#include "stdafx.h"
#include "shelldrt.h"
// g_aTestDlls
// The array of tests that we are available to be run
vector<SHTESTDESCRIPTOR> g_aTests; vector<HMODULE> g_ahTestDlls;
// usage
// Displays program usage instructions. Does NOT exit on its own.
void usage() { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("\nSHELLDRT: Shell Developer Regression Tests\n") TEXT("---------------------------------------------------------------------\n") TEXT("Usage: SHELLDRT -h [[testdll1] ...]\n") TEXT("\n") TEXT("Where: -h Help (this list)\n")); }
// AddTestsFromDll
// Given the name of a test dll, loads it and queries it for the tests it contains,
// adding them to the mix.
bool AddTestsFromDll(LPCTSTR pszDllName) { HMODULE hMod = LoadLibrary(pszDllName); if (!hMod) return false; g_ahTestDlls.push_back( hMod ); SHTESTLISTPROC pfnListTests = (SHTESTLISTPROC) GetProcAddress(hMod, "ListTestProcs"); if (!pfnListTests) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("SHELLDRT: Test dll %s does not expose the ListTestProcs entry point.\n"), pszDllName); return false; }
DWORD cTests = pfnListTests(NULL); if (!cTests) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("SHELLDRT: Test dll %s exposes no tests.\n"), pszDllName); return false; }
if (cTests != pfnListTests(spDescriptors)) { fprintf(stderr, "SHELLDRT: Test dll %s advertised %d tests but did not supply them all.\n", pszDllName, cTests); return false; }
for (DWORD i = 0; i < cTests; i++) g_aTests.push_back(spDescriptors[i]);
return true; }
// AddTestsFromLocalDir
// Looks in the current directory for test dlls and adds them to the array
void AddTestsFromLocalDir() { WIN32_FIND_DATA finddata; AutoFindHandle spFindHandle; BOOL fHaveFile = TRUE; for (spFindHandle = FindFirstFile(TEXT("shdrt-*.dll"), &finddata); (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != spFindHandle) && fHaveFile; fHaveFile = FindNextFile(spFindHandle, &finddata)) { if (!AddTestsFromDll(finddata.cFileName)) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("SHELLDRT: Cannot load test dll %s [Err: %08dX]\n"), finddata.cFileName, GetLastError()); ExitProcess(0); } } }
// RunTests
// Loops through the loaded tests and
bool RunTests() { for (DWORD i = 0; i < g_aTests.size(); i++) { _ftprintf(stdout, TEXT("Starting Test : %s\n"), g_aTests[i]._pszTestName); if (g_aTests[i]._pfnTestProc()) { _ftprintf(stdout, TEXT("Success : %s\n"), g_aTests[i]._pszTestName); } else { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("** FAILURE ** : %s\n"), g_aTests[i]._pszTestName); return false; } } _ftprintf(stdout, TEXT("++ SUCCESS ++\n")); return true; }
// main
// Program entry point
#ifdef UNICODE
extern "C" { int __cdecl wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[]) { #else
int __cdecl main(int argc, char* argv[]) { #endif
argc--; argv++;
while ( argc-- > 0 ) { p = *argv++; if ( *p == '-' || *p == '/' ) { p++; switch ( tolower(*p) ) { case 'h': usage(); ExitProcess(0);
default: usage(); ExitProcess(0); } } else { if (!AddTestsFromDll(p)) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("SHELLDRT: Cannot load test dll %s [Err: %08dX]\n"), p, GetLastError()); ExitProcess(0); } } }
// If no tests were specified manually on the command line, look for
// them in the current directory
if (0 == g_aTests.size()) AddTestsFromLocalDir();
// If still no tests, there's nothing to do
if (0 == g_aTests.size()) { _ftprintf(stderr, TEXT("SHELLDRT: No tests specified and none found in current directory.\n")); usage(); ExitProcess(0); } return RunTests(); } #ifdef UNICODE
} #endif