Purpose: Unix-menus related functions.
#include <tchar.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "priv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#ifdef UNIX
#include "unixstuff.h"
#include "resource.h"
DWORD g_dwTlsInfo = 0xffffffff;
void UnixStuffInit() { g_dwTlsInfo = TlsAlloc(); }
// This is OK since we use Old Nt40 Shell32.
STDAPI_(BOOL) WINAPI SHGetFileClassKey (LPCTSTR szFile, HKEY * phkey, HKEY * phkeyBase); STDAPI_(VOID) WINAPI SHCloseClassKey (HKEY hkey);
void InitializeExplorerClass();
STDAPI_(BOOL) FileHasProperAssociation (LPCTSTR path) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; HKEY hkClass = NULL, hkBase = NULL; if( SHGetFileClassKey(path, &hkClass, &hkBase ) ) { bRet = TRUE; if(hkClass) SHCloseClassKey( hkClass ); if(hkBase ) SHCloseClassKey( hkBase ); } return bRet; }
#define WMC_UNIX_NEWWINDOW (WM_USER + 0x0400)
LRESULT HandleCopyDataUnix(CShellBrowser2* psb, HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (wParam) { case WMC_DISPATCH: { DDENAVIGATESTRUCT *pDDENav; LPSTR szURL; LRESULT lres = 0;
szURL = (LPSTR)((COPYDATASTRUCT*)lParam)->lpData; pDDENav = new(DDENAVIGATESTRUCT); if (pDDENav) { pDDENav->wszUrl = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (lstrlenA(szURL) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pDDENav->wszUrl) { pDDENav->transID = 0; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szURL, lstrlenA(szURL), pDDENav->wszUrl, lstrlenA(szURL)); lres = psb->WndProcBS(hwnd, WMC_DISPATCH, (WPARAM)DSID_NAVIGATEIEBROWSER, (LPARAM)pDDENav); LocalFree(pDDENav->wszUrl); } delete(pDDENav); } return lres; } case WMC_UNIX_NEWWINDOW: { LPSTR szURL; WCHAR wszURL[MAX_URL_STRING]; LPITEMIDLIST pidl; HRESULT hres = S_OK;
szURL = (LPSTR)((COPYDATASTRUCT*)lParam)->lpData; if (szURL[0]) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szURL, lstrlenA(szURL) + 1, wszURL, ARRAYSIZE(wszURL)); } else { hres = _GetStdLocation(wszURL, ARRAYSIZE(wszURL), DVIDM_GOHOME); } if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { hres = psb->IEParseDisplayName(CP_ACP, wszURL, &pidl); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) hres = psb->BrowseObject(pidl, SBSP_NEWBROWSER); } ILFree(pidl); return hres; } default: return FALSE; } }
void StoreIEWindowInfo( HWND hwnd ) { if (g_dwTlsInfo != 0xffffffff) { TlsSetValue( g_dwTlsInfo, hwnd ); } }
HWND GetIEWindowOnThread( ) { if (g_dwTlsInfo != 0xffffffff) { return (HWND)TlsGetValue( g_dwTlsInfo ); }
return (HWND)0; }
void PrintIEVersion() { CHAR aboutInf[MAX_PATH] = "", *ptr;
// Get the version information from Shlwapi
SHAboutInfoA( aboutInf, sizeof(aboutInf) ); ptr = StrChrA( aboutInf, '~' ); if( ptr ) *ptr = '\0'; printf("Internet Explorer %s ; Copyright (c) 1995-98 Microsoft Corp.\n", aboutInf); }
void PrintIEHelp() { CHAR aboutInf[MAX_PATH] = "", *ptr;
// Get the version information from Shlwapi
SHAboutInfoA( aboutInf, sizeof(aboutInf) ); ptr = StrChrA( aboutInf, '~' ); if( ptr ) *ptr = '\0'; printf("Internet Explorer %s :\n\tUsage : iexplorer [ options ... ] [ URL ]\n\n", aboutInf); printf("Valid command line options :\n"); printf("\t-root : Opens Internet Explorer, connects to default home page.\n"); printf("\t-slf : Opens Internet Explorer, loads home page from cache.\n"); printf("\t-k : Kiosk mode.\n"); printf("\t-version : Prints out the version of Internet Explorer.\n"); printf("\t-v : Same as -version.\n\n"); printf("URL - Name that will be interpreted as either a URL or a file to be loaded.\n"); }
BOOL CheckForInvalidOptions( LPCTSTR inCmdLine ) { LPTSTR pszCmdLine = (LPTSTR) inCmdLine;
TCHAR * knownOptions[] = { TEXT("help"), TEXT("embedding"), TEXT("slf"), TEXT("root"), TEXT("k"), TEXT("version"), TEXT("v"), TEXT("nohome") };
int nCountOptions = sizeof(knownOptions)/sizeof(TCHAR *);
while( 1 ) { TCHAR * pos = StrChr( pszCmdLine, TEXT('-') ); if( pos ) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; pos++; TCHAR * option = pos; while( *pos && *pos != TEXT(' ') ) pos++;
// Check for empty option or embedded '-'
if( pos != option && ( (option <= inCmdLine+1) || (*(option-2) == TEXT(' ')) ) ) { for(int i = 0; i<nCountOptions; i++ ) if(!StrCmpNI( option, knownOptions[i], lstrlen(knownOptions[i]))) { bFound = TRUE; break; }
if( bFound == FALSE ) { *pos = TCHAR('\0'); printf("Unknown option : %s\n\n", option); PrintIEHelp(); return bFound; } } pszCmdLine = pos; } else break; }
return TRUE; }
// We have multiple windows on a thread.
// So we store the list of psbs in a THREADWINDOWINFO *
// in each thread (stored in a TLS).
extern "C" DWORD g_TLSThreadWindowInfo = ~0;
STDAPI CoMarshalInterfaceDummy( IStream *pStm, REFIID riid, IUnknown *pUnk, DWORD dwDestContext, void *pvDestContext, DWORD mshlflags ) { if (pStm) { HRESULT hres; ULONG pcbWrite = 0; pStm->Seek(c_li0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); hres = pStm->Write( &pUnk, SIZEOF(pUnk), &pcbWrite ); pUnk->AddRef(); return hres; } return E_FAIL; }
LPCTSTR _GetExplorerClassName(UINT uFlags);
EXTERN_C void IEFrameNewWindowSameThread(IETHREADPARAM* piei) { DWORD uFlags = piei->uFlags; THREADWINDOWINFO *lpThreadWindowInfo; #ifdef NO_MARSHALLING
BOOL fFirstTime = FALSE; #endif
if (!piei) return;
LPWSTR pszCloseEvent = NULL; if (uFlags & COF_FIREEVENTONCLOSE) { ASSERT(piei->szCloseEvent[0]); pszCloseEvent = StrDup(piei->szCloseEvent); }
// We shouldn't be the first ones
ASSERT(~0 != g_TLSThreadWindowInfo) lpThreadWindowInfo = (THREADWINDOWINFO *) TlsGetValue(g_TLSThreadWindowInfo); ASSERT(lpThreadWindowInfo); if (!lpThreadWindowInfo) { #ifdef NO_MARSHALLING
if (!(lpThreadWindowInfo = InitializeThreadInfoStructs())) goto Done; fFirstTime = TRUE; #else
goto Done; #endif
piei->wv.bTree = TRUE; piei->TreeSplit = 200; // some random default
TraceMsg(TF_COCREATE, "IEFrameNewWindowSameThread calling CreateWindowEx");
if (!piei->fOnIEThread) InitializeExplorerClass(); #endif
LPCTSTR pszClass; HMENU hmenu = CreateMenu(); HWND hwnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, _GetExplorerClassName(piei->uFlags), NULL, DWSTYLE, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, hmenu, HINST_THISDLL, piei); if (uFlags & COF_HELPMODE ) { RECT rc; GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rc ); SetWindowPos ( hwnd, 0, rc.left, rc.top, BROWSER_DEFAULT_WIDTH * 3 /4, BROWSER_DEFAULT_HEIGHT * 3 / 4, SWP_NOZORDER ); }
if (hwnd) { // Enable File Manager drag-drop for win16
DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, TRUE);
CShellBrowser2* psb = (CShellBrowser2*)GetWindowLong(hwnd, 0);
if (psb) { // We are string another refrence to this object in
// ThreadInfo Stuctures, so AddRef.
psb->_AfterWindowCreated(piei); #ifdef NO_MARSHALLING
if (fFirstTime) { // this should happen only if IE is created on a different
// thread, such as OE dochost
AddFirstBrowserToList(psb); } else { #endif
lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount++; // tack new window on end of list
CShellBrowser2** rgpsb = (CShellBrowser2**) LocalReAlloc(lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb, lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount * sizeof(CShellBrowser2 *), LMEM_MOVEABLE); ASSERT(rgpsb); if (rgpsb) { lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb = rgpsb; rgpsb[lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount-1] = psb; psb->AddRef(); } #ifdef NO_MARSHALLING
} #endif
// The message pump would go here.
// Let the threadproc handle it.
psb->Release(); } } else { // Unregister any pending that may be there
WinList_Revoke(piei->dwRegister); TraceMsg(DM_ERROR, "IEFrameNewWindowSameThread CreateWindow failed"); }
Done: if (pszCloseEvent) { FireEventSz(pszCloseEvent); }
if (piei) delete piei; }
EXTERN_C THREADWINDOWINFO * InitializeThreadInfoStructs() { THREADWINDOWINFO *lpThreadWindowInfo;
// Allocate a TLS if needed. Will be freed in the WEP.
if (~0 == g_TLSThreadWindowInfo) { g_TLSThreadWindowInfo = TlsAlloc(); ASSERT (~0 != g_TLSThreadWindowInfo); lpThreadWindowInfo = NULL; } else { lpThreadWindowInfo = (THREADWINDOWINFO *) TlsGetValue(g_TLSThreadWindowInfo); }
if (NULL == lpThreadWindowInfo && ~0 != g_TLSThreadWindowInfo) { lpThreadWindowInfo = (THREADWINDOWINFO *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(*lpThreadWindowInfo)); TlsSetValue(g_TLSThreadWindowInfo, lpThreadWindowInfo); }
return lpThreadWindowInfo;
EXTERN_C void FreeThreadInfoStructs() { THREADWINDOWINFO *lpThreadWindowInfo; lpThreadWindowInfo = (THREADWINDOWINFO *)TlsGetValue(g_TLSThreadWindowInfo);
if( lpThreadWindowInfo ) { LocalFree(lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb); LocalFree(lpThreadWindowInfo); TlsSetValue(g_TLSThreadWindowInfo, NULL); } }
EXTERN_C void AddFirstBrowserToList( CShellBrowser2 *psb ) { if( psb ) { THREADWINDOWINFO *lpThreadWindowInfo; lpThreadWindowInfo = (THREADWINDOWINFO *) TlsGetValue(g_TLSThreadWindowInfo); lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount++; // tack new window on end of list
lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb = (CShellBrowser2**) LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(CShellBrowser2 *)); ASSERT(lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb); // if this fails we're DEAD
if( lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb ) { lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb[0] = psb; psb->AddRef(); } } }
EXTERN_C void RemoveBrowserFromList( CShellBrowser2 *psb ) { if (psb->_fReallyClosed) { int i; BOOL fFoundSB = FALSE; THREADWINDOWINFO *lpThreadWindowInfo; lpThreadWindowInfo = (THREADWINDOWINFO *) TlsGetValue(g_TLSThreadWindowInfo); // remove the window from the list.
ASSERT(psb->_pbbd->_hwnd == NULL);
for (i = 0; i < lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount; i++) { if( psb == lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb[i] ) { fFoundSB = TRUE; break; } }
if ( fFoundSB ) { memmove(&lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb[i], &lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb[i+1], (--lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount - i) * sizeof(psb)); psb->Release(); } } }
#endif // UNIX