* * apptree.cpp * * implementation of the CAppTreeView class * * copyright notice: Copyright 1997, Citrix Systems Inc. * Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation * * $Author: donm $ Don Messerli * * $Log: N:\nt\private\utils\citrix\winutils\tsadmin\VCS\apptree.cpp $ * * Rev 1.2 16 Feb 1998 16:00:06 donm * modifications to support pICAsso extension * * Rev 1.1 03 Nov 1997 15:21:24 donm * update * * Rev 1.0 13 Oct 1997 22:31:20 donm * Initial revision. * *******************************************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "winadmin.h"
#include "admindoc.h"
#include "apptree.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// MESSAGE MAP: CAppTreeView
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CAppTreeView, CBaseTreeView) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CAppTreeView)
// CAppTreeView ctor
CAppTreeView::CAppTreeView() {
} // end CAppTreeView ctor
// CAppTreeView dtor
CAppTreeView::~CAppTreeView() {
} // end CAppTreeView dtor
#ifdef _DEBUG
// CAppTreeView::AssertValid
void CAppTreeView::AssertValid() const { CBaseTreeView::AssertValid();
} // end CAppTreeView::AssertValid
// CAppTreeView::Dump
void CAppTreeView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CBaseTreeView::Dump(dc);
} // end CAppTreeView::Dump
// CAppTreeView::BuildImageList
// - calls m_imageList.Create(..) to create the image list
// - calls AddIconToImageList(..) to add the icons themselves and save
// off their indices
// - attaches the image list to the CTreeCtrl
void CAppTreeView::BuildImageList() { m_ImageList.Create(16, 16, TRUE, 7, 0);
m_idxApps = AddIconToImageList(IDI_APPS); m_idxGenericApp = AddIconToImageList(IDI_GENERIC_APP); m_idxServer = AddIconToImageList(IDI_SERVER); m_idxNotSign = AddIconToImageList(IDI_NOTSIGN); m_idxQuestion = AddIconToImageList(IDI_QUESTIONMARK); m_idxUser = AddIconToImageList(IDI_USER); m_idxCurrentServer = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CURRENT_SERVER); m_idxCurrentUser = AddIconToImageList(IDI_CURRENT_USER); m_idxServerNotConnected = AddIconToImageList(IDI_SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED);
// Overlay for Servers we can't talk to
m_ImageList.SetOverlayImage(m_idxNotSign, 1); // Overlay for Servers we are currently gathering information about
m_ImageList.SetOverlayImage(m_idxQuestion, 2);
GetTreeCtrl().SetImageList(&m_ImageList, TVSIL_NORMAL);
} // end CAppTreeView::BuildImageList
// CAppTreeView::OnAdminViewsReady
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnAdminViewsReady(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LockTreeControl();
// Get a pointer to our document
CWinAdminDoc *doc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument();
// add the root to the tree
CString citrix; citrix.LoadString(IDS_PUBLISHED_APPS); CTreeNode* pRootNode = new CTreeNode(NODE_PUBLISHED_APPS, NULL); if(pRootNode) { HTREEITEM hRoot = AddItemToTree(NULL, citrix, TVI_ROOT, m_idxApps, (DWORD)pRootNode); if(!hRoot) delete pRootNode; }
return 0;
} // end CAppTreeView::OnAdminViewsReady
// CAppTreeView::OnExtAddApplication
// Message Handler to add a published application to the tree
// Pointer to ExtAddTreeNode is in wParam
// Pointer to CPublishedApp is in lParam
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnExtAddApplication(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LockTreeControl();
ExtAddTreeNode *pExtAddTreeNode = (ExtAddTreeNode*)wParam;
// First make sure the application isn't already in the tree
HTREEITEM hRoot = GetTreeCtrl().GetRootItem(); // Get the first application
HTREEITEM hItem = GetTreeCtrl().GetNextItem(hRoot, TVGN_CHILD); while(hItem) { // Get the data attached to the tree item
CTreeNode *node = (CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hItem); // Is this the application we want to add?
if((CObject*)node->GetTreeObject() == pExtAddTreeNode->pObject) return 0; hItem = GetTreeCtrl().GetNextItem(hItem, TVGN_NEXT); }
// Add the published application to the tree
// Create a CTreeNode object with info about this tree node
CTreeNode* pNode = new CTreeNode(NODE_APPLICATION, pExtAddTreeNode->pObject); if(pNode) { HTREEITEM hApplication = AddItemToTree(hRoot, pExtAddTreeNode->Name, TVI_SORT, m_idxGenericApp, (DWORD)pNode);
if(!hApplication) delete pNode;
if(!((CPublishedApp*)pExtAddTreeNode->pObject)->IsState(PAS_GOOD)) GetTreeCtrl().SetItemState(hApplication, STATE_QUESTION, 0x0F00);
((CPublishedApp*)pExtAddTreeNode->pObject)->SetTreeItem(hApplication); }
return 0; } // end CAppTreeView::OnExtAddApplication
// CAppTreeView::OnExtRemoveApplication
// Message Handler to remove a published application from the tree
// Pointer to CPublishedApp is in lParam
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnExtRemoveApplication(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(lParam);
CPublishedApp *pApplication = (CPublishedApp*)lParam;
HTREEITEM hApplication = pApplication->GetTreeItem(); if(!hApplication) return 0;
// Get the data attached to this tree node
CTreeNode *node = (CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hApplication); if(node) { // Is this the application we want to remove
CPublishedApp *pTreeApp = (CPublishedApp*)node->GetTreeObject(); // Make sure the tree node is correct
if(pTreeApp != pApplication) { UnlockTreeControl(); return 0; } } else { UnlockTreeControl(); return 0; }
// Loop through it's children and delete their data
HTREEITEM hAppServer = GetTreeCtrl().GetNextItem(hApplication, TVGN_CHILD); while(hAppServer) { CTreeNode *pTreeNode = (CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hAppServer); if(pTreeNode) { delete pTreeNode; } // Loop through the users nodes under the AppServer in the tree
HTREEITEM hUser = GetTreeCtrl().GetNextItem(hAppServer, TVGN_CHILD); while(hUser) { CTreeNode *pTreeNode = (CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hUser); if(pTreeNode) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)pTreeNode->GetTreeObject(); if(pWinStation) pWinStation->SetAppTreeItem(NULL); delete pTreeNode; } }
hAppServer = GetTreeCtrl().GetNextItem(hAppServer, TVGN_NEXT); }
// Delete the data attached to the tree item
delete node; // Let the application know he is no longer in the tree
pApplication->SetTreeItem(NULL); // Remove the application from the tree
// This SHOULD remove all it's children
GetTreeCtrl().DeleteItem(hApplication); UnlockTreeControl();
return 0; } // end CAppTreeView::OnExtRemoveApplication
// CAppTreeView::OnExtAppChanged
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnExtAppChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(lParam);
// we only care if it is a state change
if(wParam & ACF_STATE) { CPublishedApp *pApplication = (CPublishedApp*)lParam; HTREEITEM hApplication = pApplication->GetTreeItem(); if(!hApplication) return 0;
// Get the data attached to this tree node
CTreeNode *node = (CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hApplication); if(node) { // Is this the app we want to update?
CPublishedApp *pTreeApp = (CPublishedApp*)node->GetTreeObject(); // Make sure the tree node is correct
if(pTreeApp != pApplication) { UnlockTreeControl(); return 0; } } else { UnlockTreeControl(); return 0; }
USHORT NewState; // Remember the previous state
USHORT PreviousState = GetTreeCtrl().GetItemState(hApplication, 0x0F00); // Change the icon/overlay for the app
// If we aren't done getting all the information about this app,
// put a question mark over the icon
if(pApplication->IsState(PAS_GETTING_INFORMATION)) NewState = STATE_QUESTION; // If it is fine, we want to remove any overlays from the icon
else NewState = STATE_NORMAL;
// Set the tree item to the new state
GetTreeCtrl().SetItemState(hApplication, NewState, 0x0F00); }
return 0;
} // end CAppTreeView::OnExtAppChanged
// CAppTreeView::DetermineServerIcon
// determines which icon to display for a Server
// in the tree
int CAppTreeView::DetermineServerIcon(CServer *pServer) { if(!pServer) return m_idxServerNotConnected;
int WhichIcon = m_idxServer; // Is this the current server?
if(pServer->IsCurrentServer()) { if(pServer->IsState(SS_NONE) || pServer->IsState(SS_NOT_CONNECTED)) WhichIcon = m_idxServerNotConnected; else WhichIcon = m_idxCurrentServer; } else { // not the current server
if(pServer->IsState(SS_NONE) || pServer->IsState(SS_NOT_CONNECTED)) WhichIcon = m_idxServerNotConnected; } return WhichIcon;
} // end CAooTreeView::DetermineServerIcon
// CAppTreeView::OnExtAddAppServer
// Message Handler to add a server beneath a published application
// Pointer to ExtAddTreeNode is in wParam
// Pointer to CAppServer is in lParam
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnExtAddAppServer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ExtAddTreeNode *pExtAddTreeNode = (ExtAddTreeNode*)wParam;
HTREEITEM hParent = pExtAddTreeNode->hParent; if(!hParent) return 0;
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument(); CServer *pServer = pDoc->FindServerByName(pExtAddTreeNode->Name);
LockTreeControl(); CTreeCtrl &tree = GetTreeCtrl();
// First make sure the server isn't already in the tree
// Get the first server under the application
HTREEITEM hItem = tree.GetNextItem(hParent, TVGN_CHILD); while(hItem) { // Get the data attached to the tree item
CTreeNode *node = (CTreeNode*)tree.GetItemData(hItem); if(node) { // Is this the server we want to add
CAppServer *pAppServer = (CAppServer*)node->GetTreeObject(); if(pAppServer == (CAppServer*)pExtAddTreeNode->pObject) { UnlockTreeControl(); return 0; } } hItem = tree.GetNextItem(hItem, TVGN_NEXT); }
CTreeNode* pNode = new CTreeNode(NODE_APP_SERVER, pExtAddTreeNode->pObject); if(pNode) {
HTREEITEM hServer = AddItemToTree(hParent, pExtAddTreeNode->Name, TVI_SORT, DetermineServerIcon(pServer), (DWORD)pNode); if(!hServer) delete pNode; ((CAppServer*)pExtAddTreeNode->pObject)->SetTreeItem(hServer); if(pServer) { // If the server isn't sane, put a not sign over the icon
if(!pServer->IsServerSane()) tree.SetItemState(hServer, STATE_NOT, 0x0F00); // If we aren't done getting all the information about this server,
// put a question mark over the icon
else if(pServer->IsState(SS_GETTING_INFO)) tree.SetItemState(hServer, STATE_QUESTION, 0x0F00); }
UnlockTreeControl(); return 0;
} // end CAppTreeView::OnExtAddAppServer
// CAppTreeView::OnExtRemoveAppServer
// Message Handler to remove a server from beneath a published application
// Pointer to CPublishedApp is in wParam
// Pointer to CAppServer is in lParam
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnExtRemoveAppServer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(wParam); ASSERT(lParam);
HTREEITEM hServer = ((CAppServer*)lParam)->GetTreeItem(); if(!hServer) return 0;
LockTreeControl(); CTreeCtrl &tree = GetTreeCtrl();
CTreeNode *ServerNode = (CTreeNode*)tree.GetItemData(hServer);
// Remove the Users underneath this server in the tree
HTREEITEM hUser = tree.GetNextItem(hServer, TVGN_CHILD); while(hUser) { // Get the data attached to the tree item
CTreeNode *node = (CTreeNode*)tree.GetItemData(hUser); if(node) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)node->GetTreeObject(); pWinStation->SetAppTreeItem(NULL); delete node; } hUser = tree.GetNextItem(hUser, TVGN_NEXT); }
// Delete the data attached to the tree item
delete ServerNode; // Let the AppServer know he is no longer in the tree
((CAppServer*)lParam)->SetTreeItem(NULL); // Remove the AppServer from the tree
// This SHOULD remove all it's children
UnlockTreeControl(); return 0;
} // end CAppTreeView::OnExtRemoveAppServer
// CAppTreeView::AddServerChildren
// Adds the Users running the published app on a given Server
// to the tree
void CAppTreeView::AddServerChildren(HTREEITEM hServer, CServer *pServer) { ASSERT(hServer); ASSERT(pServer);
if(pServer->IsServerSane()) {
LockTreeControl(); HTREEITEM hParent = GetTreeCtrl().GetParentItem(hServer);
HTREEITEM hLastNode = hServer;
CTreeNode *pParentNode = (CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hParent); CPublishedApp *pApplication = (CPublishedApp*)pParentNode->GetTreeObject();
pServer->LockWinStationList(); // Get a pointer to the server's list of WinStations
CObList *pWinStationList = pServer->GetWinStationList();
// Iterate through the WinStation list
POSITION pos = pWinStationList->GetHeadPosition();
while(pos) { CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)pWinStationList->GetNext(pos);
// We only care if the user is running this published app
if(pWinStation->GetState() == State_Active && pWinStation->HasUser() && pWinStation->IsRunningPublishedApp() && pWinStation->IsRunningPublishedApp(pApplication->GetName())) {
// Figure out what text to display
CString UserString; if(wcslen(pWinStation->GetUserName())) { UserString.Format(TEXT("%s (%s)"), pWinStation->GetName(), pWinStation->GetUserName()); } else UserString.Format(TEXT("%s"), pWinStation->GetName()); CTreeNode *pNode = new CTreeNode(NODE_WINSTATION, pWinStation); if(pNode) { pNode->SetSortOrder(pWinStation->GetSortOrder()); hLastNode = AddItemToTree(hServer, UserString, TVI_SORT, pWinStation->IsCurrentUser() ? m_idxCurrentUser : m_idxUser, (DWORD)pNode); if(!hLastNode) delete pNode; } // The WinStation wants to know his tree item handle
pWinStation->SetAppTreeItem(hLastNode); } }
} // end if(pServer->IsServerSane())
} // end CAppTreeView::AddServerChildren
// CAppTreeView::OnAdminUpdateServer
// Message handler to update a Server in the tree
// Pointer to CServer to update is in lParam
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnAdminUpdateServer(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(lParam);
CServer *pServer = (CServer*)lParam; if(!pServer) return 0;
// The server can be in the tree more than one place
UINT itemCount = GetTreeCtrl().GetCount();
HTREEITEM hTreeItem = GetTreeCtrl().GetRootItem(); for(UINT i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { CTreeNode *node = ((CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hTreeItem)); if(node) { // we only care about app servers
if(node->GetNodeType() == NODE_APP_SERVER) { CAppServer *pAppServer = (CAppServer*)node->GetTreeObject(); // Is it the same server?
if(0 == wcscmp(pAppServer->GetName(), pServer->GetName())) { USHORT NewState; // Remember the previous state
USHORT PreviousState = GetTreeCtrl().GetItemState(hTreeItem, 0x0F00); // Change the icon/overlay for the server
// If the server isn't sane, put a not sign over the icon
if(!pServer->IsServerSane()) NewState = STATE_NOT; // If we aren't done getting all the information about this server,
// put a question mark over the icon
else if(pServer->IsState(SS_GETTING_INFO)) NewState = STATE_QUESTION; // If it is fine, we want to remove any overlays from the icon
else NewState = STATE_NORMAL;
// Set the tree item to the new state
GetTreeCtrl().SetItemState(hTreeItem, NewState, 0x0F00);
// If this Server was not opened and now is GOOD,
// add it's children to the tree
if(PreviousState != STATE_NORMAL && pServer->IsState(SS_GOOD)) { int ServerIcon = DetermineServerIcon(pServer); GetTreeCtrl().SetItemImage(hTreeItem, ServerIcon, ServerIcon); AddServerChildren(hTreeItem, pServer); } else if(pServer->GetPreviousState() == SS_DISCONNECTING && pServer->IsState(SS_NOT_CONNECTED)) { int ServerIcon = DetermineServerIcon(pServer); GetTreeCtrl().SetItemImage(hTreeItem, ServerIcon, ServerIcon); }
// If we changed the state of this server and it is the currently
// selected node in the tree, we need to send a message to change
// the view
// We also need to make sure this is the currently selected tree
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument(); if(NewState != PreviousState && hTreeItem == GetTreeCtrl().GetSelectedItem() && pDoc->GetCurrentTree() == TREEVIEW_APPS) { #if 0
LONG Result; OnSelChange(NULL, &Result); #endif
ForceSelChange(); } } } } hTreeItem = GetNextItem(hTreeItem); }
return 0; } // end CAppTreeView::OnAdminUpdateServer
// CAppTreeView::AddUser
HTREEITEM CAppTreeView::AddUser(CWinStation *pWinStation) { ASSERT(pWinStation);
// Find the published app that this WinStation is running in our tree
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument(); CPublishedApp *pApplication = pDoc->FindPublishedAppByName(pWinStation->GetPublishedAppName()); CServer *pServer = pWinStation->GetServer();
if(!pApplication) return NULL;
HTREEITEM hApplication = pApplication->GetTreeItem(); if(!hApplication) return NULL;
CTreeCtrl &tree = LockTreeControl();
// Find this WinStation's server under the published application in the tree
hServer = tree.GetChildItem(hApplication);
while(hServer) { CTreeNode *pNode = (CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hServer); CAppServer *pAppServer = (CAppServer*)pNode->GetTreeObject(); if(0 == wcscmp(pAppServer->GetName(), pServer->GetName())) { // Figure out what text to display
CString UserString; if(wcslen(pWinStation->GetUserName())) { UserString.Format(TEXT("%s (%s)"), pWinStation->GetName(), pWinStation->GetUserName()); } else UserString.Format(TEXT("%s"), pWinStation->GetName()); CTreeNode *pNewNode = new CTreeNode(NODE_WINSTATION, pWinStation); if(pNewNode) { hWinStation = AddItemToTree(hServer, UserString, TVI_SORT, pWinStation->IsCurrentUser() ? m_idxCurrentUser : m_idxUser, (DWORD)pNewNode); if(!hWinStation) delete pNewNode; // The WinStation wants to know his tree item handle
pWinStation->SetAppTreeItem(hWinStation); } }
hServer = tree.GetNextSiblingItem(hServer); }
return hWinStation;
// CAppTreeView::OnAdminAddWinStation
// Message handler to add a WinStation to the tree
// lParam = pointer to CWinStation to add
// wParam is TRUE if this is replacing a WinStation that was currently selected
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnAdminAddWinStation(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(lParam);
CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)lParam; if(!pWinStation) return 0;
// If this WinStation isn't running a published App, we
// don't give a damn
if(!pWinStation->IsState(State_Active) || !pWinStation->IsRunningPublishedApp()) return 0;
return 0;
} // end CAppTreeView::OnAdminAddWinStation
// CAppTreeView::OnAdminUpdateWinStation
// Message handler to update a WinStation in the tree
// lParam = pointer to CWinStation to update
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnAdminUpdateWinStation(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(lParam);
CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)lParam; if(!pWinStation) return 0;
// If this WinStation isn't running a published App, we
// don't give a damn
if(!pWinStation->IsState(State_Active) || !pWinStation->IsRunningPublishedApp()) return 0;
// If this WinStation is already in the tree, we don't want to
// add it again
if(pWinStation->GetAppTreeItem()) return 0;
return 0;
} // end CAppTreeView::OnAdminUpdateWinStation
// CAppTreeView::OnAdminRemoveWinStation
// Message handler to remove a WinStation from the tree
// lParam = pointer to CWinStation to remove
LRESULT CAppTreeView::OnAdminRemoveWinStation(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(lParam);
BOOL CurrentInTree = FALSE; CWinStation *pWinStation = (CWinStation*)lParam; if(!pWinStation) return 0;
HTREEITEM hWinStation = pWinStation->GetAppTreeItem(); if(!hWinStation) return 0;
// Get the data attached to this tree node
CTreeNode *node = (CTreeNode*)GetTreeCtrl().GetItemData(hWinStation); if(node) { // Is this the WinStation we want to update
CWinStation *pTreeWinStation = (CWinStation*)node->GetTreeObject(); // Make sure the tree node is correct
if(pTreeWinStation != pWinStation) { UnlockTreeControl(); return 0; } } else { UnlockTreeControl(); return 0; }
// Delete the data attached to the tree item
delete node; // Let the WinStation know he is no longer in the tree
pWinStation->SetAppTreeItem(NULL); // Is this WinStation currently selected in the tree?
CurrentInTree = (GetTreeCtrl().GetSelectedItem() == hWinStation); // Remove the WinStation from the tree
// If this WinStation is the currently selected node in the tree,
// make it not so
// This may not be necessary!
CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)((CWinAdminApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetDocument(); if(CurrentInTree && pDoc->GetCurrentTree() == TREEVIEW_APPS) ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->SetCurrentView(VIEW_CHANGING);
return 0;
} // end CAppTreeView::OnAdminRemoveWinStation
// CAppTreeView::OnContextMenu
// Message handler called when user wants a context menu
// This happens when the user clicks the right mouse button,
// presses Shift-F10, or presses the menu key on a Windows keyboard
void CAppTreeView::OnContextMenu(CWnd* pWnd, CPoint ptScreen) { CTreeCtrl &tree = GetTreeCtrl();
UINT flags; HTREEITEM hItem; CPoint ptClient = ptScreen; ScreenToClient(&ptClient);
// If we got here from the keyboard,
if(ptScreen.x == -1 && ptScreen.y == -1) { hItem = tree.GetSelectedItem(); RECT rect; tree.GetItemRect(hItem, &rect, 0); ptScreen.x = rect.left + (rect.right - rect.left)/2; ptScreen.y = rect.top + (rect.bottom - rect.top)/2; ClientToScreen(&ptScreen); } else { hItem = tree.HitTest(ptClient, &flags); if((NULL == hItem) || !(TVHT_ONITEM & flags)) return; }
// Pop-up the menu
CTreeNode *pNode = (CTreeNode*)tree.GetItemData(hItem); CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); pDoc->SetTreeTemp(pNode->GetTreeObject(), (pNode->GetNodeType()));
if(pNode) { CMenu menu; UINT nIDResource = 0;
switch(pNode->GetNodeType()) { case NODE_APP_SERVER: { CAppServer *pAppServer = (CAppServer*)pNode->GetTreeObject(); CServer *pServer = ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->FindServerByName(pAppServer->GetName()); if(pServer) { pDoc->SetTreeTemp(pServer, NODE_SERVER); } else return; nIDResource = IDR_SERVER_POPUP; } break;
if(nIDResource) { if(menu.LoadMenu(nIDResource)) { menu.GetSubMenu(0)->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, AfxGetMainWnd()); } }
} // end if(pNode)
} // end CAppTreeView::OnContextMenu
// CAppTreeView::OnRClick
// The Tree Common Control sends a WM_NOTIFY of NM_RCLICK when
// the user presses the right mouse button in the tree
void CAppTreeView::OnRClick(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { CPoint ptScreen(::GetMessagePos());
// Get a pointer to our document
CWinAdminDoc *doc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument();
CTreeCtrl &tree = GetTreeCtrl();
UINT flags; HTREEITEM hItem; CPoint ptClient = ptScreen; ScreenToClient(&ptClient);
hItem = tree.HitTest(ptClient, &flags); if((NULL == hItem) || !(TVHT_ONITEM & flags)) { UnlockTreeControl(); return; }
// Pop-up the menu
CTreeNode *pNode = (CTreeNode*)tree.GetItemData(hItem); CWinAdminDoc *pDoc = (CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument(); pDoc->SetTreeTemp(pNode->GetTreeObject(), (pNode->GetNodeType()));
if(pNode) { CMenu menu; UINT nIDResource = 0;
switch(pNode->GetNodeType()) { case NODE_APP_SERVER: { CAppServer *pAppServer = (CAppServer*)pNode->GetTreeObject(); CServer *pServer = ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->FindServerByName(pAppServer->GetName()); if(pServer) { pDoc->SetTreeTemp(pServer, NODE_SERVER); } else return; nIDResource = IDR_SERVER_POPUP; } break;
if(nIDResource) { if(menu.LoadMenu(nIDResource)) { menu.GetSubMenu(0)->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, ptScreen.x, ptScreen.y, AfxGetMainWnd()); } }
} // end if(pNode)
} // end CAppTreeView::OnRClick
// CAppTreeView::OnLButtonDown
void CAppTreeView::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint ptClient) { // Figure out what they clicked on
CTreeCtrl &tree = GetTreeCtrl();
UINT flags; HTREEITEM hItem;
hItem = tree.HitTest(ptClient, &flags); if((NULL == hItem) || !(TVHT_ONITEM & flags)) { UnlockTreeControl(); CTreeView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, ptClient); return; }
// We only care about servers
CTreeNode *pNode = (CTreeNode*)tree.GetItemData(hItem); if(pNode && pNode->GetNodeType() == NODE_APP_SERVER) { // Is it the same item as is selected
if(hItem == tree.GetSelectedItem()) { CAppServer *pAppServer = (CAppServer*)pNode->GetTreeObject(); CServer *pServer = ((CWinAdminDoc*)GetDocument())->FindServerByName(pAppServer->GetName()); // Is this server in the "just disconnected" state
// If both previous state and state are SS_NOT_CONNECTED,
// we know the user just disconnected from this server
if(pServer && pServer->IsState(SS_NOT_CONNECTED)) { UnlockTreeControl(); LONG Result; OnSelChange(NULL, &Result); return; } } } UnlockTreeControl();
CTreeView::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, ptClient); } // CAppTreeView::OnLButtonDown