Copyright (c) 1990-1998, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module contains the header information for the new Win32 fileopen dialogs.
Revision History:
#undef StrCpy
#undef StrCat
#include "d32tlog.h"
// TEMPMEM class
class TEMPMEM { public: TEMPMEM(UINT cb) { m_uSize = cb; m_pMem = cb ? LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb) : NULL; }
~TEMPMEM() { if (m_pMem) { LocalFree(m_pMem); } }
operator LPBYTE() const { return ((LPBYTE)m_pMem); }
BOOL Resize(UINT cb);
private: LPVOID m_pMem;
protected: UINT m_uSize; };
// TEMPSTR class
class TEMPSTR : public TEMPMEM { public: TEMPSTR(UINT cc = 0) : TEMPMEM(cc * sizeof(TCHAR)) { }
operator LPTSTR() const { return ((LPTSTR)(LPBYTE) * (TEMPMEM *)this); }
BOOL StrCpy(LPCTSTR pszText); BOOL StrCat(LPCTSTR pszText); BOOL StrSize(UINT cb) { return (TEMPMEM::Resize(cb * sizeof(TCHAR))); } };
// One object of this class exists for each item in the location dropdown.
// Data members:
// psfSub - instance of IShellFolder bound to this container
// pidlThis - IDL of this container, relative to its parent
// pidlFull - IDL of this container, relative to the desktop
// cIndent - indent level (0-based)
// dwFlags -
// MLBI_PERMANENT - item is an "information source" and should
// always remain
// dwAttrs - attributes of this container as reported by GetAttributesOf()
// iImage, iSelectedImage - indices into the system image list for this
// object
// Member functions:
// ShouldInclude() - returns whether item belongs in the location dropdown
// IsShared() - returns whether an item is shared or not
// SwitchCurrentDirectory() - changes the Win32 current directory to the
// directory indicated by this item
class MYLISTBOXITEM { public: IShellFolder *psfSub; IShellFolder *psfParent; LPITEMIDLIST pidlThis; LPITEMIDLIST pidlFull; DWORD cIndent; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwAttrs; int iImage; int iSelectedImage; HWND _hwndCmb;
BOOL Init( HWND hwndCmb, MYLISTBOXITEM *pParentItem, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD c, DWORD f, IShellTaskScheduler* pScheduler);
//This function is used to initialize all members directly.
BOOL Init(HWND hwndCmb, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, DWORD c, DWORD f, DWORD dwAttrs, int iImage, int iSelectedImage);
inline BOOL ShouldInclude() { return (dwAttrs & (SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR | SFGAO_FILESYSTEM)); }
inline BOOL IsShared() { return (dwAttrs & SFGAO_SHARE); }
void SwitchCurrentDirectory(ICurrentWorkingDirectory * pcwd);
IShellFolder* GetShellFolder();
static void CALLBACK _AsyncIconTaskCallback(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPVOID pvData, LPVOID pvHint, INT iIconIndex, INT iOpenIconIndex);
private: ~MYLISTBOXITEM(); LONG _cRef; };
// CFileOpenBrowser class
typedef BOOL (*EIOCALLBACK)(class CFileOpenBrowser*that, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPARAM lParam);
typedef enum { ECODE_S_OK = 0, ECODE_BADDRIVE = 1, ECODE_BADPATH = 2, } ECODE;
typedef struct _SHTCUTINFO { BOOL fReSolve; //[IN] Should we resolve the shortcut
DWORD dwAttr; //[IN/OUT] Attributes of the target pointed by shortcut
LPTSTR pszLinkFile; //[OUT] Target file name
UINT cchFile; //[IN] size of buffer pointed to by pszLinkFile
LPITEMIDLIST * ppidl; //[OUT] pidl of the target pointed to by shortcut
class CFileOpenBrowser : public IShellBrowser , public ICommDlgBrowser2 , public IServiceProvider { public: // *** IUnknown methods ***
// *** IOleWindow methods ***
STDMETHOD(GetWindow) (THIS_ HWND *lphwnd); STDMETHOD(ContextSensitiveHelp) (THIS_ BOOL fEnterMode);
// *** IShellBrowser methods *** (same as IOleInPlaceFrame)
STDMETHOD(InsertMenusSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared, LPOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS lpMenuWidths); STDMETHOD(SetMenuSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared, HOLEMENU holemenu, HWND hwndActiveObject); STDMETHOD(RemoveMenusSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared); STDMETHOD(SetStatusTextSB) (THIS_ LPCOLESTR lpszStatusText); STDMETHOD(EnableModelessSB) (THIS_ BOOL fEnable); STDMETHOD(TranslateAcceleratorSB) (THIS_ LPMSG lpmsg, WORD wID);
// *** IShellBrowser methods ***
STDMETHOD(BrowseObject)(THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, UINT wFlags); STDMETHOD(GetViewStateStream)(THIS_ DWORD grfMode, LPSTREAM *pStrm); STDMETHOD(GetControlWindow)(THIS_ UINT id, HWND *lphwnd); STDMETHOD(SendControlMsg)(THIS_ UINT id, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pret); STDMETHOD(QueryActiveShellView)(THIS_ struct IShellView **ppshv); STDMETHOD(OnViewWindowActive)(THIS_ struct IShellView *pshv); STDMETHOD(SetToolbarItems)(THIS_ LPTBBUTTON lpButtons, UINT nButtons, UINT uFlags);
// *** ICommDlgBrowser methods ***
STDMETHOD(OnDefaultCommand) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv); STDMETHOD(OnStateChange) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv, ULONG uChange); STDMETHOD(IncludeObject) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv, LPCITEMIDLIST lpItem);
// *** ICommDlgBrowser2 methods ***
STDMETHOD(Notify) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv, DWORD dwNotifyType); STDMETHOD(GetDefaultMenuText) (THIS_ struct IShellView *ppshv, WCHAR *pszText, INT cchMax); STDMETHOD(GetViewFlags)(THIS_ DWORD *pdwFlags);
// *** IServiceProvider methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryService)(THIS_ REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppvObj);
// *** Our own methods ***
CFileOpenBrowser(HWND hDlg, BOOL fIsSaveAs); ~CFileOpenBrowser(); HRESULT SwitchView(struct IShellFolder *psfNew, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlNew, FOLDERSETTINGS *pfs, SHELLVIEWID const *pvid, BOOL fUseDefultView); void OnDblClick(BOOL bFromOKButton); LRESULT OnNotify(LPNMHDR lpnmhdr); BOOL OnSetCursor(void); void ViewCommand(UINT uIndex); void PaintDriveLine(DRAWITEMSTRUCT *lpdis); void GetFullPath(LPTSTR pszBuf); BOOL OnSelChange(int iItem = -1, BOOL bForceUpdate = FALSE); void OnDotDot(); void RefreshFilter(HWND hwndFilter); BOOL JumpToPath(LPCTSTR pszDirectory, BOOL bTranslate = FALSE); BOOL JumpToIDList(LPCITEMIDLIST pidlNew, BOOL bTranslate = FALSE, BOOL bAddToNavStack = TRUE); BOOL SetDirRetry(LPTSTR pszDir, BOOL bNoValidate = FALSE); BOOL MultiSelectOKButton(LPCTSTR pszFiles, OKBUTTONFLAGS Flags); BOOL OKButtonPressed(LPCTSTR pszFile, OKBUTTONFLAGS Flags); UINT GetDirectoryFromLB(LPTSTR szBuffer, int *pichRoot); void SetCurrentFilter(LPCTSTR pszFilter, OKBUTTONFLAGS Flags = OKBUTTON_QUOTED); UINT GetFullEditName(LPTSTR pszBuf, UINT cLen, TEMPSTR *pTempStr = NULL, BOOL *pbNoDefExt = NULL); void ProcessEdit(); LRESULT OnCommandMessage(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL OnCDMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void RemoveOldPath(int *piNewSel); BOOL LinkMatchSpec(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCTSTR szSpec); BOOL GetLinkStatus(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl,PSHTCUTINFO pinfo); HRESULT ResolveLink(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, PSHTCUTINFO pinfo, IShellFolder *psf = NULL); void SelFocusChange(BOOL bSelChange); void SelRename(void); void SetSaveButton(UINT idSaveButton); void RealSetSaveButton(UINT idSaveButton); void SetEditFile(LPCTSTR pszFile, LPCTSTR pszFileFriendly, BOOL bShowExt, BOOL bSaveNullExt = TRUE); BOOL EnumItemObjects(UINT uItem, EIOCALLBACK pfnCallBack, LPARAM lParam); BOOL IsKnownExtension(LPCTSTR pszExtension); UINT FindNameInView(LPTSTR pszFile, OKBUTTONFLAGS Flags, LPTSTR pszPathName, int nFileOffset, int nExtOffset, int *pnErrCode, BOOL bTryAsDir = TRUE); void UpdateLevel(HWND hwndLB, int iInsert, MYLISTBOXITEM *pParentItem); void InitializeDropDown(HWND hwndCtl); BOOL FSChange(LONG lNotification, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidl); int GetNodeFromIDList(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); void Timer(WPARAM wID); BOOL CreateHookDialog(POINT *pPtSize); void OnGetMinMax(LPMINMAXINFO pmmi); void OnSize(int, int); void VerifyListViewPosition(void); BOOL CreateToolbar(); // Creates the file open toolbar
void EnableFileMRU(BOOL fEnable); // Enable/Disable File MRU based on the flag passed
void UpdateNavigation(); // Updates the Navigation by adding the current pidl
// to the navigation stack
void UpdateUI(LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew); // Updates the back navigation button and the hot item on the places bar
LPCTSTR JumpToInitialLocation(LPCTSTR pszDir, LPTSTR pszFile); BOOL InitLookIn(HWND hDlg); //Initializes the look in drop down.
int _CopyFileNameToOFN(LPTSTR pszFile, DWORD *pdwError); void _CopyTitleToOFN(LPCTSTR pszTitle);
BOOL _IsNoDereferenceLinks(LPCWSTR pszFile, IShellItem *psi); BOOL _OpenAsContainer(IShellItem *psi, SFGAOF sfgao);
HRESULT _ParseName(LPCITEMIDLIST pidlParent, IShellFolder *psf, IBindCtx *pbc, LPCOLESTR psz, IShellItem **ppsi); HRESULT _ParseNameAndTest(LPCOLESTR pszIn, IBindCtx *pbc, IShellItem **ppsi, BOOL fAllowJump); HRESULT _ParseShellItem(LPCOLESTR pszIn, IShellItem **ppsi, BOOL fAllowJump); HRESULT _TestShellItem(IShellItem *psi, BOOL fAllowJump, IShellItem **ppsiReal); #ifdef RETURN_SHELLITEMS
HRESULT _ItemOKButtonPressed(LPCTSTR pszFile, OKBUTTONFLAGS Flags); HRESULT _ProcessShellItem(IShellItem *psi); #endif RETURN_SHELLITEMS
HRESULT _MakeFakeCopy(IShellItem *psi, LPWSTR *ppszPath); BOOL CheckForRestrictedFolder(LPCTSTR lpszPath, int nFileOffset); //Checks to see whether a file can be saved in the given path.
void ResetDialogHeight(HWND hDlg, HWND hwndExclude, HWND hwndGrip, int nCtlsBottom); void ReAdjustDialog(); // if help and open as read only is hidden then this function readjusts the dialog
// to reclaim the space occupied by these controls
//Places Bar Related Functions
HWND CreatePlacesbar(HWND hDlg); // Creates places bar
void _RecreatePlacesbar(); void _CleanupPlacesbar(); void _FillPlacesbar(HWND hwndPlacesbar); BOOL _EnumPlacesBarItem(HKEY hkey, int i , SHFILEINFO *psfi, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl); BOOL _GetPlacesBarItemToolTip(int idCmd, LPTSTR pText, DWORD dwSize); BOOL _GetPBItemFromTokenStrings(LPTSTR lpszPath, SHFILEINFO * psfi, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl); BOOL _GetPBItemFromCSIDL(DWORD csidl, SHFILEINFO * psfi, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl); BOOL _GetPBItemFromPath(LPTSTR lpszPath, SHFILEINFO * psfi, LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl);
//Pidl Processing Functions
BOOL _ProcessPidlSelection(); //Processes the selection pidl if any.
HRESULT _ProcessItemAsFile(IShellItem *psi);
//General Utility Functions
BOOL _ValidateSelectedFile(LPCTSTR pszFile, int *pErrCode); BOOL _PostProcess(LPTSTR pszFile); BOOL _IsThumbnailFolder(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); BOOL _IsWIAFolder(IShellFolder *psf); LOCTYPE _GetLocationType(MYLISTBOXITEM *pLocation); void _WaitCursor(BOOL fWait); BOOL CFileOpenBrowser::_IsRestrictedDrive(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); void CFileOpenBrowser::JumpToLocationIfUnrestricted(LPCTSTR pszPath, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL bTranslate); BOOL CFileOpenBrowser::_SaveAccessDenied(LPCTSTR pszFile); void _CleanupDialog(BOOL fRet);
void OnThemeActive(HWND hwndDlg, BOOL bActive); //Member Variables
LONG _cRef; // compobj refcount
int _iCurrentLocation; // index of curr selection in location dropdown
int _iVersion; // Which version of dialog are we showing
MYLISTBOXITEM *_pCurrentLocation; // ptr to object for same
HWND _hwndDlg; // handle of this dialog
HWND _hSubDlg; // handle of the hook dialog
IShellView *_psv; // current view object
IShellFolder *_psfCurrent; // current shellfolder object
TravelLog *_ptlog; // ptr to travel log
HWND _hwndView; // current view window
HWND _hwndToolbar; // toolbar window
HWND _hwndPlacesbar; // places bar window
HWND _hwndLastFocus; // ctrl that had focus before OK button
HIMAGELIST _himl; // system imagelist (small images)
TEMPSTR _pszHideExt; // saved file with extension
TEMPSTR _tszDefSave; // saved file with extension
TEMPSTR _pszDefExt; // writable version of the DefExt
TEMPSTR _pszObjectPath; // full object path
TEMPSTR _pszObjectCurDir; // object current directory (folder)
UINT _uRegister; int _iComboIndex; int _iNodeDrives; // location of my computer in drop down
int _iNodeDesktop; // location of Desktop in drop down
int _iCommandID; // Next command id to use for a Placebar Item
int _iCheckedButton; // if > 0 tells which places bar button is checked
BOOL _bEnableSizing; // if sizing is enabled
BOOL _bUseCombo; // Use the edit window instead of comboxex for app compatibility
POINT _ptLastSize; // last known size of dialog
POINT _ptMinTrack; // initial size of view
SIZE _sizeView; // last known size of view
HWND _hwndGrip; // window handle of sizing grip
DWORD _dwPlacesbarPadding; // default placesbar toolbar padding
BOOL _bSave : 1; // whether this is a save-as dialog
BOOL _fShowExtensions : 1; // whether to show extensions
BOOL _bUseHideExt : 1; // whether pszHideExt is valid
BOOL _bDropped : 1; BOOL _bNoInferDefExt : 1; // don't get defext from combo
BOOL _fSelChangedPending : 1; // we have a selchanging message pending
BOOL _bSelIsObject : 1; // the last selected object is an object, not a file
BOOL _bUseSizeView : 1; // only use cached size after failure to create view...
BOOL _bAppRedrawn : 1; // Did app call RedrawWindow? - see ResetDialogHeight
BOOL _bDestroyPlacesbarImageList : 1; // Free placesbar imagelist first time only
HWND _hwndTips; // hWnd of tooltip control for this window
LPOPENFILEINFO _pOFI; // info for thunking (ansi callers only)
ICurrentWorkingDirectory * _pcwd; // Interface to AutoComplete COM Object that sets CurrentWorkingDir
UINT _CachedViewMode; // we force Some folders into specific views. this caches the users choice
UINT _fCachedViewFlags; // we also need to cache the view flags.
// Apphack for Borland JBuilder Professional - see ResetDialogHeight
int _topOrig; // original window top
LPITEMIDLIST _pidlSelection; // This is currently selected items pidl.
IShellTaskScheduler* _pScheduler; // This TaskScheduler is used to do delayed Icon extractions.
int _cWaitCursor; LONG _cRefCannotNavigate; HWND _hwndModelessFocus; WNDPROC _lpOKProc;
// Perf: Big structures go at the end
TCHAR _szLastFilter[MAX_PATH + 1]; // last filter chosen by the user
TCHAR _szStartDir[MAX_PATH + 1]; // saved starting directory
TCHAR _szCurDir[MAX_PATH + 1]; // currently viewed dir (if FS)
TCHAR _szBuf[MAX_PATH + 4]; // scratch buffer
TCHAR _szTipBuf[MAX_PATH + 1]; // tool tip buffer
// WAIT_CURSOR class
class WAIT_CURSOR { private: CFileOpenBrowser *_that; public: WAIT_CURSOR(CFileOpenBrowser *that) : _that(that) { _that->_WaitCursor(TRUE); }
~WAIT_CURSOR() { _that->_WaitCursor(FALSE); } };