/* Unix specific function prototypes */
#include <mainwin.h>
#include "../shdocvw/unixstuff.h"
#include "shbrows2.h"
#include "shalias.h"
EXTERN_C MwPaintSpecialEOBorder( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC );
BOOL CheckForInvalidOptions( LPCTSTR inCmdLine ); void PrintIEHelp(); void PrintIEVersion();
// IE Thread Info stuff
void UnixStuffInit(); void StoreIEWindowInfo( HWND hwnd ); HWND GetIEWindowOnThread();
// Marshalling stuff
#define CoMarshalInterface CoMarshalInterfaceDummy
STDAPI CoMarshalInterfaceDummy( IStream *, REFIID, IUnknown *, DWORD, void *, DWORD );
struct THREADWINDOWINFO { int cWindowCount; CShellBrowser2** rgpsb; };
EXTERN_C THREADWINDOWINFO * InitializeThreadInfoStructs(); EXTERN_C HRESULT TranslateModelessAccelerator(MSG* msg, HWND hwnd); EXTERN_C void FreeThreadInfoStructs(); EXTERN_C void AddFirstBrowserToList( CShellBrowser2 *psb ); EXTERN_C void RemoveBrowserFromList( CShellBrowser2 *psb ); EXTERN_C void IEFrameNewWindowSameThread(IETHREADPARAM* piei); STDAPI_(BOOL) FileHasProperAssociation (LPCTSTR path);
BOOL IsNamedWindow(HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR pszClass);
LRESULT HandleCopyDataUnix(CShellBrowser2* psb, HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
inline CShellBrowser2 * CheckAndForwardMessage( THREADWINDOWINFO * lpThreadWindowInfo , CShellBrowser2 * psb, MSG msg ) { // get psb for msg.hwnd. (Note psb inside scope may != psb outside)
if (lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount) { CShellBrowser2* psb, *psbActive = NULL; int i; BOOL fFoundSB = FALSE, fDelayClosed = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount; i++) { psb = lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb[i];
// Save the active window here so that we don't have to
// loop again.
if(psb->_fActivated) { psbActive = psb; }
if(psb->_fDelayedClose) { fDelayClosed = TRUE; }
if (psb->_pbbd->_hwnd == msg.hwnd || IsChild(psb->_pbbd->_hwnd, msg.hwnd)) { fFoundSB = TRUE; break; } }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!fFoundSB) { TraceMsg(DM_THREADWINDOWINFO, "CheckAndForwardMessage() ThreadWindowInfo didnt find psb for hwnd = %X, reusing hwnd = %X", msg.hwnd, psb->_pbbd->_hwnd); } #endif //DEBUG
if( fDelayClosed || (i<lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount) ) { // Post WM_CLOSE messages for all the windows which are delayClosed.
for (i = 0; i < lpThreadWindowInfo->cWindowCount; i++) { CShellBrowser2* psbDel = lpThreadWindowInfo->rgpsb[i]; if( psbDel->_fDelayedClose ) { psbDel->_fDelayedClose = FALSE; PostMessage( psbDel->_pbbd->_hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); } } }
// Pass message to the current active window, because we fail to find the
// appropriate parent. This happens in case of favorites window and msgs
// get diverted to the last window on the array, which may be wrong.
if( !fFoundSB && psbActive ) { psb = psbActive; } return psb; } return NULL; }