//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
* * TSKILL.C for Windows NT Terminal Server * * Description: * * tskill [processID] [/v] [/?] * ****************************************************************************/
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <ntddkbd.h>
#include <ntddmou.h>
#include <winstaw.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <utilsub.h>
#include <allproc.h>
#include "tskill.h"
#include "printfoa.h"
WCHAR user_string[MAX_IDS_LEN+1];
USHORT help_flag = FALSE; USHORT v_flag = FALSE; USHORT a_flag = FALSE;
TOKMAP ptm[] = { {L" ", TMFLAG_REQUIRED, TMFORM_STRING, MAX_IDS_LEN, user_string}, {L"/server", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_STRING, MAX_IDS_LEN, ServerName}, {L"/id", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_STRING, MAX_IDS_LEN, &ipLogonId}, {L"/?", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &help_flag}, {L"/v", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &v_flag}, {L"/a", TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &a_flag}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0} };
* Local function prototypes. */ void Usage( BOOLEAN bError ); BOOLEAN KillProcessUseName(); BOOLEAN KillProcessButConfirmTheID( ULONG TargetPid ); BOOLEAN KillProcess(ULONG TargetPid); BOOLEAN MatchPattern(PWCHAR String, PWCHAR Pattern); BOOLEAN CheckImageNameAndKill(PTS_SYS_PROCESS_INFORMATION pProcessInfo);
* * main * ******************************************************************************/
int __cdecl main(INT argc, CHAR **argv) { ULONG TargetPid; int i; DWORD rc; WCHAR *CmdLine, **argvW, *StopChar;
setlocale(LC_ALL, ".OCP");
* Massage the command line. */
argvW = MassageCommandLine((DWORD)argc); if (argvW == NULL) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_MALLOC); return(FAILURE); }
* parse the cmd line without parsing the program name (argc-1, argv+1) */ rc = ParseCommandLine(argc-1, argvW+1, ptm, 0);
* Check for error from ParseCommandLine */ if ( help_flag || rc ) {
if ( !help_flag ) {
Usage(TRUE); return(FAILURE);
} else {
Usage(FALSE); return(SUCCESS); } }
// If no remote server was specified, then check if we are running under Terminal Server
if ((!IsTokenPresent(ptm, L"/server") ) && (!AreWeRunningTerminalServices())) { ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_NOT_TS); return(FAILURE); }
* Open the specified server */ if( ServerName[0] ) { hServerName = WinStationOpenServer( ServerName ); if( hServerName == NULL ) { StringErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_SERVER,ServerName); PutStdErr( GetLastError(), 0 ); return(FAILURE); } }
* Check for the command line pid and convert to a ULONG */ TargetPid = wcstoul(user_string, &StopChar, 10);
if (!TargetPid) { //Get the process IDs and Kill.
return (KillProcessUseName()); } else if (*StopChar) { StringErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_BAD_PID_NUMBER, user_string); return(FAILURE); // end of getting the process ids from names
} else { return( KillProcessButConfirmTheID( TargetPid ) ); }
} /* main() */
* * Usage * * Output the usage message for this utility. * * ENTRY: * bError (input) * TRUE if the 'invalid parameter(s)' message should preceed the usage * message and the output go to stderr; FALSE for no such error * string and output goes to stdout. * * EXIT: * * ******************************************************************************/
void Usage( BOOLEAN bError ) { if ( bError ) {
ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETERS); } ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE1); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE2); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE3); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE4); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE5); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE6); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE7); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE8); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGE9); ErrorPrintf(IDS_USAGEA); } /* Usage() */
// ***********************************************************************
// KillProcessUseName
// Gets all the ProcessIDs of all the processes with the name passed
// to the command line and kill them. Returns FALSE if there are no
// processes running with the process names.
// ***********************************************************************
BOOLEAN KillProcessUseName() {
ULONG LogonId, ReturnLength, BufferOffset=0, ulLogonId; PBYTE pProcessBuffer; PTS_SYS_PROCESS_INFORMATION pProcessInfo; PCITRIX_PROCESS_INFORMATION pCitrixInfo;
PTS_ALL_PROCESSES_INFO ProcessArray = NULL; ULONG NumberOfProcesses; ULONG j; BOOLEAN bRet; short nTasks=0; ULONG CurrentLogonId = (ULONG) -1; ULONG ProcessSessionId; DWORD dwError;
// if a servername is specified and session id is not specified,
// prompt an error.
if (ServerName[0] && !ipLogonId[0] && !a_flag) { StringErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_ID_ABSENT, ServerName); return FAILURE; }
// convert the input task name to lower
* Get current LogonId */ CurrentLogonId = GetCurrentLogonId();
// get the login id of the current user.
//if (!WinStationQueryInformation(hServerName, LOGONID_CURRENT,
// WinStationInformation, &WSInfo, sizeof(WSInfo), &ReturnLength)) {
// fprintf(stdout, "Error QueryInfo failed");
//convert the input logon id to ulong
ulLogonId = wcstoul(ipLogonId, NULL, 10);
//Use the input logon id if passed. If not use the current logon ID.
//LogonId = (!wcscmp(ipLogonId,""))? WSInfo.LogonId:ulLogonId;
LogonId = (!ipLogonId[0])? CurrentLogonId:ulLogonId;
bRet = WinStationGetAllProcesses( hServerName, GAP_LEVEL_BASIC, &NumberOfProcesses, &ProcessArray); if (bRet == TRUE) { for (j=0; j<NumberOfProcesses; j++) { pProcessInfo = (PTS_SYS_PROCESS_INFORMATION)(ProcessArray[j].pTsProcessInfo); ProcessSessionId = pProcessInfo->SessionId;
//if a_flag is set, check for the processes in all sessions;
//if not, check for the processes in one LogonSession only.
if(( ProcessSessionId == LogonId)|| a_flag) { if (CheckImageNameAndKill(pProcessInfo)) { nTasks++; } } }
// Free ppProcessArray and all child pointers allocated by the client stub.
WinStationFreeGAPMemory(GAP_LEVEL_BASIC, ProcessArray, NumberOfProcesses);
} else // Maybe a Hydra 4 server ?
{ //
// Check the return code indicating that the interface is not available.
dwError = GetLastError(); if (dwError != RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE) { return (FALSE); }
//Enumerate All the processes in order to get the ProcessId
if (!WinStationEnumerateProcesses(hServerName, (PVOID *)&pProcessBuffer)) { if( pProcessBuffer) WinStationFreeMemory(pProcessBuffer); ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_ENUM_PROCESS); return FAILURE; }
//Make use of the ProcessBuffer to get the Process ID after
//checking for a match in Logon User Name
do {
pProcessInfo = (PTS_SYS_PROCESS_INFORMATION) &(((PUCHAR)pProcessBuffer)[BufferOffset]);
* Point to the CITRIX_INFORMATION which follows the Threads */ pCitrixInfo = (PCITRIX_PROCESS_INFORMATION) (((PUCHAR)pProcessInfo) + SIZEOF_TS4_SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION + (SIZEOF_TS4_SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION * (int)pProcessInfo->NumberOfThreads));
if( pCitrixInfo->MagicNumber == CITRIX_PROCESS_INFO_MAGIC ) {
ProcessSessionId = pCitrixInfo->LogonId;
} else {
ProcessSessionId = (ULONG)(-1); }
//if a_flag is set, check for the processes in all sessions;
//if not, check for the processes in one LogonSession only.
if(( ProcessSessionId == LogonId)|| a_flag) { if (CheckImageNameAndKill(pProcessInfo)) { nTasks++; } }
BufferOffset += pProcessInfo->NextEntryOffset;
} while (pProcessInfo->NextEntryOffset != 0);
if( pProcessBuffer) { WinStationFreeMemory(pProcessBuffer); } } if(!nTasks) { StringErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_BAD_PROCESS, user_string); return FAILURE; }
return SUCCESS;
} // ***********************************************************************
BOOLEAN CheckImageNameAndKill(PTS_SYS_PROCESS_INFORMATION pProcessInfo) { WCHAR ImageName[MAXNAME + 2] = { 0 }; PWCHAR p; ULONG TargetPid; BOOLEAN bRet = FALSE;
ImageName[MAXNAME+1] = 0; //force the end of string
if( pProcessInfo->ImageName.Length == 0 ) { ImageName[0] = 0; } else if( pProcessInfo->ImageName.Length > MAXNAME * 2) { wcsncpy(ImageName, pProcessInfo->ImageName.Buffer, MAXNAME); } else { wcsncpy(ImageName, pProcessInfo->ImageName.Buffer, pProcessInfo->ImageName.Length/2); ImageName[pProcessInfo->ImageName.Length/2] = 0; }
//convert the imagename to lower
if(ImageName != NULL) { p = wcschr(ImageName,'.'); if (p) p[0] = L'\0';
//get the ProcessID if the imagename matches
if(MatchPattern(ImageName, user_string) ) { TargetPid = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)(pProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId); bRet = TRUE; KillProcess(TargetPid); } } return bRet; }
// ***********************************************************************
// KillProcess:
// Kills the process with the specific ProcessID.
// ***********************************************************************
BOOLEAN KillProcess(ULONG TargetPid) { DWORD rc;
* Kill the specified process. */ if (v_flag) Message(IDS_KILL_PROCESS, TargetPid);
if ( !WinStationTerminateProcess( hServerName, TargetPid, 0 ) ) { rc = GetLastError(); StringErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_KILL_PROCESS_FAILED, user_string); if (FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM|FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, rc, 0, MsgBuf, MAXCBMSGBUFFER, NULL) != 0) { fwprintf( stderr, MsgBuf ); } fwprintf( stderr, L"\n");
return FAILURE; }
return SUCCESS; }
// ***********************************************************************
// MatchPattern
// Checks if the passed string matches with the pattern used
// Return TRUE if it matches and FALSE if not.
// String(input)
// String being checked for the match
// processname (input)
// Pattern used for the check
// ***********************************************************************
BOOLEAN MatchPattern( PWCHAR String, PWCHAR Pattern ) { WCHAR c, p, l;
for (; ;) { switch (p = *Pattern++) { case 0: // end of pattern
return *String ? FALSE : TRUE; // if end of string TRUE
case '*': while (*String) { // match zero or more char
if (MatchPattern (String++, Pattern)) return TRUE; } return MatchPattern (String, Pattern);
case '?': if (*String++ == 0) // match any one char
return FALSE; // not end of string
case '[': if ( (c = *String++) == 0) // match char set
return FALSE; // syntax
c = towupper(c); l = 0; while (p = *Pattern++) { if (p == ']') // if end of char set, then
return FALSE; // no match found
if (p == '-') { // check a range of chars?
p = *Pattern; // get high limit of range
if (p == 0 || p == ']') return FALSE; // syntax
if (c >= l && c <= p) break; // if in range, move on
l = p; if (c == p) // if char matches this element
break; // move on
while (p && p != ']') // got a match in char set
p = *Pattern++; // skip to end of set
default: c = *String++; if (c != p) // check for exact char
return FALSE; // not a match
break; } } }
// ***********************************************************************
// KillProcessButConfirmTheID
// Gets all the ProcessIDs of all the processes with the name passed
// to the command line and kill them. Returns FALSE if there are no
// processes running with the process names.
// ***********************************************************************
BOOLEAN KillProcessButConfirmTheID( ULONG TargetPid ) {
ULONG BufferOffset=0; PBYTE pProcessBuffer; PTS_SYS_PROCESS_INFORMATION pProcessInfo; PTS_ALL_PROCESSES_INFO ProcessArray = NULL; ULONG NumberOfProcesses; ULONG j; BOOLEAN bRet; BOOLEAN bFound = FALSE; DWORD dwError;
bRet = WinStationGetAllProcesses( hServerName, GAP_LEVEL_BASIC, &NumberOfProcesses, &ProcessArray);
if (bRet == TRUE) { for (j=0; j<NumberOfProcesses; j++) { pProcessInfo = (PTS_SYS_PROCESS_INFORMATION)(ProcessArray[j].pTsProcessInfo); pProcessInfo->SessionId;
//if a_flag is set, check for the processes in all sessions;
//if not, check for the processes in one LogonSession only.
if( pProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId == TargetPid ) { KillProcess( TargetPid );
bFound = TRUE;
break; } }
// Free ppProcessArray and all child pointers allocated by the client stub.
WinStationFreeGAPMemory(GAP_LEVEL_BASIC, ProcessArray, NumberOfProcesses);
} else // Maybe a Hydra 4 server ?
{ //
// Check the return code indicating that the interface is not available.
dwError = GetLastError(); if (dwError != RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE) { return (FALSE); }
//Enumerate All the processes in order to get the ProcessId
if (!WinStationEnumerateProcesses(hServerName, (PVOID *)&pProcessBuffer)) { if( pProcessBuffer) WinStationFreeMemory(pProcessBuffer); ErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_ENUM_PROCESS); return FAILURE; }
//Make use of the ProcessBuffer to get the Process ID after
//checking for a match in Logon User Name
do {
pProcessInfo = (PTS_SYS_PROCESS_INFORMATION) &(((PUCHAR)pProcessBuffer)[BufferOffset]);
if( pProcessInfo->UniqueProcessId == TargetPid ) { KillProcess( TargetPid );
bFound = TRUE;
break; } BufferOffset += pProcessInfo->NextEntryOffset;
} while (pProcessInfo->NextEntryOffset != 0);
if( pProcessBuffer) { WinStationFreeMemory(pProcessBuffer); } }
if(!bFound) { StringErrorPrintf(IDS_ERROR_BAD_PROCESS, user_string); return FAILURE; }
return SUCCESS;