Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Worker thread classes. Moved out of tpsclass.h
Contents: CIoWorkerThreadInfo CIoWorkerRequest CThreadPool
Richard L Firth (rfirth) 08-Aug-1998
Revision History:
08-Aug-1998 rfirth Created
// manifests
#define TPS_ID 0x80000000
// external data
extern DWORD g_dwWorkItemId;
// classes
// CIoWorkerThreadInfo
class CIoWorkerThreadInfo : public CDoubleLinkedListEntry {
HANDLE m_hThread;
CIoWorkerThreadInfo(CDoubleLinkedList * pList) { m_hThread = (HANDLE)-1; InsertHead(pList); }
~CIoWorkerThreadInfo() {
ASSERT(m_hThread == NULL);
VOID SetHandle(HANDLE hThread) { m_hThread = hThread; }
HANDLE GetHandle(VOID) const { return m_hThread; } };
// CIoWorkerRequest
class CIoWorkerRequest {
LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE m_pfnCallback; LPVOID m_pContext;
CIoWorkerRequest(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE pfnCallback, LPVOID pContext) { m_pfnCallback = pfnCallback; m_pContext = pContext; }
LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE GetCallback(VOID) const { return m_pfnCallback; }
LPVOID GetContext(VOID) const { return m_pContext; } };
// CThreadPool - maintains lists of work items, non-IO worker threads and
// IO worker threads
class CThreadPool {
// private classes
// CWorkItem - queued app-supplied functions, ordered by priority
class CWorkItem : public CPrioritizedListEntry {
FARPROC m_function; ULONG_PTR m_context; DWORD_PTR m_tag; DWORD_PTR m_id; DWORD m_flags; HINSTANCE m_hInstModule;
CWorkItem(FARPROC lpfn, ULONG_PTR context, LONG priority, DWORD_PTR tag, DWORD_PTR * pid, LPCSTR pszModule, DWORD flags ) : CPrioritizedListEntry(priority) { m_function = lpfn; m_context = context; m_tag = tag; m_id = (DWORD_PTR)0; m_flags = flags;
if (pszModule && *pszModule) { m_hInstModule = LoadLibrary(pszModule);
if (!m_hInstModule) { TraceMsg(TF_WARNING, TEXT("CWorkItem::CWorkItem - faild to load %hs (error = %d), worker thread could be abanonded!!"), pszModule, GetLastError()); } } else { m_hInstModule = NULL; }
if (pid) { m_id = (DWORD_PTR)++g_dwWorkItemId; *pid = m_id; m_flags |= TPS_ID; } }
~CWorkItem() { // we used to call FreeLibrary(m_hInstModule) here but we delete the workitem
// when we grab it off of the queue (in RemoveWorkItem). so we have to wait until
// we are actually done running the task before we call FreeLibaray()
BOOL Match(DWORD_PTR Tag, BOOL IsTag) { return IsTag ? ((m_flags & TPS_TAGGEDITEM) && (m_tag == Tag)) : ((m_flags & TPS_ID) && (m_id == Tag)); }
BOOL IsLongExec(VOID) { return (m_flags & TPS_LONGEXECTIME) ? TRUE : FALSE; } };
// work item queue variables
CPrioritizedList m_queue; CCriticalSection_NoCtor m_qlock; HANDLE m_event; DWORD m_error; DWORD m_queueSize; DWORD m_qFactor; DWORD m_minWorkerThreads; DWORD m_maxWorkerThreads; DWORD m_maxQueueDepth; DWORD m_workerIdleTimeout; DWORD m_creationDelta; DWORD m_totalWorkerThreads; DWORD m_availableWorkerThreads;
#if DBG
DWORD m_queueSizeMax; DWORD m_qFactorMax; DWORD m_maxWorkerThreadsCreated; #endif
// private member functions
CWorkItem * DequeueWorkItem(VOID) {
CWorkItem * pItem = NULL;
if (!m_queue.IsEmpty()) { pItem = (CWorkItem *)m_queue.RemoveHead(); --m_queueSize; } return pItem; }
VOID Worker( VOID );
static VOID WorkerThread( VOID );
BOOL Init(VOID) { m_queue.Init(); m_qlock.Init();
// create auto-reset, initially unsignalled event
m_event = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); m_error = (m_event != NULL) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : GetLastError(); m_queueSize = 0; m_qFactor = 0; m_minWorkerThreads = MIN_WORKER_THREADS; m_maxWorkerThreads = MAX_WORKER_THREADS; m_maxQueueDepth = MAX_QUEUE_DEPTH; m_workerIdleTimeout = THREAD_IDLE_TIMEOUT; m_creationDelta = THREAD_CREATION_DAMPING_TIME; m_totalWorkerThreads = 0; m_availableWorkerThreads = 0;
#if DBG
m_queueSizeMax = 0; m_qFactorMax = 0; m_maxWorkerThreadsCreated = 0; #endif
return m_error == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
VOID Terminate(DWORD Limit) { PurgeWorkItems(); TerminateThreads(Limit); if (m_event != NULL) {
BOOL bOk = CloseHandle(m_event);
m_event = NULL; } m_qlock.Terminate();
//#if DBG
//char buf[256];
// "CThreadPool::Terminate(): m_queueSizeMax = %d, m_maxWorkerThreadsCreated = %d, m_qFactorMax = %d\n",
// m_queueSizeMax,
// m_maxWorkerThreadsCreated,
// m_qFactorMax
// );
DWORD GetError() const { return m_error; }
VOID SetLimits( IN DWORD dwMinimumThreads, IN DWORD dwMaximumThreads, IN DWORD dwMaximumQueueDepth, IN DWORD dwThreadIdleTimeout, IN DWORD dwThreadCreationDelta ) { m_minWorkerThreads = dwMinimumThreads; m_maxWorkerThreads = dwMaximumThreads; m_maxQueueDepth = dwMaximumQueueDepth; m_workerIdleTimeout = dwThreadIdleTimeout; m_creationDelta = dwThreadCreationDelta; }
VOID MakeAvailable(VOID) { InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&m_availableWorkerThreads); if (m_qFactor == 0) { m_qFactor = 1; } else { m_qFactor <<= 1; } #if DBG
if (m_qFactor > m_qFactorMax) { m_qFactorMax = m_qFactor; } #endif
VOID MakeUnavailable(VOID) { InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&m_availableWorkerThreads); m_qFactor >>= 1; if ((m_qFactor == 0) && (m_availableWorkerThreads != 0)) { m_qFactor = 1; } }
DWORD QueueWorkItem( FARPROC pfnFunction, ULONG_PTR pContext, LONG lPriority, DWORD_PTR dwTag, DWORD_PTR * pdwId, LPCSTR pszModule, DWORD dwFlags ) { //
// add a work item to the queue at the appropriate place and create a
// thread to handle it if necessary
CWorkItem * pItem = new CWorkItem(pfnFunction, pContext, lPriority, dwTag, pdwId, pszModule, dwFlags );
if (pItem == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } m_qlock.Acquire();
// demand-thread work-items have the highest priority. Put at head of
// queue, else insert based on priority
if (dwFlags & TPS_DEMANDTHREAD) { pItem->InsertHead(&m_queue); } else { m_queue.insert(pItem); } ++m_queueSize; #if DBG
if (m_queueSize > m_queueSizeMax) { m_queueSizeMax = m_queueSize; } #endif
// determine whether we need to create a new thread:
// * no available threads
// * work queue growing too fast
// * all available threads about to be taken by long-exec work items
if (m_queueSize > (m_availableWorkerThreads * m_qFactor)) { bCreate = TRUE; } else {
DWORD i = 0; DWORD n = 0; CWorkItem * pItem = (CWorkItem *)m_queue.Next();
while ((pItem != m_queue.Head()) && (i < m_availableWorkerThreads)) { if (pItem->IsLongExec()) { ++n; } pItem = (CWorkItem *)pItem->Next(); ++i; } if (n == m_availableWorkerThreads) { bCreate = TRUE; } } m_qlock.Release(); if (bCreate) { // if the CreateWorkerThread fails, do NOT pass back an error code to the caller
// since we've already added the workitem to the queue. An error code will
// likely result in the caller freeing the data for the work item. (saml 081799)
CreateWorkerThread(); } SetEvent(m_event); return error; }
DWORD RemoveWorkItem( FARPROC * ppfnFunction, ULONG_PTR * pContext, HMODULE* hModuleToFree, DWORD * pdwFlags, DWORD dwTimeout ) { BOOL bFirstTime = TRUE; DWORD dwWaitTime = dwTimeout;
while (TRUE) {
CWorkItem * pItem;
// first test the FIFO state without waiting for the event
if (!m_queue.IsEmpty()) { m_qlock.Acquire(); pItem = DequeueWorkItem();
if (pItem != NULL) { if (pItem->m_flags & TPS_LONGEXECTIME) { MakeUnavailable(); }
m_qlock.Release(); *ppfnFunction = pItem->m_function; *pContext = pItem->m_context; *pdwFlags = pItem->m_flags & ~TPS_RESERVED_FLAGS; *hModuleToFree = pItem->m_hInstModule; delete pItem; return ERROR_SUCCESS; } m_qlock.Release(); }
DWORD dwStartTime;
if ((dwTimeout != INFINITE) && bFirstTime) { dwStartTime = GetTickCount(); }
// if dwTimeout is 0 (poll) and we've already waited unsuccessfully
// then we're done: we timed out
if ((dwTimeout == 0) && !bFirstTime) { break; }
// wait alertably: process I/O completions while we wait
// FEATURE - we want MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx() here, but Win95
// doesn't support it
DWORD status = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &m_event, FALSE, dwWaitTime, //QS_ALLINPUT
// quit now if thread pool is terminating
if (g_bTpsTerminating) { break; } bFirstTime = FALSE; if ((status == WAIT_OBJECT_0) || (status == WAIT_IO_COMPLETION)) {
// we think there is something to remove from the FIFO or I/O
// completed. If we're not waiting forever, update the time to
// wait on the next iteration based on the time we started
if (dwTimeout != INFINITE) {
DWORD dwElapsedTime = GetTickCount() - dwStartTime;
if (dwElapsedTime > dwTimeout) {
// waited longer than requested. Don't wait again if
// we find there's nothing in the FIFO
dwWaitTime = 0; } else {
// amount of time to wait next iteration is amount of
// time until expiration of originally specified period
dwWaitTime = dwTimeout - dwElapsedTime; } } continue; } else if (status == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) {
MSG msg;
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) { return WAIT_ABANDONED; } else { DispatchMessage(&msg); } } continue; }
break; } return WAIT_TIMEOUT; }
DWORD RemoveTagged(DWORD_PTR Tag, BOOL IsTag) {
DWORD count = 0;
CPrioritizedListEntry * pEntry = (CPrioritizedListEntry *)m_queue.Next(); CPrioritizedListEntry * pPrev = (CPrioritizedListEntry *)m_queue.Head();
while (pEntry != m_queue.Head()) {
CWorkItem * pItem = (CWorkItem *)pEntry;
if (pItem->Match(Tag, IsTag)) { pItem->Remove(); --m_queueSize; delete pItem; ++count; if (!IsTag) { break; } } else { pPrev = pEntry; } pEntry = (CPrioritizedListEntry *)pPrev->Next(); } m_qlock.Release(); return count; }
DWORD GetQueueSize(VOID) const { return m_queueSize; }
VOID PurgeWorkItems(VOID) { m_qlock.Acquire();
CWorkItem * pItem;
while ((pItem = DequeueWorkItem()) != NULL) { delete pItem; } m_qlock.Release(); }
VOID Signal(VOID) { if (m_event != NULL) { SetEvent(m_event); } }
DWORD CreateWorkerThread(VOID) {
error = StartThread((LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)WorkerThread, &hThread, FALSE ); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { AddWorker(); #if DBG
if (m_totalWorkerThreads > m_maxWorkerThreadsCreated) { m_maxWorkerThreadsCreated = m_totalWorkerThreads; } //char buf[256];
//wsprintf(buf, ">>>> started worker thread. Total = %d/%d. Avail = %d. Factor = %d/%d\n",
// m_totalWorkerThreads,
// m_maxWorkerThreadsCreated,
// m_availableWorkerThreads,
// m_qFactor,
// m_qFactorMax
// );
CloseHandle(hThread); // thread handle not required
return error; }
VOID TerminateThreads(DWORD Limit) { while (m_totalWorkerThreads > Limit) { Signal(); SleepEx(0, FALSE); } }
VOID AddWorker(VOID) { InterlockedIncrement((LPLONG)&m_totalWorkerThreads); MakeAvailable(); }
VOID RemoveWorker(VOID) { MakeUnavailable(); InterlockedDecrement((LPLONG)&m_totalWorkerThreads); } };