#define UNICODE 1
#include "shellprv.h"
#include <regapi.h>
#pragma hdrstop
char * __cdecl StrTokEx (char ** pstring, const char * control);
// Value names for for different environment variables
#define PATH_VARIABLE TEXT("Path")
#if defined(WX86) || defined(_WIN64)
#define PROGRAMFILESX86_VARIABLE TEXT("ProgramFiles(x86)")
#define COMMONPROGRAMFILESX86_VARIABLE TEXT("CommonProgramFiles(x86)")
#define SYSTEM_ENV_SUBKEY TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment")
#define USER_ENV_SUBKEY TEXT("Environment")
#define USER_VOLATILE_ENV_SUBKEY TEXT("Volatile Environment")
// Max environment variable length
#define MAX_VALUE_LEN 1024
// Parsing information for autoexec.bat
#define PARSE_AUTOEXEC_KEY TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Winlogon")
#define PARSE_AUTOEXEC_ENTRY TEXT("ParseAutoexec")
#ifdef _X86_
BOOL IsPathIncludeRemovable(LPCTSTR lpValue) { BOOL ret = FALSE; LPTSTR pszDup = StrDup(lpValue); if (pszDup) { LPTSTR pszTemp = pszDup; while (*pszTemp) { // skip spaces
for ( ; *pszTemp && *pszTemp == TEXT(' '); pszTemp++) ;
// check if the drive is removable
if (pszTemp[0] && pszTemp[1] && pszTemp[1] == TEXT(':') && pszTemp[2]) { // ex) "A:\"
TCHAR c = pszTemp[3]; pszTemp[3] = 0; if (PathIsRemovable(pszTemp)) { pszTemp[3] = c; ret = TRUE; break; } pszTemp[3] = c; }
// skip to the next path
for ( ; *pszTemp && *pszTemp != TEXT(';'); pszTemp++) ; if (*pszTemp) pszTemp++; } LocalFree(pszDup); } return ret; } #endif
* SetUserEvironmentVariable * * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL SetUserEnvironmentVariable(void **pEnv, LPTSTR lpVariable, LPTSTR lpValue, BOOL bOverwrite) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; DWORD cb; TCHAR szValue[1024];
if (!*pEnv || !lpVariable || !*lpVariable) { return(FALSE); } RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpVariable); cb = 1024; Value.Buffer = (PTCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Value.Buffer) { Value.Length = (USHORT)cb; Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cb; Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value); LocalFree(Value.Buffer); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && !bOverwrite) { return(TRUE); } } if (lpValue && *lpValue) {
// Special case TEMP and TMP and shorten the path names
if ((!lstrcmpi(lpVariable, TEXT("TEMP"))) || (!lstrcmpi(lpVariable, TEXT("TMP")))) {
if (!GetShortPathName (lpValue, szValue, 1024)) { lstrcpyn (szValue, lpValue, 1024); } } else { lstrcpyn (szValue, lpValue, 1024); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Value, szValue); Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, &Value); } else { Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable( pEnv, &Name, NULL); } return NT_SUCCESS(Status); }
* ExpandUserEvironmentVariable * * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ DWORD ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(void *pEnv, LPTSTR lpSrc, LPTSTR lpDst, DWORD nSize) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Source, Destination; ULONG Length; RtlInitUnicodeString( &Source, lpSrc ); Destination.Buffer = lpDst; Destination.Length = 0; Destination.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(nSize*SIZEOF(WCHAR)); Length = 0; Status = RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U( pEnv, (PUNICODE_STRING)&Source, (PUNICODE_STRING)&Destination, &Length ); if (NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { return( Length ); } else { return( 0 ); } }
* BuildEnvironmentPath * * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL BuildEnvironmentPath(void **pEnv, LPTSTR lpPathVariable, LPTSTR lpPathValue) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; WCHAR lpTemp[1025]; DWORD cb;
if (!*pEnv) { return(FALSE); } RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpPathVariable); cb = 1024; Value.Buffer = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!Value.Buffer) { return(FALSE); } Value.Length = (USHORT)(sizeof(WCHAR) * cb); Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(sizeof(WCHAR) * cb); Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { LocalFree(Value.Buffer); Value.Length = 0; *lpTemp = 0; } if (Value.Length) { lstrcpy(lpTemp, Value.Buffer); if ( *( lpTemp + lstrlen(lpTemp) - 1) != TEXT(';') ) { lstrcat(lpTemp, TEXT(";")); } LocalFree(Value.Buffer); } if (lpPathValue && ((lstrlen(lpTemp) + lstrlen(lpPathValue) + 1) < (INT)cb)) { lstrcat(lpTemp, lpPathValue);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Value, lpTemp);
Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, &Value); } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
* SetEnvironmentVariables * * Reads the user-defined environment variables from the user registry * and adds them to the environment block at pEnv. * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL SetEnvironmentVariables(void **pEnv, LPTSTR lpRegSubKey) { WCHAR lpValueName[MAX_PATH]; LPBYTE lpDataBuffer; DWORD cbDataBuffer; LPBYTE lpData; LPTSTR lpExpandedValue = NULL; DWORD cbValueName = MAX_PATH; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwIndex = 0; HKEY hkey; BOOL bResult;
if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, lpRegSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { return(FALSE); }
cbDataBuffer = 4096; lpDataBuffer = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbDataBuffer*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpDataBuffer == NULL) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return(FALSE); } lpData = lpDataBuffer; cbData = cbDataBuffer; bResult = TRUE; while (!RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, lpValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &dwType, lpData, &cbData)) { if (cbValueName) {
// Limit environment variable length
lpData[MAX_VALUE_LEN-1] = TEXT('\0');
if (dwType == REG_SZ) { //
// The path variables PATH, LIBPATH and OS2LIBPATH must have
// their values apppended to the system path.
if ( !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, PATH_VARIABLE) || !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, LIBPATH_VARIABLE) || !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, OS2LIBPATH_VARIABLE) ) {
BuildEnvironmentPath(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpData); } else {
// the other environment variables are just set.
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpData, TRUE); } } } dwIndex++; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH; }
dwIndex = 0; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH;
while (!RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, lpValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &dwType, lpData, &cbData)) { if (cbValueName) {
// Limit environment variable length
lpData[MAX_VALUE_LEN-1] = TEXT('\0');
if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { DWORD cb, cbNeeded;
cb = 1024; lpExpandedValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpExpandedValue) { cbNeeded = ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, (LPTSTR)lpData, lpExpandedValue, cb); if (cbNeeded > cb) { LocalFree(lpExpandedValue); cb = cbNeeded; lpExpandedValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpExpandedValue) { ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, (LPTSTR)lpData, lpExpandedValue, cb); } } }
if (lpExpandedValue == NULL) { bResult = FALSE; break; }
// The path variables PATH, LIBPATH and OS2LIBPATH must have
// their values apppended to the system path.
if ( !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, PATH_VARIABLE) || !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, LIBPATH_VARIABLE) || !lstrcmpi(lpValueName, OS2LIBPATH_VARIABLE) ) {
BuildEnvironmentPath(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpExpandedValue); } else {
// the other environment variables are just set.
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpExpandedValue, TRUE); }
} dwIndex++; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH; }
LocalFree(lpDataBuffer); RegCloseKey(hkey);
return(bResult); }
* SetSystemEnvironmentVariables * * Reads the system environment variables from the LOCAL_MACHINE registry * and adds them to the environment block at pEnv. * * History: * 2-28-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL SetSystemEnvironmentVariables(void **pEnv) { WCHAR lpValueName[MAX_PATH]; LPBYTE lpDataBuffer; DWORD cbDataBuffer; LPBYTE lpData; LPTSTR lpExpandedValue = NULL; DWORD cbValueName = MAX_PATH; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwIndex = 0; HKEY hkey; BOOL bResult;
if (RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM_ENV_SUBKEY, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey)) { return(FALSE); }
cbDataBuffer = 4096; lpDataBuffer = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbDataBuffer*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpDataBuffer == NULL) { KdPrint(("REGENENV: SetSystemEnvironmentVariables: Failed to allocate %d bytes\n", cbDataBuffer)); RegCloseKey(hkey); return(FALSE); }
// First start by getting the systemroot and systemdrive values and
// setting it in the new environment.
GetEnvironmentVariable(SYSTEMROOT_VARIABLE, (LPTSTR)lpDataBuffer, cbDataBuffer); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, SYSTEMROOT_VARIABLE, (LPTSTR)lpDataBuffer, TRUE);
GetEnvironmentVariable(SYSTEMDRIVE_VARIABLE, (LPTSTR)lpDataBuffer, cbDataBuffer); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, SYSTEMDRIVE_VARIABLE, (LPTSTR)lpDataBuffer, TRUE);
GetEnvironmentVariable(ALLUSERSPROFILE_VARIABLE, (LPTSTR)lpDataBuffer, cbDataBuffer); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, ALLUSERSPROFILE_VARIABLE, (LPTSTR)lpDataBuffer, TRUE);
lpData = lpDataBuffer; cbData = cbDataBuffer; bResult = TRUE;
// To generate the environment, this requires two passes. First pass
// sets all the variables which do not need to be expanded. The
// second pass expands variables (so it can use the variables from
// the first pass.
while (!RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, lpValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &dwType, lpData, &cbData)) { if (cbValueName) {
// Limit environment variable length
lpData[MAX_VALUE_LEN-1] = TEXT('\0');
if (dwType == REG_SZ) { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpData, TRUE); } } dwIndex++; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH; }
dwIndex = 0; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH;
while (!RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, lpValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &dwType, lpData, &cbData)) { if (cbValueName) {
// Limit environment variable length
lpData[MAX_VALUE_LEN-1] = TEXT('\0');
if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { DWORD cb, cbNeeded;
cb = 1024; lpExpandedValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpExpandedValue) { cbNeeded = ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, (LPTSTR)lpData, lpExpandedValue, cb); if (cbNeeded > cb) { LocalFree(lpExpandedValue); cb = cbNeeded; lpExpandedValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb); if (lpExpandedValue) { ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, (LPTSTR)lpData, lpExpandedValue, cb); } } }
if (lpExpandedValue == NULL) { bResult = FALSE; break; }
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpExpandedValue, TRUE);
} } dwIndex++; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH; }
LocalFree(lpDataBuffer); RegCloseKey(hkey);
return(bResult); }
* ProcessAutoexecPath * * Creates AutoexecPath environment variable using autoexec.bat * LpValue may be freed by this routine. * * History: * 06-02-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ LPTSTR ProcessAutoexecPath(void *pEnv, LPTSTR lpValue, DWORD cb) { LPTSTR lpt; LPTSTR lpStart; LPTSTR lpPath; DWORD cbt; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; BOOL bPrevAutoexecPath; WCHAR ch; DWORD dwTemp, dwCount = 0;
cbt = 1024; lpt = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbt*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpt) { return(lpValue); } *lpt = 0; lpStart = lpValue;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, AUTOEXECPATH_VARIABLE); Value.Buffer = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbt*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!Value.Buffer) { goto Fail; }
while (NULL != (lpPath = wcsstr (lpValue, TEXT("%")))) { if (!_wcsnicmp(lpPath+1, TEXT("PATH%"), 5)) { //
// check if we have an autoexecpath already set, if not just remove
// the %path%
Value.Length = (USHORT)cbt; Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cbt; bPrevAutoexecPath = (BOOL)!RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(pEnv, &Name, &Value);
*lpPath = 0; dwTemp = dwCount + lstrlen (lpValue); if (dwTemp < cbt) { lstrcat(lpt, lpValue); dwCount = dwTemp; } if (bPrevAutoexecPath) { dwTemp = dwCount + lstrlen (Value.Buffer); if (dwTemp < cbt) { lstrcat(lpt, Value.Buffer); dwCount = dwTemp; } }
*lpPath++ = TEXT('%'); lpPath += 5; // go passed %path%
lpValue = lpPath; } else { lpPath = wcsstr(lpPath+1, TEXT("%")); if (!lpPath) { lpStart = NULL; goto Fail; } lpPath++; ch = *lpPath; *lpPath = 0; dwTemp = dwCount + lstrlen (lpValue); if (dwTemp < cbt) { lstrcat(lpt, lpValue); dwCount = dwTemp; } *lpPath = ch; lpValue = lpPath; } }
if (*lpValue) { dwTemp = dwCount + lstrlen (lpValue); if (dwTemp < cbt) { lstrcat(lpt, lpValue); dwCount = dwTemp; } }
LocalFree(Value.Buffer); LocalFree(lpStart);
return(lpt); Fail: LocalFree(lpt); return(lpStart); }
* ProcessCommand * * History: * 01-24-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ProcessCommand(LPSTR lpStart, void **pEnv) { LPTSTR lpt, lptt; LPTSTR lpVariable; LPTSTR lpValue; LPTSTR lpExpandedValue = NULL; WCHAR c; DWORD cb, cbNeeded; LPTSTR lpu; //
// convert to Unicode
lpu = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cb=lstrlenA(lpStart)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpu) { return FALSE; } MultiByteToWideChar(CP_OEMCP, 0, lpStart, -1, lpu, cb); //
// Find environment variable.
for (lpt = lpu; *lpt && *lpt == TEXT(' '); lpt++) //skip spaces
; if (!*lpt) { LocalFree (lpu); return(FALSE); } lptt = lpt; for (; *lpt && *lpt != TEXT(' ') && *lpt != TEXT('='); lpt++) //find end of variable name
; c = *lpt; *lpt = 0; lpVariable = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (lstrlen(lptt) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpVariable) { LocalFree (lpu); return(FALSE); } lstrcpy(lpVariable, lptt); *lpt = c; //
// Find environment variable value.
for (; *lpt && (*lpt == TEXT(' ') || *lpt == TEXT('=')); lpt++) ; if (!*lpt) { // if we have a blank path statement in the autoexec file,
// then we don't want to pass "PATH" as the environment
// variable because it trashes the system's PATH. Instead
// we want to change the variable AutoexecPath. This would have
// be handled below if a value had been assigned to the
// environment variable.
if (lstrcmpi(lpVariable, PATH_VARIABLE) == 0) { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, AUTOEXECPATH_VARIABLE, TEXT(""), TRUE); } else { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpVariable, TEXT(""), TRUE); } LocalFree (lpu); LocalFree (lpVariable); return(FALSE); } lptt = lpt; for (; *lpt; lpt++) //find end of varaible value
; c = *lpt; *lpt = 0; lpValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (lstrlen(lptt) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!lpValue) { LocalFree (lpu); LocalFree(lpVariable); return(FALSE); } lstrcpy(lpValue, lptt); *lpt = c; #ifdef _X86_
// NEC98
// If the path includes removable drive,
// it is assumed that the drive assignment has changed from DOS.
if (IsNEC_98 && (lstrcmpi(lpVariable, PATH_VARIABLE) == 0) && IsPathIncludeRemovable(lpValue)) { LocalFree(lpVariable); LocalFree(lpValue); return(FALSE); } #endif
cb = 1024; lpExpandedValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpExpandedValue) { if (!lstrcmpi(lpVariable, PATH_VARIABLE)) { lpValue = ProcessAutoexecPath(*pEnv, lpValue, (lstrlen(lpValue)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); } cbNeeded = ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, lpValue, lpExpandedValue, cb); if (cbNeeded > cb) { LocalFree(lpExpandedValue); cb = cbNeeded; lpExpandedValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpExpandedValue) { ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, lpValue, lpExpandedValue, cb); } } } if (!lpExpandedValue) { lpExpandedValue = lpValue; } if (lstrcmpi(lpVariable, PATH_VARIABLE)) { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpVariable, lpExpandedValue, FALSE); } else { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, AUTOEXECPATH_VARIABLE, lpExpandedValue, TRUE); } if (lpExpandedValue != lpValue) { LocalFree(lpExpandedValue); } LocalFree(lpVariable); LocalFree(lpValue); return(TRUE); }
* ProcessSetCommand * * History: * 01-24-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ProcessSetCommand(LPSTR lpStart, void **pEnv) { LPSTR lpt;
// Find environment variable.
for (lpt = lpStart; *lpt && *lpt != TEXT(' '); lpt++) ;
if (!*lpt) return(FALSE);
return (ProcessCommand(lpt, pEnv));
* ProcessAutoexec * * History: * 01-24-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL ProcessAutoexec(void **pEnv, LPTSTR lpPathVariable) { HANDLE fh; DWORD dwFileSize; DWORD dwBytesRead; CHAR *lpBuffer = NULL; CHAR *token; CHAR Seps[] = "&\n\r"; // Seperators for tokenizing autoexec.bat
BOOL Status = FALSE; TCHAR szAutoExecBat [] = TEXT("c:\\autoexec.bat"); #ifdef _X86_
TCHAR szTemp[3]; #endif
UINT uiErrMode; CHAR *lpszStrTokBegin = NULL;
// There is a case where the OS might not be booting from drive
// C, so we can not assume that the autoexec.bat file is on c:\.
// Set the error mode so the user doesn't see the critical error
// popup and attempt to open the file on c:\.
#ifdef _X86_
if (IsNEC_98) { if (GetEnvironmentVariable (TEXT("SystemDrive"), szTemp, 3)) { szAutoExecBat[0] = szTemp[0]; } } #endif
SetErrorMode (uiErrMode);
if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return(FALSE); //could not open autoexec.bat file, we're done.
} dwFileSize = GetFileSize(fh, NULL); if (dwFileSize == -1) { goto Exit; // can't read the file size
lpBuffer = (PCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwFileSize+1); if (!lpBuffer) { goto Exit; }
Status = ReadFile(fh, lpBuffer, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL); if (!Status) { goto Exit; // error reading file
// Zero terminate the buffer so we don't walk off the end
ASSERT(dwBytesRead <= dwFileSize); lpBuffer[dwBytesRead] = 0;
// Search for SET and PATH commands
// save off lpBuffer
lpszStrTokBegin = lpBuffer; token = StrTokEx(&lpBuffer, Seps); while (token != NULL) { for (;*token && *token == ' ';token++) //skip spaces
; if (*token == TEXT('@')) token++; for (;*token && *token == ' ';token++) //skip spaces
; if (!_strnicmp(token, "Path", 4)) { ProcessCommand(token, pEnv); } if (!_strnicmp(token, "SET", 3)) { ProcessSetCommand(token, pEnv); } token = StrTokEx(&lpBuffer, Seps); } lpBuffer=lpszStrTokBegin; Exit: CloseHandle(fh); if (lpBuffer) { LocalFree(lpBuffer); } return(Status); }
* AppendNTPathWithAutoexecPath * * Gets the AutoexecPath created in ProcessAutoexec, and appends it to * the NT path. * * History: * 05-28-92 Johannec Created. * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL AppendNTPathWithAutoexecPath( void **pEnv, LPTSTR lpPathVariable, LPTSTR lpAutoexecPath ) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; WCHAR AutoexecPathValue[1024]; DWORD cb; BOOL Success;
if (!*pEnv) { return(FALSE); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpAutoexecPath); cb = 1024; Value.Buffer = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!Value.Buffer) { return(FALSE); }
Value.Length = (USHORT)cb; Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cb; Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { LocalFree(Value.Buffer); return(FALSE); }
if (Value.Length) { lstrcpy(AutoexecPathValue, Value.Buffer); }
Success = BuildEnvironmentPath(pEnv, lpPathVariable, AutoexecPathValue); RtlSetEnvironmentVariable( pEnv, &Name, NULL);
return(Success); }
STDAPI_(BOOL) GetUserNameAndDomain(LPTSTR *ppszUserName, LPTSTR *ppszUserDomain) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; HANDLE hToken; if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken)) { DWORD cbTokenBuffer = 0; if (GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &cbTokenBuffer) || GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { PTOKEN_USER pUserToken = (PTOKEN_USER)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbTokenBuffer * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pUserToken) { if (GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, pUserToken, cbTokenBuffer, &cbTokenBuffer)) { DWORD cbAccountName = 0, cbUserDomain = 0; SID_NAME_USE SidNameUse;
if (LookupAccountSid(NULL, pUserToken->User.Sid, NULL, &cbAccountName, NULL, &cbUserDomain, &SidNameUse) || GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { LPTSTR pszUserName = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbAccountName * sizeof(WCHAR)); LPTSTR pszUserDomain = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbUserDomain * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pszUserName && pszUserDomain && LookupAccountSid(NULL, pUserToken->User.Sid, pszUserName, &cbAccountName, pszUserDomain, &cbUserDomain, &SidNameUse)) { if (ppszUserName) { *ppszUserName = pszUserName; pszUserName = NULL; } if (ppszUserDomain) { *ppszUserDomain = pszUserDomain; pszUserDomain = NULL; }
bRet = TRUE; }
if (pszUserName) LocalFree(pszUserName); if (pszUserDomain) LocalFree(pszUserDomain); } } LocalFree(pUserToken); } } CloseHandle(hToken); } return bRet; }
// tsnotify.dll export
typedef BOOL (*PTERMSRVCREATETEMPDIR) (PVOID *pEnv,HANDLE UserToken,PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SD); /***************************************************************************\
* SetPerSessionTempDir - adds a session number to the TMP/TEMP path if necessary. * * * History: * 10-4-2000 skuzin Created * \***************************************************************************/ void SetPerSessionTempDir( PVOID *ppEnvironment) { HKEY Handle; DWORD fPerSessionTempDir = 0; DWORD dwValueData; /*
* Open registry value set thru TSCC */ if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_CONTROL_TSERVER, 0, KEY_READ, &Handle ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD ValueSize; DWORD ValueType; LONG rc;
ValueSize = sizeof(fPerSessionTempDir);
* Read registry value */ rc = RegQueryValueExW( Handle, REG_TERMSRV_PERSESSIONTEMPDIR, NULL, &ValueType, (LPBYTE) &fPerSessionTempDir, &ValueSize );
* Close registry and key handle */ RegCloseKey( Handle ); }
* Check the machine wide policy set thru Group Policy */
ValueSize = sizeof(fPerSessionTempDir);
* Read registry value */ rc = RegQueryValueExW( Handle, REG_TERMSRV_PERSESSIONTEMPDIR, NULL, &ValueType, (LPBYTE) &dwValueData, &ValueSize );
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { fPerSessionTempDir = dwValueData; }
* Close registry and key handle */ RegCloseKey( Handle ); }
if (fPerSessionTempDir) { PTERMSRVCREATETEMPDIR pfnTermsrvCreateTempDir; HANDLE dllHandle;
dllHandle = LoadLibrary(TEXT("wlnotify.dll")); if (dllHandle) { pfnTermsrvCreateTempDir = (PTERMSRVCREATETEMPDIR) GetProcAddress(dllHandle, "TermsrvCreateTempDir");
if (pfnTermsrvCreateTempDir) { pfnTermsrvCreateTempDir(ppEnvironment, NULL, NULL); }
FreeLibrary(dllHandle); } } }
* RegenerateUserEnvironment * * * History: * 11-5-92 Johannec Created * \***************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY RegenerateUserEnvironment(void **pNewEnv, BOOL bSetCurrentEnv) { NTSTATUS Status; WCHAR szValue[1025]; TCHAR szExpValue[1025]; void *pEnv = NULL; void *pPrevEnv; LPTSTR UserName = NULL; LPTSTR UserDomain = NULL; HKEY hKey; DWORD dwDisp, dwType, dwMaxBufferSize; TCHAR szParseAutoexec[MAX_PARSE_AUTOEXEC_BUFFER]; TCHAR szComputerName[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1]; DWORD dwComputerNameSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH+1;
* Create a new environment for the user. */ Status = RtlCreateEnvironment((BOOLEAN)FALSE, &pEnv); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(FALSE); }
* Initialize user's environment. */ if (GetComputerName (szComputerName, &dwComputerNameSize)) { SetUserEnvironmentVariable(&pEnv, COMPUTERNAME_VARIABLE, (LPTSTR) szComputerName, TRUE); } if (GetUserNameAndDomain(&UserName, &UserDomain)) { SetUserEnvironmentVariable( &pEnv, USERNAME_VARIABLE, UserName, TRUE); SetUserEnvironmentVariable( &pEnv, USERDOMAIN_VARIABLE, UserDomain, TRUE); LocalFree(UserName); LocalFree(UserDomain); }
if (GetEnvironmentVariable(USERDNSDOMAIN_VARIABLE, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue))) SetUserEnvironmentVariable( &pEnv, USERDNSDOMAIN_VARIABLE, szValue, TRUE);
// Set home directory env. vars.
if (GetEnvironmentVariable(HOMEDRIVE_VARIABLE, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue))) SetUserEnvironmentVariable( &pEnv, HOMEDRIVE_VARIABLE, szValue, TRUE);
if (GetEnvironmentVariable(HOMESHARE_VARIABLE, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue))) SetUserEnvironmentVariable( &pEnv, HOMESHARE_VARIABLE, szValue, TRUE);
if (GetEnvironmentVariable(HOMEPATH_VARIABLE, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue))) SetUserEnvironmentVariable( &pEnv, HOMEPATH_VARIABLE, szValue, TRUE);
// Set the user profile dir env var
if (GetEnvironmentVariable(USERPROFILE_VARIABLE, szValue, ARRAYSIZE(szValue))) SetUserEnvironmentVariable( &pEnv, USERPROFILE_VARIABLE, szValue, TRUE);
// Set the program files env var
if (RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"), 0, KEY_READ, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwMaxBufferSize = sizeof(szValue); if (SHQueryValueEx (hKey, TEXT("ProgramFilesDir"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szValue, &dwMaxBufferSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SHExpandEnvironmentStrings(szValue, szExpValue, ARRAYSIZE(szExpValue)); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(&pEnv, PROGRAMFILES_VARIABLE, szExpValue, TRUE); }
dwMaxBufferSize = sizeof(szValue); if (SHQueryValueEx (hKey, TEXT("CommonFilesDir"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szValue, &dwMaxBufferSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SHExpandEnvironmentStrings (szValue, szExpValue, ARRAYSIZE(szExpValue)); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(&pEnv, COMMONPROGRAMFILES_VARIABLE, szExpValue, TRUE); }
#if defined(WX86) || defined(_WIN64)
dwMaxBufferSize = sizeof(szValue); if (SHQueryValueEx (hKey, TEXT("ProgramFilesDir (x86)"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szValue, &dwMaxBufferSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SHExpandEnvironmentStrings(szValue, szExpValue, ARRAYSIZE(szExpValue)); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(&pEnv, PROGRAMFILESX86_VARIABLE, szExpValue, TRUE); }
dwMaxBufferSize = sizeof(szValue); if (SHQueryValueEx (hKey, TEXT("CommonFilesDir (x86)"), NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szValue, &dwMaxBufferSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SHExpandEnvironmentStrings (szValue, szExpValue, ARRAYSIZE(szExpValue)); SetUserEnvironmentVariable(&pEnv, COMMONPROGRAMFILESX86_VARIABLE, szExpValue, TRUE); }
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
* Set 16-bit apps environment variables by processing autoexec.bat * User can turn this off and on via the registry. */
// Set the default case, and open the key
lstrcpy (szParseAutoexec, PARSE_AUTOEXEC_DEFAULT);
// Query the current value. If it doesn't exist, then add
// the entry for next time.
dwMaxBufferSize = sizeof (TCHAR) * MAX_PARSE_AUTOEXEC_BUFFER; if (SHQueryValueEx (hKey, PARSE_AUTOEXEC_ENTRY, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szParseAutoexec, &dwMaxBufferSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Set the default value
RegSetValueEx (hKey, PARSE_AUTOEXEC_ENTRY, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) szParseAutoexec, sizeof (TCHAR) * lstrlen (szParseAutoexec) + 1); }
// Close key
RegCloseKey (hKey); }
// Process the autoexec if appropriate
if (szParseAutoexec[0] == TEXT('1')) { ProcessAutoexec(&pEnv, PATH_VARIABLE); }
* Set User environment variables. */ SetEnvironmentVariables( &pEnv, USER_ENV_SUBKEY);
* Set User volatile environment variables. */ SetEnvironmentVariables( &pEnv, USER_VOLATILE_ENV_SUBKEY);
if (bSetCurrentEnv) { Status = RtlSetCurrentEnvironment( pEnv, &pPrevEnv); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // RtlDestroyEnvironment(pEnv);
return(FALSE); } else { RtlDestroyEnvironment(pPrevEnv); } } //
//If it's not a session 0 we might need to change value of TMP/TEMP
//so they will be different for each session.
if(NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId) { SetPerSessionTempDir(&pEnv); }
*pNewEnv = pEnv;
return(TRUE); }