#include "windows.h"
#include <port1632.h>
#include "date.h"
extern CHAR chSepDate; extern CHAR chSepTime; extern CHAR sz1159[]; extern CHAR sz2359[]; extern INT iDate; extern INT iYearOffset; extern BOOL f24Time; extern BOOL fLZero; extern HANDLE hinstTimeDate;
CHAR * APIENTRY Int2Ascii(); CHAR * FAR APIENTRY Ascii2Int(); CHAR * APIENTRY SkipDateSep(); CHAR * APIENTRY GetMonthString(); CHAR * APIENTRY GetWeekString();
INT FAR APIENTRY ParseTimeString(pdt, pch) DOSTIME *pdt; register CHAR *pch; { INT h, m; CHAR *pchT; CHAR ch; BOOL fPM;
if ((pch = Ascii2Int(pch, &h)) == NULL) return(PD_ERRFORMAT); if (*pch++ != chSepTime) return(PD_ERRFORMAT); if ((pch = Ascii2Int(pch, &m)) == NULL) return(PD_ERRFORMAT);
/* Now look for match against AM or PM string */ fPM = FALSE; if (*pch != 0) { /* Upper case the string in PLACE */ AnsiUpper((LPSTR)pch); ch = *pch; if (ch == sz1159[0]) { pchT = sz1159; } else if (ch == sz2359[0]) { fPM = TRUE; pchT = sz2359; } else { return(PD_ERRFORMAT); } /* The following is just a case-insensitive, kanji-sensitive
string equality check */ while (*pchT != 0) { if (*pch == 0 || *pch++ != *pchT++) return(PD_ERRFORMAT); } }
if (!f24Time) { if (h > 12) return PD_ERRSUBRANGE;
if (!fPM) { /* Convert 12:xx am to 0:xx */ if (h == 12) h = 0; } else { if (h == 0) return(PD_ERRSUBRANGE); /* convert 0..11 to 12..23 */ if (h < 12) h += 12; } } if (h >= 24 || m >= 60) return(PD_ERRSUBRANGE); pdt->hour = (BYTE)h; pdt->minutes = (BYTE)m; pdt->seconds = 0; pdt->hundredths = 0; return(0); }
BOOL FAR APIENTRY ParseDateString(pdd, pch) DOSDATE *pdd; register CHAR *pch; { INT m, d, y; register INT t; INT cDays;
if ((pch = Ascii2Int(pch, &m)) == NULL) return(PD_ERRFORMAT); if ((pch = SkipDateSep(pch, chSepDate)) == NULL) return(PD_ERRFORMAT); if ((pch = Ascii2Int(pch, &d)) == NULL) return(PD_ERRFORMAT); if ((pch = SkipDateSep(pch, chSepDate)) == NULL) return(PD_ERRFORMAT); if ((pch = Ascii2Int(pch, &y)) == NULL) return(PD_ERRFORMAT);
if (*pch != 0) return(PD_ERRFORMAT);
switch (iDate) { case 1: /* mdy->dmy */ t = m; m = d; d = t; break; case 2: /* mdy->ymd */ t = y; y = m; m = d; d = t; break; } /* if y < 100, assume he's specifying the last two digits of 19xx */ y += iYearOffset;
if (y < 100) y += 1900;
pdd->month = (BYTE)m; pdd->year = (WORD)y; pdd->day = (BYTE)d;
return(ValidateDosDate(pdd)); /* validate the date */ }
CHAR * APIENTRY SkipDateSep(pch, ch) CHAR *pch; CHAR ch; { if (*pch == ch || *pch == '-' || *pch == '/') return(++pch);
return(NULL); }
CHAR * FAR APIENTRY Ascii2Int(pch, pw) register CHAR *pch; DWORD *pw; //- Changed from WORD to DWORD for 32 bit ints. 7/11/91 t-davema
{ register INT ch; DWORD n; CHAR *pchStart;
/* skip leading spaces */ while (*pch == ' ') pch++;
pchStart = pch; n = 0; /* OLD: while (n < 3000 && !IsTwoByteCharPrefix(ch = *pch) && *pch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { */ while (n < 3000 && /*!IsTwoByteCharPrefix(ch = *pch) &&*/ (ch = *pch) >= '0' && ch <= '9') { n = n * 10 + ch - '0'; pch++; } if (pch == pchStart) /* return NULL if nothing parsed */ return (NULL);
/* skip trailing spaces */ while (*pch == ' ') pch++;
*pw = n;
return(pch); }
INT FAR APIENTRY ValidateDosDate(pdd) PDOSDATE pdd; { register WORD d; register WORD y; static INT cDaysAccum[12] = { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 }; static BYTE rgbDaysMonth[12] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
/* Make sure this is a valid date:
- The year must be in the range 1980 through 2099 inclusive. - The month must be in the range 1 through 12 inclusive. - The day must be in the range 1 through the number of days of the specified month (which may need adjustment for leap year). */ /* months are from 1..12 */ if (pdd->month == 0 || pdd->month > 12) return(PD_ERRSUBRANGE);
y = pdd->year - 1980; if (y > 119) return(PD_ERRRANGE);
d = rgbDaysMonth[pdd->month - 1]; if ((y & (4-1)) == 0 && pdd->month == 2) d++;
if ((WORD)(pdd->day) > (WORD)d || (pdd->day == 0)) return(PD_ERRSUBRANGE);
/* We have a legal date. Now calculate day of week and store in pdd->dayofweek */
/* calc no. days in previous years plus total up to beginning of month */ d = y * 365 + cDaysAccum[pdd->month - 1];
/* Add in the days for the preceding leap years. */ if (y != 0) d += 1 + (y - 1) / 4;
/* if this is a leap year and we're past feb, add in extra day. */ if ((y & (4-1)) == 0 && pdd->month > 2) d++;
/* add 2 since jan 1 1980 was a tuesday */ pdd->dayofweek = ((d + pdd->day - 1 + 2) % 7); return(0); }