// File: inistr.cpp
// Contents: SHGet/SetIniStringW implementations, which save strings into
// INI files in a manner that survives the round trip to disk.
#include "priv.h"
#define _SHELL32_
#define _SHDOCVW_
#include "unicwrap.h"
#include <platform.h>
#include <mlang.h>
// Do this in every wrapper function that has an output parameter.
// It raises assertion failures on the main code path so that
// the same assertions are raised on NT and 95. The CStrOut class
// doesn't like it when you say that an output buffer is NULL yet
// has nonzero length. Without this macro, the bug would go undetected
// on NT and appear only on Win95.
#define VALIDATE_OUTBUF(s, cch) ASSERT((s) != NULL || (cch) == 0)
// The basic problem is that INI files are ANSI-only, so any UNICODE
// string you put into it won't round-trip.
// So the solution is to record UNICODE strings in UTF7. Why UTF7?
// Because we can't use UTF8, since XxxPrivateProfileStringW will try
// to convert the 8-bit values to/from UNICODE and mess them up. Since
// some of the 8-bit values might not even be valid (e.g., a DBCS lead
// byte followed by an illegal trail byte), we cannot assume that the
// string will survive the ANSI -> UNICODE -> ANSI round-trip.
// The UTF7 string is stored in a [Section.W] section, under the
// same key name. The original ANSI string is stored in a [Section.A]
// section, again, with the same key name.
// (We separate the A/W from the section name with a dot so it is less
// likely that we will accidentally collide with other section names.
// We store the original ANSI string twice so we can compare the two
// and see if a downlevel app (e.g., IE4) has changed the [Section]
// version. If so, then we ignore the [Section.W] version since it's stale.
// If the original string is already 7-bit clean, then no UTF7 string is
// recorded.
BOOL Is7BitClean(LPCWSTR pwsz) { for ( ; *pwsz; pwsz++) { if ((UINT)*pwsz > 127) return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
// Yet another conversion class -- this one is for creating the
// variants of a section name.
// Note! Since INI files are ASCII, section names are necessarily 7-bit
// clean, so we can cheat a lot of stuff.
class CStrSectionX : public CConvertStrW { public: CStrSectionX(LPCWSTR pwszSection); };
// We append a dot an an A or W to the section name.
CStrSectionX::CStrSectionX(LPCWSTR pwszSection) { ASSERT(_pwstr == NULL); if (pwszSection) {
UINT cwchNeeded = lstrlenW(pwszSection) + SECTION_SUFFIX_LEN + 1; if (cwchNeeded > ARRAYSIZE(_awch)) { _pwstr = new WCHAR[cwchNeeded]; } else { _pwstr = _awch; }
if (_pwstr) { // Build the string initially with ".A" stuck on the end
// It will later get changed to a ".W"
lstrcpyW(_pwstr, pwszSection); lstrcatW(_pwstr, L".A"); } } }
// Mini-class for keeping track of UTF7 strings. These are kept in ANSI
// most of the time since that's what ConvertINetUnicodeToMultiByte uses.
// The UTF7 shadow is prefixed by a checksum of the original string, which
// we use on read-back to see if the shadow still corresponds to the
// original string.
class CStrUTF7 : public CConvertStr { public: inline CStrUTF7() : CConvertStr(CP_ACP) { }; void SetUnicode(LPCWSTR pwszValue); };
// Note that this can be slow since it happens only when we encounter
// a non-ANSI character.
void CStrUTF7::SetUnicode(LPCWSTR pwszValue) { int cwchLen = lstrlenW(pwszValue); HRESULT hres; DWORD dwMode;
int cwchLenT = cwchLen;
// Save room for terminating NULL. We must convert the NULL separately
// because UTF7 does not translate NULL to NULL.
int cchNeeded = ARRAYSIZE(_ach) - 1; dwMode = 0; hres = ConvertINetUnicodeToMultiByte(&dwMode, CP_UTF7, pwszValue, &cwchLenT, _ach, &cchNeeded); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { ASSERT(cchNeeded + 1 <= ARRAYSIZE(_ach)); _pstr = _ach; } else { _pstr = new CHAR[cchNeeded + 1]; if (!_pstr) return; // No string - tough
cwchLenT = cwchLen; dwMode = 0; hres = ConvertINetUnicodeToMultiByte(&dwMode, CP_UTF7, pwszValue, &cwchLenT, _pstr, &cchNeeded); if (FAILED(hres)) { // Couldn't convert - tough
Free(); return; } }
// Terminate explicitly since UTF7 doesn't.
_pstr[cchNeeded] = '\0'; }
// pwszSection = section name into which to write pwszValue (UNICODE)
// pwszSectionA = section name into which to write ANSI shadow
// pwszKey = key name for both pwszValue and strUTF7
// pwszFileName = file name
// pwszSectionA can be NULL if a low-memory condition was encountered.
// strUTF7 can be NULL, meaning that the shadows should be deleted.
// Write pwszSection first, followed by pwszSectionA, then pwszSectionW.
// This ensures that the backwards-compatibility string comes first in
// the file, in case there are apps that assume such.
// pwszSectionW is computed from pwszSectionA by changing the last "A"
// to a "W". pwszSecionW gets the UTF7-encoded unicode string.
// strUTF7 might be NULL, meaning that we should delete the shadow strings.
BOOL WritePrivateProfileStringMultiW(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszValue, LPWSTR pwszSectionA, CStrUTF7& strUTF7, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPCWSTR pwszFileName) { BOOL fRc = WritePrivateProfileStringW(pwszSection, pwszKey, pwszValue, pwszFileName);
if (pwszSectionA) { //
// Write the [Section.A] key, or delete it if there is no UTF7.
WritePrivateProfileStringW(pwszSectionA, pwszKey, strUTF7 ? pwszValue : NULL, pwszFileName);
// Now change pwszSectionA to pwszSectionW so we can write out
// the UTF7 encoding.
pwszSectionA[lstrlenW(pwszSectionA) - 1] = TEXT('W');
CStrInW strUTF7W(strUTF7); // This really writes [Section.W]
WritePrivateProfileStringW(pwszSectionA, pwszKey, strUTF7W, pwszFileName); }
return fRc; }
BOOL WritePrivateProfileStringMultiA(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszValue, LPWSTR pwszSectionA, CStrUTF7& strUTF7, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPCWSTR pwszFileName) { CStrIn strSection(pwszSection); CStrIn strSectionA(pwszSectionA); CStrIn strValue(pwszValue); CStrIn strKey(pwszKey); CPPFIn strFileName(pwszFileName); // PrivateProfile filename needs special class
BOOL fRc = WritePrivateProfileStringA(strSection, strKey, strValue, strFileName);
if ((LPSTR)strSectionA) { //
// Write the [Section.A] key, or delete it if there is no UTF7.
WritePrivateProfileStringA(strSectionA, strKey, #if defined(UNIX) && !defined(ux10)
strUTF7 ? (LPSTR)strValue : (LPSTR)NULL, strFileName); #else
strUTF7 ? strValue : NULL, strFileName); #endif
// Now change strSectionA to strSectionW so we can write out
// the UTF7 encoding.
strSectionA[lstrlenA(strSectionA) - 1] = 'W';
// This really writes [Section.W]
WritePrivateProfileStringA(strSectionA, strKey, strUTF7, strFileName); }
return fRc; }
BOOL WINAPI SHSetIniStringW(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPCWSTR pwszValue, LPCWSTR pwszFileName) { // We have no way of encoding these two, so they had better by 7-bit clean
// We also do not support "delete entire section"
AssertMsg(pwszSection != NULL, TEXT("SHSetIniStringW: Section name cannot be NULL; bug in caller")); AssertMsg(Is7BitClean(pwszSection), TEXT("SHSetIniStringW: Section name not 7-bit clean; bug in caller")); AssertMsg(pwszKey != NULL, TEXT("SHSetIniStringW: Key name cannot be NULL; bug in caller")); AssertMsg(!pwszKey || Is7BitClean(pwszKey), TEXT("SHSetIniStringW: Key name not 7-bit clean; bug in caller"));
CStrSectionX strSectionX(pwszSection); CStrUTF7 strUTF7; // Assume no UTF7 needed.
if (strSectionX && pwszKey && pwszValue && !Is7BitClean(pwszValue)) { //
// The value is not 7-bit clean. Must create a UTF7 version.
strUTF7.SetUnicode(pwszValue); }
if (g_bRunningOnNT) return WritePrivateProfileStringMultiW(pwszSection, pwszValue, strSectionX, strUTF7, pwszKey, pwszFileName); else return WritePrivateProfileStringMultiA(pwszSection, pwszValue, strSectionX, strUTF7, pwszKey, pwszFileName); }
// Keep calling GetPrivateProfileString with bigger and bigger buffers
// until we get the entire string. Start with MAX_PATH, since that's
// usually plenty big enough.
// The returned buffer must be freed with LocalFree, not delete[].
LPVOID GetEntirePrivateProfileStringAorW( LPCVOID pszSection, LPCVOID pszKey, LPCVOID pszFileName, BOOL fUnicode) { int CharSize = fUnicode ? sizeof(WCHAR) : sizeof(CHAR); UINT cchResult = MAX_PATH; LPVOID pszResult = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cchResult * CharSize); LPVOID pszFree = pszResult;
while (pszResult) { UINT cchRc; if (fUnicode) cchRc = GetPrivateProfileStringW((LPCWSTR)pszSection, (LPCWSTR)pszKey, L"", (LPWSTR)pszResult, cchResult, (LPCWSTR)pszFileName); else cchRc = GetPrivateProfileStringA((LPCSTR)pszSection, (LPCSTR)pszKey, "", (LPSTR)pszResult, cchResult, (LPCSTR)pszFileName);
if (cchRc < cchResult - 1) return pszResult;
// Buffer too small - iterate
cchResult *= 2; LPVOID pszNew = LocalReAlloc(pszResult, cchResult * CharSize, LMEM_MOVEABLE); pszFree = pszResult; pszResult = pszNew; }
// Memory allocation failed; free pszFree while we still can.
if (pszFree) LocalFree(pszFree); return NULL; }
DWORD GetPrivateProfileStringMultiW(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPWSTR pwszSectionA, LPWSTR pwszReturnedString, DWORD cchSize, LPCWSTR pwszFileName) { LPWSTR pwszValue = NULL; LPWSTR pwszValueA = NULL; LPWSTR pwszUTF7 = NULL; DWORD dwRc;
pwszValue = (LPWSTR)GetEntirePrivateProfileStringAorW( pwszSection, pwszKey, pwszFileName, TRUE); if (pwszValue) {
// If the value is an empty string, then don't waste your
// time trying to get the UNICODE version - the UNICODE version
// of the empty string is the empty string.
// Otherwise, get the ANSI shadow hidden in [Section.A]
// and see if it matches. If not, then the file was edited
// by a downlevel app and we should just use pwszValue after all.
if (pwszValue[0] && (pwszValueA = (LPWSTR)GetEntirePrivateProfileStringAorW( pwszSectionA, pwszKey, pwszFileName, TRUE)) != NULL && lstrcmpW(pwszValue, pwszValueA) == 0) {
// our shadow is still good - run with it
// Change [Section.A] to [Section.W]
pwszSectionA[lstrlenW(pwszSectionA) - 1] = TEXT('W');
pwszUTF7 = (LPWSTR)GetEntirePrivateProfileStringAorW( pwszSectionA, pwszKey, pwszFileName, TRUE);
CStrIn strUTF7(pwszUTF7);
dwRc = 0; // Assume something goes wrong
if (strUTF7) { dwRc = SHAnsiToUnicodeCP(CP_UTF7, strUTF7, pwszReturnedString, cchSize); }
if (dwRc == 0) { // Problem converting to UTF7 - just use the ANSI version
dwRc = SHUnicodeToUnicode(pwszValue, pwszReturnedString, cchSize); }
} else { // String was empty or couldn't get [Section.A] shadow or
// shadow doesn't match. Just use the regular string.
dwRc = SHUnicodeToUnicode(pwszValue, pwszReturnedString, cchSize); }
// The SHXxxToYyy functions include the terminating zero,
// which we want to exclude.
if (dwRc > 0) dwRc--;
} else { // Fatal error reading values from file; just use the boring API
dwRc = GetPrivateProfileStringW(pwszSection, pwszKey, L"", pwszReturnedString, cchSize, pwszFileName); }
if (pwszValue) LocalFree(pwszValue); if (pwszValueA) LocalFree(pwszValueA); if (pwszUTF7) LocalFree(pwszUTF7);
return dwRc; }
DWORD GetPrivateProfileStringMultiA(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPWSTR pwszSectionA, LPWSTR pwszReturnedString, DWORD cchSize, LPCWSTR pwszFileName) { CStrIn strSection(pwszSection); CStrIn strSectionA(pwszSectionA); CStrIn strKey(pwszKey); CPPFIn strFileName(pwszFileName); // PrivateProfile filename needs special class
LPSTR pszValue = NULL; LPSTR pszValueA = NULL; LPSTR pszUTF7 = NULL; DWORD dwRc;
if (strSectionA && (pszValue = (LPSTR)GetEntirePrivateProfileStringAorW( strSection, strKey, strFileName, FALSE)) != NULL) {
// If the value is an empty string, then don't waste your
// time trying to get the UNICODE version - the UNICODE version
// of the empty string is the empty string.
// Otherwise, get the ANSI shadow hidden in [Section.A]
// and see if it matches. If not, then the file was edited
// by a downlevel app and we should just use pwszValue after all.
if (pszValue[0] && (pszValueA = (LPSTR)GetEntirePrivateProfileStringAorW( strSectionA, strKey, strFileName, FALSE)) != NULL && lstrcmpA(pszValue, pszValueA) == 0) {
// our shadow is still good - run with it
// Change [Section.A] to [Section.W]
strSectionA[lstrlenA(strSectionA) - 1] = 'W';
pszUTF7 = (LPSTR)GetEntirePrivateProfileStringAorW( strSectionA, strKey, strFileName, FALSE); dwRc = 0; // Assume something goes wrong
if (pszUTF7) { dwRc = SHAnsiToUnicodeCP(CP_UTF7, pszUTF7, pwszReturnedString, cchSize); }
if (dwRc == 0) { // Problem converting to UTF7 - just use the ANSI version
dwRc = SHAnsiToUnicode(pszValue, pwszReturnedString, cchSize); }
} else { // String was empty or couldn't get [Section.A] shadow or
// shadow doesn't match. Just use the regular string.
dwRc = SHAnsiToUnicode(pszValue, pwszReturnedString, cchSize); }
// The SHXxxToYyy functions include the terminating zero,
// which we want to exclude.
if (dwRc > 0) dwRc--;
} else { // Fatal error reading values from file; just use the boring API
CStrOut strOut(pwszReturnedString, cchSize); dwRc = GetPrivateProfileStringA(strSection, strKey, "", strOut, cchSize, strFileName); strOut.ConvertIncludingNul(); }
if (pszValue) LocalFree(pszValue); if (pszValueA) LocalFree(pszValueA); if (pszUTF7) LocalFree(pszUTF7);
return dwRc; }
DWORD WINAPI SHGetIniStringW(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPWSTR pwszReturnedString, DWORD cchSize, LPCWSTR pwszFileName) { VALIDATE_OUTBUF(pwszReturnedString, cchSize);
// We have no way of encoding these two, so they had better by 7-bit clean
// We also do not support "get all section names" or "get entire section".
AssertMsg(pwszSection != NULL, TEXT("SHGetIniStringW: Section name cannot be NULL; bug in caller")); AssertMsg(Is7BitClean(pwszSection), TEXT("SHGetIniStringW: Section name not 7-bit clean; bug in caller")); AssertMsg(pwszKey != NULL, TEXT("SHGetIniStringW: Key name cannot be NULL; bug in caller")); AssertMsg(Is7BitClean(pwszKey), TEXT("SHGetIniStringW: Key name not 7-bit clean; bug in caller"));
CStrSectionX strSectionX(pwszSection);
if (g_bRunningOnNT) return GetPrivateProfileStringMultiW(pwszSection, pwszKey, strSectionX, pwszReturnedString, cchSize, pwszFileName); else return GetPrivateProfileStringMultiA(pwszSection, pwszKey, strSectionX, pwszReturnedString, cchSize, pwszFileName); }
// CreateURLFileContents
// shdocvw.dll and url.dll need to create in-memory images
// of URL files, so this helper function does all the grunky work so they
// can remain insulated from the way we encode Unicode strings into INI files.
// The resulting memory should be freed via GlobalFree().
// Writes a string into the URL file. If fWrite is FALSE, then
// then just do the math and don't actually write anything. This lets us
// use one function to handle both the measurement pass and the rendering
// pass.
LPSTR AddToURLFileContents(LPSTR pszFile, LPCSTR psz, BOOL fWrite) { int cch = lstrlenA(psz); if (fWrite) { memcpy(pszFile, psz, cch); } pszFile += cch; return pszFile; }
LPSTR AddURLFileSection(LPSTR pszFile, LPCSTR pszSuffix, LPCSTR pszUrl, BOOL fWrite) { pszFile = AddToURLFileContents(pszFile, "[InternetShortcut", fWrite); pszFile = AddToURLFileContents(pszFile, pszSuffix, fWrite); pszFile = AddToURLFileContents(pszFile, "]\r\nURL=", fWrite); pszFile = AddToURLFileContents(pszFile, pszUrl, fWrite); pszFile = AddToURLFileContents(pszFile, "\r\n", fWrite); return pszFile; }
// The file consists of an [InternetShortcut] section, followed if
// necessary by [InternetShortcut.A] and [InternetShortcut.W].
LPSTR AddURLFileContents(LPSTR pszFile, LPCSTR pszUrl, LPCSTR pszUTF7, BOOL fWrite) { pszFile = AddURLFileSection(pszFile, "", pszUrl, fWrite); if (pszUTF7) { pszFile = AddURLFileSection(pszFile, ".A", pszUrl, fWrite); pszFile = AddURLFileSection(pszFile, ".W", pszUTF7, fWrite); } return pszFile; }
// Returns number of bytes in file contents (not including trailing NULL),
// or an OLE error code. If ppszOut is NULL, then no contents are returned.
HRESULT GenerateURLFileContents(LPCWSTR pwszUrl, LPCSTR pszUrl, LPSTR *ppszOut) { HRESULT hr = 0;
if (ppszOut) *ppszOut = NULL;
if (pwszUrl && pszUrl) { CStrUTF7 strUTF7; // Assume no UTF7 needed.
if (!Is7BitClean(pwszUrl)) { //
// The value is not 7-bit clean. Must create a UTF7 version.
strUTF7.SetUnicode(pwszUrl); }
hr = PtrToUlong(AddURLFileContents(NULL, pszUrl, strUTF7, FALSE)); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (ppszOut) { *ppszOut = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, hr + 1); if (*ppszOut) { LPSTR pszEnd = AddURLFileContents(*ppszOut, pszUrl, strUTF7, TRUE); *pszEnd = '\0'; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } }
// Double-check the value we return.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && ppszOut) { ASSERT(hr == lstrlenA(*ppszOut)); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CreateURLFileContentsW(LPCWSTR pwszUrl, LPSTR *ppszOut) { CStrIn strUrl(pwszUrl); return GenerateURLFileContents(pwszUrl, strUrl, ppszOut); }
HRESULT CreateURLFileContentsA(LPCSTR pszUrl, LPSTR *ppszOut) { CStrInW strUrl(pszUrl); return GenerateURLFileContents(strUrl, pszUrl, ppszOut); }
DWORD SHGetIniStringUTF7W(LPCWSTR lpSection, LPCWSTR lpKey, LPWSTR lpBuf, DWORD nSize, LPCWSTR lpFile) { if (*lpKey == CH_CANBEUNICODEW) return SHGetIniStringW(lpSection, lpKey+1, lpBuf, nSize, lpFile); else return GetPrivateProfileStringWrapW(lpSection, lpKey, L"", lpBuf, nSize, lpFile); }
BOOL SHSetIniStringUTF7W(LPCWSTR lpSection, LPCWSTR lpKey, LPCWSTR lpString, LPCWSTR lpFile) { if (*lpKey == CH_CANBEUNICODEW) return SHSetIniStringW(lpSection, lpKey+1, lpString, lpFile); else return WritePrivateProfileStringWrapW(lpSection, lpKey, lpString, lpFile); }