// BorderFill.cpp - implements the drawing API for bgtype = BorderFill
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Render.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "gradient.h"
#include "tmutils.h"
#include "rgn.h"
#include "BorderFill.h"
#include "CacheList.h"
#include "gradient.h"
#include "drawhelp.h"
HRESULT CBorderFill::PackProperties(CRenderObj *pRender, BOOL fNoDraw, int iPartId, int iStateId) { memset(this, 0, sizeof(CBorderFill)); // allowed because we have no vtable
//---- save off partid, stateid for debugging ----
_iSourcePartId = iPartId; _iSourceStateId = iStateId;
if (fNoDraw) { //---- this is used to fake a bgtype=none object ----
_fNoDraw = TRUE; } else { //---- get border type ----
if (FAILED(pRender->GetEnumValue(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_BORDERTYPE, (int *)&_eBorderType))) _eBorderType = BT_RECT; // TODO: Make Zero the default when no bordertype is specified.
//---- get border color ----
if (FAILED(pRender->GetColor(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_BORDERCOLOR, &_crBorder))) _crBorder = RGB(0, 0, 0);
//---- get border size ----
if (FAILED(pRender->GetInt(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_BORDERSIZE, &_iBorderSize))) _iBorderSize = 1; // TODO: Make Zero the default when no bordersize is specified.
if (_eBorderType == BT_ROUNDRECT) { //---- get round rect width ----
if (FAILED(pRender->GetInt(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_ROUNDCORNERWIDTH, &_iRoundCornerWidth))) _iRoundCornerWidth = 80;
//---- get round rect height ----
if (FAILED(pRender->GetInt(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_ROUNDCORNERHEIGHT, &_iRoundCornerHeight))) _iRoundCornerHeight = 80; }
//---- get fill type ----
if (FAILED(pRender->GetEnumValue(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_FILLTYPE, (int *)&_eFillType))) _eFillType = FT_SOLID;
if (_eFillType == FT_SOLID) { //---- get fill color ----
if (FAILED(pRender->GetColor(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_FILLCOLOR, &_crFill))) _crFill = RGB(255, 255, 255); } else if (_eFillType == FT_TILEIMAGE) { _iDibOffset = pRender->GetValueIndex(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_DIBDATA);
if (_iDibOffset == -1) // not found
_iDibOffset = 0; } else // one of the graident filltypes
{ _iGradientPartCount = 0; GRADIENTPART gpParts[5]; // max is 5 for now
for (int i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE(gpParts); i++) { COLORREF crPart; if (FAILED(pRender->GetColor(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_GRADIENTCOLOR1+i, &crPart))) break;
int iPartRatio; if (FAILED(pRender->GetInt(iPartId, iStateId, TMT_GRADIENTRATIO1+i, &iPartRatio))) iPartRatio = 0;
_crGradientColors[_iGradientPartCount] = crPart; _iGradientRatios[_iGradientPartCount] = iPartRatio;
_iGradientPartCount++; } }
//---- ContentMargins ----
if (FAILED(pRender->GetMargins(NULL, iPartId, iStateId, TMT_CONTENTMARGINS, NULL, &_ContentMargins))) { _ContentMargins.cxLeftWidth = _iBorderSize; _ContentMargins.cxRightWidth = _iBorderSize; _ContentMargins.cyTopHeight = _iBorderSize; _ContentMargins.cyBottomHeight = _iBorderSize; } }
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CBorderFill::KeyProperty(int iPropId) { BOOL fKey = FALSE;
return fKey; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBorderFill::DumpProperties(CSimpleFile *pFile, BYTE *pbThemeData, BOOL fFullInfo) { if (fFullInfo) pFile->OutLine(L"Dump of CBorderFill at offset=0x%x", (BYTE *)this - pbThemeData); else pFile->OutLine(L"Dump of CBorderFill"); pFile->OutLine(L" _eBgType=%d, _fNoDraw=%d", _eBgType, _fNoDraw);
pFile->OutLine(L" _eBorderType=%d, _iBorderSize=%d, _crBorder=0x%08x", _eBorderType, _iBorderSize, _crBorder);
pFile->OutLine(L" _iRoundCornerWidth=%d, _iRoundCornerHeight=%d", _iRoundCornerWidth, _iRoundCornerHeight);
if (fFullInfo) { pFile->OutLine(L" _eFillType=%d, _iDibOffset=%d, _crFill=0x%08x", _eFillType, _iDibOffset, _crFill); } else { pFile->OutLine(L" _eFillType=%d, _crFill=0x%08x", _eFillType, _crFill); } pFile->OutLine(L" _ContentMargins=%d, %d, %d, %d", _ContentMargins.cxLeftWidth, _ContentMargins.cxRightWidth, _ContentMargins.cyTopHeight, _ContentMargins.cyBottomHeight);
pFile->OutLine(L" _iGradientPartCount=%d", _iGradientPartCount);
for (int i=0; i < _iGradientPartCount; i++) { pFile->OutLine(L" _crGradientColors[%d]=0x%08x, _iGradientRatios[%d]=%d", i, _iGradientRatios[i], i, _iGradientRatios[i]); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CBorderFill::DrawComplexBackground(CRenderObj *pRender, HDC hdcOrig, const RECT *pRect, BOOL fGettingRegion, BOOL fBorder, BOOL fContent, OPTIONAL const RECT *pClipRect) { CSaveClipRegion scrOrig; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
bool fGradient = false; int iWidth; int iHeight;
//---- pen & brush should proceed hdc so auto-delete happens in correct order ----
CAutoGDI<HPEN> hPen; CAutoGDI<HBRUSH> hBrush; CAutoDC hdc(hdcOrig);
CMemoryDC memoryDC;
//---- draw border first (along with simple fills) ----
BOOL fHavePath = FALSE;
int width = WIDTH(*pRect); int height = HEIGHT(*pRect);
if (pClipRect) // use GDI clipping for complex cases
{ //---- get previous clipping region (for restoring at end) ----
hr = scrOrig.Save(hdc); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- add "pClipRect" to the GDI clipping region ----
int iRetVal = IntersectClipRect(hdc, pClipRect->left, pClipRect->top, pClipRect->right, pClipRect->bottom); if (iRetVal == ERROR) { hr = MakeErrorLast(); goto exit; } }
if ((fBorder) && (_iBorderSize)) { hPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID | PS_INSIDEFRAME, _iBorderSize, _crBorder); if (! hPen) { hr = MakeErrorLast(); goto exit; } }
if (fContent) { if (_eFillType == FT_SOLID) { hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(_crFill); if (! hBrush) { hr = MakeErrorLast(); goto exit; } } else if (_eFillType == FT_TILEIMAGE) { #if 0
//---- don't return on error - will default to NULL brush below ----
HRESULT hr = pRender->GetBitmap(hdc, _iImageFileOffset, iPartId, iStateId, &hBitmap); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//Log("TileImage: GetBitmap() returns hr=0x%x, hBitmap=0x%x", hr, hBitmap);
hBrush = CreatePatternBrush(hBitmap); Log(LOG_TM, L"TileImage: CreatePatternBrush() returns hBrush=0x%x, Error=0x%x", hBrush, GetLastError());
pRender->ReturnBitmap(hBitmap); if (! hBrush) { hr = MakeErrorLast(); goto exit; } #endif
} else fGradient = true; }
if (fGettingRegion) fGradient = false;
if (! hBrush) // no brush wanted
hBrush = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
if (! hPen) // no pen wanted
hPen = (HPEN)GetStockObject(NULL_PEN);
hdc.SelectPen(hPen); hdc.SelectBrush(hBrush);
if (_eBorderType == BT_RECT) { if (_iBorderSize > 0) { //---- no need to create a path for region in this case ----
Rectangle(hdc, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom); } else { FillRect(hdc, pRect, hBrush); } } else if (_eBorderType == BT_ROUNDRECT) { int iEllipHeight = (_iRoundCornerHeight*height)/100; int iEllipWidth = (_iRoundCornerWidth*width)/100;
RoundRect(hdc, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom, iEllipHeight, iEllipWidth);
if (fGradient) // create a path of the border
{ BeginPath(hdc); RoundRect(hdc, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom, iEllipHeight, iEllipWidth); EndPath(hdc);
fHavePath = TRUE; } } else // if (_eBorderType == BT_ELLIPSE)
{ Ellipse(hdc, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom);
if (fGradient) // create a path of the border
{ BeginPath(hdc); Ellipse(hdc, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom); EndPath(hdc);
fHavePath = TRUE; } }
if (! fGradient) // we're done
goto exit;
//---- draw gradient fill within the border drawn above ----
//---- shrink rect to subtract border ----
RECT rect; SetRect(&rect, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom);
rect.left += _iBorderSize; rect.top += _iBorderSize;
rect.right -= _iBorderSize; rect.bottom -= _iBorderSize;
iWidth = WIDTH(rect); iHeight = HEIGHT(rect);
hr = memoryDC.OpenDC(hdc, iWidth, iHeight); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- paint our bounding rect into dcBitmap with our gradient ----
RECT rect2; SetRect(&rect2, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight);
GRADIENTPART gpParts[5]; // max is 5 for now
//---- get gradient colors & ratios ----
for (int i=0; i < _iGradientPartCount; i++) { COLORREF crPart = _crGradientColors[i];
gpParts[i].Color.bRed = RED(crPart); gpParts[i].Color.bGreen = GREEN(crPart); gpParts[i].Color.bBlue = BLUE(crPart); gpParts[i].Color.bAlpha = 255;
gpParts[i].Ratio = (BYTE)_iGradientRatios[i]; };
if (_eFillType == FT_RADIALGRADIENT) { PaintGradientRadialRect(memoryDC, rect2, _iGradientPartCount, gpParts); } else if (_eFillType == FT_VERTGRADIENT) { PaintVertGradient(memoryDC, rect2, _iGradientPartCount, gpParts); } else // if (_eFillType == FT_HORZGRADIENT)
{ PaintHorzGradient(memoryDC, rect2, _iGradientPartCount, gpParts); }
if (fHavePath) { CSaveClipRegion scrCurrent; hr = scrCurrent.Save(hdc); // save current clip region
if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
//---- select our shape as the clipping region in normal hdc ----
SelectClipPath(hdc, RGN_AND); //---- blt our gradient into the shape-clipped rect into the normal hdc ----
BitBlt(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, iWidth, iHeight, memoryDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
scrCurrent.Restore(hdc); // restore current clip region
} else { //---- blt our gradient into the shape-clipped rect into the normal hdc ----
BitBlt(hdc, rect.left, rect.top, iWidth, iHeight, memoryDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); }
exit: scrOrig.Restore(hdc); // restore clipping region
return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CBorderFill::DrawBackground(CRenderObj *pRender, HDC hdcOrig, const RECT *pRect, OPTIONAL const DTBGOPTS *pOptions) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//---- options ----
DWORD dwOptionFlags = 0; BOOL fBorder = TRUE; BOOL fContent = TRUE; BOOL fGettingRegion = FALSE; const RECT *pClipRect = NULL;
if (pOptions) { dwOptionFlags = pOptions->dwFlags;
if (dwOptionFlags & DTBG_CLIPRECT) pClipRect = &pOptions->rcClip;
if (dwOptionFlags & DTBG_OMITBORDER) fBorder = FALSE;
if (dwOptionFlags & DTBG_OMITCONTENT) fContent = FALSE;
if (dwOptionFlags & DTBG_COMPUTINGREGION) fGettingRegion = TRUE; }
//---- optimize for perf-sensitive paths thru here ----
if (_fNoDraw) { //---- nothing to do ----
} else if ((_eFillType == FT_SOLID) && (_eBorderType == BT_RECT)) // solid rectangle
{ if (! _iBorderSize) // no border case
{ if (fContent) { //---- clip, if needed ----
RECT rcContent = *pRect; if (pClipRect) IntersectRect(&rcContent, &rcContent, pClipRect);
//---- fastest solid rect ----
COLORREF crOld = SetBkColor(hdcOrig, _crFill); ExtTextOut(hdcOrig, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rcContent, NULL, 0, NULL); //---- restore old color ----
SetBkColor(hdcOrig, crOld); } } else // border case
{ COLORREF crOld = GetBkColor(hdcOrig);
//---- draw clipped borders ----
if (fBorder) { RECT rcLine;
SetBkColor(hdcOrig, _crBorder);
//---- draw LEFT line ----
SetRect(&rcLine, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->left+_iBorderSize, pRect->bottom);
if (pClipRect) IntersectRect(&rcLine, &rcLine, pClipRect);
ExtTextOut(hdcOrig, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rcLine, NULL, 0, NULL);
//---- draw RIGHT line ----
SetRect(&rcLine, pRect->right-_iBorderSize, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom);
if (pClipRect) IntersectRect(&rcLine, &rcLine, pClipRect);
ExtTextOut(hdcOrig, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rcLine, NULL, 0, NULL);
//---- draw TOP line ----
SetRect(&rcLine, pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->top+_iBorderSize);
if (pClipRect) IntersectRect(&rcLine, &rcLine, pClipRect);
ExtTextOut(hdcOrig, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rcLine, NULL, 0, NULL);
//---- draw BOTTOM line ----
SetRect(&rcLine, pRect->left, pRect->bottom-_iBorderSize, pRect->right, pRect->bottom);
if (pClipRect) IntersectRect(&rcLine, &rcLine, pClipRect);
ExtTextOut(hdcOrig, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rcLine, NULL, 0, NULL); } //---- remove borders from rect to draw content ----
if (fContent) { RECT rcContent = *pRect; rcContent.left += _iBorderSize; rcContent.right -= _iBorderSize; rcContent.top += _iBorderSize; rcContent.bottom -= _iBorderSize;
if (pClipRect) IntersectRect(&rcContent, &rcContent, pClipRect);
//---- fastest solid rect ----
SetBkColor(hdcOrig, _crFill); ExtTextOut(hdcOrig, 0, 0, ETO_OPAQUE, &rcContent, NULL, 0, NULL); }
//---- restore old color ----
SetBkColor(hdcOrig, crOld); } } else // all other cases
{ hr = DrawComplexBackground(pRender, hdcOrig, pRect, fGettingRegion, fBorder, fContent, pClipRect); }
return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CBorderFill::GetBackgroundRegion(CRenderObj *pRender, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, const RECT *pRect, HRGN *pRegion) { HRESULT hr;
//---- see if it even has a transparent part ----
if (! IsBackgroundPartiallyTransparent()) { //---- return the bounding rect as the region ----
HRGN hrgn = CreateRectRgn(pRect->left, pRect->top, pRect->right, pRect->bottom);
if (! hrgn) return MakeErrorLast();
*pRegion = hrgn; return S_OK; }
//---- create a memory dc/bitmap to draw info ----
CMemoryDC hdcMemory;
//---- use maximum drawing values as size of DC ----
hr = hdcMemory.OpenDC(NULL, RECTWIDTH(pRect), RECTHEIGHT(pRect)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
BOOL fOK = BeginPath(hdcMemory); if (! fOK) return MakeErrorLast();
hr = DrawBackground(pRender, hdcMemory, pRect, &Opts); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
fOK = EndPath(hdcMemory); if (! fOK) return MakeErrorLast();
HRGN hrgn = PathToRegion(hdcMemory); if (! hrgn) return MakeErrorLast();
*pRegion = hrgn; return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL CBorderFill::IsBackgroundPartiallyTransparent() { return ((_eBorderType != BT_RECT) || _fNoDraw); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CBorderFill::HitTestBackground(CRenderObj *pRender, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, DWORD dwHTFlags, const RECT *pRect, HRGN hrgn, POINT ptTest, OUT WORD *pwHitCode) { MARGINS margins; GetContentMargins(pRender, hdc, &margins); *pwHitCode = HitTestRect( dwHTFlags, pRect, margins, ptTest ); return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CBorderFill::GetContentMargins(CRenderObj *pRender, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, MARGINS *pMargins) { *pMargins = _ContentMargins;
//---- adjust for DPI scaling ----
#if 0
int iDcDpi;
if (DpiDiff(hdc, &iDcDpi))) { pMargins->cxLeftWidth = DpiScale(pMargins->cxLeftWidth, iDcDpi); pMargins->cxRightWidth = DpiScale(pMargins->cxRightWidth, iDcDpi); pMargins->cyTopHeight = DpiScale(pMargins->cyTopHeight, iDcDpi); pMargins->cyBottomHeight = DpiScale(pMargins->cyBottomHeight, iDcDpi); } #endif
} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CBorderFill::GetBackgroundContentRect(CRenderObj *pRender, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, const RECT *pBoundingRect, RECT *pContentRect) { MARGINS margins; GetContentMargins(pRender, hdc, &margins);
pContentRect->left = pBoundingRect->left + margins.cxLeftWidth; pContentRect->top = pBoundingRect->top + margins.cyTopHeight;
pContentRect->right = pBoundingRect->right - margins.cxRightWidth; pContentRect->bottom = pBoundingRect->bottom - margins.cyBottomHeight;
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CBorderFill::GetBackgroundExtent(CRenderObj *pRender, OPTIONAL HDC hdc, const RECT *pContentRect, RECT *pExtentRect) { MARGINS margins; GetContentMargins(pRender, hdc, &margins);
pExtentRect->left = pContentRect->left - margins.cxLeftWidth; pExtentRect->top = pContentRect->top-+ margins.cyTopHeight;
pExtentRect->right = pContentRect->right + margins.cxRightWidth; pExtentRect->bottom = pContentRect->bottom + margins.cyBottomHeight;
return S_OK; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CBorderFill::GetPartSize(HDC hdc, THEMESIZE eSize, SIZE *psz) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (eSize == TS_MIN) { psz->cx = max(1, _iBorderSize*2); psz->cy = max(1, _iBorderSize*2); } else if (eSize == TS_TRUE) { psz->cx = _iBorderSize*2 + 1; psz->cy = _iBorderSize*2 + 1; } else { hr = MakeError32(E_INVALIDARG); }
return hr; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------