// OSI.C
// Operating System Independent DLL
// * Graphical Output tracking (DDI hook/display driver)
// * Window/Task tracking (Window hook)
// Copyright(c) Microsoft 1997-
#include <as16.h>
#include <version.h>
#include <ndcgver.h>
PALETTEENTRY CODESEG g_osiVgaPalette[16] = { {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // Black 0x00
{0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // Dk Red 0x01
{0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00}, // Dk Green 0x02
{0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00}, // Dk Yellow 0x03
{0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00}, // Dk Blue 0x04
{0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00}, // Dk Purple 0x05
{0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00}, // Dk Teal 0x06
{0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x00}, // Gray 0x07
{0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00}, // Dk Gray 0x08 or 0xF8
{0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // Red 0x09 or 0xF9
{0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00}, // Green 0x0A or 0xFA
{0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00}, // Yellow 0x0B or 0xFB
{0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00}, // Blue 0x0C or 0xFC
{0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00}, // Purple 0x0D or 0xFD
{0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00}, // Teal 0x0E or 0xFE
{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00} // White 0x0F or 0xFF
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DllEntryPoint
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL WINAPI DllEntryPoint(DWORD dwReason, WORD hInst, WORD wDS, WORD wHeapSize, DWORD dwReserved1, WORD wReserved2) { switch (dwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // First app pulled us in
if (g_cProcesses++ == 0) { g_hInstAs16 = (HINSTANCE)hInst; } break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // Last app went away
if (--g_cProcesses == 0) { // Clean up anything that got left around
OSITerm16(TRUE); } break; }
return(TRUE); }
// OSILoad16
// Called on process attach of mnmcpi32.dll, to establish the flat thunks
// and return back our instance handle
void WINAPI OSILoad16 ( LPDWORD lpdwInstance ) { DebugEntry(OSI_Load16);
*lpdwInstance = (DWORD)(UINT)g_hInstAs16;
DebugExitVOID(OSI_Load16); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// OSIInit16
// Inits binary patcher, gdi + user patching, windows hooks, etc.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL WINAPI OSIInit16 ( DWORD version, HWND hwndCore, LPDWORD ppSharedMem, LPDWORD ppoaSharedMem, LPDWORD ppimSharedMem, LPDWORD lpsbcEnabled, LPDWORD ppShuntBuffers, LPDWORD pBitmasks ) { BOOL rc = FALSE; HGLOBAL hMem; HMODULE hModDisplay;
// Fill in our instance handle. We always return this so the 32-bit
// code can free our library after having loaded it.
*lpsbcEnabled = FALSE;
#ifdef DEBUG
g_imSharedData.cbSize = sizeof(g_imSharedData); #endif
*ppimSharedMem = (DWORD)MapSL(&g_imSharedData); ASSERT(*ppimSharedMem);
if (version != DCS_MAKE_VERSION()) { ERROR_OUT(("OSIInit16: failing, version mismatch 0x%lx (core) 0x%lx (dd)", version, DCS_MAKE_VERSION())); DC_QUIT; }
if (g_asMainWindow != NULL) { WARNING_OUT(("OSIInit16: mnmas16.dll was left around last time"));
// If this task is no longer valid, then cleanup for it
if (IsWindow(g_asMainWindow)) { //
// Uh oh. Somehow a previous version of NM is still around.
// Do the safest thing--refuse to share.
ERROR_OUT(("OSIInit16: Another version of NetMeeting is still running!")); DC_QUIT; }
// Cleanup (this is similar to the NT dd code)
OSITerm16(TRUE); ASSERT(!g_asMainWindow); }
// Clear out shared IM memory.
g_imSharedData.imSuspended = FALSE; g_imSharedData.imControlled = FALSE; g_imSharedData.imPaused = FALSE; g_imSharedData.imUnattended = FALSE;
g_asMainWindow = hwndCore; ASSERT(g_asMainWindow); g_hCoreTask = GetCurrentTask();
g_osiDesktopWindow = GetDesktopWindow(); ASSERT(g_osiDesktopWindow);
hModDisplay = GetModuleHandle("DISPLAY"); g_lpfnSetCursor = (SETCURSORPROC)GetProcAddress(hModDisplay, MAKEINTRESOURCE(ORD_OEMSETCURSOR)); if (!hModDisplay || !g_lpfnSetCursor) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't find cursor entry points")); DC_QUIT; }
// This doesn't always exist
// Get KRNL16's instance/module handle
g_hInstKrnl16 = LoadLibrary("KRNL386.EXE"); ASSERT(g_hInstKrnl16); FreeLibrary(g_hInstKrnl16);
g_hModKrnl16 = GetExePtr(g_hInstKrnl16); ASSERT(g_hModKrnl16);
// Get KERNEL32's instance/module handle
g_hInstKrnl32 = GetModuleHandle32("KERNEL32.DLL"); ASSERT(g_hInstKrnl32);
// Get mapped 16-bit equivalent of KERNEL32's instance handle
g_hInstKrnl32MappedTo16 = MapInstance32(g_hInstKrnl32); ASSERT(g_hInstKrnl32MappedTo16);
// Get hold of MultiByteToWideChar() routine
g_lpfnAnsiToUni = (ANSITOUNIPROC)GetProcAddress32(g_hInstKrnl32, "MultiByteToWideChar"); ASSERT(g_lpfnAnsiToUni);
// Get GDI16's instance/module handle
g_hInstGdi16 = LoadLibrary("GDI.EXE"); ASSERT(g_hInstGdi16); FreeLibrary(g_hInstGdi16);
g_hModGdi16 = GetExePtr(g_hInstGdi16); ASSERT(g_hModGdi16);
// Get GDI32's instance/module handle
g_hInstGdi32 = GetModuleHandle32("GDI32.DLL"); ASSERT(g_hInstGdi32);
// Get hold of GDI16 functions not exported but which are the target of
// public GDI32 functions via flat thunks
if (!GetGdi32OnlyExport("ExtTextOutW", 0, (FARPROC FAR*)&g_lpfnExtTextOutW) || !GetGdi32OnlyExport("TextOutW", 0, (FARPROC FAR*)&g_lpfnTextOutW) || !GetGdi32OnlyExport("PolylineTo", 0, (FARPROC FAR*)&g_lpfnPolylineTo) || !GetGdi32OnlyExport("PolyPolyline", 18, (FARPROC FAR*)&g_lpfnPolyPolyline)) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't get hold of GDI32 routines")); DC_QUIT; }
ASSERT(g_lpfnExtTextOutW); ASSERT(g_lpfnTextOutW); ASSERT(g_lpfnPolylineTo); ASSERT(g_lpfnPolyPolyline);
// USER16 and USER32 STUFF
// Get USER16's instance/module handle
g_hInstUser16 = LoadLibrary("USER.EXE"); ASSERT(g_hInstUser16); FreeLibrary(g_hInstUser16);
g_hModUser16 = GetExePtr(g_hInstUser16); ASSERT(g_hModUser16);
// Get hold of USER32's instance handle. It has functions we
// want to call which USER16 doesn't export.
g_hInstUser32 = GetModuleHandle32("USER32.DLL"); ASSERT(g_hInstUser32);
// Get hold of USER16 functions not exported but which are the target of
// public USER32 functions via flat thunks
if (!GetUser32OnlyExport("GetWindowThreadProcessId", (FARPROC FAR*)&g_lpfnGetWindowThreadProcessId)) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't get hold of USER32 routines")); DC_QUIT; }
// This exists in Memphis but not Win95
g_lpfnCDSEx = (CDSEXPROC)GetProcAddress(g_hModUser16, "ChangeDisplaySettingsEx");
// Allocate the shared memory we use to communicate with the 32-bit
// share core.
ASSERT(!g_asSharedMemory); ASSERT(!g_poaData[0]); ASSERT(!g_poaData[1]);
// Allocate our blocks GMEM_SHARE so we aren't bound by the vagaries
// of process ownership. We want our DLL to control them. Note that
// we do the same thing with GDI objects we create--our module owns the.
// We use GMEM_FIXED since we map these to flat addresses for mnmcpi32.dll,
// and we don't want the linear address of these memory blocks to move
// afterwards.
hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(SHM_SHARED_MEMORY)); g_asSharedMemory = MAKELP(hMem, 0);
hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(OA_SHARED_DATA)); g_poaData[0] = MAKELP(hMem, 0);
hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(OA_SHARED_DATA)); g_poaData[1] = MAKELP(hMem, 0);
if (!g_asSharedMemory || !g_poaData[0] || !g_poaData[1]) { ERROR_OUT(("OSIInit16: couldn't allocate shared memory blocks")); DC_QUIT; }
// Get current screen attributes
g_oeStockPalette = GetStockObject(DEFAULT_PALETTE);
g_osiScreenRect.left = 0; g_osiScreenRect.top = 0; g_osiScreenRect.right = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); g_osiScreenRect.bottom = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
g_osiScreenDC = CreateDC("DISPLAY", 0L, 0L, 0L); g_osiMemoryDC = CreateCompatibleDC(g_osiScreenDC); g_osiMemoryBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap(g_osiScreenDC, 1, 1);
if (!g_osiScreenDC || !g_osiMemoryDC || !g_osiMemoryBMP) { ERROR_OUT(("Couldn't get screen dc")); DC_QUIT; }
SetObjectOwner(g_osiScreenDC, g_hInstAs16);
SetObjectOwner(g_osiMemoryDC, g_hInstAs16);
SetObjectOwner(g_osiMemoryBMP, g_hInstAs16); MakeObjectPrivate(g_osiMemoryBMP, TRUE);
g_osiScreenBitsPlane = GetDeviceCaps(g_osiScreenDC, BITSPIXEL); g_osiScreenPlanes = GetDeviceCaps(g_osiScreenDC, PLANES); g_osiScreenBPP = (g_osiScreenBitsPlane * g_osiScreenPlanes);
// Get the color masks
g_osiScreenRedMask = 0x000000FF; g_osiScreenGreenMask = 0x0000FF00; g_osiScreenBlueMask = 0x00FF0000;
// Only displays with more than 8bpp (palettized) might have color
// masks. Use our 1 pixel scratch bitmap to get them.
if (g_osiScreenBPP > 8) { DIB4 dib4T;
// Get the header
dib4T.bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); dib4T.bi.biBitCount = 0; GetDIBits(g_osiScreenDC, g_osiMemoryBMP, 0, 1, NULL, (LPBITMAPINFO)&dib4T.bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
// Get the mask
GetDIBits(g_osiScreenDC, g_osiMemoryBMP, 0, 1, NULL, (LPBITMAPINFO)&dib4T.bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
if (dib4T.bi.biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) { g_osiScreenRedMask = dib4T.ct[0]; g_osiScreenGreenMask = dib4T.ct[1]; g_osiScreenBlueMask = dib4T.ct[2]; } }
g_osiMemoryOld = SelectBitmap(g_osiMemoryDC, g_osiMemoryBMP);
// Initialize the bmiHeader so OEConvertColor() doesn't have to do it
// over and over, when the header isn't touched by GDI.
g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biBitCount = g_osiScreenBPP; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 1000; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 1000; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biWidth = 1; g_osiScreenBMI.bmiHeader.biHeight = 1;
// Init the various display driver components
if (!CM_DDInit(g_osiScreenDC)) { ERROR_OUT(("CM failed to init")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!SSI_DDInit()) { ERROR_OUT(("SSI failed to init")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!OE_DDInit()) { ERROR_OUT(("OE failed to init")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!IM_DDInit()) { ERROR_OUT(("IM failed to init")); DC_QUIT; }
if (!HET_DDInit()) { ERROR_OUT(("HET failed to init")); DC_QUIT; }
// If we're here, all succeeded initializing
// Map ptrs to flat addresses so they can be used in 32-bit code. This
// can't fail unless kernel is so messed up Windows is about to keel
// over and die.
ASSERT(ppSharedMem); *ppSharedMem = (DWORD)MapSL(g_asSharedMemory); ASSERT(*ppSharedMem); ASSERT(ppoaSharedMem); ppoaSharedMem[0] = (DWORD)MapSL(g_poaData[0]); ASSERT(ppoaSharedMem[0]);
ppoaSharedMem[1] = (DWORD)MapSL(g_poaData[1]); ASSERT(ppoaSharedMem[1]);
rc = TRUE;
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(OSIInit16, rc); return(rc); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// OSITerm16
// Cleans up binary patcher, gdi + user patching, windows hooks, etc.
// We do this on normal OSI stop, and on catastrophic failure.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void WINAPI OSITerm16(BOOL fUnloading) { DebugEntry(OSITerm16);
if (!g_hCoreTask) { // Nothing to cleanup.
// Is the task that actually caused us to allocate our resources? In
// other words, we don't want to clean up if
// App A loads mnmas16.dll, and gets it inited
// App B somehow starts up, loads mnmas16.dll, but mnmas16.dll
// doesn't init for sharing because cProcesses is > 1
// App B shuts down
// App B calls OSITerm16
// So in the 'dll is really about to go away case', we always cleanup.
// But in normal term of sharing, we cleanup if the current task is the
// current one.
if (fUnloading || (g_hCoreTask == GetCurrentTask())) { //
// Term other pieces that depend on layout of shared memory
// Free memory blocks
if (g_poaData[1]) { GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)SELECTOROF(g_poaData[1])); g_poaData[1] = NULL; }
if (g_poaData[0]) { GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)SELECTOROF(g_poaData[0])); g_poaData[0] = NULL; }
if (g_asSharedMemory) { GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)SELECTOROF(g_asSharedMemory)); g_asSharedMemory = NULL; }
if (g_osiMemoryOld) { SelectBitmap(g_osiMemoryDC, g_osiMemoryOld); g_osiMemoryOld = NULL; }
if (g_osiMemoryBMP) { SysDeleteObject(g_osiMemoryBMP); g_osiMemoryBMP = NULL; }
if (g_osiMemoryDC) { DeleteDC(g_osiMemoryDC); g_osiMemoryDC = NULL; }
if (g_osiScreenDC) { DeleteDC(g_osiScreenDC); g_osiScreenDC = NULL; }
g_asMainWindow = NULL; g_hCoreTask = NULL; }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitVOID(OSITerm16); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// OSIFunctionRequest16
// Communication function with 32-bit MNMCPI32.DLL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
BOOL WINAPI OSIFunctionRequest16(DWORD fnEscape, LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER lpOsiEsc, DWORD cbEscInfo) {
// Check the data is long enough to store our standard escape header.
// If it is not big enough this must be an escape request for another
// driver.
if (cbEscInfo < sizeof(OSI_ESCAPE_HEADER)) { ERROR_OUT(("Escape block not big enough")); DC_QUIT; }
// Check for our escape ID. If it is not our escape ID this must be an
// escape request for another driver.
if (lpOsiEsc->identifier != OSI_ESCAPE_IDENTIFIER) { ERROR_OUT(("Bogus Escape header ID")); DC_QUIT; } else if (lpOsiEsc->version != DCS_MAKE_VERSION()) { ERROR_OUT(("Mismatched display driver and NetMeeting")); DC_QUIT; }
if ((fnEscape >= OSI_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_ESC_LAST)) { rc = OSI_DDProcessRequest((UINT)fnEscape, lpOsiEsc, cbEscInfo); } else if ((fnEscape >= OSI_OE_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_OE_ESC_LAST)) { rc = OE_DDProcessRequest((UINT)fnEscape, lpOsiEsc, cbEscInfo); } else if ((fnEscape >= OSI_HET_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_HET_ESC_LAST)) { rc = HET_DDProcessRequest((UINT)fnEscape, lpOsiEsc, cbEscInfo); } else if ((fnEscape >= OSI_SBC_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_SBC_ESC_LAST)) { // Do nothing
} else if ((fnEscape >= OSI_SSI_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_SSI_ESC_LAST)) { rc = SSI_DDProcessRequest((UINT)fnEscape, lpOsiEsc, cbEscInfo); } else if ((fnEscape >= OSI_CM_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_CM_ESC_LAST)) { rc = CM_DDProcessRequest((UINT)fnEscape, lpOsiEsc, cbEscInfo); } else if ((fnEscape >= OSI_OA_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_OA_ESC_LAST)) { rc = OA_DDProcessRequest((UINT)fnEscape, lpOsiEsc, cbEscInfo); } else if ((fnEscape >= OSI_BA_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_BA_ESC_LAST)) { rc = BA_DDProcessRequest((UINT)fnEscape, lpOsiEsc, cbEscInfo); } else if ((fnEscape >= OSI_HET_WO_ESC_FIRST) && (fnEscape <= OSI_HET_WO_ESC_LAST)) { rc = HET_DDProcessRequest((UINT)fnEscape, lpOsiEsc, cbEscInfo); } else { ERROR_OUT(("Unknown function request")); }
DC_EXIT_POINT: DebugExitBOOL(OSIFunctionRequest16, rc); return(rc); }
// OSI_DDProcessRequest()
// Handles OSI generic escapes
BOOL OSI_DDProcessRequest ( UINT fnEscape, LPOSI_ESCAPE_HEADER pResult, DWORD cbResult ) { BOOL rc;
switch (fnEscape) { case OSI_ESC_SYNC_NOW: { ASSERT(cbResult == sizeof(OSI_ESCAPE_HEADER));
// Resync with the 32-bit ring 3 core. This happens when
// somebody joins or leaves a share.
BA_ResetBounds(); OA_DDSyncUpdatesNow(); rc = TRUE;
} break;
default: { ERROR_OUT(("Unrecognized OSI escape")); rc = FALSE; } break; }
DebugExitBOOL(OSI_DDProcessRequest, rc); return(rc); }