// Win32 window that hosts a pane on the desktop.
// You are expected to derive from this class and implement the virtual
// methods.
#ifndef __SFTHOST_H__
#define __SFTHOST_H__
#include "uemapp.h"
#include "runtask.h"
#include "hostutil.h"
#include "dobjutil.h"
// Miscellaneous helper functions
STDAPI_(HFONT) LoadControlFont(HTHEME hTheme, int iPart, BOOL fUnderline, DWORD dwSizePercentage);
STDAPI_(HRESULT) IDataObject_DragQueryFile(IDataObject *pdto, UINT iFile, LPTSTR pszBuf, UINT cch, UINT *puFiles);
LRESULT _SendNotify(HWND hwndFrom, UINT code, OPTIONAL NMHDR *pnm = NULL);
BOOL GetFileCreationTime(LPCTSTR pszFile, LPFILETIME pftCreate);
/* Simple wrapper - the string needs to be freed with SHFree */ LPTSTR _DisplayNameOf(IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, UINT shgno);
HICON _IconOf(IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, int cxIcon);
BOOL ShowInfoTip();
// The base class uses the following properties in the initializing
// property bag:
// "type" - type of host to use (see HOSTTYPE array)
// "asyncEnum" - 1 = enumerate in background; 0 = foreground
// "iconSize" - 0 = small, 1 = large
// "horizontal" - 0 = vertical (default), n = horizontal
// n = number of items to show
class PaneItem;
class PaneItem { public: PaneItem() : _iPos(-1), _iPinPos(PINPOS_UNPINNED) {} virtual ~PaneItem() { SHFree(_pszAccelerator); } static int CALLBACK DPAEnumCallback(PaneItem *self, LPVOID pData) { delete self; return TRUE; }
BOOL IsPinned() const { return _iPinPos >= 0; } BOOL IsSeparator() const { return _iPinPos == PINPOS_SEPARATOR; } BOOL GetPinPos() const { return _iPinPos; } BOOL IsCascade() const { return _dwFlags & ITEMFLAG_CASCADE; } void EnableCascade() { _dwFlags |= ITEMFLAG_CASCADE; } BOOL HasSubtitle() const { return _dwFlags & ITEMFLAG_SUBTITLE; } void EnableSubtitle() { _dwFlags |= ITEMFLAG_SUBTITLE; } BOOL IsDropTarget() const { return _dwFlags & ITEMFLAG_DROPTARGET; } void EnableDropTarget() { _dwFlags |= ITEMFLAG_DROPTARGET; } BOOL HasAccelerator() { return _pszAccelerator != NULL; }
virtual BOOL IsEqual(PaneItem *pItem) const { return FALSE; }
private: friend class SFTBarHost; int _iPos; /* Position on screen (or garbage if not on screen) */ public: int _iPinPos; /* Pin position (or special PINPOS value) */ DWORD _dwFlags; /* ITEMFLAG_* values */ LPTSTR _pszAccelerator;/* Text with ampersand (for keyboard accelerator) */ };
// Note: Since this is a base class, we can't use ATL because the base
// class's CreateInstance won't know how to construct the derived classes.
class SFTBarHost : public IDropTarget , public IDropSource , public CAccessible { public: static BOOL Register(); static BOOL Unregister();
// Would normally be "protected" except that proglist.cpp actually implements
// in a separate class and forwards.
public: /*
* Classes which derive from this class are expected to implement * the following methods. */
/* Constructor with return code */ virtual HRESULT Initialize() PURE;
/* Destructor */ virtual ~SFTBarHost();
/* Enumerate the objects and call AddItem for each one you find */ // TODO: Maybe the EnumItems should be moved to a background thread
virtual void EnumItems() PURE;
virtual BOOL NeedBackgroundEnum() { return FALSE; } virtual BOOL HasDynamicContent() { return FALSE; }
/* Compare two objects, tell me which one should come first */ virtual int CompareItems(PaneItem *p1, PaneItem *p2) PURE;
* Given a PaneItem, produce the pidl and IShellFolder associated with it. * The IShellFolder will be Release()d when no longer needed. */ virtual HRESULT GetFolderAndPidl(PaneItem *pitem, IShellFolder **ppsfOut, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidlOut) PURE;
// An over-ridable method to add an image to our private imagelist for an item (virtual but not pure)
virtual int AddImageForItem(PaneItem *pitem, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, int iPos);
* Dispatch a shell notification. Default handler ignores. */ virtual void OnChangeNotify(UINT id, LONG lEvent, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2) { }
* Allows derived classes to control their own icon size. */ enum ICONSIZE { ICONSIZE_SMALL, // typically 16x16
ICONSIZE_LARGE, // typically 32x32
ICONSIZE_MEDIUM, // typically 24x24
virtual int ReadIconSize() PURE;
* Optional hook into window procedure. * * Default behavior is just to call DefWindowProc. */ virtual LRESULT OnWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
* Required if AdjustDeleteMenuItem is customized. * Invoked when a context menu command is invoked. * Host must intercept the * "delete" command. Other commands can also be intercepted as * necessary. */ virtual HRESULT ContextMenuInvokeItem(PaneItem *pitem, IContextMenu *pcm, CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX *pici, LPCTSTR pszVerb);
* Required if HOSTF_CANRENAME is passed: Invoked when an item * is renamed. * * Note: The client is allowed to change the pidl associated with an * item during a rename. (In fact, it's expected to!) So callers * which have called GetFolderAndPidl need to call it again after the * rename to get the correct post-rename pidl. */ virtual HRESULT ContextMenuRenameItem(PaneItem *pitem, LPCTSTR ptszNewName) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
* Optional hook for obtaining the display name of an item. * The default implementation calls IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf. * If hooked, the returned string should be allocated by SHAlloc(). */ virtual LPTSTR DisplayNameOfItem(PaneItem *pitem, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlItem, SHGNO shgno) { return _DisplayNameOf(psf, pidlItem, shgno); }
* Required if pinnned items are created. Invoked when the user moves * a pinned item. */ virtual HRESULT MovePinnedItem(PaneItem *pitem, int iInsert) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
* Optional hook into the SMN_INITIALUPDATE notification. */ virtual void PrePopulate() { }
* Optional handler that says whether an item is still valid. */ virtual BOOL IsItemStillValid(PaneItem *pitem) { return TRUE; }
* Required if HOSTF_CASCADEMENU. Invoked when user wants to view * a cascaded menu. */ virtual HRESULT GetCascadeMenu(PaneItem *pitem, IShellMenu **ppsm) { return E_FAIL; }
* Required if any items have subtitles. Returns the subtitle of the item. */ virtual LPTSTR SubtitleOfItem(PaneItem *pitem, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlItem) { return NULL; }
* Optionally over-ridable method to ge the infotip for an item. Default does a GetFolderAndPidl/GetInfoTip. */ virtual void GetItemInfoTip(PaneItem *pitem, LPTSTR pszText, DWORD cch);
* Specify whether the data object can be inserted into the pin list. * (Default: No.) */ virtual BOOL IsInsertable(IDataObject *pdto) { return FALSE; }
* If you say that something is insertable, they you may be asked to * insert it. */ virtual HRESULT InsertPinnedItem(IDataObject *pdto, int iInsert) { ASSERT(FALSE); // You must implement this if you implement IsInsertable
return E_FAIL; }
* An over-ridable method to allow hooking into keyboard accelerators. */ virtual TCHAR GetItemAccelerator(PaneItem *pitem, int iItemStart);
* Specify whether the item should be displayed as bold. * Default is to boldface if pinned. */ virtual BOOL IsBold(PaneItem *pitem) { return pitem->IsPinned(); }
* Notify the client that a system imagelist index has changed. * Default is to re-extract icons for any matching listview items. */ virtual void UpdateImage(int iImage);
* Optional method to allow clients to specify how "Delete" * should be exposed (if at all). Return 0 to disallow "Delete". * Return the string ID of the string to show for the command. * Set *puiFlags to any additional flags to pass to ModifyMenu. * Default is to disallow delete. */ virtual UINT AdjustDeleteMenuItem(PaneItem *pitem, UINT *puiFlags) { return 0; }
* Allow client to reject/over-ride the IContextMenu on a per-item basis */
virtual HRESULT _GetUIObjectOfItem(PaneItem *pitem, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv);
protected: /*
* Classes which derive from this class may call the following * helper methods. */
* Add a PaneItem to the list - if add fails, item will be delete'd. * * CLEANUP psf must be NULL; pidl must be the absolute pidl to the item * being added. Leftover from dead HOSTF_PINITEMSBYFOLDER feature. * Needs to be cleaned up. * * Passing psf and pidlChild are for perf. */ BOOL AddItem(PaneItem *pitem, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlChild);
* Use AddImage when you already have a HICON that needs to go to the private image list. */ int AddImage(HICON hIcon);
* Hooking into change notifications */ enum { SFTHOST_MAXCLIENTNOTIFY = 7, // Clients get this many notifications
SFTHOST_MAXHOSTNOTIFY = 1, // We use this many ourselves
BOOL RegisterNotify(UINT id, LONG lEvents, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL fRecursive) { ASSERT(id < SFTHOST_MAXCLIENTNOTIFY); return _RegisterNotify(id, lEvents, pidl, fRecursive); }
BOOL UnregisterNotify(UINT id);
* Forcing a re-enumeration. */ void Invalidate() { _fEnumValid = FALSE; }
* Informing host of desired size. */ void SetDesiredSize(int cPinned, int cNormal) { _cPinnedDesired = cPinned; _cNormalDesired = cNormal; }
BOOL AreNonPinnedItemsDesired() { return _cNormalDesired; }
void StartRefreshTimer() { SetTimer(_hwnd, IDT_REFRESH, 5000, NULL); }
void ForceChange() { _fForceChange = TRUE; } protected: /*
* The constructor must be marked "protected" so people can derive * from us. */
enum { HOSTF_FIREUEMEVENTS = 0x00000001, HOSTF_CANDELETE = 0x00000002, HOSTF_Unused = 0x00000004, // recycle me!
HOSTF_CANRENAME = 0x00000008, HOSTF_REVALIDATE = 0x00000010, HOSTF_RELOADTEXT = 0x00000020, // requires HOSTF_REVALIDATE
HOSTF_CASCADEMENU = 0x00000040, };
public: /*
* Interface stuff... */
// *** IUnknown ***
// *** IDropTarget ***
STDMETHODIMP DragEnter(IDataObject *pdto, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect); STDMETHODIMP DragOver(DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect); STDMETHODIMP DragLeave(); STDMETHODIMP Drop(IDataObject *pdto, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect);
// *** IDropSource ***
STDMETHODIMP GiveFeedback(DWORD dwEffect); STDMETHODIMP QueryContinueDrag(BOOL fEscapePressed, DWORD grfKeyState);
// *** IAccessible overridden methods ***
STDMETHODIMP get_accRole(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarRole); STDMETHODIMP get_accState(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarState); STDMETHODIMP get_accKeyboardShortcut(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut); STDMETHODIMP get_accDefaultAction(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszDefAction); STDMETHODIMP accDoDefaultAction(VARIANT varChild);
// Helpers
// It is pointless to move an object to a place adjacent to itself,
// because the end result is that nothing happens.
inline IsInsertMarkPointless(int iInsert) { return _fDragToSelf && IsInRange(iInsert, _iPosDragOut, _iPosDragOut + 1); }
void _PurgeDragDropData(); HRESULT _DragEnter(IDataObject *pdto, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect); HRESULT _TryInnerDropTarget(int iItem, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL ptl, DWORD *pdwEffect); void _ClearInnerDropTarget(); void _SetDragOver(int iItem);
// Insert mark stuff
void _SetInsertMarkPosition(int iInsert); void _InvalidateInsertMark(); BOOL _GetInsertMarkRect(LPRECT prc); BOOL _IsInsertionMarkActive() { return _iInsert >= 0; } void _DrawInsertionMark(LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW plvcd);
* End of drag/drop stuff... */
private: /*
* Background enumeration stuff... */ class CBGEnum : public CRunnableTask { public: CBGEnum(SFTBarHost *phost, BOOL fUrgent) : CRunnableTask(RTF_DEFAULT) , _fUrgent(fUrgent) , _phost(phost) { phost->AddRef(); } ~CBGEnum() { // We should not be the last release or else we are going to deadlock here, when _phost
// tries to release the scheduler
ASSERT(_phost->_lRef > 1); _phost->Release(); } STDMETHODIMP RunInitRT() { _phost->_EnumerateContentsBackground(); if (_phost->_hwnd) PostMessage(_phost->_hwnd, SFTBM_REPOPULATE, _fUrgent, 0); return S_OK; } private: SFTBarHost *_phost; BOOL _fUrgent; };
friend class SFTBarHost::CBGEnum;
private: /* Window procedure helpers */
static LRESULT CALLBACK _WndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT _OnNcCreate(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnCreate(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnDestroy(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnNcDestroy(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT _OnNotify(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnSize(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnContextMenu(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnCtlColorStatic(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnMenuMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnEraseBackground(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnSetFocus(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnSysColorChange(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnForwardMessage(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnUpdateUIState(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
LRESULT _OnRepopulate(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnChangeNotify(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnRefresh(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnCascade(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LRESULT _OnIconUpdate(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
/* Custom draw push/pop */ void _CustomDrawPush(BOOL fReal); BOOL _IsRealCustomDraw(); void _CustomDrawPop();
/* Other helpers */ void _SetMaxShow(int cx, int cy); void _EnumerateContents(BOOL fUrgent); void _EnumerateContentsBackground(); void _RevalidateItems(); void _RevalidatePostPopup(); void _ReloadText(); static int CALLBACK _SortItemsAfterEnum(PaneItem *p1, PaneItem *p2, SFTBarHost *self); void _RepopulateList(); void _InternalRepopulateList(); int _InsertListViewItem(int iPos, PaneItem *pitem); void _ComputeListViewItemPosition(int iItem, POINT *pptOut); int _AppendEnumPaneItem(PaneItem *pitem); void _RepositionItems(); void _ComputeTileMetrics(); void _SetTileWidth(int cxTile); BOOL _CreateMarlett(); void _CreateBoldFont(); int _GetLVCurSel() { return ListView_GetNextItem(_hwndList, -1, LVNI_FOCUSED); } BOOL _OnCascade(int iItem, DWORD dwFlags); BOOL _IsPrivateImageList() const { return _iconsize == ICONSIZE_MEDIUM; } BOOL _CanHaveSubtitles() const { return _iconsize == ICONSIZE_LARGE; } int _ExtractImageForItem(PaneItem *pitem, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); void _ClearListView(); void _EditLabel(int iItem); BOOL _RegisterNotify(UINT id, LONG lEvents, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, BOOL fRecursive); void _OnUpdateImage(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCITEMIDLIST pidlExtra);
/* Returns E_FAIL for separators; otherwise calls client */ HRESULT _GetFolderAndPidl(PaneItem *pitem, IShellFolder **ppsfOut, LPCITEMIDLIST *ppidlOut);
/* Simple wrappers - the string needs to be freed with SHFree */ LPTSTR _DisplayNameOfItem(PaneItem *pitem, UINT shgno); HRESULT _GetUIObjectOfItem(int iItem, REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv);
inline PaneItem *_GetItemFromLVLParam(LPARAM lParam) { return reinterpret_cast<PaneItem*>(lParam); } PaneItem *_GetItemFromLV(int iItem);
enum { AIF_KEYBOARD = 1, };
int _ContextMenuCoordsToItem(LPARAM lParam, POINT *pptOut); LRESULT _ActivateItem(int iItem, DWORD dwFlags); // AIF_* values
HRESULT _InvokeDefaultCommand(int iItem, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl); void _OfferDeleteBrokenItem(PaneItem *pitem, IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl);
// If you hover the mouse for this much time, we will open it if it
// cascades. This is the same value that USER uses for auto-cascading
// menus.
DWORD _GetCascadeHoverTime() { return GetDoubleClickTime() * 4 / 5; }
static void CALLBACK SetIconAsync(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPVOID pvData, LPVOID pvHint, INT iIconIndex, INT iOpenIconIndex);
* Custom commands we add to the context menu. */ enum { IDM_REMOVEFROMLIST = 1, // Insert private menu items here
// range used for client QueryContextMenu
IDM_QCM_MIN = 0x0100, IDM_QCM_MAX = 0x7000,
* Timer IDs */ enum { IDT_ASYNCENUM = 1, IDT_RELOADTEXT = 2, IDT_REFRESH = 3, };
* Miscellaneous settings. */ enum { MAX_SEPARATORS = 3, /* Maximum number of separators allowed */ };
* Pinning helpers... */ BOOL NeedSeparator() const { return _cPinned; } BOOL _HasSeparators() const { return _rgiSep[0] >= 0; } void _DrawSeparator(HDC hdc, int x, int y); void _DrawSeparators(LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW plvcd);
* Bookkeeping. */ int _PosToItemNo(int iPos); int _ItemNoToPos(int iItem);
* Accessibility helpers... */ PaneItem *_GetItemFromAccessibility(const VARIANT& varChild);
* Debugging helpers... */ #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(FULL_DEBUG)
void _DebugConsistencyCheck(); #else
inline void _DebugConsistencyCheck() { } #endif
BOOL _AreChangesRestricted() { return (IsRestrictedOrUserSetting(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REST_NOCHANGESTARMENU, TEXT("Advanced"), TEXT("Start_EnableDragDrop"), ROUS_DEFAULTALLOW | ROUS_KEYALLOWS)); }
protected: HTHEME _hTheme; // theme handle, can be NULL
int _iThemePartSep; // theme part for the separator
HWND _hwnd; /* Our window handle */ HIMAGELIST _himl; // Imagelist handle
int _cxIcon; /* Icon size for imagelist */ int _cyIcon; /* Icon size for imagelist */ ICONSIZE _iconsize; /* ICONSIZE_* value */
private: HWND _hwndList; /* Handle of inner listview */
MARGINS _margins; // margins for children (listview and oobe static) valid in theme and non-theme case
int _cPinned; /* Number of those items that are pinned */
DWORD _dwFlags; /* Misc flags that derived classes can set */
// _dpaEnum is the DPA of enumerated items, sorted in the
// _SortItemsAfterEnum sense, which prepares them for _RepopulateList.
// When _dpaEnum is destroyed, its pointers must be delete'd.
CDPA<PaneItem> _dpaEnum; CDPA<PaneItem> _dpaEnumNew; // Used during background enumerations
int _rgiSep[MAX_SEPARATORS]; /* Only _cSep elements are meaningful */ int _cSep; /* Number of separators */
// Context menu handling
IContextMenu2 * _pcm2Pop; /* Currently popped-up context menu */ IContextMenu3 * _pcm3Pop; /* Currently popped-up context menu */
IDropTargetHelper * _pdth; /* For cool-looking drag/drop */ IDragSourceHelper * _pdsh; /* For cool-looking drag/drop */ IDataObject * _pdtoDragOut; /* Data object being dragged out */ IDataObject * _pdtoDragIn; /* Data object being dragged in */ IDropTarget * _pdtDragOver; /* Object being dragged over (if any) */
IShellTaskScheduler * _psched; /* Task scheduler */
int _iDragOut; /* The item being dragged out (-1 if none) */ int _iPosDragOut; /* The position of item _iDragOut */ int _iDragOver; /* The item being dragged over (-1 if none) */ DWORD _tmDragOver; /* Time the dragover started (to see if we need to auto-open) */
int _iInsert; /* Where the insert mark should be drawn (-1 if none) */ BOOL _fForceArrowCursor; /* Should we force a regular cursor during drag/drop? */ BOOL _fDragToSelf; /* Are we dragging an object to ourselves? */ BOOL _fInsertable; /* Is item being dragged pinnable? */ DWORD _grfKeyStateLast; /* Last grfKeyState passed to DragOver */
int _cyTile; /* Height of a tile */ int _cxTile; /* Width of a tile */ int _cyTilePadding; /* Extra vertical space between tiles */ int _cySepTile; /* Height of a separator tile */ int _cySep; /* Height of a separator line */
int _cxMargin; /* Left margin */ int _cyMargin; /* Top margin */ int _cxIndent; /* So bonus texts line up with listview text */ COLORREF _clrBG; /* Color for background */ COLORREF _clrHot; /* Color for hot text*/ COLORREF _clrSubtitle; /* Color for subtitle text*/
LONG _lRef; /* Reference count */ BOOL _fBGTask; /* Is a background task already scheduled? */ BOOL _fRestartEnum; /* Should in-progress enumeration be restarted? */ BOOL _fRestartUrgent;/* Is the _fRestartEnum urgent? */ BOOL _fEnumValid; /* Is the list of items all fine? */ BOOL _fNeedsRepopulate; /* Do we need to call _RepopulateList ? */ BOOL _fForceChange; /* Should we act as if there was a change even if there didn't seem to be one? */ ULONG _rguChangeNotify[SFTHOST_MAXNOTIFY]; /* Outstanding change notification (if any) */
BOOL _fAllowEditLabel; /* Is this an approved label-editing state? */
HFONT _hfList; /* Custom listview font (if required) */ HFONT _hfBold; /* Bold listview font (if required) */ HFONT _hfMarlett; /* Marlett font (if required) */ int _cxMarlett; /* Width of the menu cascade glyph */ int _tmAscentMarlett; /* Font ascent for Marlett */
HWND _hwndAni; /* Handle of flashlight animation, if present */ UINT _idtAni; /* Animation timer handle */ HBRUSH _hBrushAni; /* Background brush for the Ani window */
int _cPinnedDesired;/* SetDesiredSize */ int _cNormalDesired;/* SetDesiredSize */
int _iCascading; /* Which item is the cascade menu appearing over? */ DWORD _dwCustomDrawState; /* Keeps track of whether customdraw is real or fake */ #ifdef DEBUG
BOOL _fEnumerating; /* Are we enumerating client items? */ BOOL _fPopulating; /* Are we populating the listview? */ BOOL _fListUnstable; /* The listview is unstable; don't get upset */
// To verify that we manage the inner drop target correctly.
enum { DRAGSTATE_UNINITIALIZED = 0, DRAGSTATE_ENTERED = 1, }; int _iDragState; /* for debugging */
/* Large structures go at the end */ };
_inline SMPANEDATA* PaneDataFromCreateStruct(LPARAM lParam) { LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs = reinterpret_cast<LPCREATESTRUCT>(lParam); return reinterpret_cast<SMPANEDATA*>(lpcs->lpCreateParams); }
// Helper functions for messing with UEM info
void _GetUEMInfo(const GUID *pguidGrp, int eCmd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UEMINFO *pueiOut);
#define _GetUEMPidlInfo(psf, pidl, pueiOut) \
_GetUEMInfo(&UEMIID_SHELL, UEME_RUNPIDL, \ reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(psf), \ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pidl), pueiOut)
#define _GetUEMPathInfo(pszPath, pueiOut) \
_GetUEMInfo(&UEMIID_SHELL, UEME_RUNPATH, (WPARAM)-1, \ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pszPath), pueiOut)
#define _SetUEMPidlInfo(psf, pidl, pueiInOut) \
UEMSetEvent(&UEMIID_SHELL, UEME_RUNPIDL, \ reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(psf), \ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pidl), pueiInOut)
#define _SetUEMPathInfo(pszPath, pueiInOut) \
UEMSetEvent(&UEMIID_SHELL, UEME_RUNPATH, (WPARAM)-1, \ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pszPath), pueiInOut)
// SOMEDAY: Figure out what UEMF_XEVENT means. I just stole the code
// from startmnu.cpp.
#define _FireUEMPidlEvent(psf, pidl) \
UEMFireEvent(&UEMIID_SHELL, UEME_RUNPIDL, UEMF_XEVENT, \ reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(psf), \ reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pidl))
// Constructors for derived classes
STDAPI_(SFTBarHost *) ByUsage_CreateInstance(); STDAPI_(SFTBarHost *) SpecList_CreateInstance(); STDAPI_(SFTBarHost *) RecentDocs_CreateInstance();
#define RECTWIDTH(rc) ((rc).right-(rc).left)
#define RECTHEIGHT(rc) ((rc).bottom-(rc).top)
#endif // __SFTHOST_H__