Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the TSRDP server-side subclass of CRemoteDesktopChannelMgr. Classes in this hierarchy are used to multiplex a single data channel into multiple client channels.
CRemoteDesktopChannelMgr handles most of the details of multiplexing the data. Subclasses are responsible for implementing the details of interfacing with the transport for the underlying single data channel.
The CTSRDPServerChannelMgr class creates a named pipe that can be connected to by the TSRDP Assistant SessionVC Add-In. The TSRDP Assistant Session VC Add-In acts as a proxy for virtual channel data from the client-side Remote Desktop Host ActiveX Control. A background thread in this class handles the movement of data between an instance of this class and the proxy.
Tad Brockway 02/00
Revision History:
#include <DataChannelMgr.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <aclapi.h>
#include <RemoteDesktopChannels.h>
#include <rdshost.h>
#include <resource.h>
#include <ServerDataChannelMgrP.h>
// CTSRDPServerDataChannel
// TSRDP Server-Specific Subclass of CRemoteDesktopDataChannel.
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CTSRDPServerDataChannel : public CRemoteDesktopDataChannel, public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<CTSRDPServerDataChannel, &CLSID_TSRDPServerDataChannel>, public IConnectionPointContainerImpl<CTSRDPServerDataChannel>, public IDispatchImpl<ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel, &IID_ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel, &LIBID_RDSSERVERHOSTLib>, public IProvideClassInfo2Impl<&CLSID_TSRDPServerDataChannelMgr, NULL, &LIBID_RDSSERVERHOSTLib>, public CProxy_ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannelEvents< CTSRDPServerDataChannel > { protected:
// Scriptable Event Callback Object
CComPtr<IDispatch> m_OnChannelDataReady;
// Back pointer to the channel manager.
CRemoteDesktopChannelMgr *m_ChannelMgr;
// Constructor/Destructor
CTSRDPServerDataChannel(); virtual ~CTSRDPServerDataChannel();
// Initialize an instance of this class.
virtual void Initialize( CRemoteDesktopChannelMgr *mgr, BSTR channelName ) { m_ChannelMgr = mgr; m_ChannelName = channelName; }
// ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel Methods
// The parent class handles the details of these methods.
STDMETHOD(ReceiveChannelData)(/*[out, retval]*/BSTR *data); STDMETHOD(SendChannelData)(BSTR data); STDMETHOD(put_OnChannelDataReady)(/*[in]*/ IDispatch * newVal); STDMETHOD(get_ChannelName)(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal);
// Called to return our ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel interface.
virtual HRESULT GetISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel( ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel **channel ) { HRESULT hr; hr = this->QueryInterface( IID_ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel, (PVOID*)channel ); return hr; }
// Called by the data channel manager when data is ready on our channel.
virtual VOID DataReady();
// Return this class name.
virtual const LPTSTR ClassName() { return TEXT("CTSRDPServerDataChannel"); } };
// CTSRDPServerChannelMgr
class CTSRDPRemoteDesktopSession; class CTSRDPServerChannelMgr : public CRemoteDesktopChannelMgr, public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>, public CComCoClass<CTSRDPServerChannelMgr, &CLSID_TSRDPServerDataChannelMgr>, public IDispatchImpl<ISAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr, &IID_ISAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr, &LIBID_RDSSERVERHOSTLib>, public IDispatchImpl<IRDSThreadBridge, &IID_IRDSThreadBridge, &LIBID_RDSSERVERHOSTLib> { private:
// Named pipe connection to TSRDP Assistant Session VC Add-In
HANDLE m_VCAddInPipe; BOOL m_Connected;
// Management of Bridge between Background Thread and STA
// for this component.
LPSTREAM m_IOThreadBridgeStream; DWORD m_IOThreadBridgeThreadID; IRDSThreadBridge *m_IOThreadBridge;
// Back Pointer to the TSRDP Session Object
CTSRDPRemoteDesktopSession *m_RDPSessionObject;
// Incoming buffer and size.
BSTR m_IncomingBuffer; DWORD m_IncomingBufferSize;
// Handle to background thread and related events.
HANDLE m_IOThreadHndl; DWORD m_IOThreadID; HANDLE m_ReadIOCompleteEvent; HANDLE m_WriteIOCompleteEvent; HANDLE m_PipeCreateEvent;
// Machine Assistant Account Name
CComBSTR m_AssistAccount;
// Help session ID for the help session associated with this
// instance of the channel manager.
CComBSTR m_HelpSessionID;
// Shutdown flag.
BOOL m_ThreadShutdownFlag;
// ThreadLock
#if DBG
LONG m_LockCount; #endif
// ThreadLock/ThreadUnlock an instance of this class.
VOID ThreadLock(); VOID ThreadUnlock();
// Background Thread Managing Named Pipe Connection to the
// TSRDP Assistant SessionVC Add-In.
DWORD IOThread(); static DWORD _IOThread(CTSRDPServerChannelMgr *instance);
// Process messages on the named pipe until it disconnects or
// until the shutdown flag is set.
VOID ProcessPipeMessagesUntilDisconnect();
// Get the SID for a particular user.
PSID GetUserSid(HANDLE userToken);
// Release security attribs allocated via a call to
// GetPipeSecurityAttribs
VOID FreePipeSecurityAttribs(PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES attribs);
// Returns the security attribs for the named pipe.
PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES GetPipeSecurityAttribs(LPTSTR assistantUserName);
// Close the named pipe.
VOID ClosePipe();
// Called on Init/Shutdown of IO Background Thread.
DWORD IOThreadInit(); DWORD IOThreadShutdown(HANDLE shutDownEvent);
// Help the parent class out by opening the right channel object
// for the platform.
virtual CRemoteDesktopDataChannel *OpenPlatformSpecificDataChannel( BSTR channelName, ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel **channel ) { CComObject<CTSRDPServerDataChannel> *obj; obj = new CComObject<CTSRDPServerDataChannel>(); if (obj != NULL) { obj->Initialize(this, channelName); obj->QueryInterface( __uuidof(ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel), (PVOID *)channel ); } return obj; }
// Send Function Invoked by Parent Class
// Read the next message from the pipe. This function will
// return, immediately, if the shutdown event is signaled.
DWORD ReadNextPipeMessage(DWORD bytesToRead, DWORD *bytesRead, PBYTE buf);
// Constructor/Destructor
CTSRDPServerChannelMgr(); ~CTSRDPServerChannelMgr();
// Start/stop listening for channel data.
virtual HRESULT StartListening(BSTR assistAccount); virtual HRESULT StopListening();
// ISAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr Methods
STDMETHOD(OpenDataChannel)(BSTR name, ISAFRemoteDesktopDataChannel **channel) { //
// Let the parent handle it.
return OpenDataChannel_(name, channel); }
// Force a disconnect of the currently connected client.
VOID Disconnect() { StopListening(); }
// IRDSThreadBridge Functions
// These functions are used to bridge functions that get called,
// asynchronously, from a thread other than the STA thread associated
// with an instance of this class.
STDMETHOD(ClientConnectedNotify)(); STDMETHOD(ClientDisconnectedNotify)(); STDMETHOD(DataReadyNotify)(BSTR data); //
// Initialize an instance of this class.
virtual HRESULT Initialize( CTSRDPRemoteDesktopSession *sessionObject, BSTR helpSessionID );
// Return this class name.
virtual const LPTSTR ClassName() { return TEXT("CTSRDPServerChannelMgr"); }
// Inline Members
// TODO: If nothing is using these functions,
inline VOID CTSRDPServerChannelMgr::ThreadLock() { DC_BEGIN_FN("CTSRDPServerChannelMgr::ThreadLock"); #if DBG
m_LockCount++; //TRC_NRM((TB, TEXT("ThreadLock count is now %ld."), m_LockCount));
EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); DC_END_FN(); }
inline VOID CTSRDPServerChannelMgr::ThreadUnlock() { DC_BEGIN_FN("CTSRDPServerChannelMgr::ThreadUnlock"); #if DBG
m_LockCount--; //TRC_NRM((TB, TEXT("ThreadLock count is now %ld."), m_LockCount));
ASSERT(m_LockCount >= 0); #endif
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); DC_END_FN(); }