#include "shellprv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "control.h"
#ifdef WX86
#include <wx86dll.h>
LONG g_cRefWx86; HMODULE g_hmodWx86;
WX86LOADX86DLL_ROUTINE g_pfnWx86LoadX86Dll; WX86FREEX86Dll_ROUTINE g_pfnWx86FreeX86Dll; WX86THUNKPROC_ROUTINE g_pfnWx86ThunkProc; WX86COMPACT_ROUTINE g_pfnWx86Compact;
#define Wx86LoadX86Dll(libname) (*g_pfnWx86LoadX86Dll)(libname, 0)
#define Wx86FreeX86Dll(hmod) (*g_pfnWx86FreeX86Dll)(hmod)
#define Wx86ThunkProc(pvAddress, pvCBDispatch, fNativeToX86) (*g_pfnWx86ThunkProc)(pvAddress, pvCBDispatch, fNativeToX86)
#define Wx86Compact() (*g_pfnWx86Compact)()
This routine will increment Shell32's usage count of Wx86. When the use count transitions from 0 to 1 then Wx86 is loaded. The companion function Wx86Disable will decrement Shell32's usage count of Wx86 and unload Wx86 when the count transitions from 1 to 0.
If we have trouble loading wx86 then we will decide that wx86 is not installed and never try again. --*/ BOOL Wx86Enable(void) { ENTERCRITICAL; if (++g_cRefWx86 == 1) { g_hmodWx86 = LoadLibrary(TEXT("wx86.dll")); if (g_hmodWx86) { g_pfnWx86LoadX86Dll = (void *)GetProcAddress(g_hmodWx86, "Wx86LoadX86Dll"); g_pfnWx86FreeX86Dll = (void *)GetProcAddress(g_hmodWx86, "Wx86FreeX86Dll"); g_pfnWx86ThunkProc = (void *)GetProcAddress(g_hmodWx86, "Wx86ThunkProc"); g_pfnWx86Compact = (void *)GetProcAddress(g_hmodWx86, "Wx86Compact");
if (!g_pfnWx86LoadX86Dll || !g_pfnWx86FreeX86Dll || !g_pfnWx86ThunkProc || !g_pfnWx86Compact) { FreeLibrary(g_hmodWx86); g_hmodWx86 = NULL; } } }
LEAVECRITICAL; return g_hmodWx86 != NULL; }
void Wx86Disable(void) { ENTERCRITICAL;
if (--g_cRefWx86 == 0) { FreeLibrary(g_hmodWx86); g_hmodWx86 = NULL; g_pfnWx86LoadX86Dll = NULL; g_pfnWx86FreeX86Dll = NULL; g_pfnWx86ThunkProc = NULL; g_pfnWx86Compact = NULL; }
#endif // WX86
HDSA g_hacplmLoaded = NULL;
void ConvertCplInfo(void * lpv) { #ifdef UNICODE
memcpy(&CplInfoA, lpv, sizeof(NEWCPLINFOA));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, CplInfoA.szName, ARRAYSIZE(CplInfoA.szName), lpCplInfoW->szName, ARRAYSIZE(lpCplInfoW->szName)); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, CplInfoA.szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(CplInfoA.szInfo), lpCplInfoW->szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(lpCplInfoW->szInfo)); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, CplInfoA.szHelpFile, ARRAYSIZE(CplInfoA.szHelpFile), lpCplInfoW->szHelpFile, ARRAYSIZE(lpCplInfoW->szHelpFile)); lpCplInfoW->dwSize = sizeof(NEWCPLINFOW); #else
memcpy(&CplInfoW, lpv, sizeof(NEWCPLINFOW));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, CplInfoW.szName, ARRAYSIZE(CplInfoW.szName), lpCplInfoA->szName, ARRAYSIZE(lpCplInfoA->szName), NULL, NULL);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, CplInfoW.szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(CplInfoW.szInfo), lpCplInfoA->szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(lpCplInfoA->szInfo), NULL, NULL);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, CplInfoW.szHelpFile, ARRAYSIZE(CplInfoW.szHelpFile), lpCplInfoA->szHelpFile, ARRAYSIZE(lpCplInfoA->szHelpFile), NULL, NULL); lpCplInfoA->dwSize = sizeof(NEWCPLINFOA);
// See if pszShort is a truncated version of the string referred to by
// hinst/id. If so, then use the long string. This is to work around
// a "bad design feature" of CPL_NEWINQUIRE where the app returns a buffer
// (which is only 32 or 64 chars long) rather than a resource id
// like CPL_INQUIRE. So if the app responds to both messages, and the
// NEWINQUIRE string is a truncated version of the INQUIRE string, then
// switch to the INQUIRE string.
LPTSTR _RestoreTruncatedCplString( HINSTANCE hinst, int id, LPTSTR pszShort, LPTSTR pszBuf, int cchBufMax) { int cchLenShort, cchLen;
cchLenShort = lstrlen(pszShort); cchLen = LoadString(hinst, id, pszBuf, cchBufMax);
// Don't use SHTruncateString since KERNEL32 doesn't either
if (StrCmpNC(pszShort, pszBuf, cchLenShort) == 0) { pszShort = pszBuf; } return pszShort; }
// Initializes *pcpli.
// Requires:
// *pcpli is filled with 0 & NULL's.
BOOL _InitializeControl(LPCPLMODULE pcplm, LPCPLITEM pcpli) { BOOL fSucceed = TRUE; union { NEWCPLINFO Native; NEWCPLINFOA NewCplInfoA; NEWCPLINFOW NewCplInfoW; } Newcpl; CPLINFO cpl; TCHAR szName[MAX_CCH_CPLNAME]; TCHAR szInfo[MAX_CCH_CPLINFO]; LPTSTR pszName = Newcpl.Native.szName, pszInfo = Newcpl.Native.szInfo; HICON hIconTemp = NULL;
// always do the old method to get the icon ID
cpl.idIcon = 0;
CPL_CallEntry(pcplm, NULL, CPL_INQUIRE, (LONG)pcpli->idControl, (LONG_PTR)(LPCPLINFO)&cpl);
// if this is a 32bit CPL and it gave us an ID then validate it
// this fixes ODBC32 which gives back a bogus ID but a correct HICON
// note that the next load of the same icon should be very fast
if (cpl.idIcon) { hIconTemp = LoadImage(pcplm->minst.hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(cpl.idIcon), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE);
if (!hIconTemp) { // the id was bogus, make it a negative number (invalid resource)...
cpl.idIcon = -1; TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "_InitializaControl: %s returned an invalid icon id, ignoring", pcplm->szModule); } }
pcpli->idIcon = cpl.idIcon;
// Try the new method first and call it with the largest structure
// so it doesn't overwrite anything on the stack. If you put a
// Unicode applet on Windows '95 it will kill the Explorer because
// it trashes memory by overwriting the stack.
CPL_CallEntry(pcplm, NULL, CPL_NEWINQUIRE, (LONG)pcpli->idControl, (LONG_PTR)(LPCPLINFO)&Newcpl);
// If the call is to an ANSI applet, convert strings to Unicode
#ifdef UNICODE
if (Newcpl.Native.dwSize == UNNATIVE_SIZE) { ConvertCplInfo(&Newcpl); // This will set Newcpl.Native.dwSize
if (Newcpl.Native.dwSize == sizeof(NEWCPLINFO)) { pszName = _RestoreTruncatedCplString(pcplm->minst.hinst, cpl.idName, pszName, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); pszInfo = _RestoreTruncatedCplString(pcplm->minst.hinst, cpl.idInfo, pszInfo, szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(szInfo)); } else { Newcpl.Native.hIcon = LoadImage(pcplm->minst.hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(cpl.idIcon), IMAGE_ICON, 0, 0, LR_DEFAULTSIZE); pszName = szName; LoadString(pcplm->minst.hinst, cpl.idName, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); pszInfo = szInfo; LoadString(pcplm->minst.hinst, cpl.idInfo, szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(szInfo)); Newcpl.Native.szHelpFile[0] = 0; Newcpl.Native.lData = cpl.lData; Newcpl.Native.dwHelpContext = 0; }
pcpli->hIcon = Newcpl.Native.hIcon;
if (hIconTemp) DestroyIcon(hIconTemp);
fSucceed = Str_SetPtr(&pcpli->pszName, pszName) && Str_SetPtr(&pcpli->pszInfo, pszInfo) && Str_SetPtr(&pcpli->pszHelpFile, Newcpl.Native.szHelpFile);
pcpli->lData = Newcpl.Native.lData; pcpli->dwContext = Newcpl.Native.dwHelpContext;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!pcpli->idIcon) TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "PERFORMANCE: cannot cache %s because no icon ID for <%s>", pcplm->szModule, pcpli->pszName); #endif
return fSucceed; }
// Terminate the control
void _TerminateControl(LPCPLMODULE pcplm, LPCPLITEM pcpli) { if (pcpli->hIcon) { DestroyIcon(pcpli->hIcon); pcpli->hIcon = NULL; }
Str_SetPtr(&pcpli->pszName, NULL); Str_SetPtr(&pcpli->pszInfo, NULL); Str_SetPtr(&pcpli->pszHelpFile, NULL); CPL_CallEntry(pcplm, NULL, CPL_STOP, pcpli->idControl, pcpli->lData); }
void _FreeLibraryForControlPanel(MINST *pminst) { #ifdef WX86
if (pminst->fIsX86Dll) { Wx86FreeX86Dll(pminst->hinst); Wx86Disable(); } else { FreeLibrary(pminst->hinst); } #else
FreeLibrary(pminst->hinst); #endif
// For each control of the specified CPL module, call the control entry
// with CPL_STOP. Then, call it with CPL_EXIT.
void _TerminateCPLModule(LPCPLMODULE pcplm) { if (pcplm->minst.hinst) { ULONG_PTR dwCookie = 0; //DebugMsg(DM_TRACE,"** Terminating CPL %s", pcplm->szModule);
if (pcplm->lpfnCPL) { if (pcplm->hacpli) { int cControls, i;
for (i = 0, cControls = DSA_GetItemCount(pcplm->hacpli); i < cControls; ++i) { LPCPLITEM pcpli = DSA_GetItemPtr(pcplm->hacpli, i); _TerminateControl(pcplm, pcpli); }
DSA_DeleteAllItems(pcplm->hacpli); DSA_Destroy(pcplm->hacpli); pcplm->hacpli=NULL; }
CPL_CallEntry(pcplm, NULL, CPL_EXIT, 0, 0); pcplm->lpfnCPL=NULL; }
ActivateActCtx(pcplm->hActCtx, &dwCookie); _FreeLibraryForControlPanel(&pcplm->minst); if (dwCookie != 0) DeactivateActCtx(0, dwCookie);
pcplm->minst.hinst = NULL; }
pcplm->minst.idOwner = (DWORD)-1;
if (pcplm->hActCtx != NULL) { ReleaseActCtx(pcplm->hActCtx); pcplm->hActCtx = NULL; }
if (pcplm->minst.hOwner) { CloseHandle(pcplm->minst.hOwner); pcplm->minst.hOwner = NULL; } }
// Initializes the CPL Module.
// Requires:
// *pcplm should be initialized appropriately.
BOOL _InitializeCPLModule(LPCPLMODULE pcplm) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE;
pcplm->lpfnCPL32 = (APPLET_PROC)GetProcAddress(pcplm->minst.hinst, "CPlApplet"); #ifdef WX86
if (pcplm->minst.fIsX86Dll) { pcplm->lpfnCPL32 = (APPLET_PROC)Wx86ThunkProc(pcplm->lpfnCPL32, (void *)4, TRUE); if (pcplm->lpfnCPL32 == (APPLET_PROC)-1) { pcplm->lpfnCPL32 = NULL; } } #endif
// Initialize the CPL
if (pcplm->lpfnCPL && CPL_CallEntry(pcplm, NULL, CPL_INIT, 0, 0)) { int cControls = (int)CPL_CallEntry(pcplm, NULL, CPL_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
if (cControls>0) { //
// By passing in the number of applets, we should speed up allocation
// of this array.
pcplm->hacpli = DSA_Create(sizeof(CPLITEM), cControls);
if (pcplm->hacpli) { int i;
fSuccess = TRUE; // succeded, so far.
// Go through the applets and load the information about them
for (i = 0; i < cControls; ++i) { CPLITEM control = {i, 0};
if (_InitializeControl(pcplm, &control)) { // removing this now saves us from doing it later
if (DSA_AppendItem(pcplm->hacpli, &control) >= 0) { continue; } }
_TerminateControl(pcplm, &control); fSuccess=FALSE; break; } } } } else { // don't ever call it again if we couldn't CPL_INIT
pcplm->lpfnCPL = NULL; }
return fSuccess; }
// Returns:
// The index to the g_hacplmLoaded, if the specified DLL is already
// loaded; -1 otherwise.
int _FindCPLModule(const MINST * pminst) { int i = -1; // Assumes error
ENTERCRITICAL; if (g_hacplmLoaded) { for (i=DSA_GetItemCount(g_hacplmLoaded)-1; i>=0; --i) { LPCPLMODULE pcplm = DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, i);
// owner id tested last since hinst is more varied
if ((pcplm->minst.hinst == pminst->hinst) && (pcplm->minst.idOwner == pminst->idOwner)) { break; } } } LEAVECRITICAL; return i; }
LPCPLMODULE FindCPLModule(const MINST * pminst) { return (LPCPLMODULE) DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, _FindCPLModule(pminst)); }
// Returns:
// The index to the g_hacplmLoaded, if the specified DLL is already
// loaded; -1 otherwise.
int _FindCPLModuleByName(LPCTSTR pszModule) { int i = -1; // Assumes error
ENTERCRITICAL; if (g_hacplmLoaded) { for (i=DSA_GetItemCount(g_hacplmLoaded)-1; i>=0; --i) { LPCPLMODULE pcplm = DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, i);
if (!lstrcmpi(pcplm->szModule, pszModule)) { break; } } } LEAVECRITICAL; return i; }
// Adds the specified CPL module to g_hacplmLoaded.
// Requires:
// The specified CPL module is not in g_hacplmLoaded yet.
// Returns:
// The index to the CPL module if succeeded; -1 otherwise.
int _AddModule(LPCPLMODULE pcplm) { int result;
// Create the Loaded Modules guy if necessary
ENTERCRITICAL; if (g_hacplmLoaded == NULL) g_hacplmLoaded = DSA_Create(sizeof(CPLMODULE), 4); //
// Add this CPL to our list
if (g_hacplmLoaded == NULL) result = -1; else result = DSA_AppendItem(g_hacplmLoaded, pcplm); LEAVECRITICAL; return(result); }
BOOL CatchCPLExceptions(UINT msg) { LPCTSTR pszCmdLine = GetCommandLine(); BOOL fCatch = TRUE;
// Some callers don't want to run and have exceptions caught.
// This will allow crashes to be uploaded to PCHealth.
if (((CPL_STARTWPARMSA == msg) || (CPL_STARTWPARMS == msg) || (CPL_DBLCLK == msg)) && StrCmpNI(pszCmdLine, SZ_RUNDLL32_NOEXCEPT_ARGS, (ARRAYSIZE(SZ_RUNDLL32_NOEXCEPT_ARGS) - 1))) { fCatch = FALSE; }
return fCatch; }
LRESULT CPL_CallEntry(LPCPLMODULE pcplm, HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) { LRESULT lres; ULONG_PTR dwCookie = 0;
ActivateActCtx(pcplm->hActCtx, &dwCookie);
if (!CatchCPLExceptions(msg)) { lres = pcplm->lpfnCPL32(hwnd, msg, lParam1, lParam2); } else { _try { lres = pcplm->lpfnCPL32(hwnd, msg, lParam1, lParam2); #ifdef WX86
if (pcplm->minst.fIsX86Dll) { Wx86Compact(); } #endif
} _except(SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX),UnhandledExceptionFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { TraceMsg(TF_ERROR, "CPL: Exception calling CPL module: %s", pcplm->szModule); ShellMessageBox(HINST_THISDLL, NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_CPL_EXCEPTION), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_CONTROLPANEL), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SYSTEMMODAL, (LPTSTR)pcplm->szModule); lres = 0; } }
if (dwCookie != 0) DeactivateActCtx(0, dwCookie);
return lres; }
// Loads the specified CPL module and returns the index to g_hacplmLoaded.
int _LoadCPLModule(LPCTSTR pszModule) { TCHAR szManifest[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hActCtx = NULL; MINST minst; int iModule; ULONG_PTR dwCookie; ACTCTX act = {0};
minst.idOwner = GetCurrentProcessId(); minst.hOwner = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE,FALSE,minst.idOwner);
// See if this application has a context
StrCpyN(szManifest, pszModule, ARRAYSIZE(szManifest)); StrCat(szManifest, TEXT(".manifest")); if (PathFileExists(szManifest)) { act.cbSize = sizeof(act); act.dwFlags = 0; act.lpSource = szManifest; hActCtx = CreateActCtx(&act); } else { act.cbSize = sizeof(act); act.dwFlags = ACTCTX_FLAG_RESOURCE_NAME_VALID; act.lpSource = pszModule; act.lpResourceName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(123);
hActCtx = CreateActCtx(&act); }
if (hActCtx == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) hActCtx = NULL;
ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, &dwCookie);
minst.hinst = LoadLibrary(pszModule);
if (dwCookie != 0) DeactivateActCtx(0, dwCookie);
#ifdef WX86
minst.fIsX86Dll = FALSE; if ((minst.hinst == NULL) && (GetLastError() == ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT) && (Wx86Enable())) { // If we got a DLL type mismatch loading the dll then it
// may be an x86 dll. Lets try to load it as an x86 dll.
minst.hinst = (HINSTANCE)Wx86LoadX86Dll(pszModule); minst.fIsX86Dll = TRUE; } #endif
if (!ISVALIDHINSTANCE(minst.hinst)) { CloseHandle(minst.hOwner); #ifdef WX86
if (minst.fIsX86Dll) { Wx86Disable(); } #endif
return -1; }
// Check if this module is already in the list.
iModule = _FindCPLModule(&minst);
if (iModule >= 0) { //
// Yes. Increment the reference count and return the ID.
ENTERCRITICAL; pcplm = DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, iModule); ++pcplm->cRef; LEAVECRITICAL;
ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, &dwCookie); //
// Decrement KERNELs reference count
_FreeLibraryForControlPanel(&minst); if (dwCookie != 0) DeactivateActCtx(0, dwCookie);
if (hActCtx != NULL) ReleaseActCtx(hActCtx);
CloseHandle(minst.hOwner); } else { CPLMODULE sModule = {0};
// No. Append it.
sModule.cRef = 1; sModule.minst = minst; sModule.hActCtx = hActCtx;
GetModuleFileName(minst.hinst, sModule.szModule, ARRAYSIZE(sModule.szModule));
if (_InitializeCPLModule(&sModule)) { iModule = _AddModule(&sModule); }
if (iModule < 0) { _TerminateCPLModule(&sModule); } } return iModule; }
int _FreeCPLModuleIndex(int iModule) { LPCPLMODULE pcplm;
ENTERCRITICAL; pcplm = DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, iModule);
if (!pcplm) { LEAVECRITICAL; return(-1); }
// Dec the ref count; return if not 0
if (pcplm->cRef) { LEAVECRITICAL; return(pcplm->cRef); }
// Free up the whole thing and return 0
DSA_DeleteItem(g_hacplmLoaded, iModule);
// Destroy this when all CPLs have been removed
if (DSA_GetItemCount(g_hacplmLoaded) == 0) { DSA_Destroy(g_hacplmLoaded); g_hacplmLoaded = NULL; } LEAVECRITICAL; return(0); }
int _FreeCPLModuleHandle(const MINST * pminst) { int iModule;
// Check if the module is actually loaded (major error if not)
iModule = _FindCPLModule(pminst);
if (iModule < 0) { return(-1); }
return _FreeCPLModuleIndex(iModule); }
int CPL_FreeCPLModule(LPCPLMODULE pcplm) { return _FreeCPLModuleHandle(&pcplm->minst); }
void CPL_StripAmpersand(LPTSTR szBuffer) { LPTSTR pIn, pOut;
// copy the name sans '&' chars
pIn = pOut = szBuffer; do { //
// strip FE accelerators with parentheses. e.g. "foo(&F)" -> "foo"
if (*pIn == TEXT('(') && *(pIn+1) == TEXT('&') && *(pIn+2) && *(pIn+3) == TEXT(')')) { pIn += 4; }
#ifdef DBCS
// Also strip FE accelerators in old win31 cpl, i.e, 01EH/01FH.
if (*pIn == 0x1e && *++pIn) {
// Assumes a character right before the mnemonic
// is a parenthesis or something to be removed as well.
pOut=CharPrev(szBuffer, pOut);
// Skip Alphabet accelerator.
pIn = CharNext(pIn);
if (*pIn) { if (*pIn == 0x1f && *++pIn) {
// Skip FE accelelator
pIn = CharNext(pIn); } // Skip second parenthesis.
pIn = CharNext(pIn); } } #endif
if (*pIn != TEXT('&')) { *pOut++ = *pIn; } if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*pIn)) { *pOut++ = *++pIn; } } while (*pIn++) ; }
// filter out bogus old ini keys... we may be able to blow this off
BOOL IsValidCplKey(LPCTSTR pszKey) { return lstrcmpi(pszKey, TEXT("NumApps")) && !((*(pszKey+1) == 0) && ((*pszKey == TEXT('X')) || (*pszKey == TEXT('Y')) || (*pszKey == TEXT('W')) || (*pszKey == TEXT('H')))); }
int iModule = _LoadCPLModule(szModule);
if (iModule < 0) result = NULL; else { ENTERCRITICAL; result = DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, iModule); LEAVECRITICAL; } return result; }
BOOL DontLoadCPL(LPCTSTR pszName) { // the first reg location is the old alias for control.ini [don't load]
// entries that map into the registry on NT. the next is for per
// machine support to hide cpls, new for whistler
return (SHGetValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Control Panel\\don't load"), pszName, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (SHGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Control Panel\\don't load"), pszName, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// Called for each CPL module file which we may want to load
void _InsertModuleName(ControlData *lpData, LPCTSTR szPath, PMODULEINFO pmi) { pmi->pszModule = NULL; Str_SetPtr(&pmi->pszModule, szPath);
if (pmi->pszModule) { int i;
pmi->pszModuleName = PathFindFileName(pmi->pszModule);
if (DontLoadCPL(pmi->pszModuleName)) { Str_SetPtr(&pmi->pszModule, NULL); goto skip; }
// don't insert the module if it's already in the list!
for (i = DSA_GetItemCount(lpData->hamiModule)-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { PMODULEINFO pmi1 = DSA_GetItemPtr(lpData->hamiModule, i);
if (!lstrcmpi(pmi1->pszModuleName, pmi->pszModuleName)) { Str_SetPtr(&pmi->pszModule, NULL); goto skip; } }
DSA_AppendItem(lpData->hamiModule, pmi); skip: ; } }
#define GETMODULE(haminst,i) ((MINST *)DSA_GetItemPtr(haminst, i))
#define ADDMODULE(haminst,pminst) DSA_AppendItem(haminst, (void *)pminst)
int _LoadCPLModuleAndAdd(ControlData *lpData, LPCTSTR szModule) { int iModule, i; LPCPLMODULE pcplm;
// Load the module and controls (or get the previous one if already
// loaded).
iModule = _LoadCPLModule(szModule);
if (iModule < 0) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "_LoadCPLModuleAndAdd: _LoadControls refused %s", szModule); return -1; }
pcplm = DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, iModule);
if (pcplm == NULL) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "_LoadCPLModuleAndAdd: DSA returned NULL structure"); return -1; }
// Check if this guy has already loaded this module
for (i = DSA_GetItemCount(lpData->haminst) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const MINST * pminst = GETMODULE(lpData->haminst,i);
// note: owner id tested last since hinst is more varied
if ((pminst->hinst == pcplm->minst.hinst) && (pminst->idOwner == pcplm->minst.idOwner)) { FreeThisModule:
// This guy already loaded this module, so dec
// the reference and return failure
_FreeCPLModuleIndex(iModule); return(-1); } }
// this is a new module, so add it to the list
if (ADDMODULE(lpData->haminst, &pcplm->minst) < 0) { goto FreeThisModule; }
return iModule; }
void _AddItemsFromKey(ControlData *pcd, HKEY hkRoot) { HKEY hkey; MODULEINFO mi = {0};
mi.flags = MI_FIND_FILE; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(hkRoot, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Control Panel\\CPLs"), &hkey)) { TCHAR szData[MAX_PATH], szValue[128]; DWORD dwSizeData, dwValue, dwIndex;
for (dwIndex = 0; ERROR_SUCCESS == (dwValue = ARRAYSIZE(szValue), dwSizeData = sizeof(szData), RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, szValue, &dwValue, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)szData, &dwSizeData)); dwIndex++) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; if (SHExpandEnvironmentStrings(szData, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath))) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE hfind = FindFirstFile(szPath, &fd); if (hfind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { mi.ftCreationTime = fd.ftCreationTime; mi.nFileSizeHigh = fd.nFileSizeHigh; mi.nFileSizeLow = fd.nFileSizeLow; FindClose(hfind);
_InsertModuleName(pcd, szPath, &mi); } } } RegCloseKey(hkey); } }
/* Get the keynames under [MMCPL] in CONTROL.INI and cycle
through all such keys to load their applets into our list box. Also allocate the array of CPLMODULE structs. Returns early if can't load old WIN3 applets. */ BOOL CPLD_GetModules(ControlData *lpData) { LPTSTR pStr; HANDLE hFindFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; MODULEINFO mi; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH], szSysDir[MAX_PATH], szName[MAX_PATH];
ASSERT(lpData->hamiModule == NULL);
lpData->hamiModule = DSA_Create(sizeof(mi), 4);
if (!lpData->hamiModule) { return FALSE; }
lpData->haminst = DSA_Create(sizeof(MINST), 4);
if (!lpData->haminst) { DSA_Destroy(lpData->hamiModule); lpData->hamiModule = NULL; // no one is freeing hamiModule in the caller if this fails, but just to make sure ...
return FALSE; }
// So here's the deal:
// We have this global list of all modules that have been loaded, along
// with a reference count for each. This is so that we don't need to
// load a CPL file again when the user double clicks on it.
// We still need to keep a list for each window that is open, so that
// we will not load the same CPL twice in a single window. Therefore,
// we need to keep a list of all modules that are loaded (note that
// we cannot just keep indexes, since the global list can move around).
// hamiModule contains the module name, the instance info if loaded,
// and some other information for comparing with cached information
ZeroMemory(&mi, sizeof(mi));
// don't special case main, instead sort the data by title
GetSystemDirectory(szSysDir, ARRAYSIZE(szSysDir));
// load the modules specified in CONTROL.INI under [MMCPL]
{ TCHAR szKeys[512]; // from section of extra cpls to load
GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("MMCPL"), NULL, c_szNULL, szKeys, ARRAYSIZE(szKeys), TEXT("control.ini"));
for (pStr = szKeys; *pStr; pStr += lstrlen(pStr) + 1) { GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("MMCPL"), pStr, c_szNULL, szName, ARRAYSIZE(szName), TEXT("control.ini")); if (IsValidCplKey(pStr)) { _InsertModuleName(lpData, szName, &mi); } } }
// load applets from the system directory
PathCombine(szPath, szSysDir, TEXT("*.CPL"));
mi.flags |= MI_FIND_FILE;
hFindFile = FindFirstFile(szPath, &findData);
if (hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!(findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { BOOL fOkToUse = TRUE;
if (IsOS(OS_WOW6432)) { GetWindowsDirectory(szPath,ARRAYSIZE(szPath)); PathCombine(szPath, szPath, TEXT("system32"));
// Don't use any CPLs which exist in the real system32
// directory, since we only have them in the fake system
// directory for compatibility reasons.
PathCombine(szPath, szPath, findData.cFileName); if (PathFileExists(szPath)) { fOkToUse = FALSE; } }
if (fOkToUse) { PathCombine(szPath, szSysDir, findData.cFileName);
mi.ftCreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime; mi.nFileSizeHigh = findData.nFileSizeHigh; mi.nFileSizeLow = findData.nFileSizeLow;
_InsertModuleName(lpData, szPath, &mi); } } } while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &findData));
FindClose(hFindFile); }
_AddItemsFromKey(lpData, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); _AddItemsFromKey(lpData, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
#ifdef WX86
// For Wx86 we need to also search the wx86 system directory for any
// x86 CPL files
NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll = TRUE; GetSystemDirectory(szSysDir, ARRAYSIZE(szSysDir)); NtCurrentTeb()->Wx86Thread.UseKnownWx86Dll = FALSE;
PathCombine(szPath, szSysDir, TEXT("*.CPL"));
mi.flags |= MI_FIND_FILE;
hFindFile = FindFirstFile(szPath, &findData);
if (hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!(findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { PathCombine(szPath, szSysDir, findData.cFileName);
mi.ftCreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime; mi.nFileSizeHigh = findData.nFileSizeHigh; mi.nFileSizeLow = findData.nFileSizeLow;
_InsertModuleName(lpData, szPath, &mi); } } while (FindNextFile(hFindFile, &findData));
FindClose(hFindFile); } #endif
lpData->cModules = DPA_GetPtrCount(lpData->hamiModule);
return TRUE; }
// Read the registry for cached CPL info.
// If this info is up-to-date with current modules (from CPLD_GetModules),
// then we can enumerate these without loading the CPLs.
void CPLD_GetRegModules(ControlData *lpData) { HKEY hkey; LPCTSTR lpszRegKey;
// dont cache any-thing in clean boot.
if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CLEANBOOT)) return;
if (IsOS(OS_WOW6432)) { lpszRegKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Controls Folder (Wow64)"); } else { lpszRegKey = REGSTR_PATH_CONTROLSFOLDER; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpszRegKey, &hkey)) { DWORD cbSize; DWORD dwLCID = 0; cbSize = sizeof(dwLCID);
// fail if this cache is not tagged with the UI language ID, or we are not in
// the language ID that the cache was saved in.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Presentation LCID"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &dwLCID, &cbSize) || dwLCID != GetUserDefaultUILanguage()) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Presentation Cache"), NULL, NULL, NULL, &cbSize)) { lpData->pRegCPLBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbSize);
if (lpData->pRegCPLBuffer) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHQueryValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Presentation Cache"), NULL, NULL, lpData->pRegCPLBuffer, &cbSize)) { lpData->hRegCPLs = DPA_Create(4);
if (lpData->hRegCPLs) { REG_CPL_INFO * p; DWORD cbOffset;
for (cbOffset = 0 ; cbOffset < cbSize ; cbOffset += p->cbSize) { p = (REG_CPL_INFO *)&(lpData->pRegCPLBuffer[cbOffset]); p->flags |= REGCPL_FROMREG; DPA_AppendPtr(lpData->hRegCPLs, p);
//DebugMsg(DM_TRACE,"sh CPLD_GetRegModules: %s (%s)", REGCPL_FILENAME(p), REGCPL_CPLNAME(p));
lpData->cRegCPLs = DPA_GetPtrCount(lpData->hRegCPLs); } } else { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CPLD_GetRegModules: failed read!"); } } // Alloc
} // SHQueryValueEx for size
} // RegOpenKey
// On a typical system, we will successfully cache all the CPLs. So this
// function will write out the data only once.
void CPLD_FlushRegModules(ControlData *lpData) { if (lpData->fRegCPLChanged) { int num = DPA_GetPtrCount(lpData->hRegCPLs); DWORD cbSize = num * sizeof(REG_CPL_INFO); REG_CPL_INFO * prcpli = LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbSize); LPCTSTR lpszRegKey;
if (IsOS(OS_WOW6432)) { lpszRegKey = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Controls Folder (Wow64)"); } else { lpszRegKey = REGSTR_PATH_CONTROLSFOLDER; } if (prcpli) { REG_CPL_INFO * pDest; HKEY hkey; int i; //
// 0<=i<=num && CPLs 0..i-1 have been copied to prcpli or skipped
for (i = 0, pDest = prcpli; i < num ;) { REG_CPL_INFO * p = DPA_GetPtr(lpData->hRegCPLs, i); int j; //
// if any CPL in this module has a dynamic icon, we cannot cache
// any of this module's CPLs.
// i<=j<=num && CPLs i..j-1 are in same module
for (j = i; j < num; j++) { REG_CPL_INFO * q = DPA_GetPtr(lpData->hRegCPLs, j); if (lstrcmp(REGCPL_FILENAME(p), REGCPL_FILENAME(q))) { // all CPLs in this module are okay, save 'em
break; } if (q->idIcon == 0) { TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "CPLD_FlushRegModules: SKIPPING %s (%s) [dynamic icon]",REGCPL_FILENAME(p),REGCPL_CPLNAME(p)); // this module has a dynamic icon, skip it
for (j++ ; j < num ; j++) { q = DPA_GetPtr(lpData->hRegCPLs, j); if (lstrcmp(REGCPL_FILENAME(p), REGCPL_FILENAME(q))) break; } i = j; break; } } // CPLs i..j-1 are in the same module and need to be saved
// (if j<num, CPL j is in the next module)
for (; i < j ; i++) { p = DPA_GetPtr(lpData->hRegCPLs, i); hmemcpy(pDest, p, p->cbSize); pDest = (REG_CPL_INFO *)(((LPBYTE)pDest) + pDest->cbSize); //DebugMsg(DM_TRACE,"CPLD_FlushRegModules: %s (%s)",REGCPL_FILENAME(p),REGCPL_CPLNAME(p));
} } // for (i=0,pDest=prcpli
// prcpli contains packed REG_CPL_INFO structures to save to the registry
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpszRegKey, &hkey)) { DWORD dwLCID; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwLCID); dwLCID = GetUserDefaultUILanguage(); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Presentation LCID"), 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwLCID, dwSize)) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CPLD_FLushRegModules: failed to write the LCID!"); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegSetValueEx(hkey, TEXT("Presentation Cache"), 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)prcpli, (DWORD) ((LPBYTE)pDest-(LPBYTE)prcpli))) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CPLD_FLushRegModules: failed write!"); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } LocalFree((HLOCAL)prcpli); lpData->fRegCPLChanged = FALSE; // no longer dirty
} // if (prcpli)
} // if dirty
void CPLD_Destroy(ControlData *lpData) { int i;
if (lpData->haminst) { for (i=DSA_GetItemCount(lpData->haminst)-1 ; i>=0 ; --i) _FreeCPLModuleHandle(DSA_GetItemPtr(lpData->haminst, i));
DSA_Destroy(lpData->haminst); }
if (lpData->hamiModule) { for (i=DSA_GetItemCount(lpData->hamiModule)-1 ; i>=0 ; --i) { PMODULEINFO pmi = DSA_GetItemPtr(lpData->hamiModule, i);
Str_SetPtr(&pmi->pszModule, NULL); }
DSA_Destroy(lpData->hamiModule); }
if (lpData->hRegCPLs) { CPLD_FlushRegModules(lpData);
for (i = DPA_GetPtrCount(lpData->hRegCPLs)-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { REG_CPL_INFO * p = DPA_GetPtr(lpData->hRegCPLs, i); if (!(p->flags & REGCPL_FROMREG)) LocalFree((HLOCAL)p); } DPA_Destroy(lpData->hRegCPLs); } if (lpData->pRegCPLBuffer) LocalFree((HLOCAL)lpData->pRegCPLBuffer); }
// Loads module lpData->hamiModule[nModule] and returns # cpls in module
int CPLD_InitModule(ControlData *lpData, int nModule, MINST *pminst) { PMODULEINFO pmi; LPCPLMODULE pcplm; int iModule;
pmi = DSA_GetItemPtr(lpData->hamiModule, nModule);
if (pmi == NULL) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CPLD_InitModule: DSA returned NULL structure"); return 0; }
iModule = _LoadCPLModuleAndAdd(lpData, pmi->pszModule);
if (iModule < 0) { return(0); }
pcplm = DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, iModule); *pminst = pcplm->minst;
return DSA_GetItemCount(pcplm->hacpli); }
BOOL CPLD_AddControlToReg(ControlData *lpData, const MINST * pminst, int nControl) { int iModule; LPCPLMODULE pcplm; LPCPLITEM pcpli = NULL;
TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFindFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
iModule = _FindCPLModule(pminst); if (iModule >= 0) { pcplm = DSA_GetItemPtr(g_hacplmLoaded, iModule); if (pcplm != NULL) pcpli = DSA_GetItemPtr(pcplm->hacpli, nControl); } if (pcpli == NULL) return FALSE;
// PERF: Why are we using GetModuleFileName instead of the name
// of the file we used to load this module? (We have the name both
// in the calling function and in lpData.)
GetModuleFileName(pcplm->minst.hinst, buf, MAX_PATH);
if (*buf != 0) hFindFile = FindFirstFile(buf, &findData); else hFindFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { REG_CPL_INFO * prcpli = LocalAlloc(LPTR, sizeof(REG_CPL_INFO));
if (prcpli) { lstrcpyn(REGCPL_FILENAME(prcpli), buf, MAX_PATH);
prcpli->flags = FALSE; prcpli->ftCreationTime = findData.ftCreationTime; prcpli->nFileSizeHigh = findData.nFileSizeHigh; prcpli->nFileSizeLow = findData.nFileSizeLow;
prcpli->idIcon = pcpli->idIcon;
prcpli->oName = lstrlen(REGCPL_FILENAME(prcpli)) + 1;
lstrcpyn(REGCPL_CPLNAME(prcpli), pcpli->pszName, MAX_CCH_CPLNAME);
prcpli->oInfo = prcpli->oName + lstrlen(REGCPL_CPLNAME(prcpli)) + 1;
lstrcpyn(REGCPL_CPLINFO(prcpli), pcpli->pszInfo, MAX_CCH_CPLINFO);
prcpli->cbSize = FIELD_OFFSET(REG_CPL_INFO, buf) + (prcpli->oInfo + lstrlen(REGCPL_CPLINFO(prcpli)) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
// Force struct size to be DWORD aligned since these are packed
// together in registry, then read and accessed after reading
// cache from registry.
if (prcpli->cbSize & 3) prcpli->cbSize += sizeof(DWORD) - (prcpli->cbSize & 3);
if (!lpData->hRegCPLs) { lpData->hRegCPLs = DPA_Create(4); } if (lpData->hRegCPLs) { DPA_AppendPtr(lpData->hRegCPLs, prcpli);
// don't update cRegCPLs. We don't need it any more, and
// it is also the upper-end counter for ESF_Next registry enum.
lpData->fRegCPLChanged = TRUE; } else LocalFree((HLOCAL)prcpli); } } return TRUE; }