#include "stdafx.h"
#include "scroll.h"
#if defined(_UXTHEME_)
// non-client scrollbar
#include "nctheme.h"
#include "scrollp.h"
// scrollbar control
#include "usrctl32.h"
#endif _UXTHEME_
// comment this out to visually match user32 scrollbar:
//#define _VISUAL_DELTA_
#define FNID_SCROLLBAR 0x0000029A // UxScrollBarWndProc;
#define GetOwner(hwnd) GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER)
#define HW(x) x
#define HWq(x) x
#define RIPERR0(s1,s2,errno)
#define RIPMSG1(errno,fmt,arg1)
#define RIPMSG2(errno,fmt,arg1,arg2)
#define RIPMSG3(errno,fmt,arg1,arg2,arg3)
#define RIP_VERBOSE()
#define ClrWF ClearWindowState
#define SetWF SetWindowState
#define Lock(phwnd, hwnd) InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID*)(phwnd), (PVOID)hwnd)
#define Unlock(phwnd) Lock(phwnd, NULL)
#define CheckLock(hwnd)
#define ThreadLock(w,t)
#define ThreadUnlock(t)
#define DTTIME (MulDiv( GetDoubleClickTime(), 4, 5 ))
#define _KillSystemTimer KillTimer
#define _SetSystemTimer SetTimer
#define IsWinEventNotifyDeferredOK() TRUE
#define IsWinEventNotifyDeferred() FALSE
// scroll type flags userk.h
#define SCROLL_MENU 2
// internal Scrollbar state/style bits
//#define SBFSIZEBOX 0x0C08
#define SBFSIZEGRIP 0x0C10
// Scrollbar arrow disable flags
#define LTUPFLAG 0x0001 // Left/Up arrow disable flag.
#define RTDNFLAG 0x0002 // Right/Down arrow disable flag.
// function forwards
UINT _SysToChar(UINT message, LPARAM lParam);
// private hittest codes
#define HTSCROLLUP 60
//#define HTEXMENUFIRST 65
//#define HTMDISYSMENU 65
//#define HTMDICLOSE 68
//#define HTMENUITEM 69
//#define HTEXMENULAST 69
#define IDSYS_SCROLL 0x0000FFFEL // timer ID, user.h
typedef HWND SBHWND; typedef HMENU PMENU;
typedef struct tagSBDATA { int posMin; int posMax; int page; int pos; } SBDATA, *PSBDATA;
// SBINFO is the set of values that hang off of a window structure,
// if the window has scrollbars.
typedef struct tagSBINFO { int WSBflags; SBDATA Horz; SBDATA Vert; } SBINFO, * PSBINFO;
// Scrollbar metrics block.
typedef struct tagSBCALC { SBDATA data; /* this must be first -- we cast structure pointers */ int pxTop; int pxBottom; int pxLeft; int pxRight; int cpxThumb; int pxUpArrow; int pxDownArrow; int pxStart; /* Initial position of thumb */ int pxThumbBottom; int pxThumbTop; int cpx; int pxMin; } SBCALC, *PSBCALC;
// Scrollbar thumb-tracking state block.
typedef struct tagSBTRACK { DWORD fHitOld : 1; DWORD fTrackVert : 1; DWORD fCtlSB : 1; DWORD fTrackRecalc: 1; HWND hwndTrack; HWND hwndSB; HWND hwndSBNotify; RECT rcTrack; VOID (CALLBACK *pfnSB)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, PSBCALC); UINT cmdSB; UINT_PTR hTimerSB; int dpxThumb; /* Offset from mouse point to start of thumb box */ int pxOld; /* Previous position of thumb */ int posOld; int posNew; int nBar; PSBCALC pSBCalc; } SBTRACK, *PSBTRACK;
// Window scrollbars, control base.
class CUxScrollBar //-------------------------------------------------------------------------//
{ public: CUxScrollBar(); virtual ~CUxScrollBar() {}
virtual BOOL IsCtl() const { return FALSE;} operator HWND() { return _hwnd; } static CUxScrollBar* Calc( HWND hwnd, PSBCALC pSBCalc, LPRECT prcOverrideClient, BOOL fVert); virtual void Calc2( PSBCALC pSBCalc, LPRECT lprc, CONST PSBDATA pw, BOOL fVert); virtual void DoScroll( HWND hwndNotify, int cmd, int pos, BOOL fVert );
virtual void ClearTrack() { ZeroMemory( &_track, sizeof(_track) ); } SBTRACK* GetTrack() { return &_track; } SBINFO* GetInfo() { return &_info; } HTHEME GetTheme() { return _hTheme; } BOOL IsAttaching() { return _fAttaching; } INT GetHotComponent(BOOL fVert) { return fVert ? _htVert : _htHorz; } VOID SetHotComponent(INT ht, BOOL fVert) { (fVert ? _htVert : _htHorz) = ht; } virtual void ChangeSBTheme(); virtual BOOL FreshenSBData( int nBar, BOOL fRedraw );
// UxScrollBar API.
static CUxScrollBar* Attach( HWND hwnd, BOOL bCtl, BOOL fRedraw ); static CUxScrollBar* FromHwnd( HWND hwnd ); static void Detach( HWND hwnd );
static SBTRACK* GetSBTrack( HWND hwnd ); static void ClearSBTrack( HWND hwnd ); static SBINFO* GetSBInfo( HWND hwnd ); static HTHEME GetSBTheme( HWND hwnd ); static INT GetSBHotComponent( HWND hwnd, BOOL fVert);
protected: HWND _hwnd; SBTRACK _track; SBINFO _info; INT _htVert; // Scroll bar part the mouse is currently over
INT _htHorz; // Scroll bar part the mouse is currently over
HTHEME _hTheme;// Handle to theme manager
BOOL _fAttaching; };
// Scrollbar control
class CUxScrollBarCtl : public CUxScrollBar //-------------------------------------------------------------------------//
{ public: CUxScrollBarCtl();
virtual BOOL IsCtl() const { return TRUE;} BOOL AddRemoveDisableFlags( UINT wAdd, UINT wRemove );
// UxScrollBarCtl API.
static CUxScrollBarCtl* FromHwnd( HWND hwnd ); static UINT GetDisableFlags( HWND hwnd ); static SBCALC* GetCalc( HWND hwnd ); static BOOL AddRemoveDisableFlags( HWND, UINT, UINT ); static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc( HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM );
BOOL _fVert; UINT _wDisableFlags; // Indicates which arrow is disabled;
SBCALC _calc; };
// IsScrollBarControl
#define IsScrollBarControl(h) (GETFNID(h) == FNID_SCROLLBAR)
#else //PORTPORT
inline BOOL IsScrollBarControl(HWND hwnd) { return CUxScrollBarCtl::FromHwnd( hwnd ) != NULL; } #endif //PORTPORT
// Forwards:
void DrawScrollBar( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPRECT prcOverrideClient, BOOL fVert); HWND SizeBoxHwnd( HWND hwnd ); VOID _DrawPushButton( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, UINT state, UINT flags, BOOL fVert); UINT _GetWndSBDisableFlags(HWND, BOOL); void CALLBACK _TrackThumb( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, PSBCALC pSBCalc); void CALLBACK _TrackBox( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, PSBCALC pSBCalc); void _RedrawFrame( HWND hwnd ); BOOL _FChildVisible( HWND hwnd ); LONG _SetScrollBar( HWND hwnd, int code, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL fRedraw);
HBRUSH _UxGrayBrush(VOID); void _UxFreeGDIResources();
BOOL WINAPI InitScrollBarClass( HINSTANCE hInst ) { WNDCLASSEX wc; ZeroMemory( &wc, sizeof(wc) ); wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc); wc.style = CS_GLOBALCLASS|CS_PARENTDC|CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW|CS_DBLCLKS; wc.lpfnWndProc = CUxScrollBarCtl::WndProc; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hInstance = hInst; wc.lpszClassName = WC_SCROLLBAR; wc.cbWndExtra = max(sizeof(CUxScrollBar), sizeof(CUxScrollBarCtl)); return RegisterClassEx( &wc ) != 0; }
// CUxScrollBar impl
CUxScrollBar::CUxScrollBar() : _hwnd(NULL), _hTheme(NULL), _htVert(HTNOWHERE), _htHorz(HTNOWHERE), _fAttaching(FALSE) { ClearTrack(); ZeroMemory( &_info, sizeof(_info) ); _info.Vert.posMax = 100; // ported from _InitPwSB
_info.Horz.posMax = 100; // ported from _InitPwSB
CUxScrollBar* CUxScrollBar::Attach( HWND hwnd, BOOL bCtl, BOOL fRedraw ) { CUxScrollBar* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( NULL == psb ) { psb = bCtl ? new CUxScrollBarCtl : new CUxScrollBar;
if( psb != NULL ) { ASSERT( psb->IsCtl() == bCtl );
if( (! hwnd) || (! SetProp( hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_SCROLLBAR)), (HANDLE)psb ) )) { delete psb; psb = NULL; } else { psb->_hwnd = hwnd; psb->_fAttaching = TRUE;
if (psb->IsCtl()) { psb->_hTheme = OpenThemeData(hwnd, L"ScrollBar"); } else { psb->_hTheme = OpenNcThemeData(hwnd, L"ScrollBar");
// window SBs must grovel for state data each
// time attached [scotthan]
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_ALL; if (GetScrollInfo(hwnd, SB_VERT, &si)) { si.fMask |= SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL; _SetScrollBar(hwnd, SB_VERT, &si, FALSE); }
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_ALL; if (GetScrollInfo(hwnd, SB_HORZ, &si)) { si.fMask |= SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL; _SetScrollBar(hwnd, SB_HORZ, &si, FALSE); } }
psb->_fAttaching = FALSE; } } }
return psb; }
CUxScrollBar* CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( HWND hwnd ) { if (! hwnd) return NULL;
return (CUxScrollBar*)GetProp( hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_SCROLLBAR))); }
void CUxScrollBar::Detach( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBar* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if ( psb == NULL || !psb->_fAttaching ) { if (hwnd) { RemoveProp( hwnd, MAKEINTATOM(GetThemeAtom(THEMEATOM_SCROLLBAR))); }
if( psb != NULL ) { if ( psb->_hTheme ) { CloseThemeData(psb->_hTheme); } delete psb; } } }
void WINAPI AttachScrollBars( HWND hwnd ) { ASSERT( GetWindowLong( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ) & (WS_HSCROLL|WS_VSCROLL) ); CUxScrollBar::Attach( hwnd, FALSE, FALSE ); }
void WINAPI DetachScrollBars( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBar::Detach( hwnd ); }
SBTRACK* CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBar* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) return &psb->_track; return NULL; }
void CUxScrollBar::ClearSBTrack( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBar* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) psb->ClearTrack(); }
SBINFO* CUxScrollBar::GetSBInfo( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBar* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) return &psb->_info; return NULL; }
HTHEME CUxScrollBar::GetSBTheme( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBar* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) return psb->_hTheme; return NULL; }
INT CUxScrollBar::GetSBHotComponent( HWND hwnd, BOOL fVert ) { CUxScrollBar* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) return psb->GetHotComponent(fVert); return 0; }
BOOL CUxScrollBar::FreshenSBData( int nBar, BOOL fRedraw ) { #ifdef __POLL_FOR_SCROLLINFO__
if( !IsCtl() ) { // Note scrollbar ctls don't go stale because
// they receive SBM notifications
SCROLLINFO si; si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_ALL;
switch(nBar) { case SB_VERT: case SB_HORZ: if( GetScrollInfo( _hwnd, nBar, &si ) ) { _SetScrollBar( _hwnd, nBar, &si, fRedraw ); } break;
case SB_BOTH: return FreshenSBData( SB_VERT, fRedraw ) && FreshenSBData( SB_HORZ, fRedraw ); break;
default: return FALSE; } } #endif __POLL_FOR_SCROLLINFO__
return TRUE; }
void CUxScrollBar::ChangeSBTheme() { if ( _hTheme ) { CloseThemeData(_hTheme); }
_hTheme = NULL;
if (IsCtl()) _hTheme = OpenThemeData(_hwnd, L"ScrollBar"); else _hTheme = OpenNcThemeData(_hwnd, L"ScrollBar"); }
// CUxScrollBarCtl impl
CUxScrollBarCtl::CUxScrollBarCtl() : _wDisableFlags(0), _fVert(FALSE) { ZeroMemory( &_calc, sizeof(_calc) ); }
CUxScrollBarCtl* CUxScrollBarCtl::FromHwnd( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBarCtl* psb = (CUxScrollBarCtl*)CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) return psb->IsCtl() ? psb : NULL; return NULL; }
UINT CUxScrollBarCtl::GetDisableFlags( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBarCtl* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) return psb->_wDisableFlags; return 0; }
SBCALC* CUxScrollBarCtl::GetCalc( HWND hwnd ) { CUxScrollBarCtl* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) return &psb->_calc; return NULL; }
// CUxScrollBarCtl::AddRemoveDisableFlags() - static
BOOL CUxScrollBarCtl::AddRemoveDisableFlags( HWND hwnd, UINT wAdd, UINT wRemove ) { CUxScrollBarCtl* psb = FromHwnd( hwnd ); if( psb ) return psb->AddRemoveDisableFlags( wAdd, wRemove ); return FALSE; }
// CUxScrollBarCtl::AddRemoveDisableFlags() - instance member
BOOL CUxScrollBarCtl::AddRemoveDisableFlags( UINT wAdd, UINT wRemove ) { // returns TRUE if flags changed, otherwise FALSE.
UINT wOld = _wDisableFlags; _wDisableFlags |= wAdd; _wDisableFlags &= ~wRemove; return _wDisableFlags != wOld; }
// CUxScrollBar::Calc(). computes metrics for window SBs only.
// derives rect and calls Calc2.
CUxScrollBar* CUxScrollBar::Calc( HWND hwnd, PSBCALC pSBCalc, LPRECT prcOverrideClient, BOOL fVert) { RECT rcT; #ifdef USE_MIRRORING
int cx, iTemp; #endif
// Get client rectangle in window-relative coords.
// We know that window scrollbars always align to the right
// and to the bottom of the client area.
WINDOWINFO wi; wi.cbSize = sizeof(wi); if( !GetWindowInfo( hwnd, &wi ) ) return NULL; OffsetRect( &wi.rcClient, -wi.rcWindow.left, -wi.rcWindow.top );
if (TestWF(hwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { cx = wi.rcWindow.right - wi.rcWindow.left; iTemp = wi.rcClient.left; wi.rcClient.left = cx - wi.rcClient.right; wi.rcClient.right = cx - iTemp; } #endif
if (fVert) { // Only add on space if vertical scrollbar is really there.
if (TestWF(hwnd, WEFLEFTSCROLL)) { rcT.right = rcT.left = wi.rcClient.left; if (TestWF(hwnd, WFVPRESENT)) rcT.left -= SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); } else { rcT.right = rcT.left = wi.rcClient.right; if (TestWF(hwnd, WFVPRESENT)) rcT.right += SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); }
rcT.top = wi.rcClient.top; rcT.bottom = wi.rcClient.bottom; } else { // Only add on space if horizontal scrollbar is really there.
rcT.bottom = rcT.top = wi.rcClient.bottom; if (TestWF(hwnd, WFHPRESENT)) rcT.bottom += SYSMET(CYHSCROLL);
rcT.left = wi.rcClient.left; rcT.right = wi.rcClient.right; }
if (prcOverrideClient) { rcT = *prcOverrideClient; } // If InitPwSB stuff fails (due to our heap being full) there isn't anything reasonable
// we can do here, so just let it go through. We won't fault but the scrollbar won't work
// properly either...
CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::Attach( hwnd, FALSE, FALSE ); if( psb ) { SBDATA* pData = fVert ? &psb->_info.Vert : &psb->_info.Horz; if( psb ) psb->Calc2( pSBCalc, &rcT, pData, fVert ); return psb; } return NULL; }
// CUxScrollBar::Calc2(). computes metrics for window SBs or SB ctls.
void CUxScrollBar::Calc2( PSBCALC pSBCalc, LPRECT lprc, CONST PSBDATA pw, BOOL fVert) { int cpx; DWORD dwRange; int denom;
if (fVert) { pSBCalc->pxTop = lprc->top; pSBCalc->pxBottom = lprc->bottom; pSBCalc->pxLeft = lprc->left; pSBCalc->pxRight = lprc->right; pSBCalc->cpxThumb = SYSMET(CYVSCROLL); } else {
* For horiz scroll bars, "left" & "right" are "top" and "bottom", * and vice versa. */ pSBCalc->pxTop = lprc->left; pSBCalc->pxBottom = lprc->right; pSBCalc->pxLeft = lprc->top; pSBCalc->pxRight = lprc->bottom; pSBCalc->cpxThumb = SYSMET(CXHSCROLL); }
pSBCalc->data.pos = pw->pos; pSBCalc->data.page = pw->page; pSBCalc->data.posMin = pw->posMin; pSBCalc->data.posMax = pw->posMax;
dwRange = ((DWORD)(pSBCalc->data.posMax - pSBCalc->data.posMin)) + 1;
// For the case of short scroll bars that don't have enough
// room to fit the full-sized up and down arrows, shorten
// their sizes to make 'em fit
cpx = min((pSBCalc->pxBottom - pSBCalc->pxTop) / 2, pSBCalc->cpxThumb);
pSBCalc->pxUpArrow = pSBCalc->pxTop + cpx; pSBCalc->pxDownArrow = pSBCalc->pxBottom - cpx;
if ((pw->page != 0) && (dwRange != 0)) { // JEFFBOG -- This is the one and only place where we should
// see 'range'. Elsewhere it should be 'range - page'.
* The minimun thumb size used to depend on the frame/edge metrics. * People that increase the scrollbar width/height expect the minimun * to grow with proportianally. So NT5 bases the minimun on * CXH/YVSCROLL, which is set by default in cpxThumb. */ /*
* i is used to keep the macro "max" from executing MulDiv twice. */ int i = MulDiv(pSBCalc->pxDownArrow - pSBCalc->pxUpArrow, pw->page, dwRange); pSBCalc->cpxThumb = max(pSBCalc->cpxThumb / 2, i); }
pSBCalc->pxMin = pSBCalc->pxTop + cpx; pSBCalc->cpx = pSBCalc->pxBottom - cpx - pSBCalc->cpxThumb - pSBCalc->pxMin;
denom = dwRange - (pw->page ? pw->page : 1); if (denom) pSBCalc->pxThumbTop = MulDiv(pw->pos - pw->posMin, pSBCalc->cpx, denom) + pSBCalc->pxMin; else pSBCalc->pxThumbTop = pSBCalc->pxMin - 1;
pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom = pSBCalc->pxThumbTop + pSBCalc->cpxThumb; }
void CUxScrollBar::DoScroll( HWND hwndNotify, int cmd, int pos, BOOL fVert ) { HWND hwnd = _hwnd; //
// Send scroll notification to the scrollbar owner. If this is a control
// the lParam is the control's handle, NULL otherwise.
SendMessage(hwndNotify, (UINT)(fVert ? WM_VSCROLL : WM_HSCROLL), MAKELONG(cmd, pos), (LPARAM)(IsCtl() ? _hwnd : NULL));
// The hwnd can have it's scrollbar removed as the result
// of the previous sendmessge.
if( CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd) && !IsCtl() ) { FreshenSBData( fVert ? SB_VERT : SB_HORZ, TRUE ); } }
* Now it is possible to selectively Enable/Disable just one arrow of a Window * scroll bar; Various bits in the 7th word in the rgwScroll array indicates which * one of these arrows are disabled; The following masks indicate which bit of the * word indicates which arrow; */ #define WSB_HORZ_LF 0x0001 // Represents the Left arrow of the horizontal scroll bar.
#define WSB_HORZ_RT 0x0002 // Represents the Right arrow of the horizontal scroll bar.
#define WSB_VERT_UP 0x0004 // Represents the Up arrow of the vert scroll bar.
#define WSB_VERT_DN 0x0008 // Represents the Down arrow of the vert scroll bar.
void DrawCtlThumb( SBHWND );
* RETURN_IF_PSBTRACK_INVALID: * This macro tests whether the pSBTrack we have is invalid, which can happen * if it gets freed during a callback. * This protects agains the original pSBTrack being freed and no new one * being allocated or a new one being allocated at a different address. * This does not protect against the original pSBTrack being freed and a new * one being allocated at the same address. * If pSBTrack has changed, we assert that there is not already a new one * because we are really not expecting this. */ #define RETURN_IF_PSBTRACK_INVALID(pSBTrack, hwnd) \
if ((pSBTrack) != CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd)) { \ ASSERT(CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd) == NULL); \ return; \ }
* REEVALUATE_PSBTRACK * This macro just refreshes the local variable pSBTrack, in case it has * been changed during a callback. After performing this operation, pSBTrack * should be tested to make sure it is not now NULL. */
#if (defined(DBG) || defined(DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG))
#define REEVALUATE_PSBTRACK(pSBTrack, hwnd, str) \
if ((pSBTrack) != CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd)) { \ RIPMSG3(RIP_WARNING, \ "%s: pSBTrack changed from %#p to %#p", \ (str), (pSBTrack), CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd)); \ } \ (pSBTrack) = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd) #else
#define REEVALUATE_PSBTRACK(pSBTrack, hwnd, str) \
(pSBTrack) = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd) #endif
* HitTestScrollBar * * 11/15/96 vadimg ported from Memphis sources \***************************************************************************/
int HitTestScrollBar(HWND hwnd, BOOL fVert, POINT pt) { UINT wDisable; int px; CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd ); CUxScrollBarCtl* psbCtl = CUxScrollBarCtl::FromHwnd( hwnd ); BOOL fCtl = psbCtl != NULL;
SBCALC SBCalc = {0}; SBCALC *pSBCalc = NULL;
if (fCtl) { wDisable = psbCtl->_wDisableFlags; } else { RECT rcWindow; GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rcWindow ); #ifdef USE_MIRRORING
// Reflect the click coordinates on the horizontal
// scroll bar if the window is mirrored
if (TestWF(hwnd,WEFLAYOUTRTL) && !fVert) { pt.x = rcWindow.right - pt.x; } else #endif
pt.x -= rcWindow.left; pt.y -= rcWindow.top; wDisable = _GetWndSBDisableFlags(hwnd, fVert); }
if ((wDisable & SB_DISABLE_MASK) == SB_DISABLE_MASK) { return HTERROR; }
if (fCtl) { pSBCalc = CUxScrollBarCtl::GetCalc(hwnd); } else { pSBCalc = &SBCalc; psb->FreshenSBData( SB_BOTH, FALSE ); psb->Calc(hwnd, pSBCalc, NULL, fVert); }
px = fVert ? pt.y : pt.x;
if( pSBCalc ) { if (px < pSBCalc->pxUpArrow) { if (wDisable & LTUPFLAG) { return HTERROR; } return HTSCROLLUP; } else if (px >= pSBCalc->pxDownArrow) { if (wDisable & RTDNFLAG) { return HTERROR; } return HTSCROLLDOWN; } else if (px < pSBCalc->pxThumbTop) { return HTSCROLLUPPAGE; } else if (px < pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom) { return HTSCROLLTHUMB; } else if (px < pSBCalc->pxDownArrow) { return HTSCROLLDOWNPAGE; } } return HTERROR; }
BOOL _SBGetParms( HWND hwnd, int code, PSBDATA pw, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) { PSBTRACK pSBTrack;
pSBTrack = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd);
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_RANGE) { lpsi->nMin = pw->posMin; lpsi->nMax = pw->posMax; }
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_PAGE) lpsi->nPage = pw->page;
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_POS) { lpsi->nPos = pw->pos; }
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_TRACKPOS) { if (pSBTrack && (pSBTrack->nBar == code) && (pSBTrack->hwndTrack == hwnd)) { // posNew is in the context of psbiSB's window and bar code
lpsi->nTrackPos = pSBTrack->posNew; } else { lpsi->nTrackPos = pw->pos; } } return ((lpsi->fMask & SIF_ALL) ? TRUE : FALSE); }
BOOL WINAPI ThemeGetScrollInfo( HWND hwnd, int nBar, LPSCROLLINFO psi ) { CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd(hwnd); if((psb != NULL) && (psb->IsAttaching() == FALSE)) { #ifdef DEBUG
if( psb->IsCtl() ) { ASSERT(FALSE); // controls cooperate through an SBM_GETSCROLLINFO message.
} else #endif DEBUG
{ SBINFO* psbi; if( (psbi = psb->GetInfo()) != NULL ) { SBDATA* psbd = SB_VERT == nBar ? &psbi->Vert : SB_HORZ == nBar ? &psbi->Horz : NULL; if( psbd ) return _SBGetParms( hwnd, nBar, psbd, psi ); } } } return FALSE; }
* _GetWndSBDisableFlags * * This returns the scroll bar Disable flags of the scroll bars of a * given Window. * * * History: * 4-18-91 MikeHar Ported for the 31 merge \***************************************************************************/
UINT _GetWndSBDisableFlags( HWND hwnd, // The window whose scroll bar Disable Flags are to be returned;
BOOL fVert) // If this is TRUE, it means Vertical scroll bar.
if ((pw = CUxScrollBar::GetSBInfo( hwnd )) == NULL) { RIPERR0(ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); return 0; }
return (fVert ? (pw->WSBflags & WSB_VERT) >> 2 : pw->WSBflags & WSB_HORZ); }
* xxxEnableSBCtlArrows() * * This function can be used to selectively Enable/Disable * the arrows of a scroll bar Control * * History: * 04-18-91 MikeHar Ported for the 31 merge \***************************************************************************/
BOOL xxxEnableSBCtlArrows( HWND hwnd, UINT wArrows) { UINT wOldFlags = CUxScrollBarCtl::GetDisableFlags( hwnd ); // Get the original status
BOOL bChanged = FALSE;
if (wArrows == ESB_ENABLE_BOTH) { // Enable both the arrows
bChanged = CUxScrollBarCtl::AddRemoveDisableFlags( hwnd, 0, SB_DISABLE_MASK ); } else { bChanged = CUxScrollBarCtl::AddRemoveDisableFlags( hwnd, wArrows, 0 ); }
* Check if the status has changed because of this call */ if (!bChanged) return FALSE;
* Else, redraw the scroll bar control to reflect the new state */ if (IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
UINT wNewFlags = CUxScrollBarCtl::GetDisableFlags(hwnd);
// state change notifications
return TRUE; }
* xxxEnableWndSBArrows() * * This function can be used to selectively Enable/Disable * the arrows of a Window Scroll bar(s) * * History: * 4-18-91 MikeHar Ported for the 31 merge \***************************************************************************/
BOOL xxxEnableWndSBArrows( HWND hwnd, UINT wSBflags, UINT wArrows) { INT wOldFlags; PSBINFO pw; BOOL bRetValue = FALSE; HDC hdc;
CheckLock(hwnd); ASSERT(IsWinEventNotifyDeferredOK());
if ((pw = CUxScrollBar::GetSBInfo( hwnd )) != NULL) { wOldFlags = pw->WSBflags; } else { // Originally everything is enabled; Check to see if this function is
// asked to disable anything; Otherwise, no change in status; So, must
// return immediately;
if(!wArrows) return FALSE; // No change in status!
wOldFlags = 0; // Both are originally enabled;
CUxScrollBar::Attach( hwnd, FALSE, FALSE ); if((pw = CUxScrollBar::GetSBInfo(hwnd)) == NULL) // Allocate the pSBInfo for hWnd
return FALSE; }
hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd); if (hdc != NULL) {
* First Take care of the Horizontal Scroll bar, if one exists. */ if((wSBflags == SB_HORZ) || (wSBflags == SB_BOTH)) { if(wArrows == ESB_ENABLE_BOTH) // Enable both the arrows
pw->WSBflags &= ~SB_DISABLE_MASK; else pw->WSBflags |= wArrows;
* Update the display of the Horizontal Scroll Bar; */ if(pw->WSBflags != wOldFlags) { bRetValue = TRUE; wOldFlags = pw->WSBflags; if (TestWF(hwnd, WFHPRESENT) && !TestWF(hwnd, WFMINIMIZED) && IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { DrawScrollBar(hwnd, hdc, NULL, FALSE); // Horizontal Scroll Bar.
} }
// Left button
// Right button
// Then take care of the Vertical Scroll bar, if one exists.
if ((wSBflags == SB_VERT) || (wSBflags == SB_BOTH)) { if (wArrows == ESB_ENABLE_BOTH) { // Enable both the arrows
pw->WSBflags &= ~(SB_DISABLE_MASK << 2); } else { pw->WSBflags |= (wArrows << 2); }
// Update the display of the Vertical Scroll Bar;
if(pw->WSBflags != wOldFlags) { bRetValue = TRUE; if (TestWF(hwnd, WFVPRESENT) && !TestWF(hwnd, WFMINIMIZED) && IsWindowVisible(hwnd)) { // Vertical Scroll Bar
DrawScrollBar(hwnd, hdc, NULL, TRUE); }
// Up button
if ((wOldFlags & (ESB_DISABLE_UP << 2)) != (pw->WSBflags & (ESB_DISABLE_UP << 2))) { NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, hwnd, OBJID_VSCROLL, INDEX_SCROLLBAR_UP); }
// Down button
if ((wOldFlags & (ESB_DISABLE_DOWN << 2)) != (pw->WSBflags & (ESB_DISABLE_DOWN << 2))) { NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, hwnd, OBJID_VSCROLL, INDEX_SCROLLBAR_DOWN); } } }
ReleaseDC(hwnd,hdc); }
return bRetValue; }
* EnableScrollBar() * * This function can be used to selectively Enable/Disable * the arrows of a scroll bar; It could be used with Windows Scroll * bars as well as scroll bar controls * * History: * 4-18-91 MikeHar Ported for the 31 merge \***************************************************************************/
BOOL xxxEnableScrollBar( HWND hwnd, UINT wSBflags, // Whether it is a Window Scroll Bar; if so, HORZ or VERT?
// Possible values are SB_HORZ, SB_VERT, SB_CTL or SB_BOTH
UINT wArrows) // Which arrows must be enabled/disabled:
// ESB_ENABLE_BOTH = > Enable both arrows.
// ESB_DISABLE_LTUP = > Disable Left/Up arrow;
// ESB_DISABLE_RTDN = > DIsable Right/Down arrow;
// ESB_DISABLE_BOTH = > Disable both the arrows;
{ #define ES_NOTHING 0
#define ES_DISABLE 1
#define ES_ENABLE 2
UINT wOldFlags; UINT wEnableWindow;
if(wSBflags != SB_CTL) { return xxxEnableWndSBArrows(hwnd, wSBflags, wArrows); }
* Let us assume that we don't have to call EnableWindow */ wEnableWindow = ES_NOTHING;
wOldFlags = CUxScrollBarCtl::GetDisableFlags( hwnd ) & (UINT)SB_DISABLE_MASK;
* Check if the present state of the arrows is exactly the same * as what the caller wants: */ if (wOldFlags == wArrows) return FALSE ; // If so, nothing needs to be done;
* Check if the caller wants to disable both the arrows */ if (wArrows == ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) { wEnableWindow = ES_DISABLE; // Yes! So, disable the whole SB Ctl.
} else {
* Check if the caller wants to enable both the arrows */ if(wArrows == ESB_ENABLE_BOTH) {
* We need to enable the SB Ctl only if it was already disabled. */ if(wOldFlags == ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) wEnableWindow = ES_ENABLE;// EnableWindow(.., TRUE);
} else {
* Now, Caller wants to disable only one arrow; * Check if one of the arrows was already disabled and we want * to disable the other;If so, the whole SB Ctl will have to be * disabled; Check if this is the case: */ if((wOldFlags | wArrows) == ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) wEnableWindow = ES_DISABLE; // EnableWindow(, FALSE);
} } if(wEnableWindow != ES_NOTHING) {
* EnableWindow returns old state of the window; We must return * TRUE only if the Old state is different from new state. */ if(EnableWindow(hwnd, (BOOL)(wEnableWindow == ES_ENABLE))) { return !(TestWF(hwnd, WFDISABLED)); } else { return TestWF(hwnd, WFDISABLED); } }
return (BOOL)SendMessage(hwnd, SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS, (DWORD)wArrows, 0); #undef ES_NOTHING
#undef ES_ENABLE
BOOL WINAPI ThemeEnableScrollBar( HWND hwnd, UINT nSBFlags, UINT nArrows ) { return xxxEnableScrollBar( hwnd, nSBFlags, nArrows ); }
// DrawSizeBox() - paints the scrollbar sizebox/gripper given top, left
// point in window coords.
void DrawSizeBox(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, int x, int y) { RECT rc;
SetRect(&rc, x, y, x + SYSMET(CXVSCROLL), y + SYSMET(CYHSCROLL)); FillRect(hdc, &rc, GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_3DFACE));
// If we have a scrollbar control, or the sizebox is not associated with
// a sizeable window, draw the flat gray sizebox. Otherwise, use the
// sizing grip.
if ((IsScrollBarControl(hwnd) && TestWF(hwnd, SBFSIZEGRIP)) || SizeBoxHwnd(hwnd)) { HTHEME hTheme = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTheme(hwnd);
if (!hTheme) { // Blt out the grip bitmap.
} else { DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, SBP_SIZEBOX, TestWF(hwnd, WEFLEFTSCROLL) ? SZB_LEFTALIGN : SZB_RIGHTALIGN, &rc, 0); } } }
// _DrawSizeBoxFromFrame
// Calculates position and draws of sizebox/gripper at fixed offset from
// perimeter of host window frame.
// This, combined with implementation of DrawSizeBox(),
// was the original DrawSize() port. Needed to expost method to
// draw sizebox at absolute position. [scotthan]
void _DrawSizeBoxFromFrame(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, int cxFrame,int cyFrame ) { int x, y; RECT rcWindow;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rcWindow);
if (TestWF(hwnd, WEFLEFTSCROLL)) { x = cxFrame; } else { x = rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left - cxFrame - SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); }
y = rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top - cyFrame - SYSMET(CYHSCROLL);
DrawSizeBox(hwnd, hdc, x, y); }
HBRUSH ScrollBar_GetControlColor(HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndCtl, HDC hdc, UINT uMsg, BOOL *pfOwnerBrush) { HBRUSH hbrush; BOOL fOwnerBrush = FALSE;
// If we're sending to a window of another thread, don't send this message
// but instead call DefWindowProc(). New rule about the CTLCOLOR messages.
// Need to do this so that we don't send an hdc owned by one thread to
// another thread. It is also a harmless change.
if (GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndParent, NULL) != GetCurrentThreadId()) { hbrush = (HBRUSH)DefWindowProc(hwndParent, uMsg, (WPARAM)hdc, (LPARAM)hwndCtl); } else { hbrush = (HBRUSH)SendMessage(hwndParent, uMsg, (WPARAM)hdc, (LPARAM)hwndCtl);
// If the brush returned from the parent is invalid, get a valid brush from
// DefWindowProc.
if (hbrush == NULL) { hbrush = (HBRUSH)DefWindowProc(hwndParent, uMsg, (WPARAM)hdc, (LPARAM)hwndCtl); } else { fOwnerBrush = TRUE; } }
if (pfOwnerBrush) { *pfOwnerBrush = fOwnerBrush; }
return hbrush; }
HBRUSH ScrollBar_GetControlBrush(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, UINT uMsg, BOOL *pfOwnerBrush) { HWND hwndSend;
hwndSend = TESTFLAG(GetWindowStyle(hwnd), WS_POPUP) ? GetOwner(hwnd) : GetParent(hwnd); if (hwndSend == NULL) { hwndSend = hwnd; }
return ScrollBar_GetControlColor(hwndSend, hwnd, hdc, uMsg, pfOwnerBrush); }
HBRUSH ScrollBar_GetColorObjects(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, BOOL *pfOwnerBrush) { HBRUSH hbrRet;
// Use the scrollbar color even if the scrollbar is disabeld.
if (!IsScrollBarControl(hwnd)) { hbrRet = (HBRUSH)DefWindowProc(hwnd, WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR, (WPARAM)hdc, (LPARAM)HWq(hwnd)); } else { // B#12770 - GetControlBrush sends a WM_CTLCOLOR message to the
// owner. If the app doesn't process the message, DefWindowProc32
// will always return the appropriate system brush. If the app.
// returns an invalid object, GetControlBrush will call DWP for
// the default brush. Thus hbrRet doesn't need any validation
// here.
hbrRet = ScrollBar_GetControlBrush(hwnd, hdc, WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR, pfOwnerBrush); }
return hbrRet; }
// ScrollBar_PaintTrack
// Draws lines & middle of thumb groove
// Note that pw points into prc. Moreover, note that both pw & prc are
// pointers, so *prc better not be on the stack.
void ScrollBar_PaintTrack(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, HBRUSH hbr, LPRECT prc, BOOL fVert, INT iPartId, BOOL fOwnerBrush) { HTHEME hTheme = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTheme(hwnd);
// If the scrollbar is unthemed or
// #374054 we've been passed an brush defined by the owner, paint
// the shaft using the brush
if ((hTheme == NULL) || (fOwnerBrush == TRUE)) { if ((hbr == SYSHBR(3DHILIGHT)) || (hbr == SYSHBR(SCROLLBAR)) || (hbr == _UxGrayBrush()) ) { FillRect(hdc, prc, hbr); } else { #ifdef PORTPORT // we need SystemParametersInfo for _UxGrayBrush
// Draw sides
CopyRect(&rc, prc); DrawEdge(hdc, &rc, EDGE_SUNKEN, BF_ADJUST | BF_FLAT | (fVert ? BF_LEFT | BF_RIGHT : BF_TOP | BF_BOTTOM)); #endif PORTPORT
// Fill middle
FillRect(hdc, prc, hbr); } } else { INT iStateId; INT ht = CUxScrollBar::GetSBHotComponent(hwnd, fVert); if ((CUxScrollBarCtl::GetDisableFlags(hwnd) & ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) == ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) { iStateId = SCRBS_DISABLED; } else if ((((iPartId == SBP_LOWERTRACKHORZ) || (iPartId == SBP_LOWERTRACKVERT)) && (ht == HTSCROLLUPPAGE)) || (((iPartId == SBP_UPPERTRACKHORZ) || (iPartId == SBP_UPPERTRACKVERT)) && (ht == HTSCROLLDOWNPAGE))) { iStateId = SCRBS_HOT; } else { iStateId = SCRBS_NORMAL; } DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, iPartId, iStateId, prc, 0); } }
* CalcTrackDragRect * * Give the rectangle for a scrollbar in pSBTrack->pSBCalc, * calculate pSBTrack->rcTrack, the rectangle where tracking * may occur without cancelling the thumbdrag operation. * \***************************************************************************/
void CalcTrackDragRect(PSBTRACK pSBTrack) {
int cx; int cy; LPINT pwX, pwY;
// Point pwX and pwY at the parts of the rectangle
// corresponding to pSBCalc->pxLeft, pxTop, etc.
// pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxLeft is the left edge of a vertical
// scrollbar and the top edge of horizontal one.
// pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxTop is the top of a vertical
// scrollbar and the left of horizontal one.
// etc...
// Point pwX and pwY to the corresponding parts
// of pSBTrack->rcTrack.
pwX = pwY = (LPINT)&pSBTrack->rcTrack;
if (pSBTrack->fTrackVert) { cy = SYSMET(CYVTHUMB); pwY++; } else { cy = SYSMET(CXHTHUMB); pwX++; } /*
* Later5.0 GerardoB: People keep complaining about this tracking region * being too narrow so let's make it wider while PM decides what to do * about it. * We also used to have some hard coded min and max values but that should * depend on some metric, if at all needed. */ cx = (pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxRight - pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxLeft) * 8; cy *= 2;
*(pwX + 0) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxLeft - cx; *(pwY + 0) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxTop - cy; *(pwX + 2) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxRight + cx; *(pwY + 2) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxBottom + cy; }
void RecalcTrackRect(PSBTRACK pSBTrack) { LPINT pwX, pwY; RECT rcSB;
if (!pSBTrack->fCtlSB) CUxScrollBar::Calc(pSBTrack->hwndTrack, pSBTrack->pSBCalc, NULL, pSBTrack->fTrackVert);
pwX = (LPINT)&rcSB; pwY = pwX + 1; if (!pSBTrack->fTrackVert) pwX = pwY--;
*(pwX + 0) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxLeft; *(pwY + 0) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxTop; *(pwX + 2) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxRight; *(pwY + 2) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxBottom;
switch(pSBTrack->cmdSB) { case SB_LINEUP: *(pwY + 2) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxUpArrow; break; case SB_LINEDOWN: *(pwY + 0) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxDownArrow; break; case SB_PAGEUP: *(pwY + 0) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxUpArrow; *(pwY + 2) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxThumbTop; break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: CalcTrackDragRect(pSBTrack); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: *(pwY + 0) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom; *(pwY + 2) = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->pxDownArrow; break; }
if (pSBTrack->cmdSB != SB_THUMBPOSITION) { CopyRect(&pSBTrack->rcTrack, &rcSB); } }
void DrawThumb2( HWND hwnd, PSBCALC pSBCalc, HDC hdc, HBRUSH hbr, BOOL fVert, UINT wDisable, // Disabled flags for the scroll bar
BOOL fOwnerBrush) { int *pLength; int *pWidth; RECT rcSB; PSBTRACK pSBTrack; HTHEME hTheme = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTheme(hwnd);
// Bail out if the scrollbar has an empty rect
if ((pSBCalc->pxTop >= pSBCalc->pxBottom) || (pSBCalc->pxLeft >= pSBCalc->pxRight)) { return; }
pLength = (LPINT)&rcSB; if (fVert) { pWidth = pLength++; } else { pWidth = pLength + 1; }
pWidth[0] = pSBCalc->pxLeft; pWidth[2] = pSBCalc->pxRight;
// If were're not themed and both buttons are disabled OR there isn't
// enough room to draw a thumb just draw the track and run.
// When we are themed the thumb can be drawn disabled.
if (((wDisable & LTUPFLAG) && (wDisable & RTDNFLAG)) || ((pSBCalc->pxDownArrow - pSBCalc->pxUpArrow) < pSBCalc->cpxThumb)) { // draw the entire track
pLength[0] = pSBCalc->pxUpArrow; pLength[2] = pSBCalc->pxDownArrow;
ScrollBar_PaintTrack(hwnd, hdc, hbr, &rcSB, fVert, fVert ? SBP_LOWERTRACKVERT : SBP_LOWERTRACKHORZ, fOwnerBrush); return; }
if (pSBCalc->pxUpArrow < pSBCalc->pxThumbTop) { // draw the track above the thumb
pLength[0] = pSBCalc->pxUpArrow; pLength[2] = pSBCalc->pxThumbTop;
ScrollBar_PaintTrack(hwnd, hdc, hbr, &rcSB, fVert, fVert ? SBP_LOWERTRACKVERT : SBP_LOWERTRACKHORZ, fOwnerBrush); }
if (pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom < pSBCalc->pxDownArrow) { // draw the track below the thumb
pLength[0] = pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom; pLength[2] = pSBCalc->pxDownArrow;
ScrollBar_PaintTrack(hwnd, hdc, hbr, &rcSB, fVert, fVert ? SBP_UPPERTRACKVERT : SBP_UPPERTRACKHORZ, fOwnerBrush); }
// Draw elevator
pLength[0] = pSBCalc->pxThumbTop; pLength[2] = pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom;
// Not soft!
_DrawPushButton(hwnd, hdc, &rcSB, 0, 0, fVert);
* If we're tracking a page scroll, then we've obliterated the hilite. * We need to correct the hiliting rectangle, and rehilite it. */ pSBTrack = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd);
if (pSBTrack && (pSBTrack->cmdSB == SB_PAGEUP || pSBTrack->cmdSB == SB_PAGEDOWN) && (hwnd == pSBTrack->hwndTrack) && (BOOL)pSBTrack->fTrackVert == fVert) {
if (pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc) { RecalcTrackRect(pSBTrack); pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc = FALSE; }
pLength = (int *)&pSBTrack->rcTrack;
if (fVert) pLength++;
if (pSBTrack->cmdSB == SB_PAGEUP) pLength[2] = pSBCalc->pxThumbTop; else pLength[0] = pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom;
if (pLength[0] < pLength[2]) { if (!hTheme) { InvertRect(hdc, &pSBTrack->rcTrack); } else { DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, pSBTrack->cmdSB == SB_PAGEUP ? (fVert ? SBP_LOWERTRACKVERT : SBP_LOWERTRACKHORZ) : (fVert ? SBP_UPPERTRACKVERT : SBP_UPPERTRACKHORZ), SCRBS_PRESSED, &pSBTrack->rcTrack, 0); } } } }
* xxxDrawSB2 * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void xxxDrawSB2( HWND hwnd, PSBCALC pSBCalc, HDC hdc, BOOL fVert, UINT wDisable) {
int cLength; int cWidth; int *pwX; int *pwY; HBRUSH hbr; HBRUSH hbrSave; int cpxArrow; RECT rc, rcSB; COLORREF crText, crBk; HTHEME hTheme; INT ht; INT iStateId; BOOL fOwnerBrush = FALSE;
cLength = (pSBCalc->pxBottom - pSBCalc->pxTop) / 2; cWidth = (pSBCalc->pxRight - pSBCalc->pxLeft);
if ((cLength <= 0) || (cWidth <= 0)) { return; }
if (fVert) { cpxArrow = SYSMET(CYVSCROLL); } else { cpxArrow = SYSMET(CXHSCROLL); }
// Save background and DC color, since they get changed in
// ScrollBar_GetColorObjects. Restore before we return.
crBk = GetBkColor(hdc); crText = GetTextColor(hdc);
hbr = ScrollBar_GetColorObjects(hwnd, hdc, &fOwnerBrush);
if (cLength > cpxArrow) { cLength = cpxArrow; }
pwX = (int *)&rcSB; pwY = pwX + 1; if (!fVert) { pwX = pwY--; }
pwX[0] = pSBCalc->pxLeft; pwY[0] = pSBCalc->pxTop; pwX[2] = pSBCalc->pxRight; pwY[2] = pSBCalc->pxBottom;
hbrSave = SelectBrush(hdc, SYSHBR(BTNTEXT));
// Draw scrollbar arrows as disabled if the scrollbar itself is
// disabled OR if the window it is a part of is disabled?
hTheme = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTheme(hwnd); ht = CUxScrollBar::GetSBHotComponent(hwnd, fVert); if (fVert) { // up button
CopyRect(&rc, &rcSB); rc.bottom = rc.top + cLength; if (!hTheme) { DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rc, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLUP | ((wDisable & LTUPFLAG) ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0)); } else { iStateId = (wDisable & LTUPFLAG) ? ABS_UPDISABLED : (ht == HTSCROLLUP) ? ABS_UPHOT : ABS_UPNORMAL; DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, SBP_ARROWBTN, iStateId, &rc, 0); }
// down button
rc.bottom = rcSB.bottom; rc.top = rcSB.bottom - cLength; if (!hTheme) { DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rc, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLDOWN | ((wDisable & RTDNFLAG) ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0)); } else { iStateId = (wDisable & RTDNFLAG) ? ABS_DOWNDISABLED : (ht == HTSCROLLDOWN) ? ABS_DOWNHOT : ABS_DOWNNORMAL; DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, SBP_ARROWBTN, iStateId, &rc, 0); } } else { // left button
CopyRect(&rc, &rcSB); rc.right = rc.left + cLength; if (!hTheme) { DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rc, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLLEFT | ((wDisable & LTUPFLAG) ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0)); } else { iStateId = (wDisable & LTUPFLAG) ? ABS_LEFTDISABLED : (ht == HTSCROLLUP) ? ABS_LEFTHOT : ABS_LEFTNORMAL; DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, SBP_ARROWBTN, iStateId, &rc, 0); }
// right button
rc.right = rcSB.right; rc.left = rcSB.right - cLength; if (!hTheme) { DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rc, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT | ((wDisable & RTDNFLAG) ? DFCS_INACTIVE : 0)); } else { iStateId = (wDisable & RTDNFLAG) ? ABS_RIGHTDISABLED : (ht == HTSCROLLDOWN) ? ABS_RIGHTHOT : ABS_RIGHTNORMAL; DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, SBP_ARROWBTN, iStateId, &rc, 0); } }
hbrSave = SelectBrush(hdc, hbrSave); DrawThumb2(hwnd, pSBCalc, hdc, hbr, fVert, wDisable, fOwnerBrush); SelectBrush(hdc, hbrSave);
SetBkColor(hdc, crBk); SetTextColor(hdc, crText); }
* zzzSetSBCaretPos * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void zzzSetSBCaretPos( SBHWND hwndSB) {
if (GetFocus() == hwndSB) { CUxScrollBarCtl* psb = CUxScrollBarCtl::FromHwnd( hwndSB ); if( psb ) { int x = (psb->_fVert ? psb->_calc.pxLeft : psb->_calc.pxThumbTop) + SYSMET(CXEDGE); int y = (psb->_fVert ? psb->_calc.pxThumbTop : psb->_calc.pxLeft) + SYSMET(CYEDGE);
SetCaretPos( x, y ); } } }
* CalcSBStuff2 * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void CalcSBStuff2( PSBCALC pSBCalc, LPRECT lprc, CONST PSBDATA pw, BOOL fVert) { int cpx; DWORD dwRange; int denom;
if (fVert) { pSBCalc->pxTop = lprc->top; pSBCalc->pxBottom = lprc->bottom; pSBCalc->pxLeft = lprc->left; pSBCalc->pxRight = lprc->right; pSBCalc->cpxThumb = SYSMET(CYVSCROLL); } else {
* For horiz scroll bars, "left" & "right" are "top" and "bottom", * and vice versa. */ pSBCalc->pxTop = lprc->left; pSBCalc->pxBottom = lprc->right; pSBCalc->pxLeft = lprc->top; pSBCalc->pxRight = lprc->bottom; pSBCalc->cpxThumb = SYSMET(CXHSCROLL); }
pSBCalc->data.pos = pw->pos; pSBCalc->data.page = pw->page; pSBCalc->data.posMin = pw->posMin; pSBCalc->data.posMax = pw->posMax;
dwRange = ((DWORD)(pSBCalc->data.posMax - pSBCalc->data.posMin)) + 1;
// For the case of short scroll bars that don't have enough
// room to fit the full-sized up and down arrows, shorten
// their sizes to make 'em fit
cpx = min((pSBCalc->pxBottom - pSBCalc->pxTop) / 2, pSBCalc->cpxThumb);
pSBCalc->pxUpArrow = pSBCalc->pxTop + cpx; pSBCalc->pxDownArrow = pSBCalc->pxBottom - cpx;
if ((pw->page != 0) && (dwRange != 0)) { // JEFFBOG -- This is the one and only place where we should
// see 'range'. Elsewhere it should be 'range - page'.
* The minimun thumb size used to depend on the frame/edge metrics. * People that increase the scrollbar width/height expect the minimun * to grow with proportianally. So NT5 bases the minimun on * CXH/YVSCROLL, which is set by default in cpxThumb. */ /*
* i is used to keep the macro "max" from executing MulDiv twice. */ int i = MulDiv(pSBCalc->pxDownArrow - pSBCalc->pxUpArrow, pw->page, dwRange); pSBCalc->cpxThumb = max(pSBCalc->cpxThumb / 2, i); }
pSBCalc->pxMin = pSBCalc->pxTop + cpx; pSBCalc->cpx = pSBCalc->pxBottom - cpx - pSBCalc->cpxThumb - pSBCalc->pxMin;
denom = dwRange - (pw->page ? pw->page : 1); if (denom) pSBCalc->pxThumbTop = MulDiv(pw->pos - pw->posMin, pSBCalc->cpx, denom) + pSBCalc->pxMin; else pSBCalc->pxThumbTop = pSBCalc->pxMin - 1;
pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom = pSBCalc->pxThumbTop + pSBCalc->cpxThumb;
* SBCtlSetup * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
CUxScrollBarCtl* SBCtlSetup( SBHWND hwndSB) { RECT rc; GetClientRect( hwndSB, &rc ); CUxScrollBarCtl* psb = (CUxScrollBarCtl*)CUxScrollBar::Attach( hwndSB, TRUE, FALSE ); if( psb ) { psb->Calc2( &psb->_calc, &rc, &psb->_calc.data, psb->_fVert ); } return psb; }
* HotTrackSB * \***************************************************************************/
DWORD GetTrackFlags(int ht, BOOL fDraw) { if (fDraw) { switch(ht) { case HTSCROLLUP: case HTSCROLLUPPAGE: return LTUPFLAG;
default: return 0; } } else { return 0; } }
BOOL xxxHotTrackSB(HWND hwnd, int htEx, BOOL fDraw) { SBCALC SBCalc; HDC hdc; BOOL fVert = HIWORD(htEx); int ht = LOWORD(htEx); DWORD dwTrack = GetTrackFlags(ht, fDraw);
* xxxDrawSB2 does not callback or leave the critical section when it's * not a SB control and the window belongs to a different thread. It * calls DefWindowProc which simply returns the brush color. */ CalcSBStuff(hwnd, &SBCalc, fVert); hdc = _GetDCEx(hwnd, NULL, DCX_WINDOW | DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_CACHE); xxxDrawSB2(hwnd, &SBCalc, hdc, fVert, _GetWndSBDisableFlags(hwnd, fVert), dwTrack); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); return TRUE; }
void xxxHotTrackSBCtl(SBHWND hwndSB, int ht, BOOL fDraw) { DWORD dwTrack = GetTrackFlags(ht, fDraw); HDC hdc;
SBCtlSetup(hwndSB); hdc = _GetDCEx((HWND)hwndSB, NULL, DCX_WINDOW | DCX_USESTYLE | DCX_CACHE); xxxDrawSB2((HWND)hwndSB, &psb->_calc, hdc, psb->_fVert, psb->_wDisableFlags, dwTrack); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } #endif // COLOR_HOTTRACKING
BOOL SBSetParms(PSBDATA pw, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, LPBOOL lpfScroll, LPLONG lplres) { // pass the struct because we modify the struct but don't want that
// modified version to get back to the calling app
BOOL fChanged = FALSE;
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_RETURNOLDPOS) // save previous position
*lplres = pw->pos;
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_RANGE) { // if the range MAX is below the range MIN -- then treat is as a
// zero range starting at the range MIN.
if (lpsi->nMax < lpsi->nMin) lpsi->nMax = lpsi->nMin;
if ((pw->posMin != lpsi->nMin) || (pw->posMax != lpsi->nMax)) { pw->posMin = lpsi->nMin; pw->posMax = lpsi->nMax;
if (!(lpsi->fMask & SIF_PAGE)) { lpsi->fMask |= SIF_PAGE; lpsi->nPage = pw->page; }
if (!(lpsi->fMask & SIF_POS)) { lpsi->fMask |= SIF_POS; lpsi->nPos = pw->pos; }
fChanged = TRUE; } }
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_PAGE) { DWORD dwMaxPage = (DWORD) abs(pw->posMax - pw->posMin) + 1;
// Clip page to 0, posMax - posMin + 1
if (lpsi->nPage > dwMaxPage) lpsi->nPage = dwMaxPage;
if (pw->page != (int)(lpsi->nPage)) { pw->page = lpsi->nPage;
if (!(lpsi->fMask & SIF_POS)) { lpsi->fMask |= SIF_POS; lpsi->nPos = pw->pos; }
fChanged = TRUE; } }
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_POS) { int iMaxPos = pw->posMax - ((pw->page) ? pw->page - 1 : 0); // Clip pos to posMin, posMax - (page - 1).
if (lpsi->nPos < pw->posMin) lpsi->nPos = pw->posMin; else if (lpsi->nPos > iMaxPos) lpsi->nPos = iMaxPos;
if (pw->pos != lpsi->nPos) { pw->pos = lpsi->nPos; fChanged = TRUE; } }
if (!(lpsi->fMask & SIF_RETURNOLDPOS)) { // Return the new position
*lplres = pw->pos; }
* This was added by JimA as Cairo merge but will conflict * with the documentation for SetScrollPos */ /*
else if (*lplres == pw->pos) *lplres = 0; */ if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_RANGE) { *lpfScroll = (pw->posMin != pw->posMax); if (*lpfScroll) goto checkPage; } else if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_PAGE) checkPage: *lpfScroll = (pw->page <= (pw->posMax - pw->posMin));
return fChanged; }
* CalcSBStuff * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/ #if 0
void CalcSBStuff( HWND hwnd, PSBCALC pSBCalc, BOOL fVert) { RECT rcT; RECT rcClient; #ifdef USE_MIRRORING
int cx, iTemp; #endif
// Get client rectangle. We know that scrollbars always align to the right
// and to the bottom of the client area.
GetClientRect( hwnd, &rcClient ); ClientToScreen( hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rcClient.left ); ClientToScreen( hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rcClient.right ); MapWindowPoints( HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, (LPPOINT)&rcClient, 2 ); // GetRect(hwnd, &rcClient, GRECT_CLIENT | GRECT_WINDOWCOORDS);
if (TestWF(hwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { cx = hwnd->rcWindow.right - hwnd->rcWindow.left; iTemp = rcClient.left; rcClient.left = cx - rcClient.right; rcClient.right = cx - iTemp; } #endif
if (fVert) { // Only add on space if vertical scrollbar is really there.
if (TestWF(hwnd, WEFLEFTSCROLL)) { rcT.right = rcT.left = rcClient.left; if (TestWF(hwnd, WFVPRESENT)) rcT.left -= SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); } else { rcT.right = rcT.left = rcClient.right; if (TestWF(hwnd, WFVPRESENT)) rcT.right += SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); }
rcT.top = rcClient.top; rcT.bottom = rcClient.bottom; } else { // Only add on space if horizontal scrollbar is really there.
rcT.bottom = rcT.top = rcClient.bottom; if (TestWF(hwnd, WFHPRESENT)) rcT.bottom += SYSMET(CYHSCROLL);
rcT.left = rcClient.left; rcT.right = rcClient.right; }
// If InitPwSB stuff fails (due to our heap being full) there isn't anything reasonable
// we can do here, so just let it go through. We won't fault but the scrollbar won't work
// properly either...
if (_InitPwSB(hwnd)) CalcSBStuff2(pSBCalc, &rcT, (fVert) ? &CUxScrollBar::GetSBInfo( hwnd )->Vert : &CUxScrollBar::GetSBInfo( hwnd )->Horz, fVert);
} #endif 0
* * DrawCtlThumb() * \***************************************************************************/ void DrawCtlThumb(SBHWND hwnd) { HBRUSH hbr, hbrSave; HDC hdc = (HDC) GetWindowDC(hwnd);
if ( hdc != NULL ) { CUxScrollBarCtl* psb = SBCtlSetup(hwnd);
if (psb) { BOOL fOwnerBrush = FALSE;
hbr = ScrollBar_GetColorObjects(hwnd, hdc, &fOwnerBrush); hbrSave = SelectBrush(hdc, hbr);
DrawThumb2(hwnd, &psb->_calc, hdc, hbr, psb->_fVert, psb->_wDisableFlags, fOwnerBrush);
SelectBrush(hdc, hbrSave); }
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } }
void xxxDrawThumb(HWND hwnd, PSBCALC pSBCalc, BOOL fVert) { HBRUSH hbr, hbrSave; HDC hdc; UINT wDisableFlags; SBCALC SBCalc;
if (!pSBCalc) { pSBCalc = &SBCalc; }
CUxScrollBar::Calc( hwnd, pSBCalc, NULL, fVert ); wDisableFlags = _GetWndSBDisableFlags(hwnd, fVert);
hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd); if ( hdc != NULL ) { BOOL fOwnerBrush = FALSE;
hbr = ScrollBar_GetColorObjects(hwnd, hdc, &fOwnerBrush); hbrSave = SelectBrush(hdc, hbr); DrawThumb2(hwnd, pSBCalc, hdc, hbr, fVert, wDisableFlags, fOwnerBrush); SelectBrush(hdc, hbrSave); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } }
UINT _GetArrowEnableFlags(HWND hwnd, BOOL fVert) { SCROLLBARINFO sbi = {0}; UINT uFlags = ESB_ENABLE_BOTH;
sbi.cbSize = sizeof(sbi); if ( GetScrollBarInfo(hwnd, fVert ? OBJID_VSCROLL : OBJID_HSCROLL, &sbi) ) { if ( TESTFLAG(sbi.rgstate[INDEX_SCROLLBAR_UP], (STATE_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE|STATE_SYSTEM_INVISIBLE)) ) { uFlags |= ESB_DISABLE_UP; }
return uFlags; }
* _SetScrollBar * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
LONG _SetScrollBar( HWND hwnd, int code, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi, BOOL fRedraw) { BOOL fVert; PSBDATA pw; PSBINFO pSBInfo; BOOL fOldScroll; BOOL fScroll; WORD wfScroll; LONG lres; BOOL fNewScroll;
CheckLock(hwnd); ASSERT(IsWinEventNotifyDeferredOK());
if (fRedraw) // window must be visible to redraw
fRedraw = IsWindowVisible(hwnd);
if (code == SB_CTL) #ifdef FE_SB // xxxSetScrollBar()
// scroll bar control; send the control a message
if(GETPTI(hwnd)->TIF_flags & TIF_16BIT) { //
// If the target application is 16bit apps, we don't pass win40's message.
// This fix for Ichitaro v6.3. It eats the message. It never forwards
// the un-processed messages to original windows procedure via
// CallWindowProc().
// Is this from xxxSetScrollPos() ?
if(lpsi->fMask == (SIF_POS|SIF_RETURNOLDPOS)) { return (int)SendMessage(hwnd, SBM_SETPOS, lpsi->nPos, fRedraw); // Is this from xxxSetScrollRange() ?
} else if(lpsi->fMask == SIF_RANGE) { SendMessage(hwnd, SBM_SETRANGE, lpsi->nMin, lpsi->nMax); return TRUE; // Others...
} else { return (LONG)SendMessage(hwnd, SBM_SETSCROLLINFO, (WPARAM) fRedraw, (LPARAM) lpsi); } } else { return (LONG)SendMessage(hwnd, SBM_SETSCROLLINFO, (WPARAM) fRedraw, (LPARAM) lpsi); } #else
// scroll bar control; send the control a message
return (LONG)SendMessage(hwnd, SBM_SETSCROLLINFO, (WPARAM) fRedraw, (LPARAM) lpsi); #endif // FE_SB
fVert = (code != SB_HORZ);
wfScroll = (WORD)((fVert) ? WFVSCROLL : WFHSCROLL);
fScroll = fOldScroll = (TestWF(hwnd, wfScroll)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
* Don't do anything if we're setting position of a nonexistent scroll bar. */ if (!(lpsi->fMask & SIF_RANGE) && !fOldScroll && (CUxScrollBar::GetSBInfo( hwnd ) == NULL)) { RIPERR0(ERROR_NO_SCROLLBARS, RIP_VERBOSE, ""); return 0; }
pSBInfo = CUxScrollBar::GetSBInfo( hwnd ); fNewScroll = !pSBInfo;
if (fNewScroll) { CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::Attach( hwnd, FALSE, fRedraw ); if( NULL == psb ) return 0; pSBInfo = psb->GetInfo(); }
pw = (fVert) ? &(pSBInfo->Vert) : &(pSBInfo->Horz);
if (!SBSetParms(pw, lpsi, &fScroll, &lres) && !fNewScroll) { // no change -- but if REDRAW is specified and there's a scrollbar,
// redraw the thumb
if (fOldScroll && fRedraw) { goto redrawAfterSet; }
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL) { xxxEnableWndSBArrows(hwnd, code, _GetArrowEnableFlags(hwnd, fVert)); }
return lres; }
ClrWF(hwnd, wfScroll);
if (fScroll) SetWF(hwnd, wfScroll); else if (!TestWF(hwnd, (WFHSCROLL | WFVSCROLL))) { // if neither scroll bar is set and both ranges are 0, then free up the
// scroll info
CUxScrollBar::Detach( hwnd ); }
if (lpsi->fMask & SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL) { if (fOldScroll) { SetWF(hwnd, wfScroll); xxxEnableWndSBArrows(hwnd, code, _GetArrowEnableFlags(hwnd, fVert)); } } else if (fOldScroll ^ fScroll) { PSBTRACK pSBTrack = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd); if (pSBTrack && (hwnd == pSBTrack->hwndTrack)) { pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc = TRUE; }
_RedrawFrame(hwnd); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid (but we return now)
return lres; }
if (fScroll && fRedraw && (fVert ? TestWF(hwnd, WFVPRESENT) : TestWF(hwnd, WFHPRESENT))) { PSBTRACK pSBTrack; redrawAfterSet: NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_VALUECHANGE, hwnd, (fVert ? OBJID_VSCROLL : OBJID_HSCROLL), INDEX_SCROLLBAR_SELF);
pSBTrack = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd); // Bail out if the caller is trying to change the position of
// a scrollbar that is in the middle of tracking. We'll hose
// TrackThumb() otherwise.
if (pSBTrack && (hwnd == pSBTrack->hwndTrack) && ((BOOL)(pSBTrack->fTrackVert) == fVert) && (pSBTrack->pfnSB == _TrackThumb)) { return lres; }
xxxDrawThumb(hwnd, NULL, fVert); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid (but we return now)
return lres; }
LONG WINAPI ThemeSetScrollInfo( HWND hwnd, int nBar, LPCSCROLLINFO psi, BOOL bRedraw ) { return _SetScrollBar( hwnd, nBar, (LPSCROLLINFO)psi, bRedraw ); }
BOOL WINAPI ScrollBar_MouseMove( HWND hwnd, LPPOINT ppt, BOOL fVert ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd );
if (psb) { int htScroll = (ppt != NULL) ? HitTestScrollBar(hwnd, fVert, *ppt) : HTNOWHERE;
// Redraw the scroll bar if the mouse is over something different
if (htScroll != psb->GetHotComponent(fVert)) { HDC hdc;
// save the hittest code of the Scrollbar element the mouse is
// currently over
psb->SetHotComponent(htScroll, fVert);
hdc = GetDCEx(hwnd, NULL, DCX_USESTYLE|DCX_WINDOW|DCX_LOCKWINDOWUPDATE); if (hdc != NULL) { DrawScrollBar(hwnd, hdc, NULL, fVert); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); }
fRet = TRUE; } } return fRet; }
void DrawScrollBar(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPRECT prcOverrideClient, BOOL fVert) { SBCALC SBCalc = {0}; PSBCALC pSBCalc; PSBTRACK pSBTrack = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd);
CheckLock(hwnd); if (pSBTrack && (hwnd == pSBTrack->hwndTrack) && (pSBTrack->fCtlSB == FALSE) && (fVert == (BOOL)pSBTrack->fTrackVert)) { pSBCalc = pSBTrack->pSBCalc; } else { pSBCalc = &SBCalc; } CUxScrollBar::Calc(hwnd, pSBCalc, prcOverrideClient, fVert);
xxxDrawSB2(hwnd, pSBCalc, hdc, fVert, _GetWndSBDisableFlags(hwnd, fVert)); }
* SBPosFromPx * * Compute scroll bar position from pixel location * * History: \***************************************************************************/
int SBPosFromPx( PSBCALC pSBCalc, int px) { if (px < pSBCalc->pxMin) { return pSBCalc->data.posMin; } if (px >= pSBCalc->pxMin + pSBCalc->cpx) { return (pSBCalc->data.posMax - (pSBCalc->data.page ? pSBCalc->data.page - 1 : 0)); } if (pSBCalc->cpx) return (pSBCalc->data.posMin + MulDiv(pSBCalc->data.posMax - pSBCalc->data.posMin - (pSBCalc->data.page ? pSBCalc->data.page - 1 : 0), px - pSBCalc->pxMin, pSBCalc->cpx)); else return (pSBCalc->data.posMin - 1); }
* InvertScrollHilite * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void InvertScrollHilite( HWND hwnd, PSBTRACK pSBTrack) { HDC hdc;
* Don't invert if the thumb is all the way at the top or bottom * or you will end up inverting the line between the arrow and the thumb. */ if (!IsRectEmpty(&pSBTrack->rcTrack)) { if (pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc) { RecalcTrackRect(pSBTrack); pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc = FALSE; }
hdc = (HDC)GetWindowDC(hwnd); if( hdc ) { HTHEME hTheme = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTheme(hwnd); if (!hTheme) { InvertRect(hdc, &pSBTrack->rcTrack); } else { DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, pSBTrack->cmdSB == SB_PAGEUP ? (pSBTrack->fTrackVert ? SBP_LOWERTRACKVERT : SBP_LOWERTRACKHORZ) : (pSBTrack->fTrackVert ? SBP_UPPERTRACKVERT : SBP_UPPERTRACKHORZ), SCRBS_NORMAL, &pSBTrack->rcTrack, 0); } ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } } }
* xxxDoScroll * * Sends scroll notification to the scroll bar owner * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void xxxDoScroll( HWND hwnd, HWND hwndNotify, int cmd, int pos, BOOL fVert ) {
// Send scroll notification to the scrollbar owner. If this is a control
// the lParam is the control's handle, NULL otherwise.
SendMessage(hwndNotify, (UINT)(fVert ? WM_VSCROLL : WM_HSCROLL), MAKELONG(cmd, pos), (LPARAM)(IsScrollBarControl(hwnd) ? hwnd : NULL)); }
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CheckScrollRecalc()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
//void CheckScrollRecalc(HWND hwnd, PSBSTATE pSBState, PSBCALC pSBCalc)
// if ((pSBState->pwndCalc != hwnd) || ((pSBState->nBar != SB_CTL) && (pSBState->nBar != ((pSBState->fVertSB) ? SB_VERT : SB_HORZ))))
// {
// // Calculate SB stuff based on whether it's a control or in a window
// if (pSBState->fCtlSB)
// SBCtlSetup((SBHWND) hwnd);
// else
// CalcSBStuff(hwnd, pSBCalc, pSBState->fVertSB);
// }
* xxxMoveThumb * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void xxxMoveThumb( HWND hwnd, PSBCALC pSBCalc, int px) { HBRUSH hbr, hbrSave; HDC hdc; CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd ); PSBTRACK pSBTrack = psb->GetTrack();
if ((pSBTrack == NULL) || (px == pSBTrack->pxOld)) return;
pSBTrack->posNew = SBPosFromPx(pSBCalc, px);
/* Tentative position changed -- notify the guy. */ if (pSBTrack->posNew != pSBTrack->posOld) { if (pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify != NULL) { psb->DoScroll(pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify, SB_THUMBTRACK, pSBTrack->posNew, pSBTrack->fTrackVert );
} // After xxxDoScroll, re-evaluate pSBTrack
REEVALUATE_PSBTRACK(pSBTrack, hwnd, "xxxMoveThumb(1)"); if ((pSBTrack == NULL) || (pSBTrack->pfnSB == NULL)) return;
pSBTrack->posOld = pSBTrack->posNew;
// Anything can happen after the SendMessage above!
// Make sure that the SBINFO structure contains data for the
// window being tracked -- if not, recalculate data in SBINFO
// CheckScrollRecalc(hwnd, pSBState, pSBCalc);
// when we yield, our range can get messed with
// so make sure we handle this
if (px >= pSBCalc->pxMin + pSBCalc->cpx) { px = pSBCalc->pxMin + pSBCalc->cpx; goto pxReCalc; }
hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd); if ( hdc != NULL ) { BOOL fOwnerBrush = FALSE;
pSBCalc->pxThumbTop = px; pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom = pSBCalc->pxThumbTop + pSBCalc->cpxThumb;
// at this point, the disable flags are always going to be 0 --
// we're in the middle of tracking.
hbr = ScrollBar_GetColorObjects(hwnd, hdc, &fOwnerBrush); hbrSave = SelectBrush(hdc, hbr);
// After ScrollBar_GetColorObjects, re-evaluate pSBTrack
REEVALUATE_PSBTRACK(pSBTrack, hwnd, "xxxMoveThumb(2)"); if (pSBTrack == NULL) { RIPMSG1(RIP_ERROR, "Did we use to leak hdc %#p?", hdc) ; ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); return; } DrawThumb2(hwnd, pSBCalc, hdc, hbr, pSBTrack->fTrackVert, 0, fOwnerBrush); SelectBrush(hdc, hbrSave); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); }
pSBTrack->pxOld = px; }
* zzzDrawInvertScrollArea * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void zzzDrawInvertScrollArea( HWND hwnd, PSBTRACK pSBTrack, BOOL fHit, UINT cmd) { HDC hdc; RECT rcTemp; int cx, cy; HTHEME hTheme;
if ((cmd != SB_LINEUP) && (cmd != SB_LINEDOWN)) { // not hitting on arrow -- just invert the area and return
InvertScrollHilite(hwnd, pSBTrack);
if (cmd == SB_PAGEUP) { if (fHit) SetWF(hwnd, WFPAGEUPBUTTONDOWN); else ClrWF(hwnd, WFPAGEUPBUTTONDOWN); } else { if (fHit) SetWF(hwnd, WFPAGEDNBUTTONDOWN); else ClrWF(hwnd, WFPAGEDNBUTTONDOWN); }
NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, hwnd, (pSBTrack->fCtlSB ? OBJID_CLIENT : (pSBTrack->fTrackVert ? OBJID_VSCROLL : OBJID_HSCROLL)), ((cmd == SB_PAGEUP) ? INDEX_SCROLLBAR_UPPAGE : INDEX_SCROLLBAR_DOWNPAGE)); // Note: after zzz, pSBTrack may no longer be valid (but we return now)
return; }
if (pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc) { RecalcTrackRect(pSBTrack); pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc = FALSE; }
CopyRect(&rcTemp, &pSBTrack->rcTrack);
hdc = GetWindowDC(hwnd); if( hdc != NULL ) { if (pSBTrack->fTrackVert) { cx = SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); cy = SYSMET(CYVSCROLL); } else { cx = SYSMET(CXHSCROLL); cy = SYSMET(CYHSCROLL); }
hTheme = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTheme(hwnd); if (!hTheme) { DrawFrameControl(hdc, &rcTemp, DFC_SCROLL, ((pSBTrack->fTrackVert) ? DFCS_SCROLLVERT : DFCS_SCROLLHORZ) | ((fHit) ? DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_FLAT : 0) | ((cmd == SB_LINEUP) ? DFCS_SCROLLMIN : DFCS_SCROLLMAX)); } else { INT iStateId;
// Determine the pressed state of the button
// Determine which kind of button it is.
// NOTE: (phellyar) this is dependant on the order of
if (pSBTrack->fTrackVert) { if (cmd == SB_LINEUP) { // Up button states are the first four entries
// in the enum
iStateId += 0; } else { // Down button states are the second four entries
// in the enum
iStateId += 4; } } else { if (cmd == SB_LINEUP) { // Left button states are the third four entries
// in the enum
iStateId += 8; } else { // Right button states are the last four entries
// in the enum
iStateId += 12; } } DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, SBP_ARROWBTN, iStateId, &rcTemp, 0); }
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); }
if (cmd == SB_LINEUP) { if (fHit) SetWF(hwnd, WFLINEUPBUTTONDOWN); else ClrWF(hwnd, WFLINEUPBUTTONDOWN); } else { if (fHit) SetWF(hwnd, WFLINEDNBUTTONDOWN); else ClrWF(hwnd, WFLINEDNBUTTONDOWN); }
NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_STATECHANGE, hwnd, (pSBTrack->fCtlSB ? OBJID_CLIENT : (pSBTrack->fTrackVert ? OBJID_VSCROLL : OBJID_HSCROLL)), (cmd == SB_LINEUP ? INDEX_SCROLLBAR_UP : INDEX_SCROLLBAR_DOWN)); // Note: after zzz, pSBTrack may no longer be valid (but we return now)
* xxxEndScroll * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void xxxEndScroll( HWND hwnd, BOOL fCancel) { UINT oldcmd; PSBTRACK pSBTrack; CheckLock(hwnd); ASSERT(!IsWinEventNotifyDeferred());
CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd ); ASSERT(psb != NULL); pSBTrack = psb->GetTrack();
if (pSBTrack && GetCapture() == hwnd && pSBTrack->pfnSB != NULL) {
oldcmd = pSBTrack->cmdSB; pSBTrack->cmdSB = 0; ReleaseCapture();
// After ReleaseCapture, revalidate pSBTrack
if (pSBTrack->pfnSB == _TrackThumb) {
if (fCancel) { pSBTrack->posOld = pSBTrack->pSBCalc->data.pos; }
* DoScroll does thread locking on these two pwnds - * this is ok since they are not used after this * call. */ if (pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify != NULL) { psb->DoScroll( pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify, SB_THUMBPOSITION, pSBTrack->posOld, pSBTrack->fTrackVert ); // After xxxDoScroll, revalidate pSBTrack
if (pSBTrack->fCtlSB) { DrawCtlThumb((SBHWND) hwnd); } else { xxxDrawThumb(hwnd, pSBTrack->pSBCalc, pSBTrack->fTrackVert); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
} else if (pSBTrack->pfnSB == _TrackBox) { DWORD lParam; POINT ptMsg; RECT rcWindow;
if (pSBTrack->hTimerSB != 0) { _KillSystemTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_SCROLL); pSBTrack->hTimerSB = 0; } lParam = GetMessagePos(); GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rcWindow ); #ifdef USE_MIRRORING
if (TestWF(hwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { ptMsg.x = rcWindow.right - GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); } else #endif
{ ptMsg.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam) - rcWindow.left; } ptMsg.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) - rcWindow.top; if (PtInRect(&pSBTrack->rcTrack, ptMsg)) { zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(hwnd, pSBTrack, FALSE, oldcmd); // Note: after zzz, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
} }
* Always send SB_ENDSCROLL message. * * DoScroll does thread locking on these two pwnds - * this is ok since they are not used after this * call. */
// After xxxDrawThumb or zzzDrawInvertScrollArea, revalidate pSBTrack
if (pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify != NULL) { psb->DoScroll( pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0, pSBTrack->fTrackVert); // After xxxDoScroll, revalidate pSBTrack
NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGEND, hwnd, (pSBTrack->fCtlSB ? OBJID_CLIENT : (pSBTrack->fTrackVert ? OBJID_VSCROLL : OBJID_HSCROLL)), INDEXID_CONTAINER); // After xxxWindowEvent, revalidate pSBTrack
// If this is a Scroll Bar Control, turn the caret back on.
if (pSBTrack->hwndSB != NULL) { ShowCaret(pSBTrack->hwndSB); // After zzz, revalidate pSBTrack
pSBTrack->pfnSB = NULL;
* Unlock structure members so they are no longer holding down windows. */ Unlock(&pSBTrack->hwndSB); Unlock(&pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify); Unlock(&pSBTrack->hwndTrack); CUxScrollBar::ClearSBTrack( hwnd ); } }
CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd );
if ( psb != NULL ) { PSBTRACK pSBTrack = psb->GetTrack();
if ( pSBTrack != NULL ) { LONG pt; RECT rcWindow;
pt = GetMessagePos(); GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rcWindow );
if (TestWF(hwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { pt = MAKELONG(rcWindow.right - GET_X_LPARAM(pt), GET_Y_LPARAM(pt) - rcWindow.top); } else { pt = MAKELONG( GET_X_LPARAM(pt) - rcWindow.left, GET_Y_LPARAM(pt) - rcWindow.top); }
_TrackBox(hwnd, WM_NULL, 0, pt, NULL);
// After _TrackBox, revalidate pSBTrack
if (pSBTrack->fHitOld) { pSBTrack->hTimerSB = _SetSystemTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_SCROLL, DTTIME/8, xxxContScroll);
// DoScroll does thread locking on these two pwnds -
// this is ok since they are not used after this call.
if (pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify != NULL) { psb->DoScroll(pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify, pSBTrack->cmdSB, 0, pSBTrack->fTrackVert); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid (but we return now)
} } } } }
void CALLBACK _TrackBox(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, PSBCALC pSBCalc) { CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd(hwnd);
CheckLock(hwnd); ASSERT(IsWinEventNotifyDeferredOK());
if ( psb ) { PSBTRACK pSBTrack = psb->GetTrack();
if ( pSBTrack ) { BOOL fHit; POINT ptHit; int cmsTimer;
if ((uMsg != WM_NULL) && (HIBYTE(uMsg) != HIBYTE(WM_MOUSEFIRST))) { return; }
if (pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc) { RecalcTrackRect(pSBTrack); pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc = FALSE; }
ptHit.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); ptHit.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); fHit = PtInRect(&pSBTrack->rcTrack, ptHit);
if (fHit != (BOOL)pSBTrack->fHitOld) { zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(hwnd, pSBTrack, fHit, pSBTrack->cmdSB); // After zzz, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
cmsTimer = DTTIME/8;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_LBUTTONUP: xxxEndScroll(hwnd, FALSE); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: pSBTrack->hTimerSB = 0; cmsTimer = DTTIME;
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (fHit && fHit != (BOOL)pSBTrack->fHitOld) { //
// We moved back into the normal rectangle: reset timer
pSBTrack->hTimerSB = _SetSystemTimer(hwnd, IDSYS_SCROLL, cmsTimer, xxxContScroll);
// DoScroll does thread locking on these two pwnds -
// this is ok since they are not used after this
// call.
if (pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify != NULL) { psb->DoScroll( pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify, pSBTrack->cmdSB, 0, pSBTrack->fTrackVert); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
} }
break; }
// After xxxDoScroll or xxxEndScroll, revalidate pSBTrack
RETURN_IF_PSBTRACK_INVALID(pSBTrack, hwnd); pSBTrack->fHitOld = fHit; } } }
* _TrackThumb * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void CALLBACK _TrackThumb( HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, PSBCALC pSBCalc) { int px; CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd ); ASSERT(psb); PSBTRACK pSBTrack = psb->GetTrack(); POINT pt;
if (HIBYTE(message) != HIBYTE(WM_MOUSEFIRST)) return;
if (pSBTrack == NULL) return;
// Make sure that the SBINFO structure contains data for the
// window being tracked -- if not, recalculate data in SBINFO
// CheckScrollRecalc(hwnd, pSBState, pSBCalc);
if (pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc) { RecalcTrackRect(pSBTrack); pSBTrack->fTrackRecalc = FALSE; }
pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); if (!PtInRect(&pSBTrack->rcTrack, pt)) px = pSBCalc->pxStart; else { px = (pSBTrack->fTrackVert ? pt.y : pt.x) + pSBTrack->dpxThumb; if (px < pSBCalc->pxMin) px = pSBCalc->pxMin; else if (px >= pSBCalc->pxMin + pSBCalc->cpx) px = pSBCalc->pxMin + pSBCalc->cpx; }
xxxMoveThumb(hwnd, pSBCalc, px);
* We won't get the WM_LBUTTONUP message if we got here through * the scroll menu, so test the button state directly. */ if (message == WM_LBUTTONUP || GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) >= 0) { xxxEndScroll(hwnd, FALSE); }
* _ClientToWindow * History: \***************************************************************************/ BOOL _ClientToWindow( HWND hwnd, LPPOINT ppt ) { WINDOWINFO wi; wi.cbSize = sizeof(wi); if( GetWindowInfo( hwnd, &wi ) ) { ppt->x += (wi.rcClient.left - wi.rcWindow.left); ppt->y += (wi.rcClient.top - wi.rcWindow.top); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
* xxxSBTrackLoop * * * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void xxxSBTrackLoop( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam, PSBCALC pSBCalc) { MSG msg; UINT cmd; VOID (*pfnSB)(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM, PSBCALC); CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd ); PSBTRACK pSBTrack = psb->GetSBTrack(hwnd);
CheckLock(hwnd); ASSERT(IsWinEventNotifyDeferredOK());
if (pSBTrack == NULL) // mode cancelled -- exit track loop
return; pfnSB = pSBTrack->pfnSB; if (pfnSB == NULL) // mode cancelled -- exit track loop
if (pSBTrack->fTrackVert) SetWF(hwnd, WFVERTSCROLLTRACK);
NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_SYSTEM_SCROLLINGSTART, hwnd, (pSBTrack->fCtlSB ? OBJID_CLIENT : (pSBTrack->fTrackVert ? OBJID_VSCROLL : OBJID_HSCROLL)), INDEXID_CONTAINER); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
(*pfnSB)(hwnd, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, 0, lParam, pSBCalc); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
while (GetCapture() == hwnd) { if (!GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) { // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
break; }
if (!CallMsgFilter(&msg, MSGF_SCROLLBAR)) { BOOL bTrackMsg = FALSE; cmd = msg.message; lParam = msg.lParam;
if (msg.hwnd == HWq(hwnd)) { if( cmd >= WM_MOUSEFIRST && cmd <= WM_MOUSELAST ) { if( !psb->IsCtl() ) { POINT pt; pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(msg.lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(msg.lParam); _ClientToWindow( hwnd, &pt ); lParam = MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y); } bTrackMsg = TRUE; } else if( cmd >= WM_KEYFIRST && cmd <= WM_KEYLAST ) { cmd = _SysToChar(cmd, msg.lParam); bTrackMsg = TRUE; } }
if( bTrackMsg ) { // After NotifyWinEvent, pfnSB, TranslateMessage or
// DispatchMessage, re-evaluate pSBTrack.
REEVALUATE_PSBTRACK(pSBTrack, hwnd, "xxxTrackLoop"); if ((pSBTrack == NULL) || (NULL == (pfnSB = pSBTrack->pfnSB))) // mode cancelled -- exit track loop
(*pfnSB)(hwnd, cmd, msg.wParam, lParam, pSBCalc); } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } }
* _SBTrackInit * * History: \***************************************************************************/
void _SBTrackInit( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam, int curArea, UINT uType) { int px; LPINT pwX; LPINT pwY; UINT wDisable; // Scroll bar disable flags;
#ifdef PORTPORT // unneccessary dbgchk w/ port
if (CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd)) { RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "_SBTrackInit: CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd) == %#p", CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd)); return; } #endif PORTPORT
CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::Attach( hwnd, !curArea, TRUE );
if (!psb) { return; } CUxScrollBarCtl* psbCtl = psb->IsCtl() ? (CUxScrollBarCtl*)psb : NULL;
pSBTrack = psb->GetTrack(); if (pSBTrack == NULL) return;
pSBTrack->hTimerSB = 0; pSBTrack->fHitOld = FALSE;
pSBTrack->pfnSB = _TrackBox;
pSBTrack->hwndTrack = NULL; pSBTrack->hwndSB = NULL; pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify = NULL; Lock(&pSBTrack->hwndTrack, hwnd); // pSBTrack->hwndTrack = hwnd;
pSBTrack->fCtlSB = (!curArea); if (pSBTrack->fCtlSB) { /*
* This is a scroll bar control. */ ASSERT(psbCtl != NULL);
pSBTrack->hwndSB = hwnd; //Lock(&pSBTrack->hwndSB, hwnd);
pSBTrack->fTrackVert = psbCtl->_fVert; Lock(&pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify, GetParent(hwnd)); // pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify = GetParent( hwnd );
wDisable = psbCtl->_wDisableFlags; pSBCalc = &psbCtl->_calc; pSBTrack->nBar = SB_CTL; } else {
* This is a scroll bar that is part of the window frame. */ RECT rcWindow; GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rcWindow ); int x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); int y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam);
// Mirror the window coord of the scroll bar,
// if it is a mirrored one
if (TestWF(hwnd,WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { lParam = MAKELONG( rcWindow.right - x, y - rcWindow.top); } else { #endif
lParam = MAKELONG( x - rcWindow.left, y - rcWindow.top);
} #endif
Lock(&pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify, hwnd); // pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify = hwnd; //
Lock(&pSBTrack->hwndSB, NULL); // pSBTrack->hwndSB = NULL;
pSBTrack->fTrackVert = (curArea - HTHSCROLL); wDisable = _GetWndSBDisableFlags(hwnd, pSBTrack->fTrackVert); pSBCalc = &SBCalc; pSBTrack->nBar = (curArea - HTHSCROLL) ? SB_VERT : SB_HORZ; }
pSBTrack->pSBCalc = pSBCalc; /*
* Check if the whole scroll bar is disabled */ if((wDisable & SB_DISABLE_MASK) == SB_DISABLE_MASK) { CUxScrollBar::Detach( hwnd ); return; // It is a disabled scroll bar; So, do not respond.
if (!pSBTrack->fCtlSB) { psb->FreshenSBData( pSBTrack->nBar, FALSE ); CUxScrollBar::Calc(hwnd, pSBCalc, NULL, pSBTrack->fTrackVert); }
pwX = (LPINT)&rcSB; pwY = pwX + 1; if (!pSBTrack->fTrackVert) pwX = pwY--;
px = (pSBTrack->fTrackVert ? GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam) : GET_X_LPARAM(lParam));
*(pwX + 0) = pSBCalc->pxLeft; *(pwY + 0) = pSBCalc->pxTop; *(pwX + 2) = pSBCalc->pxRight; *(pwY + 2) = pSBCalc->pxBottom; pSBTrack->cmdSB = (UINT)-1; if (px < pSBCalc->pxUpArrow) {
* The click occurred on Left/Up arrow; Check if it is disabled */ if(wDisable & LTUPFLAG) { if(pSBTrack->fCtlSB) { // If this is a scroll bar control,
ShowCaret(pSBTrack->hwndSB); // show the caret before returning;
// After ShowCaret, revalidate pSBTrack
RETURN_IF_PSBTRACK_INVALID(pSBTrack, hwnd); } CUxScrollBar::Detach( hwnd ); return; // Yes! disabled. Do not respond.
// LINEUP -- make rcSB the Up Arrow's Rectangle
pSBTrack->cmdSB = SB_LINEUP; *(pwY + 2) = pSBCalc->pxUpArrow; } else if (px >= pSBCalc->pxDownArrow) {
* The click occurred on Right/Down arrow; Check if it is disabled */ if (wDisable & RTDNFLAG) { if (pSBTrack->fCtlSB) { // If this is a scroll bar control,
ShowCaret(pSBTrack->hwndSB); // show the caret before returning;
// After ShowCaret, revalidate pSBTrack
CUxScrollBar::Detach( hwnd ); return;// Yes! disabled. Do not respond.
// LINEDOWN -- make rcSB the Down Arrow's Rectangle
pSBTrack->cmdSB = SB_LINEDOWN; *(pwY + 0) = pSBCalc->pxDownArrow; } else if (px < pSBCalc->pxThumbTop) { // PAGEUP -- make rcSB the rectangle between Up Arrow and Thumb
pSBTrack->cmdSB = SB_PAGEUP; *(pwY + 0) = pSBCalc->pxUpArrow; *(pwY + 2) = pSBCalc->pxThumbTop; } else if (px < pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom) {
DoThumbPos: /*
* Elevator isn't there if there's no room. */ if (pSBCalc->pxDownArrow - pSBCalc->pxUpArrow <= pSBCalc->cpxThumb) { CUxScrollBar::Detach( hwnd ); return; } // THUMBPOSITION -- we're tracking with the thumb
pSBTrack->cmdSB = SB_THUMBPOSITION; CalcTrackDragRect(pSBTrack);
pSBTrack->pfnSB = _TrackThumb; pSBTrack->pxOld = pSBCalc->pxStart = pSBCalc->pxThumbTop; pSBTrack->posNew = pSBTrack->posOld = pSBCalc->data.pos; pSBTrack->dpxThumb = pSBCalc->pxStart - px;
SetCapture( hwnd ); //xxxCapture(PtiCurrent(), hwnd, WINDOW_CAPTURE);
// After xxxCapture, revalidate pSBTrack
* DoScroll does thread locking on these two pwnds - * this is ok since they are not used after this * call. */ if (pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify != NULL) { psb->DoScroll( pSBTrack->hwndSBNotify, SB_THUMBTRACK, pSBTrack->posOld, pSBTrack->fTrackVert ); // Note: after xxx, pSBTrack may no longer be valid
} } else if (px < pSBCalc->pxDownArrow) { // PAGEDOWN -- make rcSB the rectangle between Thumb and Down Arrow
pSBTrack->cmdSB = SB_PAGEDOWN; *(pwY + 0) = pSBCalc->pxThumbBottom; *(pwY + 2) = pSBCalc->pxDownArrow; }
* If the shift key is down, we'll position the thumb directly so it's * centered on the click point. */ if ((uType == SCROLL_DIRECT && pSBTrack->cmdSB != SB_LINEUP && pSBTrack->cmdSB != SB_LINEDOWN) || (uType == SCROLL_MENU)) { if (pSBTrack->cmdSB != SB_THUMBPOSITION) { goto DoThumbPos; } pSBTrack->dpxThumb = -(pSBCalc->cpxThumb / 2); }
SetCapture( hwnd ); // xxxCapture(PtiCurrent(), hwnd, WINDOW_CAPTURE);
// After xxxCapture, revalidate pSBTrack
if (pSBTrack->cmdSB != SB_THUMBPOSITION) { CopyRect(&pSBTrack->rcTrack, &rcSB); }
xxxSBTrackLoop(hwnd, lParam, pSBCalc);
// After xxx, re-evaluate pSBTrack
REEVALUATE_PSBTRACK(pSBTrack, hwnd, "xxxTrackLoop"); if (pSBTrack) { CUxScrollBar::ClearSBTrack( hwnd ); } }
* HandleScrollCmd * * History: added to support and encap SB tracking initialization originating * from WM_SYSCOMMAND::SC_VSCROLL/SC_HSCROLL [scotthan] \***************************************************************************/ void WINAPI HandleScrollCmd( HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { UINT uArea = (UINT)(wParam & 0x0F); _SBTrackInit( hwnd, lParam, uArea, (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) ? SCROLL_DIRECT : SCROLL_NORMAL); }
HMENU ScrollBar_GetMenu(HWND hwnd, BOOL fVert) { static HMODULE hModUser = NULL; HMENU hMenu = NULL;
if ( !hModUser ) { hModUser = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("user32")); }
#define ID_HSCROLLMENU 0x40
#define ID_VSCROLLMENU 0x50
if ( hModUser ) { hMenu = LoadMenu(hModUser, MAKEINTRESOURCE((fVert ? ID_VSCROLLMENU : ID_HSCROLLMENU))); if ( hMenu ) { hMenu = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 0); } }
return hMenu; }
VOID ScrollBar_Menu(HWND hwndNotify, HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fVert) { CUxScrollBar* psb = CUxScrollBar::FromHwnd( hwnd ); CUxScrollBarCtl* psbCtl = CUxScrollBarCtl::FromHwnd( hwnd ); BOOL fCtl = (psbCtl != NULL);
if ( psb || psbCtl ) { UINT wDisable; RECT rcWindow; POINT pt;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rcWindow);
POINTSTOPOINT(pt, lParam); if ( TestWF(hwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL) && !fVert ) { MIRROR_POINT(rcWindow, pt); } pt.x -= rcWindow.left; pt.y -= rcWindow.top;
if ( fCtl ) { wDisable = psbCtl->_wDisableFlags; } else { wDisable = _GetWndSBDisableFlags(hwndNotify, fVert); }
// Make sure the scrollbar isn't disabled.
if ( (wDisable & SB_DISABLE_MASK) != SB_DISABLE_MASK) { HMENU hMenu = ScrollBar_GetMenu(hwndNotify, fVert);
// Put up a menu and scroll accordingly.
if (hMenu != NULL) { int iCmd;
iCmd = TrackPopupMenuEx(hMenu, TPM_RIGHTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD | TPM_NONOTIFY, GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam), hwndNotify, NULL);
if (iCmd) { if ((iCmd & 0x00FF) == SB_THUMBPOSITION) { if ( fCtl ) { _SBTrackInit(hwnd, MAKELPARAM(pt.x, pt.y), 0, SCROLL_MENU); } else { _SBTrackInit(hwndNotify, lParam, fVert ? HTVSCROLL : HTHSCROLL, SCROLL_MENU); } } else { xxxDoScroll(hwnd, hwndNotify, (iCmd & 0x00FF), 0, fVert); xxxDoScroll(hwnd, hwndNotify, SB_ENDSCROLL, 0, fVert); } } } } } }
LRESULT CUxScrollBarCtl::WndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { LONG l; LONG lres = 0; int cx, cy; UINT cmd; UINT uSide; HDC hdc; RECT rc; POINT pt; BOOL fSizeReal; HBRUSH hbrSave; BOOL fSize; PAINTSTRUCT ps; DWORD dwStyle; SCROLLINFO si; LPSCROLLINFO lpsi = &si; BOOL fRedraw = FALSE; BOOL fScroll; CUxScrollBarCtl* psb = CUxScrollBarCtl::FromHwnd( hwnd ); if (!psb && uMsg != WM_NCCREATE) { goto CallDWP; }
CheckLock(hwnd); ASSERT(IsWinEventNotifyDeferredOK());
dwStyle = GetWindowStyle(hwnd); fSize = (((LOBYTE(dwStyle)) & (SBS_SIZEBOX | SBS_SIZEGRIP)) != 0);
switch (uMsg) { case WM_NCCREATE: if( NULL == psb ) { psb = (CUxScrollBarCtl*)CUxScrollBar::Attach( hwnd, TRUE, FALSE ); }
goto CallDWP; case WM_NCDESTROY: CUxScrollBar::Detach(hwnd); psb = NULL; goto CallDWP;
case WM_CREATE: /*
* Guard against lParam being NULL since the thunk allows it [51986] */
if (lParam) { rc.right = (rc.left = ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->x) + ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->cx; rc.bottom = (rc.top = ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->y) + ((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->cy; // This is because we can't just rev CardFile -- we should fix the
// problem here in case anyone else happened to have some EXTRA
// scroll styles on their scroll bar controls (jeffbog 03/21/94)
if (!TestWF((HWND)hwnd, WFWIN40COMPAT)) dwStyle &= ~(WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL);
if (!fSize) { l = PtrToLong(((LPCREATESTRUCT)lParam)->lpCreateParams); psb->_calc.data.pos = psb->_calc.data.posMin = LOWORD(l); psb->_calc.data.posMax = HIWORD(l); psb->_fVert = ((LOBYTE(dwStyle) & SBS_VERT) != 0); psb->_calc.data.page = 0; }
if (dwStyle & WS_DISABLED) psb->_wDisableFlags = SB_DISABLE_MASK;
if (LOBYTE(dwStyle) & (SBS_TOPALIGN | SBS_BOTTOMALIGN)) { if (fSize) { if (LOBYTE(dwStyle) & SBS_SIZEBOXBOTTOMRIGHTALIGN) { rc.left = rc.right - SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); rc.top = rc.bottom - SYSMET(CYHSCROLL); }
rc.right = rc.left + SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); rc.bottom = rc.top + SYSMET(CYHSCROLL); } else { if (LOBYTE(dwStyle) & SBS_VERT) { if (LOBYTE(dwStyle) & SBS_LEFTALIGN) rc.right = rc.left + SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); else rc.left = rc.right - SYSMET(CXVSCROLL); } else { if (LOBYTE(dwStyle) & SBS_TOPALIGN) rc.bottom = rc.top + SYSMET(CYHSCROLL); else rc.top = rc.bottom - SYSMET(CYHSCROLL); } }
MoveWindow((HWND)hwnd, rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, FALSE); } } /* if */
else { RIPERR0(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, RIP_WARNING, "UxScrollBarCtlWndProc - NULL lParam for WM_CREATE\n") ; } /* else */
case WM_SIZE: if (GetFocus() != (HWND)hwnd) break;
// scroll bar has the focus -- recalc it's thumb caret size
// no need to DeferWinEventNotify() - see CreateCaret below.
// | |
// | FALL THRU |
// V V
case WM_SETFOCUS: { // REVIEW (phellyar) Do we want themed scroll bars to have
// a caret?
if ( !psb->GetTheme() ) { SBCtlSetup(hwnd); RECT rcWindow; GetWindowRect( hwnd, &rcWindow );
cx = (psb->_fVert ? rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left : psb->_calc.cpxThumb) - 2 * SYSMET(CXEDGE); cy = (psb->_fVert ? psb->_calc.cpxThumb : rcWindow.bottom - rcWindow.top) - 2 * SYSMET(CYEDGE); #ifdef _VISUAL_DELTA_
CreateCaret((HWND)hwnd, (HBITMAP)1, cx, cy); zzzSetSBCaretPos(hwnd); ShowCaret((HWND)hwnd); } break; }
case WM_KILLFOCUS: DestroyCaret(); break;
* Do nothing, but don't let DefWndProc() do it either. * It will be erased when its painted. */ return (LONG)TRUE;
case WM_PRINTCLIENT: case WM_PAINT: if ((hdc = (HDC)wParam) == NULL) { hdc = BeginPaint((HWND)hwnd, (LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps); } if (!fSize) { SBCtlSetup(hwnd); xxxDrawSB2((HWND)hwnd, &psb->_calc, hdc, psb->_fVert, psb->_wDisableFlags); } else { fSizeReal = TestWF((HWND)hwnd, WFSIZEBOX); if (!fSizeReal) SetWF((HWND)hwnd, WFSIZEBOX);
_DrawSizeBoxFromFrame((HWND)hwnd, hdc, 0, 0);
if (!fSizeReal) ClrWF((HWND)hwnd, WFSIZEBOX); }
if (wParam == 0L) EndPaint((HWND)hwnd, (LPPAINTSTRUCT)&ps); break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { HWND hwndParent = GetParent(hwnd); if (hwndParent) { ScrollBar_Menu(hwndParent, hwnd, lParam, psb->_fVert); } break;
* If the scroll bar is RTL mirrored, then * mirror the hittest of the grip location. */ if (TestWF((HWND)hwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL)) return HTBOTTOMLEFT; else #endif
return HTBOTTOMRIGHT; } else { goto CallDWP; } break;
case WM_MOUSELEAVE: //xxxHotTrackSBCtl(hwnd, 0, FALSE);
psb->SetHotComponent(HTNOWHERE, psb->_fVert); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); break;
case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { INT ht;
if (psb->GetHotComponent(psb->_fVert) == 0) { TRACKMOUSEEVENT tme;
tme.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); tme.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; tme.hwndTrack = hwnd; tme.dwHoverTime = 0;
TrackMouseEvent(&tme); }
pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); ht = HitTestScrollBar((HWND)hwnd, psb->_fVert, pt); if (psb->GetHotComponent(psb->_fVert) != ht) { //xxxHotTrackSBCtl(hwnd, ht, TRUE);
psb->SetHotComponent(ht, psb->_fVert); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE); } break;
} case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: cmd = SC_ZOOM; if (fSize) goto postmsg;
*** FALL THRU ** */
// Note that SBS_SIZEGRIP guys normally won't ever see button
// downs. This is because they return HTBOTTOMRIGHT to
// WindowHitTest handling. This will walk up the parent chain
// to the first sizeable ancestor, bailing out at caption windows
// of course. That dude, if he exists, will handle the sizing
// instead.
if (!fSize) { if (TestWF((HWND)hwnd, WFTABSTOP)) { SetFocus((HWND)hwnd); }
HideCaret((HWND)hwnd); SBCtlSetup(hwnd);
* SBCtlSetup enters SEM_SB, and _SBTrackInit leaves it. */ _SBTrackInit((HWND)hwnd, lParam, 0, (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0) ? SCROLL_DIRECT : SCROLL_NORMAL); break; } else { cmd = SC_SIZE; postmsg: pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lParam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam); ClientToScreen((HWND)hwnd, &pt); lParam = MAKELONG(pt.x, pt.y);
* convert HT value into a move value. This is bad, * but this is purely temporary. */ #ifdef USE_MIRRORING
if (TestWF(GetParent(hwnd),WEFLAYOUTRTL)) { uSide = HTBOTTOMLEFT; } else #endif
{ uSide = HTBOTTOMRIGHT; } ThreadLock(((HWND)hwnd)->hwndParent, &tlpwndParent); SendMessage(GetParent(hwnd), WM_SYSCOMMAND, (cmd | (uSide - HTSIZEFIRST + 1)), lParam); ThreadUnlock(&tlpwndParent); } break;
case WM_KEYUP: switch (wParam) { case VK_HOME: case VK_END: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_NEXT: case VK_LEFT: case VK_UP: case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN:
* Send end scroll uMsg when user up clicks on keyboard * scrolling. * * DoScroll does thread locking on these two pwnds - * this is ok since they are not used after this * call. */ xxxDoScroll( (HWND)hwnd, GetParent(hwnd), SB_ENDSCROLL, 0, psb->_fVert ); break;
default: break; } break;
case WM_KEYDOWN: switch (wParam) { case VK_HOME: wParam = SB_TOP; goto KeyScroll;
case VK_END: wParam = SB_BOTTOM; goto KeyScroll;
case VK_PRIOR: wParam = SB_PAGEUP; goto KeyScroll;
case VK_NEXT: wParam = SB_PAGEDOWN; goto KeyScroll;
case VK_LEFT: case VK_UP: wParam = SB_LINEUP; goto KeyScroll;
case VK_RIGHT: case VK_DOWN: wParam = SB_LINEDOWN; KeyScroll:
* DoScroll does thread locking on these two pwnds - * this is ok since they are not used after this * call. */ xxxDoScroll((HWND)hwnd, GetParent(hwnd), (int)wParam, 0, psb->_fVert ); break;
default: break; } break;
case WM_ENABLE: return SendMessage((HWND)hwnd, SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS, (wParam ? ESB_ENABLE_BOTH : ESB_DISABLE_BOTH), 0);
* This is used to enable/disable the arrows in a SB ctrl */ return (LONG)xxxEnableSBCtlArrows((HWND)hwnd, (UINT)wParam);
case SBM_GETPOS: return (LONG)psb->_calc.data.pos;
case SBM_GETRANGE: *((LPINT)wParam) = psb->_calc.data.posMin; *((LPINT)lParam) = psb->_calc.data.posMax; return MAKELRESULT(LOWORD(psb->_calc.data.posMin), LOWORD(psb->_calc.data.posMax));
case SBM_GETSCROLLINFO: return (LONG)_SBGetParms((HWND)hwnd, SB_CTL, (PSBDATA)&psb->_calc, (LPSCROLLINFO) lParam);
case SBM_SETRANGE: // Save the old values of Min and Max for return value
si.cbSize = sizeof(si); // si.nMin = LOWORD(lParam);
// si.nMax = HIWORD(lParam);
si.nMin = (int)wParam; si.nMax = (int)lParam; si.fMask = SIF_RANGE | SIF_RETURNOLDPOS; goto SetInfo;
case SBM_SETPOS: fRedraw = (BOOL) lParam; si.cbSize = sizeof(si); si.fMask = SIF_POS | SIF_RETURNOLDPOS; si.nPos = (int)wParam; goto SetInfo;
case SBM_SETSCROLLINFO: { lpsi = (LPSCROLLINFO) lParam; fRedraw = (BOOL) wParam; SetInfo: fScroll = TRUE; lres = SBSetParms((PSBDATA)&psb->_calc, lpsi, &fScroll, &lres);
if (SBSetParms((PSBDATA)&psb->_calc, lpsi, &fScroll, &lres)) { NotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_VALUECHANGE, hwnd, OBJID_CLIENT, INDEX_SCROLLBAR_SELF); }
if (!fRedraw) return lres;
* We must set the new position of the caret irrespective of * whether the window is visible or not; * Still, this will work only if the app has done a xxxSetScrollPos * with fRedraw = TRUE; * Fix for Bug #5188 --SANKAR-- 10-15-89 * No need to DeferWinEventNotify since hwnd is locked. */ HideCaret((HWND)hwnd); SBCtlSetup(hwnd); zzzSetSBCaretPos(hwnd);
** The following ShowCaret() must be done after the DrawThumb2(), ** otherwise this caret will be erased by DrawThumb2() resulting ** in this bug: ** Fix for Bug #9263 --SANKAR-- 02-09-90 * */
*********** ShowCaret((HWND)hwnd); ****** */
if (_FChildVisible((HWND)hwnd) && fRedraw) { UINT wDisable; HBRUSH hbrUse;
if (!fScroll) fScroll = !(lpsi->fMask & SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL);
wDisable = (fScroll) ? ESB_ENABLE_BOTH : ESB_DISABLE_BOTH; xxxEnableScrollBar((HWND) hwnd, SB_CTL, wDisable);
hdc = GetWindowDC((HWND)hwnd); if (hdc) { BOOL fOwnerBrush = FALSE;
hbrUse = ScrollBar_GetColorObjects(hwnd, hdc, &fOwnerBrush); hbrSave = SelectBrush(hdc, hbrUse);
// Before we used to only hideshowthumb() if the mesage was
// not SBM_SETPOS. I am not sure why but this case was ever
// needed for win 3.x but on NT it resulted in trashing the border
// of the scrollbar when the app called SetScrollPos() during
// scrollbar tracking. - mikehar 8/26
DrawThumb2((HWND)hwnd, &psb->_calc, hdc, hbrUse, psb->_fVert, psb->_wDisableFlags, fOwnerBrush); SelectBrush(hdc, hbrSave); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } }
* This ShowCaret() has been moved to this place from above * Fix for Bug #9263 --SANKAR-- 02-09-90 */ ShowCaret((HWND)hwnd); return lres; }
psb->ChangeSBTheme(); InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
CallDWP: return DefWindowProc((HWND)hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
return 0L; }
// Globals
static HBRUSH g_hbrGray = NULL;
HBRUSH _UxGrayBrush(VOID) { if( NULL == g_hbrGray ) { CONST static WORD patGray[8] = {0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa}; HBITMAP hbmGray; /*
* Create a gray brush to be used with GrayString */ if( (hbmGray = CreateBitmap(8, 8, 1, 1, (LPBYTE)patGray)) != NULL ) { g_hbrGray = CreatePatternBrush(hbmGray); DeleteObject( hbmGray ); } } return g_hbrGray; }
void _UxFreeGDIResources() { DeleteObject( g_hbrGray ); }
void _RedrawFrame( HWND hwnd ) { CheckLock(hwnd);
* We always want to call xxxSetWindowPos, even if invisible or iconic, * because we need to make sure the WM_NCCALCSIZE message gets sent. */ SetWindowPos( hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_DRAWFRAME); }
// from winmgr.c
BOOL _FChildVisible( HWND hwnd ) { while (GetWindowStyle( hwnd ) & WS_CHILD ) { if( NULL == (hwnd = GetParent(hwnd)) ) if (!TestWF(hwnd, WFVISIBLE)) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// SizeBoxHwnd
// Returns the HWND that will be sized if the user drags in the given window's
// sizebox -- If NULL, then the sizebox is not needed
// Criteria for choosing what window will be sized:
// find first sizeable parent; if that parent is not maximized and the child's
// bottom, right corner is within a scroll bar height and width of the parent's
HWND SizeBoxHwnd(HWND hwnd) { BOOL bMirroredSizeBox = (BOOL)TestWF(hwnd, WEFLAYOUTRTL); RECT rc; int xbrChild; int ybrChild;
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc); xbrChild = bMirroredSizeBox ? rc.left : rc.right; ybrChild = rc.bottom;
while (hwnd != HWND_DESKTOP) { if (TestWF(hwnd, WFSIZEBOX)) { //
// First sizeable parent found
int xbrParent; int ybrParent;
if (TestWF(hwnd, WFMAXIMIZED)) { return NULL; }
GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rc);
xbrParent = bMirroredSizeBox ? rc.left : rc.right; ybrParent = rc.bottom;
// the sizebox dude is within an EDGE of the client's bottom
// right corner (left corner for mirrored windows), let this succeed.
// That way people who draw their own sunken clients will be happy.
if (bMirroredSizeBox) { if ((xbrChild - SYSMETRTL(CXFRAME) > xbrParent) || (ybrChild + SYSMETRTL(CYFRAME) < ybrParent)) { //
// Child's bottom, left corner of SIZEBOX isn't close enough
// to bottom left of parent's client.
return NULL; } } else { if ((xbrChild + SYSMETRTL(CXFRAME) < xbrParent) || (ybrChild + SYSMETRTL(CYFRAME) < ybrParent)) { //
// Child's bottom, right corner of SIZEBOX isn't close enough
// to bottom right of parent's client.
return NULL; } }
return hwnd; }
if (!TestWF(hwnd, WFCHILD) || TestWF(hwnd, WFCPRESENT)) { break; }
hwnd = GetParent(hwnd); }
return NULL; }
// _DrawPushButton
// From ntuser\rtl\draw.c
// Draws a push style button in the given state. Adjusts passed in rectangle
// if desired.
// Algorithm:
// Depending on the state we either draw
// - raised edge (undepressed)
// - sunken edge with extra shadow (depressed)
// If it is an option push button (a push button that is
// really a check button or a radio button like buttons
// in tool bars), and it is checked, then we draw it
// depressed with a different fill in the middle.
VOID _DrawPushButton(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, UINT state, UINT flags, BOOL fVert) { RECT rc; HBRUSH hbrMiddle; DWORD rgbBack = 0; DWORD rgbFore = 0; BOOL fDither; HTHEME hTheme = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTheme(hwnd);
if ( !hTheme ) { rc = *lprc;
DrawEdge(hdc, &rc, (state & (DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_CHECKED)) ? EDGE_SUNKEN : EDGE_RAISED, (UINT)(BF_ADJUST | BF_RECT | (flags & (BF_SOFT | BF_FLAT | BF_MONO))));
// On monochrome, need to do something to make pushed buttons look
// better.
// Fill in middle. If checked, use dither brush (gray brush) with
// black becoming normal color.
fDither = FALSE;
if (state & DFCS_CHECKED) { if ((GetDeviceCaps(hdc, BITSPIXEL) /*gpsi->BitCount*/ < 8) || (SYSRGBRTL(3DHILIGHT) == RGB(255,255,255))) { hbrMiddle = _UxGrayBrush(); rgbBack = SetBkColor(hdc, SYSRGBRTL(3DHILIGHT)); rgbFore = SetTextColor(hdc, SYSRGBRTL(3DFACE)); fDither = TRUE; } else { hbrMiddle = SYSHBR(3DHILIGHT); }
} else { hbrMiddle = SYSHBR(3DFACE); }
FillRect(hdc, &rc, hbrMiddle);
if (fDither) { SetBkColor(hdc, rgbBack); SetTextColor(hdc, rgbFore); }
if (flags & BF_ADJUST) { *lprc = rc; } } else { INT iStateId; INT iPartId; SIZE sizeGrip; RECT rcContent; PSBTRACK pSBTrack = CUxScrollBar::GetSBTrack(hwnd);
if ((CUxScrollBarCtl::GetDisableFlags(hwnd) & ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) == ESB_DISABLE_BOTH) { iStateId = SCRBS_DISABLED; } else if (pSBTrack && ((BOOL)pSBTrack->fTrackVert == fVert) && (pSBTrack->cmdSB == SB_THUMBPOSITION)) { iStateId = SCRBS_PRESSED; } else if (CUxScrollBar::GetSBHotComponent(hwnd, fVert) == HTSCROLLTHUMB) { iStateId = SCRBS_HOT; } else { iStateId = SCRBS_NORMAL; }
// Draw the thumb
DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, iPartId, iStateId, lprc, 0); //
// Lastly draw the little gripper image, if there is enough room
if ( SUCCEEDED(GetThemeBackgroundContentRect(hTheme, hdc, iPartId, iStateId, lprc, &rcContent)) ) { iPartId = fVert ? SBP_GRIPPERVERT : SBP_GRIPPERHORZ;
if ( SUCCEEDED(GetThemePartSize(hTheme, hdc, iPartId, iStateId, &rcContent, TS_TRUE, &sizeGrip)) ) { if ( (sizeGrip.cx < RECTWIDTH(&rcContent)) && (sizeGrip.cy < RECTHEIGHT(&rcContent)) ) { DrawThemeBackground(hTheme, hdc, iPartId, iStateId, &rcContent, 0); } } } } }
// user.h
#define CheckMsgFilter(wMsg, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax) \
( ((wMsgFilterMin) == 0 && (wMsgFilterMax) == 0xFFFFFFFF) \ || ( ((wMsgFilterMin) > (wMsgFilterMax)) \ ? (((wMsg) < (wMsgFilterMax)) || ((wMsg) > (wMsgFilterMin))) \ : (((wMsg) >= (wMsgFilterMin)) && ((wMsg) <= (wMsgFilterMax)))))
#define SYS_ALTERNATE 0x2000
#define SYS_PREVKEYSTATE 0x4000
// mnaccel.h
* _SysToChar * * EXIT: If the message was not made with the ALT key down, convert * the message from a WM_SYSKEY* to a WM_KEY* message. * * IMPLEMENTATION: * The 0x2000 bit in the hi word of lParam is set if the key was * made with the ALT key down. * * History: * 11/30/90 JimA Ported. \***************************************************************************/
UINT _SysToChar( UINT message, LPARAM lParam) { if (CheckMsgFilter(message, WM_SYSKEYDOWN, WM_SYSDEADCHAR) && !(HIWORD(lParam) & SYS_ALTERNATE)) return (message - (WM_SYSKEYDOWN - WM_KEYDOWN));
return message; }