#include "cabinet.h"
#include "traycmn.h"
#include "trayreg.h"
#include "trayitem.h"
#include "shellapi.h"
#include "util.h"
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::_DestroyIconInfoCB(TNPersistStreamData * pData, LPVOID pData2) { delete [] pData; return TRUE; }
void CTrayItemRegistry::_QueryRegValue(HKEY hkey, LPTSTR pszValue, ULONG* puVal, ULONG uDefault) { if (hkey) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(*puVal); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegQueryValueEx(hkey, pszValue, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) puVal, &dwSize)) *puVal = uDefault; } }
void CTrayItemRegistry::IncChevronInfoTipShownInRegistry(BOOL bUserClickedInfoTip/*=FALSE*/) { HKEY hKey = NULL;
if (_bShowChevronInfoTip) { if (bUserClickedInfoTip) { // If the user has clicked the info tip, do not show it in subsequent
// sessions...
_dwTimesChevronInfoTipShown = MAX_CHEVRON_INFOTIP_SHOWN; } else { _dwTimesChevronInfoTipShown ++; } if ( (_dwTimesChevronInfoTipShown <= MAX_CHEVRON_INFOTIP_SHOWN) && (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_TRAYNOTIFY_REGKEY, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey)) ) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, SZ_INFOTIP_REGVALUE, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &_dwTimesChevronInfoTipShown, sizeof(DWORD)); RegCloseKey(hKey); } }
// The chevron infotip can be shown only once per session...
_bShowChevronInfoTip = FALSE; }
void CTrayItemRegistry::InitRegistryValues(UINT uIconListFlags) { HKEY hkeyTrayNotify = NULL;
// Load the countdown interval for the items when added to the tray
_QueryRegValue(hkeyTrayNotify, SZ_ICON_COUNTDOWN_VALUE, &_uPrimaryCountdown, TT_ICON_COUNTDOWN_INTERVAL);
// The length of time for which an item can reside in the past items tray, from
// when it was last used...
_QueryRegValue(hkeyTrayNotify, SZ_ICONCLEANUP_VALUE, &_uValidLastUseTimePeriod, TT_ICONCLEANUP_INTERVAL);
// The number of times the chevron info tip has been shown...
// - assume that it hasnt been shown before...
_QueryRegValue(hkeyTrayNotify, SZ_INFOTIP_REGVALUE, &_dwTimesChevronInfoTipShown, 0); if (_dwTimesChevronInfoTipShown < MAX_CHEVRON_INFOTIP_SHOWN) _bShowChevronInfoTip = TRUE; else _bShowChevronInfoTip = FALSE;
// The ticking interval for the internal timers for CUserEventTimer, when the
// CUserEventTimer counts the time for which the item is resident in the tray
// The ticking interval for the internal timers for CUserEventTimer, when the
// CUserEventTimer counts the time for which the balloon tips show on an item in
// the tray
_QueryRegValue(hkeyTrayNotify, SZ_INFOTIP_TIMER_TICK_VALUE, &_uInfoTipTimerTickInterval, UET_INFOTIP_TIMER_TICK_INTERVAL);
// Is the automatic tray (the new Whistler tray feature) enabled ?
_fNoAutoTrayPolicyEnabled = (SHRestricted(REST_NOAUTOTRAYNOTIFY) != 0); _fAutoTrayEnabledByUser = _IsAutoTrayEnabledInRegistry();
// Load the icon info from the previous session...
InitTrayItemStream(STGM_READ, NULL, NULL);
if (!_himlPastItemsIconList) { _himlPastItemsIconList = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), uIconListFlags, 0, 1); } }
UINT CTrayItemRegistry::GetTimerTickInterval(int nTimerFlag) { switch(nTimerFlag) { case TF_ICONDEMOTE_TIMER: return (UINT) _uIconDemoteTimerTickInterval; case TF_INFOTIP_TIMER: return (UINT) _uInfoTipTimerTickInterval; }
ASSERT(FALSE); return 0; }
void CTrayItemRegistry::InitTrayItemStream(DWORD dwStreamMode, PFNTRAYNOTIFYCALLBACK pfnTrayNotifyCB, void *pCBData) { BOOL bDeleteIconStreamRegValue = FALSE; IStream * pStream = SHOpenRegStream( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_TRAYNOTIFY_REGKEY, SZ_ITEMSTREAMS_REGVALUE, dwStreamMode ); if (pStream && SUCCEEDED(IStream_Reset(pStream))) { if (dwStreamMode == STGM_READ) { _LoadTrayItemStream(pStream, pfnTrayNotifyCB, pCBData); } else { ASSERT(dwStreamMode == STGM_WRITE); if (FAILED(_SaveTrayItemStream(pStream, pfnTrayNotifyCB, pCBData))) bDeleteIconStreamRegValue = TRUE; }
pStream->Release(); }
if (bDeleteIconStreamRegValue) { HKEY hKey; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_TRAYNOTIFY_REGKEY, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(hKey); RegDeleteValue(hKey, SZ_ITEMSTREAMS_REGVALUE); RegCloseKey(hKey); } } }
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::_LoadIconsFromRegStream(DWORD dwItemStreamSignature) { ASSERT(_himlPastItemsIconList == NULL);
IStream * pStream = SHOpenRegStream( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_TRAYNOTIFY_REGKEY, SZ_ICONSTREAMS_REGVALUE, STGM_READ ); if (pStream) { TNPersistentIconStreamHeader tnPISH = {0};
if (SUCCEEDED(IStream_Read(pStream, &tnPISH, sizeof(TNPersistentIconStreamHeader)))) { if ( (tnPISH.dwSize == sizeof(TNPersistentIconStreamHeader)) && (_IsValidStreamHeaderVersion(tnPISH.dwVersion)) && (tnPISH.dwSignature == dwItemStreamSignature) && (tnPISH.cIcons > 0) ) { LARGE_INTEGER c_li0 = { 0, 0 }; c_li0.LowPart = tnPISH.dwOffset;
if (S_OK == pStream->Seek(c_li0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL)) { _himlPastItemsIconList = ImageList_Read(pStream); } } }
pStream->Release(); }
return (_himlPastItemsIconList != NULL); }
HRESULT CTrayItemRegistry::_LoadTrayItemStream(IStream *pstm, PFNTRAYNOTIFYCALLBACK pfnTrayNotifyCB, void *pCBData) { HRESULT hr; TNPersistStreamHeader persStmHeader = {0};
ASSERT(pstm); hr = IStream_Read(pstm, &persStmHeader, sizeof(persStmHeader)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ( (persStmHeader.dwSize != sizeof(TNPersistStreamHeader)) || (!_IsValidStreamHeaderVersion(persStmHeader.dwVersion)) || (persStmHeader.dwSignature != TNH_SIGNATURE) || (persStmHeader.cIcons <= 0) ) { return E_FAIL; }
LARGE_INTEGER c_li0 = { 0, 0 }; c_li0.LowPart = persStmHeader.dwOffset;
if (S_OK == (hr = pstm->Seek(c_li0, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL))) { if (!_dpaPersistentItemInfo) { if (!_dpaPersistentItemInfo.Create(10)) return E_FAIL; }
ASSERT( (persStmHeader.dwVersion != TNH_VERSION_ONE) && (persStmHeader.dwVersion != TNH_VERSION_TWO) && (persStmHeader.dwVersion != TNH_VERSION_THREE) );
for (int i = 0; i < (int)(persStmHeader.cIcons); ++i) { TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd = new TNPersistStreamData; if (ptnpd) { hr = IStream_Read(pstm, ptnpd, _SizeOfPersistStreamData(persStmHeader.dwVersion)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (persStmHeader.dwVersion == TNH_VERSION_FOUR) { ptnpd->guidItem = GUID_NULL; } }
if (FAILED(hr) || (_dpaPersistentItemInfo.AppendPtr(ptnpd) == -1)) { delete (ptnpd); _dpaPersistentItemInfo.DestroyCallback(_DestroyIconInfoCB, NULL); _DestroyPastItemsIconList(); hr = E_FAIL; break; } } else { _dpaPersistentItemInfo.DestroyCallback(_DestroyIconInfoCB, NULL); _DestroyPastItemsIconList(); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!_LoadIconsFromRegStream(persStmHeader.dwSignature)) { if (_dpaPersistentItemInfo) { for (int i = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtrCount()-1; i >= 0; i--) { (_dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtr(i))->nImageIndex = INVALID_IMAGE_INDEX; } } } } } }
return hr; }
// TO DO : 1. Maybe we can avoid 2 stream writes of the header, maybe a seek will work directly
// 2. If failed, dont store anything, esp. avoid 2 writes
HRESULT CTrayItemRegistry::_SaveTrayItemStream(IStream *pstm, PFNTRAYNOTIFYCALLBACK pfnTrayNotifyCB, void *pCBData) { HRESULT hr; DWORD nWrittenIcons = 0;
TNPersistStreamHeader persStmHeader;
persStmHeader.dwSize = sizeof(TNPersistStreamHeader); persStmHeader.dwVersion = TNH_VERSION_FIVE; persStmHeader.dwSignature = TNH_SIGNATURE; // The Bang Icon(s) dont count...
persStmHeader.cIcons = 0; persStmHeader.dwOffset = persStmHeader.dwSize;
hr = IStream_Write(pstm, &persStmHeader, sizeof(persStmHeader)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Write the icons in the current session...
// Since the icons are added to the front of the tray toolbar, the icons
// in the front of the tray are the ones that have been added last. So
// maintain this order in writing the icon data into the stream.
INT_PTR i = 0; CTrayItem * pti = NULL; HICON hIcon = NULL; do { TRAYCBRET trayCBRet = {0}; pti = NULL; hIcon = NULL;
if (pfnTrayNotifyCB(i, pCBData, TRAYCBARG_ALL, &trayCBRet)) { pti = trayCBRet.pti; hIcon = trayCBRet.hIcon; if (pti && pti->ShouldSaveIcon()) { int nPastSessionIndex = DoesIconExistFromPreviousSession(pti, pti->szIconText, hIcon);
if (nPastSessionIndex != -1) { DeletePastItem(nPastSessionIndex); }
TNPersistStreamData tnPersistData = {0}; if (_FillPersistData(&tnPersistData, pti, trayCBRet.hIcon)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = IStream_Write(pstm, &tnPersistData, sizeof(tnPersistData)))) { nWrittenIcons ++; } else { // If we failed to store the item, then remove its corresponding icon
// from the icon image list...
// Since this icon was appended to the end of the list, and we remove it
// we dont need to update all the other item image indices, as they will
// not be affected...
ImageList_Remove(_himlPastItemsIconList, (INT) i); } } } if (hIcon) DestroyIcon(hIcon); } else { break; } i++; } while (TRUE);
// Write out the icons from the previous sessions..
if (_dpaPersistentItemInfo) { INT_PTR nIcons = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtrCount(); for (i = 0; i < nIcons; i++) { TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtr(i); ASSERT(ptnpd);
BOOL bWritten = FALSE; if (_IsIconLastUseValid(ptnpd->wYear, ptnpd->wMonth)) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr = IStream_Write(pstm, ptnpd, sizeof(TNPersistStreamData)))) { nWrittenIcons++; bWritten = TRUE; } }
if (!bWritten) { if (ImageList_Remove(_himlPastItemsIconList, (INT) i)) UpdateImageIndices(i); } } } }
if (nWrittenIcons <= 0) return E_FAIL; else { _SaveIconsToRegStream(); }
if (FAILED(hr) || nWrittenIcons > 0) { persStmHeader.cIcons = nWrittenIcons; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = IStream_Reset(pstm))) hr = IStream_Write(pstm, &persStmHeader, sizeof(persStmHeader)); }
return hr; }
void CTrayItemRegistry::UpdateImageIndices(INT_PTR nDeletedImageIndex) { if (!_dpaPersistentItemInfo) return;
INT_PTR nPastItemCount = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtrCount();
for (INT_PTR i = 0; i < nPastItemCount; i++) { TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtr(i); if (ptnpd) { if (ptnpd->nImageIndex > nDeletedImageIndex) { ptnpd->nImageIndex --; } else if (ptnpd->nImageIndex == nDeletedImageIndex) { ptnpd->nImageIndex = INVALID_IMAGE_INDEX; } } } }
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::_SaveIconsToRegStream() { BOOL bStreamWritten = FALSE;
if (_himlPastItemsIconList) { IStream * pStream = SHOpenRegStream( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_TRAYNOTIFY_REGKEY, SZ_ICONSTREAMS_REGVALUE, STGM_WRITE ); if (pStream) { TNPersistentIconStreamHeader tnPISH = {0};
tnPISH.dwSize = sizeof(TNPersistentIconStreamHeader); tnPISH.dwVersion = TNH_VERSION_FOUR; tnPISH.dwSignature = TNH_SIGNATURE; tnPISH.cIcons = ImageList_GetImageCount(_himlPastItemsIconList); tnPISH.dwOffset = tnPISH.dwSize;
if (tnPISH.cIcons > 0) { if (SUCCEEDED(IStream_Write(pStream, &tnPISH, sizeof(TNPersistentIconStreamHeader)))) { if (ImageList_Write(_himlPastItemsIconList, pStream)) { bStreamWritten = TRUE; } } }
pStream->Release(); } }
if (!bStreamWritten) { HKEY hKey; if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_TRAYNOTIFY_REGKEY, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(hKey); RegDeleteValue(hKey, SZ_ICONSTREAMS_REGVALUE); RegCloseKey(hKey); } }
return bStreamWritten; }
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::_IsIconLastUseValid(WORD wYear, WORD wMonth) { SYSTEMTIME currentTime = {0};
ULONG nCount = 0;
// wYear/wMonth CANNOT be greater than currentTime.wYear/currentTime.wMonth
while (nCount < _uValidLastUseTimePeriod) { if (wYear == currentTime.wYear && wMonth == currentTime.wMonth) break;
wMonth++; if (wMonth > 12) { wYear ++; wMonth = 1; } nCount++; }
return (nCount < _uValidLastUseTimePeriod); }
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::_IsAutoTrayEnabledInRegistry() { return (SHRegGetBoolUSValue(SZ_EXPLORER_REGKEY, SZ_AUTOTRAY_REGVALUE, FALSE, TRUE)); }
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::SetIsAutoTrayEnabledInRegistry(BOOL bAutoTray) { HKEY hKey;
if (_fAutoTrayEnabledByUser != bAutoTray) { _fAutoTrayEnabledByUser = bAutoTray;
DWORD dwAutoTray = (bAutoTray ? 1 : 0);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SZ_EXPLORER_REGKEY, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey)) { RegSetValueEx(hKey, SZ_AUTOTRAY_REGVALUE, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwAutoTray, sizeof(DWORD)); RegCloseKey(hKey); }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
INT_PTR CTrayItemRegistry::CheckAndRestorePersistentIconSettings ( CTrayItem * pti, LPTSTR pszIconToolTip, HICON hIcon ) { // If we have icon information from the previous session..
int i = -1; if (_dpaPersistentItemInfo) { i = DoesIconExistFromPreviousSession(pti, pszIconToolTip, hIcon); if (i != -1) { ASSERT(i >= 0 && i < _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtrCount());
TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtr(i);
ASSERT(ptnpd); _RestorePersistentIconSettings(ptnpd, pti);
return i; } }
return (-1); }
// Since we have already taken the previous-session info for this icon,
// there is no need to hold it in our HDPA array...
void CTrayItemRegistry::DeletePastItem(INT_PTR nIndex) { if (nIndex != -1) { ASSERT((nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex < _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtrCount()));
TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtr(nIndex);
if (ptnpd) { if (_himlPastItemsIconList && (ptnpd->nImageIndex != INVALID_IMAGE_INDEX)) { if (ImageList_Remove(_himlPastItemsIconList, ptnpd->nImageIndex)) UpdateImageIndices(ptnpd->nImageIndex); }
delete(ptnpd); }
_dpaPersistentItemInfo.DeletePtr((int)nIndex); } }
void CTrayItemRegistry::_RestorePersistentIconSettings(TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd, CTrayItem * pti) { ASSERT(ptnpd); pti->SetDemoted(ptnpd->bDemoted); pti->dwUserPref = ptnpd->dwUserPref; // if (NULL == lstrcpyn(pti->szExeName, ptnpd->szExeName, lstrlen(ptnpd->szExeName)+1))
// pti->szExeName[0] = '\0';
if (pti->IsStartupIcon()) { if (ptnpd->bStartupIcon) { pti->uNumSeconds = ptnpd->uNumSeconds;
if (ptnpd->uNumSeconds > MAX_NUM_SECONDS_VALUE - NUM_SECONDS_THRESHOLD) pti->uNumSeconds = MAX_NUM_SECONDS_VALUE - NUM_SECONDS_THRESHOLD; } else // If it wasnt a startup icon in the previous session, then dont take the acculumated time
pti->uNumSeconds = 0; } // If it is not a startup icon, the accumulated time doesnt matter
int CTrayItemRegistry::DoesIconExistFromPreviousSession ( CTrayItem * pti, LPTSTR pszIconToolTip, HICON hIcon ) { ASSERT(pti); if (!_dpaPersistentItemInfo) return -1;
if (pti->szExeName) { for (int i = 0; i < _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtrCount(); i++) { TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtr(i);
if (lstrcmpi(pti->szExeName, ptnpd->szExeName) == 0) { if (ptnpd->uID == pti->uID) return i;
if (hIcon) { HICON hIconNew = DuplicateIcon(NULL, hIcon); HICON hIconOld = NULL;
if (ptnpd->nImageIndex != INVALID_IMAGE_INDEX) hIconOld = ImageList_GetIcon(_himlPastItemsIconList, ptnpd->nImageIndex, ILD_NORMAL);
BOOL bRet = FALSE; if (hIconNew && hIconOld) { bRet = SHAreIconsEqual(hIconNew, hIconOld); }
if (hIconNew) DestroyIcon(hIconNew); if (hIconOld) DestroyIcon(hIconOld);
if (bRet) return i; }
// We need to check this case for animating icons. We do not know
// which icon is showing at the moment the item was deleted from the
// tray.
// For instance, in the "Network Connections" item, any of 3
// "animating" icons could be showing when the item was deleted from
// the tray. In this case, the SHAreIconsEqual check (between the
// Past icon and the current icon) will fail, still the icons
// represent the same item.
// There is *no* sure way to catch this case. Adding a tooltip check
// would strengthen our check. If the two icons have the same tooltip
// text (till the '\n'), then they will be eliminated.
// Of course, if an exe placed two icons in the tray, and gave them
// different IDs but the same tooltip, then one of them will be deemed
// to be a dupe of the other. But an app shouldnt be placing two icons
// on the tray if their tips are different.
if (pszIconToolTip) { TCHAR szToolTip[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR szTemp = NULL; int nCharToCompare = lstrlen(pszIconToolTip); if ((szTemp = StrChr(pszIconToolTip, (TCHAR)'\n')) != NULL) { nCharToCompare = szTemp-pszIconToolTip; StrCpyN(szToolTip, pszIconToolTip, nCharToCompare+1); }
if (StrCmpNI( ((szTemp == NULL) ? pszIconToolTip : szToolTip), ptnpd->szIconText, nCharToCompare ) == 0) return i; } } } }
return -1; }
// Returns TRUE to indicate the function succeeded, fails only if the index is invalid
// *pbStat is set to TRUE if pni is filled in, FALSE if pni is not filled in. pni might
// not be filled in, if the item specified by index doesnt meet specific criteria.
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::GetTrayItem(INT_PTR nIndex, CNotificationItem * pni, BOOL * pbStat) { if (!_dpaPersistentItemInfo || (nIndex < 0) || (nIndex >= _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtrCount())) { *pbStat = FALSE; return FALSE; } TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtr(nIndex);
if (ptnpd && _IsIconLastUseValid(ptnpd->wYear, ptnpd->wMonth)) { *pni = ptnpd; // C++ magic...
if (ptnpd->nImageIndex != INVALID_IMAGE_INDEX) pni->hIcon = ImageList_GetIcon(_himlPastItemsIconList, ptnpd->nImageIndex, ILD_NORMAL); *pbStat = TRUE; return TRUE; }
*pbStat = FALSE; return TRUE; }
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::SetPastItemPreference(LPNOTIFYITEM pNotifyItem) { if (_dpaPersistentItemInfo && pNotifyItem->pszExeName[0] != 0) { for (INT_PTR i = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtrCount()-1; i >= 0; --i) { TNPersistStreamData * ptnpd = _dpaPersistentItemInfo.GetPtr(i); if (ptnpd && ptnpd->uID == pNotifyItem->uID && lstrcmpi(ptnpd->szExeName, pNotifyItem->pszExeName) == 0) { ptnpd->dwUserPref = pNotifyItem->dwUserPref; return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::AddToPastItems(CTrayItem * pti, HICON hIcon) { if (!_dpaPersistentItemInfo) _dpaPersistentItemInfo.Create(10);
if (_dpaPersistentItemInfo) { TNPersistStreamData * ptnPersistData = new TNPersistStreamData; if (ptnPersistData) { if (_FillPersistData(ptnPersistData, pti, hIcon)) { if (_dpaPersistentItemInfo.InsertPtr(0, ptnPersistData) != -1) { return TRUE; } }
delete(ptnPersistData); } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL CTrayItemRegistry::_FillPersistData(TNPersistStreamData * ptnPersistData, CTrayItem * pti, HICON hIcon) { SYSTEMTIME currentTime = {0}; GetLocalTime(¤tTime);
if (NULL != lstrcpyn(ptnPersistData->szExeName, pti->szExeName, lstrlen(pti->szExeName)+1)) { ptnPersistData->uID = pti->uID; ptnPersistData->bDemoted = pti->IsDemoted(); ptnPersistData->dwUserPref = pti->dwUserPref; ptnPersistData->wYear = currentTime.wYear; ptnPersistData->wMonth = currentTime.wMonth; ptnPersistData->bStartupIcon = pti->IsStartupIcon(); ptnPersistData->nImageIndex = _AddPastIcon(-1, hIcon);
memcpy(&(ptnPersistData->guidItem), &(pti->guidItem), sizeof(pti->guidItem));
lstrcpyn(ptnPersistData->szIconText, pti->szIconText, lstrlen(pti->szIconText) + 1);
if (pti->IsStartupIcon()) { ptnPersistData->uNumSeconds = pti->uNumSeconds; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
UINT_PTR CTrayItemRegistry::_SizeOfPersistStreamData(DWORD dwVersion) { ASSERT((dwVersion == TNH_VERSION_FOUR) || (dwVersion == TNH_VERSION_FIVE));
if (dwVersion == TNH_VERSION_FOUR) return FIELD_OFFSET(TNPersistStreamData, guidItem);
return sizeof(TNPersistStreamData); }