//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <prsht.h>
#include "todlg.h"
#include "resource.h"
TOKTABLE tokday[ 4 ] = { { NULL , IDS_D }, { NULL , IDS_DAY }, { NULL , IDS_DAYS }, { NULL , ( DWORD )-1 } };
TOKTABLE tokhour[ 6 ] = { { NULL , IDS_H }, { NULL , IDS_HR }, { NULL , IDS_HRS }, { NULL , IDS_HOUR }, { NULL , IDS_HOURS }, { NULL , ( DWORD )-1 } };
TOKTABLE tokmin[ 5 ] = { { NULL , IDS_M }, { NULL , IDS_MIN }, { NULL , IDS_MINUTE }, { NULL , IDS_MINUTES }, { NULL , ( DWORD )-1 } };
TCHAR * GetNextToken( TCHAR *pszString , TCHAR *tchToken );
// CTimeOutDlg::ctor
CTimeOutDlg::CTimeOutDlg( ) { ZeroMemory( &m_cbxst , sizeof( CBXSTATE ) * 3 ); }
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::InitControl( HWND hCtrl ) { int i = GetCBXSTATEindex( hCtrl );
m_cbxst[ i ].icbxSel = ( int )SendMessage( hCtrl , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 );
return TRUE; }
// release the parent reference
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::ReleaseAbbreviates( ) { xxxUnLoadAbbreviate( &tokday[0] );
xxxUnLoadAbbreviate( &tokhour[0] );
xxxUnLoadAbbreviate( &tokmin[0] );
return TRUE; }
// OnCommand
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::OnCommand( WORD wNotifyCode , WORD wID , HWND hwndCtl , PBOOL pfPersisted ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( wID );
switch( wNotifyCode ) {
if( OnCBEditChange( hwndCtl ) ) { *pfPersisted = FALSE; }
if( OnCBNSELCHANGE( hwndCtl ) ) { *pfPersisted = FALSE; }
//case BN_CLICKED:
OnCBDropDown( hwndCtl );
//return FALSE;
SendMessage( GetParent( hwndCtl ) , PSM_CANCELTOCLOSE , 0 , 0 );
return FALSE; */
// m_bPersisted = FALSE;
if( bChange ) { SendMessage( GetParent( GetParent( hwndCtl ) ) , PSM_CHANGED , ( WPARAM )GetParent( hwndCtl ) , 0 ); } */
return FALSE;
// Update the entry if it has been modified by user
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::OnCBDropDown( HWND hCombo ) { TCHAR tchBuffer[ 80 ];
ULONG ulTime;
int i = GetCBXSTATEindex( hCombo );
if( i < 0 ) { return FALSE; }
if( m_cbxst[ i ].bEdit ) { GetWindowText( hCombo , tchBuffer , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchBuffer ) );
if( ParseDurationEntry( tchBuffer , &ulTime ) == E_SUCCESS ) { InsertSortedAndSetCurSel( hCombo , ulTime ); }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Use this flag to distinguish between hand entry or listbox selection
// setting it to true implies that the use has edit the cbx via typing
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::OnCBEditChange( HWND hCombo ) { int i = GetCBXSTATEindex( hCombo );
if( i > -1 ) { m_cbxst[ i ].bEdit = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Determine if user wants to enter a custom time
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::OnCBNSELCHANGE( HWND hwnd ) { return SaveChangedSelection( hwnd ); }
// Saves selected item.
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::SaveChangedSelection( HWND hCombo ) { INT_PTR idx = SendMessage( hCombo , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 );
int i = GetCBXSTATEindex( hCombo );
if( i > -1 ) { if( m_cbxst[ i ].icbxSel != idx ) { m_cbxst[ i ].icbxSel = ( int )idx;
m_cbxst[ i ].bEdit = FALSE;
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Restore previous setting
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::RestorePreviousValue( HWND hwnd ) { int iSel;
if( ( iSel = GetCBXSTATEindex( hwnd ) ) > -1 ) { SendMessage( hwnd , CB_SETCURSEL , m_cbxst[ iSel ].icbxSel , 0 );
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// ConvertToMinutes -- helper for CTimeOutDlg::OnNotify
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::ConvertToMinutes( HWND hwndCtl , PULONG pulMinutes ) { TCHAR tchBuffer[ 80 ];
TCHAR tchErrTitle[ 80 ];
TCHAR tchErrMsg[ 256 ];
TCHAR tchSetting[ 80 ];
int idx = GetCBXSTATEindex( hwndCtl );
if( idx < 0 ) { return FALSE; }
ASSERT( idx <= 2 );
int resID = -1;
if( idx == 0 ) { resID = IDS_COMBO_CONNECTION; } else if( idx == 1 ) { resID = IDS_COMBO_DISCONNECTION; } else if( idx == 2 ) { resID = IDS_COMBO_IDLECONNECTION; }
VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , resID , tchSetting , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchSetting ) ) );
ULONG_PTR dw = ( ULONG_PTR )&tchSetting[ 0 ];
VERIFY_E( 0 , LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_TITLE , tchErrTitle , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrTitle ) ) );
if( m_cbxst[ idx ].bEdit ) { DBGMSG( L"Automatic %s parsing\n" , tchSetting );
if( GetWindowText( hwndCtl , tchBuffer , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchBuffer ) ) < 1 ) { *pulMinutes = 0;
return TRUE; }
LRESULT lr = ParseDurationEntry( tchBuffer , pulMinutes );
if( lr != E_SUCCESS ) { if( lr == E_PARSE_VALUEOVERFLOW ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_TOOMANYDIGITS , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) );
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tchErrMsg , 0 , 0 , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) , ( va_list * )&dw );
MessageBox( hwndCtl , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
SetFocus( hwndCtl ); } else if( lr == E_PARSE_MISSING_DIGITS || lr == E_PARSE_INVALID ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_PARSEINVALID , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) );
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tchErrMsg , 0 , 0 , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) , ( va_list * )&dw );
MessageBox( hwndCtl , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
SetFocus( hwndCtl ); } return FALSE; } } else { ODS( L"Getting current selection\n" );
INT_PTR iCurSel = SendMessage( hwndCtl , CB_GETCURSEL , 0 , 0 );
// See if user wants "No Timeout"
if( iCurSel == 0 ) { *pulMinutes = 0;
return TRUE; }
if( ( *pulMinutes = ( ULONG )SendMessage( hwndCtl , CB_GETITEMDATA , iCurSel , 0 ) ) == CB_ERR ) { *pulMinutes = 0; } }
if( *pulMinutes > kMaxTimeoutMinute ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_ERROR_MAXVALEXCEEDED , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) );
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tchErrMsg , 0 , 0 , tchErrMsg , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchErrMsg ) , ( va_list * )&dw );
MessageBox( hwndCtl , tchErrMsg , tchErrTitle , MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );
SetFocus( hwndCtl );
return FALSE; }
*pulMinutes *= kMilliMinute;
return TRUE; }
#if 0
// Lets cut to the chase and find out if this is even worth parsing
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::DoesContainDigits( LPTSTR pszString ) { while( *pszString ) { if( iswdigit( *pszString ) ) { return TRUE; }
pszString++; }
return FALSE; }
LRESULT CTimeOutDlg::ParseDurationEntry( LPTSTR pszTime , PULONG pTime ) { TCHAR tchNoTimeout[ 80 ];
LPTSTR pszTemp = pszTime;
UINT uDec = 0;
float fFrac = 0.0f;
float fT;
UINT uPos = 1;
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_NOTIMEOUT , tchNoTimeout , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchNoTimeout ) );
if( lstrcmpi( pszTime , tchNoTimeout ) == 0 ) { *pTime = 0;
return E_SUCCESS; }
if( !DoesContainDigits( pszTime ) ) { return E_PARSE_MISSING_DIGITS; }
while( *pszTemp ) { if( !iswdigit( *pszTemp ) ) { break; }
// check for overflow
if( uDec >= 1000000000 ) { return E_PARSE_VALUEOVERFLOW ; }
uDec *= 10;
uDec += ( *pszTemp - '0' );
TCHAR tchSDecimal[ 5 ];
GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT , LOCALE_SDECIMAL , tchSDecimal , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchSDecimal ) );
if( *pszTemp == *tchSDecimal ) { pszTemp++;
while( *pszTemp ) { if( !iswdigit( *pszTemp ) ) { break; }
// check for overflow
if( uDec >= 1000000000 ) { return E_PARSE_VALUEOVERFLOW; }
uPos *= 10;
fFrac += ( float )( *pszTemp - '0' ) / ( float )uPos;
pszTemp++; } }
// remove white space
while( *pszTemp == L' ' ) { pszTemp++; }
if( *pszTemp != NULL ) { if( IsToken( pszTemp , TOKEN_DAY ) ) { *pTime = uDec * 24 * 60;
fT = ( fFrac * 24.0f * 60.0f + 0.5f );
*pTime += ( ULONG )fT;
return E_SUCCESS; } else if( IsToken( pszTemp , TOKEN_HOUR ) ) { *pTime = uDec * 60;
fT = ( fFrac * 60.0f + 0.5f );
*pTime += ( ULONG )fT;
return E_SUCCESS; } else if( IsToken( pszTemp , TOKEN_MINUTE ) ) { // minutes are rounded up in the 1/10 place
fT = fFrac + 0.5f;
*pTime = uDec;
*pTime += ( ULONG )( fT );
return E_SUCCESS;
if( *pszTemp == NULL ) {
// if no text is defined considered the entry in hours
*pTime = uDec * 60;
fT = ( fFrac * 60.0f + 0.5f );
*pTime += ( ULONG )fT ;
return E_SUCCESS; }
// Adds strings to table from resource
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::LoadAbbreviates( ) { xxxLoadAbbreviate( &tokday[0] );
xxxLoadAbbreviate( &tokhour[0] );
xxxLoadAbbreviate( &tokmin[0] );
return TRUE; }
// Take cares some repetitive work for us
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::xxxLoadAbbreviate( PTOKTABLE ptoktbl ) { int idx;
int nSize;
TCHAR tchbuffer[ 80 ];
if( ptoktbl == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
for( idx = 0; ptoktbl[ idx ].dwresourceid != ( DWORD )-1 ; ++idx ) { nSize = LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , ptoktbl[ idx ].dwresourceid , tchbuffer , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchbuffer ) );
if( nSize > 0 ) { ptoktbl[ idx ].pszAbbrv = ( TCHAR *)new TCHAR[ nSize + 1 ];
if( ptoktbl[ idx ].pszAbbrv != NULL ) { lstrcpy( ptoktbl[ idx ].pszAbbrv , tchbuffer ); } } }
return TRUE; }
// Frees up allocated resources
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::xxxUnLoadAbbreviate( PTOKTABLE ptoktbl ) { if( ptoktbl == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
for( int idx = 0; ptoktbl[ idx ].dwresourceid != ( DWORD )-1 ; ++idx ) { if( ptoktbl[ idx ].pszAbbrv != NULL ) { delete[] ptoktbl[ idx ].pszAbbrv;
} }
return TRUE; }
// tear-off token tables
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::IsToken( LPTSTR pszString , TOKEN tok ) { TOKTABLE *ptoktable;
if( tok == TOKEN_DAY ) { ptoktable = &tokday[0]; } else if( tok == TOKEN_HOUR ) { ptoktable = &tokhour[0]; } else if( tok == TOKEN_MINUTE ) { ptoktable = &tokmin[0]; } else { return FALSE; }
for( int idx = 0 ; ptoktable[ idx ].dwresourceid != -1 ; ++idx ) { if( lstrcmpi( pszString , ptoktable[ idx ].pszAbbrv ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE;
#if 0
// Converts the number minutes into a formated string
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::ConvertToDuration( ULONG ulTime , LPTSTR pszDuration ) { ULONG_PTR dw[3];
TCHAR tchTimeUnit[ 40 ];
TCHAR tchTimeFormat[ 40 ];
TCHAR tchOutput[ 80 ];
// ASSERT( ulTime != 0 );
int iHour= ulTime / 60;
int iDays = iHour / 24;
dw[ 2 ] = ( ULONG_PTR )&tchTimeUnit[ 0 ];
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_DIGIT_DOT_DIGIT_TU , tchTimeFormat , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeFormat ) );
if( iDays != 0 ) { int iRemainingHours = iHour % 24;
float fx = ( float )iRemainingHours / 24.0f;
iRemainingHours = ( int )( fx * 10 );
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_DAYS , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) );
dw[ 0 ] = iDays;
dw[ 1 ] = iRemainingHours;
if( iRemainingHours == 0 ) { // formatted string requires two arguments
dw[ 1 ] = ( ULONG_PTR )&tchTimeUnit[ 0 ];
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_DIGIT_TU , tchTimeFormat , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeFormat ) );
if( iDays == 1 ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_DAY , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); } }
else if( iHour != 0 ) { int iRemainingMinutes = ulTime % 60;
float fx = ( float )iRemainingMinutes / 60.0f;
iRemainingMinutes = ( int ) ( fx * 10 );
dw[ 0 ] = iHour;
dw[ 1 ] = iRemainingMinutes;
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_HOURS , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) );
if( iRemainingMinutes == 0 ) { dw[ 1 ] = ( ULONG_PTR )&tchTimeUnit[ 0 ];
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_DIGIT_TU , tchTimeFormat , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeFormat ) );
if( iHour == 1 ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_HOUR , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); } } } else { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_MINUTES , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) );
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_DIGIT_TU , tchTimeFormat , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeFormat ) );
dw[ 0 ] = ulTime ;
dw[ 1 ] = ( ULONG_PTR )&tchTimeUnit[ 0 ];
if( ulTime > 1 ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_MINUTES , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); } else { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_MINUTE , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); } }
FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, tchTimeFormat , 0 , 0 , tchOutput , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchOutput ) , ( va_list * )&dw );
lstrcpy( pszDuration , tchOutput );
return TRUE; }
// Place entry in listbox and set as current selection
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::InsertSortedAndSetCurSel( HWND hCombo , DWORD dwMinutes ) { // ASSERT( dwMinutes != ( DWORD )-1 );
TCHAR tchBuffer[ 80 ];
INT_PTR iCount = SendMessage( hCombo , CB_GETCOUNT , 0 , 0 );
for( INT_PTR idx = 0 ; idx < iCount ; ++idx ) { // Don't insert an item that's already in the list
if( dwMinutes == ( DWORD )SendMessage( hCombo , CB_GETITEMDATA , idx , 0 ) ) { SendMessage( hCombo , CB_SETCURSEL , idx , 0 ) ;
return TRUE; }
if( dwMinutes < ( DWORD )SendMessage( hCombo , CB_GETITEMDATA , idx , 0 ) ) { break; } }
// hey if the value has exceeded the max timeout don't bother entering it in our list
if( dwMinutes > kMaxTimeoutMinute ) { return FALSE; }
if( ConvertToDuration ( dwMinutes , tchBuffer ) ) { idx = SendMessage( hCombo , CB_INSERTSTRING , idx , ( LPARAM )&tchBuffer[ 0 ] );
if( idx != CB_ERR ) { SendMessage( hCombo , CB_SETITEMDATA , idx , dwMinutes );
SendMessage( hCombo , CB_SETCURSEL , idx , 0 ) ; }
// must call this here because CB_SETCURSEL does not send CBN_SELCHANGE
SaveChangedSelection( hCombo );
return TRUE; }
/* Modified settings for a more readable time out settings
* added 1/25/99 * alhen */
// Removing decimal entries
LRESULT CTimeOutDlg::ParseDurationEntry( LPTSTR pszTime , PULONG pTime ) { TCHAR tchNoTimeout[ 80 ];
LPTSTR pszTemp = pszTime;
UINT uDec = 0;
*pTime = 0;
LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_NOTIMEOUT , tchNoTimeout , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchNoTimeout ) );
if( lstrcmpi( pszTime , tchNoTimeout ) == 0 ) { // *pTime = 0;
return E_SUCCESS; }
while( !bEOL ) { // remove leading white spaces
while( *pszTemp == L' ' ) { pszTemp++; }
while( *pszTemp ) { if( !iswdigit( *pszTemp ) ) { if( !bHasDigit ) { return E_PARSE_MISSING_DIGITS; }
break; }
// check for overflow
if( uDec >= 1000000000 ) { return E_PARSE_VALUEOVERFLOW ; }
uDec *= 10;
uDec += ( *pszTemp - '0' );
if( !bHasDigit ) { bHasDigit = TRUE; }
pszTemp++; }
// remove intermediate white spaces
while( *pszTemp == L' ' ) { pszTemp++; }
if( *pszTemp != NULL ) { // Get next token
TCHAR tchToken[ 80 ];
pszTemp = GetNextToken( pszTemp , tchToken );
if( IsToken( tchToken , TOKEN_DAY ) ) { if( !bSetDay ) { *pTime += uDec * 1440;
bSetDay = TRUE; }
} else if( IsToken( tchToken , TOKEN_HOUR ) ) { if( !bSetHour ) { *pTime += uDec * 60;
bSetHour = TRUE; }
} else if( IsToken( tchToken , TOKEN_MINUTE ) ) { if( !bSetMin ) { *pTime += uDec;
bSetMin = TRUE; }
} else { return E_PARSE_INVALID; }
} else { if( !bSetHour ) { *pTime += uDec * 60; }
bEOL = TRUE; }
uDec = 0;
bHasDigit = FALSE;
return E_SUCCESS; }
// replacing older api
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::ConvertToDuration( ULONG ulTime , LPTSTR pszDuration ) { // TCHAR dw[] = L"dhm";
TCHAR tchTimeUnit[ 40 ];
TCHAR tchTimeFormat[ 40 ];
TCHAR tchOutput[ 80 ];
ASSERT( ulTime != 0 );
int iHour = ( ulTime / 60 );
int iDays = iHour / 24;
int iMinute = ulTime % 60;
// Resolve format
tchOutput[0] = 0;
if( iDays > 0 ) { if( iDays == 1 ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_DAY , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); } else { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_DAYS , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); }
iHour = iHour % 24;
wsprintf( tchTimeFormat , L"%d %s", iDays , tchTimeUnit );
lstrcat( tchOutput , tchTimeFormat );
lstrcat( tchOutput , L" " ); }
if( iHour > 0 ) { if( iHour == 1 ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_HOUR , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); } else { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_HOURS , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); }
wsprintf( tchTimeFormat , L"%d %s", iHour , tchTimeUnit );
lstrcat( tchOutput , tchTimeFormat );
lstrcat( tchOutput , L" " ); }
if( iMinute > 0 ) { if( iMinute == 1 ) { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_MINUTE , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); } else { LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance( ) , IDS_MINUTES , tchTimeUnit , SIZE_OF_BUFFER( tchTimeUnit ) ); }
wsprintf( tchTimeFormat , L"%d %s", iMinute , tchTimeUnit );
lstrcat( tchOutput , tchTimeFormat );
lstrcat( tchOutput , L" " ); }
lstrcpy( pszDuration , tchOutput );
return TRUE;
BOOL CTimeOutDlg::DoesContainDigits( LPTSTR pszString ) { while( *pszString ) { if( *pszString != L' ') { if( iswdigit( *pszString ) ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }
pszString++; } }
return FALSE; }
TCHAR * GetNextToken( TCHAR *pszString , TCHAR *tchToken ) { while( *pszString ) { if( IsCharAlpha( *pszString ) ) { *tchToken = *pszString; } else { break; }
pszString++; }
*tchToken = '\0';
return pszString; }