//Copyright (c) 1998 - 1999 Microsoft Corporation
* * helpers.cpp * * WINCFG helper functions * * copyright notice: Copyright 1994, Citrix Systems Inc. * * $Author: thanhl $ Butch Davis * * $Log: N:\NT\PRIVATE\UTILS\CITRIX\WINUTILS\WINCFG\VCS\HELPERS.CPP $ * * Rev 1.17 15 Jul 1997 17:08:36 thanhl * Add support for Required PDs * * Rev 1.16 27 Jun 1997 15:58:34 butchd * Registry changes for Wds/Tds/Pds/Cds * * Rev 1.15 19 Jun 1997 19:22:16 kurtp * update * * Rev 1.14 28 Feb 1997 17:59:38 butchd * update * * Rev 1.13 24 Sep 1996 16:21:42 butchd * update * *******************************************************************************/
* include files */ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "wincfg.h"
#include "optdlg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
extern CWincfgApp *pApp; extern "C" LPCTSTR WinUtilsAppName; extern "C" HWND WinUtilsAppWindow; extern "C" HINSTANCE WinUtilsAppInstance;
* Define global variables for command line parsing helper. */ USHORT g_help = FALSE; USHORT g_RegistryOnly = FALSE; USHORT g_Add = FALSE; WDNAME g_szType = { TEXT("") }; PDNAME g_szTransport = { TEXT("") }; ULONG g_ulCount = 0;
USHORT g_Install = FALSE; // hidden switch to let us know we're invoked by Setup
USHORT g_Batch = FALSE; // TRUE if an auto-command was specified;
// FALSE otherwise
* This is the structure vector to be sent to ParseCommandLine. */ TOKMAP tokenmap[] = { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Retail Switches -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { HELP_SWITCH, TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &g_help },
-- Debug or Hidden switches -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { INSTALL_SWITCH, TMFLAG_OPTIONAL, TMFORM_BOOLEAN, sizeof(USHORT), &g_Install },
-- POSITIONAL PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-- END OF LIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL } }; TOKMAP *ptm = tokenmap;
// helper functions
* * CommandLineHelper - helper function * * Parse the command line for optional parameters. This routine will also * handle the request for 'help' and invalid command line parameter. * * ENTRY: * pszCommandLine (input) * Points to command line. * * EXIT: * (BOOL) TRUE if command line was parsed sucessfully or if internal error * (command line will be ignored). * FALSE if 'help' requested or error on command line (message * will have been output). * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL CommandLineHelper( LPTSTR pszCommandLine ) { int rc; int argc; TCHAR **argv; TCHAR szModuleName[DIRECTORY_LENGTH+1];
* Get command line args */ GetModuleFileName( AfxGetInstanceHandle(), szModuleName, lengthof(szModuleName) ); if ( setargv( szModuleName, pszCommandLine, &argc, &argv ) ) {
* Parse command line args and then free them. */ rc = ParseCommandLine( (argc-1), (argv+1), ptm, 0 ); freeargv( argv );
* Check for command line errors or help requested */ if ( ((rc != PARSE_FLAG_NO_ERROR) && !(rc & PARSE_FLAG_NO_PARMS)) || g_help ) {
} else {
CommandLineUsage(); return(FALSE); } }
done: /*
* If a batch auto command was specified, set batch flag. */ if ( (g_Add = IsTokenPresent(ptm, ADD_SWITCH)) ) g_Batch = TRUE;
* Set for registry only or full registry & winstation APIs. */ pApp->m_nRegistryOnly = (int)g_RegistryOnly;
* If add is defined and no count given, set count to 1. */ if ( g_Add && (g_ulCount == 0) ) g_ulCount = 1;
} // end CommandLineHelper
* * CommandLineUsage - helper function * * Handle the request for 'help' and invalid command line parameter. * * ENTRY: * EXIT: * ******************************************************************************/
void CommandLineUsage() { COptionsDlg OPTDlg;
} // end CommandLineUsage
* * QueryLoggedOnCount - helper function * * Query the specified WinStation(s) to determine how many users are * currently logged on. * * ENTRY: * pWSName (input) * Points to (root) name of WinStation to query. The query will * match this name with those present in the ICA Server, including * multi-instanced WinStations. * EXIT: * (long) # of users logged onto the specified WinStation(s). * ******************************************************************************/
long QueryLoggedOnCount( PWINSTATIONNAME pWSName ) { long LoggedOnCount = 0; #ifdef WINSTA
ULONG Entries; PLOGONID pLogonId; TCHAR *p; CWaitCursor wait;
WinStationEnumerate(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, &pLogonId, &Entries); if ( pLogonId ) {
for ( ULONG i = 0; i < Entries; i++ ) {
* Check active, connected, and shadowing WinStations, and increment * the logged on count if the specified name matches the 'root' * name of current winstation. */ if ( (pLogonId[i].State == State_Active) || (pLogonId[i].State == State_Connected) || (pLogonId[i].State == State_Shadow) ) {
if ( (p = lstrchr(pLogonId[i].WinStationName, TEXT('#'))) ) *p = TEXT('\0');
if ( !lstrcmpi(pWSName, pLogonId[i].WinStationName) ) LoggedOnCount++; } }
WinStationFreeMemory(pLogonId); } #endif // WINSTA
* Return the logged-on count. */ return(LoggedOnCount);
} // end QueryLoggedOnCount
* * LBInsertInstancedName - helper function * * Insert the specified 'instanced' name into the specified list box, * using a special sort based on the 'root' name and 'instance' count. * * ENTRY: * pName (input) * Pointer to name string to insert. * pListBox (input) * Pointer to CListBox object to insert name string into. * * EXIT: * (int) List box list index of name after insertion, or error code. * ******************************************************************************/
int LBInsertInstancedName( LPCTSTR pName, CListBox *pListBox ) { int i, count, result; TCHAR NameRoot[64], ListRoot[64]; CString ListString; long NameInstance, ListInstance;
* Form the root and instance for this name */ ParseRootAndInstance( pName, NameRoot, &NameInstance );
* Traverse list box to perform insert. */ for ( i = 0, count = pListBox->GetCount(); i < count; i++ ) {
* Fetch current list box string. */ pListBox->GetText( i, ListString ); /*
* Parse the root and instance of the list box string. */ ParseRootAndInstance( ListString, ListRoot, &ListInstance );
* If the list box string's root is greater than the our name string's * root, or the root strings are the same but the list instance is * greater than the name string's instance, the name string belongs * at the current instance: insert it there. */ if ( ((result = lstrcmpi( ListRoot, NameRoot )) > 0) || ((result == 0) && (ListInstance > NameInstance)) ) return( pListBox->InsertString( i, pName ) ); }
* Insert this name at the end of the list. */ return( pListBox->InsertString( -1, pName ) );
} // end LBInsertInstancedName
* * CBInsertInstancedName - helper function * * Insert the specified 'instanced' name into the specified combo box, * using a special sort based on the 'root' name and 'instance' count. * * ENTRY: * pName (input) * Pointer to name string to insert. * pComboBox (input) * Pointer to CComboBox object to insert name string into. * * EXIT: * (int) Combo box list index of name after insertion, or error code. * ******************************************************************************/
int CBInsertInstancedName( LPCTSTR pName, CComboBox *pComboBox ) { int i, count, result; TCHAR NameRoot[64], ListRoot[64]; CString ListString; long NameInstance, ListInstance;
* Form the root and instance for this name */ ParseRootAndInstance( pName, NameRoot, &NameInstance );
* Traverse combo box to perform insert. */ for ( i = 0, count = pComboBox->GetCount(); i < count; i++ ) {
* Fetch current combo (list) box string. */ pComboBox->GetLBText( i, ListString ); /*
* Parse the root and instance of the list box string. */ ParseRootAndInstance( ListString, ListRoot, &ListInstance );
* If the list box string's root is greater than the our name string's * root, or the root strings are the same but the list instance is * greater than the name string's instance, or the root strings are * the same and the instances are the same but the entire list string * is greater than the entire name string, the name string belongs * at the current list position: insert it there. */ if ( ((result = lstrcmpi( ListRoot, NameRoot )) > 0) || ((result == 0) && (ListInstance > NameInstance)) || ((result == 0) && (ListInstance == NameInstance) && (lstrcmpi(ListString, pName) > 0)) ) return( pComboBox->InsertString( i, pName ) ); }
* Insert this name at the end of the list. */ return( pComboBox->InsertString( -1, pName ) );
} // end CBInsertInstancedName
* * ParseRootAndInstance - helper function * * Parse the 'root' string and instance count for a specified string. * * ENTRY: * pString (input) * Points to the string to parse. * pRoot (output) * Points to the buffer to store the parsed 'root' string. * pInstance (output) * Points to the int variable to store the parsed instance count. * * EXIT: * ParseRootAndInstance will parse only up to the first blank character * of the string (if a blank exists). * If the string contains no 'instance' count (no trailing digits), the * pInstance variable will contain -1. If the string consists entirely * of digits, the pInstance variable will contain the conversion of those * digits and pRoot will contain a null string. * ******************************************************************************/
void ParseRootAndInstance( LPCTSTR pString, LPTSTR pRoot, long *pInstance ) { LPCTSTR end, p; TCHAR szString[256];
* Make a copy of the string and terminate at first blank (if present). */ lstrncpy(szString, pString, lengthof(szString)); szString[lengthof(szString)-1] = TEXT('\0'); lstrtok(szString, TEXT(" ")); p = &(szString[lstrlen(szString)-1]);
* Parse the instance portion of the string. */ end = p; while( (p >= szString) && islstrdigit(*p) ) p--;
if ( p == end ) {
* No trailing digits: indicate no 'instance' and make the 'root' * the whole string. */ *pInstance = -1; lstrcpy( pRoot, szString );
} else {
* Trailing digits found (or entire string was digits): calculate * 'instance' and copy the 'root' string (null if all digits). */ end = p; *pInstance = (int)lstrtol( p+1, NULL, 10 );
* Copy 'root' string. */ for ( p = szString; p <= end; pRoot++, p++ ) *pRoot = *p;
* Terminate 'root' string. */ *pRoot = TEXT('\0'); }
} // end ParseRootAndInstance
* * GetPdConfig - helper function * * Read the PD config structure associated with the first PD in the PdList * of the specified PD class. * * ENTRY: * pPdList (input) * Points to the Pd list for selected Wd type. * PdName (input) * Specifies the Pd name to look for. * pWSConfig (input) * Pointer to WINSTATIONCONFIG2 structure to reference for Pd[0] * framing type (if SdClass == SdFrame). Can be NULL if SdClass * != SdFrame. * pPdConfig (output) * Pointer to PDCONFIG3 structure to fill. * EXIT: * nothing * ******************************************************************************/
void GetPdConfig( CObList *pPdList, LPCTSTR PdName, PWINSTATIONCONFIG2 pWSConfig, PPDCONFIG3 pPdConfig ) { POSITION pos; PPDLOBJECT pObject; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
* Traverse the PD list and obtain the specified Pd's key string for query. */ for ( pos = pPdList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) {
pObject = (PPDLOBJECT)pPdList->GetNext(pos);
if ( !lstrcmp(pObject->m_PdConfig.Data.PdName, PdName ) ) { bFound = TRUE; break; } }
if ( bFound ) *pPdConfig = pObject->m_PdConfig;
} // end GetPdConfig