// Rgn.cpp - Bitmap-to-Region transforms
// History:
// 01/31/2000 scotthan created
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "rgn.h"
#include "tmutils.h"
// Helpers:
#define CX_USEDEFAULT -1
#define CY_USEDEFAULT -1
#define _ABS( val1, val2 ) ((val1)>(val2) ? (val1)-(val2) : (val2)-(val1))
inline BOOL IsColorMatch( COLORREF rgb1, COLORREF rgb2, int nTolerance = 0 ) { if( nTolerance == 0 ) return (rgb1 << 8) == (rgb2 << 8);
return _ABS(GetRValue(rgb1),GetRValue(rgb2)) <= nTolerance && _ABS(GetGValue(rgb1),GetGValue(rgb2)) <= nTolerance && _ABS(GetBValue(rgb1),GetBValue(rgb2)) <= nTolerance; }
inline BOOL _IsNormalRect( IN LPCRECT prc ) { return (prc->right >= prc->left) && (prc->bottom >= prc->top); }
inline BOOL _IsOnScreenRect( IN LPCRECT prc ) { return prc->left >= 0 && prc->top >= 0 && prc->right >= 0 && prc->bottom >= 0; }
inline void _InPlaceUnionRect( IN OUT LPRECT prcDest, IN LPCRECT prcSrc ) { ASSERT(prcDest); ASSERT(prcSrc); ASSERT(_IsNormalRect(prcSrc));
if( prcDest->left == -1 || prcDest->left > prcSrc ->left ) prcDest->left = prcSrc ->left;
if( prcDest->right == -1 || prcDest->right < prcSrc ->right ) prcDest->right = prcSrc ->right;
if( prcDest->top == -1 || prcDest->top > prcSrc ->top ) prcDest->top = prcSrc ->top;
if( prcDest->bottom == -1 || prcDest->bottom < prcSrc ->bottom ) prcDest->bottom = prcSrc ->bottom; }
// Walks the pixels and computes the region
HRGN WINAPI _PixelsToRgn( DWORD *pdwBits, int cxImageOffset, // image cell horz offset
int cyImageOffset, // image cell vert offset
int cxImage, // image cell width
int cyImage, // image cell height
int cxSrc, // src bitmap width
int cySrc, // src bitmap height
BOOL fAlphaChannel, int iAlphaThreshold, COLORREF rgbMask, int nMaskTolerance ) { // Establish a series of rectangles, each corresponding to a scan line (row)
// in the bitmap, that will comprise the region.
const UINT RECTBLOCK = 512; UINT nAllocRects = 0; HRGN hrgnRet = NULL; HGLOBAL hrgnData = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE, sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + (sizeof(RECT) * (nAllocRects + RECTBLOCK)) );
if( hrgnData ) { nAllocRects += RECTBLOCK;
RGNDATA* prgnData = (RGNDATA*)GlobalLock( hrgnData ); LPRECT prgrc = (LPRECT)prgnData->Buffer;
ZeroMemory( prgnData, sizeof(prgnData->rdh) ); prgnData->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(prgnData->rdh); prgnData->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; SetRect( &prgnData->rdh.rcBound, -1, -1, -1, -1 );
// invert offset in y dimension since bits are arrayed bottom to top
int cyRow0 = cySrc - (cyImage + cyImageOffset); int cyRowN = (cyRow0 + cyImage) - 1 ; // index of the last row
// Compute a transparency mask if not specified.
if( -1 == rgbMask ) rgbMask = pdwBits[cxImageOffset + (cyRowN * cxSrc)];
//---- pixels in pdwBits[] have RBG's reversed ----
//---- reverse our mask to match ----
rgbMask = REVERSE3(rgbMask);
//---- rows in pdwBits[] are reversed (bottom to top) ----
for( int y = cyRow0; y <= cyRowN; y++ ) // working bottom-to-top
{ //---- Scanning pixels left to right ----
DWORD *pdwFirst = &pdwBits[cxImageOffset + (y * cxSrc)]; DWORD *pdwLast = pdwFirst + cxImage - 1; DWORD *pdwPixel = pdwFirst;
while (pdwPixel <= pdwLast) { //---- skip TRANSPARENT pixels to find next OPAQUE (on this row) ----
if (fAlphaChannel) { while ((pdwPixel <= pdwLast) && (ALPHACHANNEL(*pdwPixel) < iAlphaThreshold)) pdwPixel++; } else { while ((pdwPixel <= pdwLast) && (IsColorMatch(*pdwPixel, rgbMask, nMaskTolerance))) pdwPixel++; }
if (pdwPixel > pdwLast) // too far; try next row
DWORD *pdw0 = pdwPixel; pdwPixel++; // skip over current opaque pixel
//---- skip OPAQUE pixels to find next TRANSPARENT (on this row) ----
if (fAlphaChannel) { while ((pdwPixel <= pdwLast) && (ALPHACHANNEL(*pdwPixel) >= iAlphaThreshold)) pdwPixel++; } else { while ((pdwPixel <= pdwLast) && (! IsColorMatch(*pdwPixel, rgbMask, nMaskTolerance))) pdwPixel++; }
//---- got a stream of 1 or more opaque pixels on this row ----
// allocate more region rects if necessary (a particularly complex line)
if( prgnData->rdh.nCount >= nAllocRects ) { GlobalUnlock( hrgnData ); prgnData = NULL; HGLOBAL hNew = GlobalReAlloc( hrgnData, sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + (sizeof(RECT) * (nAllocRects + RECTBLOCK)), GMEM_MOVEABLE );
if( hNew ) { hrgnData = hNew; nAllocRects += RECTBLOCK; prgnData = (RGNDATA*)GlobalLock( hrgnData ); prgrc = (LPRECT)prgnData->Buffer; ASSERT(prgnData); } else goto exit; // out of memory
} // assign region rectangle
int x0 = (int)(pdw0 - pdwFirst); int x = (int)(pdwPixel - pdwFirst); int y0 = cyRowN - y;
SetRect( prgrc + prgnData->rdh.nCount, x0, y0, x, y0+1 /* each rectangle is always 1 pixel high */ ); // merge into bounding box
_InPlaceUnionRect( &prgnData->rdh.rcBound, prgrc + prgnData->rdh.nCount ); prgnData->rdh.nCount++;
} // while ()
} // for(y)
if( prgnData->rdh.nCount && _IsOnScreenRect(&prgnData->rdh.rcBound) ) { // Create the region representing the scan line.
hrgnRet = ExtCreateRegion( NULL, sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + (sizeof(RECT) * nAllocRects), prgnData ); }
exit: // Free region def block.
GlobalUnlock( hrgnData ); GlobalFree( hrgnData ); }
return hrgnRet; }
// Creates a region based on a text string in the indicated font.
HRGN WINAPI CreateTextRgn( HFONT hf, LPCTSTR pszText ) { HRGN hrgnRet = NULL;
if( pszText && *pszText ) { int cchText = lstrlen( pszText );
// Create a composite DC for assembling the region.
HDC hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC( NULL );
SetBkMode( hdcMem, TRANSPARENT ); SetTextAlign( hdcMem, TA_TOP|TA_LEFT ); HFONT hfOld = (HFONT)SelectObject( hdcMem, hf );
// Derive a region from a path.
BeginPath( hdcMem ); TextOut( hdcMem, 0, 0, pszText, cchText ); EndPath( hdcMem );
hrgnRet = PathToRegion( hdcMem );
// Clean up composite DC
SelectObject( hdcMem, hfOld ); DeleteDC( hdcMem ); }
return hrgnRet; }
// Creates a region based on an arbitrary bitmap, transparency-keyed on a
// RGB value within a specified tolerance. The key value is optional
// (-1 == use the value of the first pixel as the key).
HRESULT WINAPI CreateBitmapRgn( HBITMAP hbm, int cxOffset, int cyOffset, int cx, int cy, BOOL fAlphaChannel, int iAlphaThreshold, COLORREF rgbMask, int nMaskTolerance, OUT HRGN *phrgn) { CBitmapPixels BitmapPixels; DWORD *prgdwPixels; int cwidth, cheight;
HRESULT hr = BitmapPixels.OpenBitmap(NULL, hbm, TRUE, &prgdwPixels, &cwidth, &cheight); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
if (cx <= 0) cx = cwidth;
if (cy <= 0) cy = cheight;
HRGN hrgn = _PixelsToRgn(prgdwPixels, cxOffset, cyOffset, cx, cy, cwidth, cheight, fAlphaChannel, iAlphaThreshold, rgbMask, nMaskTolerance); if (! hrgn) return MakeError32(E_FAIL); // unknown reason for failure
*phrgn = hrgn; return S_OK; }
// Creates a region based on an arbitrary bitmap, transparency-keyed on a
// RGB value within a specified tolerance. The key value is optional (-1 ==
// use the value of the first pixel as the key).
HRGN WINAPI CreateScaledBitmapRgn( HBITMAP hbm, int cx, int cy, COLORREF rgbMask, int nMaskTolerance ) { HRGN hrgnRet = NULL; BITMAP bm;
if( hbm && GetObject( hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm ) ) { // Create a memory DC to do the pixel walk
HDC hdcMem = NULL; if( (hdcMem = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL)) != NULL ) { if( CX_USEDEFAULT == cx ) cx = bm.bmWidth; if( CY_USEDEFAULT == cy ) cy = bm.bmHeight;
// Create a 32-bit empty bitmap for the walk
BITMAPINFO bmi; ZeroMemory( &bmi, sizeof(bmi) ); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmi.bmiHeader); bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = cx; bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = cy; bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; // uncompressed.
VOID* pvBits = NULL; HBITMAP hbmMem = CreateDIBSection( hdcMem, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, NULL ); BITMAP bmMem;
if( hbmMem ) { // Transfer the image to our 32-bit format for the pixel walk.
HBITMAP hbmMemOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject( hdcMem, hbmMem ); HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC( hdcMem ); HBITMAP hbmOld = (HBITMAP)SelectObject( hdc, hbm );
StretchBlt( hdcMem, 0, 0, cx, cy, hdc, 0, 0, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY ); SelectObject( hdc, hbmOld ); DeleteDC( hdc ); GetObject( hbmMem, sizeof(bmMem), &bmMem ); ASSERT(bmMem.bmBitsPixel == 32); ASSERT(bmMem.bmWidthBytes/bmMem.bmWidth == sizeof(DWORD)); LPDWORD pdwBits = (LPDWORD)bmMem.bmBits; ASSERT(pdwBits != NULL);
hrgnRet = _PixelsToRgn(pdwBits, 0, 0, cx, cy, cx, cy, FALSE, 0, rgbMask, nMaskTolerance); // Delete 32-bit memory bitmap
SelectObject( hdcMem, hbmMemOld ); DeleteObject( hbmMem ); } // Delete memory DC
} } return hrgnRet; }
int WINAPI AddToCompositeRgn( IN OUT HRGN* phrgnComposite, IN OUT HRGN hrgnSrc, IN int cxOffset, IN int cyOffset ) { int nRet = ERROR;
if( NULL != phrgnComposite && NULL != hrgnSrc ) { nRet = OffsetRgn( hrgnSrc, cxOffset, cyOffset ); if( nRet != ERROR ) { int nMode = RGN_OR; if( NULL == *phrgnComposite ) { *phrgnComposite = CreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1); if( NULL == *phrgnComposite ) return ERROR; nMode = RGN_COPY; } nRet = CombineRgn( *phrgnComposite, hrgnSrc, *phrgnComposite, nMode ); } }
return nRet; }
int WINAPI RemoveFromCompositeRgn( HRGN hrgnDest, LPCRECT prcRemove ) { ASSERT(hrgnDest); ASSERT(prcRemove); ASSERT(!IsRectEmpty(prcRemove));
int nRet = ERROR; RECT rc = *prcRemove; HRGN hrgn; if( (hrgn = CreateRectRgnIndirect( &rc )) != NULL ) { nRet = CombineRgn( hrgnDest, hrgnDest, hrgn, RGN_DIFF ); DeleteObject( hrgn ); } return nRet; }
HRGN WINAPI CreateTiledRectRgn( IN HRGN hrgnSrc, IN int cxSrc, IN int cySrc, IN int cxDest, IN int cyDest ) { HRGN hrgnBound = NULL; // return value
HRGN hrgnTile = _DupRgn( hrgnSrc );
if( hrgnTile ) { // Build up an unplaced, unclipped composite
HRGN hrgnTmp = NULL; for( int y = 0; y < cyDest; y += cySrc ) { for( int x = 0; x < cxDest; x += cxSrc ) { AddToCompositeRgn( &hrgnTmp, hrgnTile, (x ? cxSrc : 0), (y ? cySrc : 0) ); } }
if( NULL != hrgnTmp ) { // Clip the composite to the specified rectangle
hrgnBound = CreateRectRgn( 0, 0, cxDest, cyDest ); if( hrgnBound ) { if( ERROR == CombineRgn( hrgnBound, hrgnTmp, hrgnBound, RGN_AND ) ) { DeleteObject( hrgnBound ); hrgnBound = NULL; } } DeleteObject( hrgnTmp ); } DeleteObject( hrgnTile ); } return hrgnBound; }
HRGN WINAPI _DupRgn( HRGN hrgnSrc ) { if( hrgnSrc ) { HRGN hrgnDest = CreateRectRgn(0,0,1,1); if (hrgnDest) { if (CombineRgn( hrgnDest, hrgnSrc, NULL, RGN_COPY ) ) return hrgnDest; DeleteObject(hrgnDest); } } return NULL; }
void FixMarginOverlaps(int szDest, int *pm1, int *pm2) { int szSrc = (*pm1 + *pm2);
if ((szSrc > szDest) && (szSrc > 0)) { //---- reduce each but maintain ratio ----
*pm1 = int(.5 + float(*pm1 * szDest)/float(szSrc)); *pm2 = szDest - *pm1; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------//
HRESULT _ScaleRectsAndCreateRegion( RGNDATA *prd, const RECT *prc, MARGINS *pMargins, SIZE *pszSrcImage, HRGN *phrgn) { //---- note: "prd" is region data with the 2 points in each ----
//---- rectangle made relative to its grid. Also, after the points, ----
//---- there is a BYTE for each point signifying the grid id (0-8) ----
//---- that each point lies within. the grid is determined using ----
//---- the original region with the background "margins". This is ----
//---- done to make scaling the points as fast as possible. ----
if (! prd) // required
return MakeError32(E_POINTER);
//---- easy access variables ----
int lw = pMargins->cxLeftWidth; int rw = pMargins->cxRightWidth; int th = pMargins->cyTopHeight; int bh = pMargins->cyBottomHeight;
int iDestW = WIDTH(*prc); int iDestH = HEIGHT(*prc);
//---- prevent left/right dest margins from overlapping ----
FixMarginOverlaps(iDestW, &lw, &rw);
//---- prevent top/bottom dest margins from overlapping ----
FixMarginOverlaps(iDestH, &th, &bh);
int lwFrom = lw; int rwFrom = pszSrcImage->cx - rw; int thFrom = th; int bhFrom = pszSrcImage->cy - bh;
int lwTo = prc->left + lw; int rwTo = prc->right - rw; int thTo = prc->top + th; int bhTo = prc->bottom - bh;
//---- compute offsets & factors ----
int iLeftXOffset = prc->left; int iMiddleXOffset = lwTo; int iRightXOffset = rwTo;
int iTopYOffset = prc->top; int iMiddleYOffset = thTo; int iBottomYOffset = bhTo; int iToMiddleWidth = rwTo - lwTo; int iFromMiddleWidth = rwFrom - lwFrom; int iToMiddleHeight = bhTo - thTo; int iFromMiddleHeight = bhFrom - thFrom;
if (! iFromMiddleWidth) // avoid divide by zero
{ //--- map point to x=0 ----
iToMiddleWidth = 0; iFromMiddleWidth = 1; }
if (! iFromMiddleHeight) // avoid divide by zero
{ //--- map point to y=0 ----
iToMiddleHeight = 0; iFromMiddleHeight = 1; }
//---- clipping values for adjusted lw/rw/th/bh ----
int lwMaxVal = __max(lw - 1, 0); int rwMinVal = __min(pMargins->cxRightWidth - rw, __max(pMargins->cxRightWidth-1, 0)); int thMaxVal = __max(th - 1, 0); int bhMinVal = __min(pMargins->cyBottomHeight - bh, __max(pMargins->cyBottomHeight-1, 0));
//---- allocte a buffer for the new points (rects) ----
int newlen = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER) + prd->rdh.nRgnSize; // same # of rects
BYTE *newData = (BYTE *)new BYTE[newlen]; RGNDATA *prdNew = (RGNDATA *)newData; if (! prdNew) return MakeError32(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
ZeroMemory(prdNew, sizeof(prd->rdh));
prdNew->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(prdNew->rdh); prdNew->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; int cRects = prd->rdh.nCount; prdNew->rdh.nCount = cRects; SetRect(&prdNew->rdh.rcBound, -1, -1, -1, -1);
//---- step thru our custom data (POINT + BYTE combos) ----
POINT *pt = (POINT *)prd->Buffer; BYTE *pByte = (BYTE *)prd->Buffer + prd->rdh.nRgnSize; int cPoints = 2 * cRects; POINT *ptNew = (POINT *)prdNew->Buffer;
for (int i=0; i < cPoints; i++, pt++, pByte++, ptNew++) // transform each "point"
{ switch (*pByte) { //---- in the "don't scale" areas, we clip the translated values ----
//---- for the case where the destination areas are too small ----
//---- using the below "__min()" and "__max()" calls ----
//---- remember: each point has been made 0-relative to its grid ----
case GN_LEFTTOP: // left top
ptNew->x = __min(pt->x, lwMaxVal) + iLeftXOffset; ptNew->y = __min(pt->y, thMaxVal) + iTopYOffset; break;
case GN_MIDDLETOP: // middle top
ptNew->x = (pt->x*iToMiddleWidth)/iFromMiddleWidth + iMiddleXOffset; ptNew->y = __min(pt->y, thMaxVal) + iTopYOffset; break;
case GN_RIGHTTOP: // right top
ptNew->x = __max(pt->x, rwMinVal) + iRightXOffset; ptNew->y = __min(pt->y, thMaxVal) + iTopYOffset; break;
case GN_LEFTMIDDLE: // left middle
ptNew->x = __min(pt->x, lwMaxVal) + iLeftXOffset; ptNew->y = (pt->y*iToMiddleHeight)/iFromMiddleHeight + iMiddleYOffset; break;
case GN_MIDDLEMIDDLE: // middle middle
ptNew->x = (pt->x*iToMiddleWidth)/iFromMiddleWidth + iMiddleXOffset; ptNew->y = (pt->y*iToMiddleHeight)/iFromMiddleHeight + iMiddleYOffset; break;
case GN_RIGHTMIDDLE: // right middle
ptNew->x = __max(pt->x, rwMinVal) + iRightXOffset; ptNew->y = (pt->y*iToMiddleHeight)/iFromMiddleHeight + iMiddleYOffset; break;
case GN_LEFTBOTTOM: // left bottom
ptNew->x = __min(pt->x, lwMaxVal) + iLeftXOffset; ptNew->y = __max(pt->y, bhMinVal) + iBottomYOffset; break;
case GN_MIDDLEBOTTOM: // middle bottom
ptNew->x = (pt->x*iToMiddleWidth)/iFromMiddleWidth + iMiddleXOffset; ptNew->y = __max(pt->y, bhMinVal) + iBottomYOffset; break;
case GN_RIGHTBOTTOM: // right bottom
ptNew->x = __max(pt->x, rwMinVal) + iRightXOffset; ptNew->y = __max(pt->y, bhMinVal) + iBottomYOffset; break; } }
//---- compute bounding box of new region ----
RECT *pRect = (RECT *)prdNew->Buffer; RECT newBox = {-1, -1, -1, -1};
for (i=0; i < cRects; i++, pRect++) _InPlaceUnionRect(&newBox, pRect);
//---- create the new region ----
prdNew->rdh.rcBound = newBox; HRGN hrgn = ExtCreateRegion(NULL, newlen, prdNew); delete [] newData; // free prdNew (aka newdata)
if (! hrgn) return MakeErrorLast();
*phrgn = hrgn; return S_OK; }
#ifdef _DEBUG
void RegionDebug( HRGN hrgn) { DWORD len = GetRegionData(hrgn, 0, NULL); // get required length
RGNDATA *pRgnData = (RGNDATA *) new BYTE[len + sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)]; DWORD len2 = GetRegionData(hrgn, len, pRgnData); ATLASSERT(len == len2); } #endif