// History:
// 5-30-94 KurtE Created.
#include "shellprv.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Define our global states here. Note: we will do it per process
typedef struct _RLPI // Registry List Process Info
{ HDPA hdpaRLList; // The dpa of items
BOOL fCSInitialized; // Have we initialized the CS in this process
BOOL fListValid; // Is the list up to date and valid
CRITICAL_SECTION csRLList; // The critical section for the process
// Simple DPA compare function make sure we don't have elsewhere...
int CALLBACK _CompareStrings(LPVOID sz1, LPVOID sz2, LPARAM lparam) { return lstrcmpi((LPTSTR)sz1, (LPTSTR)sz2); }
void RLEnterCritical() { if (!g_rlpi.fCSInitialized) { // Do this under the global critical section.
ENTERCRITICAL; if (!g_rlpi.fCSInitialized) { g_rlpi.fCSInitialized = TRUE; InitializeCriticalSection(&g_rlpi.csRLList); } LEAVECRITICAL; } EnterCriticalSection(&g_rlpi.csRLList); }
void RLLeaveCritical() { LeaveCriticalSection(&g_rlpi.csRLList); }
// Enumerate through the registry looking for paths that
// we may wish to track. The current ones that we look for
STDAPI_(BOOL) RLEnumRegistry(HDPA hdpa, PRLCALLBACK pfnrlcb, LPCTSTR pszSource, LPCTSTR pszDest) { HKEY hkeyRoot;
// First look in the App Paths section
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGSTR_PATH_APPPATHS, &hkeyRoot) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { int iRootName; TCHAR szRootName[80]; for (iRootName = 0; RegEnumKey(hkeyRoot, iRootName, szRootName, ARRAYSIZE(szRootName)) == ERROR_SUCCESS; iRootName++) { // Now see if the app has a qualifid path here.
HKEY hkeySecond; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; long cbValue = sizeof(szPath); if (SHRegQueryValue(hkeyRoot, szRootName, szPath, &cbValue) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { PathUnquoteSpaces(szPath); pfnrlcb(hdpa, hkeyRoot, szRootName, NULL, szPath, pszSource, pszDest); }
// Now try to enum this key for Path Value.
if (RegOpenKey(hkeyRoot, szRootName, &hkeySecond) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { cbValue = sizeof(szPath);
if (SHQueryValueEx(hkeySecond, TEXT("PATH"), NULL, NULL, szPath, &cbValue) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // this is a ";" separated list
LPTSTR psz = StrChr(szPath, TEXT(';')); if (psz) *psz = 0; PathUnquoteSpaces(szPath); pfnrlcb(hdpa, hkeySecond, NULL, TEXT("PATH"), szPath, pszSource, pszDest); }
RegCloseKey(hkeySecond); } } RegCloseKey(hkeyRoot); } return TRUE; }
// This is the call back called to build the list of paths.
BOOL CALLBACK _RLBuildListCallBack(HDPA hdpa, HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPTSTR pszValue, LPCTSTR pszSource, LPCTSTR pszDest) { int iIndex;
// Also don't add any relative paths.
if (PathIsRelative(pszValue) || (lstrlen(pszValue) < 3)) return TRUE;
// Don't try UNC names as this can get expensive...
if (PathIsUNC(pszValue)) return TRUE;
// If it is already in our list, we can simply return now..
if (DPA_Search(hdpa, pszValue, 0, _CompareStrings, 0, DPAS_SORTED) != -1) return TRUE;
// If it is in our old list then
if (g_rlpi.hdpaRLList && ((iIndex = DPA_Search(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList, pszValue, 0, _CompareStrings, 0, DPAS_SORTED)) != -1)) { // Found the item in the old list.
TraceMsg(TF_REG, "_RLBuildListCallBack: Add from old list %s", pszValue);
DPA_InsertPtr(hdpa, DPA_Search(hdpa, pszValue, 0, _CompareStrings, 0, DPAS_SORTED|DPAS_INSERTBEFORE), (LPTSTR)DPA_FastGetPtr(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList, iIndex)); // now remove it from the old list
DPA_DeletePtr(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList, iIndex); } else { // Not in either list.
// Now see if we can convert the short name to a long name
TCHAR szLongName[MAX_PATH]; int cchName; LPTSTR psz;
if (!GetLongPathName(pszValue, szLongName, ARRAYSIZE(szLongName))) szLongName[0] = 0;
if (lstrcmpi(szLongName, pszValue) == 0) szLongName[0] = 0; // Don't need both strings.
cchName = lstrlen(pszValue);
psz = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (cchName + 1 + lstrlen(szLongName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (psz) { TraceMsg(TF_REG, "_RLBuildListCallBack: Add %s", pszValue);
lstrcpy(psz, pszValue); lstrcpy(psz + cchName + 1, szLongName);
return DPA_InsertPtr(hdpa, DPA_Search(hdpa, pszValue, 0, _CompareStrings, 0, DPAS_SORTED|DPAS_INSERTBEFORE), psz); } } return TRUE; }
// This function will build the list of items that we
// will look through to see if the user may have changed the path of
// of one of the programs that is registered in the registry.
BOOL WINAPI RLBuildListOfPaths() { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HDPA hdpa;
DEBUG_CODE( DWORD dwStart = GetCurrentTime(); )
hdpa = DPA_Create(0); if (!hdpa) goto Error;
// And initialize the list
fRet = RLEnumRegistry(hdpa, _RLBuildListCallBack, NULL, NULL);
// If we had on old list destroy it now.
if (g_rlpi.hdpaRLList) { // Walk through all of the items in the list and
// delete all of the strings.
int i; for (i = DPA_GetPtrCount(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList)-1; i >= 0; i--) LocalFree((HLOCAL)DPA_FastGetPtr(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList, i)); DPA_Destroy(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList); }
g_rlpi.hdpaRLList = hdpa; g_rlpi.fListValid = TRUE; // Say that we are valid...
DEBUG_CODE( TraceMsg(TF_REG, "RLBuildListOfPaths time: %ld", GetCurrentTime()-dwStart); )
RLLeaveCritical(); return fRet; }
// this function does any cleanup necessary for when a process
// is no longer going to use the Registry list.
void WINAPI RLTerminate() { int i;
if (!g_rlpi.hdpaRLList) return;
// Re-check under critical section in case somebody else destroyed
// it while we were waiting
if (g_rlpi.hdpaRLList) { // Walk through all of the items in the list and
// delete all of the strings.
for (i = DPA_GetPtrCount(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList)-1; i >= 0; i--) LocalFree((HLOCAL)DPA_FastGetPtr(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList, i));
DPA_Destroy(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList); g_rlpi.hdpaRLList = NULL; } RLLeaveCritical(); }
// This function returns TRUE if the path that is passed
// in is contained in one or more of the paths that we extracted from
// the registry.
int WINAPI RLIsPathInList(LPCTSTR pszPath) { int i = -1; RLEnterCritical();
if (!g_rlpi.hdpaRLList || !g_rlpi.fListValid) RLBuildListOfPaths();
if (g_rlpi.hdpaRLList) { int cchPath = lstrlen(pszPath);
for (i = DPA_GetPtrCount(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { LPTSTR psz = DPA_FastGetPtr(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList, i); if (PathCommonPrefix(pszPath, psz, NULL) == cchPath) break;
// See if a long file name to check.
psz += lstrlen(psz) + 1; if (*psz && (PathCommonPrefix(pszPath, psz, NULL) == cchPath)) break; } }
return i; // -1 if none, >= 0 index
// This is the call back called to build the list of of paths.
BOOL CALLBACK _RLRenameCallBack(HDPA hdpa, HKEY hkey, LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszValueName, LPTSTR pszValue, LPCTSTR pszSource, LPCTSTR pszDest) { int cbMatch = PathCommonPrefix(pszValue, pszSource, NULL); if (cbMatch == lstrlen(pszSource)) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH+64]; // Add some slop just in case...
// Found a match, lets try to rebuild the new line
lstrcpy(szPath, pszDest); lstrcat(szPath, pszValue + cbMatch);
if (pszValueName) RegSetValueEx(hkey, pszValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szPath, (lstrlen(szPath) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); else RegSetValue(hkey, pszKey, REG_SZ, szPath, lstrlen(szPath)); }
// Make sure that we have not allready added
// this path to our list.
if (DPA_Search(hdpa, pszValue, 0, _CompareStrings, 0, DPAS_SORTED) == -1) { // One to Add!
LPTSTR psz = StrDup(pszValue); if (psz) { return DPA_InsertPtr(hdpa, DPA_Search(hdpa, pszValue, 0, _CompareStrings, 0, DPAS_SORTED | DPAS_INSERTBEFORE), psz); } } return TRUE; }
// This function handles the cases when we are notified of
// a change to the file system and then we need to see if there are
// any changes that we need to make to the regisry to handle the changes.
int WINAPI RLFSChanged(LONG lEvent, LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPITEMIDLIST pidlExtra) { TCHAR szSrc[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH+8]; // For slop like Quotes...
int iIndex; LPTSTR psz; int iRet = -1; int i;
// First see if the operation is something we are interested in.
if ((lEvent & (SHCNE_RENAMEITEM | SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER)) == 0) return -1; // Nope
if (!SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, szSrc)) { // must be a rename of a non-filesys object (such as a printer!)
return -1; }
SHGetPathFromIDList(pidlExtra, szDest);
// If either are roots we really can not rename them...
if (PathIsRoot(szSrc) || PathIsRoot(szDest)) return -1;
// ignore if coming from bitbucket or going to ...
// check bitbucket first. that's a cheap call
if ((lEvent & SHCNE_RENAMEITEM) && (IsFileInBitBucket(szSrc) || IsFileInBitBucket(szDest))) return -1;
RLEnterCritical(); // Now see if the source file is in our list of paths
iIndex = RLIsPathInList(szSrc); if (iIndex != -1) { // Now make sure we are working with the short name
// Note we may only be a subpiece of this item.
// Count how many fields there are in the szSrc Now;
for (i = 0, psz = szSrc; psz; i++) { psz = StrChr(psz + 1, TEXT('\\')); } lstrcpy(szSrc, (LPTSTR)DPA_FastGetPtr(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList, iIndex));
// Now truncate off stuff that is not from us Go one more then we countd
// above and if we have a non null value cut it off there.
for (psz = szSrc; i > 0; i--) { psz = StrChr(psz+1, TEXT('\\')); } if (psz) *psz = 0;
// verify that this is a fully qulified path and that it exists
// before we go and muck with the registry.
if (!PathIsRelative(szDest) && PathFileExistsAndAttributes(szDest, NULL) && (lstrlen(szDest) >= 3)) { // Yes, so now lets reenum and try to update the paths...
PathGetShortPath(szDest); // Convert to a short name...
RLEnumRegistry(g_rlpi.hdpaRLList, _RLRenameCallBack, szSrc, szDest);
// We changed something so mark it to be rebuilt
g_rlpi.fListValid = FALSE; // Force it to rebuild.
iRet = 1; } } RLLeaveCritical();
return iRet; }