// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000
// File: cpduihlp.cpp
#include "shellprv.h"
#include <uxtheme.h>
#include "cpviewp.h"
#include "cpduihlp.h"
#include "cputil.h"
HRESULT CPL::Dui_AddAtom( LPCWSTR pszName, ATOM *pAtom ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszName); ASSERT(NULL != pAtom); ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(pAtom, sizeof(*pAtom)));
HRESULT hr = S_OK; *pAtom = AddAtomW(pszName); if (0 == *pAtom) { hr = CPL::ResultFromLastError(); } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_DeleteAtom( ATOM atom ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (0 != atom) { if (0 != DeleteAtom(atom)) { hr = CPL::ResultFromLastError(); } } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_AddOrDeleteAtoms( struct CPL::ATOMINFO *pAtomInfo, UINT cEntries, bool bAdd ) { ASSERT(NULL != pAtomInfo); HRESULT hr = S_OK; for (UINT i = 0; i < cEntries && SUCCEEDED(hr); i++) { if (bAdd) { ASSERT(0 == *(pAtomInfo->pAtom)); hr = Dui_AddAtom(pAtomInfo->pszName, pAtomInfo->pAtom); } else { if (0 != *(pAtomInfo->pAtom)) { Dui_DeleteAtom(*(pAtomInfo->pAtom)); } } pAtomInfo++; } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_FindDescendent( DUI::Element *pe, LPCWSTR pszDescendent, DUI::Element **ppeDescendent ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DUI::Element *peDescendent = pe->FindDescendent(DUI::StrToID(pszDescendent)); if (NULL != peDescendent) { *ppeDescendent = peDescendent; hr = S_OK; } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_DestroyDescendentElement( DUI::Element *pe, LPCWSTR pszDescendent ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DUI::Element *peDescendent = pe->FindDescendent(DUI::StrToID(pszDescendent)); if (NULL != peDescendent) { hr = peDescendent->Destroy(); } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_CreateElement( DUI::Parser *pParser, LPCWSTR pszTemplate, DUI::Element *peSubstitute, DUI::Element **ppe ) { DUI::Element *pe = NULL; HRESULT hr = pParser->CreateElement(pszTemplate, peSubstitute, &pe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// ISSUE-2000/12/22-BrianAu DUI bug.
// DUI::Parser::CreateElement will return S_OK if
// the element doesn't exist. I've notified MarkFi
// about the issue. I think he'll fix it.
if (NULL == pe) { ASSERT(0 && "DUI::Parser::CreateElement returned S_OK for non-existent element"); hr = E_FAIL; } } *ppe = pe; return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_GetStyleSheet( DUI::Parser *pParser, LPCWSTR pszSheet, DUI::Value **ppvSheet ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DUI::Value *pvSheet = pParser->GetSheet(pszSheet); if (NULL != pvSheet) { *ppvSheet = pvSheet; hr = S_OK; } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_CreateElementWithStyle( DUI::Parser *pParser, LPCWSTR pszTemplate, LPCWSTR pszStyleSheet, DUI::Element **ppe ) { HRESULT hr = CPL::Dui_CreateElement(pParser, pszTemplate, NULL, ppe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CPL::CDuiValuePtr pvStyle; hr = CPL::Dui_GetStyleSheet(pParser, pszStyleSheet, &pvStyle); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = Dui_SetElementProperty(*ppe, SheetProp, pvStyle); } } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_CreateString( LPCWSTR pszText, DUI::Value **ppvString ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; HINSTANCE hInstance = NULL; if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pszText)) { hInstance = HINST_THISDLL; } DUI::Value *pvString = DUI::Value::CreateString(pszText, hInstance); if (NULL != pvString) { *ppvString = pvString; hr = S_OK; } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_SetElementProperty_Int( DUI::Element *pe, DUI::PropertyInfo *ppi, int i ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CPL::CDuiValuePtr pv = DUI::Value::CreateInt(i); if (!pv.IsNULL()) { hr = CPL::Dui_SetValue(pe, ppi, pv); } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_SetElementProperty_String( DUI::Element *pe, DUI::PropertyInfo *ppi, LPCWSTR psz ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CPL::CDuiValuePtr pv = DUI::Value::CreateString(psz); if (!pv.IsNULL()) { hr = CPL::Dui_SetValue(pe, ppi, pv); } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_SetElementText( DUI::Element *peElement, LPCWSTR pszText ) { CPL::CDuiValuePtr pvString; HRESULT hr = CPL::Dui_CreateString(pszText, &pvString); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CPL::Dui_SetElementProperty(peElement, ContentProp, pvString); } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_SetDescendentElementText( DUI::Element *peElement, LPCWSTR pszDescendent, LPCWSTR pszText ) { DUI::Element *peDescendent; HRESULT hr = CPL::Dui_FindDescendent(peElement, pszDescendent, &peDescendent); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CPL::Dui_SetElementText(peDescendent, pszText); } return THR(hr); }
// Retrieve the width and height of an element.
HRESULT CPL::Dui_GetElementExtent( DUI::Element *pe, SIZE *pext ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CPL::CDuiValuePtr pv; *pext = *(pe->GetExtent(&pv)); if (!pv.IsNULL()) { hr = S_OK; } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_CreateGraphic( HICON hIcon, DUI::Value **ppValue ) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
DUI::Value *pvGraphic; pvGraphic = DUI::Value::CreateGraphic(hIcon); if (NULL != pvGraphic) { *ppValue = pvGraphic; hr = S_OK; } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_SetElementIcon( DUI::Element *pe, HICON hIcon ) { CPL::CDuiValuePtr pvGraphic; HRESULT hr = CPL::Dui_CreateGraphic(hIcon, &pvGraphic); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CPL::Dui_SetElementProperty(pe, ContentProp, pvGraphic); } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_SetDescendentElementIcon( DUI::Element *peElement, LPCWSTR pszDescendent, HICON hIcon ) { DUI::Element *peDescendent; HRESULT hr = CPL::Dui_FindDescendent(peElement, pszDescendent, &peDescendent); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CPL::Dui_SetElementIcon(peDescendent, hIcon); } return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_GetElementRootHWND( DUI::Element *pe, HWND *phwnd ) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; const HWND hwnd = ((DUI::HWNDElement *)pe->GetRoot())->GetHWND(); if (NULL != hwnd) { hr = S_OK; } *phwnd = hwnd; return THR(hr); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_MapElementPointToRootHWND( DUI::Element *pe, const POINT& ptElement, POINT *pptRoot, HWND *phwndRoot // Optional. Default == NULL;
) { HWND hwndRoot; HRESULT hr = CPL::Dui_GetElementRootHWND(pe, &hwndRoot); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pe->GetRoot()->MapElementPoint(pe, &ptElement, pptRoot); if (NULL != phwndRoot) { *phwndRoot = hwndRoot; } hr = S_OK; } return THR(hr); }
void CALLBACK Dui_ParserErrorCallback( LPCWSTR pszError, LPCWSTR pszToken, int iLine ) { WCHAR szBuffer[1024]; if (-1 != iLine) { wsprintfW(szBuffer, L"%s '%s' at line %d.", pszError, pszToken, iLine); } else { wsprintfW(szBuffer, L"%s '%s'", pszError, pszToken); } MessageBoxW(NULL, szBuffer, L"DUI Parser Message", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); }
HRESULT CPL::Dui_CreateParser( const char *pszUiFile, int cchUiFile, HINSTANCE hInstance, DUI::Parser **ppParser ) { ASSERT(NULL != pszUiFile); ASSERT(!IsBadStringPtrA(pszUiFile, cchUiFile)); ASSERT(NULL != ppParser); ASSERT(!IsBadWritePtr(ppParser, sizeof(*ppParser)));
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DUI::Parser *pParser; HANDLE arHandles[2];
arHandles[0] = hInstance; arHandles[1] = OpenThemeData(NULL, L"Scrollbar");
DUI::Parser::Create(pszUiFile, cchUiFile, arHandles, Dui_ParserErrorCallback, &pParser);
if (NULL != pParser) { if (!pParser->WasParseError()) { hr = S_OK; } else { pParser->Destroy(); pParser = NULL; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (arHandles[1]) { CloseThemeData (arHandles[1]); }
*ppParser = pParser; return THR(hr); }
// CDuiValuePtr
CPL::CDuiValuePtr& CPL::CDuiValuePtr::operator = ( const CDuiValuePtr& rhs ) { if (this != &rhs) { Attach(rhs.Detach()); } return *this; }
void CPL::CDuiValuePtr::Attach( DUI::Value *pv ) { _Release(); m_pv = pv; m_bOwns = true; }
DUI::Value * CPL::CDuiValuePtr::Detach( void ) const { DUI::Value *pv = m_pv; m_pv = NULL; m_bOwns = false; return pv; }
void CPL::CDuiValuePtr::_ReleaseAndReset( void ) { _Release(); m_pv = NULL; m_bOwns = false; }
void CPL::CDuiValuePtr::_Release( void ) { if (NULL != m_pv && m_bOwns) { m_pv->Release(); } }