Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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112 lines
4.0 KiB

  1. @echo off
  2. Rem #########################################################################
  3. Rem
  4. Rem WXG �̃C���X�g�[�������Ă����p�X���擾���܂��B
  5. Rem
  6. ..\ACRegL %Temp%\wxg.Cmd WXG_Path "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WXGIME.IME" "wxgdir" ""
  7. If Not ErrorLevel 1 Goto Cont0
  8. Echo.
  9. Echo ���W�X�g������ WXG �̃C���X�g�[�������Ă����p�X���擾�ł��܂����ł����B
  10. Echo WXG ���C���X�g�[�������Ă��邱�Ƃ��m�F���Ă��������B
  11. Echo.
  12. Pause
  13. Goto Done
  14. :Cont0
  15. Call %Temp%\wxg.Cmd
  16. Del %Temp%\wxg.Cmd >Nul: 2>&1
  17. Rem #########################################################################
  18. Rem
  19. Rem �����t�@�C���̃C���X�g�[�������Ă����p�X���擾���܂��B
  20. Rem
  21. ..\ACRegL %Temp%\wxg.Cmd DIC_Path "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\WXGIME.IME" "dicdir" ""
  22. If Not ErrorLevel 1 Goto Cont1
  23. Echo.
  24. Echo ���W�X�g������ WXG �̃C���X�g�[�������Ă����p�X���擾�ł��܂����ł����B
  25. Echo WXG ���C���X�g�[�������Ă��邱�Ƃ��m�F���Ă��������B
  26. Echo.
  27. Pause
  28. Goto Done
  29. :Cont1
  30. Call %Temp%\wxg.Cmd
  31. Del %Temp%\wxg.Cmd >Nul: 2>&1
  32. Rem #########################################################################
  33. Rem
  34. Rem ���[�U�[�̃z�[�� �f�B���N�g���ɃA�v���P�[�V�����ŗL�̃f�[�^
  35. Rem �̃f�B���N�g�����쐬���܂��B
  36. Rem
  37. call TsMkUDir "%RootDrive%\WXG"
  38. Rem #########################################################################
  39. Rem
  40. Rem ���[�U�[�̃z�[�� �f�B���N�g���Ɏ����Z�b�g�t�@�C�����R�s�[���܂��B
  41. Rem
  42. if exist %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgu.gdj goto Skip1
  43. if exist "%DIC_Path%"\wxgu.gdj copy "%DIC_Path%"\wxgu.gdj %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgu.gdj
  44. :Skip1
  45. if exist %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgurev.gdj goto skip2
  46. if exist "%DIC_Path%"\wxgurev.gdj copy "%DIC_Path%"\wxgurev.gdj %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgurev.gdj
  47. :skip2
  48. if exist %RootDrive%\WXG\wxg.gds goto skip3
  49. if exist "%DIC_Path%"\wxg.gds copy "%DIC_Path%"\wxg.gds %RootDrive%\WXG\wxg.gds
  50. :skip3
  51. if exist %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgrev.gds goto skip4
  52. if exist "%DIC_Path%"\wxgrev.gds copy "%DIC_Path%"\wxgrev.gds %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgrev.gds
  53. :skip4
  54. if exist %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgsei.gds goto skip5
  55. if exist "%DIC_Path%"\wxgsei.gds copy "%DIC_Path%"\wxgsei.gds %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgsei.gds
  56. :skip5
  57. if exist %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgurl.gds goto skip6
  58. if exist "%DIC_Path%"\wxgurl.gds copy "%DIC_Path%"\wxgurl.gds %RootDrive%\WXG\wxgurl.gds
  59. :skip6
  60. if exist "%WXG_Path%"\"%USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%%.gst" goto skip7
  61. if exist "%WXG_Path%"\wxg2.gst copy "%WXG_Path%"\wxg2.gst "%WXG_Path%"\"%USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%.gst"
  62. if exist "%WXG_Path%"\wxg3.gst copy "%WXG_Path%"\wxg3.gst "%WXG_Path%"\"%USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%.gst"
  63. if exist "%WXG_Path%"\wxg4.gst copy "%WXG_Path%"\wxg4.gst "%WXG_Path%"\"%USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%.gst"
  64. Rem #########################################################################
  65. Rem
  66. Rem �X�^�C�� �t�@�C���̃A�N�Z�X�����t�� �R���g���[���ɕύX���܂��B
  67. Rem
  68. cacls "%WXG_Path%"\%USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%.gst /E /P %userdomain%\%username%:F > Nul: 2>&1
  69. :skip7
  70. Rem #########################################################################
  71. Rem
  72. Rem ���W�X�g�� �L�[���ύX���āA�p�X�����[�U�[�ŗL�̃f�B���N�g��
  73. Rem ���w�������悤�ɂ��܂��B
  74. Rem
  75. if exist %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key goto skip8
  76. copy "%systemroot%\Application Compatibility Scripts\logon\Template\wxgusr.key" %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key > nul:
  77. echo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Aisoft\WXG\Dic set>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  78. echo Current file = %RootDrive%\WXG\Wxg.gds>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  79. echo file0 = %RootDrive%\WXG\Wxg.gds>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  80. echo file1 = %RootDrive%\WXG\Wxgsei.gds>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  81. echo file2 = %RootDrive%\WXG\Wxgurl.gds>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  82. echo file4 = %RootDrive%\WXG\Wxgrev.gds>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  83. echo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Aisoft\WXG\Revdic set>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  84. echo Current file = %RootDrive%\WXG\Wxgrev.gds>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  85. echo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Aisoft\WXG\Style\%USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  86. echo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Aisoft\WXG>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  87. echo Style = %USERDOMAIN%%USERNAME%>> %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key
  88. regini %RootDrive%\wxg\wxgusr.key > nul:
  89. :skip8
  90. :Done