/* File: stats.cpp
Description: These classes provide temporary storage of quota information for a given volume/user pair. Creation of the object automatically gathers the necessary quota and user information. Clients then query the objects to retrieve quota statistics when desired.
CStatistics CStatisticsList +----------+ +--->| CVolume | | +----------+ +-----------------+ +-------------+<---+ | CStatisticsList |<-->>| CStatistics | contains +-----------------+ +-------------+<---+ | +-------------+ +--->| CVolumeUser | +-------------+
Revision History:
Date Description Programmer -------- --------------------------------------------------- ---------- 07/01/97 Initial creation. BrianAu */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include <precomp.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dskquota.h"
#include "stats.h"
// Gather quota statistics for a given volume-user pair.
CStatistics::CStatistics( TCHAR chVolLetter, LPCTSTR pszVolDisplayName, LPBYTE pUserSid ) : m_vol(chVolLetter, pszVolDisplayName), m_bQuotaEnabled(FALSE), m_bWarnAtThreshold(FALSE), m_bDenyAtLimit(FALSE), m_bValid(FALSE) { //
// If the volume doesn't support quotas, no use in continuing
// with the expensive stuff.
if (m_vol.SupportsQuotas()) { HRESULT hr;
hr = OleInitialize(NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Load dskquota.dll, creating a new disk quota controller object.
IDiskQuotaControl *pQC; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DiskQuotaControl, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDiskQuotaControl, (LPVOID *)&pQC);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Initialize the quota controller for this volume.
// We need only read access.
TCHAR szVolume[] = TEXT("X:\\"); szVolume[0] = m_vol.GetLetter();
hr = IDiskQuotaControl_Initialize(pQC, szVolume, GENERIC_READ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwQuotaState = 0; DWORD dwQuotaLogFlags = 0;
// Get the volume's quota state flags.
hr = pQC->GetQuotaState(&dwQuotaState); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_bQuotaEnabled = !DISKQUOTA_IS_DISABLED(dwQuotaState); m_bDenyAtLimit = DISKQUOTA_IS_ENFORCED(dwQuotaState); } //
// Get the volume's quota logging flags.
hr = pQC->GetQuotaLogFlags(&dwQuotaLogFlags); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_bWarnAtThreshold = m_bQuotaEnabled && DISKQUOTA_IS_LOGGED_USER_THRESHOLD(dwQuotaLogFlags); }
// Get the quota user object for the current user.
oleauto_ptr<IDiskQuotaUser> ptrUser;
hr = pQC->FindUserSid(pUserSid, ptrUser._getoutptr(), DISKQUOTA_USERNAME_RESOLVE_SYNC); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Get the user's account and friendly names.
TCHAR szUserName[MAX_PATH] = { TEXT('\0') }; TCHAR szUserDomain[MAX_PATH] = { TEXT('\0') }; TCHAR szUserAccount[MAX_PATH] = { TEXT('\0') }; TCHAR szUserEmailName[MAX_PATH] = { TEXT('\0') };
IDiskQuotaUser_GetName(ptrUser, szUserDomain, ARRAYSIZE(szUserDomain), szUserAccount, ARRAYSIZE(szUserAccount), szUserName, ARRAYSIZE(szUserName));
// Get the user's quota statistics for the volume.
hr = ptrUser->GetQuotaInformation((LPBYTE)&dui, sizeof(dui)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Make sure we didn't enumerate a non-existant user.
// This is because of the way NTFS enumerates quota records.
// Even if there is no record currently in the quota file,
// enumeration returns a record. This is consistent with
// automatic addition of users upon first write to the
// volume. We must check the quota information to
// determine if it's an active user.
if (((__int64)-2) != dui.QuotaLimit.QuadPart && (0 != dui.QuotaLimit.QuadPart || 0 != dui.QuotaThreshold.QuadPart || 0 != dui.QuotaUsed.QuadPart)) { //
// Store user-specific info.
CString strUserDisplayName; if (TEXT('\0') != szUserName[0]) { //
// User has a "friendly" name associated
// with their account. Include it in the display
// name.
strUserDisplayName.Format(TEXT("%1\\%2 (%3)"), szUserDomain, szUserAccount, szUserName); } else { //
// No "friendly" name associated with user account.
strUserDisplayName.Format(TEXT("%1\\%2"), szUserDomain, szUserAccount, szUserName); } //
// Store the user's information in the volume-user object.
hr = m_volUser.SetUserInfo(strUserDisplayName, szUserEmailName, dui.QuotaThreshold, dui.QuotaLimit, dui.QuotaUsed); if (FAILED(hr)) { DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("Error 0x%08X setting user info on volume \"%s\"."), hr, pszVolDisplayName); } m_bValid = SUCCEEDED(hr); } } else { DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("Error 0x%08X getting user quota info on volume \"%s\"."), hr, pszVolDisplayName); } } else { DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("Error 0x%08X finding quota user on volume \"%s\"."), hr, pszVolDisplayName); } } else { DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("Error 0x%08X initializing QC for volume \"%s\"."), hr, pszVolDisplayName); } pQC->ShutdownAndRelease(TRUE); } // if SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance())
else DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("Failed CoCreateInstance. 0x%08X"), hr);
OleUninitialize(); } // if SUCCEEDED(OleInitialize())
else DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("Failed OleInitialize. 0x%08X"), hr); } // if m_vol.SupportsQuotas()
else DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("Volume \"%s\" doesn't support quotas."), pszVolDisplayName); }
// Determine if a specific statistics object contains statistics that
// will generate either an email notification or a popup notification.
BOOL CStatistics::IncludeInReport( VOID ) const { BOOL bReport = FALSE;
// First check data validity and volume settings.
if (IsValid() && // Does volume support quotas and was vol opened?
QuotasEnabled() && // Are quotas enabled on the volume?
WarnAtThreshold()) // Is the "warn at threshold" bit set on the vol?
{ //
// Now see if user's quota usage warrants reporting.
// Report if AmtUsed > Threshold.
if (GetUserQuotaUsed().QuadPart > GetUserQuotaThreshold().QuadPart) { bReport = TRUE; } } return bReport; }
CStatisticsList::CStatisticsList( VOID ) { //
// Nothing to do.
CStatisticsList::~CStatisticsList( VOID ) { INT cEntries = m_List.Count(); for (INT i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { delete m_List[i]; } m_List.Clear(); }
const CStatistics * CStatisticsList::GetEntry( INT iEntry ) { return m_List[iEntry]; }
HRESULT CStatisticsList::AddEntry( TCHAR chVolLetter, LPCTSTR pszVolDisplayName, LPBYTE pUserSid ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
CStatistics *pStats = NULL;
// Create a new statistics object.
// The ctor will fill in the volume and user information.
pStats = new CStatistics(chVolLetter, pszVolDisplayName, pUserSid); if (NULL != pStats) { if (pStats->IsValid()) { BOOL bDuplicate = FALSE;
// Look for a duplicate. Shouldn't be one but just to make sure.
INT cEntries = m_List.Count();
for (INT i = 0; i < cEntries; i++) { const CStatistics *pEntry = m_List[i];
if (pStats->SameVolume(*pEntry)) bDuplicate = TRUE; } if (!bDuplicate) { hr = S_OK; try { m_List.Append(pStats); } catch(OutOfMemory) { DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("CStatisticsList::AddEntry - Insufficient memory.")); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { //
// FEATURE: We should really assert here.
DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("CStatisticsList::AddEntry - Duplicate entry found.")); hr = S_FALSE; } } else { //
// Stats object is invalid. Probably because the volume
// doesn't support quotas.
DebugMsg(DM_ERROR, TEXT("CStatisticsList::AddEntry - Volume stats not valid.")); hr = S_FALSE; } } if (S_OK != hr) { //
// CStatistics object wasn't added to the list.
// Probably was a duplicate (shouldn't happen) or the volume
// didn't support quotas.
delete pStats; } return hr; }