* * Copyright 1999 American Power Conversion, All Rights Reserved * * TITLE: UPSTAB.C * * VERSION: 1.0 * * AUTHOR: PaulB * * DATE: 07 June, 1999 * * DESCRIPTION: This file contains the main body of code for the UPS Tab. * This dialog procedure is implemented in this file, along with * some of the support functions. * *******************************************************************************/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "upstab.h"
#include "..\powercfg.h"
#include "..\pwrresid.h"
#include "..\PwrMn_cs.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// data
HWND g_hwndDlg = 0; HICON g_hIconUPS = 0; HICON g_hIconPlug = 0;
// context-sensitive help table
const DWORD g_UPSPageHelpIDs[]= { IDC_STATIC, NO_HELP, IDC_STATUS_GROUPBOX, NO_HELP, IDC_POWER_SOURCE_ICON, idh_current_power_source, IDC_POWER_SOURCE_LHS, idh_current_power_source, IDC_POWER_SOURCE, idh_current_power_source, IDC_RUNTIME_REMAINING_LHS, idh_estimated_ups_runtime, IDC_RUNTIME_REMAINING, idh_estimated_ups_runtime, IDC_BATTERY_CAPACITY_LHS, idh_estimated_ups_capacity, IDC_BATTERY_CAPACITY, idh_estimated_ups_capacity, IDC_BATTERY_STATUS_LHS, idh_battery_condition, IDC_BATTERY_STATUS, idh_battery_condition, IDC_DETAILS_GROUPBOX, NO_HELP, IDB_UPS_ICON_BUTTON, idh_apc_logo_link, IDC_VENDOR_NAME_LHS, idh_manufacturer, IDC_VENDOR_NAME, idh_manufacturer, IDC_MODEL_TYPE_LHS, idh_model, IDC_MODEL_TYPE, idh_model, IDB_INSTALL_UPS, idh_select_ups, IDB_CONFIGURE_SVC, idh_configure_ups, IDC_MESSAGE_ICON, NO_HELP, IDC_MESSAGE_TEXT, NO_HELP, IDC_APC1, NO_HELP, IDC_APC2, NO_HELP, IDB_APCLOGO_SMALL, NO_HELP, 0, 0 };
// data
extern struct _reg_entry UPSConfigVendor; extern struct _reg_entry UPSConfigModel;
//static LPCTSTR cUPSStateFormatString = TEXT("%s %s");
static UINT_PTR g_UpdateTimerID = 0; static const DWORD cUpdateTimerID = 100; static BOOL g_bIsAdmin = TRUE;
// functions
static DWORD FormatMessageText (LPCTSTR aFormatString, LPVOID * alpDwords, LPTSTR aMessageBuffer, DWORD * aBufferSizePtr); static BOOL UPSMainPageHandleInit (HWND aDlgHWND, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static BOOL UPSMainPageHandleCommand (HWND aDlgHWND, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static BOOL UPSMainPageHandleNotify (HWND aDlgHWND, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
//All these functions are commented in the source file updatdlg.c
static BOOL UPSMainPageHandleDestroy (HWND hDlg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static BOOL CreateUPSIconButton(HWND hDlg, HICON aUPSIconHandle);
static void DoUpdateDialogInfo (HWND hDlg); static void ManageConfigureButtonState (HWND hDlg); DWORD SetUpdateTimer(HWND hwnd); DWORD KillUpdateTimer(HWND hwnd);
// UINT aMsgID,
// WPARAM wParam,
// LPARAM lParam);
// Description: This is a standard DialogProc associated with the UPS tab dialog.
// Additional Information: See help on
// \<A HREF="ms-its:C:\Program%20Files\Microsoft%20Visual%20Studio\MSDN98\98VS\1033\winui.chm::/devdoc/live/pdui/dlgboxes_5lib.htm">DialogProc\</A>
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- Handle to dialog box
// UINT aMsgID :- message ID
// WPARAM wParam :- Specifies additional message-specific information.
// LPARAM lParam :- Specifies additional message-specific information.
// Return Value: Except in response to the WM_INITDIALOG message, the dialog
// box procedure should return nonzero if it processes the
// message, and zero if it does not.
switch (aMsgID) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { //The dialog box procedure should return TRUE to direct the system to
//set the keyboard focus to the control given by wParam.
bRet = UPSMainPageHandleInit(aDlgHWND, wParam, lParam); break; }
case WM_COMMAND: { //If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
bRet = UPSMainPageHandleCommand(aDlgHWND, wParam, lParam); break; }
case WM_NOTIFY: { bRet = UPSMainPageHandleNotify(aDlgHWND, wParam, lParam); break; }
case WM_TIMER: { //If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
DoUpdateDialogInfo(aDlgHWND); bRet = FALSE; break; }
case WM_HELP: { //Help for WM_HELP says: Returns TRUE
bRet = WinHelp(((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, PWRMANHLP, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR)g_UPSPageHelpIDs); break; }
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { // right mouse click
// Kill the update timer while context help is active.
// Otherwise the code in the timer handler interferes with the help UI.
KillUpdateTimer(aDlgHWND); bRet = WinHelp((HWND)wParam, PWRMANHLP, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR)g_UPSPageHelpIDs); SetUpdateTimer(aDlgHWND); break; }
case WM_DESTROY: { //An application returns 0 if it processes WM_DESTROY
bRet = UPSMainPageHandleDestroy(aDlgHWND, wParam, lParam); break; }
default: { bRet = FALSE; break; } } // switch (aMsgID)
return(bRet); }
// BOOL UPSMainPageHandleInit (HWND aDlgHWND,
// WPARAM wParam,
// LPARAM lParam);
// Description: This is the handler function for WM_INITDIALOG. It creates the
// tooltip window, initialize the controls and creates the update
// timer.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- Identifies the dialog box.
// WPARAM wParam :- Handle of control to receive focus
// LPARAM lParam :- Initialization parameter
// Return Value: The dialog box procedure should return TRUE to direct the
// system to set the keyboard focus to the control given by
// wParam.
BOOL UPSMainPageHandleInit (HWND aDlgHWND, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
* The dialog is being created. By default many of the controls in the UPS * page will appear disabled. If there is no data to display then this is * the required behavior. We need to get the UPS data. When an individual * data item is retrieved we then enable the field associated with that data * item. If the data item is not available we disabled the field. We have * to disable even though in this case the field is already disabled * due to the fact that it's disabled in the RC file and we are in startup. * But this same code is used in the "Refresh" scenario, requiring the the * status of the field be able to be changed from enabled to disabled. */
static BOOL bIsInitialized = FALSE; TCHAR szVendorName[MAX_PATH] = _T(""); TCHAR szModelName[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
g_hwndDlg = aDlgHWND;
* Determine if the registry needs to be initialized for the UPS service. * if it is already initialized, do nothing */ g_bIsAdmin = InitializeRegistry();
* Disable or hide the configure and select buttons depending on * whether or not we can write to the registry. */ EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( aDlgHWND, IDB_INSTALL_UPS ), g_bIsAdmin ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( aDlgHWND, IDB_CONFIGURE_SVC ), g_bIsAdmin );
// Load icon images for Power Source and UPS Info button
if( NULL != g_hIconUPS ) CreateUPSIconButton(aDlgHWND, g_hIconUPS);
// Init the Registry info blocks ONCE
if (!bIsInitialized) { InitUPSConfigBlock(); InitUPSStatusBlock(); bIsInitialized = TRUE; }
* NOTE: * This is a workaround to fix previously hard-coded default * strings in upsreg.c If the Vendor Name is null then we assume * that we should apply * default values from the resource file */ GetUPSConfigVendor( szVendorName); GetUPSConfigModel( szModelName);
* The function IsUPSInstalled assumes the config * block has been initialized. */ if (!_tcsclen(szVendorName) && IsUPSInstalled()) { // Get the "Generic" vendor name from the resource file.
LoadString(GetUPSModuleHandle(), IDS_OTHER_UPS_VENDOR, (LPTSTR) szVendorName, sizeof(szVendorName)/sizeof(TCHAR));
// Get the "Custom" model name from the resource file.
LoadString(GetUPSModuleHandle(), IDS_CUSTOM_UPS_MODEL, (LPTSTR) szModelName, sizeof(szModelName)/sizeof(TCHAR));
SetUPSConfigVendor( szVendorName); SetUPSConfigModel( szModelName); SaveUPSConfigBlock(FALSE); }
if (!_tcsclen(szVendorName) && !IsUPSInstalled()) { // Get the "No UPS" vendor name from the resource file.
LoadString(GetUPSModuleHandle(), IDS_NO_UPS_VENDOR, (LPTSTR) szVendorName, sizeof(szVendorName)/sizeof(TCHAR));
SetUPSConfigVendor( szVendorName); SaveUPSConfigBlock(FALSE); }
DoUpdateDialogInfo(aDlgHWND); SetUpdateTimer(aDlgHWND); return(FALSE); }
// BOOL UPSMainPageHandleCommand (HWND aDlgHWND,
// WPARAM wParam,
// LPARAM lParam);
// Description: This is the handler function for WM_COMMAND.
// Additional Information: See help on WM_COMMAND
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- Handle to dialog box
// WPARAM wParam :- HIWORD(wParam) gives the notification code.
// LOWORD(wParam) gives the control id.
// LPARAM lParam :- Gives the HWND or handle of the control.
// Return Value: If an application processes this message, it should return 0.
BOOL UPSMainPageHandleCommand (HWND aDlgHWND, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {// control ID
case IDB_INSTALL_UPS: { DialogBoxParam( GetUPSModuleHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_UPSSELECT), aDlgHWND, UPSSelectDlgProc, (LPARAM) aDlgHWND); break; }
case IDB_UPS_ICON_BUTTON: { DisplayUPSInfoDialogBox(aDlgHWND); break; } case IDC_APC1: case IDC_APC2: case IDB_APCLOGO_SMALL: { DisplayAboutDialogBox(aDlgHWND); break; } case IDB_CONFIGURE_SVC: { DialogBoxParam( GetUPSModuleHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_UPSCONFIGURATION), aDlgHWND, UPSConfigDlgProc, (LPARAM) aDlgHWND); break; } default: { break; } }//end switch
//If an application processes this message, it should return zero.
return(FALSE); }
// BOOL UPSMainPageHandleNotify (HWND aDlgHWND,
// WPARAM wParam,
// LPARAM lParam);
// Description: Sent by a common control to its parent window when an event has
// occurred in the control or the control requires some kind of
// information.
// Additional Information: See help on NMHDR
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- Handle to dialog box
// WPARAM wParam :- Identifier of the common control sending the message.
// LPARAM lParam :- Address of an NMHDR structure that contains the
// notification code and additional information.
// Return Value: If an application processes this message, it should return 0.
BOOL UPSMainPageHandleNotify (HWND aDlgHWND, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPNMHDR pnmhdr = (LPNMHDR) lParam; UINT uNotify = pnmhdr->code; BOOL bWait = FALSE;
switch(uNotify) { case PSN_APPLY: { DWORD dataState = GetActiveDataState();
* Indicates that the user clicked the OK or Apply button and wants * all changes to take effect. * A page should not call the EndDialog function when processing this * notification message. */
// Has anything changed? Do nothing otherwise.
if (DATA_NO_CHANGE != dataState) { // Yes - make changes permanent
SetUPSConfigUpgrade(FALSE); // this really only needs to be done the first time, but...
// Did the service data change?
if ((dataState & SERVICE_DATA_CHANGE) == SERVICE_DATA_CHANGE) { // Yes - need to restart the service for the changes to take effect
StopService(UPS_SERVICE_NAME); // Stop the service if it's running
ConfigureService(IsUPSInstalled()); // Set the UPS service to automatic or manual
// Was the change that No UPS is installed?
if (IsUPSInstalled() == TRUE) { //
if (StartOffService(UPS_SERVICE_NAME, TRUE) == FALSE) { // If OK was selected this will stop the applet from closing
// so that you can see that the service didn't start properly.
SetWindowLongPtr(aDlgHWND, DWLP_MSGRESULT, PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE); // Since we've committed our changes, disable the Apply button.
PropSheet_UnChanged(GetParent(aDlgHWND), aDlgHWND); } } }
SetActiveDataState(DATA_NO_CHANGE); }
break; }
case PSN_RESET: { //Notifies a page that the user has clicked the Cancel button and the
//property sheet is about to be destroyed.
break; } default: return(FALSE);
}//end switch
return(TRUE); }
// BOOL IsUPSInstalled (void);
// Description: This function checks the "internal" values to determine if a
// UPS is installed or not.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters: None
// Return Value: Returns TRUE if a UPS is installed, FALSE otherwise.
BOOL IsUPSInstalled (void) { BOOL bIsInstalled = FALSE; DWORD options = 0;
if (GetUPSConfigOptions(&options) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //If Options includes UPS_INSTALLED
if ((options & UPS_INSTALLED) == UPS_INSTALLED) { bIsInstalled = TRUE; } } else { //The Options value should exist at this stage, or something is wrong
//with SaveUPSConfigBlock()
return(bIsInstalled); }
// DWORD FormatMessageText (LPCTSTR aFormatString,
// LPVOID * alpDwords,
// LPTSTR aMessageBuffer,
// DWORD * aBufferSizePtr);
// Description: This function wraps FormatMessage and is used to put inserts
// into a given string. The inserts must be stored in an array of
// 32-bit values that represent the arguments.
// Additional Information: FormatMessage
// Parameters:
// LPCTSTR aFormatString :- Pointer to the format string containing inserts
// of the form %1, %2 etc.
// LPVOID * alpDwords :- A pointer to an array of 32-bit values that
// represent the arguments.
// LPTSTR aMessageBuffer :- Buffer to which the fully formatted string is
// written, if successful.
// DWORD * aBufferSizePtr :- Pointer to a DWORD that holds the size of the
// buffer to write to. If this function returns
// successfully this will contain the number
// of bytes written.
// Return Value: Function returns ERROR_SUCCESS on success and a Win32 error
// code if an error occurs.
DWORD FormatMessageText (LPCTSTR aFormatString, LPVOID * alpDwords, LPTSTR aMessageBuffer, DWORD * aBufferSizePtr) { LPTSTR lpBuf = NULL; // Will Hold text of the message (allocated by FormatMessage
DWORD errStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD numChars = 0;
*aBufferSizePtr = 0; *aMessageBuffer = TEXT('\0'); } else { if (aBufferSizePtr != NULL) { if (numChars < *aBufferSizePtr) { //the given buffer is big enough to hold the string
if (aMessageBuffer != NULL) { _tcscpy(aMessageBuffer, lpBuf); } } *aBufferSizePtr = numChars; }
LocalFree(lpBuf); }
return(errStatus); }
// DWORD GetMessageFromStringTable (DWORD aMessageID,
// LPVOID * alpDwords,
// LPTSTR aMessageBuffer,
// DWORD * aBufferSizePtr);
// Description: This function reads a string resource from the resource table
// inserting the given string inserts.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters:
// DWORD aMessageID :- Message ID of the string resource to get.
// LPVOID * alpDwords :- A pointer to an array of 32-bit values that
// represent the arguments.
// LPTSTR aMessageBuffer :- Buffer to which the fully formatted string is
// written, if successful.
// DWORD * aBufferSizePtr :- Pointer to a DWORD that holds the size of the
// buffer to write to. If this function returns
// successfully this will contain the number
// of bytes written.
// Return Value: Function returns ERROR_SUCCESS on success and a Win32 error
// code if an error occurs.
DWORD GetMessageFromStringTable (DWORD aMessageID, LPVOID * alpDwords, LPTSTR aMessageBuffer, DWORD * aBufferSizePtr) { TCHAR resourceTemplateString[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); DWORD resStringBufSize = DIMENSION_OF(resourceTemplateString); HMODULE hUPSModule = GetUPSModuleHandle(); DWORD errStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (LoadString(hUPSModule, aMessageID, resourceTemplateString, resStringBufSize) > 0) { //Now we have the resource string
errStatus = FormatMessageText(resourceTemplateString, alpDwords, aMessageBuffer, aBufferSizePtr); }
return(errStatus); }
// static data
static DWORD g_NoServiceControls[] = { IDC_MESSAGE_TEXT };
// functions
static void SelectServiceTextMessage (HWND aDlgHWND, HWND aNoServiceControlHwnd, HWND aServiceControlHwnd); static void ChangeTextIfDifferent (HWND aWindowHandle, LPTSTR aBuffer);
//static void GetServiceTextMessages (HWND aNoServiceControlHwnd, LPTSTR aOriginalTextBuffer, DWORD aOriginalTextBufferSize,
// DWORD aCommListStringID, LPTSTR aCommStringBuffer, DWORD aCommStringBufferSize,
// DWORD aPressApplyStringID, LPTSTR aPressApplyStringBuffer, DWORD aPressApplyStringBufferSize,
// DWORD aNoUPSStringID, LPTSTR aNoUPSInstalledStringBuffer, DWORD aNoUPSInstalledStringBufferSize);
//static void GetServiceTextMessage (DWORD aStringID, LPTSTR aBuffer, DWORD aBufferSize);
static BOOL IsDataOKToDisplay (void); static BOOL IsDataUpToDate (void);
// void UPSMainPageHandleDestroy (HWND aDlgHWND,
// WPARAM wParam,
// LPARAM lParam);
// Description: This function is called when the UPS page is being destroyed.
// It is responsible for any cleanup that is required.
// Additional Information: See KillTimer
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- Dialog window handle.
// WPARAM wParam :- Specifies additional message-specific information.
// For WM_DESTROY this parameter is ignored.
// LPARAM lParam :- Specifies additional message-specific information.
// For WM_DESTROY this parameter is ignored.
// Return Value: An application returns 0 if it processes WM_DESTROY
BOOL UPSMainPageHandleDestroy (HWND aDlgHWND, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
// deallocate the registry block memory
FreeUPSConfigBlock(); FreeUPSStatusBlock();
//An application returns 0 if it processes WM_DESTROY
return(FALSE); }
// BOOL CreateUPSIconButton (HWND aDlgHWND, HICON aUPSIconHandle);
// Description: Creates the small UPS icon button on the UPS page.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- Dialog window handle.
// HICON aUPSIconHandle :- Handle to the icon to display in the button.
// Return Value: Returns TRUE.
BOOL CreateUPSIconButton (HWND aDlgHWND, HICON aUPSIconHandle) { HWND hAPCLogoButton = GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDB_UPS_ICON_BUTTON); POINT pt = { 0, 0 }; ICONINFO info; BITMAP bm;
_ASSERT(aDlgHWND != NULL); _ASSERT(aUPSIconHandle != NULL); _ASSERT(hAPCLogoButton != NULL);
ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(ICONINFO));
if (GetIconInfo(aUPSIconHandle, &info) == TRUE) { //Now determine the size of the icon's color bitmap
_ASSERT(info.fIcon == TRUE); _ASSERT(info.hbmColor != NULL);
ZeroMemory(&bm, sizeof(BITMAP));
if (GetObject(info.hbmColor, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm) != 0) { pt.x = bm.bmWidth; pt.y = bm.bmHeight; }
//GetIconInfo creates bitmaps for the hbmMask and hbmColor members of
//ICONINFO. The calling application must manage these bitmaps and delete
//them when they are no longer necessary.
DeleteObject(info.hbmColor); DeleteObject(info.hbmMask); }
//Resize the button control.
//This sets the button's icon image.
SendMessage(hAPCLogoButton, BM_SETIMAGE, (WPARAM) IMAGE_ICON, (LPARAM) aUPSIconHandle);
return(TRUE); }
// void DoUpdateDialogInfo (HWND aDlgHWND);
// Description: This functions gets the latest UPS information and updates the
// contents/form of the various controls within the dialog, based
// on the availability and content of the various settings.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- Dialog window handle.
// Return Value: None
void DoUpdateDialogInfo (HWND aDlgHWND) { //Get the UPS data and for each item that's available display the appropriate
//value and enable the associated controls. All other fields
static const DWORD numRunningFields = DIMENSION_OF(g_DialogAssocs); static const DWORD numNoServiceFields = DIMENSION_OF(g_NoServiceControls); HWND hMessageControl = GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDC_MESSAGE_TEXT); HWND hServiceControl = GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDC_SERVICE_TEXT);
DWORD dwUtilityStatus = 0; BOOL bIsUPSInstalled = IsUPSInstalled();
//The IDC_MESSAGE_TEXT control contains default information in the
//Static control in the dialog resource. This text message can be
//changed to the "service not running" message, the "no comm" message
//or the "press apply to commit" message depending on the current
//state of the registry, the upsreg data buffer, the UPS service
//and the status of the UPS communication. However, if conditions
//dictate we want the original text from the control to be displayed.
//For this reason we must store the original text so that the control
//text can be set to this text without having to have the actual
//text as a string resource.
DoUpdateInfo(aDlgHWND, g_DialogAssocs, numRunningFields, (DWORD *) &g_NoServiceControls, numNoServiceFields, FALSE);
//Now the IDC_MESSAGE_TEXT control may need to be changed to display different information.
SelectServiceTextMessage(aDlgHWND, hMessageControl, hServiceControl);
// Update the Power Source Icon
if( (TRUE == IsUPSInstalled()) && (TRUE == GetUPSDataItemDWORD(eREG_POWER_SOURCE, &dwUtilityStatus)) && (UPS_UTILITYPOWER_OFF == dwUtilityStatus) ) SendMessage(GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDC_POWER_SOURCE_ICON),STM_SETICON,(WPARAM)g_hIconUPS,0); else SendMessage(GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDC_POWER_SOURCE_ICON),STM_SETICON,(WPARAM)g_hIconPlug,0);
//Finally if no UPS is installed then disable the IDB_CONFIGURE_SVC control otherwise
//enable it.
ManageConfigureButtonState(aDlgHWND); }
// void SelectServiceTextMessage (HWND aDlgHWND, HWND aNoServiceControlHwnd, HWND aServiceControlHwnd);
// Description: This function changes the text displayed in the bottom half
// of the UPS page. There are two control because the
// IDC_SERVICE_TEXT control needs to be positioned to the left
// of the "Configure..." button, while the other messages need
// to be centered in the group box. The first control is not
// as wide and is off centre. The second control is centered.
// If the requirements were different this could have been
// one control whose text changed.
// If the first control is visible, the second one is made
// invisible, and vice versa, as their contents are mutually
// exclusive.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters:
// HWND aNoServiceControlHwnd :- Handle to the IDC_MESSAGE_TEXT control.
// HWND aServiceControlHwnd :- Handle to the IDC_SERVICE_TEXT control.
// Return Value: None
void SelectServiceTextMessage (HWND aDlgHWND, HWND aNoServiceControlHwnd, HWND aServiceControlHwnd) { static BOOL bGotServiceTextMessages = FALSE; static TCHAR originalControlTextBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); static TCHAR noCommStringBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); static TCHAR pressApplyStringBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); static TCHAR noUPSInstalledStringBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT("");
static HICON hInfoIcon; static HICON hWarningIcon; static HICON hErrorIcon;
BOOL bShow = TRUE;
DWORD commStatus = 0; BOOL bIsRunning = IsServiceRunning(UPS_SERVICE_NAME); BOOL bIsDataUpToDate = IsDataUpToDate(); BOOL bIsUPSInstalled = IsUPSInstalled(); BOOL bIsDataOK = IsDataOKToDisplay(); DWORD dataState = GetActiveDataState();
_ASSERT(aNoServiceControlHwnd != NULL);
//Determine which control should be shown. Is it the "everything OK" control
//or the second control that is used for all other messages.
ShowWindow(aServiceControlHwnd, (bIsRunning == TRUE) && (bIsDataUpToDate == TRUE) && (bIsDataOK == TRUE) && FALSE ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE);
//Get the strings if this is the first time into this function.
if (bGotServiceTextMessages == FALSE) { // GetServiceTextMessages(aNoServiceControlHwnd, originalControlTextBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(originalControlTextBuffer),
// IDS_COMM_LOST, noCommStringBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(noCommStringBuffer),
// IDS_PRESS_APPLY, pressApplyStringBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(pressApplyStringBuffer),
// IDS_NO_UPS_INSTALLED, noUPSInstalledStringBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(noUPSInstalledStringBuffer));
bGotServiceTextMessages = TRUE;
if (LoadString( GetUPSModuleHandle(), IDS_UPS_STOPPED, originalControlTextBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(originalControlTextBuffer)) > 0) {}
if (LoadString( GetUPSModuleHandle(), IDS_COMM_LOST, noCommStringBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(noCommStringBuffer)) > 0) {}
if (LoadString( GetUPSModuleHandle(), IDS_PRESS_APPLY, pressApplyStringBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(pressApplyStringBuffer)) > 0) {} if (LoadString( GetUPSModuleHandle(), IDS_NO_UPS_INSTALLED, noUPSInstalledStringBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(noUPSInstalledStringBuffer)) > 0) {}
//Determime which string to display in the second control.
if( (bIsDataUpToDate == FALSE) || (dataState & CONFIG_DATA_CHANGE) ) { ChangeTextIfDifferent(aNoServiceControlHwnd, pressApplyStringBuffer); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDC_MESSAGE_ICON),STM_SETICON,(WPARAM)hInfoIcon,0); } else if (bIsRunning == FALSE) { ChangeTextIfDifferent(aNoServiceControlHwnd, originalControlTextBuffer); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDC_MESSAGE_ICON),STM_SETICON,(WPARAM)hWarningIcon,0); } else if (GetUPSDataItemDWORD(eREG_COMM_STATUS, &commStatus) == TRUE) { if ((commStatus == UPS_COMMSTATUS_LOST) && (bIsRunning == TRUE)) { ChangeTextIfDifferent(aNoServiceControlHwnd, noCommStringBuffer); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDC_MESSAGE_ICON),STM_SETICON,(WPARAM)hErrorIcon,0); }//End Comm Lost
else bShow = FALSE; }//end if GetUPSDataItemDWORD(eREG_COMM_STATUS...
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND,IDC_MESSAGE_TEXT), bShow ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND,IDC_MESSAGE_ICON), bShow ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); }
// void ChangeTextIfDifferent (HWND aWindowHandle, LPTSTR aBuffer);
// Description: This function set a window's text to the given value, unless
// the window text is matches this string already in which case
// the function does nothing.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters:
// HWND aWindowHandle :- Handle to a control.
// LPTSTR aBuffer :- Pointer to new window text. This parameter should not be
// NULL, although it can point to an empty string.
// Return Value: None
void ChangeTextIfDifferent (HWND aWindowHandle, LPTSTR aBuffer) { TCHAR controlTextBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); DWORD controlTextBufferSize = DIMENSION_OF(controlTextBuffer); HICON hMsgIcon = NULL;
_ASSERT(aWindowHandle != NULL); _ASSERT(aBuffer != NULL);
// if (GetWindowText(aWindowHandle, controlTextBuffer, controlTextBufferSize) > 0) {
GetWindowText(aWindowHandle, controlTextBuffer, controlTextBufferSize); if (_tcscmp(controlTextBuffer, aBuffer) != 0) { //Only set the window text if it has changed (reduces screen flicker).
SetWindowText(aWindowHandle, aBuffer); } // }
// else {
// SetWindowText(aWindowHandle, aBuffer);
// }
// void ManageConfigureButtonState (HWND aDlgHWND);
// Description: This "Configure..." button (IDB_CONFIGURE_SVC) should be
// enabled only if a UPS is installed and the system is on AC Power.
// This function enables
// this button if a UPS is currently selected and disables
// it if one isn't.
// The state of the Configure button reflects the state of
// the "cached" values, not the actual committed registry
// values.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- A handle to the main UPS window.
// Return Value: None
void ManageConfigureButtonState (HWND aDlgHWND) { DWORD bIsUpgrade = 0; DWORD dwUtilityStatus = 0; HWND hControl = GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, IDB_CONFIGURE_SVC);
if (hControl != NULL) { BOOL bIsUPSInstalled = IsUPSInstalled(); GetUPSConfigUpgrade(&bIsUpgrade);
GetUPSDataItemDWORD(eREG_POWER_SOURCE, &dwUtilityStatus);
if( !bIsUPSInstalled || !g_bIsAdmin || bIsUpgrade || (UPS_UTILITYPOWER_OFF == dwUtilityStatus) ) { EnableWindow(hControl, FALSE); } else { EnableWindow(hControl, TRUE); } } }
// BOOL DoUpdateInfo (HWND aDlgHWND,
// DialogAssociations * aDialogAssociationsArray,
// DWORD aNumRunningFields,
// BOOL aShowWindowBool);
// Description: This function updates the current information in the main
// UPS page to reflect the current UPS status information.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters:
// HWND aDlgHWND :- A handle to the main UPS window.
// DialogAssociations * aDialogAssociationsArray :- Pointer to an array of
// DialogAssociations's.
// DWORD aNumRunningFields :- This is the number of elements in the above array.
// BOOL aShowWindowBool :- Indicates whether the visibility of the
// controls that have no data should be
// affected. For the main UPS page the
// visibility is not changed. For the
// Advanced data the visibility is changed.
// Return Value: TRUE if any one of the data item has data associated with it.
BOOL DoUpdateInfo (HWND aDlgHWND, DialogAssociations * aDialogAssociationsArray, DWORD aNumRunningFields, DWORD * aNoServiceControlIDs, DWORD aNumNoServiceControls, BOOL aShowWindowBool) { //Get the UPS data and for each item that's available display the appropriate
//value and enable the associated controls. All other fields
TCHAR upsDataBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR resourceStringBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR controlBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); DWORD dwordValue = 0; DWORD i=0; DWORD firstControlID = 0; DWORD secondControlID = 0; HWND hFirstControl = NULL; HWND hSecondControl = NULL; LPVOID lppArgs[1]; BOOL bShowField = FALSE; BOOL bIsDataOK = IsDataOKToDisplay();
bIsDataOK &= IsDataUpToDate();
//Display/hide the NO service controls and hide/display all the
//DialogAssociations fields.
for (i=0; i<aNumNoServiceControls; i++) { HWND hNoServiceControl = GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, *(aNoServiceControlIDs + i)); ShowWindow(hNoServiceControl, SW_SHOW); // ShowWindow(hNoServiceControl, !bIsDataOK ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE);
for (i=0; i<aNumRunningFields; i++) { DialogAssociations * pCurrentEntryDetails = aDialogAssociationsArray + i; DWORD upsDataBufSize = DIMENSION_OF(upsDataBuffer); DWORD resStringBufSize = DIMENSION_OF(resourceStringBuffer); DWORD fieldID = (DWORD) pCurrentEntryDetails->theFieldTypeID; RegField * pRegField = GetRegField(fieldID); BOOL bGotData = FALSE; BOOL bValueSupported = TRUE;
lppArgs[0] = (VOID *) 0;
if (pRegField != NULL) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
{ //If pCurrentEntryDetails->theResourceStringType is of type RESOURCE_INCREMENT
//then pRegField->theValueType must be some DWORD type
if (pCurrentEntryDetails->theResourceStringType == RESOURCE_INCREMENT) { DWORD allowedTypesDbg = REG_ANY_DWORD_TYPE; _ASSERT((pRegField->theValueType & allowedTypesDbg) == pRegField->theValueType); } } #endif
if (pCurrentEntryDetails->theRegAccessType == eDeepGet) { if (bIsDataOK == TRUE) { if ((pRegField->theValueType & (REG_SZ | REG_EXPAND_SZ)) == pRegField->theValueType) { bGotData = GetUPSDataItemString(fieldID, upsDataBuffer, &upsDataBufSize); lppArgs[0] = (VOID *) (LPCTSTR) upsDataBuffer; } else { #ifdef _DEBUG
{ DWORD allowedTypesDbg = REG_ANY_DWORD_TYPE;
_ASSERT((pRegField->theValueType & allowedTypesDbg) == pRegField->theValueType); } #endif
if ((bGotData = GetUPSDataItemDWORD(fieldID, &dwordValue)) == TRUE) { //Need some special handling here if the
if (pCurrentEntryDetails->theResourceStringType == RESOURCE_INCREMENT) { //This DWORD value represents an offset into the resource string table
//to identify a string that is to be displayed, not a DWORD value
//If the index is 0 then the value is unknown and the associated
//fields are shown disabled. 0 is a special case that will do this
//for all fields of this type.
DWORD realResID = 0;
//If the given value is greater than the given maximum value
//then the field is "not supported" and the associated
//fields are hidden.
if (dwordValue > pCurrentEntryDetails->theResourceIndexMax) { bValueSupported = FALSE; bGotData = FALSE; } else if (dwordValue == 0) { bGotData = FALSE; } else { realResID = pCurrentEntryDetails->theResourceIndexID + dwordValue;
if (LoadString(GetUPSModuleHandle(), realResID, upsDataBuffer, upsDataBufSize) > 0) { lppArgs[0] = (VOID *) (LPCTSTR) upsDataBuffer; } } } else { lppArgs[0] = IntToPtr(dwordValue);
//If the value of a regular number field is 0 then it is not supported.
if (dwordValue == 0) { bGotData = FALSE; } } } } }//end bIsDataOK
} else { _ASSERT(pCurrentEntryDetails->theRegAccessType == eShallowGet); _ASSERT((pCurrentEntryDetails->theShallowAccessFunctionPtr == getDwordValue) || (pCurrentEntryDetails->theShallowAccessFunctionPtr == getStringValue)); _ASSERT(pCurrentEntryDetails->theRegEntryPtr != 0);
if (pCurrentEntryDetails->theShallowAccessFunctionPtr == getDwordValue) { if (getDwordValue(pCurrentEntryDetails->theRegEntryPtr, &dwordValue) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lppArgs[0] = IntToPtr(dwordValue); bGotData = TRUE; } } else { if (getStringValue(pCurrentEntryDetails->theRegEntryPtr, upsDataBuffer) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lppArgs[0] = (VOID *) (LPCTSTR) upsDataBuffer; bGotData = TRUE; } } }
//If bGotData == TRUE then the field was active in the registry and we react accordingly
//by enabling the associated controls.
firstControlID = pCurrentEntryDetails->theStaticFieldID; secondControlID = pCurrentEntryDetails->theDisplayControlID;
hFirstControl = GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, firstControlID); hSecondControl = GetDlgItem(aDlgHWND, secondControlID);
_ASSERT(firstControlID > 0); _ASSERT(secondControlID > 0);
_ASSERT(hFirstControl != NULL); _ASSERT(hSecondControl != NULL);
EnableWindow(hFirstControl, bGotData); EnableWindow(hSecondControl, bGotData);
if (bValueSupported == FALSE) { ShowWindow(hFirstControl, bValueSupported ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hSecondControl, bValueSupported ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); }
if (aShowWindowBool == TRUE) { ShowWindow(hFirstControl, bGotData ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); ShowWindow(hSecondControl, bGotData ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE); }
if (bGotData == TRUE) { bShowField = TRUE; //Now we want to form the string to display.
if (GetMessageFromStringTable(pCurrentEntryDetails->theResourceInsertID, lppArgs, resourceStringBuffer, &resStringBufSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (GetWindowText(hSecondControl, controlBuffer, DIMENSION_OF(controlBuffer)) > 0) { if (_tcscmp(controlBuffer, resourceStringBuffer) != 0) { SetWindowText(hSecondControl, resourceStringBuffer); } } else { SetWindowText(hSecondControl, resourceStringBuffer); } } #ifdef _DEBUG
else { //An unexpected error occurred. The number of parameters identified
//in the resource string and the number passed may not match
_ASSERT(FALSE); } #endif
} else { //Empty the contents of the second control
SetWindowText(hSecondControl, TEXT("")); } } }//end for
return(bShowField); }
// BOOL IsDataOKToDisplay (void);
// Description: This function determines how suitable it is to display the
// UPS status information. The UPS statius information is only
// accurate if the service is running and communication exists
// between the UPS service and the UPS. If this is not the
// case then this function returns FALSE.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters: None
// Return Value: Returns TRUE if it is OK to display UPS status information.
BOOL IsDataOKToDisplay (void) { BOOL bIsRunning = IsServiceRunning(UPS_SERVICE_NAME); DWORD commStatus = 0; BOOL bIsCommEstablished = FALSE; BOOL bIsDataOK = bIsRunning;
if (GetUPSDataItemDWORD(eREG_COMM_STATUS, &commStatus) == TRUE) { if (commStatus == 1) { bIsCommEstablished = TRUE; }
bIsDataOK &= bIsCommEstablished; }
return(bIsDataOK); }
// BOOL IsDataUpToDate (void);
// Description: If the user changes the vendor, model or COM port then
// the main UPS page should not display the UPS status
// information.
// Additional Information:
// Parameters: None
// Return Value: This function returns FALSE if the values currently stored in
// the registry for vendor, model, or port differs from the
// "internal" values (that is the value stored in the upsreg
// buffers, see upsreg.h and upsreg.c).
BOOL IsDataUpToDate (void) { //if the Vendor or Model Type or Port in the registry differs from
//upsreg value then the data is out of sync.
TCHAR vendorBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); DWORD vendorBufferSize = DIMENSION_OF(vendorBuffer); TCHAR modelBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); DWORD modelBufferSize = DIMENSION_OF(modelBuffer); TCHAR portBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); DWORD portBufferSize = DIMENSION_OF(portBuffer); TCHAR vendorOtherBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR modelOtherBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR portOtherBuffer[MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH] = TEXT("");
GetUPSDataItemString(eREG_VENDOR_NAME, vendorBuffer, &vendorBufferSize); GetUPSConfigVendor(vendorOtherBuffer);
GetUPSDataItemString(eREG_MODEL_TYPE, modelBuffer, &modelBufferSize); GetUPSConfigModel(modelOtherBuffer);
GetUPSDataItemString(eREG_PORT, portBuffer, &portBufferSize); GetUPSConfigPort(portOtherBuffer);
return((_tcscmp(vendorBuffer, vendorOtherBuffer) == 0) && (_tcscmp(modelOtherBuffer, modelBuffer) == 0) && (_tcscmp(portBuffer, portOtherBuffer) == 0)); }
* * IsUpsPresent * * DESCRIPTION: This function gets called to determine if UPS is present * and should be displayed in a tab. For now this functions * returns TRUE * * RETURNS: TRUE if UPS is present, FALSE if UPS is no present * * *******************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN IsUpsPresent(PSYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES pspc) { BOOLEAN UpsPresent; DWORD dwShowTab; TCHAR szImagePath[MAX_PATH];
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == GetUPSConfigShowUPSTab(&dwShowTab)) && dwShowTab) { UpsPresent = TRUE;
} else if (pspc->SystemBatteriesPresent) { UpsPresent = FALSE;
} else if (!(ERROR_SUCCESS == GetUPSConfigImagePath(szImagePath))) { UpsPresent = TRUE;
} else if (!_tcsicmp(DEFAULT_CONFIG_IMAGEPATH, szImagePath)) { UpsPresent = TRUE;
} else { UpsPresent = FALSE; }
return(UpsPresent); }
// Kill the 1-second update timer.
DWORD KillUpdateTimer(HWND hwnd) { if (0 != g_UpdateTimerID) { KillTimer(hwnd, g_UpdateTimerID); g_UpdateTimerID = 0; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Create the 1-second update timer.
DWORD SetUpdateTimer(HWND hwnd) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;
KillUpdateTimer(hwnd); g_UpdateTimerID = SetTimer(hwnd, cUpdateTimerID, 1000, NULL); if (0 == g_UpdateTimerID) { dwResult = GetLastError(); } return dwResult; }