Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION if /i NOT "%_echo%" == "" echo on if /i NOT "%verbose%" == "" echo on REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM drvcab.cmd - cab up the drivers for NT5 - VijeshS, owner REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM pushd %_NTTREE% REM echo ***Generating %_NTTREE%\out.ddf for REM REM cabprep /s:sorted.lst,driver,%_NTTREE%\ REM REM popd
echo *** Generating ***
REM REM Set some variables REM
set TempDir=%_NTTREE%\cabs\driver set ListDir=%TempDir%\lists set InList=%_NTTREE%\sorted.lst set FinalList=%ListDir%\final.lst
REM TotalCabs is the number of temporary cabs set /a TotalCabs="%NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS%*2"
REM DestDir is the directory for the final cab set DestDir=%_NTTREE%
REM DDFDir is the directory for the temporary DDF's set DDFDir=%TempDir%\ddf set Makefile=%DDFDir%\makefile set TargetFile=%DDFDir%\targets.lst
REM CabDir is the directory for the temporary cabs set CabDir=%TempDir%\cabs
REM CabName is the name of the cab, without .cab at the end set CabName=driver
REM FileSizes contains the name of each file and its respective size set FileSizes=%ListDir%\filesize.lst
REM REM Make the list of the files that go into driver cab REM The final list is in %ListDir%\driver.lst REM
echo Creating the list of files from %InList%
if EXIST %ListDir% rd /s /q %ListDir% md %ListDir%
set InList=%_NTTREE%\sorted.lst
REM First remove any duplicates perl -i %InList% -i %InList% -o %ListDir%\nodupes.lst
REM Now, sort the list sort %ListDir%\nodupes.lst > %ListDir%\sorted.lst
REM Now, Add the paths perl -m %ListDir%\sorted.lst -s %_NTTREE% -p -x -o %ListDir%\paths.lst
REM Now, remove the catalog signing stuff at the beginning of this for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in (%ListDir%\paths.lst) do ( echo %%a>>%FinalList% )
REM REM Break it up into several cabs and ddfs REM
if !TotalCabs! LSS 1 ( echo ERROR: Number of cabs must be >= 1 goto errend )
if EXIST %DDFDir% rd /s /q %DDFDir% md %DDFDir% md %CabDir%
REM REM Put the header into the top of all the DDF Files REM :CreateDDFHeader
echo Creating %TotalCabs% DDF headers in %DDFDir% if EXIST %DDFDir%\%CabName%*.ddf del /f %DDFDir%\%CabName%*.ddf
set /a count=1 set /a TotalFileSize=0
:CreateDDFHeaderLoop set CurDDF=%DDFDir%\%CabName%!count!.ddf
echo ^.Option Explicit>>%CurDDF%
REM If there's only 1 cab, no merging is needed REM Put the destination as the final destination REM and the name of the cab as the final name
if "!TotalCabs!" EQU "1" ( echo ^.Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=%DestDir%>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set>>%CurDDF% ) else ( echo ^.Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=%CabDir%>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set CabinetName1=%CabName%!count!.cab>>%CurDDF% ) echo ^.Set MaxDiskSize=CDROM>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set CompressionType=LZX>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set CompressionMemory=21>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set CompressionLevel=1 >>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set Compress=ON>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set Cabinet=ON>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set UniqueFiles=ON>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set FolderSizeThreshold=1000000>>%CurDDF% echo ^.Set MaxErrors=300>>%CurDDF%
set /a count=!count!+1 if !count! LEQ %TotalCabs% goto CreateDDFHeaderLoop
REM REM If there is only going to be one cab REM just create it, don't go through all of this REM
if "!TotalCabs!" EQU "1" ( type %FinalList%>>%DDFDir%\%CabName%.ddf makecab /F %DDFDir%\%CabName%.ddf goto end )
REM REM Compute the total size of all the files REM :CountFileSize
echo Computing the total size of all the files set /a TotalFileSize=0
for /f %%a in (%FinalList%) do (
set /a line=0 for /f "usebackq tokens=3 delims= " %%b in (`dir /-c %%a`) do ( set /a line="!line!+1" if !line! EQU 4 ( set /a TotalFileSize="!TotalFileSize!+%%b" echo %%a %%b>>%FileSizes% ) ) )
echo ---Total File Size = !TotalFileSize! set /a Threshold=!TotalFileSize!/%TotalCabs% echo ---Threshold for each cab = %Threshold%
REM REM Add the files to the DDF's REM Create the makefile at the same time REM :CreateDDFs
echo Adding the files to the DDF's
set /a cabnum=1 set /a FileSize=0
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%a in (%FileSizes%) do (
REM Echo the file to the current ddf echo %%a>>%DDFDir%\%CabName%!cabnum!.ddf set /a FileSize="!FileSize!+%%b"
REM If this has crossed the threshold, go to the next DDF if !FileSize! GTR %Threshold% ( set /a cabnum="!cabnum!+1" set /a FileSize=0 ) )
if "!cabnum!" GTR "%TotalCabs%" ( echo "ERROR: The CreateDDFs loop has a cab number that is too high goto errend )
REM REM Create a makefile REM
REM REM Create the cabs REM :CreateCabs
echo Kicking off cab generation
if /i EXIST %DDFDir%\*.txt del /f /q %DDFDir%\*.txt set /a cabnum=1
:CreateCabsLoop start "drvcabgen %DDFDir%\%CabName%!cabnum!.ddf" /MIN cmd /c "drvcabgen %DDFDir% %CabName%!cabnum!" set /a cabnum="!cabnum+1" if !cabnum! LEQ %TotalCabs% ( sleep 1 goto CreateCabsLoop )
REM REM Wait for the cabs to finish REM echo Waiting for temporary driver cabs to finish :WaitCabs sleep 5 if EXIST %DDFDir%\*.txt goto WaitCabs
REM REM Merge all of the cabs REM :MergeCabs echo Merging the cabs in %CabDir% into %DestDir%\ set /a cabnum=1 set MergeCommand=load %CabDir%\%CabName%!cabnum!.cab
:MergeAdd set /a cabnum="!cabnum!+1" if !cabnum! GTR %TotalCabs% goto MergeFinal set MergeCommand=!MergeCommand! load %CabDir%\%CabName%!cabnum!.cab merge goto MergeAdd
:MergeFinal set MergeCommand=%MergeCommand% save %DestDir%\ cabbench.exe %MergeCommand%
echo %DestDir%\ is finished
goto end
:end echo *** %DestDir%\ has finished!! endlocal goto :EOF
:errend echo *** %DestDir%\ had ERRORS!! endlocal goto :EOF
:Usage echo %0 <creates a driver cab file for your machine>
:exit endlocal