* caldos.c * * Copyright (c) 1991, Microsoft Corporation * * DESCRIPTION * * This file is/was ported from ..\..\progman\pmdos.c * It contains two routines used by * * MODIFICATION HISTORY * Initial Version: x/x/90 Author Unknown, since he didn't feel * like commenting the code... * * NT 32b Version: 1/9/91 Jeff Pack * Intitial port to begin. * * WARNING: since this is NOT for DOS, I'm making it soley 32bit aware. * Following functions not ported * IsRemovable() is in pmcomman.c (already ifdef'd in asm code) * IsRemote() is in pmcomman.c (ditto!) * */
#include "cal.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
/*** GetCurDrive -- get current drive number.
* * * * INT GetCurDrive(VOID) * * ENTRY - VOID * * EXIT - INT CurrentDrive - drive number of current drive (0=a, etc). * * SYNOPSIS - calls GetCurrentDirectory, must parse returned string * for either drive letter, or UNC path. If UNC I gotta * somehow, covert UNC path to drive letter to drive number. * WARNINGS - not DBCS aware! * EFFECTS - * */
INT GetCurDrive(VOID) { DWORD nBufferLength = 128; DWORD dwReturnCode; LPSTR lpszLocalBuffer; INT iDriveNumber;
/* alloc local, non-moveable, zero filled buffer */ lpszLocalBuffer = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, nBufferLength); if(lpszLocalBuffer == NULL){ OutputDebugStringA("<GetCurDrive> LocalAlloc FAILed\n"); }
GetCurDrive1: dwReturnCode = GetCurrentDirectory(nBufferLength, lpszLocalBuffer);
* Failed for reason other than bufferlength too small */ if(dwReturnCode == 0){ OutputDebugStringA("<GetCurDrive> GetCurrentDirectory() FAILed\n"); }
* test for success, if dwReturnCode is > buffer, then need * increase buffer */ if(dwReturnCode > nBufferLength){ lpszLocalBuffer = (LPSTR) LocalReAlloc(lpszLocalBuffer, nBufferLength + 128, LMEM_ZEROINIT | LMEM_MOVEABLE); if(lpszLocalBuffer == NULL){ OutputDebugStringA("<GetCurDrive> LocalAlloc FAILed\n"); } else{ nBufferLength += 128; } goto GetCurDrive1; }
* Finally lpszLocalBuffer has string containing current directory. * Now must parse string for ":" or "\\" for drive letter or UNC * If : then get drive letter, and convert to number a=0, b=1, etc. * If \\ then gotta enumerate net drives, to learn what drive letter * corresponds to that UNC path. */
/* check for drive letter */ if(lpszLocalBuffer[1] == ':'){
/* is drive letter, proceed */ iDriveNumber = lpszLocalBuffer[1] - 'A'; /* convert letter > number */ } else{ /* must be UNC path */
/* BUG BUG need write code to convert UNC path */ OutputDebugStringA("<GetCurDrive> Got UNC path, didnt expect, and no code!\n"); }
LocalFree(lpszLocalBuffer); return(iDriveNumber); }
/*** FDosDelete -- Delete named file.
* * INT FDosDelete(LPSTR lpszFileToDelete) * * ENTRY - LPSTR lpszFileToDelete - filename to delete. * * EXIT - INT xxx - returns (0) if success * * SYNOPSIS - calls win32 DeleteFile. * WARNINGS - * EFFECTS - * */
INT FDosDelete(LPSTR lpszFileToDelete) { BOOL bReturnCode;
bReturnCode = DeleteFile(lpszFileToDelete);
if(bReturnCode){ return(0); } else{ return(1); } }
/*** FDosRename -- Rename file.
* * INT FDosRename(LPSTR lpszOrgFileName, LPSTR lpszNewFileName) * * ENTRY - LPSTR lpszOrgFileName - origianl filename. * LPSTR lpszNewFileName - New filename. * * EXIT - INT xxx - returns (0) if success * * SYNOPSIS - calls win32 MoveFile. * WARNINGS - * EFFECTS - * */
INT FDosRename(LPSTR lpszOrgFileName, LPSTR lpszNewFileName) {
BOOL bReturnCode;
/* rename file */ bReturnCode = MoveFile(lpszOrgFileName, lpszNewFileName);
if(bReturnCode){ return(0); /* success */ } else{ return(1); } }
VOID ReadClock(D3*pd3, TM*pmin) { time_t t; struct tm *ptm;
time(&t); ptm = localtime(&t); *pmin = (TM)(ptm->tm_min + ptm->tm_hour * 60); pd3->wMonth = (WORD)ptm->tm_mon;
//- ReadClock: fixed to be day of month 0-30.
pd3->wDay = ptm->tm_mday - 1;
//- ReadClock: fixed to be years since 1980 instead of since 0.
pd3->wYear = ptm->tm_year - 80; }