppv); }
ULONG CRegTreeOptions::AddRef() { TraceMsg(DM_TRACE, "rto - AddRef() called."); return ++_cRef; }
ULONG CRegTreeOptions::Release() {
TraceMsg(DM_TRACE, "rto - Release() called."); if (--_cRef) return _cRef;
// destroy the imagelist
if (_hwndTree) { ImageList_Destroy(TreeView_SetImageList(_hwndTree, NULL, TVSIL_NORMAL));
// Clean up the accessibility stuff
RemoveProp(_hwndTree, TEXT("MSAAStateImageMapCount")); RemoveProp(_hwndTree, TEXT("MSAAStateImageMapAddr")); }
delete this; return 0; }
// IRegTreeOptions Methods...
// Accessibility structure so it knows how to convert treeview state images
// into accessibility roles and states.
HBITMAP CreateDIB(HDC h, int cx, int cy, RGBQUAD** pprgb) { BITMAPINFO bi = {0}; bi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bi.bmiHeader); bi.bmiHeader.biWidth = cx; bi.bmiHeader.biHeight = cy; bi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
return CreateDIBSection(h, &bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (void**)pprgb, NULL, 0); }
HRESULT CRegTreeOptions::InitTree(HWND hwndTree, HKEY hkeyRoot, LPCSTR pszRegKey, LPCSTR pszParam) { // all callers pass HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, yay what a cool interface
// assert that this is so, since the HUSKEY code now relies on being able to switch between
// HKCU and HKLM.
if (!hkeyRoot || !pszRegKey) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (pszParam) { SHAnsiToTChar(pszParam, szParam, ARRAYSIZE(szParam)); Str_SetPtr(&_pszParam, szParam); // be sure to free in destructor
} _hwndTree = hwndTree; if(IS_WINDOW_RTL_MIRRORED(_hwndTree)) { flags |= ILC_MIRROR; } _hIml = ImageList_Create(BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, flags, NUM_BITMAPS, 4);
// Initialize the tree view window.
SHSetWindowBits(_hwndTree, GWL_STYLE, TVS_CHECKBOXES, 0);
HBITMAP hBitmap = 0;
#ifdef UNIX
// IEUNIX (Varma): an ugly hack to workaround _AddMasked api problems while
// creating masked bitmaps. Need to create DIBSection from
// CreateMappedBitmap. This is to fix buttons visibility on mono when black
if (SHGetCurColorRes() < 2) { hBitmap = CreateMappedBitmap(g_hinst, IDB_BUTTONS, CMB_MASKED, NULL, 0); if (hBitmap) { ImageList_Add(_hIml, hBitmap, NULL); // Delete hBitmap in common further down this codepath
} } else #endif
{ HTHEME hTheme = OpenThemeData(NULL, L"Button"); if (hTheme) { HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); if (hdc) { HBITMAP hbmp = CreateDIB(hdc, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT, NULL); if (hbmp) { RECT rc = {0, 0, BITMAP_WIDTH, BITMAP_HEIGHT}; static const s_rgParts[] = {BP_CHECKBOX,BP_CHECKBOX,BP_RADIOBUTTON,BP_RADIOBUTTON}; static const s_rgStates[] = {CBS_CHECKEDNORMAL, CBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL, RBS_CHECKEDNORMAL, RBS_UNCHECKEDNORMAL}; for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(s_rgParts); i++) { HBITMAP hOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbmp); SHFillRectClr(hdc, &rc, RGB(0,0,0)); DTBGOPTS dtbg = {sizeof(DTBGOPTS), DTBG_DRAWSOLID, 0,}; // tell drawthemebackground to preserve the alpha channel
DrawThemeBackgroundEx(hTheme, hdc, s_rgParts[i], s_rgStates[i], &rc, &dtbg); SelectObject(hdc, hOld);
ImageList_Add(_hIml, hbmp, NULL); }
// Hate this. Maybe get an authored icon?
hBitmap = CreateMappedBitmap(g_hinst, IDB_GROUPBUTTON, 0, NULL, 0); if (hBitmap) { ImageList_AddMasked(_hIml, hBitmap, CLR_DEFAULT); // Delete hBitmap in common further down the codepath
} DeleteDC(hdc); } CloseThemeData(hTheme); } else { hBitmap = CreateMappedBitmap(g_hinst, IDB_BUTTONS, 0, NULL, 0); if (hBitmap) { ImageList_AddMasked(_hIml, hBitmap, CLR_DEFAULT); // Delete hBitmap in common further down the codepath
} } }
if (hBitmap) DeleteObject(hBitmap);
// Associate the image list with the tree.
HIMAGELIST himl = TreeView_SetImageList(_hwndTree, _hIml, TVSIL_NORMAL); if (himl) ImageList_Destroy(himl);
// Let accessibility know about our state images
SetProp(_hwndTree, TEXT("MSAAStateImageMapCount"), LongToPtr(ARRAYSIZE(c_rgimeTree))); SetProp(_hwndTree, TEXT("MSAAStateImageMapAddr"), (HANDLE)c_rgimeTree);
HUSKEY huskey; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegOpenUSKeyA(pszRegKey, KEY_READ, NULL, &huskey, FALSE)) { _RegEnumTree(huskey, NULL, TVI_ROOT); SHRegCloseUSKey(huskey); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRegTreeOptions::WalkTree(WALK_TREE_CMD cmd) { HTREEITEM htvi = TreeView_GetRoot(_hwndTree); // and walk the list of other roots
while (htvi) { // recurse through its children
_WalkTreeRecursive(htvi, cmd);
// get the next root
htvi = TreeView_GetNextSibling(_hwndTree, htvi); } return S_OK; // success?
HRESULT _LoadUSRegUIString(HUSKEY huskey, PCTSTR pszValue, PTSTR psz, UINT cch) { psz[0] = 0;
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; TCHAR szIndirect[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cb = sizeof(szIndirect); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegQueryUSValue(huskey, pszValue, NULL, szIndirect, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0)) { hr = SHLoadIndirectString(szIndirect, psz, cch, NULL); } return hr; }
HRESULT CRegTreeOptions::ToggleItem(HTREEITEM hti) { TV_ITEM tvi; TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH]; tvi.hItem = hti; tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_PARAM; tvi.pszText = szText; tvi.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szText); if (hti && TreeView_GetItem(_hwndTree, &tvi)) { BOOL bScreenReaderEnabled = IsScreenReaderEnabled(); HUSKEY huskey = (HUSKEY)tvi.lParam;
TCHAR szMsg[512]; if (SUCCEEDED(_LoadUSRegUIString(huskey, c_szWarning, szMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg)))) { BOOL bDefaultState, bCurrentState = (tvi.iImage == IDCHECKED) || (tvi.iImage == IDRADIOON);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == _GetCheckStatus(huskey, &bDefaultState, TRUE)) { // trying to change the current state to the non recomended state?
if (bDefaultState == bCurrentState) { if (MLShellMessageBox(_hwndTree, szMsg, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_WARNING), (MB_YESNO | MB_DEFBUTTON2 | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)) != IDYES) { return S_FALSE; } } } }
if (tvi.iImage == IDUNCHECKED) { tvi.iImage = IDCHECKED; tvi.iSelectedImage = IDCHECKED; //See if we need to add status text
if (bScreenReaderEnabled) { AppendStatus(szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText), TRUE); } TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "rto::ToggleItem() - Checked!"); } else if (tvi.iImage == IDCHECKED) { tvi.iImage = IDUNCHECKED; tvi.iSelectedImage = IDUNCHECKED; //See if we need to add status text
if (bScreenReaderEnabled) { AppendStatus(szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText), FALSE); } TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "rto::ToggleItem() - Unchecked!"); } else if ((tvi.iImage == IDRADIOON) || (tvi.iImage == IDRADIOOFF)) { HTREEITEM htvi; TV_ITEM otvi; // other tvi-s
TCHAR szOtext[MAX_PATH]; // change all the "on" radios to "off"
htvi = TreeView_GetParent(_hwndTree, tvi.hItem); htvi = TreeView_GetChild(_hwndTree, htvi); // hunt for the "on"s
while (htvi) { // get info about item
otvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_TEXT; otvi.hItem = htvi; otvi.pszText = szOtext; otvi.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szOtext); if (TreeView_GetItem(_hwndTree, &otvi)) { // is it a radio button that is on?
if (otvi.iImage == IDRADIOON) { // yes.. turn it off
otvi.iImage = IDRADIOOFF; otvi.iSelectedImage = IDRADIOOFF; //See if we need to add status text
if (bScreenReaderEnabled) { AppendStatus(szOtext,ARRAYSIZE(szOtext), FALSE); } TreeView_SetItem(_hwndTree, &otvi); } } // find the next child
htvi = TreeView_GetNextSibling(_hwndTree, htvi); } // turn on the item that was hit
tvi.iImage = IDRADIOON; tvi.iSelectedImage = IDRADIOON; //See if we need to add status text
if (bScreenReaderEnabled) { AppendStatus(szText,ARRAYSIZE(szText), TRUE); } } // change only if it is a checkbox or radio item
if (tvi.iImage <= IDUNKNOWN) { TreeView_SetItem(_hwndTree, &tvi); } } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRegTreeOptions::ShowHelp(HTREEITEM hti, DWORD dwFlags) { TV_ITEM tvi;
tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem = hti;
if (hti && TreeView_GetItem(_hwndTree, &tvi)) { HUSKEY huskey = (HUSKEY)tvi.lParam;
TCHAR szHelpID[MAX_PATH+10]; // max path for helpfile + 10 for the help id
DWORD cbHelpID = sizeof(szHelpID); if (SHRegQueryUSValue(huskey, c_szHelpID, NULL, szHelpID, &cbHelpID, FALSE, NULL, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { LPTSTR psz = StrChr(szHelpID, TEXT('#')); if (psz) { DWORD mapIDCToIDH[4];
*psz++ = 0; // NULL the '#'
mapIDCToIDH[0] = GetDlgCtrlID(_hwndTree); mapIDCToIDH[1] = StrToInt(psz); mapIDCToIDH[2] = 0; mapIDCToIDH[3] = 0; SHWinHelpOnDemandWrap(_hwndTree, szHelpID, dwFlags, (DWORD_PTR)mapIDCToIDH); return S_OK; } } } return E_FAIL; }
int CRegTreeOptions::_DefaultIconImage(HUSKEY huskey, int iImage) { TCHAR szIcon[MAX_PATH + 10]; // 10 = ",XXXX" plus some more
DWORD cb = sizeof(szIcon);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegQueryUSValue(huskey, c_szDefaultBitmap, NULL, szIcon, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0)) { LPTSTR psz = StrRChr(szIcon, szIcon + lstrlen(szIcon), TEXT(',')); ASSERT(psz); // shouldn't be zero
if (!psz) return iImage;
*psz++ = 0; // terminate and move over
int image = StrToInt(psz); // get ID
HICON hicon = NULL; if (!*szIcon) { hicon = (HICON)LoadIcon(g_hinst, (LPCTSTR)(INT_PTR)image); } else { // get the bitmap from the library
ExtractIconEx(szIcon, (UINT)(-1*image), NULL, &hicon, 1); if (!hicon) ExtractIconEx(szIcon, (UINT)(-1*image), &hicon, NULL, 1); } if (hicon) { iImage = ImageList_AddIcon(_hIml, (HICON)hicon);
// NOTE: The docs say you don't need to do a delete object on icons loaded by LoadIcon, but
// you do for CreateIcon. It doesn't say what to do for ExtractIcon, so we'll just call it anyway.
DestroyIcon(hicon); } }
return iImage; }
// The CLSID can either be a service ID (which we will QS for) or a CLSID
// that we CoCreateInstance.
DWORD CRegTreeOptions::_GetSetByCLSID(REFCLSID clsid, BOOL* pbData, BOOL fGet) { IRegTreeItem *pti; HRESULT hr;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = IUnknown_QueryService(_punkSite, clsid, IID_PPV_ARG(IRegTreeItem, &pti))) || SUCCEEDED(hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_PPV_ARG(IRegTreeItem, &pti)))) { hr = fGet ? pti->GetCheckState(pbData) : pti->SetCheckState(*pbData); pti->Release(); } return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; }
DWORD CRegTreeOptions::_GetSetByRegKey(HUSKEY husKey, DWORD *pType, LPBYTE pData, DWORD *pcbData, REG_CMD cmd) { // support for masks
DWORD dwMask; DWORD cb = sizeof(dwMask); dwMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; // Default value
BOOL fMask = (SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szMask, NULL, &dwMask, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS); // support for structures
DWORD dwOffset; cb = sizeof(dwOffset); dwOffset = 0; // Default value
BOOL fOffset = (SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szOffset, NULL, &dwOffset, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS); HKEY hkRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; // Preinitialize to keep Win64 happy
cb = sizeof(DWORD); // DWORD, not sizeof(HKEY) or Win64 will get mad
DWORD dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szHKeyRoot, NULL, &hkRoot, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0); hkRoot = (HKEY) LongToHandle(HandleToLong(hkRoot)); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // use default
hkRoot = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; } // allow "RegPath9x" to override "RegPath" when running on Win9x
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; cb = sizeof(szPath); if (!g_fRunningOnNT) { dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, TEXT("RegPath9x"), NULL, szPath, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) { cb = sizeof(szPath); dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, TEXT("RegPath"), NULL, szPath, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0); } } else { dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, TEXT("RegPath"), NULL, szPath, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0); }
TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszPath; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError) { if (_pszParam) { wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szPath, _pszParam); pszPath = szBuf; } else { pszPath = szPath; } } else { if (cmd == REG_GET) return SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szDefaultValue, pType, pData, pcbData, FALSE, NULL, 0); else return dwError; } TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; cb = sizeof(szName); dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szValueName, NULL, szName, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY hKeyReal; DWORD dw; dwError = RegCreateKeyEx(hkRoot, pszPath, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, NULL, &hKeyReal, &dw); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { switch (cmd) { case REG_SET: if (fOffset || fMask) { DWORD cbData; // Note: It so happens that the Valuename maynot be in the registry so we
// to make sure that we have the valuename already in the registry.
//Try to do a SHRegQueryValue
dwError = SHQueryValueEx(hKeyReal, szName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbData); //Does the Value exists ?
if (dwError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { //We dont have the Valuename in the registry so create it.
DWORD dwTypeDefault, dwDefault, cbDefault = sizeof(dwDefault); dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szDefaultValue, &dwTypeDefault, &dwDefault, &cbDefault, FALSE, NULL, 0); //This should succeed . if not then someone messed up the registry setting
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwError = SHSetValue(hKeyReal, NULL, szName, dwTypeDefault, &dwDefault, cbDefault); //By setting this value we dont have to do the failed (see above) Query again
cbData = cbDefault; } } // Now we know for sure that the value exists in the registry.
// Do the usual stuff.
// grab the size of the entry
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // alloc enough space for it
DWORD *pdwData = (DWORD *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbData); if (pdwData) { // get the data
dwError = SHQueryValueEx(hKeyReal, szName, NULL, pType, pdwData, &cbData); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwOffset < cbData / sizeof(DWORD)) { // NOTE: offset defaults to 0 and mask defaults to 0xffffffff, so if there's only
// a mask or only an offset, we'll do the right thing
*(pdwData + dwOffset) &= ~dwMask; // clear the bits
*(pdwData + dwOffset) |= *((DWORD *)pData); // set the bits
dwError = SHSetValue(hKeyReal, NULL, szName, *pType, pdwData, cbData); } LocalFree(pdwData); } else return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else { dwError = SHSetValue(hKeyReal, NULL, szName, *pType, pData, *pcbData); } break; case REG_GET: // grab the value that we have
if (fOffset) { DWORD cbData; if (SHQueryValueEx(hKeyReal, szName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD *pdwData = (DWORD*)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbData); if (pdwData) { dwError = SHQueryValueEx(hKeyReal, szName, NULL, pType, pdwData, &cbData); if (dwOffset < cbData / sizeof(DWORD)) *((DWORD *)pData) = *(pdwData + dwOffset); else *((DWORD *)pData) = 0; // Invalid offset, return something vague
*pcbData = sizeof(DWORD); LocalFree(pdwData); } else return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else { dwError = SHQueryValueEx(hKeyReal, szName, NULL, pType, pData, pcbData); } if ((dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) && fMask) { *((DWORD *)pData) &= dwMask; } break; } RegCloseKey(hKeyReal); } } if ((cmd == REG_GET) && (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { // get the default setting
dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szDefaultValue, pType, pData, pcbData, FALSE, NULL, 0); } return dwError; }
DWORD CRegTreeOptions::_RegGetSetSetting(HUSKEY husKey, DWORD *pType, LPBYTE pData, DWORD *pcbData, REG_CMD cmd) { UINT uiAction; DWORD cbAction = sizeof(uiAction); TCHAR szCLSID[80]; DWORD cbCLSID = sizeof(szCLSID);
if (cmd == REG_GETDEFAULT) { return SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szDefaultValue, pType, pData, pcbData, FALSE, NULL, 0); } else if (SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, (cmd == REG_GET) ? c_szSPIActionGet : c_szSPIActionSet, NULL, &uiAction, &cbAction, FALSE, NULL, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pcbData = sizeof(DWORD); *pType = REG_DWORD; SHBoolSystemParametersInfo(uiAction, (DWORD*)pData); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (SHRegQueryUSValue(husKey, c_szCLSID, NULL, &szCLSID, &cbCLSID, FALSE, NULL, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *pcbData = sizeof(DWORD); *pType = REG_DWORD;
CLSID clsid; GUIDFromString(szCLSID, &clsid);
return _GetSetByCLSID(clsid, (BOOL*)pData, (cmd == REG_GET)); } else { return _GetSetByRegKey(husKey, pType, pData, pcbData, cmd); } }
DWORD CRegTreeOptions::_GetCheckStatus(HUSKEY huskey, BOOL *pbChecked, BOOL bUseDefault) { DWORD dwError, cbData, dwType; BYTE rgData[32]; DWORD cbDataCHK, dwTypeCHK; BYTE rgDataCHK[32]; BOOL bCompCHK = TRUE;
// first, get the setting from the specified location.
cbData = sizeof(rgData); dwError = _RegGetSetSetting(huskey, &dwType, rgData, &cbData, bUseDefault ? REG_GETDEFAULT : REG_GET); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // second, get the value for the "checked" state and compare.
cbDataCHK = sizeof(rgDataCHK); dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(huskey, c_szCheckedValue, &dwTypeCHK, rgDataCHK, &cbDataCHK, FALSE, NULL, 0); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // ok, we couldn't find the "checked" value, is it because
// it's platform dependent?
cbDataCHK = sizeof(rgDataCHK); dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(huskey, g_fRunningOnNT ? c_szCheckedValueNT : c_szCheckedValueW95, &dwTypeCHK, rgDataCHK, &cbDataCHK, FALSE, NULL, 0); } if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // make sure two value types match.
if ((dwType != dwTypeCHK) && (((dwType == REG_BINARY) && (dwTypeCHK == REG_DWORD) && (cbData != 4)) || ((dwType == REG_DWORD) && (dwTypeCHK == REG_BINARY) && (cbDataCHK != 4)))) return ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; switch (dwType) { case REG_DWORD: *pbChecked = (*((DWORD*)rgData) == *((DWORD*)rgDataCHK)); break; case REG_SZ: if (cbData == cbDataCHK) *pbChecked = !lstrcmp((LPTSTR)rgData, (LPTSTR)rgDataCHK); else *pbChecked = FALSE; break; case REG_BINARY: if (cbData == cbDataCHK) *pbChecked = !memcmp(rgData, rgDataCHK, cbData); else *pbChecked = FALSE; break; default: return ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; } } } return dwError; }
DWORD CRegTreeOptions::_SaveCheckStatus(HUSKEY huskey, BOOL bChecked) { DWORD dwError, cbData, dwType; BYTE rgData[32];
cbData = sizeof(rgData); dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(huskey, bChecked ? c_szCheckedValue : c_szUncheckedValue, &dwType, rgData, &cbData, FALSE, NULL, 0); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) // was it because of a platform specific value?
{ cbData = sizeof(rgData); dwError = SHRegQueryUSValue(huskey, bChecked ? (g_fRunningOnNT ? c_szCheckedValueNT : c_szCheckedValueW95) : c_szUncheckedValue, &dwType, rgData, &cbData, FALSE, NULL, 0); } if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwError = _RegGetSetSetting(huskey, &dwType, rgData, &cbData, REG_SET); } return dwError; }
HTREEITEM Tree_AddItem(HTREEITEM hParent, LPTSTR pszText, HTREEITEM hInsAfter, int iImage, HWND hwndTree, HUSKEY huskey, BOOL *pbExisted) { HTREEITEM hItem; TV_ITEM tvI; TV_INSERTSTRUCT tvIns; TCHAR szText[MAX_URL_STRING];
ASSERT(pszText != NULL); StrCpyN(szText, pszText, ARRAYSIZE(szText));
// NOTE:
// This code segment is disabled because we only enum explorer
// tree in HKCU, so there won't be any duplicates.
// Re-able this code if we start to also enum HKLM that could potentially
// result in duplicates.
// We only want to add an item if it is not already there.
// We do this to handle reading out of HKCU and HKLM.
TCHAR szKeyName[MAX_KEY_NAME]; tvI.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_TEXT; tvI.pszText = szKeyName; tvI.cchTextMax = ARRAYSIZE(szKeyName); for (hItem = TreeView_GetChild(hwndTree, hParent); hItem != NULL; hItem = TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwndTree, hItem) ) { tvI.hItem = hItem; if (TreeView_GetItem(hwndTree, &tvI)) { if (!StrCmp(tvI.pszText, szText)) { // We found a match!
*pbExisted = TRUE; return hItem; } } }
// Create the item
tvI.mask = TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_PARAM; tvI.iImage = iImage; tvI.iSelectedImage = iImage; tvI.pszText = szText; tvI.cchTextMax = lstrlen(szText);
// lParam contains the HUSKEY for this item:
tvI.lParam = (LPARAM)huskey;
// Create insert item
tvIns.item = tvI; tvIns.hInsertAfter = hInsAfter; tvIns.hParent = hParent;
// Insert the item into the tree.
*pbExisted = FALSE; return (hItem); }
BOOL _IsValidKey(HKEY hkeyRoot, LPCTSTR pszSubKey, LPCTSTR pszValue) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwType, cbSize = sizeof(szPath);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHGetValue(hkeyRoot, pszSubKey, pszValue, &dwType, szPath, &cbSize)) { // Zero in the DWORD case or NULL in the string case
// indicates that this item is not available.
if (dwType == REG_DWORD) return *((DWORD *)szPath) != 0; else return szPath[0] != 0; }
return FALSE; }
#define REGSTR_POLICIES_EXPLORER TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Explorer")
BOOL CRegTreeOptions::_RegIsRestricted(HUSKEY hussubkey) { HUSKEY huskey; BOOL fRet = FALSE; // Does a "Policy" Sub key exist?
if (SHRegOpenUSKey(TEXT("Policy"), KEY_READ, hussubkey, &huskey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Yes; Enumerate this key. The Values are Policy keys or
// Full reg paths.
for (int i=0; cb = ARRAYSIZE(szKeyName), ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegEnumUSKey(huskey, i, szKeyName, &cb, SHREGENUM_HKLM) && !fRet; i++) { TCHAR szPath[MAXIMUM_SUB_KEY_LENGTH]; DWORD dwType, cbSize = sizeof(szPath);
HUSKEY huskeyTemp; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegOpenUSKey(szKeyName, KEY_READ, huskey, &huskeyTemp, FALSE)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegQueryUSValue(huskeyTemp, TEXT("RegKey"), &dwType, szPath, &cbSize, FALSE, NULL, 0)) { if (_IsValidKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPath, szKeyName)) { fRet = TRUE; break; } } SHRegCloseUSKey(huskeyTemp); }
// It's not a full Key, try off of policies
if (_IsValidKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_POLICIES_EXPLORER, szKeyName) || _IsValidKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGSTR_POLICIES_EXPLORER, szKeyName)) { fRet = TRUE; break; } } SHRegCloseUSKey(huskey); }
return fRet; }
void CRegTreeOptions::_RegEnumTree(HUSKEY huskey, HTREEITEM htviparent, HTREEITEM htvins) { TCHAR szKeyName[MAX_KEY_NAME]; DWORD cb; BOOL bScreenReaderEnabled = IsScreenReaderEnabled();
// we must search all the sub-keys
for (int i=0; // always start with 0
cb=ARRAYSIZE(szKeyName), // string size
ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegEnumUSKey(huskey, i, szKeyName, &cb, SHREGENUM_HKLM); i++) // get next entry
{ HUSKEY hussubkey; // get more info on the entry
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegOpenUSKey(szKeyName, KEY_READ, huskey, &hussubkey, FALSE)) { HUSKEY huskeySave = NULL;
if (!_RegIsRestricted(hussubkey)) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; // Get the type of items under this root
cb = ARRAYSIZE(szTemp); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegQueryUSValue(hussubkey, c_szType, NULL, szTemp, &cb, FALSE, NULL, 0)) { int iImage; BOOL bChecked; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// get the type of node
DWORD dwTreeType = RegTreeType(szTemp); // get some more info about the this item
switch (dwTreeType) { case TREE_GROUP: iImage = _DefaultIconImage(hussubkey, IDUNKNOWN); huskeySave = hussubkey; break; case TREE_CHECKBOX: dwError = _GetCheckStatus(hussubkey, &bChecked, FALSE); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { iImage = bChecked ? IDCHECKED : IDUNCHECKED; huskeySave = hussubkey; } break;
case TREE_RADIO: dwError = _GetCheckStatus(hussubkey, &bChecked, FALSE); if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { iImage = bChecked ? IDRADIOON : IDRADIOOFF; huskeySave = hussubkey; } break;
default: dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BOOL bItemExisted = FALSE; LPTSTR pszText;
// try to get the plugUI enabled text
// otherwise we want the old data from a
// different value
int cch = ARRAYSIZE(szTemp); HRESULT hr = _LoadUSRegUIString(hussubkey, c_szPlugUIText, szTemp, cch); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && szTemp[0] != TEXT('@')) { pszText = szTemp; } else { // try to get the old non-plugUI enabled text
hr = _LoadUSRegUIString(hussubkey, c_szText, szTemp, cch); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pszText = szTemp; } else { // if all else fails, the key name itself
// is a little more useful than garbage
pszText = szKeyName; cch = ARRAYSIZE(szKeyName); } }
//See if we need to add status text
if (bScreenReaderEnabled && (dwTreeType != TREE_GROUP)) { AppendStatus(pszText, cch, bChecked); }
// add root node
HTREEITEM htviroot = Tree_AddItem(htviparent, pszText, htvins, iImage, _hwndTree, huskeySave, &bItemExisted);
if (bItemExisted) huskeySave = NULL;
if (dwTreeType == TREE_GROUP) { HUSKEY huskeySubTree; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegOpenUSKey(szKeyName, KEY_READ, huskey, &huskeySubTree, FALSE)) { _RegEnumTree(huskeySubTree, htviroot, TVI_FIRST); SHRegCloseUSKey(huskeySubTree); } TreeView_Expand(_hwndTree, htviroot, TVE_EXPAND); } } // if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS
} } // if (!_RegIsRestricted(hsubkey))
if (huskeySave != hussubkey) SHRegCloseUSKey(hussubkey); } }
// Sort all keys under htviparent
SendMessage(_hwndTree, TVM_SORTCHILDREN, 0, (LPARAM)htviparent); }
BOOL CRegTreeOptions::_WalkTreeRecursive(HTREEITEM htvi, WALK_TREE_CMD cmd) { // step through the children
HTREEITEM hctvi = TreeView_GetChild(_hwndTree, htvi); while (hctvi) { _WalkTreeRecursive(hctvi, cmd); hctvi = TreeView_GetNextSibling(_hwndTree, hctvi); }
TV_ITEM tvi = {0}; // get ourselves
tvi.mask = TVIF_HANDLE | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE | TVIF_PARAM; tvi.hItem = htvi; TreeView_GetItem(_hwndTree, &tvi);
HUSKEY huskey; switch (cmd) { case WALK_TREE_DELETE: // if we are destroying the tree...
// do we have something to clean up?
if (tvi.lParam) { // close the reg key
SHRegCloseUSKey((HUSKEY)tvi.lParam); } break; case WALK_TREE_SAVE: huskey = (HUSKEY)tvi.lParam; // now save ourselves (if needed)
// what are we?
if (tvi.iImage == IDCHECKED || tvi.iImage == IDRADIOON) { // checkbox or radio that is checked
_SaveCheckStatus(huskey, TRUE); } else if (tvi.iImage == IDUNCHECKED) { // checkbox that is unchecked
_SaveCheckStatus(huskey, FALSE); } // else radio that is "off" is ignored
// else icons are ignored
break; case WALK_TREE_RESTORE: case WALK_TREE_REFRESH: huskey = (HUSKEY)tvi.lParam; if ((tvi.iImage == IDCHECKED) || (tvi.iImage == IDUNCHECKED) || (tvi.iImage == IDRADIOON) || (tvi.iImage == IDRADIOOFF)) { BOOL bChecked = FALSE; _GetCheckStatus(huskey, &bChecked, cmd == WALK_TREE_RESTORE ? TRUE : FALSE); tvi.iImage = (tvi.iImage == IDCHECKED) || (tvi.iImage == IDUNCHECKED) ? (bChecked ? IDCHECKED : IDUNCHECKED) : (bChecked ? IDRADIOON : IDRADIOOFF); tvi.iSelectedImage = tvi.iImage; TreeView_SetItem(_hwndTree, &tvi); } break; }
return TRUE; // success?
DWORD RegTreeType(LPCTSTR pszType) { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(c_aTreeTypes); i++) { if (!lstrcmpi(pszType, c_aTreeTypes[i].name)) return c_aTreeTypes[i].type; } return TREE_UNKNOWN; }
BOOL AppendStatus(LPTSTR pszText,UINT cbText, BOOL fOn) { LPTSTR pszTemp; UINT cbStrLen , cbStatusLen; //if there's no string specified then return
if (!pszText) return FALSE; //Calculate the string lengths
cbStrLen = lstrlen(pszText); cbStatusLen = fOn ? lstrlen(TEXT("-ON")) : lstrlen(TEXT("-OFF"));
//Remove the old status appended
pszTemp = StrRStrI(pszText,pszText + cbStrLen, TEXT("-ON"));
if(pszTemp) { *pszTemp = (TCHAR)0; cbStrLen = lstrlen(pszText); }
pszTemp = StrRStrI(pszText,pszText + cbStrLen, TEXT("-OFF"));
if(pszTemp) { *pszTemp = (TCHAR)0; cbStrLen = lstrlen(pszText); }
//check if we append status text, we'll explode or not
if (cbStrLen + cbStatusLen > cbText) { //We'll explode
return FALSE; }
if (fOn) { StrCat(pszText, TEXT("-ON")); } else { StrCat(pszText, TEXT("-OFF")); } return TRUE; }
BOOL IsScreenReaderEnabled() { BOOL bRet = FALSE; SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETSCREENREADER, 0, &bRet, 0); return bRet; }