Copyright (c) 1990-1998, Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This module implements the Win32 property sheet print dialogs.
Revision History:
11-04-97 JulieB Created. Feb-2000 LazarI major redesign (not to use printui anymore) Oct-2000 LazarI messages cleanup & redesign
// precompiled headers
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "cdids.h"
#include "prnsetup.h"
#include "printnew.h"
#include "util.h"
#define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
#endif // ARRAYSIZE
inline static HRESULT CreateError() { DWORD dw = GetLastError(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dw) return E_FAIL; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dw); }
// Constant Declarations.
#define CDM_SELCHANGE (CDM_LAST + 102)
#define CDM_INITDONE (CDM_LAST + 105)
#define SZ_PRINTUI TEXT("printui.dll")
// Default view mode value
// Macro Definitions.
#define Print_HwndToBrowser(hwnd) ((CPrintBrowser *)GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER))
#define Print_StoreBrowser(hwnd, pbrs) (SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR)pbrs))
#define Print_IsInRange(id, idFirst, idLast) \
((UINT)((id) - idFirst) <= (UINT)(idLast - idFirst))
// Global Variables.
HWND g_hwndActivePrint = NULL; HACCEL g_haccPrint = NULL; HHOOK g_hHook = NULL; int g_nHookRef = -1;
// Extern Declarations.
extern HWND GetFocusedChild( HWND hwndDlg, HWND hwndFocus);
extern void GetViewItemText( IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPTSTR pBuf, UINT cchBuf, DWORD dwFlags);
// Frees up the PIDL using the shell allocator
static void FreePIDL(LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { if (pidl) { LPMALLOC pShellMalloc; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&pShellMalloc))) { pShellMalloc->Free(pidl); pShellMalloc->Release(); } } }
#ifdef UNICODE
// PrintDlgExA
// ANSI entry point for PrintDlgEx when this code is built UNICODE.
ZeroMemory(&PI, sizeof(PRINTINFOEX));
hResult = ThunkPrintDlgEx(&PI, pPDA); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { ThunkPrintDlgExA2W(&PI);
hResult = PrintDlgExX(&PI);
ThunkPrintDlgExW2A(&PI); } FreeThunkPrintDlgEx(&PI);
return (hResult); #else
SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return (E_NOTIMPL); #endif
// PrintDlgExW
// Stub UNICODE function for PrintDlgEx when this code is built ANSI.
// PrintDlgEx
// The PrintDlgEx function displays a Print dialog that enables the
// user to specify the properties of a particular print job.
ZeroMemory(&PI, sizeof(PRINTINFOEX));
return ( PrintDlgExX(&PI) ); #else
SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return (E_NOTIMPL); #endif
#ifdef WINNT
// PrintDlgExX
// Worker routine for the PrintDlgEx api.
// Make sure the print dlg structure exists and that we're not being
// called from a wow app.
if ((!pPD) || (IS16BITWOWAPP(pPD))) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Make sure the size of the print dlg structure is valid.
if (pPD->lStructSize != sizeof(PRINTDLGEX)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_STRUCTSIZE; return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Make sure the owner window exists and is valid.
if (!pPD->hwndOwner || !IsWindow(pPD->hwndOwner)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_DIALOGFAILURE; return (E_HANDLE); }
// Make sure only valid flags are passed into this routine.
// Check the template settings as much as we can here.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATEHANDLE) { if (!pPD->hInstance) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_NOHINSTANCE; return (E_HANDLE); } } else if (pPD->Flags & PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE) { if (!pPD->lpPrintTemplateName) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_NOTEMPLATE; return (E_POINTER); } if (!pPD->hInstance) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_NOHINSTANCE; return (E_HANDLE); } } else { if (pPD->lpPrintTemplateName || pPD->hInstance) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_INITFAILURE; return (E_INVALIDARG); } }
// Check the application property pages and the start page value.
if ((pPD->nPropertyPages && (pPD->lphPropertyPages == NULL)) || ((pPD->nStartPage != START_PAGE_GENERAL) && (pPD->nStartPage >= pPD->nPropertyPages))) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_INITFAILURE; return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Check the page range boundaries if the PD_NOPAGENUMS flag is
// not set.
if (!(pPD->Flags & PD_NOPAGENUMS)) { if ((pPD->nMinPage > pPD->nMaxPage) || (pPD->nPageRanges > pPD->nMaxPageRanges) || (pPD->nMaxPageRanges == 0) || ((pPD->nMaxPageRanges) && (!pPD->lpPageRanges))) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_INITFAILURE; return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Check each of the given ranges.
pPageRanges = pPD->lpPageRanges; for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < pPD->nPageRanges; Ctr++) { //
// Get the range.
nFromPage = pPageRanges[Ctr].nFromPage; nToPage = pPageRanges[Ctr].nToPage;
// Make sure the range is valid.
if ((nFromPage < pPD->nMinPage) || (nFromPage > pPD->nMaxPage) || (nToPage < pPD->nMinPage) || (nToPage > pPD->nMaxPage)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_INITFAILURE; return (E_INVALIDARG); } } }
// Get the process version of the app for later use.
pPI->ProcessVersion = GetProcessVersion(0);
// Init hDC.
pPD->hDC = 0;
// Do minimal work when requesting a default printer.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_RETURNDEFAULT) { return (Print_ReturnDefault(pPI)); }
// Load the necessary libraries.
if (!Print_LoadLibraries()) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_LOADDRVFAILURE; hResult = CreateError(); goto PrintDlgExX_DisplayWarning; }
// Load the necessary icons.
if (!Print_LoadIcons()) { //
// If the icons cannot be loaded, then fail.
pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_SETUPFAILURE; hResult = CreateError(); goto PrintDlgExX_DisplayWarning; }
// Make sure the page ranges info is valid.
if ((!(pPD->Flags & PD_NOPAGENUMS)) && ((pPD->nMinPage > pPD->nMaxPage) || (pPD->nPageRanges > pPD->nMaxPageRanges) || (pPD->nMaxPageRanges == 0) || ((pPD->nMaxPageRanges) && (!(pPD->lpPageRanges))))) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_INITFAILURE; return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Save the original information passed in by the app in case the
// user hits cancel.
// Only the values that are modified at times other than during
// PSN_APPLY need to be saved.
dwFlags = pPD->Flags; nCopies = pPD->nCopies; pPI->dwFlags = dwFlags;
// Set up the hook proc for input event messages.
if (InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&g_nHookRef) == 0) { g_hHook = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_MSGFILTER, Print_MessageHookProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId() ); if (g_hHook) { bHooked = TRUE; } else { --g_nHookRef; } } else { bHooked = TRUE; }
// Load the print folder accelerators.
if (!g_haccPrint) { g_haccPrint = LoadAccelerators( g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDA_PRINTFOLDER) ); }
// Initialize the error codes to failure in case we die before we
// actually bring up the property pages.
pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; pPI->hResult = E_FAIL; pPI->hrOleInit = E_FAIL;
// Warning! Warning! Warning!
// We have to set g_tlsLangID before any call for CDLoadString
// Bring up the dialog.
Print_InvokePropertySheets(pPI, pPD);
hResult = pPI->hResult;
//Ole Would have been initialized during the WM_INITDIALOG processing.
// Uninitialize Ole Now
// Unhook the input event messages.
if (bHooked) { //
// Put this in a local so we don't need a critical section.
HHOOK hHook = g_hHook;
if (InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&g_nHookRef) < 0) { UnhookWindowsHookEx(hHook); } }
// If the user hit cancel or if there was an error, restore the original
// values passed in by the app.
// Only the values that are modified at times other than during
// PSN_APPLY need to be restored here.
if ((pPI->FinalResult == 0) && (!pPI->fApply)) { pPD->Flags = dwFlags; pPD->nCopies = nCopies; }
// See if we need to fill in the dwResultAction member field.
if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { if (pPI->FinalResult != 0) { pPD->dwResultAction = PD_RESULT_PRINT; } else if (pPI->fApply) { pPD->dwResultAction = PD_RESULT_APPLY; } else { pPD->dwResultAction = PD_RESULT_CANCEL; } }
// Display any error messages.
if ((!(dwFlags & PD_NOWARNING)) && FAILED(hResult) && (pPI->ProcessVersion >= 0x40000)) { TCHAR szWarning[SCRATCHBUF_SIZE]; TCHAR szTitle[SCRATCHBUF_SIZE]; int iszWarning;
szTitle[0] = TEXT('\0'); if (pPD->hwndOwner) { GetWindowText(pPD->hwndOwner, szTitle, SCRATCHBUF_SIZE); } if (!szTitle[0]) { CDLoadString(g_hinst, iszWarningTitle, szTitle, SCRATCHBUF_SIZE); }
switch (hResult) { case ( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) : { iszWarning = iszMemoryError; break; } default : { iszWarning = iszGeneralWarning; break; } }
CDLoadString(g_hinst, iszWarning, szWarning, SCRATCHBUF_SIZE); MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); MessageBox( pPD->hwndOwner, szWarning, szTitle, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK ); }
// Return the result.
return (hResult); }
// Print_ReturnDefault
// Initialize the error code to 0.
pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_GENERALCODES;
// Make sure the hDevMode and hDevNames fields are NULL.
if (pPD->hDevMode || pPD->hDevNames) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_RETDEFFAILURE; return (E_HANDLE); }
// Get the default printer name.
szPrinterName[0] = 0; PrintGetDefaultPrinterName(szPrinterName, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinterName)); if (szPrinterName[0] == 0) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_NODEFAULTPRN; return (E_FAIL); }
// Allocate and fill in the DevNames structure.
if (!Print_SaveDevNames(szPrinterName, pPD)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE; return CreateError(); }
// Allocate and fill in the DevMode structure.
pPD->hDevMode = Print_GetDevModeWrapper(szPrinterName, NULL);
// Get the device or information context, depending on which one
// was requested (if any).
if ((pPD->hDevNames) && (pDN = (LPDEVNAMES)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevNames))) { if ((pPD->hDevMode) && (pDM = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevMode))) { PrintReturnICDC((LPPRINTDLG)pPD, pDN, pDM);
GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevMode); GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevNames);
return (S_OK); } else { GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevNames); } }
// Make sure the pointers are NULL since we failed.
if (pPD->hDevNames) { GlobalFree(pPD->hDevNames); pPD->hDevNames = NULL; } if (pPD->hDevMode) { GlobalFree(pPD->hDevMode); pPD->hDevMode = NULL; }
// Return failure.
pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_NODEFAULTPRN; return (E_FAIL); }
typedef BOOL (*PFN_bPrinterSetup)( HWND hwnd, // handle to parent window
UINT uAction, // setup action
UINT cchPrinterName, // size of pszPrinterName buffer in characters
LPTSTR pszPrinterName, // in/out buffer for the printer name
UINT *pcchPrinterName, // out buffer where we put the required number of characters
LPCTSTR pszServerName // server name
typedef LONG (*PFN_DocumentPropertiesWrap)( HWND hwnd, // handle to parent window
HANDLE hPrinter, // handle to printer object
LPTSTR pDeviceName, // device name
PDEVMODE pDevModeOutput, // modified device mode
PDEVMODE pDevModeInput, // original device mode
DWORD fMode, // mode options
DWORD fExclusionFlags // exclusion flags
EXTERN_C CRITICAL_SECTION g_csLocal; static HINSTANCE hPrintUI = NULL; static PFN_bPrinterSetup g_pfnPrinterSetup = NULL; static PFN_DocumentPropertiesWrap g_pfnDocumentPropertiesWrap = NULL;
// Print_LoadLibraries
BOOL Print_LoadLibraries() { //
// Make sure we hold the global CS while initializing
// the global variables.
// Load PrintUI.
if (!hPrintUI) { if ((hPrintUI = LoadLibrary(SZ_PRINTUI))) { //
// Get the proc addresses of bPrinterSetup private API.
g_pfnPrinterSetup = (PFN_bPrinterSetup)GetProcAddress(hPrintUI, "bPrinterSetup"); g_pfnDocumentPropertiesWrap = (PFN_DocumentPropertiesWrap)GetProcAddress(hPrintUI, "DocumentPropertiesWrap");
if (NULL == g_pfnPrinterSetup || NULL == g_pfnDocumentPropertiesWrap) { // failed to get addresses of core printui APIs
FreeLibrary(hPrintUI); hPrintUI = NULL; } } }
// Leave the global CS.
// Return the result.
return (hPrintUI != NULL); }
// Print_UnloadLibraries
VOID Print_UnloadLibraries() { if (hPrintUI) { FreeLibrary(hPrintUI); hPrintUI = NULL; } }
// Print_LoadIcons
BOOL Print_LoadIcons() { //
// Load the collation images.
hIconCollate = LoadImage( g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICO_COLLATE), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_SHARED); hIconNoCollate = LoadImage( g_hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICO_NO_COLLATE), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_SHARED);
// Return TRUE only if all icons/images were loaded properly.
return (hIconCollate && hIconNoCollate); }
// Print_InvokePropertySheets
BOOL Print_InvokePropertySheets( PPRINTINFOEX pPI, LPPRINTDLGEX pPD) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; TCHAR pszTitle[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR pszCaption[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwExclusionFlags; HANDLE hTemplate = NULL; HRSRC hRes; LANGID LangID;
if (pPD->Flags & PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATEHANDLE) { hTemplate = pPD->hInstance; } else { if (pPD->Flags & PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE) { hRes = FindResource(pPD->hInstance, pPD->lpPrintTemplateName, RT_DIALOG); if (hRes) { hTemplate = LoadResource(pPD->hInstance, hRes); } } } //
// Warning! Warning! Warning!
// We have to set g_tlsLangID before any call for CDLoadString
TlsSetValue(g_tlsLangID, (LPVOID) GetDialogLanguage(pPD->hwndOwner, hTemplate)); }
// Load all of the necessary strings.
CDLoadString(g_hinst, iszGeneralPage, pszTitle, ARRAYSIZE(pszTitle)); CDLoadString(g_hinst, iszPrintCaption, pszCaption, ARRAYSIZE(pszCaption));
// See if the exclusion flags are set properly.
if (!(pPD->Flags & PD_EXCLUSIONFLAGS)) { pPD->ExclusionFlags = PD_EXCL_COPIESANDCOLLATE; } dwExclusionFlags = pPD->ExclusionFlags;
// Set up the General page.
PROPSHEETPAGE genPage = {0};
genPage.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); genPage.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT | PSP_USETITLE; genPage.hInstance = g_hinst; genPage.pszTemplate = (pPD->Flags & PD_USELARGETEMPLATE) ? MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PRINT_GENERAL_LARGE) : MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_PRINT_GENERAL); LangID = (LANGID)TlsGetValue(g_tlsLangID); if (LangID) { hRes = FindResourceExFallback(g_hinst, RT_DIALOG, genPage.pszTemplate, LangID); if (hRes) { if ((hTemplate = LoadResource(g_hinst, hRes)) && LockResource(hTemplate)) { genPage.dwFlags |= PSP_DLGINDIRECT; genPage.pResource = (LPCDLGTEMPLATE)hTemplate; } } }
genPage.pszIcon = NULL; genPage.pszTitle = pszTitle; genPage.pfnDlgProc = Print_GeneralDlgProc; genPage.lParam = (LPARAM)pPI; genPage.pfnCallback = NULL; genPage.pcRefParent = NULL;
HPROPSHEETPAGE hGenPage = CreatePropertySheetPage( &genPage );
if( hGenPage ) { //
// Initialize the property sheet header.
PROPSHEETHEADER psh = {0}; psh.dwSize = sizeof(psh);
psh.dwFlags = pPI->fOld ? PSH_USEICONID | PSH_NOAPPLYNOW : PSH_USEICONID; psh.hwndParent = pPD->hwndOwner; psh.hInstance = g_hinst; psh.pszIcon = MAKEINTRESOURCE(ICO_PRINTER); psh.pszCaption = pszCaption; psh.nPages = pPD->nPropertyPages + 1;
psh.phpage = new HPROPSHEETPAGE[ psh.nPages ];
if( psh.phpage ) { psh.phpage[0] = hGenPage; memcpy( psh.phpage+1, pPD->lphPropertyPages, pPD->nPropertyPages * sizeof(psh.phpage[0]) );
// Bring up the property sheet pages.
bResult = (-1 != PropertySheet(&psh)); } else { pPI->hResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { pPI->hResult = CreateError(); }
// Return the result.
return (bResult); }
switch (wm) { case WM_NCDESTROY: // Clean up subclass
RemoveWindowSubclass(hwnd, PrshtSubclassProc, 0); lres = DefSubclassProc(hwnd, wm, wp, lp); break;
case ( WM_HELP ) : { HWND hwndItem = (HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lp)->hItemHandle;
if (hwndItem == GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDOK)) { WinHelp( hwndItem, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR)aPrintExHelpIDs );
lres = TRUE; } else { lres = DefSubclassProc(hwnd, wm, wp, lp); }
case ( WM_CONTEXTMENU ) : { if ((HWND)wp == GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDOK)) { WinHelp( (HWND)wp, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)(LPVOID)aPrintExHelpIDs );
lres = TRUE; } else { lres = DefSubclassProc(hwnd, wm, wp, lp); } break; }
default: lres = DefSubclassProc(hwnd, wm, wp, lp); break; }
return lres; }
// Print_GeneralDlgProc
BOOL_PTR CALLBACK Print_GeneralDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CPrintBrowser *pDlgStruct = NULL;
if (uMsg != WM_INITDIALOG) { pDlgStruct = Print_HwndToBrowser(hDlg); }
switch (uMsg) { case ( WM_INITDIALOG ) : { if (!Print_InitDialog(hDlg, wParam, lParam)) { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg), PSBTN_CANCEL); } g_hwndActivePrint = hDlg;
//Subclass the Main Property sheet for Help Messages
SetWindowSubclass(GetParent(hDlg), PrshtSubclassProc, 0, 0); break; } case ( WM_NCDESTROY ) : { Print_StoreBrowser(hDlg, NULL);
if (pDlgStruct) { pDlgStruct->OnDestroyMessage(); pDlgStruct->Release(); } break; } case ( WM_ERASEBKGND ) : { //
// This code is to workaround: Windows NT Bugs#344991
HWND hwndView = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW); if (hwndView) { //
// Get the printer folder view rect.
RECT rcView; if (GetWindowRect(hwndView, &rcView)) { MapWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP, hDlg, &rcView);
// Exclude the printer folder view rect from the cliping region.
if (ERROR == ExcludeClipRect(reinterpret_cast<HDC>(wParam), rcView.left, rcView.top, rcView.right, rcView.bottom)) { ASSERT(FALSE); } } } break; } case ( WM_ACTIVATE ) : { if (wParam == WA_INACTIVE) { //
// Make sure some other Print dialog has not already grabbed
// the focus. This is a process global, so it should not
// need to be protected.
if (g_hwndActivePrint == hDlg) { g_hwndActivePrint = NULL; } } else { g_hwndActivePrint = hDlg; } break; } case ( WM_COMMAND ) : { if (pDlgStruct) { return (pDlgStruct->OnCommandMessage(wParam, lParam)); } break; } case ( WM_DRAWITEM ) : { break; } case ( WM_MEASUREITEM ) : { break; } case ( WM_NOTIFY ) : { if (pDlgStruct) { return (pDlgStruct->OnNotifyMessage(wParam, (LPNMHDR)lParam)); } break; } case ( WM_HELP ) : { HWND hwndItem = (HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle;
// We assume that the defview has one child window that
// covers the entire defview window.
HWND hwndDefView = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW); if (GetParent(hwndItem) == hwndDefView) { hwndItem = hwndDefView; }
WinHelp( hwndItem, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR)aPrintExHelpIDs );
return (TRUE); } case ( WM_CONTEXTMENU ) : { WinHelp( (HWND)wParam, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)(LPVOID)aPrintExHelpIDs );
return (TRUE); } case ( CWM_GETISHELLBROWSER ) : { ::SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, (LRESULT)pDlgStruct); return (TRUE); } case ( CDM_SELCHANGE ) : { if (pDlgStruct) { pDlgStruct->OnSelChange(); } break; } case ( CDM_PRINTNOTIFY ) : { if (pDlgStruct) { LPITEMIDLIST *ppidl; LONG lEvent; BOOL bRet = FALSE; LPSHChangeNotificationLock pLock;
// Get the change notification info from the shared memory
// block identified by the handle passed in the wParam.
pLock = SHChangeNotification_Lock( (HANDLE)wParam, (DWORD)lParam, &ppidl, &lEvent ); if (pLock == NULL) { return (FALSE); }
// Handle the change notification.
bRet = pDlgStruct->OnChangeNotify( lEvent, (LPCITEMIDLIST *)ppidl );
// Release the shared block.
// Return the result.
return (bRet); } break; } case ( CDM_NOPRINTERS ) : { //
// There are no printers, so bring up the dialog telling the
// user that they need to install a printer.
if (pDlgStruct) { pDlgStruct->OnNoPrinters((HWND)wParam, (UINT)lParam); } } case ( CDM_INITDONE ) : { if (pDlgStruct) { pDlgStruct->OnInitDone(); } break; }
default : { break; } }
// Return the result.
return (FALSE); }
// Print_GeneralChildDlgProc
BOOL_PTR CALLBACK Print_GeneralChildDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lResult = FALSE; CPrintBrowser *pDlgStruct = Print_HwndToBrowser(GetParent(hDlg));
// See if we need to call an application callback to handle the
// message.
if (pDlgStruct) { if (pDlgStruct->HandleMessage(hDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam, &lResult) != S_FALSE) { if (uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG) { PostMessage(GetParent(hDlg), CDM_INITDONE, 0, 0); }
// BUGBUG: The return from a dlgproc is different than a winproc.
return (BOOLFROMPTR(lResult));
} }
// If we get to this point, we need to handle the message.
switch (uMsg) { case ( WM_INITDIALOG ) : { if (pDlgStruct) { if (!pDlgStruct->OnChildInitDialog(hDlg, wParam, lParam)) { PropSheet_PressButton( GetParent(GetParent(hDlg)), PSBTN_CANCEL ); } } break; } case ( WM_DESTROY ) : { break; } case ( WM_ACTIVATE ) : { break; } case ( WM_COMMAND ) : { if (pDlgStruct) { return (pDlgStruct->OnChildCommandMessage(wParam, lParam)); } break; } case ( WM_DRAWITEM ) : { break; } case ( WM_MEASUREITEM ) : { break; } case ( WM_NOTIFY ) : { break; } case ( WM_HELP ) : { WinHelp( (HWND)((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR)aPrintExChildHelpIDs );
return (TRUE); } case ( WM_CONTEXTMENU ) : { WinHelp( (HWND)wParam, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)(LPVOID)aPrintExChildHelpIDs );
return (TRUE); } default : { break; } }
// Return the result.
return (FALSE); }
// Print_MessageHookProc
// Handles the input event messages.
LRESULT CALLBACK Print_MessageHookProc( int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PMSG pMsg;
// See if the nCode is negative. If so, call the default hook proc.
if (nCode < 0) { return (DefHookProc(nCode, wParam, lParam, &g_hHook)); }
// Make sure we only handle dialog box messages.
if (nCode != MSGF_DIALOGBOX) { return (0); }
// Get the msg structure.
pMsg = (PMSG)lParam;
// Make sure the message is one of the WM_KEY* messages.
if (Print_IsInRange(pMsg->message, WM_KEYFIRST, WM_KEYLAST)) { HWND hwndActivePrint = g_hwndActivePrint; HWND hwndFocus = GetFocusedChild(hwndActivePrint, pMsg->hwnd); CPrintBrowser *pDlgStruct;
if (hwndFocus && (pDlgStruct = Print_HwndToBrowser(hwndActivePrint)) != NULL) { return (pDlgStruct->OnAccelerator( hwndActivePrint, hwndFocus, g_haccPrint, pMsg )); } }
// Return that the message was not handled.
return (0); }
// Print_InitDialog
BOOL Print_InitDialog( HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //
// Create the CPrintBrowser object and store it in DWL_USER.
CPrintBrowser *pDlgStruct = new CPrintBrowser(hDlg); if (pDlgStruct == NULL) { return (FALSE); } Print_StoreBrowser(hDlg, pDlgStruct);
// Let the class function do the work.
return (pDlgStruct->OnInitDialog(wParam, lParam)); }
// Print_ICoCreateInstance
// Create an instance of the specified shell class.
// Initialize the pointer to the shell view.
*ppv = NULL;
// Get the IShellFolder interface to the desktop folder and then
// bind to it. This is equivalent to calling CoCreateInstance
// with CLSID_ShellDesktop.
hres = SHGetDesktopFolder(&pshf); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { hres = pshf->BindToObject(pidl, NULL, riid, ppv); pshf->Release(); }
// Return the result.
return (hres); }
// Print_SaveDevNames
// Saves the current devnames in the pPD structure.
BOOL Print_SaveDevNames( LPTSTR pCurPrinter, LPPRINTDLGEX pPD) { TCHAR szPortName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szPrinterName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbDevNames; LPDEVNAMES pDN;
// Get the port name.
szPortName[0] = 0; Print_GetPortName(pCurPrinter, szPortName, ARRAYSIZE(szPortName));
// Compute the size of the DevNames structure.
cbDevNames = lstrlen(szDriver) + 1 + lstrlen(szPortName) + 1 + lstrlen(pCurPrinter) + 1 + DN_PADDINGCHARS;
cbDevNames *= sizeof(TCHAR); cbDevNames += sizeof(DEVNAMES);
// Allocate the new DevNames structure.
pDN = NULL; if (pPD->hDevNames) { HANDLE handle;
handle = GlobalReAlloc(pPD->hDevNames, cbDevNames, GHND);
//Check that realloc succeeded.
if (handle) { pPD->hDevNames = handle; } else { //Realloc didn't succeed. Free the memory occupied.
GlobalFree(pPD->hDevNames); pPD->hDevNames = NULL; } } else { pPD->hDevNames = GlobalAlloc(GHND, cbDevNames); }
// Fill in the DevNames structure with the appropriate information.
if ( (pPD->hDevNames) && (pDN = (LPDEVNAMES)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevNames)) ) { //
// Save the driver name - winspool.
pDN->wDriverOffset = sizeof(DEVNAMES) / sizeof(TCHAR); lstrcpy((LPTSTR)pDN + pDN->wDriverOffset, szDriver);
// Save the printer name.
pDN->wDeviceOffset = pDN->wDriverOffset + lstrlen(szDriver) + 1; lstrcpy((LPTSTR)pDN + pDN->wDeviceOffset, pCurPrinter);
// Save the port name.
pDN->wOutputOffset = pDN->wDeviceOffset + lstrlen(pCurPrinter) + 1; lstrcpy((LPTSTR)pDN + pDN->wOutputOffset, szPortName);
// Save whether or not it's the default printer.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_RETURNDEFAULT) { pDN->wDefault = DN_DEFAULTPRN; } else { szPrinterName[0] = 0; PrintGetDefaultPrinterName(szPrinterName, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinterName)); if (szPrinterName[0] && !lstrcmp(pCurPrinter, szPrinterName)) { pDN->wDefault = DN_DEFAULTPRN; } else { pDN->wDefault = 0; } }
// Unlock it.
GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevNames); } else { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return (FALSE); }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Print_GetPortName
// Gets the port name for the given printer and stores it in the
// given buffer.
VOID Print_GetPortName( LPTSTR pCurPrinter, LPTSTR pBuffer, int cchBuffer) { HANDLE hPrinter; DWORD cbPrinter = 0; PRINTER_INFO_2 *pPrinter = NULL;
// Initialize the buffer.
if (!cchBuffer) { return; } pBuffer[0] = 0;
// Open the current printer.
if (OpenPrinter(pCurPrinter, &hPrinter, NULL)) { //
// Get the size of the buffer needed to hold the printer info 2
// information.
if (!GetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pPrinter, cbPrinter, &cbPrinter )) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { //
// Allocate a buffer to hold the printer info 2 information.
if (pPrinter = (PRINTER_INFO_2 *)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbPrinter)) { //
// Get the printer info 2 information.
if (GetPrinter( hPrinter, 2, (LPBYTE)pPrinter, cbPrinter, &cbPrinter )) { //
// Save the port name in the given buffer.
lstrcpyn(pBuffer, pPrinter->pPortName, cchBuffer); pBuffer[cchBuffer - 1] = 0; } } } }
// Close the printer.
ClosePrinter(hPrinter); }
// Free the printer info 2 information for the current printer.
if (pPrinter) { LocalFree(pPrinter); } }
// Print_GetDevModeWrapper
// Calls PrintGetDevMode.
HANDLE Print_GetDevModeWrapper( LPTSTR pszDeviceName, HANDLE hDevMode) { #ifdef WINNT
// On Win9x, the hPrinter parameter to DocumentProperties can be
// NULL. On NT, it cannot be NULL.
HANDLE hPrinter;
if (OpenPrinter(pszDeviceName, &hPrinter, NULL)) { hDevMode = PrintGetDevMode(0, hPrinter, pszDeviceName, NULL); ClosePrinter(hPrinter); } #else
hDevMode = PrintGetDevMode(0, NULL, pszDeviceName, NULL); #endif
// Return the handle to the devmode.
return (hDevMode); }
// Print_NewPrintDlg
// Converts the old style pPD structure to the new one and then calls
// the PrintDlgEx function.
// PrintDlg did the following for the page ranges. Do the same thing for PrintDlgEx
if (!(pPD->Flags & PD_PAGENUMS)) { if (pPD->nFromPage != 0xFFFF) { if (pPD->nFromPage < pPD->nMinPage) { pPD->nFromPage = pPD->nMinPage; } else if (pPD->nFromPage > pPD->nMaxPage) { pPD->nFromPage = pPD->nMaxPage; } } if (pPD->nToPage != 0xFFFF) { if (pPD->nToPage < pPD->nMinPage) { pPD->nToPage = pPD->nMinPage; } else if (pPD->nToPage > pPD->nMaxPage) { pPD->nToPage = pPD->nMaxPage; } } }
// Set up the PRINTINFOEX structure.
PIEx.ApiType = pPI->ApiType; PIEx.pPD = &PDEx; PIEx.fOld = TRUE;
// Copy the page range.
PageRange.nFromPage = pPD->nFromPage; PageRange.nToPage = pPD->nToPage;
// Set up the PRINTDLGEX structure with the appropriate values from
// the PRINTDLG structure.
PDEx.lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLGEX); PDEx.hwndOwner = pPD->hwndOwner; PDEx.hDevMode = pPD->hDevMode; PDEx.hDevNames = pPD->hDevNames; PDEx.hDC = pPD->hDC; PDEx.Flags = (pPD->Flags & ~(PD_SHOWHELP | PD_NONETWORKBUTTON)) | (PD_NOCURRENTPAGE); PDEx.Flags2 = 0; PDEx.ExclusionFlags = 0; PDEx.nPageRanges = 1; PDEx.nMaxPageRanges = 1; PDEx.lpPageRanges = &PageRange; PDEx.nMinPage = pPD->nMinPage; PDEx.nMaxPage = pPD->nMaxPage; PDEx.nCopies = pPD->nCopies; PDEx.hInstance = pPD->hInstance; PDEx.lpCallback = NULL; PDEx.lpPrintTemplateName = NULL; PDEx.nPropertyPages = 0; PDEx.lphPropertyPages = NULL; PDEx.nStartPage = START_PAGE_GENERAL; PDEx.dwResultAction = 0;
// Since we're in the old dialog, allow the the hInstance to be
// non-NULL even if there is not a template.
// Initialize the error code to 0.
// Call PrintDlgExX to bring up the dialog.
hResult = PrintDlgExX(&PIEx);
// See if the call failed. If so, store the error and return FALSE.
if (FAILED(hResult)) { StoreExtendedError(PIEx.dwExtendedError); return (FALSE); }
// The call succeeded, so convert the PRINTDLGEX structure back to
// the PRINTDLG structure if PD_RESULT_CANCEL is not set.
if (PDEx.dwResultAction != PD_RESULT_CANCEL) { pPD->hDevMode = PDEx.hDevMode; pPD->hDevNames = PDEx.hDevNames; pPD->hDC = PDEx.hDC; pPD->Flags = PDEx.Flags & ~(PD_NOCURRENTPAGE); pPD->nFromPage = (WORD)PageRange.nFromPage; pPD->nToPage = (WORD)PageRange.nToPage; pPD->nCopies = (WORD)PDEx.nCopies; }
// Return TRUE if the user hit Print.
if (PDEx.dwResultAction == PD_RESULT_PRINT) { return (TRUE); }
// Return FALSE for cancel.
return (FALSE); }
// CPrintBrowser::CPrintBrowser
// CPrintBrowser constructor.
CPrintBrowser::CPrintBrowser( HWND hDlg) : cRef(1), hwndDlg(hDlg), hSubDlg(NULL), hwndView(NULL), hwndUpDown(NULL), psv(NULL), psfv(NULL), psfRoot(NULL), pidlRoot(NULL), ppf(NULL), pPI(NULL), pPD(NULL), pCallback(NULL), pSite(NULL), pDMInit(NULL), pDMCur(NULL), cchCurPrinter(0), pszCurPrinter(NULL), nCopies(1), nMaxCopies(1), nPageRanges(0), nMaxPageRanges(0), pPageRanges(NULL), fSelChangePending(FALSE), fFirstSel(1), fCollateRequested(FALSE), fAPWSelected(FALSE), fNoAccessPrinterSelected(FALSE), fDirtyDevmode(FALSE), fDevmodeEdit(FALSE), fAllowCollate(FALSE), nInitDone(0), nListSep(0), uRegister(0), uDefViewMode(VIEW_MODE_DEFAULT), pInternalDevMode(NULL), hPrinter(NULL) { HMENU hMenu;
hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hDlg, FALSE); DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_MINIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND); DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_MAXIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND); DeleteMenu(hMenu, SC_RESTORE, MF_BYCOMMAND);
szListSep[0] = 0; szScratch[0] = 0; szPrinter[0] = 0;
pDMSave = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(DEVMODE));
Shell_GetImageLists(NULL, &himl); }
// CPrintBrowser::~CPrintBrowser
// CPrintBrowser destructor.
CPrintBrowser::~CPrintBrowser() { //
// Deregister notifications.
if (uRegister) { SHChangeNotifyDeregister(uRegister); uRegister = 0; }
// Release the printer folder private interface.
if (ppf != NULL) { ppf->Release(); ppf = NULL; }
// Release the printer shell folder.
if (psfRoot != NULL) { psfRoot->Release(); psfRoot = NULL; }
// Free the pidl.
if (pidlRoot != NULL) { SHFree(pidlRoot); pidlRoot = NULL; }
// Free the devmodes.
if (pDMInit) { GlobalFree(pDMInit); pDMInit = NULL; } if (pDMSave) { GlobalFree(pDMSave); pDMSave = NULL; }
// Free the current printer buffer.
cchCurPrinter = 0; if (pszCurPrinter) { GlobalFree(pszCurPrinter); pszCurPrinter = NULL; }
// Free the page range.
nPageRanges = 0; nMaxPageRanges = 0; if (pPageRanges) { GlobalFree(pPageRanges); pPageRanges = NULL; }
if (pInternalDevMode) { GlobalFree(pInternalDevMode); pInternalDevMode = NULL; }
if (hPrinter) { ClosePrinter(hPrinter); hPrinter = NULL; } }
// CPrintBrowser::QueryInterface
// Standard OLE2 style methods for this object.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintBrowser::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppvObj) { if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IShellBrowser) || IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) { *ppvObj = (IShellBrowser *)this; ++cRef; return (S_OK); } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ICommDlgBrowser)) { *ppvObj = (ICommDlgBrowser2 *)this; ++cRef; return (S_OK); } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ICommDlgBrowser2)) { *ppvObj = (ICommDlgBrowser2 *)this; ++cRef; return (S_OK); } else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IPrintDialogServices)) { *ppvObj = (IPrintDialogServices *)this; ++cRef; return (S_OK); }
*ppvObj = NULL; return (E_NOINTERFACE); }
// CPrintBrowser::AddRef
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintBrowser::AddRef() { return (++cRef); }
// CPrintBrowser::Release
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintBrowser::Release() { cRef--; if (cRef > 0) { return (cRef); }
delete this;
return (0); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetWindow
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::GetWindow( HWND *phwnd) { *phwnd = hwndDlg; return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::ContextSensitiveHelp
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::ContextSensitiveHelp( BOOL fEnable) { //
// Shouldn't need in a common dialog.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::InsertMenusSB
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::InsertMenusSB( HMENU hmenuShared, LPOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS lpMenuWidths) { return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// CPrintBrowser::SetMenuSB
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::SetMenuSB( HMENU hmenuShared, HOLEMENU holemenu, HWND hwndActiveObject) { return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// CPrintBrowser::RemoveMenusSB
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::RemoveMenusSB( HMENU hmenuShared) { return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// CPrintBrowser::SetStatusTextSB
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::SetStatusTextSB( LPCOLESTR pwch) { //
// We don't have any status bar.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::EnableModelessSB
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::EnableModelessSB( BOOL fEnable) { //
// We don't have any modeless window to be enabled/disabled.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::TranslateAcceleratorSB
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::TranslateAcceleratorSB( LPMSG pmsg, WORD wID) { //
// We don't use the Key Stroke.
return S_FALSE; }
// CPrintBrowser::BrowseObject
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::BrowseObject( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, UINT wFlags) { //
// We don't support browsing, or more precisely, CDefView doesn't.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetViewStateStream
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::GetViewStateStream( DWORD grfMode, LPSTREAM *pStrm) { return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetControlWindow
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::GetControlWindow( UINT id, HWND *lphwnd) { return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// CPrintBrowser::SendControlMsg
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::SendControlMsg( UINT id, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pret) { LRESULT lres = 0;
if (pret) { *pret = lres; }
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::QueryActiveShellView
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::QueryActiveShellView( LPSHELLVIEW *ppsv) { if (psv) { *ppsv = psv; psv->AddRef(); return (S_OK); }
*ppsv = NULL; return (E_NOINTERFACE); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnViewWindowActive
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::OnViewWindowActive( LPSHELLVIEW psv) { //
// No need to process this. We don't do menus.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::SetToolbarItems
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::SetToolbarItems( LPTBBUTTON lpButtons, UINT nButtons, UINT uFlags) { //
// We don't let containers customize our toolbar.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnDefaultCommand
// Process a double-click or Enter keystroke in the view control.
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::OnDefaultCommand( struct IShellView *ppshv) { //
// Make sure it's the correct shell view.
if (ppshv != psv) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// See if the Add Printer Wizard is selected.
if (fAPWSelected) { //
// Invoke the Add Printer Wizard (modeless).
InvokeAddPrinterWizardModal(hwndDlg, NULL); } else if (fNoAccessPrinterSelected) { //
// Display error message indicated we do not have access.
ShowError(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW, iszNoPrinterAccess); } else { //
// Simulate the pressing of the OK button.
PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hwndDlg), PSBTN_OK); }
// Tell the shell that the action has been processed.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnStateChange
// Process selection change in the view control.
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::OnStateChange( struct IShellView *ppshv, ULONG uChange) { if (ppshv != psv) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
switch (uChange) { case ( CDBOSC_SETFOCUS ) : { break; } case ( CDBOSC_KILLFOCUS ) : { break; } case ( CDBOSC_SELCHANGE ) : { //
// Post one of these messages, since we seem to get a whole
// bunch of them.
if (!fSelChangePending) { fSelChangePending = TRUE; PostMessage(hwndDlg, CDM_SELCHANGE, 0, 0); }
break; } case ( CDBOSC_RENAME ) : { break; } default : { return (E_NOTIMPL); } }
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::IncludeObject
// Tell the view control which objects to include in its enumerations.
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::IncludeObject( struct IShellView *ppshv, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { //
// Make sure it's my shell view.
if (ppshv != psv) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// If we have the printer folder private interface, return ok only
// if it's a printer.
if (ppf) { return (ppf->IsPrinter(pidl) ? S_OK : S_FALSE); }
// This shouldn't happen at this point, but just in case we don't have
// a printer folder private interface, simply return ok.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::Notify
// Notification to decide whether or not a printer should be selected.
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::Notify( struct IShellView *ppshv, DWORD dwNotify) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Make sure it's my shell view.
if (ppshv != psv) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
switch (dwNotify) { case (CDB2N_CONTEXTMENU_DONE): { HWND hwndListView = FindWindowEx(hwndView, NULL, WC_LISTVIEW, NULL); if (hwndListView) { HWND hwndEdit = ListView_GetEditControl(hwndListView); if (NULL == hwndEdit) { // if not in edit mode then re-select the current item
SelectSVItem(); } } break; }
default: { hr = S_FALSE; break; } }
// This shouldn't happen at this point, but just in case we don't have
// a printer folder private interface, simply return ok.
return (hr); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetDefaultMenuText
// Returns the default menu text.
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::GetDefaultMenuText( struct IShellView *ppshv, WCHAR *pszText, INT cchMax) { //
// Make sure it's my shell view.
if (ppshv != psv) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// If the add printer wizard is the selected item, do not change
// the default menu text.
if (fAPWSelected) { return (S_FALSE); }
// Change the default menu text from 'Select' to 'Print'.
if (!CDLoadString(g_hinst, iszDefaultMenuText, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch))) { return (E_FAIL); }
#ifdef UNICODE
// Just copy the default menu text to the provided buffer if there
// is room.
if (lstrlen(szScratch) < cchMax) { lstrcpyn(pszText, szScratch, cchMax); } else { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } #else
// The shell only accepts the default menu text as a Unicode string,
// so we have to convert it from an Ansi string to a Unicode string.
if (!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szScratch, -1, pszText, cchMax )) { return (E_FAIL); } #endif
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetViewFlags
// Returns Flags to customize the view .
STDMETHODIMP CPrintBrowser::GetViewFlags(DWORD *pdwFlags) { if (pdwFlags) { *pdwFlags = 0; } return S_OK; }
// CPrintBrowser::InitDone
// Notifies the sub dialog that initialization of the General page is
// complete.
// Notify the sub dialog that initialization is complete.
if (pCallback) { #ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkPrintDlgExW2A(pPI); } #endif
hResult = pCallback->InitDone();
#ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkPrintDlgExA2W(pPI); } #endif
// Return the result.
return (hResult); }
// CPrintBrowser::SelectionChange
// Notifies the sub dialog that a selection change has taken place.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintBrowser::SelectionChange() { HRESULT hResult = S_FALSE;
// Handle the Print To File here.
// Notify the sub dialog that a selection change has taken place.
if (pCallback) { #ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkPrintDlgExW2A(pPI); } #endif
hResult = pCallback->SelectionChange();
#ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkPrintDlgExA2W(pPI); } #endif
// Handle the selection change.
if (hResult == S_FALSE) { //
// Handle copies and collate.
// Handle the page ranges.
// Return success.
hResult = S_OK; }
// Return the result.
return (hResult); }
// CPrintBrowser::HandleMessage
// Process a message for the child window by calling the application
// callback function.
HRESULT CPrintBrowser::HandleMessage( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pResult) { HRESULT hResult = S_FALSE; BOOL bTest; UINT nRet, ErrorId; DWORD nTmpCopies;
// Initialize the return value.
*pResult = FALSE;
// See if the message should be handled.
if (pCallback) { #ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkPrintDlgExW2A(pPI); } #endif
hResult = pCallback->HandleMessage(hDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam, pResult);
#ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { ThunkPrintDlgExA2W(pPI); } #endif
// Handle the message.
if ((hResult == S_FALSE) && (uMsg == WM_NOTIFY)) { switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case ( PSN_KILLACTIVE ) : { //
// Make sure the page has valid entries.
// If invalid entries are found, then set the DWL_MSGRESULT
// of the General page to be TRUE and return TRUE in order
// to prevent the page from losing the activation.
// Validate the number of copies and store it in the
// nCopies member.
if ((GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES)) && (fAPWSelected == FALSE)) { nTmpCopies = nCopies; nCopies = GetDlgItemInt(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, &bTest, FALSE); if (!bTest || !nCopies) { nCopies = nTmpCopies; ShowError(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, iszCopiesZero); SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE); *pResult = TRUE; return (E_FAIL); } }
// Validate the page range and store it in the pRange member.
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_PAGES) && GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT)) { nRet = GetDlgItemText( hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch) ); ErrorId = iszBadPageRange; if (!nRet || !IsValidPageRange(szScratch, &ErrorId)) { ShowError(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT, ErrorId, (ErrorId == iszTooManyPageRanges) ? nMaxPageRanges : pPD->nMinPage, pPD->nMaxPage);
SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, TRUE); *pResult = TRUE; return (E_FAIL); } }
// Message has now been handled.
hResult = S_OK;
break; } case ( PSN_APPLY ) : { //
// Clear the flags that need to be set based on the
// contents of the General page.
// Save the page range information.
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_SELECTION)) { pPD->Flags |= PD_SELECTION; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_CURRENT)) { pPD->Flags |= PD_CURRENTPAGE; } else if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_PAGES)) { pPD->Flags |= PD_PAGENUMS;
// Copy the page ranges to the pPageRanges structure
// in the PrintDlg structure.
if (GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT)) { pPD->nPageRanges = nPageRanges; CopyMemory( pPD->lpPageRanges, pPageRanges, nPageRanges * sizeof(PRINTPAGERANGE) ); } }
// Message has now been handled.
hResult = S_OK;
break; } } }
// Return the result.
return (hResult); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentDevMode
// Returns the current devmode structure.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentDevMode( LPDEVMODE pDevMode, UINT *pcbSize) { UINT cbSize;
// Make sure pcbSize is valid.
if ((pcbSize == NULL) || (*pcbSize && !pDevMode)) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// When there is no current devmode, set the size to zero and return
// TRUE.
if (!pDMCur) { *pcbSize = 0; return (S_OK); }
// Save the current printer name and the current devmode in the
// class.
// See if we just need to get the size of the buffer.
if (*pcbSize == 0) { //
// Return the size of the buffer needed.
#ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { *pcbSize = sizeof(DEVMODEA) + pDMCur->dmDriverExtra; } else #endif
{ *pcbSize = pDMCur->dmSize + pDMCur->dmDriverExtra; } } else { //
// Make sure the copies and collate information is up to date.
SaveCopiesAndCollateInDevMode(pDMCur, pszCurPrinter);
// Return the devmode information as well as the size of the
// buffer.
#ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { cbSize = sizeof(DEVMODEA) + pDMCur->dmDriverExtra; if (*pcbSize < cbSize) { return (E_INVALIDARG); } ThunkDevModeW2A(pDMCur, (LPDEVMODEA)pDevMode); *pcbSize = cbSize; } else #endif
{ cbSize = pDMCur->dmSize + pDMCur->dmDriverExtra; if (*pcbSize < cbSize) { return (E_INVALIDARG); } CopyMemory(pDevMode, pDMCur, cbSize); *pcbSize = cbSize; } }
// Return success.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentPrinterName
// Returns the current printer name.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentPrinterName( LPTSTR pPrinterName, UINT *pcchSize) { UINT cchSize;
// Make sure pcchSize is valid.
if ((pcchSize == NULL) || (*pcchSize && !pPrinterName)) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Save the current printer name and the current devmode in the
// class.
// When there is no current printer, set the size to zero and return
// TRUE.
if ((pszCurPrinter == NULL) || (pszCurPrinter[0] == 0)) { *pcchSize = 0; return (S_OK); }
// See if we just need to get the size of the buffer.
if (*pcchSize == 0) { #ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { *pcchSize = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pszCurPrinter, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); } else #endif
{ *pcchSize = lstrlen(pszCurPrinter) + 1; } } else { #ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { *pcchSize = SHUnicodeToAnsi(pszCurPrinter,(LPSTR)pPrinterName,*pcchSize);
if (*pcchSize == 0) { return (E_INVALIDARG); } } else #endif
{ cchSize = lstrlen(pszCurPrinter) + 1; if (*pcchSize < cchSize) { return (E_INVALIDARG); } lstrcpy(pPrinterName, pszCurPrinter); *pcchSize = cchSize; } }
// Return success.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentPortName
// Returns the current port name.
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentPortName( LPTSTR pPortName, UINT *pcchSize) { UINT cchSize; TCHAR szPortName[MAX_PATH];
// Make sure pcchSize is valid.
if ((pcchSize == NULL) || (*pcchSize && !pPortName)) { return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Save the current printer name and the current devmode in the
// class.
// When there is no current printer, set the size to zero and return
// TRUE.
if ((pszCurPrinter == NULL) || (pszCurPrinter[0] == 0)) { *pcchSize = 0; return (S_OK); }
// Get the port name for the current printer.
szPortName[0] = 0; Print_GetPortName(pszCurPrinter, szPortName, ARRAYSIZE(szPortName));
// See if we just need to get the size of the buffer.
if (*pcchSize == 0) { #ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { *pcchSize = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, szPortName, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); } else #endif
{ *pcchSize = lstrlen(szPortName) + 1; } } else { #ifdef UNICODE
if (pPI->ApiType == COMDLG_ANSI) { *pcchSize = SHUnicodeToAnsi(szPortName,(LPSTR)pPortName,*pcchSize);
if (*pcchSize == 0) { return (E_INVALIDARG); } } else #endif
{ cchSize = lstrlen(szPortName) + 1; if (*pcchSize < cchSize) { return (E_INVALIDARG); } lstrcpy(pPortName, szPortName); *pcchSize = cchSize; } }
// Return success.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnInitDialog
// Process a WM_INITDIALOG message for the General page.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnInitDialog( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hCtl; LPDEVMODE pDM; LPDEVNAMES pDN; UINT Result; HRESULT hResult; SHChangeNotifyEntry fsne;
// If disable printer addition policy is set then
// then disable find button on the print dialog
if( SHRestricted(REST_NOPRINTERADD) ) { EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_FIND_PRINTER ), FALSE ); }
// Always disable the preferences button in the begining
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_DRIVER ), FALSE );
// Get the pointer to the PRINTINFOEX structure from the lParam of
// the property sheet structure.
//Initialize Ole Before doing anything
pPI->hrOleInit = SHOleInitialize(0);
DEBUG_CODE(GdiSetBatchLimit(1)); //
// Initialize the error codes to success now that we have the
// pPI structure.
pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_GENERALCODES; pPI->hResult = S_OK;
// Create the printer folder shell view.
hResult = CreatePrintShellView(); if (FAILED(hResult)) { pPI->hResult = hResult; return (FALSE); }
// Insert the device pages for the appropriate printer.
// First: Try the printer in the DevMode.
// Second: Try the printer in the DevNames.
// Third: Use the default by passing in NULLs.
Result = kError; if ((pPD->hDevMode) && (pDM = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevMode))) { DWORD cbSize = (DWORD)(pDM->dmSize + pDM->dmDriverExtra);
if (cbSize >= sizeof(DEVMODE) && (pDMInit = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, cbSize))) { CopyMemory(pDMInit, pDM, cbSize); Result = InstallDevMode((LPTSTR)pDM->dmDeviceName, pDMInit); }
GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevMode); }
if ((Result != kSuccess) && (pPD->hDevNames) && (pDN = (LPDEVNAMES)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevNames))) { LPTSTR pPrinter = (LPTSTR)pDN + pDN->wDeviceOffset;
Result = InstallDevMode(pPrinter, pDMInit); GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevNames); }
if (Result != kSuccess) { Result = InstallDevMode(NULL, pDMInit); }
// Get the current printer name and the current devmode.
// Initialize the "Print to file" check box appropriately.
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINT_TO_FILE)) { if (pPD->Flags & PD_PRINTTOFILE) { CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINT_TO_FILE, TRUE); }
if (pPD->Flags & PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE) { EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_HIDE); } else if (pPD->Flags & PD_DISABLEPRINTTOFILE) { EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); } }
// Set the number of copies and the collation correctly.
pDM = pDMInit ? pDMInit : pDMCur;
if (pDMCur && (pDMCur->dmFields & DM_COPIES)) { if (pDMInit || (pPD->Flags & PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE)) { pPD->nCopies = (DWORD)pDM->dmCopies; } else if (pPD->nCopies) { pDMCur->dmCopies = (short)pPD->nCopies; } }
if (pDMCur && (pDMCur->dmFields & DM_COLLATE)) { if (pDMInit || (pPD->Flags & PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE)) { if (pDM->dmCollate == DMCOLLATE_FALSE) { pPD->Flags &= ~PD_COLLATE; } else { pPD->Flags |= PD_COLLATE; } } else { pDMCur->dmCollate = (pPD->Flags & PD_COLLATE) ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE; } } if (pPD->Flags & PD_COLLATE) { fCollateRequested = TRUE; }
// Create the hook dialog.
hResult = CreateHookDialog(); if (FAILED(hResult)) { pPI->hResult = hResult; return (FALSE); }
// Set the ClipChildren style bit on the main dialog so that we get
// proper repainting of the various children in the General page.
SetWindowLong( GetParent(hwndDlg), GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(GetParent(hwndDlg), GWL_STYLE) | WS_CLIPCHILDREN );
// Set the OK button to Print.
CDLoadString(g_hinst, iszPrintButton, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch)); SetDlgItemText(GetParent(hwndDlg), IDOK, szScratch);
// Disable the Apply button.
PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
// Register change notifications.
if (pidlRoot) { fsne.pidl = pidlRoot; fsne.fRecursive = FALSE;
uRegister = SHChangeNotifyRegister( hwndDlg, SHCNRF_NewDelivery | SHCNRF_ShellLevel | SHCNRF_InterruptLevel, SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES | SHCNE_UPDATEITEM | SHCNE_CREATE | SHCNE_DELETE | SHCNE_RENAMEITEM, CDM_PRINTNOTIFY, 1, &fsne ); }
// If we failed to insert the device page then tell the
// user what is wrong. Basically two messages, either there isn't
// a printer installed or they do not have access to the selected
// printer.
if (Result != kSuccess || !pDMCur ) { if( (Result == kAccessDenied) || (Result == kInvalidDevMode) ) { PostMessage(hwndDlg, CDM_NOPRINTERS, (WPARAM)hwndDlg, iszNoPrinterAccess ); } else { PostMessage(hwndDlg, CDM_NOPRINTERS, (WPARAM)hwndDlg, iszNoPrinters ); } }
// Give the application the pointer to the IPrintDialogServices
// interface.
if (pPD->lpCallback) { pPD->lpCallback->QueryInterface(IID_IObjectWithSite, (LPVOID *)&pSite); if (pSite) { pSite->SetSite((IPrintDialogServices *)this); } }
// Initialization is complete.
PostMessage(hwndDlg, CDM_INITDONE, 0, 0);
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnChildInitDialog
// Process a WM_INITDIALOG message for the child window.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnChildInitDialog( HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WORD wCheckID; HWND hCtl;
// Save the handle to the child window.
hSubDlg = hDlg;
// Get the list separator for the current user locale.
nListSep = GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SLIST, szListSep, ARRAYSIZE(szListSep) ); if (nListSep == 0) { szListSep[0] = TEXT(','); szListSep[1] = 0; nListSep = 2; } nListSep--;
// Set the number of copies.
pPD->nCopies = max(pPD->nCopies, 1); pPD->nCopies = min(pPD->nCopies, MAX_COPIES); SetDlgItemInt(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, pPD->nCopies, FALSE); nCopies = pPD->nCopies;
if ((hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES)) && (GetWindowLong(hCtl, GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE)) { //
// "9999" is the maximum value.
Edit_LimitText(hCtl, COPIES_EDIT_SIZE);
// Adjust the width of the copies edit control using the current
// font and the scroll bar width. This is necessary to handle the
// the up down control from encroching on the space in the edit
// control when we are in High Contrast (extra large) mode.
SetCopiesEditWidth(hSubDlg, hCtl); }
// Make sure the collate icon is centered. Only want to do this once.
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDI_COLLATE)) { SetWindowLong( hCtl, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hCtl, GWL_STYLE) | SS_CENTERIMAGE ); }
// Initialize the copies and collate info.
// Set the page range.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_NOPAGENUMS) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_PAGES), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_TEXT1), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_TEXT2), FALSE);
pPD->Flags &= ~((DWORD)PD_PAGENUMS); } else { //
// See if the page range only consists of one page. If so,
// disable the Pages radio button and the associated edit control
// and disable and hide the collate check box.
if (pPD->nMinPage == pPD->nMaxPage) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_PAGES), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT), FALSE);
pPD->Flags &= ~((DWORD)(PD_PAGENUMS | PD_COLLATE)); fCollateRequested = FALSE; EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE), FALSE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE), SW_HIDE); } else { //
// Initialize the page range members.
nPageRanges = pPD->nPageRanges; nMaxPageRanges = pPD->nMaxPageRanges; pPageRanges = (LPPRINTPAGERANGE) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, nMaxPageRanges * sizeof(PRINTPAGERANGE)); if (!pPageRanges) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE; pPI->hResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return (FALSE); } CopyMemory( pPageRanges, pPD->lpPageRanges, nPageRanges * sizeof(PRINTPAGERANGE) );
// See if we should only accept a single page range.
if (nMaxPageRanges == 1) { hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_TEXT2); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_SHOW); EnableWindow(hCtl, TRUE);
hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_TEXT1); EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_HIDE); } else { hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_TEXT1); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_SHOW); EnableWindow(hCtl, TRUE);
hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_TEXT2); EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_HIDE); }
// Validate the page ranges.
if (!ConvertPageRangesToString(szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch))) { pPI->dwExtendedError = PDERR_INITFAILURE; pPI->hResult = E_INVALIDARG; return (FALSE); }
// Put the page range string in the edit control.
if (GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT)) { SetDlgItemText(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT, szScratch); } } }
// See if we should disable the Selection radio button.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_NOSELECTION) { if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_SELECTION)) { EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); } pPD->Flags &= ~((DWORD)PD_SELECTION); }
// See if we should disable the Current Page radio button.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_NOCURRENTPAGE) { if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_CURRENT)) { EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); } pPD->Flags &= ~((DWORD)PD_CURRENTPAGE); }
// Choose one of the page range radio buttons.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_PAGENUMS) { wCheckID = IDC_RANGE_PAGES; } else if (pPD->Flags & PD_SELECTION) { wCheckID = IDC_RANGE_SELECTION; } else if (pPD->Flags & PD_CURRENTPAGE) { wCheckID = IDC_RANGE_CURRENT; } else // PD_ALL
{ wCheckID = IDC_RANGE_ALL; } CheckRadioButton(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_ALL, IDC_RANGE_PAGES, (int)wCheckID);
// See if the collate check box should be checked or not.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_COLLATE) { CheckDlgButton(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE, TRUE); }
// Display the appropriate collate icon.
if ((GetWindowLong( GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE), GWL_STYLE ) & WS_VISIBLE) && (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDI_COLLATE))) { ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_HIDE); SendMessage( hCtl, STM_SETICON, IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE) ? (LONG_PTR)hIconCollate : (LONG_PTR)hIconNoCollate, 0L ); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_SHOW); }
// Save the flags as they are now so I know what to enable
// when the selection changes from the Add Printer Wizard icon.
pPI->dwFlags = pPD->Flags; if (pPD->nMinPage == pPD->nMaxPage) { pPI->dwFlags |= PD_NOPAGENUMS; }
// Disable the Apply button.
PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
// Initialization is complete.
PostMessage(hwndDlg, CDM_INITDONE, 0, 0);
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnDestroyMessage
// Process a WM_DESTROY message for the General page.
VOID CPrintBrowser::OnDestroyMessage() { if (psfv) { psfv->Release(); psfv = NULL; } if (psv) { psv->DestroyViewWindow(); psv->Release(); psv = NULL; } if (pCallback) { pCallback->Release(); pCallback = NULL; } if (pSite) { pSite->SetSite(NULL); pSite->Release(); pSite = NULL; } }
// CPrintBrowser::OnCommandMessage
// Process a WM_COMMAND message for the General page.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnCommandMessage( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case ( IDC_DRIVER ) : { //
// Show the driver UI calling DocumentProperties API.
if (pInternalDevMode) { DWORD dwSize = pInternalDevMode->dmSize + pInternalDevMode->dmDriverExtra;
// Allocate memory for the in/out devmodes and open separate temp printer handle.
LPDEVMODE pDevModeIn = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwSize); LPDEVMODE pDevModeOut = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwSize); HANDLE hTempPrinter = NULL;
if (pDevModeIn && pDevModeOut && OpenPrinter((LPTSTR)szPrinter, &hTempPrinter, NULL)) { //
// Call DocumentProperties API to allow the user to edit the devmode.
fDirtyDevmode = FALSE; memcpy(pDevModeIn, pInternalDevMode, dwSize); memcpy(pDevModeOut, pInternalDevMode, dwSize);
// Update current copy and collation settings to DEVMODE before calling DocumentProperties()
pDevModeIn->dmCopies = nCopies; pDevModeIn->dmCollate = fCollateRequested ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE;
fDevmodeEdit = TRUE; LONG lResult = g_pfnDocumentPropertiesWrap(hwndDlg, hTempPrinter, szPrinter, pDevModeOut, pDevModeIn, DM_IN_BUFFER|DM_OUT_BUFFER|DM_IN_PROMPT|DM_OUT_DEFAULT, pPD->ExclusionFlags); fDevmodeEdit = FALSE;
if (IDOK == lResult) { //
// Check if there is a change after the editing.
if (!fDirtyDevmode && pInternalDevMode && memcmp(pDevModeOut, pInternalDevMode, dwSize)) { //
// Refresh the copies and collation in case of change in Preferences...
// We simulate a BN_CLICKED message since we need to refresh the collation icon
// when we change the collation settings.
if (nCopies != pDevModeOut->dmCopies) { SetDlgItemInt(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, pDevModeOut->dmCopies, FALSE); }
if ((fCollateRequested ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE) ^ pDevModeOut->dmCollate) { CheckDlgButton(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE, pDevModeOut->dmCollate ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED); SendMessage(hSubDlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(IDC_COLLATE ,BN_CLICKED), (LPARAM)GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)); } //
// The internal devmode has been changed. Update it and enable the "Apply" button.
memcpy(pInternalDevMode, pDevModeOut, dwSize); PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg); } } }
// Release the allocated resources.
if (pDevModeIn) { GlobalFree((HANDLE)pDevModeIn); }
if (pDevModeOut) { GlobalFree((HANDLE)pDevModeOut); }
if (hTempPrinter) { ClosePrinter(hTempPrinter); }
// select the printer's list control
SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW)), 1); }
break; } case ( IDC_FIND_PRINTER ) : { //
// Turn on the hour glass.
// Bring up the Find Printer dialog.
szScratch[0] = 0; if (FindPrinter(hwndDlg, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch)) && (szScratch[0] != 0)) { //
// Add the appropriate device pages and select the
// newly found printer.
if (!MergeDevMode(szScratch)) { InstallDevMode(szScratch, NULL); } if (!fSelChangePending) { fFirstSel = 2; fSelChangePending = TRUE; PostMessage(hwndDlg, CDM_SELCHANGE, 0, 0); } }
// Turn off the hour glass.
break; } case ( IDC_PRINT_TO_FILE ) : { //
// Enable the Apply button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
break; } case ( IDC_REFRESH ) : { if (psv) { psv->Refresh(); }
break; } default : { break; } }
// Return FALSE.
return (FALSE); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnChildCommandMessage
// Process a WM_COMMAND message for the child window.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnChildCommandMessage( WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hCtl; RECT rc; DWORD nTmpCopies; BOOL bTest;
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case ( IDC_RANGE_ALL ) : // Print Range - All
case ( IDC_RANGE_SELECTION ) : // Print Range - Selection
case ( IDC_RANGE_CURRENT ) : // Print Range - Current Page
case ( IDC_RANGE_PAGES ) : // Print Range - Pages
{ CheckRadioButton( hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_ALL, IDC_RANGE_PAGES, GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) );
// Only move the focus to the "Pages" edit control when
// the up/down arrow is NOT used.
if ( !IS_KEY_PRESSED(VK_UP) && !IS_KEY_PRESSED(VK_DOWN) && ((BOOL)(GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam) == IDC_RANGE_PAGES)) ) { SendMessage( hSubDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT), 1L ); }
// Enable the Apply button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
break; } case ( IDC_RANGE_EDIT ) : // Print Range - Pages edit control
{ if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) { CheckRadioButton( hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_ALL, IDC_RANGE_PAGES, IDC_RANGE_PAGES );
// Enable the Apply button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg); }
break; } case ( IDC_COPIES ) : { if ((GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) == EN_CHANGE) && (fAPWSelected == FALSE)) { //
// Save the number of copies.
nTmpCopies = nCopies; nCopies = GetDlgItemInt(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, &bTest, FALSE); if (!bTest || !nCopies) { nCopies = nTmpCopies; }
// If the printer can support collate and copy count > 1, enable collate.
// Otherwise, disable it.
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)) { EnableWindow( hCtl, (fAllowCollate && (nCopies > 1) ? TRUE : FALSE) ); }
// Enable the Apply button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg); }
break; } case ( IDC_COLLATE ) : { fCollateRequested = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDI_COLLATE)) { ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_HIDE); SendMessage( hCtl, STM_SETICON, fCollateRequested ? (LONG_PTR)hIconCollate : (LONG_PTR)hIconNoCollate, 0L ); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_SHOW);
// Make it redraw to get rid of the old one.
GetWindowRect(hCtl, &rc); MapWindowRect(NULL, hwndDlg, &rc); RedrawWindow(hwndDlg, &rc, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE); }
// Enable the Apply button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
break; } default : { break; } }
// Return FALSE.
return (FALSE); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnNotifyMessage
// Process WM_NOTIFY messages for the General page.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnNotifyMessage( WPARAM wParam, LPNMHDR pnm) { HWND hCtl; LPDEVMODE pDM; LPDEVNAMES pDN; LRESULT lResult;
switch (pnm->code) { case ( PSN_SETACTIVE ) : { break; } case ( PSN_KILLACTIVE ) : { //
// Validation of the copies and page range values is done
// in the HandleMessage function for the sub dialog.
break; } case ( PSN_APPLY ) : { //
// Save the current printer information.
if (!GetCurrentPrinter() || !pDMCur) { ShowError(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW, iszNoPrinterSelected); SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE); return (TRUE); }
// Clear the flags that need to be set based on the contents
// of the General page.
// Save the collate information.
if ((hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)) && (fAPWSelected == FALSE)) { if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)) { pPD->Flags |= PD_COLLATE; } else { pPD->Flags &= ~PD_COLLATE; } }
// Save the info that the user hit OK.
pPI->FinalResult = 1; pPI->fApply = TRUE; //
// Save the print to file information.
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINT_TO_FILE)) { pPD->Flags |= PD_PRINTTOFILE; }
// Save the view mode for the printer folder.
// Disable the Apply button.
PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
// Save the current printer information.
if (!GetCurrentPrinter() || !pDMCur) { ShowError(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW, iszNoPrinterSelected); return (TRUE); } //
// Save the number of copies.
if ((hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES)) && (fAPWSelected == FALSE)) { pPD->nCopies = nCopies; if(!SetCopiesOnApply()) { nCopies = pPD->nCopies; SetDlgItemInt(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, nCopies, FALSE); SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE); return (TRUE); } }
// Save the DevMode information.
// Save the DevNames information.
if (!Print_SaveDevNames(pszCurPrinter, pPD)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE; pPI->hResult = CreateError(); pPI->FinalResult = 0; }
// Save the hDC or hIC, depending on which flag is set.
if (pPI->FinalResult) { pDM = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevMode); pDN = (LPDEVNAMES)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevNames); if (pDM && pDN) { PrintReturnICDC((LPPRINTDLG)pPD, pDN, pDM); } if (pDM) { GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevMode); } if (pDN) { GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevNames); } } break; }
case ( PSN_QUERYCANCEL ) : { break; }
case ( PSN_RESET ) : { //
// Save the info that the user hit CANCEL.
pPI->FinalResult = 0;
// Save the view mode for the printer folder.
break; } default : { break; } }
// Notify the sub dialog.
if (Print_IsInRange(pnm->code, PSN_LAST, PSN_FIRST) && (HandleMessage(hSubDlg, WM_NOTIFY, wParam, (LPARAM)pnm, &lResult) != S_FALSE)) { //
// BUGBUG: The return from a dlgproc is different than a winproc.
return (BOOLFROMPTR(lResult) ); }
// Return FALSE.
return (FALSE); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnSelChange
// Process a CDM_SELCHANGE message for the dialog.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnSelChange() { HRESULT hres; LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidlSel = NULL; UINT uItems = 0; UINT uCount = 0; TCHAR szPrinterNameBuf[kPrinterBufMax]; BOOL bChanged = FALSE; UINT rc = kSuccess;
// We get this message during init, so use it to set the
// initial selection.
if (fFirstSel) { //
// Select the appropriate item in the list view.
// If an item cannot be selected, it probably means that the
// printer that was passed in has been deleted. In this case,
// insert the driver pages and select the default printer.
if (!SelectSVItem()) { //
// Insert the device page for the default printer.
if (InstallDevMode(NULL, NULL) != kSuccess) { UninstallDevMode(); }
// Get the current printer and select the appropriate item
// in the list view.
SelectSVItem(); }
// Notify the sub dialog that the selection changed.
// Disable the Apply button if it's the very first time
// (during initialization).
if (fFirstSel == 1) { PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg); }
// Reset the flags.
fFirstSel = 0; fSelChangePending = FALSE;
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// Reset the flag.
fSelChangePending = FALSE;
// Make sure we have the shell folder view interface.
if (!psfv) { return (FALSE); }
// Get the selected object in the print folder.
hres = psfv->GetSelectedObjects(&ppidlSel, &uItems); if (SUCCEEDED(hres) && (uItems > 0) && ppidlSel && *ppidlSel) { //
// Get the printer name.
szPrinterNameBuf[0] = 0; GetViewItemText( psfRoot, *ppidlSel, szPrinterNameBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinterNameBuf), SHGDN_FORPARSING);
// if the selection is same as current printer
if (pszCurPrinter && (lstrcmpi(szPrinterNameBuf, pszCurPrinter) == 0)) { //Dont do anything.
LocalFree(ppidlSel); return TRUE;
// See if it's the Add Printer Wizard.
if (lstrcmpi(szPrinterNameBuf, TEXT("WinUtils_NewObject")) == 0) { //
// It's the Add Printer Wizard.
fAPWSelected = TRUE;
// Disable the OK and Apply buttons.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hwndDlg), IDOK), FALSE); PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
// Save the current devmode settings for selection changes.
if (pDMCur && pDMSave) { CopyMemory( pDMSave, pDMCur, (pDMCur->dmSize > sizeof(DEVMODE)) ? sizeof(DEVMODE) : pDMCur->dmSize ); }
// Remove the device pages, since no printer is selected.
if (UninstallDevMode() == kSuccess) { bChanged = TRUE; }
// Update the current printer information and the printer
// status text (all should be empty).
GetCurrentPrinter(); UpdateStatus(NULL);
// Notify the sub dialog that the selection changed.
if (bChanged) { SelectionChange(); bChanged = FALSE; } } else { //
// It's not the Add Printer Wizard.
fAPWSelected = FALSE;
if (!MergeDevMode(szPrinterNameBuf)) { rc = InstallDevMode(szPrinterNameBuf, NULL); } if (rc == kSuccess) { bChanged = TRUE; } else if (UninstallDevMode() == kSuccess) { bChanged = TRUE; }
// Get the current printer name and the current devmode and
// update the printer status text.
if( rc == kSuccess ) { //
// Clear the no access printer flag.
fNoAccessPrinterSelected = FALSE;
// Make sure the OK button is enabled.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hwndDlg), IDOK), TRUE);
// Update the printer status.
UpdateStatus(*ppidlSel); } else { //
// Save the fact we do not have access to this printer.
if( (rc == kAccessDenied) || (rc == kInvalidDevMode) ) { fNoAccessPrinterSelected = TRUE; }
// Disable the OK and Apply buttons.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hwndDlg), IDOK), FALSE); PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
// Nuke the status.
UpdateStatus(NULL); } }
// Free the pidl.
LocalFree(ppidlSel); } //
// See if anything changed.
if (bChanged) { //
// Enable the Apply button.
PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
// Notify the sub dialog that the selection changed.
SelectionChange(); }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// CPrintBrowser::IsCurrentPrinter
// Checks whether the given pidl represents the current printer
BOOL CPrintBrowser::IsCurrentPrinter(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { TCHAR szPrinterBufName[kPrinterBufMax]; if (pszCurPrinter) { szPrinterBufName[0] = 0; GetViewItemText( psfRoot, pidl, szPrinterBufName, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinterBufName), SHGDN_FORPARSING); if (lstrcmpi(szPrinterBufName, pszCurPrinter) == 0) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
// CPrintBrowser::OnRename
// Handles the Rename Notification
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnRename(LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidl) { TCHAR szPrinterBufName[kPrinterBufMax]; LPITEMIDLIST pidl; TCHAR szNewPrinter[kPrinterBufMax];
pidl = ILFindLastID(ppidl[0]);
szNewPrinter[0] = 0; GetViewItemText( psfRoot, ILFindLastID(ppidl[1]), szNewPrinter, ARRAYSIZE(szNewPrinter), SHGDN_FORPARSING);
//Has user clicked on Apply and saved any printer information ?
if (pPI->fApply) { //Yes. Check if the printer that is renamed is the one that is saved.
LPDEVNAMES pDN; if ((pPD->hDevNames) && (pDN = (LPDEVNAMES)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevNames))) { //Get the saved printer name from the DEVNAMES structure.
szPrinterBufName[0] = 0; GetViewItemText( psfRoot, pidl, szPrinterBufName, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinterBufName), SHGDN_FORPARSING);
//Is the saved printer and renamed printer the same ?
if (!lstrcmpi(szPrinterBufName, ((LPTSTR)pDN + pDN->wDeviceOffset))) { //Yes. Updated the saved DEVMODE and DEVNAMES Structure.
//Update the dev names struture with the new printer name.
Print_SaveDevNames(szNewPrinter, pPD); //Update the device name in the devmode to new name
if ((pPD->hDevMode) && (pDM = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(pPD->hDevMode))) { lstrcpyn(pDM->dmDeviceName, szNewPrinter, CCHDEVICENAME); GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevMode); } } GlobalUnlock(pPD->hDevNames); } }
if (IsCurrentPrinter(pidl)) { if (!MergeDevMode(szNewPrinter)) { InstallDevMode(szNewPrinter, NULL); } }
return TRUE;
// CPrintBrowser::OnChangeNotify
// Handle the change notification message.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnChangeNotify( LONG lNotification, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidl) { LPCITEMIDLIST pidl; UINT uRes = 0; TCHAR szPrinterBufName[kPrinterBufMax];
// Get the pidl for the object.
pidl = ILFindLastID(ppidl[0]);
// Handle the notification.
switch (lNotification) { case ( SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES ) : case ( SHCNE_UPDATEITEM ) : { if (NULL == pidl || ILIsEqual(ppidl[0], pidlRoot)) { // pidl is NULL or equal to the local PF which means that full refresh
// has been requested. if the current object is the APW then try to select
// a printer.
if (!fSelChangePending) { fFirstSel = 2; fSelChangePending = TRUE; PostMessage(hwndDlg, CDM_SELCHANGE, 0, 0); } } else { //
// If the selected object is the one that changed, then
// update the status text.
if (IsCurrentPrinter(pidl)) { UpdateStatus(pidl);
// Reinit the copies and collate because these attributes may be changed
InitCopiesAndCollate(); } } break; }
case ( SHCNE_RENAMEITEM ) : { OnRename(ppidl); break; }
case ( SHCNE_CREATE ) : { //
// If the Add Printer Wizard is selected when we get this
// message, then select the newly created object.
if (fAPWSelected == TRUE) { //
// Get the printer name.
szPrinterBufName[0] = 0; GetViewItemText( psfRoot, pidl, szPrinterBufName, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinterBufName), SHGDN_FORPARSING);
// Add the appropriate device pages and select the
// new printer.
if (!MergeDevMode(szPrinterBufName)) { InstallDevMode(szPrinterBufName, NULL); } if (!fSelChangePending) { fFirstSel = 2; fSelChangePending = TRUE; PostMessage(hwndDlg, CDM_SELCHANGE, 0, 0); } } break; } case ( SHCNE_DELETE ) : { //
// Save the current devmode settings for selection changes.
if (pDMCur && pDMSave) { CopyMemory( pDMSave, pDMCur, (pDMCur->dmSize > sizeof(DEVMODE)) ? sizeof(DEVMODE) : pDMCur->dmSize ); }
// Check if the current printer has just been deleted.
// If so - set appropriate flag and disable the print button.
if (IsCurrentPrinter(pidl)) { TCHAR szSavePrinterName[kPrinterBufMax]; _tcsncpy(szSavePrinterName, szPrinter, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinter)); szSavePrinterName[ARRAYSIZE(szPrinter)-1] = 0;
// Uninstall the current devmode and select the new default
// printer if any.
UninstallDevMode(); InstallDevMode(NULL, NULL); SelectSVItem();
// If the devmode editor is open, we need to notify the user
// that the printer has just been deleted.
if (fDevmodeEdit) { //
// Display error message which indicates that the printer you are currently
// editing properties for has just been deleted. Ask the user to close the
// driver UI dialog and select another printer.
fDirtyDevmode = TRUE; ShowError(hwndDlg, 0, iszPrinterDeleted, szSavePrinterName); } }
break; } }
return (FALSE); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnAccelerator
// Handles an input event message.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::OnAccelerator( HWND hwndActivePrint, HWND hwndFocus, HACCEL haccPrint, PMSG pMsg) { if (psv && (hwndFocus == hwndView)) { if (psv->TranslateAccelerator(pMsg) == S_OK) { return (1); }
if (haccPrint && TranslateAccelerator(hwndActivePrint, haccPrint, pMsg)) { return (1); } }
// Return that the message was not handled.
return (0); }
// CPrintBrowser::OnNoPrinters
// Displays a message box telling the user that they have no printers
// installed.
VOID CPrintBrowser::OnNoPrinters(HWND hDlg, UINT uID) { if( iszNoPrinters == uID ) { if (IDYES == ShowMessage(hDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW, uID, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION, FALSE)) { //
// invoke the add printer wizard here
InvokeAddPrinterWizardModal(hwndDlg, NULL); } } else { ShowError(hDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW, uID); } }
// CPrintBrowser::OnInitDone
// Handle the CDM_INITDONE message. Initialization is complete, so
// call IPrintDialogCallback::InitDone and then switch to the chosen
// start page if it's not the General page.
VOID CPrintBrowser::OnInitDone() { //
// See if we need to do this anymore. This routine shouldn't be
// entered more than twice, but just in case.
if (nInitDone != -1) { //
// Make sure we have seen the CDM_INITDONE message for the
// completion of both the main dialog and the sub dialog.
if (nInitDone < 1) { //
// We only want to go through this code once.
nInitDone = -1;
// Tell the sub dialog that initialization is complete.
// Switch to the appropriate start page.
if (pPD->nStartPage != START_PAGE_GENERAL) { PropSheet_SetCurSel( GetParent(hwndDlg), NULL, pPD->nStartPage + 1 ); } } else { nInitDone++; } } }
// CPrintBrowser::CreatePrintShellView
// Creates the shell view window for the printer folder.
HRESULT CPrintBrowser::CreatePrintShellView() { RECT rcView; FOLDERSETTINGS fs; HRESULT hResult; HWND hHiddenText;
// Get the Printer Folder pidl.
pidlRoot = SHCloneSpecialIDList(hwndDlg, CSIDL_PRINTERS, TRUE); if (!pidlRoot) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (E_FAIL); }
// Create an instance of IShellFolder and store it in the CPrintBrowser
// class.
hResult = Print_ICoCreateInstance( CLSID_CPrinters, IID_IShellFolder2, pidlRoot, (LPVOID *)&psfRoot ); if (FAILED(hResult)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (hResult); }
// Get the private printer folder interface.
hResult = psfRoot->QueryInterface(IID_IPrinterFolder, (LPVOID *)&ppf); if (FAILED(hResult)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (hResult); }
// Create the printer folder view.
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LIST), &rcView); MapWindowRect(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndDlg, &rcView);
hResult = psfRoot->CreateViewObject(hwndDlg, IID_IShellView, (LPVOID *)&psv); if (FAILED(hResult)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (hResult); } hResult = psv->CreateViewWindow(NULL, &fs, this, &rcView, &hwndView); if (FAILED(hResult)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (hResult); }
hResult = psv->UIActivate(SVUIA_INPLACEACTIVATE); if (FAILED(hResult)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (hResult); } //
// Get the shell folder view interface.
hResult = psv->QueryInterface(IID_IShellFolderView, (LPVOID *)&psfv); if (FAILED(hResult)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (hResult); }
// Move the view window to the right spot in the Z (tab) order.
// Give it the right window ID for WinHelp and error selection.
SetWindowLong(hwndView, GWL_ID, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW);
// Move the hidden text ahead of the list view, thus the parent name of
// the list view in MSAA is "Select Printer"
if (hHiddenText = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_HIDDEN_TEXT)) { SetParent(hHiddenText, hwndView); SetWindowPos(hHiddenText, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
// Show the window after creating the ShellView so we do not get a
// big ugly gray spot.
ShowWindow(hwndDlg, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(hwndDlg);
// Return success.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::GetViewMode
// Gets the view mode for the printer folder.
UINT CPrintBrowser::GetViewMode() { HKEY hKey; UINT ViewMode = FVM_ICON; DWORD cbData;
// Open the Printers\Settings registry key and read the information
// from the ViewMode value entry.
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szSettings, 0L, KEY_READ, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbData = sizeof(ViewMode);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, c_szViewMode, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&ViewMode, &cbData)) { //
// A "real" mode exist in the registry. Don't make
// smart decisions for the view mode thereafter.
uDefViewMode = ViewMode; }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// Make sure it's in the correct range.
if (ViewMode > FVM_DETAILS) { ViewMode = FVM_ICON; }
// Return the view mode.
return (ViewMode); }
// CPrintBrowser::SetViewMode
// Gets the view mode for the printer folder.
VOID CPrintBrowser::SetViewMode() { HWND hwndListView; HKEY hKey; UINT ViewMode = VIEW_MODE_DEFAULT; DWORD cbData;
// Get the current view mode.
if (psv && (hwndListView = FindWindowEx(hwndView, NULL, WC_LISTVIEW, NULL))) { FOLDERSETTINGS fs; psv->GetCurrentInfo(&fs);
ViewMode = fs.ViewMode; }
// Check if the user changed the view mode
if( uDefViewMode != ViewMode ) { //
// Open the Printers\Settings registry key and save the information
// to the ViewMode value entry.
if (RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szSettings, 0L, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbData = sizeof(ViewMode); RegSetValueEx(hKey, c_szViewMode, 0L, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&ViewMode, cbData); RegCloseKey(hKey); } } }
// CPrintBrowser::CreateHookDialog
// Creates the child window for the application specific area of the
// General page.
HRESULT CPrintBrowser::CreateHookDialog() { DWORD Flags = pPD->Flags; HANDLE hTemplate; HINSTANCE hinst; LPCTSTR pDlg; RECT rcChild; DWORD dwStyle; LANGID LangID = (LANGID)TlsGetValue(g_tlsLangID);
// See if there is a template.
if (Flags & PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATEHANDLE) { hTemplate = pPD->hInstance; hinst = ::g_hinst; } else { if (Flags & PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE) { pDlg = pPD->lpPrintTemplateName; hinst = pPD->hInstance; LangID = MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL); } else { hinst = ::g_hinst; pDlg = MAKEINTRESOURCE(PRINTDLGEXORD); }
HRSRC hRes = FindResourceExFallback(hinst, RT_DIALOG, pDlg, LangID); if (hRes == NULL) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_FINDRESFAILURE; return (E_HANDLE); } if ((hTemplate = LoadResource(hinst, hRes)) == NULL) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE; return (E_HANDLE); } }
// Lock the resource.
if (!LockResource(hTemplate)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE; return (E_HANDLE); }
// Make sure the template is a child window.
dwStyle = ((LPDLGTEMPLATE)hTemplate)->style; if (!(dwStyle & WS_CHILD)) { //
// I don't want to go poking in their template, and I don't want to
// make a copy, so I will just fail. This also helps us weed out
// "old-style" templates that were accidentally used.
pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_DIALOGFAILURE; return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Get the callback interface pointer, if necessary.
if (pPD->lpCallback) { pPD->lpCallback->QueryInterface( IID_IPrintDialogCallback, (LPVOID *)&pCallback ); }
// Create the child dialog.
hSubDlg = CreateDialogIndirectParam( hinst, (LPDLGTEMPLATE)hTemplate, hwndDlg, Print_GeneralChildDlgProc, (LPARAM)pPD ); if (!hSubDlg) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_DIALOGFAILURE; return (E_HANDLE); }
// Put the window in the designated spot on the General property page.
GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, grp2), &rcChild); MapWindowRect(NULL, hwndDlg, &rcChild); SetWindowPos( hSubDlg, HWND_BOTTOM, rcChild.left, rcChild.top, rcChild.right - rcChild.left, rcChild.bottom - rcChild.top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
// Return success.
return (S_OK); }
// CPrintBrowser::UpdateStatus
// Updates the static text for the currently selected printer.
// The fields that are set are Status, Location, and Comment.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::UpdateStatus( LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { HRESULT hres; SHELLDETAILS Details; TCHAR szText[MAX_PATH];
// If the pidl is NULL, then reset all of the static text to null
// strings.
if (!pidl) { szText[0] = 0;
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_STATUS, szText); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STATUS));
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_LOCATION, szText); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOCATION));
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_COMMENT, szText); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_COMMENT));
return (TRUE); }
// Get the STATUS details for the given object.
szText[0] = 0; hres = psfRoot->GetDetailsOf(pidl, PRINTERS_ICOL_STATUS, &Details); if (FAILED(hres) || !StrRetToStrN(szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText), &Details.str, NULL)) { szText[0] = 0; } SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_STATUS, szText); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_STATUS));
// Get the LOCATION details for the given object.
szText[0] = 0; hres = psfRoot->GetDetailsOf(pidl, PRINTERS_ICOL_LOCATION, &Details); if (FAILED(hres) || !StrRetToStrN(szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText), &Details.str, NULL)) { szText[0] = 0; } SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_LOCATION, szText); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_LOCATION));
// Get the COMMENT details for the given object.
szText[0] = 0; hres = psfRoot->GetDetailsOf(pidl, PRINTERS_ICOL_COMMENT, &Details); if (FAILED(hres) || !StrRetToStrN(szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText), &Details.str, NULL)) { szText[0] = 0; } SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_COMMENT, szText); UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_COMMENT));
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// CPrintBrowser::SelectSVItem
// Selects the item in the shell view with the given printer name.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::SelectSVItem() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; LPITEMIDLIST pidlItem = NULL; BOOL bPrinterSelected = FALSE;
// Make sure we have a shell view and a shell folder view.
if (psv && psfv) { // Make sure we have the current printer information.
if (!pDMCur || !pszCurPrinter || !pszCurPrinter[0]) { // If there is no current printer then we just select the add printer
// wizard object.
hr = psfRoot->ParseDisplayName(hwndDlg, NULL, TEXT("WinUtils_NewObject"), NULL, &pidlItem, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pidlItem) { // just select the APW special object
SelectPrinterItem(pidlItem); // Free up the PIDL using the shell allocator
// It's the Add Printer Wizard.
fAPWSelected = TRUE;
// Disable the OK and Apply buttons.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hwndDlg), IDOK), FALSE); PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg); } } else { // there is a current printer then we just select it
hr = psfRoot->ParseDisplayName(hwndDlg, NULL, pszCurPrinter, NULL, &pidlItem, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pidlItem) { // select the printer and update the status
SelectPrinterItem(pidlItem); UpdateStatus(pidlItem);
// Free up the PIDL using the shell allocator
// It's not the Add Printer Wizard.
fAPWSelected = FALSE;
// Enable the OK and Apply buttons.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hwndDlg), IDOK), TRUE); PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
// A printer object has been selected
bPrinterSelected = TRUE; } } }
return SUCCEEDED(hr) ? bPrinterSelected : FALSE; }
// CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentPrinter
// Saves the current printer name and the current devmode in the class.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentPrinter() { DWORD dwSize = cchCurPrinter;
// Reset the devmode and the current printer string.
pDMCur = NULL; if (pszCurPrinter && cchCurPrinter) { pszCurPrinter[0] = 0; }
// Get the name of the current printer.
if (!GetInternalPrinterName(pszCurPrinter, &dwSize)) { //
// Allocate a buffer large enough to hold the name of the
// current printer.
if (dwSize > cchCurPrinter) { if (pszCurPrinter) { LPTSTR pTemp = pszCurPrinter; pszCurPrinter = NULL; cchCurPrinter = 0; GlobalFree(pTemp); } pszCurPrinter = (LPTSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pszCurPrinter) { return (FALSE); } cchCurPrinter = dwSize; if (cchCurPrinter) { pszCurPrinter[0] = 0; } }
// Try to get the name of the current printer again.
if (!GetInternalPrinterName(pszCurPrinter,&dwSize)) { return (FALSE); } }
// Get the current devmode.
pDMCur = GetCurrentDevMode(); if (!pDMCur) { pszCurPrinter[0] = 0; return (FALSE); }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// CPrintBrowser::InitPrintToFile
// Initializes the print to file on a selection change.
VOID CPrintBrowser::InitPrintToFile() { HWND hCtl = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINT_TO_FILE);
// See if there is a Print To File control.
if (hCtl) { //
// See if a printer is selected.
if (pDMCur) { //
// A printer is selected, so enable the print to file if
// appropriate.
if (!(pPI->dwFlags & (PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE | PD_DISABLEPRINTTOFILE))) { EnableWindow(hCtl, TRUE); } } else { //
// A printer is not selected, so disable it.
EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); } } }
// CPrintBrowser::InitPageRangeGroup
// Initializes the page range group on a selection change. It decides
// which controls should be enabled when a selection change occurs from
// the Add Printer Wizard.
VOID CPrintBrowser::InitPageRangeGroup() { //
// See if a printer is selected.
if (pDMCur) { //
// A printer is selected, so enable the appropriate page range
// controls.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_ALL), TRUE); if (!(pPI->dwFlags & PD_NOSELECTION)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_SELECTION), TRUE); } if (!(pPI->dwFlags & PD_NOCURRENTPAGE)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_CURRENT), TRUE); } if (!(pPI->dwFlags & PD_NOPAGENUMS)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_PAGES), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT), TRUE); } } else { //
// A printer is not selected, so disable all of the page range
// controls.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_ALL), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_SELECTION), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_CURRENT), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_PAGES), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_RANGE_EDIT), FALSE); } }
// CPrintBrowser::InitCopiesAndCollate
// Initializes the copies and collate information in the devmode and the
// print dialog structure.
VOID CPrintBrowser::InitCopiesAndCollate() { HWND hCtl; UINT IsCollate = FALSE; RECT rc; BOOL bEnabledCopies = TRUE;
// Save the collate state so that the collate icon doesn't flicker on
// a selection change.
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)) { IsCollate = IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE); }
// See what the printer driver can do and what the app requested
// and set the copies and collate accordingly.
if (pDMCur) { //
// If PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES(COLLATE), disable copies if the driver
// cannot copy.
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES)) { //
// Modify the edit control and up-down arrow if needed
WORD cDigits;
// If the calling application handles copies and collate, we
// set max copies as 9999, else, we get the max copies from driver
if (pPD->Flags & PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE) { szScratch[0] = 0; Print_GetPortName(pszCurPrinter, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch)); nMaxCopies = DeviceCapabilities( pszCurPrinter, szScratch, DC_COPIES, NULL, NULL ); //
// If DeviceCapabilities() returns error, disable the controls
if ((nMaxCopies < 1) || (nMaxCopies == (DWORD)(-1))) { nMaxCopies = 1; nCopies = 1; bEnabledCopies = FALSE; } } else { //
// Assume the calling app will take care of multi-copies
nMaxCopies = MAX_COPIES; }
if (nMaxCopies < nCopies) { nCopies = nMaxCopies; }
cDigits = CountDigits(nMaxCopies); Edit_LimitText(hCtl, cDigits);
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES_UDARROW), UDM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELONG(nMaxCopies, 1)); InvalidateRect(GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES_UDARROW), NULL, FALSE); }
// If PD_USEDEVMODECOPIES(COLLATE), disable collate if the driver
// cannot collate.
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)) { DWORD dwCollate; BOOL bEnabled = TRUE;
if (pPD->Flags & PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE) { szScratch[0] = 0; Print_GetPortName(pszCurPrinter, szScratch, ARRAYSIZE(szScratch)); dwCollate = DeviceCapabilities( pszCurPrinter, szScratch, DC_COLLATE, NULL, NULL ); fAllowCollate = ((dwCollate < 1) || (dwCollate == (DWORD)-1)) ? FALSE : TRUE; } else { //
// Assume the calling app will take care of collation
fAllowCollate = TRUE; }
if ( fAllowCollate ) { EnableWindow(hCtl, (nCopies > 1)); CheckDlgButton( hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE, fCollateRequested ? TRUE : FALSE ); } else { EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); CheckDlgButton(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE, FALSE); }
// Display the appropriate collate icon if it changed.
if ((hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDI_COLLATE)) && (IsCollate != IsDlgButtonChecked(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE))) { ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_HIDE); SendMessage( hCtl, STM_SETICON, IsCollate ? (LONG_PTR)hIconNoCollate : (LONG_PTR)hIconCollate, 0L ); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_SHOW);
// Make it redraw to get rid of the old one.
GetWindowRect(hCtl, &rc); MapWindowRect(NULL, hwndDlg, &rc); RedrawWindow(hwndDlg, &rc, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE); } }
// We have to do it here because after setting the text, fAllowCollate
// will be used
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES)) { SetDlgItemInt(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, nCopies, FALSE); EnableWindow(hCtl, bEnabledCopies); EnableWindow(hwndUpDown, bEnabledCopies); } } else if (fNoAccessPrinterSelected) { // if No Access Printer is selected merely disable the Copies and Collate
// Dont change any information user entered.
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES)) { EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); EnableWindow(hwndUpDown, FALSE); } if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)) { EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); }
// Disable the Apply button It gets turned back on when the copies and collate values are
// disabled.
PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg);
} else { //
// A printer is not selected, so disable copies and collate.
if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES)) { SetDlgItemInt(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, 1, FALSE); EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); EnableWindow(hwndUpDown, FALSE); } if (hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE)) { EnableWindow(hCtl, FALSE); CheckDlgButton(hSubDlg, IDC_COLLATE, FALSE);
if ((hCtl = GetDlgItem(hSubDlg, IDI_COLLATE)) && IsCollate) { ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_HIDE); SendMessage( hCtl, STM_SETICON, (LONG_PTR)hIconNoCollate, 0L ); ShowWindow(hCtl, SW_SHOW);
// Make it redraw to get rid of the old one.
GetWindowRect(hCtl, &rc); MapWindowRect(NULL, hwndDlg, &rc); RedrawWindow(hwndDlg, &rc, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE); } }
// Disable the Apply button since a printer is not selected.
// It gets turned back on when the copies and collate values are
// disabled.
PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(hwndDlg), hwndDlg); } }
// CPrintBrowser::SaveCopiesAndCollateInDevMode
// Saves the copies and collate information in the given devmode. This
// routine does not affect the pPD structure.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::SaveCopiesAndCollateInDevMode( LPDEVMODE pDM, LPTSTR pszPrinter) { //
// Make sure we have a devmode and a printer name.
if (!pDM || !pszPrinter || !(pszPrinter[0])) { return (FALSE); }
// verify number of copies is less than max value
if( nMaxCopies < nCopies ) { return (FALSE); }
// Move the info to the devmode.
pDM->dmCopies = (short)nCopies; SetField(pDM, dmCollate, (fAllowCollate && fCollateRequested ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE));
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// CPrintBrowser::SetCopiesOnApply
// Sets the appropriate number of copies in the PrintDlgEx structure and
// in the DevMode structure.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::SetCopiesOnApply() { if (pDMCur) { if (!(pDMCur->dmFields & DM_COPIES)) { Print_LeaveInfoInPD: //
// The driver cannot do copies, so leave the copy/collate
// info in the pPD.
pDMCur->dmCopies = 1; SetField(pDMCur, dmCollate, DMCOLLATE_FALSE); } else if ((pDMCur->dmSpecVersion < 0x0400) || (!(pDMCur->dmFields & DM_COLLATE))) { //
// The driver can do copies, but not collate.
// Where the info goes depends on the PD_COLLATE flag.
if (pPD->Flags & PD_COLLATE) { goto Print_LeaveInfoInPD; } else { goto Print_PutInfoInDevMode; } } else { Print_PutInfoInDevMode: //
// Make sure we have a current printer.
if (!pszCurPrinter) { goto Print_LeaveInfoInPD; }
// Make sure the driver can support the number of copies
// requested.
if (nMaxCopies < pPD->nCopies) { if (pPD->Flags & PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE) { ShowError(hSubDlg, IDC_COPIES, iszTooManyCopies, nMaxCopies); pPD->nCopies = nMaxCopies; return (FALSE); } else {
goto Print_LeaveInfoInPD; } }
// The driver can do both copies and collate, so move the info
// to the devmode.
pDMCur->dmCopies = (short)pPD->nCopies; SetField( pDMCur, dmCollate, (fAllowCollate && (pPD->Flags & PD_COLLATE)) ? DMCOLLATE_TRUE : DMCOLLATE_FALSE ); pPD->nCopies = 1; pPD->Flags &= ~PD_COLLATE; } }
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// CPrintBrowser::SaveDevMode
// Saves the current devmode in the pPD structure on Apply.
// Assumes pDMCur has the current information.
VOID CPrintBrowser::SaveDevMode() { DWORD cbSize; HANDLE hDevMode = NULL; LPDEVMODE pDM;
// Allocate the space for the new DevMode and copy the
// information.
if (pDMCur) { cbSize = (DWORD)(pDMCur->dmSize + pDMCur->dmDriverExtra); hDevMode = GlobalAlloc(GHND, cbSize); if (hDevMode) { pDM = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(hDevMode); if (pDM) { CopyMemory(pDM, pDMCur, cbSize); GlobalUnlock(hDevMode); } else { GlobalFree(hDevMode); hDevMode = NULL; } } } if (!hDevMode) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE; pPI->hResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; pPI->FinalResult = 0; }
// Free the copy of the DevMode handle passed in by the app.
if (pPD->hDevMode) { GlobalFree(pPD->hDevMode); pPD->hDevMode = NULL; }
// Save the new DevMode in the pPD structure.
pPD->hDevMode = hDevMode; }
// CPrintBrowser::MergeDevMode
// Merges the current devmode with the default devmode of the newly
// selected printer.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::MergeDevMode( LPTSTR pszPrinterName) { HANDLE hDevMode = NULL; LPDEVMODE pDMNew = NULL; LPDEVMODE pDMOld = NULL; BOOL bRet = TRUE; DWORD dmFields; short dmDefaultSource;
// See if the printer name is NULL. If so, we need to get the default
// printer loaded. This happens when a printer is deleted.
if (!pszPrinterName) { ASSERT(0); return FALSE; } else { //
// Get the devmode for the old (current driver pages) printer.
GetCurrentPrinter(); pDMOld = pDMCur ? pDMCur : pDMSave; if (!pDMOld) { return (FALSE); }
hDevMode = Print_GetDevModeWrapper(pszPrinterName, NULL);
if (hDevMode) { pDMNew = (LPDEVMODE)GlobalLock(hDevMode); } else { return FALSE; }
if (!pDMNew) { GlobalFree(hDevMode); return FALSE; }
dmFields = 0; dmDefaultSource = pDMNew->dmDefaultSource;
if (pDMNew->dmFields & DM_DEFAULTSOURCE) { dmFields = DM_DEFAULTSOURCE; }
//Check if the old devmode has any info to copy
if (pDMOld->dmFields) { CopyMemory(&(pDMNew->dmFields), &(pDMOld->dmFields), sizeof(DEVMODE) - FIELD_OFFSET(DEVMODE, dmFields)); }
pDMNew->dmFields |= dmFields; pDMNew->dmDefaultSource = dmDefaultSource;
// Insert the device pages - this call will yield a proper devmode.
if (UninstallDevMode() != kSuccess || InstallDevMode(pszPrinterName, pDMNew) != kSuccess) { bRet = FALSE; }
//Free the new devmode that was allocated
if (hDevMode) { GlobalUnlock(hDevMode); GlobalFree(hDevMode); } }
// Return the result.
return (bRet);
// CPrintBrowser::IsValidPageRange
// Checks the validity of the page range string.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::IsValidPageRange( LPTSTR pszString, UINT *pErrorId) { LPTSTR pStr = pszString; BOOL bDigit = FALSE; BOOL bOld; UINT Number, Ctr; DWORD nNumRanges = 0; BOOL bFrom = TRUE;
// Initially set the error id to 0.
*pErrorId = 0;
// See if we can only have a single page range.
bOld = (nMaxPageRanges == 1);
// Go through the string and validate the entries.
while (*pStr) { if (ISDIGIT(*pStr)) { //
// Make sure there is room for another range.
if (nNumRanges >= nMaxPageRanges) { break; }
// Found a digit.
bDigit = TRUE;
// Make sure the page number is in the given page range.
Number = 0; while (ISDIGIT(*pStr)) { Number *= 10; Number += *pStr - TEXT('0'); pStr++; } pStr--;
if ((Number < pPD->nMinPage) || (Number > pPD->nMaxPage)) { *pErrorId = iszBadPageRange; return (FALSE); }
// Save the value in the page range structure.
if (bFrom) { pPageRanges[nNumRanges].nFromPage = Number; bFrom = FALSE; } else { pPageRanges[nNumRanges].nToPage = Number; bFrom = TRUE; nNumRanges++; } } else if (*pStr == TEXT('-')) { //
// Found a hyphen. Make sure there is a digit preceding it
// and following it. Also, make sure there isn't something
// like 1-2-3.
if (!bDigit || bFrom || !ISDIGIT(*(pStr + 1))) { *pErrorId = bOld ? iszBadPageRangeSyntaxOld : iszBadPageRangeSyntaxNew; return (FALSE); } bDigit = FALSE; } else if ((*pStr == szListSep[0]) || (*pStr == TEXT(','))) { //
// Found a list separator. Make sure there is a digit
// preceding it.
if (!bDigit) { *pErrorId = bOld ? iszBadPageRangeSyntaxOld : iszBadPageRangeSyntaxNew; return (FALSE); } bDigit = FALSE;
// If it's the list separator string instead of the simple
// comma, then make sure the entire list separator string
// is there.
// This will advance the string up to the last character
// of the list separator string.
if ((*pStr == szListSep[0]) && ((szListSep[0] != TEXT(',')) || (!ISDIGIT(*(pStr + 1))))) { for (Ctr = 1; Ctr < nListSep; Ctr++) { pStr++; if (*pStr != szListSep[Ctr]) { *pErrorId = bOld ? iszBadPageRangeSyntaxOld : iszBadPageRangeSyntaxNew; return (FALSE); } } }
// Make sure the From/To page range is complete.
if (!bFrom) { pPageRanges[nNumRanges].nToPage = pPageRanges[nNumRanges].nFromPage; bFrom = TRUE; nNumRanges++; } } else { //
// Found an invalid character.
*pErrorId = bOld ? iszBadPageRangeSyntaxOld : iszBadPageRangeSyntaxNew; return (FALSE); }
// Advance the string pointer.
pStr++; }
// Make sure we reached the end of the string.
if (*pStr) { *pErrorId = iszTooManyPageRanges; return (FALSE); }
// Make sure the last thing in the string was a digit.
if (!bDigit) { *pErrorId = bOld ? iszBadPageRangeSyntaxOld : iszBadPageRangeSyntaxNew; return (FALSE); }
// Make sure the last From/To page range is complete.
if (!bFrom) { pPageRanges[nNumRanges].nToPage = pPageRanges[nNumRanges].nFromPage; bFrom = TRUE; nNumRanges++; }
// Save the number of page ranges.
nPageRanges = nNumRanges;
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// CPrintBrowser::ConvertPageRangesToString
// Converts the page ranges to a string.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::ConvertPageRangesToString( LPTSTR pszString, UINT cchLen) { LPTSTR pStr = pszString; DWORD nFromPage, nToPage; UINT cch = cchLen - 1; UINT Ctr, Ctr2, Count;
// Initialize the string.
if (cchLen) { pszString[0] = 0; }
// Validate the ranges and create the string.
for (Ctr = 0; Ctr < nPageRanges; Ctr++) { //
// Get the range.
nFromPage = pPageRanges[Ctr].nFromPage; nToPage = pPageRanges[Ctr].nToPage;
// Make sure the range is valid.
if ((nFromPage < pPD->nMinPage) || (nFromPage > pPD->nMaxPage) || (nToPage < pPD->nMinPage) || (nToPage > pPD->nMaxPage)) { return (FALSE); }
// Make sure it's not 0xFFFFFFFF.
if (nFromPage == 0xFFFFFFFF) { continue; }
// Put it in the string.
Count = IntegerToString(nFromPage, pStr, cch); if (!Count) { return (FALSE); } pStr += Count; cch -= Count;
if ((nFromPage == nToPage) || (nToPage == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { if (Ctr < nPageRanges - 1) { if (cch < nListSep) { return (FALSE); } for (Ctr2 = 0; Ctr2 < nListSep; Ctr2++) { *pStr = szListSep[Ctr2]; pStr++; } cch -= nListSep; } } else { if (!cch) { return (FALSE); } *pStr = TEXT('-'); pStr++; cch--;
Count = IntegerToString(nToPage, pStr, cch); if (!Count) { return (FALSE); } pStr += Count; cch -= Count;
if (Ctr < nPageRanges - 1) { if (cch < nListSep) { return (FALSE); } for (Ctr2 = 0; Ctr2 < nListSep; Ctr2++) { *pStr = szListSep[Ctr2]; pStr++; } cch -= nListSep; } } }
*pStr = '\0';
// Return success.
return (TRUE); }
// CPrintBrowser::IntegerToString
// Converts an integer to a string and returns the number of characters
// written to the buffer (not including the null).
UINT CPrintBrowser::IntegerToString( DWORD Value, LPTSTR pszString, UINT cchLen) { DWORD TempValue = Value; UINT NumChars = 1; UINT Ctr;
// Get the number of characters needed.
while (TempValue = TempValue / 10) { NumChars++; }
// Make sure there is enough room in the buffer.
if (NumChars > cchLen) { return (0); }
// Make the string.
TempValue = Value; for (Ctr = NumChars; Ctr > 0; Ctr--) { pszString[Ctr - 1] = ((WORD)(TempValue % 10)) + TEXT('0'); TempValue = TempValue / 10; }
// Return the number of characters written to the buffer.
return (NumChars); }
// CPrintBrowser::ShowError
// Shows up an error message box
VOID CPrintBrowser::ShowError(HWND hDlg, UINT uCtrlID, UINT uMsgID, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, uMsgID);
InternalShowMessage(hDlg, uCtrlID, uMsgID, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK, TRUE, args);
va_end(args); }
// CPrintBrowser::ShowMessage
// Shows up a message box with the specified flags & parameters
int CPrintBrowser::ShowMessage(HWND hDlg, UINT uCtrlID, UINT uMsgID, UINT uType, BOOL bBeep, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, bBeep);
int iRet = InternalShowMessage(hDlg, uCtrlID, uMsgID, uType, bBeep, args);
va_end(args); return iRet; }
// CPrintBrowser::InternalShowMessage
// Shows up a message box with the specified flags & parameters
// Internal version
// Assumes the control is not disabled.
int CPrintBrowser::InternalShowMessage(HWND hDlg, UINT uCtrlID, UINT uMsgID, UINT uType, BOOL bBeep, va_list args) { int iRet = IDCANCEL;
if (!(pPI->dwFlags & PD_NOWARNING)) { TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFormat[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMessage[MAX_PATH]; //
// Get msg box title & load the format string
if ( GetWindowText(GetParent(hwndDlg), szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle)) && CDLoadString(g_hinst, uMsgID, szFormat, ARRAYSIZE(szFormat)) ) { if (bBeep) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); }
// format the message to be shown and call MessageBox over
// the last active popup
wvnsprintf(szMessage, ARRAYSIZE(szMessage), szFormat, args); HWND hWndOwner = ::GetWindow(GetParent(hwndDlg), GW_OWNER); HWND hWndLastPopup = GetLastActivePopup(hWndOwner); iRet = MessageBox(hWndLastPopup, szMessage, szTitle, uType); } HWND hCtrl = ((0 == uCtrlID) ? NULL : GetDlgItem(hDlg, uCtrlID)); if (hCtrl) { //
// select & highlight the invalid value. we assume it
// is an edit box, if it isn't then EM_SETSEL won't be
// processed and it's OK.
SendMessage(hDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)hCtrl, 1L); SendMessage(hCtrl, EM_SETSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)-1); } }
return iRet; }
// CPrintBrowser::FitViewModeBest
// Adjust the view mode if the mini printers folder, so the printer names
// fit best. This i8s necessary mainly because of accessibility problems.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::FitViewModeBest(HWND hwndListView) { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if (VIEW_MODE_DEFAULT == uDefViewMode) { //
// Asssume icon view by default.
uDefViewMode = FVM_ICON;
// If we are in a large icons view then check if something
// doesn't fit vertically - the only reliable way to do this
// is to check if we scrolled the view (origin.y > 0)
if (LVS_ICON == (GetWindowLong(hwndListView, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_TYPEMASK)) { POINT ptOrg; ListView_GetOrigin(hwndListView, &ptOrg);
if (ptOrg.y > 0) { //
// Switch the defview to List mode.
uDefViewMode = FVM_LIST; bResult = TRUE; } } }
return bResult; }
VOID CPrintBrowser::SelectPrinterItem(LPITEMIDLIST pidlItem) { BOOL bLocked = FALSE; HWND hwndListView = FindWindowEx(hwndView, NULL, WC_LISTVIEW, NULL);
if (hwndListView) { //
// Disable the window update to prevent flickers
bLocked = LockWindowUpdate(hwndListView); }
// Try to make the printer item visible first
// Check to see if the view mode need to be changed
if (hwndListView && FitViewModeBest(hwndListView)) { //
// The view mode has been changed - call select item again
// to ensure the visibility of the slected item in the new
// view mode.
if (hwndListView && bLocked) { //
// Enable the window update
LockWindowUpdate(NULL); } }
// CPrintBrowser::FindPrinter
// Invokes the find in the DS ui using printui!bPrinterSetup interface
BOOL CPrintBrowser::FindPrinter(HWND hwnd, LPTSTR pszBuffer, UINT cchSize) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; if (g_pfnPrinterSetup) { //
// Invoke the DSUI to find a printer
bReturn = g_pfnPrinterSetup(hwnd, MSP_FINDPRINTER, cchSize, pszBuffer, &cchSize, NULL);
// select the printer's list control
SendMessage(hwndDlg, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PRINTER_LISTVIEW)), 1); } return bReturn; }
// CPrintBrowser::GetInternalPrinterName
// Returns the current printer name
BOOL CPrintBrowser::GetInternalPrinterName(LPTSTR pszBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
if (pdwSize) { //
// If a buffer was provided and it is large enough, then copy the printer name.
DWORD iLen = _tcslen(szPrinter); if (pszBuffer && *pdwSize > iLen) { _tcsncpy(pszBuffer, szPrinter, *pdwSize); bReturn = TRUE; } else { //
// Set the required length and the last error code.
*pdwSize = iLen + 1; SetLastError( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ); } }
return bReturn; }
// CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentDevMode
// Returns the current internal devmode
LPDEVMODE CPrintBrowser::GetCurrentDevMode() { return pInternalDevMode; }
// CPrintBrowser::GetDefaultDevMode
// Retrieve the default devmode for the specified printer.
BOOL CPrintBrowser::GetDefaultDevMode(HANDLE hPrinter, LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, PDEVMODE *ppDevMode, BOOL bFillWithDefault) { LONG lResult = 0; PDEVMODE pDevMode = NULL;
// Call document properties to get the size of the devmode.
lResult = DocumentProperties(NULL, hPrinter, (LPTSTR)pszPrinterName, NULL, NULL, 0);
// If the size of the devmode was returned then allocate memory.
if( lResult > 0 ) { // GPTR initializes the memory with zeros.
pDevMode = (PDEVMODE)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, lResult); }
// If allocated then copy back the pointer.
if( pDevMode ) { if( bFillWithDefault ) { //
// Call document properties to get the default dev mode.
lResult = DocumentProperties(NULL, hPrinter, (LPTSTR)pszPrinterName, pDevMode, NULL, DM_OUT_BUFFER); }
if( lResult >= 0 ) { *ppDevMode = pDevMode; } else { GlobalFree((HANDLE)pDevMode); } }
return (*ppDevMode != NULL); }
// CPrintBrowser::WrapEnumPrinters
// Wraps EnumPrinters API into more friendly interface
BOOL CPrintBrowser::WrapEnumPrinters(DWORD dwFlags, LPCTSTR pszServer, DWORD dwLevel, PVOID* ppvBuffer, PDWORD pcbBuffer, PDWORD pcPrinters) { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if (ppvBuffer && pcbBuffer && pcPrinters) { DWORD cbNeeded;
// Pre-initialize *pcbPrinter if it's not set.
if (!*pcbBuffer) { *pcbBuffer = kInitialPrinterHint; }
do { if (!*ppvBuffer) { *ppvBuffer = (PVOID)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, *pcbBuffer);
if (!*ppvBuffer) { *pcbBuffer = 0; *pcPrinters = 0; return FALSE; } }
if (EnumPrinters( dwFlags, (LPTSTR)pszServer, dwLevel, (PBYTE)*ppvBuffer, *pcbBuffer, &cbNeeded, pcPrinters)) { //
// Everything went fine
bResult = TRUE; break; }
// Check to see whether the buffer is too small.
GlobalFree((HANDLE)(*ppvBuffer)); *ppvBuffer = NULL;
if (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == GetLastError()) { *pcbBuffer = cbNeeded; continue; }
// Something else (not the buffer) went wrong. Return FALSE.
*pcbBuffer = 0; *pcPrinters = 0; break;
} while(1); }
return bResult; }
// CPrintBrowser::GetUsablePrinter
// Try to find a usable printer
BOOL CPrintBrowser::GetUsablePrinter(LPTSTR szPrinterNameBuf, DWORD *pcchBuf) { BOOL bStatus = FALSE; DWORD cchBuf = *pcchBuf; HANDLE hPrinter = NULL;
if (szPrinterNameBuf && pcchBuf) { //
// Attempt to the get the default printer.
bStatus = GetDefaultPrinter(szPrinterNameBuf, pcchBuf);
// Lets just try and open the printer to see if we have access to
// the default printer.
if (bStatus) { bStatus = OpenPrinter(szPrinterNameBuf, &hPrinter, NULL);
if( bStatus ) { ClosePrinter( hPrinter ); hPrinter = NULL; bStatus = TRUE; } }
if (!bStatus) { PRINTER_INFO_4 *pInfo4 = NULL; DWORD cInfo4 = 0; DWORD cbInfo4 = 0;
// Enumerate the current printers.
bStatus = WrapEnumPrinters( PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL | PRINTER_ENUM_CONNECTIONS, NULL, 4, reinterpret_cast<PVOID *>( &pInfo4 ), &cbInfo4, &cInfo4 );
if( bStatus ) { //
// Assume failure.
bStatus = FALSE;
// Open the printers until we find one we have access to.
for( UINT i = 0; i < cInfo4; i++ ) { bStatus = OpenPrinter(pInfo4[i].pPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL);
if (bStatus) { //
// Found a usable printer
_tcsncpy(szPrinterNameBuf, pInfo4[i].pPrinterName, cchBuf); ClosePrinter( hPrinter ); bStatus = TRUE; break; } } }
if( pInfo4 ) { GlobalFree((HANDLE)pInfo4); } } }
return bStatus; }
// CPrintBrowser::GetInternalDevMode
// Get the internal devmode for this printer and merge with pInDevMode
BOOL CPrintBrowser::GetInternalDevMode(PDEVMODE *ppOutDevMode, LPCTSTR pszPrinter, HANDLE hPrinter, PDEVMODE pInDevMode) { BOOL bStatus = FALSE;
if (ppOutDevMode) { *ppOutDevMode = NULL;
// Get the default devmode for this printer.
bStatus = GetDefaultDevMode(hPrinter, pszPrinter, ppOutDevMode, TRUE);
// If fetched a default devmode and we were passed a devmode
// then call the driver to merge the devmodes for us.
if (bStatus) { if (pInDevMode) { //
// Call document properties to get a merged copy of the devmode.
bStatus = DocumentProperties( NULL, hPrinter, const_cast<LPTSTR>( pszPrinter ), *ppOutDevMode, pInDevMode, DM_IN_BUFFER|DM_OUT_BUFFER ) >= 0;
// If something failed release any allocated memory.
if (!bStatus) { GlobalFree((HANDLE)(*ppOutDevMode)); *ppOutDevMode = NULL; } } } }
return bStatus; }
// CPrintBrowser::InstallDevMode
// Install a new internal devmode
UINT CPrintBrowser::InstallDevMode(LPCTSTR pszPrinterName, PDEVMODE pDevModeToMerge) { UINT uResult = kError; TCHAR szBuffer[kPrinterBufMax]; HANDLE hTempPrinter = NULL; PDEVMODE pTempDevMode = NULL;
// If a null printer name was specified use the default printer.
if (!pszPrinterName || !*pszPrinterName) { DWORD dwSize = ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer); if (GetUsablePrinter(szBuffer, &dwSize)) { pszPrinterName = szBuffer; } else { //
// If a usable printer was not found then use the default
// printer, we do this because we want to select at least
// one printer even though we may not have access to it.
dwSize = ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer);
if (GetDefaultPrinter(szBuffer, &dwSize)) { pszPrinterName = szBuffer; } } }
if (pszPrinterName && _tcsicmp(pszPrinterName, szPrinter)) { if (OpenPrinter((LPTSTR)pszPrinterName, &hTempPrinter, NULL)) { if (GetInternalDevMode(&pTempDevMode, pszPrinterName, hTempPrinter, pDevModeToMerge)) { if (hPrinter) { ClosePrinter(hPrinter); hPrinter = NULL; }
if (pInternalDevMode) { GlobalFree((HANDLE)pInternalDevMode); pInternalDevMode = NULL; }
_tcsncpy(szPrinter, pszPrinterName, ARRAYSIZE(szPrinter)); hPrinter = hTempPrinter; pInternalDevMode = pTempDevMode; //
// Prevent deleting these at the end of the function
hTempPrinter = NULL; pTempDevMode = NULL;
uResult = kSuccess; } else { uResult = kInvalidDevMode; } } else { if (ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == GetLastError()) { uResult = kAccessDenied; } else { uResult = kInvalidPrinterName; } } } else { //
// Attemting to install the same printer/devmode - success.
uResult = kSuccess; }
// Release the open printer handle.
if (hTempPrinter) { ClosePrinter(hTempPrinter); }
// Release the temp devmode.
if (pTempDevMode) { GlobalFree((HANDLE)pTempDevMode); }
if (pInternalDevMode && kSuccess == uResult) { //
// Enable the driver UI button
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_DRIVER ), TRUE ); }
return uResult; }
// CPrintBrowser::InstallDevMode
// Unintall the current devmode
UINT CPrintBrowser::UninstallDevMode() { if (hPrinter) { ClosePrinter(hPrinter); hPrinter = NULL; }
if (pInternalDevMode) { GlobalFree((HANDLE)pInternalDevMode); pInternalDevMode = NULL; }
// Clear the internal printer name.
szPrinter[0] = 0;
// Disable the driver UI button
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_DRIVER ), FALSE );
return kSuccess; }
// InvokeAddPrinterWizardModal
// This is a global API declared in comdlg32.h
HRESULT InvokeAddPrinterWizardModal( IN HWND hwnd, OUT BOOL *pbPrinterAdded ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (Print_LoadLibraries() && g_pfnPrinterSetup) { BOOL bPrinterAdded = FALSE; TCHAR szBuffer[kPrinterBufMax]; UINT uSize = ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer); szBuffer[0] = 0;
// Invoke the Add Printer Wizard here
bPrinterAdded = g_pfnPrinterSetup(hwnd, MSP_NEWPRINTER, uSize, szBuffer, &uSize, NULL);
if (pbPrinterAdded) { *pbPrinterAdded = bPrinterAdded; } } else { hr = CreateError(); } return hr; }
/*========================================================================*/ /* Ansi->Unicode Thunk routines */ /*========================================================================*/
#ifdef UNICODE
// ThunkPrintDlgEx
if (!pPDA) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_INITIALIZATION; return (E_INVALIDARG); }
if (pPDA->lStructSize != sizeof(PRINTDLGEXA)) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_STRUCTSIZE; return (E_INVALIDARG); }
if (!(pPDW = (LPPRINTDLGEXW)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(PRINTDLGEXW)))) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE; return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// IN-only constant stuff.
pPDW->lStructSize = sizeof(PRINTDLGEXW); pPDW->hwndOwner = pPDA->hwndOwner; pPDW->ExclusionFlags = pPDA->ExclusionFlags; pPDW->hInstance = pPDA->hInstance; pPDW->lpCallback = pPDA->lpCallback; pPDW->nPropertyPages = pPDA->nPropertyPages; pPDW->lphPropertyPages = pPDA->lphPropertyPages; pPDW->nStartPage = pPDA->nStartPage;
// IN-OUT Variable Structs.
if ((pPDA->hDevMode) && (pDMA = (LPDEVMODEA)GlobalLock(pPDA->hDevMode))) { //
// Make sure the device name in the devmode is not too long such that
// it has overwritten the other devmode fields.
if ((pDMA->dmSize < MIN_DEVMODE_SIZEA) || (lstrlenA((LPCSTR)pDMA->dmDeviceName) > CCHDEVICENAME)) { pPDW->hDevMode = NULL; } else { pPDW->hDevMode = GlobalAlloc( GHND, sizeof(DEVMODEW) + pDMA->dmDriverExtra ); } GlobalUnlock(pPDA->hDevMode); } else { pPDW->hDevMode = NULL; }
// Thunk Device Names A => W
pPDW->hDevNames = NULL; if (pPDA->hDevNames) { // ignore the error case since we can't handle it either way.
HRESULT hr = ThunkDevNamesA2W(pPDA->hDevNames, &pPDW->hDevNames); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
// IN-only constant strings.
// Init Print TemplateName constant.
if ((pPDA->Flags & PD_ENABLEPRINTTEMPLATE) && (pPDA->lpPrintTemplateName)) { //
// See if it's a string or an integer.
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(pPDA->lpPrintTemplateName)) { //
// String.
cbLen = lstrlenA(pPDA->lpPrintTemplateName) + 1; if (!(pPDW->lpPrintTemplateName = (LPCWSTR) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, (cbLen * sizeof(WCHAR)) ))) { pPI->dwExtendedError = CDERR_MEMALLOCFAILURE; return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); } else { pPI->fPrintTemplateAlloc = TRUE; SHAnsiToUnicode(pPDA->lpPrintTemplateName,(LPWSTR)pPDW->lpPrintTemplateName,cbLen); } } else { //
// Integer.
pPDW->lpPrintTemplateName = (LPCWSTR)pPDA->lpPrintTemplateName; } } else { pPDW->lpPrintTemplateName = NULL; }
// Store the info in the PRINTINFOEX structure.
pPI->pPD = pPDW; pPI->pPDA = pPDA; pPI->ApiType = COMDLG_ANSI;
return (S_OK); }
// FreeThunkPrintDlgEx
if (!pPDW) { return; }
if (pPDW->hDevNames) { GlobalFree(pPDW->hDevNames); }
if (pPDW->hDevMode) { GlobalFree(pPDW->hDevMode); }
if (pPI->fPrintTemplateAlloc) { GlobalFree((LPWSTR)(pPDW->lpPrintTemplateName)); }
GlobalFree(pPDW); pPI->pPD = NULL; }
// ThunkPrintDlgExA2W
// Copy info A => W
pPDW->hDC = pPDA->hDC; pPDW->Flags = pPDA->Flags; pPDW->Flags2 = pPDA->Flags2; pPDW->nPageRanges = pPDA->nPageRanges; pPDW->nMaxPageRanges = pPDA->nMaxPageRanges; pPDW->lpPageRanges = pPDA->lpPageRanges; pPDW->nMinPage = pPDA->nMinPage; pPDW->nMaxPage = pPDA->nMaxPage; pPDW->nCopies = pPDA->nCopies;
// Thunk Device Names A => W
if (pPDA->hDevNames) { // ignore the error case since we can't handle it either way.
HRESULT hr = ThunkDevNamesA2W(pPDA->hDevNames, &pPDW->hDevNames); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
// Thunk Device Mode A => W
if (pPDA->hDevMode && pPDW->hDevMode) { LPDEVMODEW pDMW = (LPDEVMODEW)GlobalLock(pPDW->hDevMode); LPDEVMODEA pDMA = (LPDEVMODEA)GlobalLock(pPDA->hDevMode);
ThunkDevModeA2W(pDMA, pDMW);
GlobalUnlock(pPDW->hDevMode); GlobalUnlock(pPDA->hDevMode); } }
// ThunkPrintDlgExW2A
// Copy info W => A
pPDA->hDC = pPDW->hDC; pPDA->Flags = pPDW->Flags; pPDA->Flags2 = pPDW->Flags2; pPDA->nPageRanges = pPDW->nPageRanges; pPDA->nMaxPageRanges = pPDW->nMaxPageRanges; pPDA->lpPageRanges = pPDW->lpPageRanges; pPDA->nMinPage = pPDW->nMinPage; pPDA->nMaxPage = pPDW->nMaxPage; pPDA->nCopies = pPDW->nCopies; pPDA->dwResultAction = pPDW->dwResultAction;
// Thunk Device Names W => A
if (pPDW->hDevNames) { // ignore the error case since we can't handle it either way.
HRESULT hr = ThunkDevNamesW2A(pPDW->hDevNames, &pPDA->hDevNames); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
// Thunk Device Mode W => A
if (pPDW->hDevMode) { LPDEVMODEW pDMW = (LPDEVMODEW)GlobalLock(pPDW->hDevMode); LPDEVMODEA pDMA;
if (pPDA->hDevMode) { HANDLE handle; handle = GlobalReAlloc( pPDA->hDevMode, sizeof(DEVMODEA) + pDMW->dmDriverExtra, GHND ); //Check that realloc succeeded.
if (handle) { pPDA->hDevMode = handle; } else { //Realloc didn't succeed. Free the memory occupied.
pPDA->hDevMode = GlobalFree(pPDA->hDevMode); }
} else { pPDA->hDevMode = GlobalAlloc( GHND, sizeof(DEVMODEA) + pDMW->dmDriverExtra ); } if (pPDA->hDevMode) { pDMA = (LPDEVMODEA)GlobalLock(pPDA->hDevMode); ThunkDevModeW2A(pDMW, pDMA); GlobalUnlock(pPDA->hDevMode); } GlobalUnlock(pPDW->hDevMode); } } #endif // UNICODE
#endif // WINNT