// NCTheme.h
#ifndef __NC_THEME_H__
#define __NC_THEME_H__
#include "handlers.h"
// Enable/disable rude message dumping
//#define _ENABLE_MSG_SPEW_
// Enable/disable rude scrollinfo dumping
// Debug CThemeWnd, critsec double deletion
// Target window theme class flags
#define TWCF_DIALOG 0x00000001
#define TWCF_FRAME 0x00000002
#define TWCF_TOOLFRAME 0x00000004
#define TWCF_SCROLLBARS 0x00000010
#define TWCF_CLIENTEDGE 0x00010000 // not targetted per se
// per-window NC rectangle identifiers.
NCRC_WINDOW = 0, // window rect
NCRC_CLIENT = 1, // client rect
NCRC_UXCLIENT = 2, // client rect, computed based on theme layout.
NCRC_CONTENT = 3, // frame content area (client area + scrollbars + clientedge)
NCRC_MENUBAR = 4, // menubar rect
// the following members should be in same sequence as eFRAMEPARTS
NCRC_CAPTION = 5, // window frame caption segment
NCRC_FRAMELEFT = 6, // window frame left segment
NCRC_FRAMERIGHT = 7, // window frame right segment
NCRC_FRAMEBOTTOM = 8,// window frame bottom segment
NCRC_CAPTIONTEXT = 9,// caption text rect
NCRC_CLIENTEDGE = 10,// client edge inner rect
NCRC_HSCROLL = 11, // horizontal scrollbar
NCRC_VSCROLL = 12, // vertical scrollbar
NCRC_SIZEBOX = 13, // gripper box
NCRC_SYSBTN = 14, // system button/icon
// Standard frame button
// (followed by identically ordered MDI frame buttons!!)
NCRC_CLOSEBTN = 15, // close btn
NCRC_MINBTN = 16, // minimize/restore button
NCRC_MAXBTN = 17, // maximize/restore button
NCRC_HELPBTN = 18, // help button
// MDI frame buttons for maximized MDI child
// (preceeded by identically ordered standard frame buttons!!)
NCRC_MDICLOSEBTN = 19,// MDI child close btn
NCRC_MDIMINBTN = 20, // MDI child minimize/restore button
NCRC_MDIMAXBTN = 21, // MDI child maximize/restore button
NCRC_MDISYSBTN = 22, // MDI child system button/icon
NCRC_MDIHELPBTN = 23, // MDI child help button
NCRC_LAMEBTN, // "Comments..." (formerly "Lame...") link.
NCRC_COUNT, // count of rectangles
// NCWNDMET::rgframeparts array indices
// nonclient window metrics
typedef struct _NCWNDMET { //----------------------//
// per-window metrics
BOOL fValid; //
BOOL fFrame; // WS_CAPTION style?
BOOL fSmallFrame; // toolframe style?
BOOL fMin; // minimized.
BOOL fMaxed; // maximized
BOOL fFullMaxed; // full-screen maximized or maximized child window.
ULONG dwStyle; // WINDOWINFO::dwStyle
ULONG dwExStyle; // WINDOWINFO::dwExStyle
ULONG dwWindowStatus; // WINDOWINFO::dwWindowStatus
ULONG dwStyleClass; // style class.
WINDOWPARTS rgframeparts[cFRAMEPARTS]; // rendered frame parts
WINDOWPARTS rgsizehitparts[cFRAMEPARTS]; // frame resizing border hit test template parts.
FRAMESTATES framestate; // current frame & caption state
HFONT hfCaption; // Font handle for dynamically resizing caption. This handle
// is not owned by NCWNDMET, and should not be destroyed with it.
COLORREF rgbCaption; // color of caption text.
SIZE sizeCaptionText; // size of caption text
MARGINS CaptionMargins; // Margins for in-frame caption
int iMinButtonPart; // restore / minimize as appropriate
int iMaxButtonPart; // restore / maximize as appropriate
CLOSEBUTTONSTATES rawCloseBtnState; // zero-relative close button state. Final state must be computed using the MAKE_BTNSTATE macro.
CLOSEBUTTONSTATES rawMinBtnState; // zero-relative min btnstate. Final state must be computed using the MAKE_BTNSTATE macro.
CLOSEBUTTONSTATES rawMaxBtnState; // zero-relative max btnstate. Final state must be computed using the MAKE_BTNSTATE macro.
int cyMenu; // return value of CalcMenuBar or Gsm(SM_CYMENUSIZE)
int cnMenuOffsetLeft; // left menubar margin from window edge
int cnMenuOffsetRight; // right menubar margin from window edge
int cnMenuOffsetTop; // top menubar margin from window edge
int cnBorders; // window border width, according to USER
RECT rcS0[NCRC_COUNT]; // nonclient area component rects, screen relative coords
RECT rcW0[NCRC_COUNT]; // nonclient area component rects, window relative coords
// nonclient part transparency bitfield
typedef struct { BOOL fCaption : 1; BOOL fSmallCaption: 1; BOOL fMinCaption : 1; BOOL fSmallMinCaption : 1; BOOL fMaxCaption : 1; BOOL fSmallMaxCaption : 1; BOOL fFrameLeft : 1; BOOL fFrameRight : 1; BOOL fFrameBottom : 1; BOOL fSmFrameLeft : 1; BOOL fSmFrameRight : 1; BOOL fSmFrameBottom : 1; BOOL fReserved0 : 1; BOOL fReserved1 : 1; BOOL fReserved2 : 1; BOOL fReserved3 : 1; } NCTRANSPARENCY, *PNCTRANSPARENCY; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// nonclient theme metrics
typedef struct _NCTHEMEMET { HTHEME hTheme; // theme handle
HTHEME hThemeTab; // tab's theme handle for "prop sheet" dialogs
SIZE sizeMinimized; // size of minimized window
BOOL fCapSizingTemplate:1; // has a caption sizing template
BOOL fLeftSizingTemplate:1; // has a left frame sizing template
BOOL fRightSizingTemplate:1; // has a frame right sizing template
BOOL fBottomSizingTemplate:1; // has a frame bottom sizing template
BOOL fSmCapSizingTemplate:1; // has a small caption sizing template
BOOL fSmLeftSizingTemplate:1; // has a small left frame sizing template
BOOL fSmRightSizingTemplate:1; // has a small frame right sizing template
BOOL fSmBottomSizingTemplate:1;// has a small frame bottom sizing template
MARGINS marCaptionText; // margin member values of {0,0,0,0} are interpreted as default
MARGINS marMinCaptionText; // margin member values of {0,0,0,0} are interpreted as default
MARGINS marMaxCaptionText; // margin member values of {0,0,0,0} are interpreted as default
MARGINS marSmCaptionText; // margin member values of {0,0,0,0} are interpreted as default
int dyMenuBar; // difference between SM_CYMENU and SM_CYMENUSIZE.
int cyMaxCaption; // height of maximized window caption (for top/button caption only)
int cnSmallMaximizedWidth; // width of maximized window caption (for left/right caption only)
int cnSmallMaximizedHeight;// height of maximized window caption (for top/button caption only)
SIZE sizeBtn; // size of normal nonclient button
SIZE sizeSmBtn; // size of toolframe nonclient button
HBRUSH hbrTabDialog; // brush for special tab dialogs
HBITMAP hbmTabDialog; // must save the bitmap to keep the brush valid
NCTRANSPARENCY nct; // cached transparency checks.
struct { BOOL fValid; int cxBtn; int cxSmBtn; } theme_sysmets;
typedef struct _NCEVALUATE { // IN params:
BOOL fIgnoreWndRgn;
// CThemeWnd::_Evaluate OUT params:
ULONG fClassFlags; ULONG dwStyle; ULONG dwExStyle; BOOL fExile; PVOID pvWndCompat; // optional
// nonclient theme metric API
BOOL GetCurrentNcThemeMetrics( OUT NCTHEMEMET* pnctm ); HTHEME GetCurrentNcThemeHandle(); HRESULT AcquireNcThemeMetrics(); BOOL IsValidNcThemeMetrics( NCTHEMEMET* pnctm ); BOOL ThemeNcAdjustWindowRect( NCTHEMEMET* pnctm, LPCRECT prcSrc, LPCRECT prcDest, BOOL fWantClientRect ); void InitNcThemeMetrics( NCTHEMEMET* pnctm = NULL ); void ClearNcThemeMetrics( NCTHEMEMET* pnctm = NULL );
class CMdiBtns;
// Hook state flags
#define HOOKSTATE_IN_DWP 0x00000001 // prevents Post-wndproc OWP from deleting the themewnd
#define HOOKSTATE_DETACH_WINDOWDESTROY 0x00000002 // tags themewnd for detach on window death
#define HOOKSTATE_DETACH_THEMEDESTROY 0x00000004 // tags themewnd for detach on theme death
class CThemeWnd //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
{ public: // ref counting
LONG AddRef(); LONG Release();
// access operators
operator HWND() { return _hwnd; } operator HTHEME() { return _hTheme; } // theme object attach/detach methods
static ULONG EvaluateWindowStyle( HWND hwnd ); static ULONG EvaluateStyle( DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle ); static CThemeWnd* Attach( HWND hwnd, IN OUT OPTIONAL NCEVALUATE* pnce = NULL ); // attaches CThemeWnd instance from window
static CThemeWnd* FromHwnd( HWND hwnd ); // Retrieves CThemeWnd instance from window
static CThemeWnd* FromHdc( HDC hdc, int cScanAncestors = 0 ); // maximum number of ancestor windows to grock.
static void Detach( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwDisposition ); // detaches CThemeWnd instance from window
static void DetachAll( DWORD dwDisposition ); // detaches all CThemeWnd instances in the current process
static void RemoveWindowProperties(HWND hwnd, BOOL fDestroying); static BOOL Reject( HWND hwnd, BOOL fExile ); static BOOL Fail( HWND hwnd ); BOOL Revoke(); // revokes theming on a themed window
BOOL TestCF( ULONG fClassFlag ) const { return (_fClassFlags & fClassFlag) != 0; }
// Theme state
BOOL IsNcThemed(); BOOL IsFrameThemed();
// set/remove/change theme
void SetFrameTheme( ULONG dwFlags, IN OPTIONAL WINDOWINFO* pwi ); void RemoveFrameTheme( ULONG dwFlags ); void ChangeTheme( THEME_MSG* ptm );
#define FTF_CREATE 0x00000001 // 'soft' theme the window during creation sequence.
#define FTF_REDRAW 0x00000010 // force frame redraw.
#define FTF_NOMODIFYRGN 0x00000040 // don't touch window region.
#define FTF_NOMODIFYPLACEMENT 0x00000080 // don't move the window
// Theme revocation
#define RF_NORMAL 0x00000001
#define RF_REGION 0x00000002
#define RF_TYPEMASK 0x0000FFFF
#define RF_DEFER 0x00010000 // defer revocation until next WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED
#define RF_INREVOKE 0x00020000
void SetRevokeFlags( ULONG dwFlags ) {_dwRevokeFlags = dwFlags;} DWORD GetRevokeFlags() const {return _dwRevokeFlags;} DWORD IsRevoked( IN OPTIONAL ULONG dwFlags = 0 ) const {return dwFlags ? TESTFLAG(_dwRevokeFlags, dwFlags) : TESTFLAG(_dwRevokeFlags, RF_TYPEMASK);}
void EnterRevoke() {AddRef(); _dwRevokeFlags |= RF_INREVOKE;} void LeaveRevoke() {_dwRevokeFlags &= ~RF_INREVOKE; Release();}
// NCPaint hooking:
BOOL InNcPaint() const { return _cNcPaint != 0; } void EnterNcPaint() { _cNcPaint++; } void LeaveNcPaint() { _cNcPaint--; }
BOOL InNcThemePaint() const { return _cNcThemePaint != 0; } void EnterNcThemePaint() { _cNcThemePaint++; } void LeaveNcThemePaint() { _cNcThemePaint--; }
// window region state
void SetDirtyFrameRgn( BOOL fDirty, BOOL fFrameChanged = FALSE ); BOOL DirtyFrameRgn() const { return _fDirtyFrameRgn; } BOOL AssigningFrameRgn() const { return _fAssigningFrameRgn; } BOOL AssignedFrameRgn() const { return _fAssignedFrameRgn; } // window region management
void AssignFrameRgn( BOOL fAssign, DWORD dwFlags ); HRGN CreateCompositeRgn( IN const NCWNDMET* pncwm, OUT HRGN rghrgnParts[], OUT HRGN rghrgnTemplates[] /* arrays presumed cFRAMEPARTS in length */);
// metrics/layout/state helpers.
BOOL GetNcWindowMetrics( IN OPTIONAL LPCRECT prcWnd, OUT OPTIONAL NCWNDMET** ppncwm, OUT OPTIONAL NCTHEMEMET* pnctm, IN DWORD dwOptions ); #define NCWMF_RECOMPUTE 0x00000001 // recompute values
#define NCWMF_PREVIEW 0x00000002 // Only used for the preview forces recalculating of NCTHEMEMET
void ReleaseNcWindowMetrics( IN NCWNDMET* pncwm );
BOOL InThemeSettingChange() const {return _fInThemeSettingChange;} void EnterThemeSettingChange() {_fInThemeSettingChange = TRUE;} void LeaveThemeSettingChange() {_fInThemeSettingChange = FALSE;}
UINT NcCalcMenuBar( int, int, int ); // user32!CalcMenuBar wrap
void ScreenToWindow( LPPOINT prgPts, UINT cPts ); void ScreenToWindowRect( LPRECT prc );
// MDI frame state.
void UpdateMDIFrameStuff( HWND hwndMDIClient, BOOL fSetMenu = FALSE ); void ThemeMDIMenuButtons( BOOL fTheme, BOOL fRedraw ); void ModifyMDIMenubar( BOOL fTheme, BOOL fRedraw ); // hit testing and mouse tracking
WORD NcBackgroundHitTest( POINT ptHit, LPCRECT prcWnd, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, FRAMESTATES fs, const WINDOWPARTS rgiParts[], const WINDOWPARTS rgiTemplates[], const RECT rgrcParts[] /* all arrays presumed cFRAMEPARTS in length */);
// determines whether the indicated button should be tracked on mouse events.
BOOL ShouldTrackFrameButton( UINT uHitcode );
// Track mouse on NC frame button; copies back appropriate syscmd (SC_) code and target window,
// returns TRUE if tracking was handled, otherwise FALSE if default tracking is required.
BOOL TrackFrameButton( IN HWND hwnd, IN INT uHitCode, OUT OPTIONAL WPARAM* puSysCmd, BOOL fHottrack = FALSE );
// hot NC hittest identifier accessors
int GetNcHotItem() { return _htHot; } void SetNcHotItem(int htHot) { _htHot = htHot; }
// style change handling
void StyleChanged( UINT iGWL, DWORD dwOld, DWORD dwNew ); BOOL SuppressingStyleMsgs() { return _fSuppressStyleMsgs; } void SuppressStyleMsgs() { _fSuppressStyleMsgs = TRUE; } void AllowStyleMsgs() { _fSuppressStyleMsgs = FALSE; }
// App icon management
HICON AcquireFrameIcon( DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, BOOL fWinIniChange ); void SetFrameIcon(HICON hIcon) { _hAppIcon = hIcon; }
// non-client painting
#define NCPF_DEFAULT 0x00000000
#define NCPF_ACTIVEFRAME 0x00000001
#define NCPF_INACTIVEFRAME 0x00000002
#define DC_BACKGROUND 0x00010000
void NcPaintCaption( IN HDC hdcOut, IN NCWNDMET* pncwm, IN BOOL fBuffered, IN OPTIONAL DWORD dwCaptionFlags = DC_ENTIRECAPTION, IN DTBGOPTS *pdtbopts = NULL );
#define RNCF_CAPTION 0x00000001
#define RNCF_SCROLLBAR 0x00000002
#define RNCF_FRAME 0x00000004
BOOL HasRenderedNcPart( DWORD dwField ) const { return TESTFLAG(_dwRenderedNcParts, dwField); } void SetRenderedNcPart( DWORD dwField ) { _dwRenderedNcParts |= dwField; } void ClearRenderedNcPart( DWORD dwField ) { _dwRenderedNcParts &= ~dwField; }
void LockRedraw( BOOL bLock ) { _cLockRedraw += (bLock ? 1 : -1); }
BOOL HasProcessedEraseBk() { return _fProcessedEraseBk; } void ProcessedEraseBk(BOOL fProcessed) { _fProcessedEraseBk = fProcessed; }
// Maxed MDI child button ownerdraw implementation
HWND GetMDIClient() const { return _hwndMDIClient; } CMdiBtns* LoadMdiBtns( IN OPTIONAL HDC hdc, IN OPTIONAL UINT uSysCmd = 0 ); void UnloadMdiBtns( IN OPTIONAL UINT uSysCmd = 0 );
// resource management
void InitWindowMetrics();
// lame button support
// ExStyles not defined by user
#define WS_EX_LAMEBUTTONON 0x00000800L
#define WS_EX_LAMEBUTTON 0x00008000L
void ClearLameResources(); void InitLameResources(); void DrawLameButton(HDC hdc, IN const NCWNDMET* pncwm); void GetLameButtonMetrics( NCWNDMET* pncwm, const SIZE* psizeCaption ); #else
# define ClearLameResources()
# define InitLameResources()
# define DrawLameButton(hdc, pncwm)
# define GetLameButtonMetrics(pncwm, psize)
#endif // LAME_BUTTON
// Debugging:
#ifdef DEBUG
void Spew( DWORD dwSpewFlags, LPCTSTR pszFmt, LPCTSTR pszWndClassList = NULL ); static void SpewAll( DWORD dwSpewFlags, LPCTSTR pszFmt, LPCTSTR pszWndClassList = NULL ); static void SpewLeaks(); #endif DEBUG
// CThemeWnd object-window association
private: static ULONG _Evaluate( HWND hwnd, NCEVALUATE* pnce ); static ULONG _EvaluateExclusions( HWND hwnd, NCEVALUATE* pnce );
BOOL _AttachInstance( HWND hwnd, HTHEME hTheme, ULONG fTargetFlags, PVOID pvWndCompat ); BOOL _DetachInstance( DWORD dwDisposition ); void _CloseTheme();
static BOOL CALLBACK _DetachDesktopWindowsCB( HWND hwnd, LPARAM dwProcessId );
// Ctor, Dtor
private: // auto-instantiated and deleted through friends
CThemeWnd(); ~CThemeWnd();
// Misc private methods
private: static BOOL _PostWndProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT* ); static BOOL _PostDlgProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT* ); static BOOL _PreDefWindowProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT* );
static HTHEME _AcquireThemeHandle( HWND hwnd, IN OUT ULONG *pfClassFlags ); void _AssignRgn( HRGN hrgn, DWORD dwFlags ); void _FreeRegionHandles();
// Private data
CHAR _szHead[9]; // header signature used for object validation
HWND _hwnd; LONG _cRef; // ref count.
HTHEME _hTheme; // theme handle
DWORD _dwRenderedNcParts; // mask of the NC elements we've drawn, to decide if we should track them
ULONG _dwRevokeFlags; // theme revoke flags
ULONG _fClassFlags; // theming class flag bits
NCWNDMET _ncwm; // per-window metrics
HICON _hAppIcon; // application's icon
HRGN _hrgnWnd; // cached window region.
HRGN _rghrgnParts[cFRAMEPARTS]; // cached nc component subregions.
HRGN _rghrgnSizingTemplates[cFRAMEPARTS]; // cached nc frame resizing hittest template subregions.
BOOL _fDirtyFrameRgn; // State flag: window region needs updating.
BOOL _fFrameThemed; // SetFrameTheme() has been invoked on a valid frame window
BOOL _fAssigningFrameRgn;// SetWindowRgn state flag.
BOOL _fAssignedFrameRgn; // Region state flag
BOOL _fSuppressStyleMsgs; // Suppress style change messages to arrive at the WndProc
BOOL _fProcessedEraseBk; BOOL _fInThemeSettingChange; // window is being sent a theme setting change message.
BOOL _fDetached; // Detached object; leave it alone!
BOOL _fThemedMDIBtns; // MDI menubar buttons have been themed-rendered.
BOOL _fCritSectsInit; // critical section(s) have been initialize
HWND _hwndMDIClient; // MDICLIENT child window.
int _cLockRedraw; // paint lock reference count.
int _cNcPaint; // NCPAINT message ref count
int _cNcThemePaint; // Indicator: we're painting the nonclient area.
SIZE _sizeRgn; // window rgn size.
int _htHot; // hittest code of the current hot NC element
CMdiBtns* _pMdiBtns; CRITICAL_SECTION _cswm; // serializes access to _ncwm.
BOOL _fDestructed; // destructor has been called.
BOOL _fDeleteCritsec; // deleted WNDMET critsec
HFONT _hFontLame; // font used to draw the lame button text
SIZE _sizeLame; // the text extent of the lame text
#endif // LAME_BUTTON
static LONG _cObj; // instance count
#ifdef DEBUG
public: TCHAR _szCaption[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR _szWndClass[MAX_PATH]; #endif DEBUG
CHAR _szTail[4]; // tail signature used for object validation
// Message tracking
// Friends
friend LRESULT _ThemeDefWindowProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, BOOL ); friend BOOL ThemePreWndProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*, VOID** ); friend BOOL ThemePostWndProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*, VOID** ); friend BOOL ThemePreDefDlgProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*, VOID** ); friend BOOL ThemePrePostDlgProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*, VOID** ); friend BOOL ThemePostDefDlgProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT*, VOID**); };
//------------------------------------------ -------------------------------//
// forwards:
// Internal sysmet wrappers. These functions can be more efficient than
// calling through USER32, and support theme preview functionality.
int NcGetSystemMetrics(int); BOOL NcGetNonclientMetrics( OUT OPTIONAL NONCLIENTMETRICS* pncm, BOOL fRefresh = FALSE ); void NcClearNonclientMetrics(); HFONT NcGetCaptionFont( BOOL fSmallCaption );
HWND NcPaintWindow_Find(); // retrieves window in current thread that is processing NCPAINT
void PrintClientNotHandled(HWND hwnd);
// hook function workers
int _InternalGetSystemMetrics( int, BOOL& fHandled ); BOOL _InternalSystemParametersInfo( UINT, UINT, PVOID, UINT, BOOL fUnicode, BOOL& fHandled );
//------------------------------------------ -------------------------------//
/// debug spew
#define NCTF_THEMEWND 0x00000001
#define NCTF_AWR 0x00000002 // ThemeAdjustWindowRectEx vs Calcsize
#define NCTF_SETFRAMETHEME 0x00000004 //
#define NCTF_RGNWND 0x00000010 // region window debugging
#define NCTF_MDIBUTTONS 0x00000020 // region window debugging
#define NCTF_NCPAINT 0x00000040 // debug painting
#define NCTF_SYSMETS 0x00000080 // system metrics calls
#define NCTF_ALWAYS 0xFFFFFFFF // always trace
#ifdef DEBUG
void CDECL _NcTraceMsg( ULONG uFlags, LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...); void INIT_THEMEWND_DBG( CThemeWnd* pwnd ); void SPEW_RECT( ULONG ulTrace, LPCTSTR pszMsg, LPCRECT prc ); void SPEW_MARGINS( ULONG ulTrace, LPCTSTR pszMsg, LPCRECT prcParent, LPCRECT prcChild ); void SPEW_RGNRECT( ULONG ulTrace, LPCTSTR pszMsg, HRGN hrgn, int iPartID ); void SPEW_WINDOWINFO( ULONG ulTrace, WINDOWINFO* ); void SPEW_NCWNDMET( ULONG ulTrace, LPCTSTR, NCWNDMET* ); void SPEW_SCROLLINFO( ULONG ulTrace, LPCTSTR pszMsg, HWND hwnd, LPCSCROLLINFO psi ); void SPEW_THEMEMSG( ULONG ulTrace, LPCTSTR pszMsg, THEME_MSG* ptm ); # define SPEW_THEMEWND(pwnd,dwFlags,txt,classlist) (pwnd)->Spew( dwFlags, txt, classlist )
# define SPEW_THEMEWND_LEAKS(pwnd) (pwnd)->SpewLeaks()
#else // DEBUG
inline void CDECL _NcTraceMsg( ULONG uFlags, LPCTSTR pszFmt, ...) {} # define INIT_THEMEWND_DBG( pwnd );
# define SPEW_RECT( ulTrace, pszMsg, prc )
# define SPEW_MARGINS( ulTrace, pszMsg, prcParent, prcChild )
# define SPEW_RGNRECT( ulTrace, pszMsg, hrgn, iPartID )
# define SPEW_WINDOWINFO( ulTrace, pwi )
# define SPEW_NCWNDMET( ulTrace, pszMsg, pncwm )
# define SPEW_SCROLLINFO( ulTrace, pszMsg, hwnd, psi )
# define SPEW_THEMEMSG( ulTrace, pszMsg, ptm )
# define SPEW_THEMEWND(pwnd,dwFlags,txt,classlist) (pwnd)->Spew( dwFlags, txt, classlist )
# define SPEW_THEMEWND_LEAKS(pwnd) (pwnd)->SpewLeaks()
#endif // DEBUG
#endif __NC_THEME_H__