Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@echo off @if "%1"=="" goto usage @if "%1"=="/?" goto usage @if "%1"=="-?" goto usage @if "%SDXROOT%"=="" goto usage set searchfor= set NEWBRANCH=%1 if exist %temp%\ del /q %temp%\ FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`findstr /i branch %SDXROOT%\`) do set searchfor=%%i @if NOT "%echoon%"=="" echo SEARCHFOR value is: %searchfor% FOR /F "tokens=1-3*" %%i in (%SDXROOT%\ DO if /i "%%i"=="Branch" ( echo %%i %%j %newbranch% >>%temp%\ ELSE ( @echo %%i %%j %%k %%l >>%temp%\
attrib -r -h -s %SDXROOT%\ xcopy /r /y %TEMP%\ %SDXROOT%\ call sdx enlist -q zaw >%temp%\trash 2>&1 call sdx defect -q zaw >%temp%\trash 2>&1 attrib +r +h +s %SDXROOT%\
goto end :error @echo This update was unsuccessful. Please examine the file carefully, as it may be broken. goto end :usage @echo HACKMAP ^<branch name^> @echo Branch name argument will be inserted as the value for the BRANCH line in the file @echo in the users enlistment. @echo This script must be run from within a razzle environment. :end