// 10/12/99 scotthan created
#include "shellprv.h"
#include "filtgrep.h"
#include <ntquery.h>
#include <filterr.h>
class CGrepTokens // maintains an index of unicode and ansi grep tokens.
{ public: STDMETHODIMP Initialize(UINT nCodepage, LPCWSTR pwszMatch, LPCWSTR pwszExclude, BOOL bCaseSensitive); STDMETHODIMP_(void) Reset(); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GrepW(LPCWSTR pwszText); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) GrepA(LPCSTR pwszText); STDMETHODIMP GetCodePage(UINT* pnCodepage) const; STDMETHODIMP GetMatchTokens(OUT LPWSTR pszTokens, UINT cchTokens) const; STDMETHODIMP GetExcludeTokens(OUT LPWSTR pszTokens, UINT cchTokens) const;
private: UINT _nCodepage; LPWSTR _pszMatchW, _pszExcludeW; // raw strings, unicode
LPSTR _pszMatchA, _pszExcludeA; // raw strings, ansi
LPCWSTR *_rgpszMatchW, *_rgpszExcludeW; // token index, unicode
LPCSTR *_rgpszMatchA, *_rgpszExcludeA; // token index, ansi
LONG _cMatch, _cExclude; // token counts
LPWSTR (__stdcall * _pfnStrStrW)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR); LPSTR (__stdcall * _pfnStrStrA)(LPCSTR, LPCSTR);
public: // Ctor, Dtor
CGrepTokens() : _nCodepage(0), _cMatch(0), _cExclude(0), _pfnStrStrW(StrStrIW), _pfnStrStrA(StrStrIA), _pszMatchW(NULL), _pszExcludeW(NULL), _rgpszMatchW(NULL), _rgpszExcludeW(NULL), _pszMatchA(NULL), _pszExcludeA(NULL), _rgpszMatchA(NULL), _rgpszExcludeA(NULL) {} ~CGrepTokens() { Reset(); }
class CGrepBuffer // auxilliary class: per-thread grep buffer
{ public: CGrepBuffer(ULONG dwThreadID) : _dwThreadID(dwThreadID), _pszBuf(NULL), _cchBuf(0) {} virtual ~CGrepBuffer() {delete [] _pszBuf;} STDMETHODIMP Alloc(ULONG cch); STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) IsThread(ULONG dwThread) const {return dwThread == _dwThreadID;} STDMETHODIMP_(LPWSTR) Buffer() { return _pszBuf; }
#define DEFAULT_GREPBUFFERSIZE 0x00FF // +1 = 1 page.
private: LPWSTR _pszBuf; ULONG _cchBuf; ULONG _dwThreadID; };
// Makes a heap copy of a widechar string
LPWSTR _AllocAndCopyString(LPCWSTR pszSrc, UINT cch = -1) { if (pszSrc) { if ((int)cch < 0) // must cast to "int" since cch is a UINT
cch = lstrlenW(pszSrc); LPWSTR pszRet = new WCHAR[cch + 1]; if (pszRet) { CopyMemory(pszRet, pszSrc, sizeof(*pszSrc) * cch); pszRet[cch] = 0; return pszRet; } } return NULL; }
// Makes an ansi copy of a widechar string
LPSTR _AllocAndCopyAnsiString(UINT nCodepage, LPCWSTR pszSrc, UINT cch = -1) { if (pszSrc) { if ((int)cch < 0) // must cast to "int" since cch is a UINT
cch = lstrlenW(pszSrc); int cchBuf = WideCharToMultiByte(nCodepage, 0, pszSrc, cch, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); LPSTR pszRet = new CHAR[cchBuf+1]; if (pszRet) { int cchRet = WideCharToMultiByte(nCodepage, 0, pszSrc, cch, pszRet, cchBuf, NULL, NULL); pszRet[cchRet] = 0; return pszRet; } } return NULL; }
// CGrepBuffer impl
STDMETHODIMP CGrepBuffer::Alloc(ULONG cch) { LPWSTR pszBuf = NULL; if (cch) { if (_pszBuf && _cchBuf >= cch) return S_OK;
pszBuf = new WCHAR[cch+1]; if (NULL == pszBuf) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
*pszBuf = 0; }
delete [] _pszBuf; _pszBuf = pszBuf; _cchBuf = cch; return _pszBuf != NULL ? S_OK : S_FALSE ; }
// CGrepTokens impl
// Counts the number of characters in a string containing NULL-delimited tokens ("foo\0bloke\0TheEnd\0\0")
LONG _GetTokenListLength(LPCWSTR pszList, LONG* pcTokens = NULL) { LONG cchRet = 0; if (pcTokens) *pcTokens = 0;
if (pszList && *pszList) { LPCWSTR pszToken, pszPrev; int i = 0; for (pszToken = pszPrev = pszList; pszToken && *pszToken;) { if (pcTokens) (*pcTokens)++; pszToken += lstrlenW(pszToken) + 1, cchRet += (DWORD)(pszToken - pszPrev) ; pszPrev = pszToken; } } return cchRet; }
// wide version: Counts and/or indexes NULL-delimited string tokens ("foo\0bloke\0TheEnd\0\0")
LONG _IndexTokensW(LPCWSTR pszList, LPCWSTR* prgszTokens = NULL) { LONG cRet = 0; if (pszList && *pszList) { LPCWSTR psz = pszList; int i = 0; for (; psz && *psz; psz += (lstrlenW(psz) + 1), i++) { if (prgszTokens) prgszTokens[i] = psz; cRet++; } } return cRet; }
// ansi version: Counts and/or indexes NULL-delimited string tokens ("foo\0bloke\0TheEnd\0\0")
LONG _IndexTokensA(LPCSTR pszList, LPCSTR* prgszTokens = NULL) { LONG cRet = 0; if (pszList && *pszList) { LPCSTR psz = pszList; int i = 0; for (; psz && *psz; psz += (lstrlenA(psz) + 1), i++) { if (prgszTokens) prgszTokens[i] = psz; cRet++; } } return cRet; }
// wide version: Allocates a string token index and indexes a string of NULL-delimited tokens.
STDMETHODIMP _AllocAndIndexTokensW(LONG cTokens, LPCWSTR pszList, LPCWSTR** pprgszTokens) { if (cTokens) { if (NULL == (*pprgszTokens = new LPCWSTR[cTokens])) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (cTokens != _IndexTokensW(pszList, *pprgszTokens)) { delete [] (*pprgszTokens); *pprgszTokens = NULL; return E_FAIL; } } return S_OK; }
// ansi version: Allocates a string token index and indexes a string of NULL-delimited tokens.
STDMETHODIMP _AllocAndIndexTokensA(LONG cTokens, LPCSTR pszList, LPCSTR** pprgszTokens) { if (cTokens) { if (NULL == (*pprgszTokens = new LPCSTR[cTokens])) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (cTokens != _IndexTokensA(pszList, *pprgszTokens)) { delete [] (*pprgszTokens); *pprgszTokens = NULL; return E_FAIL; } } return S_OK; }
// Frees unicode and ansi token lists and corresponding indices.
void _FreeUniAnsiTokenList( OUT LPWSTR* ppszListW, OUT LPSTR* ppszListA, OUT LPCWSTR** pprgTokensW, OUT LPCSTR** pprgTokensA) { delete [] *ppszListW; *ppszListW = NULL; delete [] *ppszListA; *ppszListA = NULL; delete [] *pprgTokensW; *pprgTokensW = NULL; delete [] *pprgTokensA; *pprgTokensA = NULL; }
// Allocates unicode and ansi token lists and corresponding indices.
STDMETHODIMP _AllocUniAnsiTokenList( UINT nCodepage, LPCWSTR pszList, OUT LPWSTR* ppszListW, OUT LPSTR* ppszListA, OUT LONG* pcTokens, OUT LPCWSTR** pprgTokensW, OUT LPCSTR** pprgTokensA) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; LONG cTokens = 0; UINT cch = _GetTokenListLength(pszList, &cTokens);
*ppszListW = NULL; *ppszListA = NULL; *pprgTokensW = NULL; *pprgTokensA = NULL; *pcTokens = 0;
if (cTokens) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; if (NULL == (*ppszListW = _AllocAndCopyString(pszList, cch))) goto failure_exit;
if (NULL == (*ppszListA = _AllocAndCopyAnsiString(nCodepage, pszList, cch))) goto failure_exit;
if (FAILED((hr = _AllocAndIndexTokensW(cTokens, *ppszListW, pprgTokensW)))) goto failure_exit;
if (FAILED((hr = _AllocAndIndexTokensA(cTokens, *ppszListA, pprgTokensA)))) goto failure_exit;
*pcTokens = cTokens; hr = S_OK; } return hr;
failure_exit: _FreeUniAnsiTokenList(ppszListW, ppszListA, pprgTokensW, pprgTokensA); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CGrepTokens::Initialize(UINT nCodepage, LPCWSTR pszMatch, LPCWSTR pszExclude, BOOL bCaseSensitive) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; Reset();
BOOL bMatchString = (pszMatch && *pszMatch); BOOL bExcludeString = (pszExclude && *pszExclude);
if (!(bMatchString || bExcludeString)) return E_INVALIDARG;
_nCodepage = nCodepage;
if (bCaseSensitive) { _pfnStrStrW = StrStrW; _pfnStrStrA = StrStrA; } else { _pfnStrStrW = StrStrIW; _pfnStrStrA = StrStrIA; }
if (bMatchString) { if (FAILED((hr = _AllocUniAnsiTokenList(nCodepage, pszMatch, &_pszMatchW, &_pszMatchA, &_cMatch, &_rgpszMatchW, &_rgpszMatchA)))) { return hr; } } if (bExcludeString) { if (FAILED((hr = _AllocUniAnsiTokenList(nCodepage, pszExclude, &_pszExcludeW, &_pszExcludeA, &_cExclude, &_rgpszExcludeW, &_rgpszExcludeA)))) { return hr; } }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CGrepTokens::GetCodePage(UINT* pnCodepage) const { HRESULT hr = _nCodepage ? S_OK : S_FALSE; if (pnCodepage) *pnCodepage = _nCodepage; return hr; }
// S_OK we have some match tokens, S_FALSE otherwise
STDMETHODIMP CGrepTokens::GetMatchTokens(OUT LPWSTR pszMatch, UINT cchMatch) const { HRESULT hr = (_pszMatchW && *_pszMatchW) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; if (pszMatch) lstrcpynW(pszMatch, _pszMatchW ? _pszMatchW : L"", cchMatch); return hr; }
// S_OK we have some exclude tokens, S_FALSE otherwise
STDMETHODIMP CGrepTokens::GetExcludeTokens(OUT LPWSTR pszExclude, UINT cchExclude) const { HRESULT hr = (_pszExcludeW && *_pszExcludeW) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; if (pszExclude) lstrcpynW(pszExclude, _pszExcludeW ? _pszExcludeW : L"", cchExclude); return hr; }
void CGrepTokens::Reset() { _FreeUniAnsiTokenList(&_pszMatchW, &_pszMatchA, &_rgpszMatchW, &_rgpszMatchA); _FreeUniAnsiTokenList(&_pszExcludeW, &_pszExcludeA, &_rgpszExcludeW, &_rgpszExcludeA); _cMatch = _cExclude = 0; _nCodepage = 0; }
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CGrepTokens::GrepW(LPCWSTR pszText) { BOOL bMatch = FALSE; if (pszText) { BOOL bExclude = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < _cMatch; i++) { if (_pfnStrStrW(pszText, _rgpszMatchW[i])) { bMatch = TRUE; break; } }
for (i = 0; i < _cExclude; i++) { if (_pfnStrStrW(pszText, _rgpszExcludeW[i])) { bExclude = TRUE; break; } } if (_cMatch && _cExclude) return bMatch || !_cExclude; if (_cExclude) return !bExclude; } return bMatch; }
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CGrepTokens::GrepA(LPCSTR pszText) { BOOL bMatch = FALSE; if (pszText) { BOOL bExclude = FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < _cMatch; i++) { if (_pfnStrStrA(pszText, _rgpszMatchA[i])) { bMatch = TRUE; break; } }
for (i = 0; i < _cExclude; i++) { if (_pfnStrStrA(pszText, _rgpszExcludeA[i])) { bExclude = TRUE; break; } } if (_cMatch && _cExclude) return bMatch || !_cExclude; if (_cExclude) return !bExclude; } return bMatch; }
inline STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) _IsEqualAttribute(const FULLPROPSPEC& fps, REFFMTID fmtid, PROPID propid) { return IsEqualGUID(fmtid, fps.guidPropSet) && PRSPEC_PROPID == fps.psProperty.ulKind && propid == fps.psProperty.propid; }
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) _PropVariantGrep(PROPVARIANT* pvar, CGrepTokens* pTokens) { BOOL bRet = FALSE;
switch(pvar->vt) { case VT_LPWSTR: bRet = pTokens->GrepW(pvar->pwszVal); break;
case VT_BSTR: bRet = pTokens->GrepW(pvar->bstrVal); break;
case VT_LPSTR: bRet = pTokens->GrepA(pvar->pszVal); break;
case VT_VECTOR|VT_LPWSTR: { for (UINT i = 0; !bRet && i < pvar->calpwstr.cElems; i++) bRet = pTokens->GrepW(pvar->calpwstr.pElems[i]); break; }
case VT_VECTOR|VT_BSTR: { for (UINT i = 0; !bRet && i < pvar->cabstr.cElems; i++) bRet = pTokens->GrepW(pvar->cabstr.pElems[i]); break; }
case VT_VECTOR|VT_LPSTR: { for (UINT i = 0; !bRet && i < pvar->calpstr.cElems; i++) bRet = pTokens->GrepA(pvar->calpstr.pElems[i]); break; }
case VT_VECTOR|VT_VARIANT: { for (UINT i = 0; !bRet && i < pvar->capropvar.cElems; i++) bRet = _PropVariantGrep(pvar->capropvar.pElems + i, pTokens); break; }
case VT_BSTR|VT_ARRAY: { // Only grep 1-dimensional arrays.
UINT cDims = SafeArrayGetDim(pvar->parray); if (cDims == 1) { LONG lBound, uBound; if (SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayGetLBound(pvar->parray, 1, &lBound)) && SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayGetUBound(pvar->parray, 1, &uBound)) && uBound > lBound) { BSTR *rgpbstr; if (SUCCEEDED(SafeArrayAccessData(pvar->parray, (void **)&rgpbstr))) { for (int i = 0; !bRet && i <= (uBound - lBound); i++) { bRet = pTokens->GrepW(rgpbstr[i]); } SafeArrayUnaccessData(pvar->parray); } } } else if (cDims > 1) { ASSERT(FALSE); // we didn't expect > 1 dimension on bstr arrays!
} break; } } return bRet; }
// Retrieves grep restriction settings
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) _FetchRestrictionSettings(LPCWSTR pwszVal, LPWSTR* ppwszSettings, BOOL bRefresh) { ASSERT(ppwszSettings); if (bRefresh) { delete [] *ppwszSettings; *ppwszSettings = NULL; }
if (NULL == *ppwszSettings) { HKEY hkeyPolicy = NULL; if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies\\Search\\ExcludedFileTypes", 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyPolicy) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwType, cbData = 0; if (RegQueryValueExW(hkeyPolicy, pwszVal, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &cbData) == ERROR_SUCCESS && REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType) { if ((*ppwszSettings = new WCHAR[(cbData/sizeof(WCHAR))+ 1]) != NULL) { if (RegQueryValueExW(hkeyPolicy, pwszVal, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)*ppwszSettings, &cbData) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { *ppwszSettings = 0; } } } RegCloseKey(hkeyPolicy); }
if (NULL == *ppwszSettings) // we found no restriction key or value.
{ if ((*ppwszSettings = new WCHAR[1])) **ppwszSettings = 0; } } return *ppwszSettings != NULL; }
// Scans restriction entries for a match against the specified filename extension
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) _ScanRestrictionSettings(LPCWSTR pwszSettings, LPCWSTR pwszExt) { ASSERT(pwszSettings); ASSERT(pwszExt);
for (LPCWSTR psz = pwszSettings; *psz; psz += (lstrlenW(psz) + 1)) { if (0 == StrCmpIW(psz, pwszExt)) return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
CFilterGrep::CFilterGrep() : _hdpaGrepBuffers(NULL), _pTokens(NULL), _dwFlags(0), _pwszContentRestricted(NULL), _pwszPropertiesRestricted(NULL) { InitializeCriticalSection(&_critsec); }
CFilterGrep::~CFilterGrep() { _ClearGrepBuffers(); delete [] _pwszContentRestricted; delete [] _pwszPropertiesRestricted; delete _pTokens; DeleteCriticalSection(&_critsec); }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::Initialize(UINT nCodepage, LPCWSTR pszMatch, LPCWSTR pszExclude, DWORD dwFlags) { Reset(); if ((0 == (dwFlags & (FGIF_BLANKETGREP|FGIF_GREPFILENAME))) || !((pszMatch && *pszMatch) || (pszExclude && *pszExclude))) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!(_pTokens || (_pTokens = new CGrepTokens) != NULL)) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
_dwFlags = dwFlags;
return _pTokens->Initialize(nCodepage, pszMatch, pszExclude, BOOLIFY(dwFlags & FGIF_CASESENSITIVE)); }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::Reset() { if (_pTokens) _pTokens->Reset(); _dwFlags = 0; return S_OK; }
// converts non critical errors into S_FALSE, other return as FAILED(hr)
// returns:
// S_OK match
// S_FALSE did not match
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::Grep(IShellFolder *psf, LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPCTSTR pszName) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; BOOL bHit = FALSE; ULONG ulFlags = IFILTER_FLAGS_OLE_PROPERTIES; // default to try to use pss
ULONG dwThread = GetCurrentThreadId(); if (NULL == _pTokens) return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_DATA);
if (_IsRestrictedFileType(pszName)) return S_FALSE;
// Grep the filename.
if ((_dwFlags & FGIF_GREPFILENAME) && _pTokens->GrepW(pszName)) { return S_OK; }
while (!bHit && (S_OK == hr)) { STAT_CHUNK stat; __try { hr = pFilter->GetChunk(&stat); while ((S_OK == hr) && (0 == (stat.flags & (CHUNK_TEXT | CHUNK_VALUE)))) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, "CFilterGrep::Grep encountered bad/unknown type for chunk; skipping."); hr = pFilter->GetChunk(&stat); } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hr = E_ABORT; } hr = _MapFilterCriticalError(hr); // convert filter errors into S_FALSE
if (S_OK == hr) { ULONG grfDescriminate = (_dwFlags & FGIF_BLANKETGREP); if (FGIF_BLANKETGREP == grfDescriminate || (_IsEqualAttribute(stat.attribute, FMTID_Storage, PID_STG_CONTENTS) ? FGIF_GREPPROPERTIES == grfDescriminate : FGIF_GREPCONTENT == grfDescriminate)) { if (((stat.flags & CHUNK_VALUE) && S_OK == _GrepValue(pFilter, &stat)) || ((stat.flags & CHUNK_TEXT) && S_OK == _GrepText(pFilter, &stat, dwThread))) { bHit = TRUE; } } } } pFilter->Release(); } // Grep OLE/NFF properties if appropriate
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (!bHit && (ulFlags & IFILTER_FLAGS_OLE_PROPERTIES) && (_dwFlags & FGIF_BLANKETGREP)) { IPropertySetStorage *pps; if (SUCCEEDED(psf->BindToStorage(pidl, NULL, IID_PPV_ARG(IPropertySetStorage, &pps)))) { hr = _GrepProperties(pps); bHit = (S_OK == hr); pps->Release(); } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = bHit ? S_OK : S_FALSE; return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::_GrepValue(IFilter* pFilter, STAT_CHUNK* pstat) { PROPVARIANT* pvar = NULL; HRESULT hr;
__try { hr = pFilter->GetValue(&pvar); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hr = E_ABORT; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = _PropVariantGrep(pvar, _pTokens) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; PropVariantClear(pvar); CoTaskMemFree(pvar); } return hr; }
// Greps OLE/NFF properties.
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::_GrepProperties(IPropertySetStorage *pss) { BOOL bHit = FALSE; IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG* pEnumSet; if (SUCCEEDED(pss->Enum(&pEnumSet))) { STATPROPSETSTG statSet[8]; DWORD cSets = 0; while (!bHit && SUCCEEDED(pEnumSet->Next(ARRAYSIZE(statSet), statSet, &cSets)) && cSets) { for (UINT i = 0; !bHit && i < cSets; i++) { IPropertyStorage *pstg; if (SUCCEEDED(pss->Open(statSet[i].fmtid, STGM_READ | STGM_DIRECT | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, &pstg))) { bHit = (S_OK == _GrepEnumPropStg(pstg)); pstg->Release(); } } } pEnumSet->Release(); } return bHit ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// Reads and greps a block of properties described by a
// caller-supplied array of PROPSPECs.
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::_GrepPropStg(IPropertyStorage *pstg, ULONG cspec, PROPSPEC rgspec[]) { PROPVARIANT rgvar[PROPGREPBUFSIZE] = {0}, // stack buffer
*prgvar = rgvar; BOOL bHit = FALSE;
if (cspec > ARRAYSIZE(rgvar)) // stack buffer large enough?
{ if (NULL == (prgvar = new PROPVARIANT[cspec])) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(prgvar, sizeof(PROPVARIANT) * cspec); }
// Read properties:
HRESULT hr = pstg->ReadMultiple(cspec, rgspec, prgvar); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (UINT i = 0; i < cspec; i++) { if (!bHit) bHit = _PropVariantGrep(prgvar + i, _pTokens); PropVariantClear(rgvar + i); } }
if (prgvar != rgvar) delete [] prgvar;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) return bHit ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
return hr; }
// Enumerates and greps all properties in a property set
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::_GrepEnumPropStg(IPropertyStorage* pstg) { BOOL bHit = FALSE; IEnumSTATPROPSTG* pEnumStg; if (SUCCEEDED(pstg->Enum(&pEnumStg))) { STATPROPSTG statProp[PROPGREPBUFSIZE]; DWORD cProps;
while (!bHit && SUCCEEDED(pEnumStg->Next(ARRAYSIZE(statProp), statProp, &cProps)) && cProps) { PROPSPEC rgspec[PROPGREPBUFSIZE] = {0}; for (UINT i = 0; i < cProps; i++) { rgspec[i].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; rgspec[i].propid = statProp[i].propid; CoTaskMemFree(statProp[i].lpwstrName); }
bHit = (S_OK == _GrepPropStg(pstg, cProps, rgspec)); } pEnumStg->Release(); }
return bHit ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// Reports whether the indicated unicode character is a
// word-breaking character.
inline BOOL _IsWordBreakCharW(IN LPWSTR pszBuf, IN ULONG ich) { WORD wChar; return GetStringTypeW(CT_CTYPE1, pszBuf + ich, 1, &wChar) && (wChar & (C1_SPACE|C1_PUNCT|C1_CNTRL|C1_BLANK)); }
// Finds the last word-breaking character.
LPWSTR _FindLastWordBreakW(IN LPWSTR pszBuf, IN ULONG cch) { while(--cch) { if (_IsWordBreakCharW(pszBuf, cch)) return pszBuf + cch; } return NULL; }
// {c1243ca0-bf96-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}
const CLSID CLSID_PlainTextFilter = {0xc1243ca0, 0xbf96, 0x11cd, {0xb5, 0x79, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0x30, 0xbf, 0xeb}};
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::_GrepText(IFilter* pFilter, STAT_CHUNK* pstat, DWORD dwThreadID) { ASSERT(pstat);
LPWSTR pszBuf = NULL; ULONG cchBuf = pstat->cwcLenSource ? pstat->cwcLenSource : DEFAULT_GREPBUFFERSIZE; HRESULT hr = _GetThreadGrepBuffer(dwThreadID, cchBuf, &pszBuf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPWSTR pszFetch = pszBuf, pszTail = NULL; ULONG cchFetch = cchBuf, cchTail = 0; // Fetch first block of text
__try { hr = pFilter->GetText(&cchFetch, pszFetch); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hr = E_ABORT; }
CLSID clsid = {0}; IUnknown_GetClassID(pFilter, &clsid); // to workaround a bug in the text filter
while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cchFetch) { ASSERT((cchFetch + cchTail) <= cchBuf);
pszBuf[cchFetch + cchTail] = 0; // don't trust filter to zero-terminate buffer.
// When you get the FILTER_S_LAST_TEXT, that's it, you'll get no more text, so treat the tail part as part of the text
if (hr == FILTER_S_LAST_TEXT) { pszTail = NULL; cchTail = 0; } else if (CLSID_PlainTextFilter == clsid) { // CLSID_PlainText filter always returns S_OK, instead of FILTER_S_LAST_TEXT, this forces us to scan
// the entire chunk now, AND (see below) to pass it off as a tail for scanning next chunk too.
// pszTail and cchTail are set below.
} else { pszTail = _FindLastWordBreakW(pszBuf, cchFetch + cchTail); if (pszTail) { // Break on word boundary and leave remainder (tail) for next iteration
*pszTail = TEXT('\0'); pszTail++; cchTail = lstrlenW(pszTail); } else { // Wow, big block, with no word break, search its entirety.
// REVIEW: cross chunk items won't be found
pszTail = NULL; cchTail = 0; } }
// do the string scan
if (_pTokens->GrepW(pszBuf)) { *pszBuf = 0; return S_OK; } else if (FILTER_S_LAST_TEXT == hr) { *pszBuf = 0; return S_FALSE; }
// prepare for next fetch...
// If it is the plaintext filter, grab the tail anyway, even though we've tested it already
// WinSE 25867
if (CLSID_PlainTextFilter == clsid) { pszTail = _FindLastWordBreakW(pszBuf, cchFetch + cchTail); if (pszTail) { *pszTail = TEXT('\0'); pszTail++; cchTail = lstrlenW(pszTail); } else { pszTail = NULL; cchTail = 0; } }
*pszBuf = 0; pszFetch = pszBuf; cchFetch = cchBuf;
// If there is a tail to deal with, move it to the front of
// the buffer and prepare to have the next block of incoming text
// appended to the tail..
if (pszTail && cchTail) { MoveMemory(pszBuf, pszTail, cchTail * sizeof(*pszTail)); pszBuf[cchTail] = 0; pszFetch += cchTail; cchFetch -= cchTail; }
// Fetch next block of text.
__try { hr = pFilter->GetText(&cchFetch, pszFetch); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hr = E_ABORT; } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || FILTER_E_NO_MORE_TEXT == hr || FILTER_E_NO_TEXT == hr) return S_FALSE;
return hr; }
// Returns a grep buffer of the requested size for the specified thread.
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::_GetThreadGrepBuffer( DWORD dwThreadID, ULONG cchNeed, LPWSTR* ppszBuf) { ASSERT(dwThreadID); ASSERT(cchNeed > 0); ASSERT(ppszBuf);
HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; *ppszBuf = NULL; _EnterCritical(); if (_hdpaGrepBuffers || (_hdpaGrepBuffers = DPA_Create(4)) != NULL) { CGrepBuffer *pgb, *pgbCached = NULL;
for (int i = 0, cnt = DPA_GetPtrCount(_hdpaGrepBuffers); i < cnt; i++) { pgb = (CGrepBuffer*)DPA_FastGetPtr(_hdpaGrepBuffers, i); if (pgb->IsThread(dwThreadID)) { pgbCached = pgb; hr = pgbCached->Alloc(cchNeed); if (S_OK == hr) *ppszBuf = pgbCached->Buffer(); break; } } if (NULL == pgbCached) // not cached?
{ if ((pgb = new CGrepBuffer(dwThreadID)) != NULL) { hr = pgb->Alloc(cchNeed); if (S_OK == hr) { *ppszBuf = pgb->Buffer(); DPA_AppendPtr(_hdpaGrepBuffers, pgb); } else delete pgb; } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
_LeaveCritical(); return hr; }
// Frees grep buffer for the specified thread
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::_FreeThreadGrepBuffer(DWORD dwThreadID) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; _EnterCritical();
for (int i = 0, cnt = DPA_GetPtrCount(_hdpaGrepBuffers); i < cnt; i++) { CGrepBuffer* pgb = (CGrepBuffer*) DPA_FastGetPtr(_hdpaGrepBuffers, i); if (pgb->IsThread(dwThreadID)) { DPA_DeletePtr(_hdpaGrepBuffers, i); hr = S_OK; break; } }
_LeaveCritical(); return hr; }
// Clears grep buffer for all threads
STDMETHODIMP_(void) CFilterGrep::_ClearGrepBuffers() { _EnterCritical();
if (_hdpaGrepBuffers) { while(DPA_GetPtrCount(_hdpaGrepBuffers)) { CGrepBuffer* pgb = (CGrepBuffer*)DPA_DeletePtr(_hdpaGrepBuffers, 0); delete pgb; }
DPA_Destroy(_hdpaGrepBuffers); _hdpaGrepBuffers = NULL; }
_LeaveCritical(); }
//#define _USE_GREP_RESTRICTIONS_ // Check for registered list of excluded files types
// Reports whether the file type is restricted from full-text grep.
STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CFilterGrep::_IsRestrictedFileType(LPCWSTR pwszFile) { #ifdef _USE_GREP_RESTRICTIONS_
LPCWSTR pwszExt = PathFindExtensionW(pwszFile); if (pwszExt && *pwszExt) { if (_dwFlags & FGIF_GREPCONTENT && _FetchRestrictionSettings(L"Content", &_pwszContentRestricted, FALSE)) { if (_ScanRestrictionSettings(_pwszContentRestricted, pwszExt)) return TRUE; } if (_dwFlags & FGIF_GREPCONTENT && _FetchRestrictionSettings(L"Properties", &_pwszPropertiesRestricted, FALSE)) { if (_ScanRestrictionSettings(_pwszPropertiesRestricted, pwszExt)) return TRUE; } } #endif
return FALSE; }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::GetMatchTokens(OUT LPWSTR pszTokens, UINT cchTokens) const { HRESULT hr = _pTokens ? _pTokens->GetMatchTokens(pszTokens, cchTokens) : S_FALSE; if (S_OK != hr && pszTokens) *pszTokens = 0; return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::GetExcludeTokens(OUT LPWSTR pszTokens, UINT cchTokens) const { HRESULT hr = _pTokens ? _pTokens->GetExcludeTokens(pszTokens, cchTokens) : S_FALSE; if (S_OK != hr && pszTokens) *pszTokens = 0; return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::GetCodePage(UINT* pnCodepage) const { HRESULT hr = _pTokens ? _pTokens->GetCodePage(pnCodepage) : S_FALSE; if (S_OK != hr && pnCodepage) *pnCodepage = 0; return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CFilterGrep::GetFlags(DWORD* pdwFlags) const { if (*pdwFlags) *pdwFlags = _dwFlags; return S_OK; }