#include "shellprv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <hwtab.h>
#include "fstreex.h"
#include "views.h"
#include "drives.h"
#include "propsht.h"
#include "infotip.h"
#include "datautil.h"
#include "netview.h"
#include "bitbuck.h"
#include "drawpie.h"
#include "shitemid.h"
#include "devguid.h"
#include "ids.h"
#include "idldrop.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "shcombox.h"
#include "hwcmmn.h"
#include "prop.h"
#include "mtpt.h"
#include "ftascstr.h" // for CFTAssocStore
#include "ascstr.h" // for IAssocInfo class
#include "apdlg.h"
#include "cdburn.h"
#define REL_KEY_DEFRAG TEXT("MyComputer\\defragpath")
#define REL_KEY_BACKUP TEXT("MyComputer\\backuppath")
// Begin: Old C fct required externally
STDAPI_(int) RealDriveTypeFlags(int iDrive, BOOL fOKToHitNet) { int iType = DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR; CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(iDrive, TRUE, fOKToHitNet);
if (pMtPt) { WCHAR szDrive[4];
iType = GetDriveType(PathBuildRoot(szDrive, iDrive)); iType |= pMtPt->GetDriveFlags(); iType |= pMtPt->GetVolumeFlags(); pMtPt->Release(); }
return iType; }
STDAPI_(int) RealDriveType(int iDrive, BOOL fOKToHitNet) { WCHAR szDrive[4];
return GetDriveType(PathBuildRoot(szDrive, iDrive)) & DRIVE_TYPE; }
STDAPI_(int) DriveType(int iDrive) { return RealDriveType(iDrive, TRUE); }
STDAPI_(DWORD) PathGetClusterSize(LPCTSTR pszPath) { static TCHAR s_szRoot[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'}; static int s_nszRootLen = 0; static DWORD s_dwSize = 0;
DWORD dwSize = 0;
// Do we have a cache hit? No need to hit the net if we can avoid it...
if (s_nszRootLen) { ENTERCRITICAL; if (wcsncmp(pszPath, s_szRoot, s_nszRootLen) == 0) { dwSize = s_dwSize; } LEAVECRITICAL; }
if (0 == dwSize) { TCHAR szRoot[MAX_PATH];
lstrcpy(szRoot, pszPath); PathStripToRoot(szRoot);
if (PathIsUNC(szRoot)) { DWORD dwSecPerClus, dwBytesPerSec, dwClusters, dwTemp;
if (GetDiskFreeSpace(szRoot, &dwSecPerClus, &dwBytesPerSec, &dwTemp, &dwClusters)) { dwSize = dwSecPerClus * dwBytesPerSec; } } else { CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(pszPath);
if (pMtPt) { dwSize = pMtPt->GetClusterSize(); pMtPt->Release(); } }
// Sometimes on Millennium, we get 0 as the cluster size.
// Reason unknown. Sanitize the value so we don't go insane.
if (dwSize == 0) dwSize = 512;
// Remember this for later - chances are we'll be queried for the same drive again
ENTERCRITICAL; StrCpyN(s_szRoot, szRoot, ARRAYSIZE(s_szRoot)); s_nszRootLen = lstrlen(s_szRoot); s_dwSize = dwSize; LEAVECRITICAL; }
return dwSize; }
STDAPI_(UINT) GetMountedVolumeIcon(LPCTSTR pszMountPoint, LPTSTR pszModule, DWORD cchModule) { UINT iIcon = II_FOLDER;
// zero-init string
if (pszModule) *pszModule = 0;
CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(pszMountPoint); if (pMtPt) { iIcon = pMtPt->GetIcon(pszModule, cchModule); pMtPt->Release(); } return iIcon; }
STDAPI_(BOOL) IsDisconnectedNetDrive(int iDrive) { BOOL fDisc = 0; CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(iDrive);
if (pMtPt) { fDisc = pMtPt->IsDisconnectedNetDrive(); pMtPt->Release(); } return fDisc; }
STDAPI_(BOOL) IsUnavailableNetDrive(int iDrive) { BOOL fUnAvail = 0; CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(iDrive);
if (pMtPt) { fUnAvail = pMtPt->IsUnavailableNetDrive(); pMtPt->Release(); }
return fUnAvail;
STDMETHODIMP SetDriveLabel(HWND hwnd, IUnknown* punkEnableModless, int iDrive, LPCTSTR pszDriveLabel) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(iDrive);
if (pMtPt) { hr = pMtPt->SetDriveLabel(hwnd, pszDriveLabel); pMtPt->Release(); }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP GetDriveComment(int iDrive, LPTSTR pszComment, int cchComment) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(iDrive);
if (pMtPt) { hr = pMtPt->GetComment(pszComment, cchComment); pMtPt->Release(); }
return hr; }
// End: Old C fct required externally
// fDoIt -- TRUE, if we make connections; FALSE, if just querying.
BOOL _MakeConnection(IDataObject *pDataObj, BOOL fDoIt) { STGMEDIUM medium; FORMATETC fmte = {g_cfNetResource, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL}; BOOL fAnyConnectable = FALSE;
if (SUCCEEDED(pDataObj->GetData(&fmte, &medium))) { LPNETRESOURCE pnr = (LPNETRESOURCE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, 1024); if (pnr) { UINT iItem, cItems = SHGetNetResource(medium.hGlobal, (UINT)-1, NULL, 0); for (iItem = 0; iItem < cItems; iItem++) { if (SHGetNetResource(medium.hGlobal, iItem, pnr, 1024) && pnr->dwUsage & RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE && !(pnr->dwType & RESOURCETYPE_PRINT)) { fAnyConnectable = TRUE; if (fDoIt) { SHNetConnectionDialog(NULL, pnr->lpRemoteName, pnr->dwType); SHChangeNotifyHandleEvents(); } else { break; // We are just querying.
} } } LocalFree(pnr); } ReleaseStgMedium(&medium); }
return fAnyConnectable; }
// the entry of "make connection thread"
DWORD WINAPI MakeConnectionThreadProc(void *pv) { IDataObject *pdtobj; if (SUCCEEDED(CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream((IStream *)pv, IID_PPV_ARG(IDataObject, &pdtobj)))) { _MakeConnection(pdtobj, TRUE); pdtobj->Release(); }
return 0; }
STDAPI CDrivesDropTarget_Create(HWND hwnd, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, IDropTarget **ppdropt);
class CDrivesDropTarget : public CIDLDropTarget { friend HRESULT CDrivesDropTarget_Create(HWND hwnd, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, IDropTarget **ppdropt); public: CDrivesDropTarget(HWND hwnd) : CIDLDropTarget(hwnd) { }; // IDropTarget methods overwirte
STDMETHODIMP DragEnter(IDataObject *pDataObj, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect); STDMETHODIMP Drop(IDataObject *pDataObj, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect); };
STDAPI CDrivesDropTarget_Create(HWND hwnd, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, IDropTarget **ppdropt) { *ppdropt = NULL;
HRESULT hr; CDrivesDropTarget *pCIDLDT = new CDrivesDropTarget(hwnd); if (pCIDLDT) { hr = pCIDLDT->_Init(pidl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) pCIDLDT->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARG(IDropTarget, ppdropt)); pCIDLDT->Release(); } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; }
// puts DROPEFFECT_LINK in *pdwEffect, only if the data object
// contains one or more net resource.
STDMETHODIMP CDrivesDropTarget::DragEnter(IDataObject *pDataObj, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect) { // Call the base class first.
CIDLDropTarget::DragEnter(pDataObj, grfKeyState, pt, pdwEffect);
*pdwEffect &= _MakeConnection(pDataObj, FALSE) ? DROPEFFECT_LINK : DROPEFFECT_NONE;
m_dwEffectLastReturned = *pdwEffect;
return S_OK; // Notes: we should NOT return hr as it.
// creates a connection to a dropped net resource object.
STDMETHODIMP CDrivesDropTarget::Drop(IDataObject *pDataObj, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD *pdwEffect) { HRESULT hr;
if (m_dwData & DTID_NETRES) { *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_LINK;
hr = CIDLDropTarget::DragDropMenu(DROPEFFECT_LINK, pDataObj, pt, pdwEffect, NULL, NULL, POPUP_DRIVES_NONDEFAULTDD, grfKeyState);
if (hr == S_FALSE) { // we create another thread to avoid blocking the source thread.
IStream *pstm; if (S_OK == CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream(IID_IDataObject, pDataObj, &pstm)) { if (SHCreateThread(MakeConnectionThreadProc, pstm, CTF_COINIT, NULL)) { hr = S_OK; } else { pstm->Release(); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } } } else { //
// Because QueryGetData() failed, we don't call CIDLDropTarget_
// DragDropMenu(). Therefore, we must call this explicitly.
DAD_DragLeave(); hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
STDAPI_(DWORD) DrivesPropertiesThreadProc(void *pv) { PROPSTUFF *pps = (PROPSTUFF *)pv; STGMEDIUM medium; ULONG_PTR dwCookie = 0; BOOL bDidActivate = FALSE; //
// This __try/__finally block is to ensure that the activation context gets
// removed, even if there's an assertion elsewhere in this code. A missing
// DeactivateActCtx will lead to a very strange-looking assertion in one of
// the RtlpDeactivateActCtx-variant functions from the caller. Old code
// was missing the deactivate in all circumstances.
// (jonwis) 1/2/2001
__try { bDidActivate = ActivateActCtx(NULL, &dwCookie); LPIDA pida = DataObj_GetHIDA(pps->pdtobj, &medium);
BOOL bMountedDriveInfo = FALSE;
// Were we able to get data for a HIDA?
if (!pida) { // No, pida is first choice, but if not present check for mounteddrive info
fmte.cfFormat = g_cfMountedVolume; fmte.ptd = NULL; fmte.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; fmte.lindex = -1; fmte.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
// Is data available for the MountedVolume format?
if (SUCCEEDED(pps->pdtobj->GetData(&fmte, &medium))) // Yes
bMountedDriveInfo = TRUE; }
// Do we have data for a HIDA or a mountedvolume?
if (pida || bMountedDriveInfo) { // Yes
TCHAR szCaption[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszCaption = NULL;
if (pida) { pszCaption = SHGetCaption(medium.hGlobal); } else { TCHAR szMountPoint[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szVolumeGUID[MAX_PATH];
DragQueryFile((HDROP)medium.hGlobal, 0, szMountPoint, ARRAYSIZE(szMountPoint)); GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(szMountPoint, szVolumeGUID, ARRAYSIZE(szVolumeGUID)); szCaption[0] = 0; GetVolumeInformation(szVolumeGUID, szCaption, ARRAYSIZE(szCaption), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
if (!(*szCaption)) LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_UNLABELEDVOLUME, szCaption, ARRAYSIZE(szCaption));
// Fix 330388
// If the szMountPoint is not a valid local path, do not
// display it in the properties dialog title:
if (-1 != PathGetDriveNumber(szMountPoint)) { int nCaptionLength = lstrlen(szCaption) ; wnsprintf(szCaption + nCaptionLength, ARRAYSIZE(szCaption) - nCaptionLength, TEXT(" (%s)"), szMountPoint); } pszCaption = szCaption; }
// NOTE - if we pass the name of the drive then we can get a lot more keys...
HKEY rgk[MAX_ASSOC_KEYS]; DWORD ck = CDrives_GetKeys(NULL, rgk, ARRAYSIZE(rgk));
SHOpenPropSheet(pszCaption, rgk, ck, &CLSID_ShellDrvDefExt, pps->pdtobj, NULL, pps->pStartPage);
SHRegCloseKeys(rgk, ck);
if (pida && pszCaption) SHFree(pszCaption);
if (pida) HIDA_ReleaseStgMedium(pida, &medium); else ReleaseStgMedium(&medium);
} else { TraceMsg(DM_TRACE, "no HIDA in data obj nor Mounted drive info"); } } __finally { if ( bDidActivate ) { DeactivateActCtx( 0, dwCookie ); } }
return 0; }
// To be called back from within CDefFolderMenu
STDAPI CDrives_DFMCallBack(IShellFolder *psf, HWND hwnd, IDataObject *pdtobj, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check if only file system objects are selected.
if (pdtobj->QueryGetData(&fmte) == S_OK) { #define pqcm ((LPQCMINFO)lParam)
STGMEDIUM medium; // Yes, only file system objects are selected.
LPIDA pida = DataObj_GetHIDA(pdtobj, &medium); if (pida) { LPIDDRIVE pidd = (LPIDDRIVE)IDA_GetIDListPtr(pida, 0);
if (pidd) { int iDrive = DRIVEID(pidd->cName); UINT idCmdBase = pqcm->idCmdFirst; // store it away
BOOL fIsEjectable = FALSE;
CDefFolderMenu_MergeMenu(HINST_THISDLL, POPUP_DRIVES_ITEM, 0, pqcm);
CMountPoint* pmtpt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(DRIVEID(pidd->cName));
if (pmtpt) { if (!pmtpt->IsRemote() || SHRestricted( REST_NONETCONNECTDISCONNECT )) { DeleteMenu(pqcm->hmenu, idCmdBase + FSIDM_DISCONNECT, MF_BYCOMMAND); }
if ((pida->cidl != 1) || (!pmtpt->IsFormattable())) { // Don't even try to format more than one disk
// Or a net drive, or a CD-ROM, or a RAM drive ...
// Note we are going to show the Format command on the
// boot drive, Windows drive, System drive, compressed
// drives, etc. An appropriate error should be shown
// after the user chooses this command
DeleteMenu(pqcm->hmenu, idCmdBase + FSIDM_FORMAT, MF_BYCOMMAND); }
if (pmtpt->IsEjectable()) fIsEjectable = TRUE;
pmtpt->Release(); }
if ((pida->cidl != 1) || (iDrive < 0) || !fIsEjectable) DeleteMenu(pqcm->hmenu, idCmdBase + FSIDM_EJECT, MF_BYCOMMAND);
HIDA_ReleaseStgMedium(pida, &medium); }
#undef pqcm
} } // Note that we always return S_OK from this function so that
// default processing of menu items will occur
ASSERT(hr == S_OK); break;
case DFM_MAPCOMMANDNAME: if (lstrcmpi((LPCTSTR)lParam, TEXT("eject")) == 0) *(int *)wParam = FSIDM_EJECT; else if (lstrcmpi((LPCTSTR)lParam, TEXT("format")) == 0) *(int *)wParam = FSIDM_FORMAT; else hr = E_FAIL; // command not found
case DFM_INVOKECOMMAND: switch (wParam) { case DFM_CMD_PROPERTIES: // lParam contains the page name to open
hr = SHLaunchPropSheet(DrivesPropertiesThreadProc, pdtobj, (LPCTSTR)lParam, NULL, NULL); break;
LPIDA pida = DataObj_GetHIDA(pdtobj, &medium);
ASSERT(HIDA_GetCount(medium.hGlobal) == 1);
LPIDDRIVE pidd = (LPIDDRIVE)IDA_GetIDListPtr(pida, 0); if (pidd) { UINT iDrive = DRIVEID(pidd->cName);
ASSERT((int)iDrive >= 0);
switch (wParam) { case FSIDM_FORMAT: SHFormatDriveAsync(hwnd, iDrive, SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT, 0); break;
case FSIDM_EJECT: { CDBurn_OnEject(hwnd, iDrive); CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(iDrive); if (pMtPt) { pMtPt->Eject(hwnd); pMtPt->Release(); } break; } } }
HIDA_ReleaseStgMedium(pida, &medium); break; }
if (pdtobj) { STGMEDIUM medium; LPIDA pida = DataObj_GetHIDA(pdtobj, &medium); if (pida) { DISCDLGSTRUCT discd = { sizeof(discd), // cbStructure
hwnd, // hwndOwner
NULL, // lpLocalName
NULL, // lpRemoteName
}; for (UINT iidl = 0; iidl < pida->cidl; iidl++) { LPIDDRIVE pidd = (LPIDDRIVE)IDA_GetIDListPtr(pida, iidl);
CMountPoint* pmtpt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(DRIVEID(pidd->cName));
if (pmtpt) { if (pmtpt->IsRemote()) { TCHAR szPath[4], szDrive[4]; BOOL fUnavailable = pmtpt->IsUnavailableNetDrive();
SHAnsiToTChar(pidd->cName, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath)); SHAnsiToTChar(pidd->cName, szDrive, ARRAYSIZE(szDrive)); szDrive[2] = 0; // remove slash
discd.lpLocalName = szDrive;
if (SHWNetDisconnectDialog1(&discd) == WN_SUCCESS) { // If it is a unavailable drive we get no
// file system notification and as such
// the drive will not disappear, so lets
// set up to do it ourself...
if (fUnavailable) { CMountPoint::NotifyUnavailableNetDriveGone(szPath);
// Do we need this if we have the above?
pmtpt->Release(); } }
// flush them altogether
SHChangeNotifyHandleEvents(); HIDA_ReleaseStgMedium(pida, &medium); } } break;
case FSIDM_CONNECT_PRN: SHNetConnectionDialog(hwnd, NULL, RESOURCETYPE_PRINT); break;
case FSIDM_DISCONNECT_PRN: WNetDisconnectDialog(hwnd, RESOURCETYPE_PRINT); break;
default: // This is one of view menu items, use the default code.
hr = S_FALSE; break; } break;
default: hr = E_NOTIMPL; break; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP GetUNCPathHash(HKEY hkDrives, LPCTSTR pszUNCPath, LPTSTR pszUNCPathHash, int cchUNCPathHash) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; DWORD dwLastUNCHash = 0; SHQueryValueEx(hkDrives, REGSTR_LASTUNCHASH, NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)&dwLastUNCHash, NULL); dwLastUNCHash++; if (RegSetValueEx(hkDrives, REGSTR_LASTUNCHASH, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPCBYTE)&dwLastUNCHash, sizeof(dwLastUNCHash)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hr = S_OK; } wnsprintf(pszUNCPathHash, cchUNCPathHash, TEXT("%lu"), (ULONG)dwLastUNCHash); return hr; }
void _DrvPrshtSetSpaceValues(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE *pdpsp) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl; TCHAR szFormat[30]; TCHAR szTemp[30]; TCHAR szBuffer[64]; // needs to be big enough to hold "99,999,999,999,999 bytes" + room for localization
// reset the total/free values to start with
pdpsp->qwTot = pdpsp->qwFree = 0;
// lets try to ask the shellfolder for this information!
HRESULT hr = SHILCreateFromPath(pdpsp->szDrive, &pidl, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IShellFolder2 *psf2; LPCITEMIDLIST pidlLast;
hr = SHBindToIDListParent(pidl, IID_PPV_ARG(IShellFolder2, &psf2), &pidlLast); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONGLONG ullFree;
hr = GetLongProperty(psf2, pidlLast, &SCID_FREESPACE, &ullFree); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ULONGLONG ullTotal;
hr = GetLongProperty(psf2, pidlLast, &SCID_CAPACITY, &ullTotal); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pdpsp->qwTot = ullTotal; pdpsp->qwFree = ullFree; } } psf2->Release(); } ILFree(pidl); }
// we want to use the IShellFolder stuff above so cdrom burning will be happy. However, the
// above code fails for removable drives that have no media, so we need a fallback
if (SHGetDiskFreeSpaceEx(pdpsp->szDrive, &qwFreeUser, &qwTotal, &qwTotalFree)) { // Save away to use when drawing the pie
pdpsp->qwTot = qwTotal.QuadPart; pdpsp->qwFree = qwFreeUser.QuadPart; } } LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_BYTES, szFormat, ARRAYSIZE(szFormat));
// NT must be able to display 64-bit numbers; at least as much
// as is realistic. We've made the decision
// that volumes up to 100 Terrabytes will display the byte value
// and the short-format value. Volumes of greater size will display
// "---" in the byte field and the short-format value. Note that the
// short format is always displayed.
const _int64 MaxDisplayNumber = 99999999999999; // 100TB - 1.
if ((pdpsp->qwTot - pdpsp->qwFree) <= MaxDisplayNumber) { wnsprintf(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), szFormat, AddCommas64(pdpsp->qwTot - pdpsp->qwFree, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp))); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_USEDBYTES, szBuffer); }
if (pdpsp->qwFree <= MaxDisplayNumber) { wnsprintf(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), szFormat, AddCommas64(pdpsp->qwFree, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp))); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_FREEBYTES, szBuffer); }
if (pdpsp->qwTot <= MaxDisplayNumber) { wnsprintf(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), szFormat, AddCommas64(pdpsp->qwTot, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp))); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_TOTBYTES, szBuffer); }
ShortSizeFormat64(pdpsp->qwTot-pdpsp->qwFree, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer)); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_USEDMB, szBuffer);
ShortSizeFormat64(pdpsp->qwFree, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer)); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_FREEMB, szBuffer);
ShortSizeFormat64(pdpsp->qwTot, szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer)); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_TOTMB, szBuffer); }
void _DrvPrshtGetPieShadowHeight(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp) { SIZE size; HDC hDC = GetDC(pdpsp->hDlg);
// some bizzare black magic calculation for the pie size...
GetTextExtentPoint(hDC, TEXT("W"), 1, &size); pdpsp->dwPieShadowHgt = size.cy * 2 / 3; ReleaseDC(pdpsp->hDlg, hDC); }
void _DrvPrshtSetDriveIcon(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp, CMountPoint* pMtPt) { TCHAR szModule[MAX_PATH];
if (pMtPt) { UINT uIcon = pMtPt->GetIcon(szModule, ARRAYSIZE(szModule));
if (uIcon) { HIMAGELIST hIL = NULL;
Shell_GetImageLists(&hIL, NULL);
if (hIL) { int iIndex = Shell_GetCachedImageIndex(szModule[0] ? szModule : c_szShell32Dll, uIcon, 0); HICON hIcon = ImageList_ExtractIcon(g_hinst, hIL, iIndex);
if (hIcon) { ReplaceDlgIcon(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_ICON, hIcon); } } } }
void _DrvPrshtSetDriveAttributes(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp, CMountPoint* pMtPt) { if (pMtPt) { if (pMtPt->IsCompressible()) { // file-based compression is supported (must be NTFS)
pdpsp->fIsCompressionAvailable = TRUE; if (pMtPt->IsCompressed()) { // the volume root is compressed
pdpsp->asInitial.fCompress = TRUE;
// if its compressed, compression better be available
ASSERT(pdpsp->fIsCompressionAvailable); } }
// HACK (reinerf) - we dont have a FS_SUPPORTS_INDEXING so we
// use the FILE_SUPPORTS_SPARSE_FILES flag, because native index support
// appeared first on NTFS5 volumes, at the same time sparse file support
// was implemented.
if (pMtPt->IsSupportingSparseFile()) { // yup, we are on NTFS 5 or greater
pdpsp->fIsIndexAvailable = TRUE;
if (pMtPt->IsContentIndexed()) { pdpsp->asInitial.fIndex = TRUE; } } } else { // if we don't have a mount point, we just leave everything alone
// Set the inital state of the compression / content index checkboxes
if (!pdpsp->fIsCompressionAvailable) { // file-based compression is not supported
DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDD_COMPRESS)); } else { CheckDlgButton(pdpsp->hDlg, IDD_COMPRESS, pdpsp->asInitial.fCompress); }
if (!pdpsp->fIsIndexAvailable) { // content index is only supported on NTFS 5 volumes
DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDD_INDEX)); } else { CheckDlgButton(pdpsp->hDlg, IDD_INDEX, pdpsp->asInitial.fIndex); } }
void _DrvPrshtSetFileSystem(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp, CMountPoint* pMtPt) { TCHAR szFileSystem[64];
szFileSystem[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (pMtPt) { if (!pMtPt->GetFileSystemName(szFileSystem, ARRAYSIZE(szFileSystem)) || (*szFileSystem == TEXT('\0'))) { if ((pMtPt->IsStrictRemovable() || pMtPt->IsFloppy() || pMtPt->IsCDROM()) && !pMtPt->HasMedia()) { // if this drive has removable media and it is empty, then fall back to "Unknown"
LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_FMT_MEDIA0, szFileSystem, ARRAYSIZE(szFileSystem)); } else { // for fixed drives, leave the text as "RAW" (set by default in dlg template)
szFileSystem[0] = TEXT('\0'); } } }
if (*szFileSystem) { SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_FS, szFileSystem); } }
void _DrvPrshtSetVolumeLabel(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp, CMountPoint* pMtPt) { TCHAR szLabel[MAX_LABEL_NTFS + 1]; UINT cchLabel = MAX_LABEL_FAT; // assume the drive is FAT
HWND hwndLabel = GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_LABEL); BOOL bAllowRename = TRUE; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
szLabel[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (pMtPt) { hr = pMtPt->GetLabelNoFancy(szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel));
if (pMtPt->IsRemote() || (pMtPt->IsCDROM() && !pMtPt->IsDVDRAMMedia())) { // ISSUE-2000/10/30-StephStm We probably want to distinguish between diff types of cdrom drives
bAllowRename = FALSE; } if ( !bAllowRename && pMtPt->IsCDROM( ) ) { //
// Check to see if it is CDFS, if not, make no assumptions about
// writing the label.
WCHAR szFS[ 10 ]; // random - just more than "CDFS\0"
BOOL b = pMtPt->GetFileSystemName( szFS, ARRAYSIZE(szFS) ); if (b && lstrcmpi(szFS, L"CDFS") != 0 ) { // Re-enable the label as we don't know if the FS doesn't support this
// until we actually try it.
bAllowRename = TRUE; } }
if (pMtPt->IsNTFS()) { cchLabel = MAX_LABEL_NTFS; } } SetWindowText(hwndLabel, szLabel);
if (FAILED(hr) || !bAllowRename) { Edit_SetReadOnly(hwndLabel, TRUE); } // limit the "Label" edit box based on the filesystem
Edit_LimitText(hwndLabel, cchLabel); // make sure we don't recieve an EN_CHANGED message for the volume edit box
// because we set it above
Edit_SetModify(hwndLabel, FALSE); }
void _DrvPrshtSetDriveType(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp, CMountPoint* pMtPt) { TCHAR szDriveType[80];
szDriveType[0] = TEXT('\0');
if (pMtPt) { if (pMtPt->IsUnavailableNetDrive()) { LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_DRIVES_NETUNAVAIL, szDriveType, ARRAYSIZE(szDriveType)); } else { pMtPt->GetTypeString(szDriveType, ARRAYSIZE(szDriveType)); } }
SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_TYPE, szDriveType); }
void _DrvPrshtSetDriveLetter(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp) { TCHAR szDriveLetterText[80]; TCHAR szFormat[80];
if (pdpsp->fMountedDrive) { TCHAR szLabel[MAX_LABEL_NTFS + 1];
if (GetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_LABEL, szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel))) { LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_VOLUMELABEL, szFormat, ARRAYSIZE(szFormat)); wnsprintf(szDriveLetterText, ARRAYSIZE(szDriveLetterText), szFormat, szLabel); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_LETTER, szDriveLetterText); } } else { LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_DRIVELETTER, szFormat, ARRAYSIZE(szFormat)); wnsprintf(szDriveLetterText, ARRAYSIZE(szDriveLetterText), szFormat, pdpsp->iDrive + TEXT('A')); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_LETTER, szDriveLetterText); } }
void _DrvPrshtSetDiskCleanup(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp) { // if we have a cleanup path in the registry, turn on the Disk Cleanup button on
// NOTE: disk cleanup and mounted volumes don't get along to well, so disable it for now.
if (!pdpsp->fMountedDrive && GetDiskCleanupPath(NULL, 0) && IsBitBucketableDrive(pdpsp->iDrive)) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_CLEANUP), SW_SHOW); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_CLEANUP), TRUE); } else { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_CLEANUP), SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_CLEANUP), FALSE); } }
void _DrvPrshtInit(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp) { HCURSOR hcurOld = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
// get the MountPoint object for this drive
CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(pdpsp->szDrive); if ( !pMtPt ) { pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetSimulatedMountPointFromVolumeGuid( pdpsp->szDrive ); }
_DrvPrshtGetPieShadowHeight(pdpsp); _DrvPrshtSetDriveIcon(pdpsp, pMtPt); _DrvPrshtSetDriveAttributes(pdpsp, pMtPt); _DrvPrshtSetFileSystem(pdpsp, pMtPt); _DrvPrshtSetVolumeLabel(pdpsp, pMtPt); _DrvPrshtSetDriveType(pdpsp, pMtPt); _DrvPrshtSetSpaceValues(pdpsp); _DrvPrshtSetDriveLetter(pdpsp); _DrvPrshtSetDiskCleanup(pdpsp);
if (pMtPt) { pMtPt->Release(); } }
void _DrvPrshtUpdateInfo(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp) { CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(pdpsp->szDrive);
_DrvPrshtSetSpaceValues(pdpsp); _DrvPrshtSetDriveType(pdpsp, pMtPt);
if (pMtPt) { pMtPt->Release(); } }
const COLORREF c_crPieColors[] = { RGB( 0, 0, 255), // Blue
RGB(255, 0, 255), // Red-Blue
RGB( 0, 0, 128), // 1/2 Blue
RGB(128, 0, 128), // 1/2 Red-Blue
STDAPI Draw3dPie(HDC hdc, RECT *prc, DWORD dwPer1000, const COLORREF *lpColors); void DrawColorRect(HDC hdc, COLORREF crDraw, const RECT *prc) { HBRUSH hbDraw = CreateSolidBrush(crDraw); if (hbDraw) { HBRUSH hbOld = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, hbDraw); if (hbOld) { PatBlt(hdc, prc->left, prc->top, prc->right - prc->left, prc->bottom - prc->top, PATCOPY); SelectObject(hdc, hbOld); } DeleteObject(hbDraw); } }
void _DrvPrshtDrawItem(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE *pdpsp, const DRAWITEMSTRUCT * lpdi) { switch (lpdi->CtlID) { case IDC_DRV_PIE: { DWORD dwPctX10 = pdpsp->qwTot ? (DWORD)((__int64)1000 * (pdpsp->qwTot - pdpsp->qwFree) / pdpsp->qwTot) : 1000; #if 1
DrawPie(lpdi->hDC, &lpdi->rcItem, dwPctX10, pdpsp->qwFree==0 || pdpsp->qwFree==pdpsp->qwTot, pdpsp->dwPieShadowHgt, c_crPieColors); #else
{ RECT rcTemp = lpdi->rcItem; Draw3dPie(lpdi->hDC, &rcTemp, dwPctX10, c_crPieColors); } #endif
} break; case IDC_DRV_USEDCOLOR: DrawColorRect(lpdi->hDC, c_crPieColors[DP_USEDCOLOR], &lpdi->rcItem); break; case IDC_DRV_FREECOLOR: DrawColorRect(lpdi->hDC, c_crPieColors[DP_FREECOLOR], &lpdi->rcItem); break; default: break; } }
BOOL_PTR CALLBACK DriveAttribsDlgProc(HWND hDlgRecurse, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp = (DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE *)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlgRecurse, DWLP_USER); switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szAttribsToApply[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDriveText[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFormatString[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDlgText[MAX_PATH]; int iLength;
SetWindowLongPtr(hDlgRecurse, DWLP_USER, lParam); pdpsp = (DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE *)lParam;
// set the initial state of the radio button
CheckDlgButton(hDlgRecurse, IDD_RECURSIVE, TRUE); szAttribsToApply[0] = 0;
// set the IDD_ATTRIBSTOAPPLY based on what attribs we are applying
if (pdpsp->asInitial.fIndex != pdpsp->asCurrent.fIndex) { if (pdpsp->asCurrent.fIndex) LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_INDEX, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); else LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_DISABLEINDEX, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp));
lstrcatn(szAttribsToApply, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szAttribsToApply)); }
if (pdpsp->asInitial.fCompress != pdpsp->asCurrent.fCompress) { if (pdpsp->asCurrent.fCompress) LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_COMPRESS, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)); else LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_UNCOMPRESS, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp));
lstrcatn(szAttribsToApply, szTemp, ARRAYSIZE(szAttribsToApply)); }
// remove the trailing ", "
iLength = lstrlen(szAttribsToApply); ASSERT(iLength >= 3); szAttribsToApply[iLength - 2] = 0;
SetDlgItemText(hDlgRecurse, IDD_ATTRIBSTOAPPLY, szAttribsToApply);
// this dialog was only designed for nice short paths like "c:\" not "\\?\Volume{GUID}\" paths
if (lstrlen(pdpsp->szDrive) > 3) { // get the default string
LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_THISVOLUME, szDriveText, ARRAYSIZE(szDriveText)); } else { // Create the string "C:\"
lstrcpyn(szDriveText, pdpsp->szDrive, ARRAYSIZE(szDriveText)); PathAddBackslash(szDriveText);
// sanity check; this better be a drive root!
ASSERT(PathIsRoot(szDriveText)); } // set the IDD_RECURSIVE_TXT text to have "C:\"
GetDlgItemText(hDlgRecurse, IDD_RECURSIVE_TXT, szFormatString, ARRAYSIZE(szFormatString)); wnsprintf(szDlgText, ARRAYSIZE(szDlgText), szFormatString, szDriveText); SetDlgItemText(hDlgRecurse, IDD_RECURSIVE_TXT, szDlgText);
// set the IDD_NOTRECURSIVE raido button text to have "C:\"
GetDlgItemText(hDlgRecurse, IDD_NOTRECURSIVE, szFormatString, ARRAYSIZE(szFormatString)); wnsprintf(szDlgText, ARRAYSIZE(szDlgText), szFormatString, szDriveText); SetDlgItemText(hDlgRecurse, IDD_NOTRECURSIVE, szDlgText);
// set the IDD_RECURSIVE raido button text to have "C:\"
GetDlgItemText(hDlgRecurse, IDD_RECURSIVE, szFormatString, ARRAYSIZE(szFormatString)); wnsprintf(szDlgText, ARRAYSIZE(szDlgText), szFormatString, szDriveText); SetDlgItemText(hDlgRecurse, IDD_RECURSIVE, szDlgText); } break;
case WM_COMMAND: { UINT uID = GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam); switch (uID) { case IDOK: pdpsp->fRecursive = (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlgRecurse, IDD_RECURSIVE) == BST_CHECKED); // fall through
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlgRecurse, (uID == IDCANCEL) ? FALSE : TRUE); break; } }
default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL _DrvPrshtApply(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp) { BOOL bFctRet; HWND hCtl;
// take care of compression / content indexing first
pdpsp->asCurrent.fCompress = (IsDlgButtonChecked(pdpsp->hDlg, IDD_COMPRESS) == BST_CHECKED); pdpsp->asCurrent.fIndex = (IsDlgButtonChecked(pdpsp->hDlg, IDD_INDEX) == BST_CHECKED); pdpsp->asCurrent.fRecordingEnabled = (IsDlgButtonChecked(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_RECORD_ENABLE) == BST_CHECKED);
// check to see if something has changed before applying attribs
if (memcmp(&pdpsp->asInitial, &pdpsp->asCurrent, sizeof(pdpsp->asInitial)) != 0) { // the user toggled the attributes, so ask them if they want to recurse
BOOL_PTR bRet = DialogBoxParam(HINST_THISDLL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_ATTRIBS_RECURSIVE), pdpsp->hDlg, DriveAttribsDlgProc, (LPARAM)pdpsp); if (bRet) { FILEPROPSHEETPAGE fpsp = {0};
fpsp.pfci = Create_FolderContentsInfo(); if (fpsp.pfci) { // we cook up a fpsp and call ApplySingleFileAttributes instead of
// rewriting the apply attributes code
if (pdpsp->fMountedDrive) { GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint(pdpsp->szDrive, fpsp.szPath, ARRAYSIZE(fpsp.szPath)); } else { lstrcpyn(fpsp.szPath, pdpsp->szDrive, ARRAYSIZE(fpsp.szPath)); }
fpsp.hDlg = pdpsp->hDlg; fpsp.asInitial = pdpsp->asInitial; fpsp.asCurrent = pdpsp->asCurrent; fpsp.pfci->fIsCompressionAvailable = pdpsp->fIsCompressionAvailable; fpsp.pfci->ulTotalNumberOfBytes.QuadPart = pdpsp->qwTot - pdpsp->qwFree; // for progress calculations
fpsp.fIsIndexAvailable = pdpsp->fIsIndexAvailable; fpsp.fRecursive = pdpsp->fRecursive; fpsp.fIsDirectory = TRUE; bRet = ApplySingleFileAttributes(&fpsp);
Release_FolderContentsInfo(fpsp.pfci); fpsp.pfci = NULL;
// update the free/used space after applying attribs because something could
// have changed (eg compression frees up space)
// update the initial attributes to reflect the ones we just applied, regardless
// if the operation was sucessful or not. If they hit cancel, then the volume
// root was most likely still changed so we need to update.
pdpsp->asInitial = pdpsp->asCurrent; } else { bRet = FALSE; } }
if (!bRet) { // the user hit cancel somewhere
return FALSE; } }
hCtl = GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DRV_LABEL);
bFctRet = TRUE;
if (Edit_GetModify(hCtl)) { bFctRet = FALSE; // assume we fail to set the label
TCHAR szLabel[MAX_LABEL_NTFS + 1]; GetWindowText(hCtl, szLabel, ARRAYSIZE(szLabel));
CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(pdpsp->szDrive);
if ( !pMtPt ) { pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetSimulatedMountPointFromVolumeGuid( pdpsp->szDrive ); }
if (pMtPt) { if (SUCCEEDED(pMtPt->SetLabel(GetParent(pdpsp->hDlg), szLabel))) bFctRet = TRUE;
pMtPt->Release(); } }
return bFctRet; }
const static DWORD aDrvPrshtHelpIDs[] = { // Context Help IDs
// Descriptions:
// This is the dialog procedure for the "general" page of a property sheet.
switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // REVIEW, we should store more state info here, for example
// the hIcon being displayed and the FILEINFO pointer, not just
// the file name ptr
SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, lParam); pdpsp = (DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE *)lParam; pdpsp->hDlg = hDlg; _DrvPrshtInit(pdpsp); break;
case WM_DESTROY: ReplaceDlgIcon(hDlg, IDC_DRV_ICON, NULL); // free the icon
case WM_ACTIVATE: if (GET_WM_ACTIVATE_STATE(wParam, lParam) != WA_INACTIVE && pdpsp) _DrvPrshtUpdateInfo(pdpsp); return FALSE; // Let DefDlgProc know we did not handle this
case WM_DRAWITEM: _DrvPrshtDrawItem(pdpsp, (DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam); break;
case WM_HELP: WinHelp((HWND)((LPHELPINFO) lParam)->hItemHandle, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR) aDrvPrshtHelpIDs); break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: WinHelp((HWND) wParam, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)(void *)aDrvPrshtHelpIDs); break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDC_DRV_LABEL: if (GET_WM_COMMAND_CMD(wParam, lParam) != EN_CHANGE) break; // else, fall through
case IDD_COMPRESS: case IDD_INDEX: SendMessage(GetParent(hDlg), PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM)hDlg, 0); break;
// handle disk cleanup button
case IDC_DRV_CLEANUP: LaunchDiskCleanup(hDlg, pdpsp->iDrive, DISKCLEANUP_NOFLAG); break;
default: return TRUE; } break;
case WM_NOTIFY: switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: break;
case PSN_APPLY: if (!_DrvPrshtApply(pdpsp)) { SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, PSNRET_INVALID_NOCHANGEPAGE); } break;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
void _DiskToolsPrshtInit(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE * pdpsp) { TCHAR szFmt[MAX_PATH + 20]; DWORD cbLen = sizeof(szFmt);
BOOL bFoundBackup = SUCCEEDED(SKGetValue(SHELLKEY_HKLM_EXPLORER, REL_KEY_BACKUP, NULL, NULL, szFmt, &cbLen)); // If no backup utility is installed, then remove everything in the backup groupbox
if (!bFoundBackup) { DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DISKTOOLS_BKPNOW)); DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DISKTOOLS_BKPICON)); DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DISKTOOLS_BKPDAYS)); DestroyWindow(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DISKTOOLS_BKPTXT)); }
cbLen = sizeof(szFmt); BOOL bFoundFmt = SUCCEEDED(SKGetValue(SHELLKEY_HKLM_EXPLORER, REL_KEY_DEFRAG, NULL, NULL, szFmt, &cbLen)) && szFmt[0]; // If no defrag utility is installed, replace the default defrag text with
// the "No defrag installed" message. Also grey out the "defrag now" button.
if (!bFoundFmt) { TCHAR szMessage[50]; // WARNING: IDS_DRIVES_NOOPTINSTALLED is currently 47
// characters long. Resize this buffer if
// the string resource is lengthened.
LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_DRIVES_NOOPTINSTALLED, szMessage, ARRAYSIZE(szMessage)); SetDlgItemText(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DISKTOOLS_OPTDAYS, szMessage); Button_Enable(GetDlgItem(pdpsp->hDlg, IDC_DISKTOOLS_OPTNOW), FALSE); } }
const static DWORD aDiskToolsHelpIDs[] = { // Context Help IDs
0, 0 };
BOOL _DiskToolsCommand(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE * pdpsp, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Add 20 for extra formatting
TCHAR szFmt[MAX_PATH + 20]; TCHAR szCmd[MAX_PATH + 20]; LPCTSTR pszRegName, pszDefFmt; int nErrMsg = 0;
switch (GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) { case IDC_DISKTOOLS_CHKNOW: SHChkDskDriveEx(pdpsp->hDlg, pdpsp->szDrive); return FALSE;
case IDC_DISKTOOLS_OPTNOW: pszRegName = REL_KEY_DEFRAG; if (pdpsp->fMountedDrive) { pszDefFmt = TEXT("defrag.exe"); } else { pszDefFmt = TEXT("defrag.exe %c:"); } nErrMsg = IDS_NO_OPTIMISE_APP; break;
case IDC_DISKTOOLS_BKPNOW: pszRegName = REL_KEY_BACKUP; pszDefFmt = TEXT("ntbackup.exe"); nErrMsg = IDS_NO_BACKUP_APP; break;
default: return FALSE; }
DWORD cbLen = sizeof(szFmt); if (FAILED(SKGetValue(SHELLKEY_HKLM_EXPLORER, pszRegName, NULL, NULL, szFmt, &cbLen))) { // failed to read out the reg value, just use the default
lstrcpy(szFmt, pszDefFmt); }
// some apps write REG_SZ keys to the registry even though they have env variables in them
ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szFmt, szCmd, ARRAYSIZE(szCmd)); lstrcpyn(szFmt, szCmd, ARRAYSIZE(szFmt));
// Plug in the drive letter in case they want it
wnsprintf(szCmd, ARRAYSIZE(szCmd), szFmt, pdpsp->iDrive + TEXT('A'));
if (!ShellExecCmdLine(pdpsp->hDlg, szCmd, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL, NULL, SECL_USEFULLPATHDIR | SECL_NO_UI)) { // Something went wrong - app's probably not installed.
return TRUE; }
// Descriptions:
// This is the dialog procedure for the "Tools" page of a property sheet.
switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: // REVIEW, we should store more state info here, for example
// the hIcon being displayed and the FILEINFO pointer, not just
// the file name ptr
SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, lParam); pdpsp = (DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE *)lParam; pdpsp->hDlg = hDlg;
_DiskToolsPrshtInit(pdpsp); break;
case WM_ACTIVATE: if (GET_WM_ACTIVATE_STATE(wParam, lParam) != WA_INACTIVE && pdpsp) { _DiskToolsPrshtInit(pdpsp); } return FALSE; // Let DefDlgProc know we did not handle this
case WM_HELP: WinHelp((HWND)((LPHELPINFO) lParam)->hItemHandle, NULL, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)(LPTSTR) aDiskToolsHelpIDs); break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: WinHelp((HWND)wParam, NULL, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)(void *)aDiskToolsHelpIDs); break;
case WM_COMMAND: return _DiskToolsCommand(pdpsp, wParam, lParam);
case WM_NOTIFY: switch (((NMHDR *)lParam)->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: break;
case PSN_APPLY: return TRUE;
default: return FALSE; } break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// This is the dialog procedure for the "Hardware" page.
const GUID c_rgguidDevMgr[] = { { 0x4d36e967, 0xe325, 0x11ce, { 0xbf, 0xc1, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0xe1, 0x03, 0x18 } }, // GUID_DEVCLASS_DISKDRIVE
{ 0x4d36e980, 0xe325, 0x11ce, { 0xbf, 0xc1, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0xe1, 0x03, 0x18 } }, // GUID_DEVCLASS_FLOPPYDISK
{ 0x4d36e965, 0xe325, 0x11ce, { 0xbf, 0xc1, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0xe1, 0x03, 0x18 } }, // GUID_DEVCLASS_CDROM
BOOL_PTR CALLBACK _DriveHWDlgProc(HWND hDlg, UINT uMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE * pdpsp = (DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE *)lParam;
HWND hwndHW = DeviceCreateHardwarePageEx(hDlg, c_rgguidDevMgr, ARRAYSIZE(c_rgguidDevMgr), HWTAB_LARGELIST); if (hwndHW) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_DRIVETSHOOT, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf)); SetWindowText(hwndHW, szBuf);
LoadString(HINST_THISDLL, IDS_THESEDRIVES, szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf)); SetDlgItemText(hwndHW, IDC_HWTAB_LVSTATIC, szBuf); } else { DestroyWindow(hDlg); // catastrophic failure
} } return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL CDrives_AddPage(LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp, LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE pfnAddPage, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fSuccess; HPROPSHEETPAGE hpage = CreatePropertySheetPage(ppsp); if (hpage) { fSuccess = pfnAddPage(hpage, lParam); if (!fSuccess) { // Couldn't add page
DestroyPropertySheetPage(hpage); fSuccess = FALSE; } } else { // Couldn't create page
fSuccess = FALSE; } return fSuccess; }
HRESULT CDrives_AddPagesHelper(DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE* pdpsp, int iType, LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE pfnAddPage, LPARAM lParam) { if ((iType == DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR) || (iType == DRIVE_REMOTE)) { return S_OK; } CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(pdpsp->szDrive); if (pMtPt) { if (IsShellServiceRunning()) { if (pMtPt->IsStrictRemovable() || pMtPt->IsCDROM() || (pMtPt->IsFixedDisk() && pMtPt->IsRemovableDevice())) { CAutoPlayDlg* papdlg = new CAutoPlayDlg();
if (papdlg) { // Autoplay
pdpsp->psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_AUTOPLAY); pdpsp->psp.pfnDlgProc = CAutoPlayDlg::BaseDlgWndProc; pdpsp->psp.pfnCallback = CBaseDlg::BaseDlgPropSheetCallback; pdpsp->psp.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT | PSP_USECALLBACK;
papdlg->Init(pdpsp->szDrive, iType); // for now
pdpsp->psp.lParam = (LPARAM)(CBaseDlg*)papdlg;
if (CDrives_AddPage(&pdpsp->psp, pfnAddPage, lParam)) { papdlg->AddRef(); }
pdpsp->psp.lParam = NULL; pdpsp->psp.pfnCallback = NULL; pdpsp->psp.dwFlags = NULL;
papdlg->Release(); } } }
if ((iType != DRIVE_CDROM) || pMtPt->IsDVDRAMMedia()) { // we add the tools page for non-cdrom and DVD-RAM disks
pdpsp->psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_DISKTOOLS); pdpsp->psp.pfnDlgProc = _DiskToolsDlgProc;
CDrives_AddPage(&pdpsp->psp, pfnAddPage, lParam); }
pMtPt->Release(); }
if (!SHRestricted(REST_NOHARDWARETAB)) { pdpsp->psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_DRV_HWTAB); pdpsp->psp.pfnDlgProc = _DriveHWDlgProc; CDrives_AddPage(&pdpsp->psp, pfnAddPage, lParam); }
return S_OK; }
// We check if any of the IDList's points to a drive root. If so, we use the
// drives property page.
// Note that drives should not be mixed with folders and files, even in a
// search window.
STDAPI CDrives_AddPages(IDataObject *pdtobj, LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE pfnAddPage, LPARAM lParam) { STGMEDIUM medium; FORMATETC fmte = {CF_HDROP, NULL, DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, TYMED_HGLOBAL}; if (SUCCEEDED(pdtobj->GetData(&fmte, &medium))) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; int i, cItems = DragQueryFile((HDROP)medium.hGlobal, (UINT)-1, NULL, 0);
for (i = 0; DragQueryFile((HDROP)medium.hGlobal, i, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath)); i++) { DRIVEPROPSHEETPAGE dpsp = {0}; TCHAR szTitle[80];
if (lstrlen(szPath) > 3) continue; // can't be a drive letter
dpsp.psp.dwSize = sizeof(dpsp); // extra data
dpsp.psp.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; dpsp.psp.hInstance = HINST_THISDLL; dpsp.psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_DRV_GENERAL); dpsp.psp.pfnDlgProc = _DrvGeneralDlgProc, lstrcpyn(dpsp.szDrive, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(dpsp.szDrive)); dpsp.iDrive = DRIVEID(szPath);
// if more than one drive selected give each tab the title of the drive
// otherwise use "General"
if (cItems > 1) { CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(dpsp.iDrive); if (pMtPt) { dpsp.psp.dwFlags = PSP_USETITLE; dpsp.psp.pszTitle = szTitle;
pMtPt->GetDisplayName(szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle));
pMtPt->Release(); } }
if (!CDrives_AddPage(&dpsp.psp, pfnAddPage, lParam)) break;
// if only one property page added add the disk tools
// and Hardware tab too...
if (cItems == 1) { CDrives_AddPagesHelper(&dpsp, RealDriveType(dpsp.iDrive, FALSE /* fOKToHitNet */), pfnAddPage, lParam); } } ReleaseStgMedium(&medium); } else { // try mounteddrive
fmte.cfFormat = g_cfMountedVolume;
// Can we retrieve the MountedVolume format?
if (SUCCEEDED(pdtobj->GetData(&fmte, &medium))) { // Yes
dpsp.psp.dwSize = sizeof(dpsp); // extra data
dpsp.psp.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; dpsp.psp.hInstance = HINST_THISDLL; dpsp.psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(DLG_DRV_GENERAL); dpsp.psp.pfnDlgProc = _DrvGeneralDlgProc, dpsp.iDrive = -1; dpsp.fMountedDrive = TRUE;
DragQueryFile((HDROP)medium.hGlobal, 0, szMountPoint, ARRAYSIZE(szMountPoint));
lstrcpyn(dpsp.szDrive, szMountPoint, ARRAYSIZE(dpsp.szDrive));
hpage = CreatePropertySheetPage(&dpsp.psp); if (hpage) { if (!pfnAddPage(hpage, lParam)) { DestroyPropertySheetPage(hpage); } }
// Disk tools page
CMountPoint* pMtPt = CMountPoint::GetMountPoint(szMountPoint); if (pMtPt) { CDrives_AddPagesHelper(&dpsp, GetDriveType(szMountPoint), pfnAddPage, lParam); pMtPt->Release(); }
ReleaseStgMedium(&medium); } } return S_OK; }